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Brevard County, Florida  1860 Federal Census Index
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Armour         James A.       30    N. York            98 - 04
Autman         Thomas         21    Florida           102 - 38
Barber         Champion       30    Georgia           103 - 09
Barber         Francis        25    Florida           101 - 33
Barber         Jane           6/12  Florida           103 - 13
Barber         Malinda        3     Florida           103 - 12
Barber         Mary           24    Georgia           103 - 10
Barber         Nancy          20    Georgia           101 - 34
Barber         Susan          1     Florida           101 - 36
Barber         William        5     Florida           101 - 35
Barber         William        5     Florida           103 - 11
Barton         James          8     Florida           102 - 15
Barton         Mary           6     Florida           102 - 16
Barton         Mary           20    Georgia           102 - 12
Barton         Susan          4     Florida           102 - 17
Barton         Thomas         10    Florida           102 - 14
Barton         Thomas         25    Georgia           102 - 11
Barton         William        12    Florida           102 - 13
Bass           Aaron          4     Florida           101 - 15
Bass           Charles        25    Georgia           101 - 13
Bass           Eliza          10    Florida           101 - 28
Bass           Jane           25    Georgia           101 - 26
Bass           Mary           28    Georgia           101 - 14
Bass           Misouria       6     Florida           101 - 30
Bass           Moses          1     Florida           101 - 16
Bass           Quin           30    Georgia           101 - 25
Bass           Richard        8     Florida           101 - 29
Bass           Samuel         2     Florida           101 - 32
Bass           Thomas         4     Florida           101 - 31
Bass           William        12    Florida           101 - 27
Boles          Robert         45    England            98 - 03
Brayton        Thomas L.      19    Georgia            98 - 09
Canova         Andrew         24    Florida            97 - 09
Cruz           Collier        25    Florida            97 - 03
Cruz           Susan          20    Florida            97 - 04
Cruz           William J.     8/12  Florida            97 - 05
Dannid         Elizabeth      35    Florida            98 - 16
Davis          Catharine      50    Connetticut        98 - 06
Davis          Wm. B.         60    Connetticut        98 - 05
Estis          A.W.           45    S. Carolina        97 - 01
Fewox          Elvina         6     Florida            99 - 09
Fewox          James          2     Florida            99 - 11
Fewox          Martha         25    Georgia            99 - 08
Fewox          Robert         47    S. Carolina        99 - 07
Fewox          Sarah          4     Florida            99 - 10
Grun           James E.       60    Georgia            98 - 01
Hamlin         J. K.          37    Massachusetts      98 - 25
Harold         Florida A.     4     Florida           102 - 09
Harold         James          8     Florida           102 - 06
Harold         James          25    Georgia           102 - 02
Harold         Jane           6     Florida           102 - 07
Harold         John           12    Florida           102 - 04
Harold         Nancy          40    Georgia           102 - 03
Harold         Thomas         5     Florida           102 - 08
Harold         William        10    Florida           102 - 05
Hermans        John S.        70    N. York            98 - 02
Jarves         David          40    Georgia           101 - 24
Jernigan       Aaron          19    Georgia            99 - 40
Jernigan       Calvin         6     Florida            99 - 39
Jernigan       Elias          26    Georgia           100 - 01
Jernigan       Eliza          23    Georgia           100 - 02
Jernigan       Ely P.         22    Georgia           100 - 04
Jernigan       Francis        3     Florida           100 - 03
Jernigan       Frank          8     Florida            99 - 38
Jernigan       Isaac          12    Florida            99 - 36
Jernigan       Isaac          50    Georgia            99 - 31
Jernigan       Laura A.       3     Florida           100 - 06
Jernigan       Mahanua        16    Florida            99 - 35
Jernigan       Martha J.      2/12  Florida           100 - 07
Jernigan       Mary           43    Georgia            99 - 32
Jernigan       Mary           18    Georgia           100 - 05
Jernigan       Neil           10    Florida            99 - 37
Jernigan       Robert         17    Florida            99 - 34
Jernigan       Sarah          21    Georgia            99 - 33
Johnson        James          25    Florida           103 - 05
