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The USGenWeb
Census Project

A Michigan Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation
USGW Census Project

Membership Meetings, Actions, and Resolutions
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Membership of the USGenWeb Census

Meeting held June 20, 2003 via Internet using mIRC beginning at 8:53 PM
EST and ending at 10:00 PM EST.

    Wayne Duncan
    Sue Soden
    Ellen Horner
    April Phillips
    Connie Burkett
    Myra Chambers
    Ron Eason

No quorum being required, the meeting was called to order by Wayne

There were no reports from officers, board, or standing committees.

There were no Special orders addressed.

There being no Annual Meeting held in 2002, the reading of the minutes of
the June, 2001 Annual Meeting were dispensed with in the absence of the
Secretary. The mIRC log will serve as a recording of this meeting until
an edited version is presented by the Secretary.

There being no physical assets, there is no financial report to be given.

Wayne Duncan reported that the Domain registration has been paid and is
current through March 2004.

Sue Soden reported that the Domain hosting fee has been paid and is
current through March 2004.

Old Business:


Wayne Duncan reported that the request for a letter of no contention had
not yet been acted upon by Mr. Carmack and that he has had no success in
contacting him via e-mail.  A suggestion to send a letter via certified
postal mail was agreed upon. This letter will include a statement that
they can sign, have notarized, and return in a stamped self-addressed
envelope in order to make the task easier for them.

New Business:

The election of the Board of Directors and the Project Coordinator for
the 2003-2004 term has been completed.  As the recipient of all ballots,
Wayne Duncan attested that the election was held fairly and properly in
accordance with our bylaws.  The new officers and the Project Coordinator
will begin their terms on July 1, 2003.

There being no discussion concerning the election, Motion 2003-02 to
accept the results of the National Election for the Census Project Board
of Directors and National Census Project Coordinator was made by Wayne
Duncan and seconded by Sue Soden. The motion was carried with 6 aye and 0
nay votes.

Thank You’s:

Ron Eason extended a BIG thank you to the outgoing officers and those
that are returning for their contribution and dedication to “Your”

Myra Chambers also extended thanks for confidence placed in her and
promised to do her best.

Sue Soden extended thanks to Wayne Duncan, Connie Burkett and all the
rest of the staff members for the many hours and hard work they
contributed to the Project during her tenure as Project Coordinator.

Wayne Duncan extended thanks to everyone for all their hard work and
patience during his tenure as President of the Board of Directors as this
was his final meeting as a member of the Board.  He will still remain
with the Project in other capacities though.

Project Staff Retreat:

Mention was made of the retreat in Nashville, TN and that Wayne Duncan,
Connie Burkett, Sue Soden, Ellen Horner, Sandy Sterling, are planning on
being there. Ron Eason is hoping to attend also along with his wife (it
is their anniversary); April Phillips and Myra Chambers will not be able
to attend, regretfully.

There being no further discussion of any business the meeting was
adjourned by Wayne Duncan at 10:00 PM to reconvene in June 2004 at a
specific date, time and place to be set closer to that time.

Minutes of the Meeting of the USGenWeb Census Project

Meeting held 19 Feb 2001 via Internet using mIRC Beginning
19:07 CST and ending 20:55 CST

Wayne Duncan, President; Ron Eason, Vice-President; Veda
Mendoza, Secretary/Treasurer;  Ellen Horner, Membership
Secretary; Connie Burkett; April Phillips; Lil Marlau;
Sandy Onbey; Margaret Steen; Patricia Scott

Wayne Duncan called the State Coordinator Meeting to order.

There was an agreement to dispense with Robert's Rules of
Order with the exception of the need for a motion or a vote.

The minutes for the state coordinator meetings held February
5th and 12th, 2001 were approved as previously sent by email.

Wayne Duncan discussed the "Web Grab" letter and his response
was approved.  He will send the response asap.

Ron Eason discussed the upload reports and the mail list housed
on Yahoo.  A motion was made to "Move the mail list currently
housed on Yahoo to USGenNet.  The motion was numbered SC 2001-02.
The motion passed with 7 ayes and 2 abstains.  The mail list
CensusUpLoad will be moved to USGenNet.

