San Bernardino, CA 1930 Federal Census TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES to 1930 California, San Bernardino County ================================================================================================== UPLAND TOWNSHIP - EDs: 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, and 124 ================================================================================================== 1. Some of the handwriting for Upland City is very sloppy. The e, u, i, m, n and r characters all look much alike. Many names are open to interpretation. In a name such as Bodenheur, only the B, d, and r are legible, and even the r is questionable. James appears to be spelled as Jame with no s. 2. A number of the "Yes" entries in Columns #16, 17 & 18 were crossed out by the enumerator for no apparent reason. These Yes entries were transcribed as they should have been. ================================================================================================== ONTARIO TOWNSHIP - EDs: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 ================================================================================================== 1. Some of the entries in ED #36-40, beginning with Page #155A, are written very small and difficult to read. The biggest problem is that the letter m is written as n. An example is Williams is written as Willians, Williamson as Willianson, Mary as Nary. 2. Many entries in ED #36-41 thru 36-45 are crossed out and corrected. Very difficult to read and decipher. ==================================================================================================