Johnson        James          5/12  Florida           103 - 08
Johnson        Jane           3     Florida           103 - 07
Johnson        Mary           23    S. Carolina       103 - 06
Keil           Walter W.      25    Penn               97 - 40
Lang           George         26    Germany            97 - 38
Marr           Edward         46    Maryland           97 - 10
McDonald       Nancy          30    Georgia           101 - 11
McDonald       Robert         12    Georgia           101 - 12
McDonald       Thomas         30    Georgia           101 - 10
McGuire        Samuel B.      40    Georgia            98 - 10
McLaughlin     Elizabeth      5     Florida            99 - 27
McLaughlin     Emily          10/12 Florida            99 - 28
McLaughlin     Frederick      47    South Carolina     99 - 20
McLaughlin     Henry          17    South Carolina     99 - 23
McLaughlin     John           19    South Carolina     99 - 22
McLaughlin     Littleton      22    South Carolina     99 - 29
McLaughlin     Mary           13    Florida            99 - 25
McLaughlin     Sally          15    South Carolina     99 - 24
McLaughlin     Sophia         45    South Carolina     99 - 21
McLaughlin     William        10    Florida            99 - 26
Myrick         William A.     50    Virginia          103 - 03
Navars         Emanuel        37    Canary Islands     98 - 27
Nobles         Jackson        20    Georgia           101 - 23
Overstreet     Henry          35    Georgia           102 - 19
Overstreet     Henry          4     Florida           102 - 27
Overstreet     James          6     Georgia           102 - 26
Overstreet     Julia          15    Georgia           102 - 21
Overstreet     Martha         12    Georgia           102 - 23
Overstreet     Mary           14    Georgia           102 - 22
Overstreet     Mary           8     Georgia           102 - 25
Overstreet     Rebecca        30    Georgia           102 - 20
Overstreet     Richard        10    Georgia           102 - 24
Overstreet     Thomas         4/12  Florida           102 - 28
Paget          Eliza          3     Florida           100 - 28
Paget          Elizabeth      10    Florida           100 - 26
Paget          Hopkins        26    Georgia           100 - 09
Paget          James          30    Georgia           100 - 23
Paget          James          12    Florida           100 - 25
Paget          Jinsy          30    Georgia           100 - 24
Paget          John           3/12  Florida           100 - 29
Paget          Louisa         8     Florida           100 - 27
Paget          Susan          20    Georgia           100 - 10
Paget          William        1     Florida           100 - 11
Pagget         Allen          14    Florida            97 - 19
Pagget         Celia          16    Florida            97 - 18
Pagget         Charity        40    Georgia            97 - 17
Pagget         Easter         7     Florida            97 - 23
Pagget         Elijah         12    Florida            97 - 20
Pagget         Elijah         55    Georgia            97 - 16
Pagget         Louisa         23    Florida            97 - 25
Pagget         Mandy          9     Florida            97 - 22
Pagget         Mary           6/12  Florida            97 - 26
Pagget         Tippin         21    Florida            97 - 24
Pagget         Wiley          11    Florida            97 - 21
Paine          Gertrude       4     S. Carolina        97 - 34
Paine          James          15    S. Carolina        97 - 31
Paine          James          49    Virginia           97 - 28
Paine          Johanna        7     S. Carolina        97 - 33
Paine          Johanna        37    S. Carolina        97 - 29
Paine          John           18    S. Carolina        97 - 30
Paine          Thomas         10    S. Carolina        97 - 32
Paine          Trueman        1     Florida            97 - 35
Patrick        Ellen          12    Florida           102 - 33
Patrick        Jacob          6     Florida           102 - 35
Patrick        John           50    Georgia           102 - 29
Patrick        Joseph         14    Florida           102 - 32
Patrick        Malinda        30    Georgia           102 - 30
Patrick        Neil           4     Florida           102 - 36
Patrick        Rebecca        10    Florida           102 - 34
Patrick        Richard        16    Florida           102 - 31
Patrick        Thomas         3     Florida           102 - 37
Patterson      Charles        25    Scotland           98 - 36
Patterson      William        26    Scotland           98 - 37
Prescott       Frank          16    Florida           103 - 02
Prescott       Jesse          3     Georgia           101 - 07
Prescott       Martha         35    Georgia           101 - 06
Prescott       Misouria       1     Georgia           101 - 08
Prescott       Nelson         22    Georgia           103 - 01
