The USGenWeb Census Project®
Licking County, OH 1840 Federal Census Index
with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.
Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Licking County, Ohio 1840 census.
























Because of the many age-range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages.
The left-side of the page which includes the Head-of-Household name is the "a" page,
and the right-side of the same page with just the remaining age-range columns is the "b" page.

If you find a name of interest, click on the (LEFT) page# link to view the
image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining numbered columns for that page, click on the (RIGHT) page link.
Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser to return to this index.
Taft, Thomas             315a   315b
Taggart, James           389a   389b
Talbott, Joseph          341a   341b
Talida, Harvey           289a   289b
Tanner, E?am             253a   253b
Tarlton, James           273a   273b
Tate, Francis            260a   260b
Tawn, Edward             164a   164b
Taylor, Alexander        191a   191b
Taylor, Andrew           190a   190b
Taylor, B.B.             199a   199b
Taylor, Benjamin R.      253a   253b
Taylor, Charles          383a   383b
Taylor, Edmond           313a   313b
Taylor, Edmund           382a   382b
Taylor, Eliza            383a   383b
Taylor, Henry            258a   258b
Taylor, Henry            284a   284b
Taylor, Israel           374a   374b
Taylor, James            190a   190b
Taylor, James            209a   209b
Taylor, James Jr.        383a   383b
Taylor, James M.         200a   200b
Taylor, John             187a   187b
Taylor, John             383a   383b
Taylor, Jonathan         159a   159b
Taylor, Josiah           291a   291b
Taylor, Laura A.         206a   206b
Taylor, P.W.             291a   291b
Taylor, Philip           187a   187b
Taylor, Stephen          190a   190b
Taylor, Thomas           188a   188b
Taylor, William          157a   157b
Taylor, William          190a   190b
Taylor, William          251a   251b
Taylor, William          383a   383b
Teadrick, John           244a   244b
Teagarden, James         156a   156b
Teagarden, Sarah         389a   389b
Teaton, Curtis W.        235a   235b
Teder, Frederick         260a   260b
Teffers, David           348a   348b
Ten Eyck, Henry          197a   197b
Terener?, George         216a   216b
Tharp, Benjamin          313a   313b
Tharp, Cornelius         363a   363b
Tharp, David             302a   302b
Tharp, David             346a   346b
Tharp, Edwin             346a   346b
Tharp, Isaac             327a   327b
Tharp, Josh              346a   346b
Tharp, Reuben            309a   309b
Tharp, Roswell           346a   346b
Tharp, Tabor             363a   363b
Tharp, Thomas            334a   334b
Thomas, David            156a   156b
Thomas, David            285a   285b
Thomas, David Jr.        285a   285b
Thomas, Edward           170a   170b
Thomas, Edward           194a   194b
Thomas, Hansell          230a   230b
Thomas, John             332a   332b
Thomas, Levi             257a   257b
Thomas, Lewis            208a   208b
Thomas, Richard          234a   234b
Thomas, Saml.            332a   332b
Thomas, Simon            230a   230b
Thomas, Timothy          285a   285b
Thomas, Timothy          339a   339b
Thomas, Tomelia          204a   204b
Thomas, William          230a   230b
Thompson, Adna           328a   328b
Thompson, Benjamin       328a   328b
Thompson, Bennet         364a   364b
Thompson, Catharine      299a   299b
Thompson, Elias          364a   364b
Thompson, Francis        343a   343b
Thompson, John           232a   232b
Thompson, John           386a   386b
Thompson, John Jr.       387a   387b
Thompson, Joseph         380a   380b
Thompson, McKean         283a   283b
Thompson, Owen           222a   222b
Thompson, Rudolph        299a   299b
Thompson, Saml.          359a   359b
Thompson, Samuel         223a   223b
Thompson, William        348a   348b
Thorn, James             156a   156b
Thorn, Samuel            194a   194b
Thornberry, Elijah       352a   352b
Thornbury, Absolom       252a   252b
Thorne, John             342a   342b
Thornhill, Bryant        308a   308b
Thornhill, Reuben        307a   307b
Thornton, Elizabeth      262a   262b
Thornton, F.H.           262a   262b
Thrailhill, John         260a   260b
Thrailhill, Lucy         255a   255b
Thrall, Eliphalus        284a   284b
Thrall, L.G.             345a   345b
Thrall, Mahalah          280a   280b
Thrall, Walter           291a   291b
Thronton, James          240a   240b
Thrap, Israel            239a   239b
Thrap, N.C.              272a   272b
Thurman?, Davis          347a   347b
Thurston, Elizabeth      284a   284b
Tichener, Jonathan       302a   302b
Tiffeney, George         332a   332b
Tifford, John            239a   239b
Tight, George            305a   305b
Tigner, Jane             216a   216b
Tilton, John             253a   253b
Tilton, R.C.             296a   296b
Tinsman, Rebeus          215a   215b
Tippet, Ann              365a   365b
Tippett, James           215a   215b
Tippetts, John L.        194a   194b
Tippey, Nancy            373a   373b
Tippey, Saml.            371a   371b
Tippey, Wm.              373a   373b
Tipton, Elias            234a   234b
Tipton, John             215a   215b
Tipton, Joshua           215a   215b
Tirel, Lyda              270a   270b
Titcomb, Saml.           319a   319b
Tod, Edward              162a   162b
Tomlinson, G.H.          354a   354b
Tomlinson, Truman        358a   358b
