COLORADO 1880 Mortality Census (File 8 of 16) This Mortality Census combines all of the enumerated counties in existence in COLORADO during the 1880 Federal Census Enumeration. The counties in this census were transcribed by April Phillips and Marsha Thompson and proofread by Pamela Myers-Grewell, Veda Mendoza, and Glenda Thompson for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2005 by April Phillips and Marsha Thompson ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census-Year 1880 State COLORADO County Arapahoe, Bent, Boulder, Chaffee, Clear Creek, Conejos, Costilla, Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Elbert, Fremont, Gilpin, Grand, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Jefferson, La Plata, Lake, Larimer, Las Animas, Ouray, Park, Pueblo, Rio Grande, Routt, Saguachi, San Juan, Summit and Weld SCHEDULE 5.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880 The 1880 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1879 and ends May 31, 1880 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= | | | |FATHER's |MOTHER's | | | | | | |Place where family resided |Place where death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION|FILE ENUM |ENUMERATION |TRANSCRIBER'S LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME |AGE |SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D|BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |OCCUPATION |DIED |CAUSE OF DEATH |RESIDENT |OTHER-PLACE |PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH|COUNTY |PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM#|TOWN/PRECINCT |REMARKS ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Ilze Carmalita 42 F Mex . X . New Mexico New Mexico New Mexico . Sept Dropsy 1 at this place Dr Brown . . . . . . . . Costilla 3 2 2 30 159 Ute Creek . Imessey Emerson P 40 M W . . X Mass Mass Mass Carpener June Consumption 1 year Mass Willson . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 25 1 3 19 . (none listed) . Infant (no name) . M W . . . . . . . . Diarrhea . . . Rosita Custer Colo . . . . . Custer 1 50 23 34 . (none listed) . Ingales L B 25 M W . . . . . . Farmer July Diphtheria . . J S Bancroft . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 28 . 6 . . (none listed) SD1. Last name could be Ingalls Ingersol Curtis 57 M W . x . NY Don't Know Don’t Know Farmer Feb Insanity 13 . Dr Buckingham . . . . . . . . Douglas 1 1 17 38 229 (none listed) . Ingersoll D. L. 46 M W . x . . . . . Aug Consumption 3 mos . D. J. Hawes . . . . . . . . Weld 2 1 15 109 227 Greeley . Inglehart George 37 M W . . . . . . Real Est Broker Apr Consumption . . A Diederichs . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 28 . 14 . . (none listed) . Ink Hettie 3 f w x . . Colo Pa Ill . May Scarlet Fever 3 . Dr. Christie . . . . . . . . Pueblo 3 1 31 94 540 (none listed) . Innes Esther J. 30 F W . x . Penn Penn Penn Keeps House Sept Consumption 5 Penn Jas Ennis . . . . . . . . Weld 3 1 2 110 . (none listed) . Irdinger Phillip 30 M W . X . Penna . . Laborer Feb 20 Typhoid fever . . H S Lemese* . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 6 4 11 3 . Denver . Isker Lillie 2 f w x . . England England Eng . May Diptheria 1/12 . none . . . . . . . . Pueblo 3 1 26 94 513 (none listed) . Isker Mary 4 f w x . . England England Eng . May Diptheria 1/12 . none . . . . . . . . Pueblo 3 1 25 94 513 (none listed) . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= | | | |FATHER's |MOTHER's | | | | | | |Place where family resided |Place where death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION|FILE ENUM |ENUMERATION |TRANSCRIBER'S LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME |AGE |SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D|BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |OCCUPATION |DIED |CAUSE OF DEATH |RESIDENT |OTHER-PLACE |PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH|COUNTY |PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM#|TOWN/PRECINCT |REMARKS ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Jackson Leah 74 f w . . x N.J. N.Y. N.Y. . May Dropsy 6 . . . . . . . . . . Fremont 2 1 30 47 370 Dist Lying S of Ark River . Jackson William T 9/12 M W X . . New York Sweden Sweden . April Brain fever . . Tr**one Dr . . . Brooklyn Kings New York . . Arapahoe 12 1 10 8 . Denver . Jacobs Benjamin 20 M W . . . . . . Student Febry Consumption . . T G Horn . . . . . . . . El Paso 3 3 14 42 PR Colorado Springs . Jacobs Chas 34 M W . . . . . . Soldier Febry Pneumonia . . J Morris Brown . . . . . . . . Costilla 2 1 15 30 PR Zapato . Jacobs Emily 1 F W . . . Colo Maine NM . Apl Effects of Measles . . . . . . . . . . . Conejos 2 . 5 28 710 (none listed) . James Eliza J 22 F W . x . Iowa NY Indiana Keeping House Jan Child Bed Fever 5 . Dr Buctell . . . . . . . . Douglas 1 1 2 38 60 (none listed) . James Walte C 3 m w . . . California Vermont Ohio . April Measles 9/12 Las Vegas NM . . . . Las Vegas San Miguel Co N.M. . . Fremont 2 1 21 47 219 Dist Lying S of Ark River . Janes W R, Mrs 30 F W . X . . . . House wife Feby Congestion of brain . . T G Horn . . . . . . . . El Paso 3 3 11 42 PR Colorado Springs . Jarvis Dora 1 F W X . . Colorado East Canada Ill . May Diphtheria 1 . . . . . . . . . . Custer 5 . 2 33 77 Wet Mountain Valley . Jastrem George B 66 M W . X . Rhode Island R Island R Island . Nov Congestion of the lungs . . L E Lemen . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 1 7 4 35 65 (none listed) . Jastrem Mary A 65 F W . X . Rhode Island R Island R Island . Nov Congestion of the lungs . . L E Lemen . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 1 7 5 35 65 (none listed) . Jay Harvey 7 m w x . . Iowa Ind Ind . June Typhoid fever 1 Fremont Co Dr Lewis . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 25 46 253 (none listed) . Jay M A 2 f w . . . Colorado Indiana Penn . Jany Whooping Cough 1 yr . Dr Lass . . . . . . . . Lake 1 . 9 73 300 Leadville . Jefrey Leon 10/12 m w . . . New York New York New York . August Cholera Infantum 6 Fremont Co J L Prentiss . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 1 46 6 (none listed) . Jefts Gertrude 1/12 F W X . . Nebraska Mass Canada . Oct Pneumonia 2 weeks . . . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 21 1 9 16 141 Denver Parents moved from Lincoln Neb to Sedalia Mo when child was 3 wks old. Contracted pneumonis in Sedalia. Jenkins Mildred 4/12 F W X . . Colo Penn Ind . July Diarrhea 4/12 Colo T G Horn . . . . . . . . El Paso 2 2 12 43 1** Colorado Springs . Jenkins S J 40 m w . . . American . . Labor March Parylysis . . Meiere J E . . . . . . . . Lake 10 3 14 83 218 Leadville . Jennerson Liza 18 f w x . . Missouri Ten Ten . April 16 Consumption 6 . Zinders . . . . . . . . Jefferson 4 1 11 64 . (none listed) . Jew Charles F 24 m w x . . Mass . . . March Typhoid fever (Pneumonia) . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 17 . 