We agreed to send the uploads to the Census-Assist list.
This will be reassessed in two weeks to determine if we will
continue with this form of notification.  A pro addressed for
using this method was the ease for FM's not having to send to
each individual State Coordinator.  A con addressed was the
the increase in the mail received from Census-Assist.

It was agreed that The USGenWeb Census Project would host a
topic night on GenForum.  We discussed that this could be a
general coverage of our project, how we get volunteers, how
files are processed and possibly other nights could be more
specific if this works.  We also agreed that we would try to
have it on a Monday or Thursday as this night is already
devoted to the project and our meeting on that night would
be brief.

A motion was made and carried to adjourn the meeting.

Wayne Duncan adjourned the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the USGenWeb Census Project

Meeting held 12 Feb 2001 via Internet using mIRC  Beginning 19:17 CST
and ending 21:01 CST


Wayne Duncan, President; Veda Mendoza, Secretary/Treasurer; Connie Burkett;
April Phillips; Sandy Onbey; Sandra Sanchez; Margaret Steen; Marlau; Jeri Shangle

Wayne Duncan called the State Coordinator Meeting to order.

There was an agreement to dispense with Robert's Rules of Order
with the exception of the need for a motion or a vote.

No minutes were presented at this meeting.  Veda Mendoza announced
that the minutes for this meeting and for the meeting held 05 Feb 2001
would be presented at the next meeting.

Connie Burkett reported on the FTP problems that had been
occurring.  The problem, at this time is being resolved by
altering the number of anonymous sign-ons being allowed.
USGenNet plans to have unlimited access within the next few months.

The team concept was discussed.  Most coordinators report
that they have their "buttons" fixed on their pages for the
censuses that are on-line.  Many of the pages appropriate for
teams are also being uploaded or have been uploaded.  April Phillips
gave hints on how to get the word out for teams and possible areas of
recruitment that we may be missing.

April Phillips also noted that the Genealogy Forum is also
interested in having us do a topic night or two.  This is possibly
a good thing for a couple of us to do or as a single night topic on
our state or a specific county in our state.

April Phillips discussed some of the problems that have been
happening with proofreaders (proofers).  She presented several
options for solving the problem of proofers not being contacted
or of transcribers contacting proofers who are no longer interested
in proofing.  We all agreed that April's combined approach would
be agreeable.  Sandra Ornby agreed to act as a backup for April for
the proofreader email.

Veda Mendoza agreed to continue to take the minutes for the State
Coordinator (SC) meetings but offered to allow any other SC the job.
All present declined.  Veda Mendoza will continue to act as secretary
for the SC meetings.

Jeri Shangle announced that the Donated Resources page is set up and
that she will be maintaining this page.  Sandy Sanchez suggested
that we put something on the transcriber page if there is a resource
available for that county.

Wayne Duncan adjourned the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the USGenWeb Census Project

Meeting held 05 Feb 2001 via Internet using mIRC
Beginning 19:49 CST and ending 20:04 CST

    Wayne Duncan, President                Ron Eason, Vice-President
    Veda Mendoza, Secretary/Treasurer      Ellen Horner, Membership Secretary
    Connie Burkett                         April Phillips
    Sandy Onbey                            Sandra Sanchez

Wayne Duncan called the State Coordinator Meeting to order.

There was an agreement to dispense with Robert's Rules of Order
with the exception of the need for a motion or a vote.

The minutes from the State Coordinator Meeting held January 29,
2001 were approved as presented.

A motion was made by Wayne Duncan to postpone all presentations until
the meeting on February 12, 2001.  (This motion was made to allow
members to attend the GenealogyForum mIRC meeting being held at the
same time.)  Veda Mendoza seconded the motion.  The motion carried

Wayne Duncan adjourned the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting of the USGenWeb Census Project
Meeting held 29 January 2001 via Internet using mIRC
Beginning 19:15 CST and ending 21:30 CST

    Wayne Duncan, President              Ron Eason, Vice-President
    Veda Mendoza, Secretary/Treasurer    Ellen Horner, Membership Secretary
    Sue Soden                            Sandy Onbey
    Connie Burkett                       Sandra Sanchez
    Jeri Shangle                         Annette Peebles
    April Phillips                       Patricia Scott

Wayne Duncan called the Special Meeting to order.

