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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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N              Brewer           70    Kentucky        484a   5
Napoleon       **ers            30    MS              496b  24
Napoleon       Mary             30    MS              496b  25
Napoleon       Monroe           4     MS              496b  29
Napoleon       Patsey           15    MS              496b  26
Napoleon       Pink             1/12  MS              496b  30
Napoleon       Prince           6     MS              496b  28
Napoleon       Sarah            10    MS              496b  27
Nathers        Cain             9     MS              470a  32
Nathers        Elizabeth        35    MS              470a  28
Nathers        Moses            44    LA              470a  27
Nathers        Peter            18    MS              470a  29
Nathers        Pleasant         14    MS              470a  30
Nathers        William          11    MS              470a  31
Naul           Candas E         5     MS              430b  39
Naul           Capwell J        7     MS              430b  38
Naul           Capwell J        43    Lousiana        430b  35
Naul           Francis          3     MS              430b  40
Naul           Hezikial         50    La              500a   1
Naul           Isabell          5     MS              500a   4
Naul           Martha           10    MS              430b  37
Naul           Milly            40    MS              500a   2
Naul           Ursula           37    MS              430b  36
NcNeal         Alex             6     MS              450a   5
NcNeal         Andrew           27    MS              450a   3
NcNeal         B W              3/12  MS              449b  19
NcNeal         Butler           4     MS              450a   6
NcNeal         C A              23    MS              449b  38
NcNeal         C A              11    MS              449b  12
NcNeal         C O              8     MS              449b  14
NcNeal         Daniel           43    MS              449b   9
NcNeal         Daniel           3     MS              449b  17
NcNeal         E                33    So Carolina     449b  37
NcNeal         Edna             28    MS              449b  10
NcNeal         Edna             1     MS              449b  18
NcNeal         Ellen            8     MS              450a   4
NcNeal         J C              19    MS              449b  39
NcNeal         L R              7     MS              449b  15
NcNeal         M E              5     MS              449b  16
NcNeal         O E              12    MS              449b  11
NcNeal         T A              9     MS              449b  13
Neal           Allen            49    MS              448a   1
Neal           Charley          3     MS              382a  30
Neal           Fidelia          26    MS              448a   2
Neal           Frank            15    MS              448a   3
Neal           Henry            7     MS              448a   4
Neal           James O          1     MS              382a  31
Neal           James W          30    MS              382a  27
Neal           Martha B         25    MS              409a  36
Neal           Matilda          22    MS              382a  28
Neal           William          7     MS              382a  29
Neilson        Adeline          8     MS              460b  21
Neilson        Alferd           8     MS              394a  39
Neilson        Allice           4     MS              511b  35
Neilson        Amanda           22    Virginia        411a  40
Neilson        Burrell          4/12  MS              411b   2
Neilson        C P              35    MS              511b  32
Neilson        C P Jr           15    MS              510a  29
Neilson        David B          1     MS              511b  37
Neilson        Edmond           20    MS              471a  29
Neilson        Elisa H          17    MS              471a  34
Neilson        Elizabeth        16    MS              471a  30
Neilson        George           3     MS              411b   1
Neilson        J E S            60    La              510a  28
Neilson        J R              10    MS              511b  38
Neilson        James            10    MS              394a  38
Neilson        Letteron         50    La              471a  33
Neilson        Lirvirnia        9     MS              471a  32
Neilson        Louisa           6     MS              460b  20
Neilson        Mary             12    MS              394a  37
Neilson        Moses            14    MS              394a  36
Neilson        P A              37    MS              510a  30
Neilson        R                45    La              471a  28
Neilson        R M              61    SC              510a  27
Neilson        Richard          25    Virginia        411a  39
Neilson        Roberta          10    MS              510a  31
Neilson        S A              30    MS              511b  33
Neilson        S E              11    MS              511b  34
Neilson        Samuel           35    MS              394a  33
Neilson        Sarah            15    MS              394a  35
Neilson        Sidney           13    MS              471a  31
Neilson        Stephen          4     MS              460b  22
Neilson        Thosarun         40    Maryland        460b  19
Neilson        Vina             30    MS              394a  34
Neilson        William          57    VA              460b  18
Neilson        Willie H         1/12  MS              460b  23
Neilson        Wm M             2     MS              511b  36
Neilson        York             15    MS              472b  10
Nelson         Boss             15    MS              433a   9
Nelson         Caroline         20    MS              397b  28
Nelson         Cynthia          45    MS              406a  13
Nelson         Davis            6     MS              510a  17
Nelson         Eliza            35    MS              510a  16
Nelson         George           22    Ga              491a  39
Nelson         George           1     MS              510a  18
Nelson         H                55    Va              510b  31
Nelson         Hester           10    MS              462b  12
Nelson         Hollen           3     MS              462b  14
Nelson         J B              42    MS              511a  29
Nelson         L R              12    MS              442b   1
Nelson         Mary             22    Ga              491a  40
Nelson         Nettie           24    MS              462b  11
