Smith, TN 1830 1830 Federal Census (INDEX) This Census was transcribed by Roy Markham and proofread by Sylvia Markham for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2000 by Roy Markham ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== This census transcription was done with an S-K Publications CD. The donation of the 1830 Smith County, Tennessee, Census images for permanent, free display in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Charles Gregory & the permission of S-K Publications. The images are also available on CD in a higher-quality format than the on-line .GIF files (which were reduced when they were converted to .GIF files for the Web) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208-0173. ( ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY LAST NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE NAME COLUMN. =========================================================================== PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE NAME ================================================ 92 3 Aarmoch May pg0089.txt 67 1 Achison John pg0065.txt 124 21 Acuff Henry pg0113.txt 113 11 Adam Sarah pg0113.txt 57 4 Adams Aaron L. pg0053.txt 81 17 Adams Aron pg0077.txt 94 10 Adams Daniel pg0089.txt 84 12 Adams Danl. pg0077.txt 66 10 Adams Elijah pg0065.txt 62 4 Adams Francis pg0053.txt 96 1 Adams Heny pg0089.txt 109 21 Adams Jacob pg0101.txt 56 24 Adams John pg0053.txt 57 1 Adams John pg0053.txt 65 20 Adams Leroy P. pg0065.txt 94 12 Adams Mathew pg0089.txt 56 23 Adams Soloman pg0053.txt 71 14 Adamson Willis pg0065.txt 45 18 Adcock Flemstead pg0041.txt 111 8 Adcock James pg0101.txt 54 8 Adkinson Elias pg0053.txt 118 5 Age Ephraim pg0113.txt 118 6 Age Jonathan pg0113.txt 104 21 Alexander Harmon pg0101.txt 103 5 Alexander Harmon H. pg0101.txt 103 6 Alexander Hezekiah M. pg0101.txt 33 26 Alexander James pg0029.txt 72 11 Alexander Moses pg0065.txt 65 23 Alexander Rachael pg0065.txt 104 20 Alexander Reubin pg0101.txt 37 12 Alexander Richard pg0029.txt 72 10 Alexander Thos. H. pg0065.txt 88 13 Allard James pg0077.txt 107 23 Allen Andrew pg0101.txt 109 17 Allen Andrew pg0101.txt 60 15 Allen Grant pg0053.txt 107 21 Allen Hezekiah pg0101.txt 110 20 Allen Isaac pg0101.txt 96 22 Allen Jno. W. pg0089.txt 120 19 Allen John pg0113.txt 70 21 Allen Major pg0065.txt 122 7 Allen Miles pg0113.txt 75 2 Allen Moses pg0065.txt 40 15 Allen Robert pg0029.txt 51 4 Allen Robert pg0041.txt 70 23 Allen Thos. pg0065.txt 98 7 Allen William pg0089.txt 60 17 Allin Thomas pg0053.txt 31 24 Allison Alexander pg0029.txt 59 7 Allison Isaac pg0053.txt 124 4 Allman William pg0113.txt 75 4 Allman William B. pg0065.txt 107 7 Allnip Benjamin pg0101.txt 113 16 Alman Wilis pg0113.txt 38 17 Alvis Charles pg0029.txt 116 18 Alvis Charles pg0113.txt 115 15 Amonite Jacob pg0113.txt 87 15 Amonite Parker pg0077.txt 115 14 Amonite Parker pg0113.txt 119 1 Anderson Andrew pg0113.txt 93 4 Anderson Geo. W. pg0089.txt 70 4 Anderson Mathew pg0065.txt 115 2 Anderson Thomas pg0113.txt 45 20 Andrews Benjamin pg0041.txt 55 25 Andrews Drury pg0053.txt 60 23 Andrews Goodrich pg0053.txt 53 21 Andrews John pg0053.txt 88 21 Andrews Samuel pg0077.txt 66 19 Apperson Anthony pg0065.txt 111 7 Apple Anthony pg0101.txt 119 13 Apple Anthony pg0113.txt 111 10 Apple Milton pg0101.txt 45 9 Archer William pg0041.txt 121 4 Arent Thomas pg0113.txt 34 3 Armistead Anderson A pg0029.txt 124 18 Armstead Thaddeus pg0113.txt 32 23 Armstead Will M. pg0029.txt 95 21 Armsted Geo. W. pg0089.txt 121 14 Armstrong Henry pg0113.txt 119 20 Armstrong John pg0113.txt 51 22 Armstrong John B. pg0041.txt 87 25 Arnett William pg0077.txt 56 19 Arnold Daniel pg0053.txt 57 6 Arnold Joseph pg0053.txt 70 18 Arnold Richd. pg0065.txt 45 22 Asker Phily pg0041.txt 54 9 Atcherson Jno. W. pg0053.txt 38 10 Atkins Presly pg0029.txt 55 7 Austin Charles pg0053.txt 105 4 Austin John pg0101.txt 64 1 Austin Levi pg0053.txt 71 15 Avent Benjamin pg0065.txt 79 1 Bagwell Allen pg0077.txt 119 22 Bailey Jonathan pg0113.txt 125 5 Bailey Wyatt W pg0113.txt 117 15 Bailiff John pg0113.txt 117 6 Bailiff Thomas pg0113.txt 125 7 Baily William pg0113.txt 46 21 Baily William B. pg0041.txt 32 1 Bains Samuel pg0029.txt 81 2 Baird Andrew pg0077.txt 115 25 Baird Josiah pg0113.txt 117 2 Baker George pg0113.txt 50 2 Baker Jacob pg0041.txt 83 13 Baker John pg0077.txt 84 6 Baker John pg0077.txt 92 22 Ballard John pg0089.txt 106 24 Ballard Rebecca pg0101.txt 39 17 Ballow James pg0029.txt 87 24 Ballow L. D. pg0077.txt 87 22 Ballow Leonard pg0077.txt 53 20 Bandy Lewis pg0053.txt 78 4 Bandy Richard pg0077.txt 84 25 Bandy Thos. pg0077.txt 61 8 Banks Frances pg0053.txt 42 18 Banks Swail pg0041.txt 55 2 Barber Edward pg0053.txt 55 3 Barber John pg0053.txt 55 4 Barber Lewis pg0053.txt 86 2 Barker Caleb pg0077.txt 86 6 Barker Wm. L. pg0077.txt 40 26 Barkley John pg0029.txt 62 17 Barkly Lilly pg0053.txt 98 22 Barks Henry pg0089.txt 98 23 Barks Saml. pg0089.txt 57 11 Barksdale Hickerson pg0053.txt 42 16 Barnet Elizabeth pg0041.txt 122 18 Barnett Fletcher pg0113.txt 116 25 Barnett James pg0113.txt 122 17 Barnett William pg0113.txt 120 12 Barrett James pg0113.txt 30 2 Basket William pg0029.txt 112 7 Bates Isaac pg0101.txt 103 10 Batton Darnel pg0101.txt 73 17 Baty James pg0065.txt 72 3 Bayne Martha pg0065.txt 100 23 Baynes Alexander pg0089.txt 69 23 Beal Sarah pg0065.txt 63 17 Bean Enoch pg0053.txt 112 6 Bean George pg0101.txt 30 23 Bean Henry pg0029.txt 63 16 Bean John pg0053.txt 63 20 Bean Peter pg0053.txt 52 16 Bean Richard pg0041.txt 46 10 Beasley Asa pg0041.txt 46 20 Beasley Gabriel D. pg0041.txt 61 3 Beasley Isham pg0053.txt 60 2 Beasley Major pg0053.txt 46 11 Beasley Sterling pg0041.txt 39 20 Beasly Braddock pg0029.txt 37 14 Beasly Ellis pg0029.txt 32 3 Beasly Henry pg0029.txt 73 16 Beath James pg0065.txt 97 14 Beaver Jesse pg0089.txt 105 12 Beck William pg0101.txt 103 21 Beck Winston pg0101.txt 29 5 Beckwith James pg0029.txt 71 23 Beckwith Thos. pg0065.txt 30 17 Belfour John pg0029.txt 30 3 Belk Jeremiah pg0029.txt 116 9 Bell George pg0113.txt 123 1 Bell George pg0113.txt 116 10 Bell Saml. pg0113.txt 111 2 Bellow Elizabeth pg0101.txt 105 13 Bellow Susan pg0101.txt 103 17 Belton Elizabeth pg0101.txt 86 20 Bennate Wm. pg0077.txt 72 4 Bennett Asa pg0065.txt 75 7 Bennett Benjamin pg0065.txt 75 9 Bennett Henry pg0065.txt 75 16 Bennett John M. pg0065.txt 72 6 Bennett Joseph pg0065.txt 72 14 Bennett Nancy pg0065.txt 75 19 Bennett Richard pg0065.txt 75 24 Bennett William pg0065.txt 50 18 Bennett William T. pg0041.txt 60 24 Benson John R. pg0053.txt 36 20 Berry John pg0029.txt 113 24 Berry John pg0113.txt 100 25 Bethel Tilman pg0089.txt 109 3 Betty Wm. pg0101.txt 29 24 Bigalow Luther pg0029.txt 124 23 Binian Martin pg0113.txt 55 1 Binnion Martin pg0053.txt 67 2 Binyard Francis pg0065.txt 121 7 Birchet Edward pg0113.txt 98 15 Birdwit Richd. pg0089.txt 29 11 Bishop Joseph pg0029.txt 113 25 Bishop Nathaniel pg0113.txt 117 5 Bishop Sarah pg0113.txt 105 11 Bittney Matthew pg0101.txt 88 11 Black Samuel pg0077.txt 35 18 Blackwell Elizabeth