The USGenWeb Census Project®
Pike County, Indiana 1830 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages
The free display of the 1830 Pike, Indiana census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Michael Pierce and the permission of S-K Publications.
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This index was transcribed by Marsha Thompson
and proofread by Connie Burkett,
for The USGenWeb Census Project

Because of the many age‑range columns of the 1830 census,
each page has two microfilm pages. The left‑side of the page
which includes the Head‑of‑Household name is the "a" page
and the right‑side of the same page with just the remaining
age‑range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the LEFT‑PAGE link
to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page
in the USGenWeb Archives. To see the remaining age‑range
columns for that same page, click on the RIGHT‑PAGE link.

Then click the BACK button to return to this index.

NOTE: Page 371 is out of focus on the microfilm and many of the names on that page are impossible to decipher.

Name of Head of Family    LEFT     RIGHT
****        ***           371a--22--371b
****        ****          371a--24--371b
****        Jesse         371a--21--371b
****        Levi          371a--20--371b
*****       ****          371a--28--371b
*****       Thomas        371a--27--371b
Abbot       Martha        373a-- 5--373b
Ackman      Mary          371a-- 6--371b
Adams       William       370a--16--370b
Adkinson    James         363a--17--363b
Ainley      Richard       371a--18--371b
Ainsley     Mary          366a--18--366b
Alexander   Charles       368a--26--368b
Alexander   Jesse         370a-- 2--370b
Alman       John          364a--10--364b
Anderson    Noah          361a--19--361b
Arnold      Aaron         369a--12--369b
Arnold      Jeremiah      369a-- 2--369b
Arnold      Joseph        373a--10--373b
Ashby       Benjamin      365a--14--365b
Ashby       Polly         365a--23--365b
Ashby       Robert        364a-- 1--364b
Ashby       William       365a--13--365b
Barns       David         363a--19--363b
Barns       Samuel        361a--23--361b
Barr        James         363a--12--363b
Barrett     Robbert       360a--12--360b
Bass        Small         367a--15--367b
Baty        James         364a--22--364b
Beck        Fredrick      362a--21--362b
Beck        Fredrick      362a--24--362b
Beck        Henry         362a--13--362b
Beck        John          362a--15--362b
Beck        John, Jr      362a--12--362b
Beck        Lewis         362a--20--362b
Beck        Mary          361a--11--361b
Beck        William       363a--13--363b
Bilderback  David         364a--14--364b
Bilderback  James         364a--26--364b
Bilderback  Thomas        364a--17--364b
Black       David         363a--28--363b
Black       Henry         363a--26--363b
Black       John          363a--27--363b
Black       William       363a--25--363b
Black       William       365a--26--365b
Blasé       Elizabeth     361a--12--361b
Blasé       John          361a--10--361b
Blasé       Tevault       361a-- 3--361b
Bogan       Samuel        366a--11--366b
Booker      Achilles      366a--13--366b
Borders     Henry         361a--13--361b
Borders     John          361a--14--361b
Brenton     George        370a-- 1--370b
Brenton     James         367a--19--367b
Brenton     Peter         368a--18--368b
Brenton     Robert        373a-- 4--373b
Bright      Jacob         366a--12--366b
Bruler      Harbert D     370a--17--370b
Bruster     Benjamin      366a-- 2--366b
Bruster     Cumfort       366a-- 3--366b
Bruster     Hiram         365a--27--365b
Bryant      Polly         366a-- 4--366b
Bunton      Henry         360a--18--360b
Bunton      Peter         365a--10--365b
Butler      John          368a-- 8--368b
Campbell    A             368a--27--368b
Campbell    James         370a--10--370b
Campbell    Polly         369a--26--369b
Carr        ***           371a-- 8--371b
Carr        Andrew        371a-- 9--371b
Carr        Hiram         371a-- 7--371b
Carr        John          371a--17--371b
Case        Ebinezer      372a--11--372b
Catt        Daniel        360a-- 6--360b
Catt        John          360a-- 9--360b
Catt        Philip        360a-- 7--360b
Chambers    George        359a--27--359b
Chambers    James         359a-- 8--359b
Chambers    John          359a-- 7--359b
Chappel     Jacob         372a--15--372b
Chappel     Joab          372a-- 7--372b
Chappel     Job           373a-- 1--373b
Clark       Ann           365a-- 3--365b
Clayton     William       370a--28--370b