Nelson         Solomon          48    MS              406a  12
Nelson         Wade             20    MS              462b  15
Nelson         Walter           6     MS              462b  13
Nelson         Wilford          21    MS              513a  18
Nesmith        A H              49    MS              439b   7
Nesmith        Francis          21    MS              463a   7
Nesmith        Infant           2/12  MS              463a   8
Nesmith        J M              44    MS              439b   5
Nesmith        La               21    LA              463a   6
Nesmith        Rebecca          76    MS              439b   6
Nettles        Sarah A          6/12  MS              408a  22
Nettles        Sophrona J       23    MS              408a  21
Nettles        Thomas H         21    MS              408a  20
Newman         A J              6     MS              498a   1
Newman         A J              4     MS              499b  32
Newman         Albert G         7     MS              430a  14
Newman         C M              30    MS              497b  36
Newman         Christopher      3     MS              435a   8
Newman         Courtney         4     MS              498a   2
Newman         D E              24    La              496b  12
Newman         Eli M            19    MS              427b  27
Newman         Eliza J          24    MS              427b  23
Newman         Elizabeth        57    MS              427b  26
Newman         Elizabeth        4     MS              430a  15
Newman         Elvira           37    MS              498a   4
Newman         Emily S          2     MS              427b  24
Newman         F R              12    MS              497b  38
Newman         Falba P          17    MS              427b  28
Newman         George J         37    MS              430a   9
Newman         George M         2     MS              430a  16
Newman         H L              4     MS              498a   6
Newman         Harriet A        30    MS              430a  10
Newman         Harry            13    MS              498a   5
Newman         Infant           3/12  MS              430a  17
Newman         J L              18    MS              496b  17
Newman         J M              36    MS              497b  35
Newman         J T              26    MS              499b  30
Newman         James            22    MS              432b  20
Newman         Jesse            55    Tennessee       435a   5
Newman         Jesse P          10    MS              430a  12
Newman         Joseph           9/12  MS              427b  25
Newman         Laura N          9     MS              430a  13
Newman         M A              22    MS              496b  11
Newman         M C              1/12  MS              496b  13
Newman         M E              2     MS              499b  33
Newman         M J              6/12  MS              499b  34
Newman         M V              31    LA              477a  14
Newman         Mary C           12    MS              430a  11
Newman         Mary G           40    MS              435a   6
Newman         N C              21    MS              496b  16
Newman         N L              10    MS              497b  39
Newman         Sarah J          24    La              499b  31
Newman         Susan P          14    MS              435a   7
Newman         T                45    Maryland        498a   3
Newman         T C              8     MS              497b  40
Newman         T N              63    S Carolina      496b  15
Newman         Thomas           24    MS              427b  22
Newman         Thomas           14    MS              497b  37
Newton         Amy              31    MS              429a  32
Newton         Flora            14    MS              429a  34
Newton         Frank            32    MS              429a  31
Newton         Harriet          12    MS              429a  35
Newton         Kemper           28    MS              412b  34
Newton         Lucy             17    MS              412b  35
Newton         Vina             17    MS              429a  33
Neyland        A                20    MS              469b   5
Neyland        A L              10    MS              477b   1
Neyland        Albert N         14    MS              477a  39
Neyland        David            17    MS              469b   7
Neyland        Eliza            12    MS              469b   8
Neyland        Elizabeth        37    La              477a  38
Neyland        G B              19    MS              460a  12
Neyland        Hester           35    MS              469b   6
Neyland        J M              32    MS              460a  11
Neyland        J W              39    MS              477a  37
Neyland        L L              1     MS              460a  13
Neyland        Laura            5     MS              469b   9
Neyland        Lewis            12    MS              477a  40
Neyland        Sarah            7     MS              477b   2
Nisworthy      J                45    MS              463a   9
Nisworthy      Martha           34    MS              463a  10
Norred         C C              3     Iowa            460b  11
Norred         E J              25    MS              460b   9
Norred         J K              36    MS              460b   8
Norred         T R              7     Iowa            460b  10
Norwood        Alethia          9     MS              485b  24
Norwood        Boyl P           27    Ireland         483b  10
Norwood        Caroline         75    LA              468a  20
Norwood        Caroline         13    LA              468a  22
Norwood        Celia            32    MS              485b   1
Norwood        Emeline          30    MS              483b  33
Norwood        Finn             30    MS              483b  32
Norwood        George           14    LA              468a  21
Norwood        Henry            30    MS              483b  34
Norwood        Isom             42    MS              485b  22
Norwood        Jane             22    MS              485b  23
Norwood        Julia A          6     MS              485b  25
Norwood        Mary             7     MS              483b  37
Norwood        Mary             1     MS              483b  36
Norwood        Millie           70    VA              468a  18
Norwood        N S              75    S Carolina      483b   9
Norwood        Sarah            70    MS              485b  26
Norwood        Seth             19    MS              485a  40
Norwood        Sim              93    Md              468a  17
Norwood        Smith J J        50    S C             485b  27