pg0029.txt 89 20 Blackwell John S. pg0089.txt 100 17 Blades Benjamin pg0089.txt 124 13 Blades Jacob pg0113.txt 60 11 Blankenship Armistead pg0053.txt 78 7 Blankenship Barnet pg0077.txt 54 20 Blankenship Hezekiah pg0053.txt 54 19 Blankenship Isom pg0053.txt 78 6 Blankenship Jesse pg0077.txt 78 3 Blankenship John pg0077.txt 54 18 Blankenship Rhoda pg0053.txt 84 17 Blate Benjamin pg0077.txt 108 14 Blue David pg0101.txt 72 12 Blythe Jane pg0065.txt 63 21 Bodin George pg0053.txt 67 4 Boomer James J. pg0065.txt 50 5 Boorman Robert pg0041.txt 80 12 Boston Andrew pg0077.txt 80 13 Boston Christian pg0077.txt 80 11 Boston George pg0077.txt 48 9 Boswell James pg0041.txt 72 7 Botts Wm. pg0065.txt 119 16 Bouchee Sydney pg0113.txt 34 12 Boulton Elizabeth pg0029.txt 123 26 Boulton James pg0113.txt 33 20 Boulton Moses pg0029.txt 123 25 Boulton Wilson pg0113.txt 32 17 Bowen Martha P pg0029.txt 123 23 Boze Hardy pg0113.txt 92 10 Bradford Alexd. pg0089.txt 122 6 Bradford B.B. pg0113.txt 125 13 Bradford D. M. pg0113.txt 121 12 Bradford Joseph K. pg0113.txt 92 12 Bradford Thomas pg0089.txt 59 5 Bradley Benj. pg0053.txt 37 11 Bradley Dolly pg0029.txt 96 9 Bradley Elizabeth pg0089.txt 33 9 Bradley Isaac pg0029.txt 60 12 Bradley James pg0053.txt 61 2 Bradley James B. pg0053.txt 35 9 Bradley John pg0029.txt 124 22 Bradley Samuel pg0113.txt 74 18 Bradly Wm. pg0065.txt 120 22 Brady Hansel pg0113.txt 86 23 Brady Sherrod pg0077.txt 46 25 Brame Elizabeth pg0041.txt 91 6 Bramley Larken pg0089.txt 41 22 Branch John M. pg0041.txt 35 3 Branch Pledge pg0029.txt 62 20 Brandon Jane pg0053.txt 62 19 Brandon Wm. D. pg0053.txt 80 7 Bransford Arthur pg0077.txt 35 10 Bransford Gideon pg0029.txt 89 18 Bransford John pg0089.txt 35 7 Bransford Richd. pg0029.txt 80 18 Bransford William pg0077.txt 73 7 Bratton Adam pg0065.txt 77 8 Bratton Anderson pg0077.txt 49 1 Bratton David pg0041.txt 73 8 Bratton Isaac pg0065.txt 73 5 Bratton Joseph pg0065.txt 71 3 Bratton Joshua pg0065.txt 82 5 Bratton Robert pg0077.txt 53 24 Bratton Thomas pg0053.txt 77 12 Bratton Thomas pg0077.txt 54 7 Bratton William pg0053.txt 73 6 Bratton Wm. pg0065.txt 57 3 Brawn Rebecca pg0053.txt 92 6 Brawner Dozier pg0089.txt 77 6 Brawner Henry pg0077.txt 39 6 Brawner Meredith pg0029.txt 123 3 Bray Richd. pg0113.txt 121 8 Brazele Bennet pg0113.txt 106 4 Brazil Bennet A. pg0101.txt 106 11 Brazil Robert pg0101.txt 104 9 Brazill Archibald pg0101.txt 114 4 Brent Joshua pg0113.txt 114 23 Brent Saml. pg0113.txt 43 17 Brevard Alfred A. pg0041.txt 44 1 Brevard Cyrus W. pg0041.txt 43 20 Brevard John C. pg0041.txt 59 23 Briand John L. pg0053.txt 90 4 Briant Edmund pg0089.txt 100 14 Briant Pascal Y. pg0089.txt 85 15 Bridges Allen pg0077.txt 45 14 Bridges Daniel S. pg0041.txt 77 19 Bridges John pg0077.txt 50 12 Bridges Joseph pg0041.txt 33 27 Bridges Thomas pg0029.txt 85 24 Bridges Thos. pg0077.txt 41 2 Bridges Willis pg0041.txt 63 8 Bridgman William pg0053.txt 88 10 Bridgwater Chesley pg0077.txt 110 15 Bright Wm. pg0101.txt 97 25 Britton Samuel pg0089.txt 64 18 Brockett Elisha pg0053.txt 57 13 Brooks Elias B. pg0053.txt 44 17 Brooks Henry pg0041.txt 60 13 Brown Britton pg0053.txt 52 20 Brown Elizabeth pg0041.txt 39 7 Brown James pg0029.txt 39 4 Brown James Jr. pg0029.txt 51 3 Brown Moses pg0041.txt 92 18 Brown Spencer pg0089.txt 40 17 Brown Valentine pg0029.txt 68 11 Brown William pg0065.txt 95 15 Brown Wm. V. pg0089.txt 87 12 Browning Berry pg0077.txt 38 24 Brumby Grenade pg0029.txt 82 14 Bryant David pg0077.txt 86 4 Bryant Elisha pg0077.txt 94 21 Buchanon David pg0089.txt 42 24 Buckingham Thomas pg0041.txt 117 16 Buckner John pg0113.txt 88 20 Bundy Thomas pg0077.txt 113 12 Burchil James pg0113.txt 96 18 Burdine Saml. pg0089.txt 41 7 Burford Benjamin pg0041.txt 34 8 Burford David pg0029.txt 96 4 Burford John H. pg0089.txt 56 13 Burke Benjamin pg0053.txt 115 22 Burks Roland pg0113.txt 115 21 Burks Samuel pg0113.txt 37 18 Burnett Daniel pg0029.txt 125 11 Burnett Daniel pg0113.txt 32 6 Burnett John J. pg0029.txt 114 17 Burnett Thomas R. pg0113.txt 48 16 Burrow John pg0041.txt 48 8 Burrow Wm. pg0041.txt 79 16 Burrows William T. pg0077.txt 40 13 Burrus Jacob pg0029.txt 90C 10 Burton Dubal pg0089.txt 82 22 Burton Mary pg0077.txt 100 20 Burton Nancy pg0089.txt 119 10 Bush Jeremiah pg0113.txt 111 16 Bush John pg0101.txt 117 9 Bush Joseph pg0113.txt 74 22 Bush Philip B. pg0065.txt 111 17 Bush Wm. pg0101.txt 70 1 Bushup John pg0065.txt 90C 7 Butler Alfred pg0089.txt 57 25 Butts Wilson pg0053.txt 47 6 Cage Leroy H. pg0041.txt 44 18 Cage Palemon W pg0041.txt 95 6 Cain Leonard pg0089.txt 67 10 Cains Talton M pg0065.txt 56 18 Caldwell Ruth pg0053.txt 40 18 Calhoun Gray pg0029.txt 44 20 Calhoun Hanrel pg0041.txt 110 7 Calhoun Hardy pg0101.txt 30 12 Calicote William Y. pg0029.txt 58 25 Call Charles pg0053.txt 94 13 Campbell David pg0089.txt 81 20 Campbell Dougald pg0077.txt 60 14 Campbell Henry pg0053.txt 74 20 Campbell John pg0065.txt 85 17 Campbell Joseph pg0077.txt 42 13 Campbell Manning pg0041.txt 66 3 Campbell Mary pg0065.txt 42 5 Campbell Robert E. pg0041.txt 73 12 Camron Henry pg0065.txt 93 5 Canada William pg0089.txt 89 6 Canady David pg0089.txt 121 23 Caplinger John pg0113.txt 40 19 Caplinger Saml pg0029.txt 33 6 Cardwell Anderson pg0029.txt 33 13 Cardwell Fenelon L. pg0029.txt 33 8 Cardwell John G. pg0029.txt 125 2 Cardwell L. A. pg0113.txt 33 12 Cardwell Leonard pg0029.txt 89 12 Carman Caleb pg0089.txt 43 25 Carman Elijah pg0041.txt 35 5 Carman John pg0029.txt 43 24 Carman Thomas pg0041.txt 35 8 Carmen Caleb pg0029.txt 124 20 Carmichael Abram pg0113.txt 82 23 Carmon Archabald pg0077.txt 82 25 Carmon Elijah pg0077.txt 56 7 Carmon Thomas pg0053.txt 56 5 Carmon William pg0053.txt 67 8 Carpenter Harboard pg0065.txt 50 14 Carpenter John pg0041.txt 81 24 Carter Beverly pg0077.txt 37 13 Carter Charles pg0029.txt 33 14 Carter Charlotte pg0029.txt 54 3 Carter George pg0053.txt 116 13 Carter J. L. pg0113.txt 47 23 Carter John pg0041.txt 52 24 Carter John pg0041.txt 37 16 Carter Littleton pg0029.txt 91 5 Carter Mary pg0089.txt 53 22 Carter Nelson pg0053.txt 48 26 Carter William pg0041.txt 54 2 Carter William pg0053.txt 77 25 Carter William pg0077.txt 29 17 Carter Wm. pg0029.txt 88 2 Cartwright Elizabeth pg0077.txt 64 16 Cartwright James pg0053.txt 91 11 Cartwright Joseph pg0089.txt 89 9 Cartwright L. D. pg0089.txt 32 21 Cartwright Thomas pg0029.txt 64 17 Cartwright William pg0053.txt 43 8 Caruthers Josiah pg0041.txt 65 10 Carver Edmond pg0065.txt 65 8 Carver John pg0065.txt 53 12 Caseday William pg0053.txt 112 18 Casey Levi pg0101.txt 115 6 Casey Samuel pg0113.txt 81 16 Casman William pg0077.txt 65 5 Cassady Thomas pg0065.txt 94 4 Cast Joseph pg0089.txt 87 4 Cavanaugh Needham pg0077.txt 105 25 Cawan Josephus pg0101.txt 106 1 Cawen Ira pg0101.txt 31 12 Cawey Zebedee pg0029.txt 116 15 Cawley Larkin pg0113.txt 77 13 Chamberlin William pg0077.txt 61 9 Chambers James pg0053.txt 38 7 Chambers John pg0029.txt 47 12 Chambers Richard pg0041.txt 89 4 Chambers Richard pg0089.txt 89 5 Chambers William pg0089.txt 65 22 Chambers William W