There was an agreement to dispense with Robert's Rules of Order with the
exception of the need for a motion or a vote.

The minutes from the Special Meeting held January 22, 2001 were approved as


The agreement that will need to be signed by all volunteers was discussed.
It is agreed that the items covered should include the state database, any
web pages developed for the project, any graphics developed for the
project, any instructions or training developed for the project, the master
inventory and specific research done on behalf of the project.  A statement
of the transcribers' rights shall also be included.  Ron Eason has taken
this for action.

Sue Soden reported that she would begin working on the census source
donation pages as soon as possible.

A discussion was held related to the team concept for transcribing census
records of large counties.  April Phillips discussed her activities with
her teams.  Connie Burkett will send a spreadsheet she developed that has a
listing of scanned images.  It was agreed that each State Coordinator (SC)
would update their pages with the image buttons.

We further agreed that we could encourage an expanded index for census
images online before a full transcription.  This would also be a
consideration for a team effort.  Jeri  Shangle reported that she had been
getting volunteers because of a question to the NY-Kings county list.  As a
result, Sandy Onbey will work on a press release about the project and team
transcriptions to be sent to other list.

The proofreader situation was discussed.  It was agreed that there needs to
be more information given transcribers about proofreaders. We agreed to
check our censuses online and ask for volunteers willing proof those that
are not proofed already.


We discussed whether to include the email address of transcribers and
proofreaders on our uploaded transcriptions.  The pros and cons were
discussed and recapped.

Patricia Scott made a motion to exclude the email address on
transcriptions.  Ellen Horner seconded the motion.  The motion was numbered
SC-Meeting 2001-01.  The motion carried unanimously.

Updating assignment pages was discussed.

Wayne Duncan adjourned the meeting.

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the USGenWeb Census Project
Meeting held 22 January 2001 via Internet using mIRC
Beginning 19:23 CST and ending 20:50 CST

    Wayne Duncan, President              Ron Eason, Vice-President
    Veda Mendoza, Secretary/Treasurer    Ellen Horner, Membership Secretary
    Sue Soden                            Connie Burkett
    Jeri Shangle                         April Phillips
    Marlau                               Sandy Onbey
    Sandra Sanchez                       Donna Fares
    Patricia Scott

Wayne Duncan called the Special Meeting to order.

There was an agreement to dispense with Robert's Rules of Order with the
exception of the need for a motion or a vote.

The first topic was the new Bylaws recently passed. There were no questions
related to the Bylaws. The website for the Bylaws was published
http://www.us-census.org/cphome/bylaws.htm. Wayne Duncan reported that
there had been no official change in our status with USGenWeb as far as he
could tell.

The time for future meetings was determined to be Mondays at 8 EST, 7 CST.

Connie Burkett discussed the team concept for transcribing large censuses.
Permission was given to use the team page she developed for Marion Co., WV
to set up team pages for other states.

Sue Soden reported that she had been asked to create a new web page to list
donated source material. This would be a list of records owned by others
who are willing to provide them to transcribers.

Ideas were presented for the content of the volunteer (staff) agreement
that will be required of all volunteers of the project. The transcription
copyright will remain with the transcribers. The agreement will cover items
developed for the project use. Suggestions received for inclusion in the
agreement were:  state assignment databases maintained by State or
Assistant State Coordinators, web pages developed for the project including
graphics, instructions pages developed to train transcribers or proofers,
specific research on behalf of the project, and transcriber rights.

April Phillips discussed the Topic Night discussions being set up on
another genealogy channel. She proposed that we should consider leading one
of the topic nights to get our project before others interested in
genealogy. There was no definitive action taken related to this discussion.

There was general discussion about the problem of transcribers being listed
as volunteers for the CP and for ACP but submitting the files to ACP. A
general agreement was reached that we would request a copy when this

Veda Mendoza reported that she would be attending the GenTech Conference in

Wayne Duncan adjourned the meeting at 20:50 CST.

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