12 892 . (none listed) . Joe Joseph 24 m w x . . Penn . . . March Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . Fremont 5 2 35 110 . (none listed) . Joel Martha W (32) f w . x . Ills (Ills) (Ills) Keeping House June Puerperal fever 5 Fremont Co Dr Lewis . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 18 46 212 (none listed) . Johnson Alfred 2 m w x . . Colo . . . Apr Scarlet fever . . E M Harpel . . . . . . . . Fremont 1 3 14 46 PR Canon City . Johnson Charles R 2 m w x . . Tenn Africa Ky . March Pneumonia 6/12 Fremont Co Dr Palmer . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 29 46 274 (none listed) . Johnson Christian 21 m w x . . Denmark Denmark Denmark Laborer Feby Dropsey 3 Denmark Richmond . . . . . . . . Gilpin 1 1 14 50 312 the City of Black Hawk . Johnson Evaline 3 F W x . . Colo Pen Pen . May Diptharia . . Dr. Moore . . . . . . . . Saquache 1 . 12 101 . Precinct 5 . Johnson H 32 m w . . . Norway . . Miner April Sore Eyes . . Meere . . . . . . . . Lake 10 3 10 83 218 Leadville . Johnson Herbert 8/12 M W x . . Colorado Penn Canada . Dec Congestion of brain 8/12 . W R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder 1 1 35 25 . Boulder . Johnson Isabelle 52 F W . X . KY Md Md Keeping house Feb Rhumatism of the heart 8/12 years Colo Strickler . . . . . . . . El Paso 4 3 7 45 149 Fountain . Johnson J 40 m w . . . Ireland . . Miner Nov Pneumonia . . not known . . . . . . . . Lake 9 2 2 83 218 Leadville . Johnson J H 19 M W X . . American . . worked on RR June Pneumonia 24 hrs Summit Co Colorado Blickensderfer . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 22 2 1 16 . Denver * Joseph's Home is written in upper left corner underneath the County name. Johnson Jas. H. 48 M W . x . Mass Mass Mass Tanner Jne Dropsy . . . . . . . . . . . Weld 2 1 8 109 76 Greeley . Johnson John 28 M W . . . . . . Miner Oct Typhoid Fever . . F Hartman . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 2 38 30 112 PR Georgetown . Johnson L. M. 5 F W x . . Chero Nat Pen Pen . May Diptharia . . Dr. Moore . . . . . . . . Saquache 1 . 11 101 . Precinct 5 . Johnson M N 10 m w x . . Ill Sweden Sweden . March Heart Disease 7 . Dr Kelly . . . . . . . . Jefferson 1 1 20 62 . Golden . Johnson M. P. 2 f mx x . . Colorado NM NM . Jan fever . . none . . . . . . . . Las Animas 6 2 3 69 351 Precincts Nos. 11 & 16 . Johnson Mary 3 F W X . . New York Sweden Sweden . December diptheria 2 . Hart Dr . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 12 1 11 8 . Denver . Johnson Nelson 23 m w x . . Canada . . . Febr Murdered . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 16 . 16 291 . (none listed) . Johnson Robert 20 m b x . . Virginia . . . Febr Accidental Gun Shot . . . . . . . . . . . LaPlata 1 . 12 9 . (none listed) . Johnson Sidney 33 f w . x . Ky Ky Ky . Feb Cerebro Spinal fever 5/12 Fremont Co Dr Palmer . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 28 46 274 (none listed) . Johnson Theodore 33 m w . x . Sweden Sweden Sweden Carpenter Nov Diseae of the Kidneys 1 . Dr Fowler . . . . . . . . Lake 3 1 5 78 211 Leadville . Johnston Mary 6 f w x . . Colo . . . Aug Measles . . J T Lewis . . . . . . . . Fremont 1 3 12 46 PR Canon City . Johnstone Edward W 40 M W . X . Kentucky Scotland Kentucky Merchant April Pneumonia 7 . Dr Stedman . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 16 1 23 11 197 Denver . Jones . 