pg0065.txt 117 25 Chandler Lilburn pg0113.txt 50 1 Chandler Parks pg0041.txt 116 17 Chandler William pg0113.txt 41 16 Chandler William E. pg0041.txt 86 15 Chandler Wm. pg0077.txt 67 20 Chapman Amos J. pg0065.txt 93 15 Cheatam Francis pg0089.txt 106 25 Cheatham Archibald pg0101.txt 98 4 Cheatham E. D. pg0089.txt 107 1 Cheatham Joel pg0101.txt 107 2 Cheatham Joel pg0101.txt 102 11 Cheek James pg0101.txt 115 20 Cheek Penelope pg0113.txt 74 24 Cheeks Pendelton pg0065.txt 63 23 Chitwood Danl. pg0053.txt 63 22 Chitwood Pleasant pg0053.txt 63 14 Chitwood Richard pg0053.txt 114 24 Clapp Adam pg0113.txt 90 1 Clardy Benjn. pg0089.txt 60 6 Clardy Drury pg0053.txt 37 4 Clardy John pg0029.txt 42 10 Clardy John pg0041.txt 102 24 Clark Benjamin pg0101.txt 87 3 Clark Ephraim pg0077.txt 119 18 Clark Geo. J. pg0113.txt 79 17 Clark James pg0077.txt 94 19 Clark John pg0089.txt 123 10 Clark John pg0113.txt 60 16 Clark Walter N. pg0053.txt 123 16 Clarke Edward pg0113.txt 35 6 Clarke Lemuel pg0029.txt 35 15 Clarke Roland pg0029.txt 40 9 Clarke Woodson pg0029.txt 121 11 Clement Stephen pg0113.txt 64 2 Clemons James pg0053.txt 76 23 Clemons Stephen pg0065.txt 89 25 Clerdy William pg0089.txt 80 19 Cleveland Josph pg0077.txt 58 23 Cleveland Wm. pg0053.txt 85 14 Cliburn Wm. pg0077.txt 82 21 Climons James pg0077.txt 56 4 Climore Thomas pg0053.txt 56 6 Climore William pg0053.txt 109 15 Close John S. pg0101.txt 109 16 Close Thomas pg0101.txt 66 13 Clyburn Daniel pg0065.txt 88 4 Coaker Joseph pg0077.txt 74 3 Coats Benjamin pg0065.txt 66 7 Cobb S pg0065.txt 44 19 Cochran David pg0041.txt 61 10 Cochran John pg0053.txt 37 21 Cockesham Henry pg0029.txt 91 14 Cocks Elijah pg0089.txt 91 18 Cocran Robert pg0089.txt 87 9 Coffee J. M. pg0077.txt 104 2 Coffee Joel pg0101.txt 103 18 Coffee William pg0101.txt 106 20 Coggin Jeremiah pg0101.txt 75 12 Coggins Daniel pg0065.txt 103 12 Coggins Jonah pg0101.txt 38 23 Coker Riley pg0029.txt 91 7 Coker Warren pg0089.txt 97 10 Colbert Elijah pg0089.txt 50 26 Coleman James C. pg0041.txt 98 19 Coley Anne pg0089.txt 69 25 Coley Francis pg0065.txt 70 11 Coley John C. pg0065.txt 48 1 Colley John pg0041.txt 38 21 Collum John pg0029.txt 87 21 Conch John pg0077.txt 95 20 Condict Felding pg0089.txt 50 23 Condiet J. B. pg0041.txt 103 9 Conger Eisha pg0101.txt 38 11 Conger Eli pg0029.txt 109 5 Conger John pg0101.txt 106 6 Conger Lucy pg0101.txt 106 5 Conger Wm. pg0101.txt 58 9 Conner Crawford pg0053.txt 123 9 Conner Crawford pg0113.txt 120 18 Conner Jeremiah pg0113.txt 70 14 Cook Clement pg0065.txt 83 9 Cook Frances pg0077.txt 83 21 Cook Henry M. pg0077.txt 79 7 Cook James S. pg0077.txt 55 9 Cook Lion pg0053.txt 68 25 Cooksey James pg0065.txt 113 20 Cooksey Jas. pg0113.txt 69 4 Cooksy Gilly pg0065.txt 79 3 Cooper Dabney pg0077.txt 85 8 Cooper David pg0077.txt 68 24 Cooper Joseph S. pg0065.txt 71 12 Cooper Silas pg0065.txt 79 4 Cooper William pg0077.txt 64 24 Cornwell Charles pg0053.txt 65 13 Cornwell Francis pg0065.txt 82 13 Cornwell Henry pg0077.txt 64 23 Cornwell John C. pg0053.txt 47 7 Cornwell Silas C. pg0041.txt 90C 2 Cornwell Silas C. pg0089.txt 64 22 Cornwell Thompson pg0053.txt 32 22 Cornwell William pg0029.txt 90C 1 Cornwell William G. pg0089.txt 91 1 Cornwell William T. pg0089.txt 76 8 Cosby Henry pg0065.txt 84 24 Cosby John O. pg0077.txt 61 4 Cosby Thomas W. pg0053.txt 76 20 Coska Robert pg0065.txt 118 20 Cotril Gilbert pg0113.txt 104 23 Cottrell Gilbert pg0101.txt 73 19 Cowly Nathl. pg0065.txt 96 3 Craig James pg0089.txt 123 12 Craig John pg0113.txt 81 11 Craughn John pg0077.txt 95 10 Crawford James pg0089.txt 78 10 Creasey William pg0077.txt 40 20 Cristian William H. pg0029.txt 72 15 Crook James pg0065.txt 72 21 Crooks James pg0065.txt 119 14 Crosland William pg0113.txt 110 12 Crowder Jas. B. pg0101.txt 77 24 Crowder Jonas pg0077.txt 38 14 Crutchfield Thos. pg0029.txt 60 1 Culbreath John pg0053.txt 60 5 Culbreath Thomas pg0053.txt 58 2 Cunningham James pg0053.txt 39 5 Dale George pg0029.txt 75 14 Dale James pg0065.txt 75 13 Dale William pg0065.txt 56 21 Dallas Robert pg0053.txt 90 7 Dalton Wiatt pg0089.txt 71 5 Damson Joseph pg0065.txt 119 21 Danson John pg0113.txt 117 13 Darnell Littleton pg0113.txt 101 3 Daugherty John E. pg0101.txt 31 20 Davidson Joshua pg0029.txt 42 1 Davinport James pg0041.txt 90 19 Davinport Joseph pg0089.txt 29 16 Davis Abner N. pg0029.txt 29 13 Davis Alfred pg0029.txt 113 10 Davis Benj. pg0113.txt 87 18 Davis Cornelius pg0077.txt 118 9 Davis David pg0113.txt 35 20 Davis Elijah C. pg0029.txt 62 13 Davis Henry pg0053.txt 114 16 Davis Isaac R. pg0113.txt 87 7 Davis Thomas G. pg0077.txt 62 14 Davis Uriah pg0053.txt 114 22 Davis Wm. pg0113.txt 89 13 Day John B. pg0089.txt 89 15 Day Philip pg0089.txt 49 5 Day Thos. B. pg0041.txt 113 6 Deadman Jno. pg0113.txt 113 3 Deadman John pg0113.txt 113 4 Deadman Jonathan pg0113.txt 65 11 Dean Willis pg0065.txt 54 4 Dearing Gideon pg0053.txt 43 19 Debow Archd. M. pg0041.txt 35 16 Debow Bird pg0029.txt 35 14 Debow John A. pg0029.txt 37 1 Debow Soloman pg0029.txt 63 24 Dement Wm. pg0053.txt 114 9 Denny Charles pg0113.txt 114 13 Denny Charles pg0113.txt 37 25 Denny Wiley pg0029.txt 114 5 Denny Zachariah pg0113.txt 67 19 Denton Samuel pg0065.txt 51 19 Dentone Drury W. pg0041.txt 57 15 Depriest John B. pg0053.txt 101 2 Derickson William pg0101.txt 120 10 Derting John pg0113.txt 108 19 Dewees Henry pg0101.txt 96 8 Dewy Weltram pg0089.txt 60 20 Dias Thomas pg0053.txt 42 9 Dice John pg0041.txt 30 24 Dickenson James R. pg0029.txt 57 12 Dickins Jesse pg0053.txt 65 9 Dicus William pg0065.txt 35 25 Dicy David pg0029.txt 57 20 Dier Jacob pg0053.txt 106 12 Dill Archibald pg0101.txt 104 8 Dill William pg0101.txt 104 1 Dillard Alexander pg0101.txt 32 26 Dillard Alexr. pg0029.txt 105 15 Dillard Daniel pg0101.txt 108 8 Dillard Elisha pg0101.txt 57 16 Dillard John L. pg0053.txt 110 24 Dillard Jonathan pg0101.txt 105 17 Dillard Tandy pg0101.txt 110 22 Dillard Wm. pg0101.txt 66 9 Dillon Nathanial pg0065.txt 82 7 Dillon Nathaniel pg0077.txt 60 25 Dillon Wm. pg0053.txt 90C 14 Dismang David pg0089.txt 81 3 Dixon Jeremiah pg0077.txt 81 4 Dixon Jeremiah pg0077.txt 83 19 Dixon John pg0077.txt 33 22 Dixon Robert pg0029.txt 48 19 Dixon Wm. pg0041.txt 94 5 Dodson John pg0089.txt 85 18 Dodson Thos. pg0077.txt 90 9 Donaho Demos pg0089.txt 65 12 Donoha John pg0065.txt 81 21 Donoha Patrick pg0077.txt 48 25 Donoho E. C. F. W. pg0041.txt 91 3 Donohoo William pg0089.txt 91 4 Donohoo William pg0089.txt 100 15 Dorothy John pg0089.txt 55 17 Doss James pg0053.txt 55 20 Doss Joel L. pg0053.txt 34 14 Doss Jonathan C. pg0029.txt 34 13 Doss Stewart pg0029.txt 67 9 Douglass David pg0065.txt 96 12 Douglass George pg0089.txt 49 14 Douglass Joseph pg0041.txt 95 24 Douglass Susan pg0089.txt 38 9 Dowell Nehemiah pg0029.txt 93 1 Doyal Catharine pg0089.txt 67 21 Draper Davidson pg0065.txt 36 22 Draper Joshua pg0029.txt 90C 6 Draper Philip pg0089.txt 65 16 Draper William pg0065.txt 84 22 Drewry John pg0077.txt 101 14 Driver Allen pg0101.txt 72 5 Driver Benj. pg0065.txt 112 16 Driver Daniel pg0101.txt 78 11 Driver