Minutes of the Board of Directors for the USGenWeb Census Project Meeting held 2 August 2004 via Internet using mIRC beginning at 9:21 PM EST and ending at 10:49 EST. Present: Connie Burkett Ron Eason Ellen Horner Sandy Onbey April Phillips Linda Talbott Veda Mendoza...Absent A quorum being set, the meeting was called to order by Ron Eason. Officer, board, or standing committee reports: Sandy Onbey reported that the Committee on the Disclaimer Revision had completed their work. Special orders addressed: None at this time. Minutes of the 12 July 2004 meeting as sent electronically have been received by all present and there being no discussion or corrections are accepted as sent. A motion was made by Linda Talbott and seconded by Sandy Onbey to set aside Robert's Rules of Order. The motion was voted on and passed. Old Business: DISCLAIMER: After some discussion and slight revision Motion 2005-1 to approve the Disclaimer as revised was made by April Phillips and seconded by Sandy Onbey. The vote was unanimous and the motion passed and therefore approved for usage as amended. USGenWeb Census Project® Disclaimer We, The USGenWeb Census Project®, assume no responsibility for the use of or the ensuing repercussion from the use of any information posted on our Website, www.us-census.org. This includes, but is not limited to errors, omissions, assumptions or conclusions. In no event will the USGenWeb Census Project® be held responsible, and explicitly disclaims any liability for damages of any kind arising from the use, or misuse, inability to use, reference to, or reliance on the information posted on this website, even if The USGenWeb Census Project® has been advised of errors, and/or omissions. Use of said website, services and software is strictly voluntary and may only be used for lawful purposes. There are no warranties, written or implied. We, The USGenWeb Census Project®, neither endorse nor approve of any product, service or opinion contained in any website that has a link from our website; nor any reference to any service, process or product available commercially by trade name, trademark, service mark, or manufacturer constitute or suggest an endorsement by us, nor do we make any warranties, whether written or implied relating to such services, processes or commercial products. Pop-up/advertising is usually produced by other websites that may have been visited, or possibly by third party software installed on the computer in use. We do not use or endorse any pop-ups on any websites. NEW SERVER: By the time our meeting came about a notice had been sent by Ginger Cisewski, President of USGenNet.Org, telling us that the usgennet.org domain is now up and running on the new server! Folks with accounts on that domain can now upload again, but be sure your FTP address goes to ftp.usgennet.org The search engines are not working right now, but Jim is re-indexing the domain and they should be back up and running as soon as that's completed. FTP has also been turned back on for the domains still located on the old server, which includes TNGenWeb and The USGenWeb Census Project, as well as a host of other, smaller domains. Those of you on the USGenNet domain will notice that all our pages now load in the blink of an eye. And those of you still located on the old server should notice that your pages also load faster, now that they have more bandwidth to work with. We'll continue to move off the old server, one domain at a time, but I'm sure our SysAdmin will want to get caught up on his sleep first, since he hasn't had much of that in quite a few days. LINKS: A refresher on the SCs completing the checking of links on their web pages and sending a list in to Ron and April to verify and then update or delete as needed. Connie said that she thought most of the states were "up-to-snuff." A discussion was held about getting a program similar to the one that Jeri Shangle had used. One that would periodically check these links and let us know when any of them had gone bad. April found a few online with a price range of $19 to $40 that might be suitable. We will investigate these and make a decision. New Business: WAYNE DUNCAN: Connie said that Wayne Duncan had contacted us and wanted to become involved with the daily operations of the Census Project again. He felt that he was well enough in his recovery to take on more work. After some discussion it was agreed to give NC to Wayne, as that was one he had worked with in the past and was familiar with it. Final approval is pending on response from Wayne as the Board approved his re-joining us. MASS WEB-PAGE CHANGES: Connie stated that we are adding a link to our Search web page at the bottom and that she and Marsha would be doing all of them. They will be contacting each CP-SC who does their own web pages to make arrangements for a time so they can download, change, and upload. Then the CP-SC can download the changed pages. They will also be using "server-side-includes" at Sue's suggestion so that the next time we need to update we will only need to change one or two files. Ron Eason adjourned the meeting at 10:49 PM EST to reconvene on 7 September 2004 at 9:00 PM EST on mIRC. Items for next Board Meeting: 1. Response status from Wayne Duncan 2. Changing FTP to HTTP 3. Server updates 4. Status of mass updates