Cline       Henry         362a--22--362b
Coleman     Daniel        365a--16--365b
Coleman     Hasten        363a--22--363b
Coleman     Henry         363a--23--363b
Coleman     Philip        363a--24--363b
Coleman     William       364a-- 2--364b
Colvin      George        359a--11--359b
Colvin      Richard       363a-- 1--363b
Colvin      William       359a--23--359b
Conger      Levi          359a--17--359b
Conger      Sebastian     359a--16--359b
Coonrod     George        369a-- 5--369b
Coonrod     John, Jr      369a-- 7--369b
Coonrod     John, Jr      369a--11--369b
Coonrod     William H     369a--15--369b
Cormack     Daniel        368a-- 5--368b
Corn        Andrew        366a-- 7--366b
Corn        Catharine     366a-- 5--366b
Corn        David         366a-- 6--366b
Corn        Edward        366a-- 8--366b
Courtright  Ralph         361a-- 5--361b
Cowan       Isaac         372a--13--372b
Crayton     Josiah        370a--20--370b
Crayton     Thomas        368a--10--368b
Crayton     Thomas, Jr    373a-- 9--373b
Crayton     William       372a--16--372b
Cross       James         373a--11--373b
Crow        James         364a--19--364b
Crow        John          364a--20--364b
Crow        Robert        363a--20--363b
Crow        Robert        367a--23--367b
Crow        William       365a--28--365b
Cummins     William       369a--10--369b
Davidson    Andrew        372a--10--372b
Davidson    Joseph        359a--14--359b
Daviss      John          364a-- 8--364b
Dean        Squire B      368a--14--368b
DeBruler    Charles       372a--23--372b
Debruler    Greenfield    370a--11--370b
Debruler    Mary          366a--25--366b
DeBruler    Wesly         372a-- 4--372b
Decker      John          359a--13--359b
Decker      John          365a-- 5--365b
Dedman      Samuel        359a--28--359b
Dedman      Samuel, Sr    365a--18--365b
Dedman      William       364a--18--364b
Dedrick     John          373a--19--373b
Defandall   Elizabeth     359a--25--359b
Deffendall  Joseph        365a-- 8--365b
Demart      Lawrence      373a--27--373b
Dent        John          360a--17--360b
Dobbins     William       364a--16--364b
Duncan      David         371a--25--371b
Dunn        James         366a--10--366b
Dunning     Samuel        360a--23--360b
Dyer        Isaac         367a--24--367b
English     David         364a-- 3--364b
English     Thos J S      368a-- 4--368b
Evans       Griffith      361a--15--361b
Evans       James         372a--18--372b
Evans       William       370a-- 7--370b
Evans       Wyley         372a--25--372b
Faster      Mathew W      367a--18--367b
Feltner     William       373a--20--373b
Ferguson    Mary          364a--25--364b
Ferguson    Peter         364a--24--364b
Fields      Benjamin      362a-- 7--362b
Finn        Elizabeth     366a--24--366b
Ford        Lewis         371a--15--371b
Foster      Robert        371a--13--371b
Foster      William       373a-- 7--373b
Fouts       Daniel        361a-- 4--361b
Fouts       David         359a-- 2--359b
Fowler      Edward        360a--25--360b
Fowler      Elijah        362a--18--362b
Fowler      James         362a--26--362b
Fowler      Thomas        362a--17--362b
Fowler      William       372a-- 5--372b
France      John          370a--23--370b
Fraylor     Joel          362a--23--362b
Fredrick    Daniel        363a--14--363b
Fredrick    Michael       359a--12--359b
Fredrick    Peter         359a--10--359b
Garwood     Joseph        361a--18--361b
Gillim      Andrew        362a--27--362b
Gladish     Jeremiah      363a-- 4--363b
Gray        John G        359a-- 5--359b
Gray        William       372a--22--372b
Grider      Aaron         367a--14--367b
Griffith    David         368a--21--368b
Griffith    Isaac         370a-- 8--370b
Griffith    Josiah        371a-- 3--371b
Grub        John          361a--24--361b
Hamell      Moses         367a--21--367b
Hammond     Elijah        372a-- 2--372b
Harden      John          365a--11--365b
Harden      John          367a--26--367b
Hargrave    Thomas        370a-- 5--370b
Hargrave    William       370a-- 6--370b
Harrison    Robert        370a-- 9--370b
Hartley     Reuben        360a--27--360b
Hartley     Thomas        362a--19--362b
Hawkins     Catherine     363a-- 2--363b
Hawkins     John          371a--19--371b
Hays        Allen         372a--27--372b
Hays        Elias         371a--26--371b
Hays        Ezekiel       370a-- 4--370b
Hays        James         372a--26--372b
Hays        John, Jr      373a-- 8--373b
Hays        Philo         369a-- 1--369b
Hendricks   Daniel        364a-- 9--364b
Hill        Hiram         373a--21--373b