Drury pg0077.txt 78 15 Driver Jacob pg0077.txt 78 13 Driver Jas. pg0077.txt 35 2 Driver Jesse pg0029.txt 78 12 Driver Jessee pg0077.txt 78 21 Driver Jessee pg0077.txt 101 12 Driver Matthew pg0101.txt 78 14 Driver Thomas pg0077.txt 78 23 Druer Pleasant pg0077.txt 108 7 Drury Henry pg0101.txt 29 9 Dudley Christopher pg0029.txt 42 11 Duff Robert pg0041.txt 90 17 Duff William pg0089.txt 90 18 Duke Micajah pg0089.txt 90C 25 Duncan Abner pg0089.txt 97 20 Duncan George pg0089.txt 120 5 Duncan Isaac pg0113.txt 117 24 Duncan John pg0113.txt 97 18 Duncan Marshall pg0089.txt 35 1 Duncan Thomas W. pg0029.txt 76 15 Duncan William pg0065.txt 77 7 Dunn William pg0077.txt 98 8 Durham Eliab pg0089.txt 112 24 Durham Levi pg0101.txt 76 22 Durham Nepthali pg0065.txt 63 15 Durwhit Saml. pg0053.txt 52 13 Duty Jace pg0041.txt 33 17 Dyer Benjamin F. pg0029.txt 44 24 Dyer Jas. S. pg0041.txt 32 2 Dyer Joel pg0029.txt 125 9 Dyer Joel pg0113.txt 118 16 Dysan Mark pg0113.txt 79 13 Dyus Lovett pg0077.txt 78 8 East Ezekiel pg0077.txt 113 7 Eaton Jas. pg0113.txt 68 6 Edmonds John pg0065.txt 113 13 Edmonson Catharine pg0113.txt 37 15 Elliott Greenville pg0029.txt 87 13 Ellis David B. pg0077.txt 77 1 Ellis William pg0077.txt 49 2 Ellis Willis P. pg0041.txt 81 1 Ellis Willis P. pg0077.txt 86 11 Ellison Cornilius pg0077.txt 76 25 Ellison Joseph B. pg0065.txt 121 15 Elliston Elibel pg0113.txt 115 13 Elliston James pg0113.txt 121 16 Elliston John pg0113.txt 120 11 Elliston Thomas pg0113.txt 41 17 Enoch John pg0041.txt 123 5 Enoch Simeon pg0113.txt 116 6 Enocks Benjamin pg0113.txt 116 7 Enocks John pg0113.txt 39 25 Erpp Asa pg0029.txt 58 4 Estes Moses pg0053.txt 116 8 Estridge Moses pg0113.txt 70 16 Ethrage Michael pg0065.txt 32 18 Evans Henry pg0029.txt 59 10 Evans Henry pg0053.txt 101 8 Evans Joseph pg0101.txt 101 6 Evans Nathan pg0101.txt 101 1 Evans Onesemus pg0101.txt 100 24 Evans Thomas pg0089.txt 114 11 Everett David pg0113.txt 114 14 Everett Martin pg0113.txt 93 3 Evetts Geo. pg0089.txt 52 6 Evetts George pg0041.txt 93 8 Evetts James pg0089.txt 58 24 Evetts Joseph pg0053.txt 88 25 Evetts Joseph pg0077.txt 58 22 Evetts Wm. pg0053.txt 71 6 Evins Elizabeth pg0065.txt 73 3 Evins Reubin pg0065.txt 42 14 Evits Samuel pg0041.txt 106 21 Exum Wm. pg0101.txt 53 11 Fagg James pg0053.txt 56 1 Fagg William pg0053.txt 68 1 Falks Joel pg0065.txt 86 9 Fanch Martin pg0077.txt 40 22 Faquier William pg0029.txt 70 22 Farington Joshua pg0065.txt 58 12 Farmer David pg0053.txt 34 24 Farmer John pg0029.txt 45 21 Farquhar William pg0041.txt 76 16 Farris James pg0065.txt 76 17 Farris Jesse pg0065.txt 102 14 Fautch Lemuel pg0101.txt 102 13 Fautch Wm. pg0101.txt 111 1 Fergasson Linas pg0101.txt 77 21 Ferguson Alexd. pg0077.txt 97 17 Ferguson Dixon pg0089.txt 79 9 Ferguson Patrick pg0077.txt 62 18 Ferguson William pg0053.txt 30 6 Fergusson Adam pg0029.txt 122 19 Fergusson H. S. pg0113.txt 114 21 Fergusson H. Y. pg0113.txt 108 20 Fergusson Lewis pg0101.txt 96 15 Ferrell Wm. pg0089.txt 116 1 Figgins Shedrick pg0113.txt 116 14 Finch Elijah pg0113.txt 113 18 Finch John pg0113.txt 87 17 Finley Britton pg0077.txt 54 22 Fishburn Christion pg0053.txt 54 23 Fishburn Frederick pg0053.txt 112 20 Fisher Cornelius pg0101.txt 112 19 Fisher Elis pg0101.txt 98 3 Fisher Neal pg0089.txt 112 21 Fisher Thomas pg0101.txt 100 10 Fite David pg0089.txt 100 3 Fite Henry pg0089.txt 87 8 Fite Jacob pg0077.txt 71 21 Fite Leonard pg0065.txt 73 10 Fite Moses pg0065.txt 100 1 Fite Moses pg0089.txt 71 22 Fite Wm. pg0065.txt 118 12 Fitsworth Richd. pg0113.txt 47 5 Fitts Woodson P. pg0041.txt 111 14 Fitzpatrick Saml. pg0101.txt 42 7 Fiveash William pg0041.txt 55 22 Fleeman John pg0053.txt 83 10 Fleenan John pg0077.txt 49 13 Flippen Armistead pg0041.txt 115 5 Flippin Abner pg0113.txt 51 24 Flowers David P. pg0041.txt 96 21 Flowers William pg0089.txt 87 2 Floyd William pg0077.txt 42 15 Foley Bazil pg0041.txt 48 22 Ford A. G. pg0041.txt 67 12 Ford Boas pg0065.txt 100 5 Ford Daniel pg0089.txt 50 25 Ford James G. pg0041.txt 68 4 Ford John L. pg0065.txt 71 10 Ford Joshua pg0065.txt 68 3 Ford Lewis pg0065.txt 117 23 Ford Lewis pg0113.txt 81 6 Ford Moses G. pg0077.txt 38 20 Ford Zachery pg0029.txt 34 11 Foster Celia pg0029.txt 51 21 Foster Edmund H. pg0041.txt 104 24 Foster Epsolurn pg0101.txt 73 14 Foster Franklin pg0065.txt 61 5 Foster James pg0053.txt 104 25 Foster Joel pg0101.txt 120 14 Foster John pg0113.txt 52 21 Foster Martha B. pg0041.txt 41 5 Foster Robert M. pg0041.txt 73 15 Foster Willis pg0065.txt 97 5 Foutch Elijah pg0089.txt 59 8 Foutch Wm. pg0053.txt 60 3 Fowler Sterling pg0053.txt 108 1 Frasier Sarah pg0101.txt 82 4 Freeman James pg0077.txt 79 5 Freeman Jesse pg0077.txt 40 16 Freeman John pg0029.txt 49 15 Freeman Mastin pg0041.txt 85 5 Freeman Moses B. pg0077.txt 49 16 Freeman Wm. pg0041.txt 123 21 Freeman Wm. pg0113.txt 51 15 Frith Archd. pg0041.txt 30 25 Fulks Elijah pg0029.txt 121 13 Fuller Isham pg0113.txt 121 17 Fuller James pg0113.txt 121 19 Fuller Jesse pg0113.txt 44 13 Fuller Joseph pg0041.txt 121 18 Fuller Samuel pg0113.txt 95 3 Furgusson Archd. pg0089.txt 95 5 Furgusson Hugh pg0089.txt 43 4 Furlong James pg0041.txt 36 7 Furlong Samuel pg0029.txt 77 11 Galbraith William pg0077.txt 84 3 Gammon James pg0077.txt 44 8 Gammon Jeremiah pg0041.txt 84 4 Gammon Levi pg0077.txt 91 15 Gammon Robt. pg0089.txt 91 25 Gamon John pg0089.txt 41 6 Gann John pg0041.txt 107 20 Garret Richard pg0101.txt 109 18 Garret Richard pg0101.txt 51 10 Garrett Mary pg0041.txt 83 11 Garrett Reubin pg0077.txt 38 3 Garrett Robert pg0029.txt 38 5 Garrett William pg0029.txt 75 15 Garrison Asa pg0065.txt 75 6 Garrison Benjn. pg0065.txt 30 13 Garrison James pg0029.txt 75 21 Garrison Moses pg0065.txt 70 13 Garrison Saml. pg0065.txt 86 16 Gates Wm. pg0077.txt 94 20 Gatt Charles pg0089.txt 30 18 Gaulding John pg0029.txt 30 19 Gaulding Philamon pg0029.txt 83 7 Gaurman Eli pg0077.txt 83 6 Gaurman John pg0077.txt 78 20 Gaurson John pg0077.txt 105 21 Gellaham Clement pg0101.txt 105 22 Gellaham Francis pg0101.txt 55 10 Gent David pg0053.txt 55 12 Gent Jesse pg0053.txt 78 2 Gent John pg0077.txt 55 11 Gent Thomas pg0053.txt 111 11 Gentry Jesse D. pg0101.txt 119 8 Gentry John B pg0113.txt 32 15 Gibbs Archibald pg0029.txt 60 22 Gibson James W. pg0053.txt 36 12 Gifford Jabez pg0029.txt 36 21 Gifford Joseph pg0029.txt 52 5 Gifford Joseph pg0041.txt 65 21 Gifford Joseph pg0065.txt 91 22 Gilford Gideon pg0089.txt 121 25 Gill Elizabeth pg0113.txt 33 16 Gillam Elizabeth pg0029.txt 119 25 Given George L. pg0113.txt 93 12 Givens John K. pg0089.txt 120 9 Givin Thomas pg0113.txt 102 7 Givins Saml. pg0101.txt 42 25 Glasgow James pg0041.txt 124 16 Glaves John pg0113.txt 97 13 Glenn William pg0089.txt 61 16 Glover Danl. pg0053.txt 84 23 Glover Edmond pg0077.txt 90C 15 Glover George pg0089.txt 61 13 Glover Henry pg0053.txt 59 16 Glover Jonas pg0053.txt 61 17 Glover Peter pg0053.txt 119 3 Glover Robert pg0113.txt 101 16 Glover Thomas pg0101.txt 90C 21 Glover Washington pg0089.txt 50 16 Goad Joshua pg0041.txt 90 23 Goad Joshua pg0089.txt 84 18 Goad Margaret