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USGenWeb Census Project

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Transcribers Only
~ Moderated ~

Please read: A Transcriber can email a request to be SUBSCRIBED to one of the above email lists. Some of the list subcriptions are MODERATED which means only Transcribers are allowed to subscribe. This is to prevent Researchers from subscribing to the list in order to request census lookups.

All Census Project mail lists are available in LIST mode, where the subscriber receives each post. All of these mail lists (except the Upload Report) are also available in DIGEST mode, where the subscriber receives a digest form of a group of the posts.

Each subscriber will receive an initial welcome email and a monthly reminder from MAILMAN with your Census Subscription information and your individual password. With the URL in the MAILMAN email and your password, you can make changes to some of the options of your subscription such as: changing from list-mode (receiving individual list posts) to digest-mode (receiving an occasional posts that combines a group of individual posts); and temporarily disabling receipt of the list email for while you are on vacation.


The CENSUS UPLOAD REPORT mailing list is an open subscription announcement list. It is mailed several times a month to list the new census transcriptions that have been uploaded to The USGenWeb Census Project's Archives. Only the list owner can post to this list. Subscribers to this list have read-only privileges. You may subscribe yourself to this list.


The CENSUS-CHAT mailing list is for whatever you might want to discuss about censuses, including Lookups. This list was created to prevent lookups and other genealogy questions from being posted to the Census and Census-Cart mailing lists. You may subscribe yourself to this list.


The CENSUS-CART mailing list is for the transcription volunteers who are using the CART program. This list is for CART technical assistance as opposed to questions concerning census transcription procedure. You may subscribe yourself to this list .


The CENSUS list is a mailing list for all Census volunteers. It is a closed, private list where we can discuss transcribing related topics and procedures, ask other volunteers for advice, and to provide a way for the Census Project coordinators to communicate with everyone. All volunteers are subscribed when they join the Census Project and their assignment request is submitted by their Census Project State Assignment Coordinator. You may subscribe yourself to the Census list, however since it is a moderated list, you will receive an email telling you that your request is being forwarded to the owner of the list for approval.


The CP-ISSUES mailing list was created to provide The USGenWeb Census Project membership a place to actively talk about project issues, voice opinions, make suggestions, and/or vent if they feel a need to vent. This list is moderated since it is for the Census Project membership only. You may subscribe yourself to CP-Issues, however since it is a moderated list, you will receive an email telling you that your request is being forwarded to the owner of the list for approval. You may unsubscribe from the list at any time.

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EXAMPLE "Smith, John"


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