Hill        Isaac         361a--21--361b
Hill        Shedrick      362a-- 4--362b
Hillman     Henry         359a--24--359b
hillman     James         359a--21--359b
Hillman     John          359a--20--359b
Hodge       James         365a--21--365b
Hodge       Jefferson     365a--20--365b
Hornady     David         369a--27--369b
Horrell     James         373a--24--373b
Houchins    Jesse         365a-- 4--365b
Howard      Meredith      370a--13--370b
Hulin       Wyatt         367a--13--367b
Ingram      Jonathan      365a-- 2--365b
Jackson     Henry         373a--18--373b
Jackson     Jacob         373a--17--373b
Jacoe       John          364a-- 5--364b
Jerral      Elijah        365a--19--365b
Johnson     Andrew R      369a--24--369b
Johnson     Benjamin      364a-- 7--364b
Johnson     John          361a-- 6--361b
Johnson     John          368a-- 6--368b
Johnson     Robert        361a--20--361b
Johnson     Robert, Sr    368a--17--368b
Keith       Jesse         369a--18--369b
Keith       John          369a--17--369b
Keith       Silas         369a--16--369b
Kime        Michael       361a--22--361b
Kinman      Archibald     370a--27--370b
Kinman      David         372a-- 6--372b
Kinman      Hiram         366a--19--366b
Kinman      James         366a--17--366b
Kinman      James         367a--22--367b
Kinman      James, Jr     363a-- 7--363b
Kinman      Jeptha        373a--22--373b
Kinman      Joel          372a--14--372b
Kinman      John          363a-- 8--363b
Kinman      John, Sr      373a--15--373b
Kinman      Joseph        372a--24--372b
Kinman      Levi          372a-- 3--372b
Kinman      Pheoby        370a--26--370b
Kinman      Samuel        369a--13--369b
Kinman      Sebourn       373a--16--373b
Kinman      Susanna       363a-- 6--363b
Kinman      William       373a--13--373b
Kinslow     Milton        366a--14--366b
Knight      Andrew        359a--15--359b
Knight      Isaac         363a--15--363b
Lamb        Nixon         368a--15--368b
Lamb        Stanton       368a--13--368b
Lane        Elijah        367a-- 4--367b
Lee         John          361a-- 2--361b
Lee         Thomas        362a-- 6--362b
Lemasters   Benjamin      364a--13--364b
Lett        Randle        372a-- 8--372b
Lindy       Fredrick      359a--18--359b
Lounsdale   James         359a--26--359b
Lovelace    Henry         362a--16--362b
Lovelace    Isaac         360a--22--360b
Lovelace    Isaak, Jr     362a-- 9--362b
Lovelace    John          362a--14--362b
Lovelace    Joseph        362a--11--362b
Lovelace    William       362a--10--362b
Malott      Elijah        369a--22--369b
Marker      Elizabeth     369a-- 6--369b
Martin      John          363a--18--363b
McAtee      Zachariah     361a--17--361b
McCane      Hugh, Jr      373a--28--373b
McCane      Hugh, Sr      373a--26--373b
McCane      William       372a--28--372b
McCarty     Adam S        370a--14--370b
McCrary     Elisha        361a-- 1--361b
McCune      Hamilton      371a--23--371b
McCune      Polly         371a--16--371b
McCune      Sary          369a-- 9--369b
McIntire    John          367a-- 7--367b
McKinney    Abraham       367a--11--367b
Mead        Rebecca       366a--20--366b
Merrick     Malochi       367a-- 3--367b
Miley       David         368a-- 7--368b
Miley       David         368a--23--368b
Miley       David         373a--25--373b
Miley       George        366a--26--366b
Miley       George        368a-- 2--368b
Miley       Henry         372a-- 9--372b
Miley       Henry         373a--14--373b
Miley       Jacob         368a-- 3--368b
Miley       John          361a--26--361b
Miley       Martin        367a-- 2--367b
Miley       Peter         366a--21--366b
Miller      Christian     363a--21--363b
Moor        Henson        365a-- 6--365b
Morgan      Joseph C      360a--20--360b
Morrick     Henry B       366a--28--366b
Mott        Orange        366a--23--366b
Mount       Elizabeth     360a--15--360b
Mount       Mathias       362a-- 1--362b
Murphey     David         364a--12--364b
Noflet      Elisha        373a--23--373b
Osbourn     Eber          369a--14--369b
Osbourn     Elias         367a--20--367b
Owens       Thomas        360a--14--360b
Palmer      Hiram         367a-- 1--367b
Palmer      John          366a--15--366b
Pancake     Joseph        365a--15--365b
Parker      Charles       362a-- 3--362b
Parker      Jonathan      360a--19--360b
Parker      William       360a--16--360b
Postlewait  Jonathan      371a-- 1--371b
Pride       Benjamin      372a--12--372b
Pride       Thomas        372a--19--372b
Pride       William       372a--20--372b
Reedy       Ann           360a-- 1--360b