pg0077.txt 83 24 Goad Nice pg0077.txt 33 18 Goad Reubin pg0029.txt 93 25 Goad Stephen pg0089.txt 64 13 Goard Daniel pg0053.txt 64 7 Goard George pg0053.txt 64 12 Goard John pg0053.txt 100 22 Goggins William pg0089.txt 60 4 Gold Isaiah pg0053.txt 29 15 Golding John V. pg0029.txt 97 22 Goodall David pg0089.txt 31 25 Goodall Isaac pg0029.txt 93 6 Goodnen John pg0089.txt 59 11 Goodner Cyrus pg0053.txt 59 24 Goodner James pg0053.txt 107 13 Goodson Andrew pg0101.txt 107 12 Goodson Benjamin pg0101.txt 98 11 Gordon F. H. pg0089.txt 57 17 Gordon Francis pg0053.txt 67 18 Gordon John pg0065.txt 31 13 Gordon John H. pg0029.txt 31 6 Gordon William H. pg0029.txt 83 22 Goss Elijah pg0077.txt 100 21 Gosset German pg0089.txt 73 9 Gothard Robert pg0065.txt 120 16 Gothard William pg0113.txt 82 18 Grady Josiah pg0077.txt 97 16 Grady William pg0089.txt 35 23 Grant Mary C. V. pg0029.txt 60 19 Grant Wm T. pg0053.txt 90C 8 Graves Beaman pg0089.txt 71 7 Gray George H. pg0065.txt 124 14 Green Isaac pg0113.txt 57 21 Green James pg0053.txt 124 15 Green John pg0113.txt 39 15 Green William pg0029.txt 88 7 Greenwood Abram pg0077.txt 49 4 Greenwood James pg0041.txt 100 11 Greer Jenkins pg0089.txt 97 24 Greer Sarah pg0089.txt 89 2 Gregory Abel pg0089.txt 88 12 Gregory Gabriel pg0077.txt 76 5 Gregory Godfrey pg0065.txt 80 10 Gregory Harbord pg0077.txt 69 21 Gregory Jas. D. pg0065.txt 38 26 Gregory Jemima pg0029.txt 69 15 Gregory Jeremiah pg0065.txt 60 21 Gregory Joel pg0053.txt 89 1 Gregory Major pg0089.txt 110 17 Gregory Mitchell L. pg0101.txt 69 14 Gregory Pitts pg0065.txt 39 10 Gregory Smith pg0029.txt 64 9 Gregory Thomas pg0053.txt 69 17 Gregory Thos. pg0065.txt 69 20 Gregory Wm. pg0065.txt 110 4 Gregory Wm. pg0101.txt 98 1 Gregston George pg0089.txt 117 10 Gregston George pg0113.txt 40 7 Grenade Silas pg0029.txt 85 1 Griffin John pg0077.txt 73 2 Griffin Mathew pg0065.txt 75 8 Griffin Stephen pg0065.txt 84 9 Griffith Danl. pg0077.txt 75 17 Griffith Jonathan pg0065.txt 56 14 Grigg Peter pg0053.txt 56 15 Grigg Will B. pg0053.txt 60 8 Grisham Harris pg0053.txt 38 18 Grisham John pg0029.txt 110 2 Grisham L. D. pg0101.txt 79 23 Grisham Peter pg0077.txt 89 3 Grissum Davis pg0089.txt 102 19 Grizzle Asa pg0101.txt 120 3 Groom James pg0113.txt 63 18 Guiss Jarrot pg0053.txt 94 11 Gum John pg0089.txt 37 10 Guthrie Carter pg0029.txt 89 14 Guthrie Carter pg0089.txt 69 8 Gutton Nimrod pg0065.txt 118 4 Gwarting John pg0113.txt 95 25 Hail John pg0089.txt 36 3 Hale Elijah pg0029.txt 36 9 Hale Henrietta pg0029.txt 111 20 Hale John pg0101.txt 74 2 Hale Joseph W pg0065.txt 69 19 Hale Reubin pg0065.txt 45 3 Hale Thomas pg0041.txt 70 17 Hale Wm. pg0065.txt 109 23 Haley Edward pg0101.txt 60 9 Haley Henderson pg0053.txt 125 12 Haley Henry pg0113.txt 60 10 Haley John pg0053.txt 104 14 Haley Julia Ann pg0101.txt 104 22 Hall Charles pg0101.txt 118 21 Hall Charles pg0113.txt 47 22 Hall Claiborne pg0041.txt 95 9 Hall Doke pg0089.txt 106 15 Hall Elizabeth pg0101.txt 106 16 Hall James pg0101.txt 115 9 Hall James pg0113.txt 61 14 Hall Jane pg0053.txt 118 3 Hall Lewis pg0113.txt 90 12 Hall Malinda pg0089.txt 90 13 Hall Richard pg0089.txt 113 2 Hall Saml. pg0113.txt 59 12 Hall Thomas H. pg0053.txt 97 12 Hall Thomas M. P. pg0089.txt 67 13 Hallnar Henry pg0065.txt 47 17 Hallum Andrew pg0041.txt 33 24 Hallum William pg0029.txt 51 23 Hamilton George pg0041.txt 44 9 Hammack Jas D. pg0041.txt 44 15 Hammack Wm. pg0041.txt 66 8 Hammock Telafaro pg0065.txt 56 20 Hanes Iverson pg0053.txt 55 23 Hanes William pg0053.txt 43 26 Hanly Wm. pg0041.txt 118 13 Hardwich Benjn. pg0113.txt 59 4 Hardwick Benj. pg0053.txt 32 5 Hardwick Joel W. pg0029.txt 90 15 Hardy Sarah pg0089.txt 81 5 Hardy Thomas S. pg0077.txt 44 2 Harges Herod pg0041.txt 83 18 Hargis Howell H. pg0077.txt 83 16 Hargis John pg0077.txt 84 2 Hargis Wm. pg0077.txt 31 11 Harper Alfred pg0029.txt 108 13 Harper Benjamin pg0101.txt 103 24 Harper Benjn. pg0101.txt 31 9 Harper Grogan pg0029.txt 31 18 Harper James pg0029.txt 37 2 Harper Joel pg0029.txt 97 21 Harper Joel pg0089.txt 61 24 Harper John pg0053.txt 112 4 Harper Joshua pg0101.txt 30 15 Harper Matthew pg0029.txt 118 19 Harper Robt. pg0113.txt 108 12 Harper Thomas pg0101.txt 118 7 Harper Thos. pg0113.txt 110 13 Harpole John pg0101.txt 119 2 Harrel James pg0113.txt 91 2 Harris Achilles pg0089.txt 36 6 Harris Emanuel pg0029.txt 36 8 Harris John pg0029.txt 96 11 Harris John pg0089.txt 108 25 Harris John pg0101.txt 111 3 Harris John pg0101.txt 76 6 Harris Lawson B. pg0065.txt 31 17 Harris Mary pg0029.txt 104 11 Harris Mary pg0101.txt 44 21 Harris Micajah pg0041.txt 111 4 Harris Nancy pg0101.txt 42 4 Harris Richard W. pg0041.txt 29 12 Harris Richd. W. pg0029.txt 76 24 Harris Wesley pg0065.txt 36 11 Harris William pg0029.txt 93 13 Harris William pg0089.txt 66 2 Harris Blair pg0065.txt 96 19 Harrison James pg0089.txt 63 13 Hart Aaron pg0053.txt 33 23 Hart William pg0029.txt 112 1 Harvill Allen pg0101.txt 72 25 Harvill John Y. pg0065.txt 85 9 Harwood Frank pg0077.txt 74 6 Haskins Thos C. pg0065.txt 124 1 Hastings John pg0113.txt 82 15 Hatchell John pg0077.txt 66 4 Hatchett Parris pg0065.txt 67 15 Hawkins Meredith pg0065.txt 105 20 Hawkins Zachariah pg0101.txt 107 8 Hayes Isaac pg0101.txt 107 9 Hayes Isaac pg0101.txt 103 25 Haynes David pg0101.txt 105 19 Haynes David pg0101.txt 57 2 Haynes Richard pg0053.txt 77 14 Haynes Richard pg0077.txt 104 6 Haynes Robert pg0101.txt 57 5 Haynes Sarah pg0053.txt 103 16 Haynes Thomas pg0101.txt 103 22 Haynes Thomas pg0101.txt 88 9 Haynie Edward pg0077.txt 51 6 Haynie Elijah pg0041.txt 29 10 Haynie Wm. pg0029.txt 66 6 Hayns Fountain pg0065.txt 71 8 Hays Elizabeth pg0065.txt 41 4 Hays Reubin pg0041.txt 103 11 Hays Robert pg0101.txt 116 23 Hays Rubin pg0113.txt 43 10 Hays Wm. pg0041.txt 50 11 Hazard Lewis pg0041.txt 30 8 Hazard Lot pg0029.txt 108 5 Hefflin John pg0101.txt 120 8 Heflin William pg0113.txt 31 26 Heigh Winston pg0029.txt 115 8 Helmentoller Wm. pg0113.txt 115 17 Helmontiller Henry pg0113.txt 84 10 Henderson John pg0077.txt 101 24 Hendrakeson James pg0101.txt 74 16 Hendricks Jeremiah pg0065.txt 48 10 Hendricks John pg0041.txt 75 22 Hendrickson Joseph pg0065.txt 74 13 Hendrickson Zacherison pg0065.txt 88 1 Hepan William pg0077.txt 52 10 Herald James pg0041.txt 30 4 Herod Peter pg0029.txt 88 5 Herod William pg0077.txt 69 5 Herrin Elizabeth pg0065.txt 40 1 Hessian Andrew pg0029.txt 51 2 Hessian John pg0041.txt 90C 3 Hester Avery pg0089.txt 103 19 Hetton Elizabeth pg0101.txt 39 19 Hiatt John pg0029.txt 54 5 Hibbit John J. pg0053.txt 43 21 Hibbitt Joseph pg0041.txt 115 7 Hicks Casey pg0113.txt 115 19 Hicks Joseph pg0113.txt 119 5 Hicks Joseph pg0113.txt 72 18 Hicks Nancy pg0065.txt 123 15 Hiers George pg0113.txt 123 14 Hiers James pg0113.txt 66 21 Hiers Milly pg0065.txt 32 27 High John pg0029.txt 61 19 High Saml. pg0053.txt 45 26 High William pg0041.txt 100 4 Hill Annanias pg0089.txt 93 21 Himes Gabriel pg0089.txt 33 2 Hines John pg0029.txt 112 5 Hinesly Benj. pg0101.txt 48 2 Hinton Thomas pg0041.txt 116 22 Hires Thos. pg0113.txt 32 25 Hodges David pg0029.txt 45 