Prescott       Robert         35    Georgia           101 - 05
Reed           George         21    Georgia           102 - 10
Richards       James          35    Georgia           101 - 17
Richards       Marintha       18    Georgia           101 - 18
Rollison       Hester         25    Georgia           101 - 39
Rollison       Jackson        35    Georgia           101 - 38
Rollison       Jackson        4\12  Florida           102 - 01
Rollison       Jane           14    Florida           101 - 40
Ross           Francis W.     25    Florida            97 - 27
Russell        David W.       13    Florida            98 - 23
Russell        James          22    N. Carolina        98 - 34
Russell        Mildred        20    N. Carolina        98 - 22
Russell        Susan          51    N. Carolina        98 - 20
Russell        Susan          20    N. Carolina        98 - 21
Russell        William        11    Florida            98 - 24
Russell        Wm. F.         55    N. Carolina        98 - 19
Schmidt        Charles        30    Germany            97 - 39
Shiver         Danniel        40    S. Carolina       102 - 18
Shiver         Harriet        20    Georgia           101 - 21
Shiver         William        2     Florida           101 - 22
Shiver         William        25    Georgia           101 - 20
Smith          Josiah W.      29    S. Carolina        97 - 06
Smith          Sarah E.       25    S. Carolina        97 - 07
Smith          William J.     2     Florida            97 - 08
Stephens       Hardy          4     Florida           101 - 03
Stephens       Henry          12    Florida           100 - 39
Stephens       James          8     Florida           101 - 01
Stephens       Jesse          6     Florida           101 - 02
Stephens       Martha         2     Florida           101 - 04
Stephens       Mary A.        10    Florida           100 - 40
Stephens       Synthia        35    Georgia           100 - 38
Stephens       William        30    Georgia           100 - 37
White          Anna F.        1     Florida            98 - 15
White          David          23    S. Carolina        98 - 17
White          Eliza A.       30    Georgia            98 - 13
White          Susan          15    S. Carolina        98 - 14
White          William        40    S. Carolina        98 - 12
Whitfield      John W.        29    Prussia            98 - 26
Whitton        Bennet         18    Florida            97 - 14
Whitton        Elias          16    Florida            97 - 15
Whitton        James          70    Georgia            97 - 12
Whitton        Mary           50    S. Carolina        97 - 13
Yates          Agzy           60    Georgia            99 - 05
Yates          Andrew         2     Florida           100 - 20
Yates          Ardelia        3     Florida            99 - 18
Yates          Burril         12    Florida           100 - 16
Yates          David          10    Florida           100 - 17
Yates          Elvina         8     Florida           100 - 18
Yates          Henry          37    Georgia            99 - 12
Yates          Jackson        14    Florida            99 - 06
Yates          James          80    S. Carolina        99 - 04
Yates          Jane           5     Florida           100 - 19
Yates          John           10    Florida           100 - 33
Yates          John           19    Georgia           100 - 14
Yates          Joseph         16    Florida           100 - 15
Yates          Malinsy        32    Georgia           100 - 13
Yates          Martha         13    Florida           100 - 32
Yates          Mary           36    Georgia            99 - 13
Yates          Nancy          18    S. Carolina        99 - 03
Yates          Needham        21    Georgia            99 - 02
Yates          Needham        40    Georgia           100 - 12
Yates          Needham        3/12  Florida           100 - 36
Yates          Reuben         7     Florida            99 - 17
Yates          Rilla          30    Georgia           100 - 31
Yates          Samuel         14    Florida            99 - 14
Yates          Sarah          3     Florida           100 - 35
Yates          Susannah       10    Florida            99 - 15
Yates          Thomas         8     Florida            99 - 16
Yates          Victoria       1     Florida           100 - 21
Yates          William        7     Florida           100 - 34
Yates          Wm. B.         30    Georgia           100 - 30
Yates          Wm. T.         21    Georgia           100 - 22
The free display of the 1860 Brevard, Florida census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
the Brevard Genealogical Society and the permission of S-K Publications.
This index was transcribed by Sandra L. Willis
and proofread by Regina M. Henderson,
for The USGenWeb Census Project
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