30 m w . . . . . . . May Pneumonia . . E B Appleget . . . . . . . . Gunnison 2 1 1 51 . Pitkin . Jones A H 42 m w . . . . . . Laborer May Consumption . . E M Harpel . . . . . . . . Fremont 1 3 3 46 PR Canon City . Jones Albert M 2 m w x . . Colorado N.Y. N.Y. . April Measles 2 . none . . . . . . . . Pueblo 3 1 9 94 252 (none listed) . Jones David J 42 m w x . . Wales Wales Wales Miner Jany Pneumonia 7 . Tolles . . . . . . . . Gilpin 3 2 32 50 586 Russell District . Jones E 94 F W . X . . . . Housekeeper Jany Acute Bronchitis . . W M Strickler . . . . . . . . El Paso 3 3 22 42 PR Colorado Springs . Jones Edward 40 M W . X . England Engld France . Sept 1879 Tyhphoid Fever . . cannot remember name of physician . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 23 1 16 17 355 Denver . Jones Georgie H 9 M W X . . Colo Ind Mo . Feb Diptheria 9 Colo Combs and Benbow . . . . . . . . El Paso 2 2 11 43 120 Colorado Springs . Jones Jno D 50 m w . x . Wales . . . May Pneumonia . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 17 . 36 141 . (none listed) . Jones John A 35 m w . . . . . . . Dec Pneumonia . . N R Tanner . . . . . . . . Fremont 3 . 12 . . (none listed) . Jones Lollie F 22 F W . x . MO MO MO Keeping House Dec Puerperal fever 2 . Dr Latimer . . . . . . . . Douglas 1 1 10 38 120 (none listed) . Jones Lydia 23 F W . / . Illinois Ohio Indiana Keeping house April Pneumonia 6/12 . Philips, G. W. . . . . . . . . Bent 1 1 19 20 . (none listed) . Jones Olive 4 f w x . . Colo . . . Jany Diphtheria . . W. A. E. DeBegue . . . . . . . . Park 1 1 24 93 . Alma . Jones Thomas 21 M W / . . Tennesse Virginia . Cattle Herder January Typhoid fever . . O'Neal, F. B. . . . . . . . . Bent 1 1 2 20 . (none listed) . Jordan Andrew 31 m w . x . N.Y. . . . April Cong of Lungs . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 17 . 8 6 . (none listed) . Jordan John B. 72 M W . x . Canada . . . Nov Typhoid fever . . . . . . . . . . . Weld 3 1 35 110 . (none listed) . Joseph Annie 17 F W X . . Wales Wales Wales . Oct Inflamation Bowells 1 yr here Allen M Murton . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 3 1 14 37 289 Idaho Springs . Julius Edward 1 m w x . . Pennsylvania England England . Nov Pneumonia 1/12 . Drs Collins & Eyer . . . . . . . . Lake 3 1 24 78 . Leadville . Justin Philip 32 m w . x . N.Y. . . . Apr Killed by Tree . . . . . . . . . . . Park 2 . 8 96 . (none listed) . Justin Philip 32 m w . x . New York . . Laborer April Fallin of a tree 2/12 Breckenridge Manly & Hendricks . . . . . . . . Summit 1 1 8 106 372 Breckenridge . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= | | | |FATHER's |MOTHER's | | | | | | |Place where family resided |Place where death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION|FILE ENUM |ENUMERATION |TRANSCRIBER'S LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME |AGE |SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D|BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |BIRTH-PLACE |OCCUPATION |DIED |CAUSE OF DEATH |RESIDENT |OTHER-PLACE |PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH|COUNTY |PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM#|TOWN/PRECINCT |REMARKS ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Kasserman S D 46 M W . . . Switzerland Switz Switz . Dec Shot . . . . . . . . . . . Conejos 1 1 13 28 403 (none listed) . Kaufenmaw* C 22 M W X . . Iowa . . Laborer Aug 20 Typhoid fever 1/12 Denver H A Leme* . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 5 3 11 3 . Denver last name could be Kaufenman or similar Kaufman Chas 45 m w . x . Wurtenberg Wurtenbg Wurtenbg Butcher May Pneumonia 9/12 . C. E. Edwards . . . . . . . . Ouray 2 1 1 92 90 Rico . Keavlin . 