2 Hodges Richard pg0041.txt 68 5 Hodges William pg0065.txt 59 1 Hodges Wm. pg0053.txt 29 1 Hogg David pg0029.txt 29 2 Hogg Harvy pg0029.txt 93 18 Hollady Allen pg0089.txt 54 14 Holland Asa pg0053.txt 94 15 Holland Charles pg0089.txt 64 21 Holland Drury pg0053.txt 40 14 Holland Eli pg0029.txt 64 25 Holland John pg0053.txt 77 9 Holland William pg0077.txt 94 16 Holland Wm. pg0089.txt 85 11 Hollin Britton pg0077.txt 98 20 Holly John pg0089.txt 124 2 Holly William pg0113.txt 98 24 Holly Wm. pg0089.txt 90 6 Holt Jiles pg0089.txt 62 3 Holt Thos. pg0053.txt 35 22 Holt William pg0029.txt 86 10 Hooker Jas. pg0077.txt 122 16 Hooper James pg0113.txt 44 12 Hooper Thomas pg0041.txt 122 10 Hooper Thos. A. pg0113.txt 46 1 Hopkins William pg0041.txt 115 3 Hopson Thomas pg0113.txt 74 14 Hoss Philip pg0065.txt 107 25 Howard Abijah pg0101.txt 118 14 Howard Alexr. pg0113.txt 79 2 Howard Fly pg0077.txt 103 1 Howard John pg0101.txt 33 19 Howard Samuel P. pg0029.txt 118 10 Howard Thomas pg0113.txt 84 20 Howell Easau pg0077.txt 42 2 Howell John pg0041.txt 82 10 Howell Josiah pg0077.txt 66 11 Howell William L. pg0065.txt 116 4 Howser John pg0113.txt 116 3 Howser Wm. pg0113.txt 45 25 Hubbard Jacob pg0041.txt 68 7 Hubbard John pg0065.txt 45 24 Hubbard Sally pg0041.txt 90C 16 Huddleston Daniel pg0089.txt 92 25 Huddleston Patton pg0089.txt 105 18 Huff Elizabeth pg0101.txt 103 23 Huff Leonard pg0101.txt 93 19 Hughes David pg0089.txt 37 5 Hughes Elizabeth pg0029.txt 93 16 Hughes John pg0089.txt 46 6 Hughes John B. pg0041.txt 31 14 Hughes L. B. Jr. pg0029.txt 44 23 Hughes Leander pg0041.txt 97 23 Hughes Lee A. pg0089.txt 79 11 Hughes Preston pg0077.txt 46 7 Hughes Sally pg0041.txt 76 7 Hughes Settle B. pg0065.txt 30 9 Hughes Simon P pg0029.txt 35 26 Hughes William pg0029.txt 88 17 Hughes William pg0077.txt 30 11 Hughes William P. pg0029.txt 49 18 Hule John pg0041.txt 79 8 Hunley Hiram pg0077.txt 74 25 Hunt Abel C. pg0065.txt 108 3 Hunt Archibald pg0101.txt 77 15 Hunter Samuel pg0077.txt 64 15 Hutchison John pg0053.txt 124 8 Hutchison John pg0113.txt 52 17 Hutchison Mary pg0041.txt 62 24 Hutchison Thos. pg0053.txt 63 19 Hutchison Wm. pg0053.txt 73 23 Hutlis Wm. pg0065.txt 34 20 Hutson John pg0029.txt 109 2 Hylton Sterling pg0101.txt 58 10 Hyres Henry pg0053.txt 103 7 Inge William pg0101.txt 32 16 Ingram John pg0029.txt 47 3 Ingram John B. pg0041.txt 47 2 Ingram Joshua pg0041.txt 57 22 Ivy Elijah pg0053.txt 50 15 Jackson Thomas pg0041.txt 38 1 James Alexander pg0029.txt 69 7 James Barrat pg0065.txt 69 6 James Bartles pg0065.txt 68 23 James Bartley pg0065.txt 98 2 James Daniel pg0089.txt 44 25 James John pg0041.txt 69 9 James John pg0065.txt 34 2 Jamison Jeremiah pg0029.txt 32 13 Jeffreys Olive pg0029.txt 85 21 Jenkins Averet pg0077.txt 67 5 Jenkins Elizabeth pg0065.txt 46 18 Jenkins James pg0041.txt 53 19 Jenkins James pg0053.txt 79 24 Jenkins Samuel pg0077.txt 64 10 Jenkins William pg0053.txt 74 11 Jenkins Wyate pg0065.txt 100 12 Jennings Nancy pg0089.txt 58 20 Johns Elias pg0053.txt 43 13 Johnson Asa pg0041.txt 34 6 Johnson Hiram pg0029.txt 43 18 Johnson Jas. B. pg0041.txt 35 12 Johnson John pg0029.txt 52 4 Johnson John pg0041.txt 35 13 Johnson John A. pg0029.txt 52 2 Johnson John B. pg0041.txt 35 11 Johnson Patsy pg0029.txt 70 15 Johnson Reubin pg0065.txt 51 7 Johnson Robert pg0041.txt 48 15 Johnson Stephen pg0041.txt 89 22 Johnson Thos W. pg0089.txt 34 5 Johnson Thos. W. pg0029.txt 109 12 Johnson Wm. pg0101.txt 109 4 Johnston John pg0101.txt 81 22 Johnston John B. pg0077.txt 31 2 Jona Hardy pg0029.txt 76 19 Jones Benj. J. pg0065.txt 87 14 Jones Fanny pg0077.txt 86 8 Jones Isaac pg0077.txt 102 9 Jones Isaac pg0101.txt 43 23 Jones James pg0041.txt 50 21 Jones James pg0041.txt 81 14 Jones James pg0077.txt 102 15 Jones James pg0101.txt 67 3 Jones James M. pg0065.txt 76 18 Jones Jane pg0065.txt 100 19 Jones Jesse B. pg0089.txt 43 22 Jones John pg0041.txt 90C 13 Jones Leonard pg0089.txt 103 15 Jones Levi pg0101.txt 54 11 Jones Lewis pg0053.txt 87 16 Jones Minsey pg0077.txt 52 11 Jones Nicey pg0041.txt 96 6 Jones Ruth pg0089.txt 124 3 Jones S. A. pg0113.txt 52 18 Jones Samuel pg0041.txt 52 19 Jones Samuel pg0041.txt 111 6 Jones Thomas pg0101.txt 65 7 Jones Willey pg0065.txt 58 16 Jones Willis pg0053.txt 63 10 Jones Wm. pg0053.txt 111 21 Jordan John pg0101.txt 111 22 Jordan Wm. pg0101.txt 123 13 Jovance Andrew pg0113.txt 123 17 Jovance John pg0113.txt 117 22 Justice James pg0113.txt 114 25 Kates Joel pg0113.txt 114 19 Kates Robert pg0113.txt 114 18 Kates Thomas pg0113.txt 120 15 Kelley Patrick pg0113.txt 109 11 Kelly Edward pg0101.txt 109 13 Kelly John pg0101.txt 49 10 Kelly Lewis pg0041.txt 109 9 Kelly Spencer pg0101.txt 93 9 Kemp Cynthia pg0089.txt 62 6 Kemp Murphy pg0053.txt 50 22 Kemp Richard pg0041.txt 50 6 Kennedy David pg0041.txt 90 21 Kent Nathaniel pg0089.txt 36 5 Kerby Francis pg0029.txt 53 18 Kerby Jesse pg0053.txt 36 2 Kerby John pg0029.txt 92 24 Kerby Richard pg0089.txt 105 9 Kerly Claiborn pg0101.txt 36 23 Kerly Henry pg0029.txt 36 17 Kerly James pg0029.txt 65 24 Kerr James pg0065.txt 101 21 Kettle Micajah pg0101.txt 39 23 Key Margery pg0029.txt 63 3 Keys Mary pg0053.txt 86 12 Kile Barkles pg0077.txt 122 2 Kilza J. B. pg0113.txt 122 1 Kilza Jacob pg0113.txt 122 4 Kilza Jordan pg0113.txt 85 20 King Lewis pg0077.txt 78 25 King Peter pg0077.txt 94 14 King Peter G. pg0089.txt 85 25 King Saml. pg0077.txt 41 8 Kinny Robert pg0041.txt 36 25 Kinsolving M. G. B. pg0029.txt 90 25 Kirby Joseph pg0089.txt 65 1 Kirby Samuel pg0065.txt 90 24 Kirby Shepherd pg0089.txt 113 22 Kitchen Jas. pg0113.txt 113 21 Kitchen Wm. pg0113.txt 40 3 Knight Thomas pg0029.txt 52 14 Knolls William pg0041.txt 89 7 Kyle William pg0089.txt 102 25 Lack Abner pg0101.txt 103 14 Lack David pg0101.txt 104 3 Lack James C. pg0101.txt 103 3 Lack Obediah pg0101.txt 103 4 Lack Peter pg0101.txt 103 2 Lack William pg0101.txt 112 15 Lack Wm. pg0101.txt 74 23 Lacy Joseph pg0065.txt 78 1 Laddas Daniel pg0077.txt 42 20 Lake Daniel L. pg0041.txt 101 4 Lamberson Leonard pg0101.txt 47 21 Lambert Samuel pg0041.txt 68 10 Lambesson Conrad pg0065.txt 117 8 Lancaster John pg0113.txt 103 8 Lancaster Thomas A. pg0101.txt 91 9 Lane Danl. H. pg0089.txt 62 7 Langford Tabitha pg0053.txt 94 1 Lattermore Robert pg0089.txt 71 4 Laurence John pg0065.txt 34 17 Laurence Wm. pg0029.txt 65 14 Law Jessee pg0065.txt 67 24 Lawrence Edward pg0065.txt 43 6 Lawson Horace pg0041.txt 43 2 Lawson Moses pg0041.txt 71 11 Lay James pg0065.txt 97 1 Lea Daniel pg0089.txt 96 24 Lea William pg0089.txt 113 17 Leach John pg0113.txt 41 19 Ledbetter Charles pg0041.txt 106 13 Lee Edmund pg0101.txt 105 5 Lee Guy pg0101.txt 117 17 Lee Guy pg0113.txt 47 1 Lee James pg0041.txt 43 5 Legon Robert pg0041.txt 32 9 Lemon Oren pg0029.txt 61 15 Lemons Agness pg0053.txt 95 14 Leonard John pg0089.txt 32 8 Linch David pg0029.txt 118 17 Linch Girala pg0113.txt 45 11 Linch Joseph I pg0041.txt 117 3 Linck Jesse pg0113.txt 41 21 Link Jesse pg0041.txt 47 26 Linville Henry pg0041.txt 49 6 Linville Wm. pg0041.txt 87 23 Lipscomb B. P. pg0077.txt 97 11 Lipscomb