Norwood        Stephen          87    S Carolina      468a  19
Norwood        Susan            22    MS              483b  35
Nunnery        Addie D          2     MS              380a  26
Nunnery        Archibald        14    MS              393a   8
Nunnery        Beula F          3     MS              384a  21
Nunnery        Charles A        1     MS              381a   4
Nunnery        David            31    MS              380a  23
Nunnery        Elisa A          34    MS              380a  29
Nunnery        Elisabeth        5     MS              380a  36
Nunnery        Eugenia E        13    MS              405a  23
Nunnery        George D         23    MS              381a   2
Nunnery        Griffin          6     MS              380a  34
Nunnery        Harriet          22    MS              379b  27
Nunnery        Henry            45    Alabama         393a   3
Nunnery        Hiram E          1     MS              380a  27
Nunnery        Infant           1     MS              384a  22
Nunnery        Jack             45    VA              380b  10
Nunnery        James            8     MS              380a  33
Nunnery        James            13    MS              393a   9
Nunnery        Jane             8     MS              393a  13
Nunnery        John             38    MS              380a  30
Nunnery        John H           68    SC              380a  28
Nunnery        Johnie A         15    MS              393a   7
Nunnery        Joseph H         11    MS              405a  24
Nunnery        Leona C          26    MS              380a  24
Nunnery        Lizzie           22    MS              392b  38
Nunnery        Margaret         10    MS              405a  25
Nunnery        Margaret E       10    MS              393a  12
Nunnery        Maria E          17    MS              393a   6
Nunnery        Marshall         11    MS              393a  11
Nunnery        Mary J           14    MS              405a  22
Nunnery        Mollie E A       23    MS              381a   3
Nunnery        Nancy            3     MS              392b  39
Nunnery        Napoleon         10    MS              380a  32
Nunnery        Patience         20    MS              380b  11
Nunnery        Penelope         6     MS              393a  14
Nunnery        Reuben           4     MS              393a  15
Nunnery        Reuben           32    MS              392b  37
Nunnery        Richard          21    MS              384a  23
Nunnery        Samuel           26    MS              384a  19
Nunnery        Samuel           12    MS              393a  10
Nunnery        Sarah            36    MS              393a   4
Nunnery        Sarah C          19    MS              384a  20
Nunnery        Susan            1     MS              380a  37
Nunnery        Theodosia* J     4     MS              380a  25
Nunnery        Thomas L         20    MS              393a   5
Nunnery        William          3     MS              380a  35
Nunnery        William *        1     MS              392b  40
Nunnery        Zachariah        17    MS              380a  31
O'neal         A E              19    MS              436a  19
O'neal         A G              18    MS              436a  18
O'neal         Benj F           5     MS              436a  27
O'neal         C A              1     MS              436a  28
O'neal         C M              36    MS              436a  22
O'neal         Elisha           7     MS              436a  26
O'neal         G J              9     MS              436a  25
O'neal         L A              12    MS              436a  24
O'neal         Martha           18    MS              436a  29
O'neal         Mary             14    MS              436a  30
O'neal         Samuel           14    MS              436a  23
O'neal         W S              42    MS              436a  21
Obeer          Joanah           78    So Carolina     436a   1
Ogle           Margaret         44    MS              495a  11
Ogle           Matie            14    MS              495a  12
Ogle           W C              50    Ohio            495a  10
Oliver         John             23    MS              506b  24
Oliver         Margaret         18    MS              506b  25
Oliver         William          5     MS              506b  26
Oneal          Allen            8     Virginia        451b  22
Oneal          Elijah           18    Virginia        451b  20
Oneal          George           61    Virginia        451b  19
Oneal          Henry            6     Virginia        451b  24
Oneal          John             7     Virginia        451b  23
Oneal          Luke             7     Virginia        451b  26
Oneal          Miller           11    Virginia        451b  21
Oneal          Olly             41    Virginia        451b  25
Osborne        Bruce            32    MS              431b   8
Osborne        Cornelia         23    MS              431b   9
Osborne        Doney            6     MS              431b  12
Osborne        Jane             11    MS              431b  10
Osborne        Jefferson        21    MS              426b  21
Osborne        Martha           8     MS              431b  11
Osborne        Mary             5     MS              431b  13
Osborne        Nannie           70    MS              431b  16
Osborne        Rosa             1     MS              431b  14
Otkins         Ailsy            36    MS              486b  30
Otkins         Allen            16    MS              486b  32
Otkins         Annett           9     La              486b  35
Otkins         Emeline          4     MS              486b  39
Otkins         Frank            40    MS              486b  29
Otkins         Harriet          5     La              486b  36
Otkins         James            3     LA              474b   8
Otkins         Jane             7     MS              486b  38
Otkins         Jonos            9/12  MS              486b  40
Otkins         Lizzie           10    MS              486b  37
Otkins         Mary             14    MS              486b  33
Otkins         May              32    LA              474b   6
Otkins         O                32    LA              474b   5
Otkins         Philis           14    LA              474b   7
Otkins         Rachel           19    MS              486b  31
Otkins         Sam              13    MS              486b  34
Owens          Adeline          37    MS              413b  32
Owens          Harrison         34    MS              413b  31
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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