1 m w . . . Col Ireland Ireland . Nov Bronchitis Acute . . V R Lanner . . . . . . . . Fremont 1 3 22 46 . Canon City . Keef Willie 11 M W . . . Colorado Ireland England . Oct Diptheria 9 . Charles Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder 7 1 13 23 382 (none listed) . Keele George 27 m w . . . American . . Clerk March Pneumonia . . not known . . . . . . . . Lake 10 3 19 83 218 Leadville . Keffer Frank 24 M W X . . Iowa . . Blacksmith Sept Pneumonia . . Dr Stedman . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 11 12 6 7 . (none listed) . Kellat B 60 m w . . . Ireland . . Miner Jan Pneumonia . . not known . . . . . . . . Lake 9 2 24 83 218 Leadville . Kelley Charles 1 m w x . . Kansas Ohio Indiana . May Diptheria Never . . . . . . . . . . Larimer 2 . 3 71 49 (none listed) . Kelley Ira 4 m w x . . Neb Ohio Indiana . July Diphtheria Never . Dr Butler, Farsbury, Neb . . . . . . . . Larimer 2 . 2 71 49 (none listed) . Kelley Jessee 3/12 f w x . . Fremont Co Va Tenn . August Inflamation of Brain . Fremont Co Thos Patten . . . . . . . . Fremont 4 1 5 46 39 (none listed) . Kelley Michael J 53 M W . . . . . . Merchant May Cong' of Brain . . W Z Camp . . . . . . . . Custer 1 50 26 34 PR (none listed) . Kelley Thomas 27 m w . . . . . . Miner Apr Shot . . Henry Cook . . . . . . . . Lake 1 . 19 73 . Leadville . Kellog Fannie B 79 F W . . . Mass . . Housekeeper Dec Old Age . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder 1 1 36 25 . Boulder . Kellogg Chas 55 M W . X . NY NY NY Ship Carpener Mch Conges of Lungs 1 . Dr F J Brancroft . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 3 1 26 3 268 Denver . Kellogg Louise 1 F W X . . Col Mich Ohio . Dec Cholera Infant . . Dr F J Brancroft . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 3 1 33 3 310 Denver . Kellogg William 15 M W X . . Michigan England England . April Pneumonia . . . . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 16 1 17 11 24 Denver . Kelly Walter J 14/30 M W X . . Colorado Mass O . January Inflamation of Bowels 14/30 . Stedman A Dr . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 12 1 19 8 . Denver . Kelsey Alisa 26 f w . x . Maine Maine Maine Keeping House Dec Puerperal fever l l R E Smith . . . . . . . . Fremont 2 1 16 47 163 Dist Lying S of Ark River . Kelso Ethel 7/12 F W X . . Colorado Missouri Canada . October Thra unknown** . . Bradley . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 1 7 15 35 251 (none listed) . Kelso Eze* 20 F W . X . Canada Canada Canada . August Spinal Menagitis 1 . Bradley . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 1 7 14 35 251 (none listed) first name could be Kee or Ree Kemp Augusta 29 f w . x . Sweden Sweden Sweden . Mar Convulsions . . Edmonson . . . . . . . . Gilpin 3 2 14 50 382 Nevadaville . Kemp Louisa 1 f w x . . Colo England Sweden . May Congestion of Brain . . Edmonson & Tolles . . . . . . . . Gilpin 3 2 15 50 383 Nevadaville . Kempf Rosie 11 F W X . . Wisc Germany Germany . May Scarlet Fever 7 . Detrich Dr . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 14 . 3 9 . Denver . Kempton Belle 26 F W . . . . . . . June Brain Inf of . . A Stedman . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 27 . 25 . . (none listed) . Kendall John J 35 M W . X . Mass . . Expressonoen March 18 Pul Consumption . . H S Lemese* . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 6 4 16 3 . Denver . Kennedy John 24 M W X . . NY . . Laborer Nov 28 Cholaemia . . H A Leme* . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 5 3 32 3 . Denver . Kennings G E 5 M W X . . Mich NY NY . Mch Pneumonia 1 . Dr F J Brancroft . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 3 1 14 3 171 Denver . Kentch Robert 40 m w x . . Saxony . . . Oct Accidental death . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 18 . 16 166 . (none listed) . Kentuckian . 35 M W . . . Ky . . . Mar Scar*t*rea Malig** . died at Ho*te* Dr Hart . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 16 1 36 11 . Denver . Keppner Walter 1 M W X . . Ill Ill Ohio . March Diptheria . . Dr Elsner . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 26 . 1 2 1 (none listed) . Kerr John David 8 M W x . . Colorado Kentucky Ireland At school May Diptheria 8 . Dodge H O . . . . . . . . Boulder 6 35 20 24 224 Enum Dist No 24 . Kerrin William 3 M W X . . Wis Ireland Canada . Jan Scarlet Fever 20 . Dr Elsner . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 3 1 32 3 304 Denver . Kesney Monte 3/12 M W x . . Texas Indiana Kentucky . Dec Cold on Lungs . Texas none . . . Wills Point Vanzdant Texas . . Elbert 1 1 3 40 29 North and East of K P R W this line appears as crossed out Kessner J J 36 M W X . . Illinois Tenn Tenn Gardener Jan Consumption 2 Illinois Bancroft F J . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 21 1 12 16 173 Denver . Kettle Amanda 7/12 F W . . . Colorado England England . March Eresypelas . . Dr D Y K Deering . . . . . . . . Custer 4 2 4 32 9 Ula . Kettle Edward A 1 M W . . . Colorado England England . June Whooping Cough . . Dr D Y K Deering . . . . . . . . Custer 4 2 3 32 9 Ula . Kibber Harold 23 M W x . . Mich Vt Vt R.R. Clerk Feb Pul. Consumption 6 M Mich Dr. Scott Port Huron St Clair Mich . . . . . Weld 1 2 2 109 4*4 (none listed) . Kibber Harry 23 M W x . . Mich . . . Feb ???? . . . . . . W. River Agency Grand Colo . . Weld 2 1 38 109 . Greeley Entire line CROSSED-OUT Killes Maud 2/12 f w . . . Colorado N.B. N.B. . Sept Consumption 2/12 . Cook & Bales . . . . . . . . Lake 8 1 9 83 303 Leadville . Killes R 26 f w . x . New Brunswick N.B. N.B. Keeping house Sept Consumption 1 Maine Cook & Bales . . . . . . . . Lake 8 1 8 83 303 Leadville . Killovan Joe (22) m w . . . Ireland Ireland Ireland Clerk July Shot 1 . Cook . . . . . . . . Lake 6 . 6 81 . Leadville . Kimball Edward 27 m w x . . Indiana . . . April Pneumonia . . . . . . . . . . . Lake 16 . 8 110 . (none listed) . Kincaid Catharine 58 F W . . . . . . Housekeeper Nov Erysipelas . . Z B Sawyer . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 5 . 17 36 . (none listed) . Kincaid Catharine 60 f w . x . Va . . . Nov Erisipilas of throat . . . . . . . . . . . Gilpin 2 3 23 8 . (none listed) . Kincaid* Catharine 60 F W . X . Virginia Germany Germany . November Crofelas* of Throat 6 . not known . . . N Downelville Gilpin Colorado . . Arapahoe 12 1 25 8 . Denver line appears crossed out. Enumerator may have meant "Scrofula of throat" Kindle F L (32) M W X . . Ind Germany Germany Farmer Mch Consumption 1 (Ind) Dr Anderson B P . . . . . . . . El Paso 2 2 2 43 13 Colorado Springs . King Catherine D 63 F W . X . Canada Vermont Vermont . Jan Consumption 19 . L E Lemen . . . . . . . . Clear Creek 1 7 6 35 103 (none listed) . King Henry 54 m w . x . Conn Conn Conn Tailor Dec Bridhts S-of-K 6 Near Denver Had none . . . . . . . . Grand 1 1 5 48 12 Middle Park . King John J A 54 M W . . . . . . . Jany Pneumonia . . M E Wilson . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 27 . 