Reedy       James         359a-- 1--359b
Rhodes      William       369a--28--369b
Richardson  Harriet       371a-- 5--371b
Right       John          366a--22--366b
Risley      Daniel        365a--17--365b
Risley      John          365a-- 9--365b
Robling     John          360a--21--360b
Robling     Lewis         361a--27--361b
Robling     Peter         361a--28--361b
Rogers      Soloman       370a--15--370b
Ross        John          364a--23--364b
Russell     Charles       369a--21--369b
Russell     John          371a--10--371b
S****       John          371a--11--371b
Sawyer      Franklin F    369a-- 4--369b
Scraper     Henry         372a--17--372b
Selby       Jeremiah      359a-- 4--359b
Selby       John, Jr      369a--20--369b
Selby       John, Sr      362a--28--362b
Selby       Joshua        363a-- 5--363b
Selby       Richard       363a-- 3--363b
Selby       Zachariah F   360a--24--360b
Selby       Zephaniah     360a--26--360b
Semper      John          373a-- 2--373b
Shaw        Alfred        365a--22--365b
Shaw        Elvis         365a--24--365b
Shaw        Hugh          364a--21--364b
Shaw        Hugh          366a-- 1--366b
Shawhan     Joseph        361a-- 9--361b
Simpson     Bazel         363a--16--363b
Simpson     Humphrey      361a-- 8--361b
Slater      William       373a-- 3--373b
Small       John          360a-- 4--360b
Smith       Henry         368a--12--368b
Smith       Hosea         369a-- 8--369b
Smith       Jacob         360a--28--360b
Smith       John          370a--25--370b
Smith       Onias         368a-- 9--368b
Sovercool   Alexander     364a--11--364b
Soverns     Archibald     368a--25--368b
Soverns     Elizabeth     369a-- 3--369b
Spade       Daniel        360a--10--360b
Spade       John          367a-- 5--367b
Stacky      Samuel, Sr    366a--16--366b
Stafford    James N       367a--28--367b
Stewart     Richard E     364a-- 6--364b
Stewart     Thomas C      359a-- 3--359b
Stone       Henry         370a-- 3--370b
Stuckey     Emanuel       367a--10--367b
Stucky      George        367a--27--367b
Stucky      Jacob         368a-- 1--368b
Stucky      Samuel, Jr    367a--17--367b
Sullivan    James         368a--20--368b
Sullivan    Leven         368a--19--368b
Teague      Edward        372a-- 1--372b
Tesloe      John          369a--23--369b
Thomas      James         370a--22--370b
Thomas      John          368a--16--368b
Thomas      Lavis         368a--22--368b
Thomas      William       370a--21--370b
Thompson    James         365a-- 7--365b
Thompson    John          365a--12--365b
Thompson    William       370a--18--370b
Thornton    James         360a--11--360b
Tisdale     William       364a--15--364b
Tisloe      Paul          369a--25--369b
Tisloe      Peter         369a--19--369b
Traylor     George        360a-- 8--360b
Traylor     Jesse         371a-- 2--371b
Traylor     Joel          371a--12--371b
Traylor     Lewis         366a--27--366b
Traylor     Richard       370a--19--370b
Traylor     Thomas        372a--21--372b
Traylor     Washington    371a-- 4--371b
Traylor     Willis        370a--12--370b
Vancamp     Nucy          367a--25--367b
Vankirk     Joseph        367a--16--367b
Wallace     Benjamin      371a--14--371b
Ward        Reubin        368a--28--368b
Weas        David         363a-- 9--363b
Weas        Job           373a--12--373b
West        Andrew        363a--11--363b
West        Archibald     365a-- 1--365b
Whaly       William       370a--24--370b
White       Charles F     359a--19--359b
White       Richard       361a--16--361b
Whitehead   Sollomon      373a-- 6--373b
Wiggs       Alexander     367a-- 6--367b
Williams    Thomas        361a--25--361b
Willis      Vincent       363a--10--363b
Wills       William       359a-- 9--359b
Withers     Thomas J      362a-- 5--362b
Wolf        George        367a--12--367b
Wolf        Peter         359a-- 6--359b
Wolvin      Jeremiah      362a-- 8--362b
Woodry      Joseph        366a-- 9--366b
Woods       John          364a--27--364b
Woosey      George        364a-- 4--364b
Wright      George        365a--25--365b
Wright      William       360a--13--360b
Wright      William       362a-- 2--362b
Wright      William M     359a--22--359b
Wyatt       John          368a--24--368b
Wyatt       Thomas T      368a--11--368b
Young       Jacob         362a--25--362b
Young       John          360a-- 2--360b
Young       John          361a-- 7--361b
Young       Jonathan      360a-- 3--360b
Young       Thomas        360a-- 5--360b
Youngman    Jacob S       367a-- 8--367b
Youngman    John          367a-- 9--367b
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