John pg0089.txt 38 16 Litchford Austin pg0029.txt 73 13 Lite James pg0065.txt 81 13 Loller Joel pg0077.txt 67 25 London Martin pg0065.txt 105 8 Looney Elisha pg0101.txt 113 9 Lorryson Thos. pg0113.txt 122 22 Lory Mary pg0113.txt 122 3 Lory Mitchel pg0113.txt 117 14 Love Ezekiel pg0113.txt 106 17 Love Hezikiah pg0101.txt 106 14 Love John M. pg0101.txt 106 18 Love Saml. pg0101.txt 87 19 Lovelady Asa pg0077.txt 81 7 Lovelady James pg0077.txt 91 24 Lovelady John pg0089.txt 77 2 Lovelady Thomas pg0077.txt 77 4 Lovelady Vinson pg0077.txt 79 25 Lowin Benjamin pg0077.txt 58 7 Luck George M pg0053.txt 59 6 Luckey John pg0053.txt 51 11 Luckey Robert pg0041.txt 74 9 Lucky James M pg0065.txt 121 9 Lund Elisha pg0113.txt 49 12 Lyday Jacob pg0041.txt 118 18 Lynch Lawrence pg0113.txt 68 22 Lyon David pg0065.txt 83 20 Mace Thompson pg0077.txt 94 17 Madden John pg0089.txt 42 21 Madin Thomas pg0041.txt 89 23 Mading Banister pg0089.txt 35 21 Mading Violet pg0029.txt 39 21 Madison James pg0029.txt 119 15 Maggard John pg0113.txt 75 3 Maguire Lewis pg0065.txt 101 9 Malaw Robert pg0101.txt 59 18 Malone James pg0053.txt 42 19 Malone Robert pg0041.txt 59 15 Malone Thomas pg0053.txt 102 12 Malone Wm. pg0101.txt 63 7 Manirin Ezekiel pg0053.txt 113 1 Mann Lindsey pg0113.txt 119 4 Mann Stephen pg0113.txt 115 10 Manners Mitchell pg0113.txt 73 24 Manning John pg0065.txt 95 18 Marley Susan pg0089.txt 97 6 Marlow William pg0089.txt 83 14 Marsh Charles pg0077.txt 94 3 Marsh Philip pg0089.txt 94 2 Marsh William pg0089.txt 43 15 Marshall Clayton pg0041.txt 43 16 Marshall Josiah pg0041.txt 37 3 Marshall Thomas pg0029.txt 102 10 Martin George pg0101.txt 86 5 Martin James pg0077.txt 120 20 Martin John pg0113.txt 98 5 Martin M. M. pg0089.txt 62 1 Martin Thos. pg0053.txt 51 1 Martin William pg0041.txt 32 11 Mason Elijah pg0029.txt 61 1 Mason Willie pg0053.txt 41 18 Massey William pg0041.txt 68 8 Massie Sims pg0065.txt 79 14 Massie William pg0077.txt 61 18 Massy Wm. pg0053.txt 110 8 Matherson Catharine pg0101.txt 85 12 Matson Edward N. pg0077.txt 68 17 Matthews Benjamin pg0065.txt 104 16 Matthews William pg0101.txt 43 12 Maupin Elizabeth pg0041.txt 42 17 McAlister Garland pg0041.txt 96 10 McCabe James H. pg0089.txt 96 23 McCall Alex. pg0089.txt 113 15 McCathurn Danl. pg0113.txt 34 27 McClain Wm. pg0029.txt 89 16 McClanahan Wm. pg0089.txt 48 21 McClard Thomas pg0041.txt 52 15 McClard William pg0041.txt 124 5 McClellan Charles pg0113.txt 114 3 McClellan Saml. pg0113.txt 114 1 McClelland James pg0113.txt 90C 17 McClellin Saml. pg0089.txt 82 24 McClenahan Alexander pg0077.txt 93 17 McClendon Hughes pg0089.txt 74 1 McConuck Linsy pg0065.txt 65 19 McCormick Chaffin pg0065.txt 65 17 McCormick James pg0065.txt 65 18 McCormick Simeon pg0065.txt 54 13 McCormick William pg0053.txt 97 7 McCulloch Charles pg0089.txt 122 12 McDaniel Alex. pg0113.txt 98 13 McDaniel James pg0089.txt 53 3 McDaniel John pg0053.txt 104 18 McDaniel Reubin pg0101.txt 104 17 McDaniel Wm. F. pg0101.txt 31 4 McDonald William pg0029.txt 39 9 McDuffee Neil pg0029.txt 53 23 McDuffie Neal pg0053.txt 83 23 McFadin Saml. pg0077.txt 51 14 McFall John pg0041.txt 61 7 McFarland Lewis pg0053.txt 48 17 McFerrin Saml. pg0041.txt 31 15 McGee Hiram pg0029.txt 49 26 McGee Jeremiah pg0041.txt 50 13 McGee Soloman pg0041.txt 107 5 McGinnis Alexr. pg0101.txt 107 4 McGinnis Isaac pg0101.txt 107 3 McGinnis Richd pg0101.txt 98 14 McGinnis Will pg0089.txt 112 2 McGufin John pg0101.txt 63 9 McHeir Esreal pg0053.txt 101 25 McIntire Archibald pg0101.txt 111 9 McKee James pg0101.txt 119 12 McKee Jas. M. pg0113.txt 58 6 McKensey Saml. pg0053.txt 32 19 McKinney Clement pg0029.txt 47 18 McKinney Jordan pg0041.txt 47 19 McKinney Rebecca pg0041.txt 69 22 McKinnis Alexander pg0065.txt 53 17 McKinnis Daniel pg0053.txt 65 3 McKinnis James pg0065.txt 39 2 McKinnis John pg0029.txt 65 4 McKinnis Neal pg0065.txt 115 24 McKnight Niles pg0113.txt 89 17 McMurry Jane pg0089.txt 34 10 McMurry John pg0029.txt 89 19 McMurry Martin pg0089.txt 58 21 McMurry Saml H. pg0053.txt 56 2 McMurry Saml. D. pg0053.txt 84 11 McWhorter George pg0077.txt 84 8 McWhorter Henry pg0077.txt 54 1 Meador Ira pg0053.txt 54 21 Meador Joel pg0053.txt 86 1 Meador John H. pg0077.txt 82 12 Meador Jonas pg0077.txt 54 17 Meador Joseph pg0053.txt 55 18 Meador Pleasant pg0053.txt 66 24 Meadow Barrister pg0065.txt 66 15 Meadow Ivy pg0065.txt 77 20 Meadow James pg0077.txt 66 17 Meadow Job pg0065.txt 66 16 Meadow John pg0065.txt 83 12 Meadow Lewis pg0077.txt 85 10 Meadow Pleasant pg0077.txt 100 2 Measlas William pg0089.txt 50 3 Mercer John pg0041.txt 92 8 Middon Wilson pg0089.txt 56 22 Miller Henry pg0053.txt 34 4 Miller Martin pg0029.txt 85 19 Minick John pg0077.txt 94 6 Minick Mary pg0089.txt 52 22 Minton Margaret pg0041.txt 86 18 Mires Wm. pg0077.txt 79 19 Mitchell Allen pg0077.txt 39 1 Mitchell David pg0029.txt 116 11 Mitchell John pg0113.txt 40 12 Mitchell Mark pg0029.txt 98 9 Mitchell Nelson pg0089.txt 116 12 Mitchell Wm. pg0113.txt 84 19 Montgomery Joseph C. pg0077.txt 57 7 Mooningham Mathew pg0053.txt 41 10 Moore Armistead pg0041.txt 118 25 Moore Aulstin pg0113.txt 97 3 Moore Edward pg0089.txt 122 9 Moore Jno. A. pg0113.txt 45 15 Moore John pg0041.txt 59 22 Moore John pg0053.txt 122 15 Moore John pg0113.txt 86 7 Moore Mathew pg0077.txt 74 21 Moore Patrick pg0065.txt 51 26 Moore Robert B. pg0041.txt 113 19 Moore Robt. pg0113.txt 50 10 Moore Sally pg0041.txt 122 14 Moore Thomas pg0113.txt 59 9 Moore Wm. pg0053.txt 58 1 Moorefield Johnson pg0053.txt 94 24 Mooreland Elender pg0089.txt 123 8 Morefield Johnson pg0113.txt 123 7 Morefield Julius pg0113.txt 47 13 Moreland Vincent pg0041.txt 93 20 Moreland William pg0089.txt 115 23 Morgan Henry pg0113.txt 93 11 Morgan John pg0089.txt 68 14 Morgan Mary pg0065.txt 68 15 Morgan Micajah pg0065.txt 44 16 Morgan Young pg0041.txt 59 2 Morris Dempsey pg0053.txt 91 19 Morris James pg0089.txt 58 14 Morris Jas. pg0053.txt 32 14 Morris John pg0029.txt 113 23 Morris Thos. pg0113.txt 109 1 Morrow David pg0101.txt 76 12 Morrow Thomas pg0065.txt 62 23 Morrow Thos. A. pg0053.txt 87 10 Mosely Benj. pg0077.txt 69 11 Moss Elizabeth pg0065.txt 120 13 Mullinax James pg0113.txt 36 26 Mungle Isaac pg0029.txt 41 15 Murphree James L. pg0041.txt 85 7 Murphry Jno. pg0077.txt 68 9 Murry Randolph pg0065.txt 33 4 Nance Harwood pg0029.txt 81 9 Nash Francis pg0077.txt 72 8 Neal Luke W. pg0065.txt 51 9 Needham Anne pg0041.txt 84 1 Nelson James pg0077.txt 70 19 Nesmith Wm. A. pg0065.txt 38 8 Newby Henry pg0029.txt 52 25 Newby Henry pg0041.txt 58 5 Newby John pg0053.txt 123 6 Newby John K. pg0113.txt 122 23 Newby William pg0113.txt 74 10 Newsom Richd. pg0065.txt 58 17 Nichols Byrd pg0053.txt 31 23 Nichols Henry V. pg0029.txt 31 22 Nichols Matthew pg0029.txt 91 20 Nichols William pg0089.txt 103 13 Nichols William pg0101.txt 70 3 Nickson Charles pg0065.txt 76 4 Nickson Robert pg0065.txt 70 2 Nickson Wm. pg0065.txt 124 12 Nivins Mary pg0113.txt 105 1 Nixon Levisa pg0101.txt 114 7 Nixon Robert pg0113.txt 121 10 Norad Benjamin pg0113.txt 41 23 Norris George pg0041.txt 51 20 