26 . . (none listed) . King Mary 38 F W . x . Ohio . . Housekeepg Febry Child birth 14 . Dodge H O . . . . . . . . Boulder 6 35 6 24 1* Enum Dist No 24 . Kingsley Janett 22 F W X . . Ill Conn NY . Nov Typhoid fever 1 . Whales Dr Normal McLean Ill . . . . . Arapahoe 20 1 11 15 1*5 Denver . Kinney Bertram 1 m w x . . Colorado Canada Colorado . May Inflamation of Bowels 1 . Had none . . . . . . . . Grand 1 1 3 48 4 Middle Park . Kinney Matilda 8 f w x . . Colorado Canada Germany . Jan Diphtheria 5 . Had none . . . . . . . . Grand 1 1 1 48 2 Middle Park . Kinney Rosa 7 f w x . . Colorado Canada Germany . Jan Diphtheria 5 . Had none . . . . . . . . Grand 1 1 2 48 2 Middle Park . Kinney Willie 1 M W X . . Boulder Colo NY City Pa . Sept Inflamation of Bowels 6/12 . McDonald J J . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 14 . 1 9 . Denver . Kinnsey Mary E. 4 F W . . . Colo Ills Ills . Dec Membraneous Croup 4 . T. C. Caldwell . . . . . . . . Weld 3 1 10 110 . (none listed) . Kinsey James 22 m w . . . American . . Laborer April Pneumonia . . Meiere J E . . . . . . . . Lake 10 3 34 83 218 Leadville . Kirkbride Geo C 2 M W . . . MO England Ireland . Dec Remittant Fever 1 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder 7 1 4 23 146 (none listed) . Kittroge E F 30 M W X . . Mass Mass Mass Ranchman July Sunstroke 10/30 Hugs Colo Blickensderfer . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 22 2 5 16 . Denver . Kitty Chas 43 m w . . . Ireland . . Miner Dec Pneumonia . . not known . . . . . . . . Lake 9 2 13 83 218 Leadville . Klaiber Christian C 21 M W X . . Illinois Wurtemb Wurtemb Tinsmith May Stomach Dis 2 . * . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 16 1 8 11 73 Denver . Klaiber Mary 23 F W X . . Ohio Wurtemb Wurtemb at home Sept Consumption 1 . Dr Treat . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 16 1 7 11 73 Denver . Klee Catharince 7 F W x . . Penn Germany Ireland . Feb Diptheria 3/12 . King and Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder 6 35 18 24 193 Enum Dist No 24 . Knight Eminie 12 F W X . . Mich Mich NY . June Diptheria 5 . J M Walker . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 17 1 5 12 114 Denver . Komero Mois 6 m w x . . Colo . . . Oct fever . . . . . . . . . . . Rio Grande 1 1 21 98 . Del Norte . Kountze Anna 12 F W . . . Colorado New York Ireland . Dec Dyptheria 12 . None . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 1 1 27 1 311 Denver . Krell Cathrine 51 F W . X . Prussia Prussia Prussia . Feb Consumption 33 Penn Elsner . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 1 1 12 1 182 Denver Enumerator's remark: did not treat, John Elsner Krueger William 55 m w . x . Micklenburg Micklenburg Micklenburg Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Larimer 3 1 20 72 272 Precincts 4,6,8 and 9 This entire line was scratched out. Krugor Mary F 5 f 1/2 mx . . . Colorado Mo N.M. . Oct Diptheria . . M. Beshoar . . . . . . . . Las Animas 7 1 23 66 358 Trinidad . Kruse Charles 3/12 M W X . . Iowa Iowa Iowa . April Teething . . Elsner . . . Dubuque Dubuque Iowa . . Arapahoe 18 1 9 13 92 Denver . Kruse H P 23 M W X . . Mo . . . Nov 5 Typhoid fever . Denver H A Leme* . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 5 3 27 3 . Denver . Kruse Peter F 24* M W X . . Colo . . . April Enteritis . . D G Wohlyesinger . . . . . . . . Arapahoe 28 . 24 . . (none listed) age listed as 24 and 30, not sure which is correct Kuatsor John 25 M W X . . Iowa . . Miner May Inflamation of brain 6/12 . E T Shoemaker . . . . . . . . Custer 3 . 21 33 67 the town of Silver Cliff last name could be Knatsor