Tompkins, Ira            352a   352b
Tomson, John             267a   267b
Tomson, Wm.              267a   267b
Tomson, Wm.              269a   269b
Tonary, Singleton        302a   302b
Tooker, W.R.             352a   352b
Torey, Jonathan          367a   367b
Tower, William           338a   338b
Towns, Thomas            337a   337b
Toy, Henry               167a   167b
Tracey, Bezel            216a   216b
Tracey, David            216a   216b
Tracey, Elias            303a   303b
Tracey, Elijah           351a   351b
Tracey, George           216a   216b
Tracey, George           333a   333b
Tracey, John             366a   366b
Tracey, Lloyd            372a   372b
Tracey, Loyd             216a   216b
Tracey, Uriah            261a   261b
Tracey, William          241a   241b
Tracy, Bezel Senr.       218a   218b
Tracy, Hezechiah         241a   241b
Tracy, John              170a   170b
Tracy, Jonathan          214a   214b
Train, Elisabeth         368a   368b
Trall, O.M.              280a   280b
Travioli, Dominico       187a   187b
Trenary, James M.        194a   194b
Trenary, Newton          194a   194b
Trent, Henry             214a   214b
Trevitt, Henry           343a   343b
Trevitt, Lee             338a   338b
Trigg, Allen             388a   388b
Trigg, Michael           384a   384b
Trigg, Saml.             388a   388b
Trigg, Thomas            314a   314b
Trigg, Thomas            388a   388b
Trimble, J.W.            337a   337b
Trindle, Thomas          157a   157b
Trippier, John           224a   224b
Trotter, Isaac           312a   312b
Trout, Abraham           215a   215b
Trout, Henry             186a   186b
Trout, John              315a   315b
Trout, Nicholas          315a   315b
Trout, William           315a   315b
Trouts, Noah             218a   218b
Trowbridge, Elihu        189a   189b
Trowbridge, Eliphalet    178a   178b
Troyer, Jonas            179a   179b
Truman, William          282a   282b
Tucker, Jordan           250a   250b
Tucker, Stephen          230a   230b
Tuder, Anna              296a   296b
Tuners, John             202a   202b
Tunison, J.M.            334a   334b
Turner, Benjamin         160a   160b
Turner, James            179a   179b
Turner, John             219a   219b
Tush, Neriah             365a   365b
Tuttle, Rensallear       163a   163b
Twentyswen, Page         306a   306b
Twigg, Francis           378a   378b
Twigg, George            291a   291b
Twining, Frederick       223a   223b
Twining?, Hiram          347a   347b
Twining, Lauriston       282a   282b
Twining, Merrick         282a   282b
Tyhurst, John            162a   162b
Tyhurst, William         157a   157b
Tyler, Amos              319a   319b
Tyler, Erastus           325a   325b
Tyler, George            344a   344b
Tyler, Judson            344a   344b
Ulare?, H.M.             201a   201b
Ullum, Jonah             302a   302b
Umknorn?, Abraham        261a   261b
Underwood, William       225a   225b
Upum, George             386a   386b
Vaaner, Joseph           229a   229b
Vail, Danl.              344a   344b
Vail, John               170a   170b
Vail, Orval              346a   346b
Van Allen, Bogart        262a   262b
Van Allen, Peter         261a   261b
Vanatta, Jeechy          169a   169b
Vanatta, Jesse S.        170a   170b
Vanatta, Nelson          170a   170b
Vanatta, Samuel          167a   167b
V. Buskirk, Catharine    205a   205b
V. Buskirk, William      205a   205b
Van Buskirk, John        194a   194b
Van Buskirk, John        205a   205b
Vance, Benjamin          205a   205b
Vance, Jacob             183a   183b
Vance, Nancy             203a   203b
Vandegrif, Nicholas      159a   159b
Vandevender, Jacob       178a   178b
Vandevender, John        178a   178b
Vandorne, Isaac          325a   325b
Vandorne, Joseph         325a   325b
Van Dyus, John           194a   194b
Vanfopen, Jesse          313a   313b
Vanfopen?, William       311a   311b
Vanfossen, John          317a   317b
Vanhouten, John          338a   338b
Vanhouton, Wm.           352a   352b
Vankirk, Delila          295a   295b
Vanmeter, Abram          366a   366b
Vanmeter, Isaac          374a   374b
Vanosdale, William       384a   384b
Vanse, J.E.              340a   340b
Vanse, Saml.             381a   381b
Vanse, Wm.               368a   368b
Vantoney, Silvester      272a   272b
Van Vleet, John          158a   158b
Vanwinkle, Isaac         252a   252b
Vanwinkle, Martha        254a   254b
Vanwinkle, Moses         253a   253b
Van Winkle, Paul         195a   195b
Vanwinkle, Paul          254a   254b
Vanwinkle, William       254a   254b
Vara, Reuben             182a   182b
Varna, Samuel            251a   251b
Varner, Isaac            243a   243b
Varner, Jacob            265a   265b
Varner, Jonathan         255a   255b
Varner, Peter            251a   251b
Vaughn, Gist             168a   168b
Veech?, Norman           157a   157b
Velson, Abel             181a   181b
Vermillion, Elijah       189a   189b
Vermillion, James H.     208a   208b
Verner, Isaac            229a   229b
Ver Planck, Jonas        205a   205b
Vinning, William         202a   202b
Violet, Eve              361a   361b
Violet, Justus           361a   361b
Virgil, George           341a   341b
Vissora, Robert          156a   156b
Volchman, James          372a   372b
Vondorf, Harrison        163a   163b
The free display of the 1840 Licking County, Ohio census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Debra Stewart and the permission of S-K Publications. 
This index was transcribed by Margaret Pattison

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