Norris Tilman pg0041.txt 83 5 Nowls Mary pg0077.txt 104 13 Null Jacob pg0101.txt 106 7 Null Jacob pg0101.txt 89 10 Nunley Judith pg0089.txt 29 23 Nunly Branch pg0029.txt 59 3 Oakley George pg0053.txt 59 17 Oakley Thomas B, pg0053.txt 97 15 Oglesby Daniel pg0089.txt 56 10 Oglesby Elisha pg0053.txt 29 4 Oldham George pg0029.txt 40 8 Oldham George pg0029.txt 47 11 Oliver Bluford pg0041.txt 117 4 Oliver Bluford pg0113.txt 47 14 Oliver Horace pg0041.txt 85 3 Oliver Lancent pg0077.txt 83 17 Oliver Lanson pg0077.txt 113 14 O'Neal Darcas pg0113.txt 58 18 Orange John pg0053.txt 68 19 Orange Zepniah pg0065.txt 69 13 Ototram Saml. pg0065.txt 121 3 Overall Abraham pg0113.txt 71 18 Overate Elizabeth pg0065.txt 71 17 Overate Jacob pg0065.txt 86 19 Overate John W. pg0077.txt 33 10 Overstreet Thomas pg0029.txt 50 24 Overstreet Thos. pg0041.txt 119 9 Overstreet Will pg0113.txt 33 25 Overton Archd. W. pg0029.txt 114 2 Overton George pg0113.txt 67 7 Overton Samuel pg0065.txt 110 11 Owen Mary A. pg0101.txt 51 17 Owens James pg0041.txt 49 17 Owens Saml. pg0041.txt 51 5 Owens William pg0041.txt 69 1 Owens Wm. pg0065.txt 69 10 Owens Wm. pg0065.txt 79 22 Pace Thomas pg0077.txt 95 12 Padlock Richd. pg0089.txt 108 6 Page Barney pg0101.txt 107 24 Page Jacob pg0101.txt 109 19 Page Jacob pg0101.txt 42 6 Page John pg0041.txt 111 23 Page Jonathan pg0101.txt 41 24 Page Thomas W. pg0041.txt 108 17 Palmer Cinthia pg0101.txt 105 23 Palmer Henderson pg0101.txt 123 2 Palmer Jesse pg0113.txt 115 11 Palmer Philip pg0113.txt 115 12 Palmer Philip pg0113.txt 75 5 Palmer Phillip pg0065.txt 73 25 Palmer Wm. pg0065.txt 47 8 Panky Uzzi pg0041.txt 65 15 Panky Uzzy pg0065.txt 59 21 Paris James pg0053.txt 48 23 Parish John pg0041.txt 84 13 Parker Abraham pg0077.txt 91 16 Parker Archd. pg0089.txt 83 15 Parker Demcy pg0077.txt 37 17 Parker Edward pg0029.txt 72 22 Parker Ephraim pg0065.txt 84 21 Parker Galsberry pg0077.txt 84 7 Parker Hickerson pg0077.txt 44 5 Parker James pg0041.txt 49 11 Parker James pg0041.txt 75 18 Parker James pg0065.txt 85 13 Parker James pg0077.txt 90C 23 Parker Jne. pg0089.txt 81 19 Parker John pg0077.txt 105 24 Parker John pg0101.txt 80 5 Parker Joseph pg0077.txt 75 23 Parker Lewis pg0065.txt 88 8 Parker Mary pg0077.txt 72 16 Parker Mathew pg0065.txt 80 14 Parker Thomas pg0077.txt 80 23 Parker Warmuck pg0077.txt 75 25 Parker William pg0065.txt 86 22 Parker Wm. pg0077.txt 90C 24 Parker Wm. pg0089.txt 108 2 Parkerson George pg0101.txt 111 19 Parkerson Joab pg0101.txt 111 18 Parkerson Richd. pg0101.txt 64 4 Parks David pg0053.txt 64 5 Parks Ezekiel pg0053.txt 64 6 Parks William pg0053.txt 30 16 Parris James pg0029.txt 124 19 Parris Obadiah pg0113.txt 30 14 Parris Obediah pg0029.txt 30 26 Parrott Tharp pg0029.txt 112 23 Pascal Silas pg0101.txt 38 15 Paschal John pg0029.txt 37 24 Paschal John H. pg0029.txt 90C 9 Pate Booker pg0089.txt 90C 4 Pate Edward pg0089.txt 90C 5 Pate Stephen pg0089.txt 63 25 Paterson John pg0053.txt 72 24 Patterson Elizabeth pg0065.txt 95 2 Patterson Geo. pg0089.txt 36 4 Patterson Hugh K. pg0029.txt 95 1 Patterson James pg0089.txt 94 18 Patterson Leo pg0089.txt 38 6 Patterson William pg0029.txt 72 23 Patterson Wm. pg0065.txt 29 21 Payne Andrew pg0029.txt 47 10 Payne Benjamin pg0041.txt 39 12 Payne George pg0029.txt 49 24 Payne Isaac pg0041.txt 49 21 Payne John pg0041.txt 70 24 Payne John W. pg0065.txt 49 23 Payne Joseph pg0041.txt 76 1 Payne Lawrence pg0065.txt 78 19 Payne Pleasant pg0077.txt 44 7 Payne Wm. pg0041.txt 49 22 Payne Wm. pg0041.txt 70 9 Payns John pg0065.txt 70 10 Payns Maryan pg0065.txt 82 19 Peasly Danl. pg0077.txt 38 2 Pelote Smith C. pg0029.txt 38 19 Pendarvis James pg0029.txt 29 14 Pendarvis Solomon pg0029.txt 124 17 Pendarvis Wm. pg0113.txt 51 18 Penn Creed pg0041.txt 57 23 Penn George pg0053.txt 76 13 Penn Samuel pg0065.txt 119 7 Perkins Judith pg0113.txt 33 15 Perry Benjamin pg0029.txt 31 27 Persons William pg0029.txt 117 19 Petmay Littleton pg0113.txt 46 15 Petty Joseph pg0041.txt 67 16 Petty William pg0065.txt 58 15 Petway Thomas pg0053.txt 105 14 Pharres Reubin pg0101.txt 88 16 Phelps Robert pg0077.txt 37 8 Phelps Thomas pg0029.txt 40 23 Philips John M. pg0029.txt 120 6 Philips Peter pg0113.txt 100 7 Pickett Andrew pg0089.txt 30 7 Pickett Jonathan pg0029.txt 60 18 Pierce Benj. pg0053.txt 106 2 Pigg Mary pg0101.txt 45 19 Pillow John I. pg0041.txt 37 19 Pillow Martin pg0029.txt 50 8 Piper Abram pg0041.txt 110 9 Piper Abram pg0101.txt 110 10 Piper Allen pg0101.txt 110 1 Piper Benj. pg0101.txt 70 8 Piper James pg0065.txt 51 12 Piper John pg0041.txt 110 5 Piper John pg0101.txt 39 26 Piper Samuel pg0029.txt 51 13 Piper Samuel pg0041.txt 85 23 Pipkin Isaac pg0077.txt 85 22 Pipkin Lewis pg0077.txt 78 9 Pipkin Stephen pg0077.txt 90C 18 Pistal William pg0089.txt 100 8 Pistol Wyatt pg0089.txt 70 25 Pistole Saml. pg0065.txt 47 9 Pistole William R. pg0041.txt 112 11 Plunket Reubin pg0101.txt 112 12 Plunkford Wm. pg0101.txt 98 12 Pope James pg0089.txt 41 1 Pope Philip pg0041.txt 61 11 Pope Wm. pg0053.txt 39 18 Porter Colbert pg0029.txt 32 24 Porter John pg0029.txt 113 5 Porter John pg0113.txt 31 7 Porter Peter pg0029.txt 80 16 Porter Thomas pg0077.txt 61 22 Powell Edmund pg0053.txt 62 12 Powell George pg0053.txt 61 21 Powell James pg0053.txt 120 17 Powell James pg0113.txt 122 24 Powell Nancy pg0113.txt 117 20 Prentis Robert pg0113.txt 117 21 Prentis William pg0113.txt 112 9 Prentiss Wm. pg0101.txt 104 10 Presley Valentine pg0101.txt 34 18 Preston Caleb pg0029.txt 120 2 Preston Charles pg0113.txt 34 19 Preston Lucy A. pg0029.txt 124 11 Price Thomas pg0113.txt 74 19 Pritchard Benjamin pg0065.txt 38 13 Prowell David pg0029.txt 120 1 Pruett Elijah pg0113.txt 120 7 Pruett Wingate pg0113.txt 106 23 Pryor Green pg0101.txt 106 22 Pryor Pleasant pg0101.txt 90C 12 Pully James pg0089.txt 42 22 Purdy William pg0041.txt 90 16 Pursley Elisha pg0089.txt 36 24 Pursley Ephriam pg0029.txt 90 14 Pursley James pg0089.txt 90 10 Pursley Robert pg0089.txt 82 17 Pursly David pg0077.txt 68 12 Quarles John pg0065.txt 62 16 Quirry William pg0053.txt 117 11 Raferty William pg0113.txt 106 19 Rafferty Ulm pg0101.txt 93 24 Ragland Geo. pg0089.txt 67 6 Ragland Reuben pg0065.txt 66 25 Ragland William pg0065.txt 85 6 Raglin Wm. pg0077.txt 36 13 Rankin John pg0029.txt 86 21 Raulins Enoch pg0077.txt 50 19 Rauly Daniel pg0041.txt 74 12 Rawlin Reason pg0065.txt 38 12 Ray David L. pg0029.txt 110 25 Ray Henry pg0101.txt 32 12 Ray John H pg0029.txt 124 9 Ray Joseph pg0113.txt 49 3 Ray Lydia pg0041.txt 124 7 Ray Soloman pg0113.txt 111 5 Ray Wm. pg0101.txt 50 7 Read Caleb pg0041.txt 110 3 Read Caleb pg0101.txt 49 19 Read David C. pg0041.txt 70 12 Read John pg0065.txt 110 6 Read Thomas pg0101.txt 91 21 Reams Mitchell pg0089.txt 76 9 Reasonover George W. pg0065.txt 57 24 Reaves Hooker pg0053.txt 93 7 Reaves John pg0089.txt 108 16 Reaves John pg0101.txt 85 16 Redmond Abraham pg0077.txt 86 14 Redmond Jonas pg0077.txt 80 3 Redmond Rebecca pg0077.txt 65 25 Reed Thomas pg0065.txt 44 3 Reese Wm B. pg0041.txt 32 10 Reeves John pg0029.txt 79 10 Reeves John pg0077.txt 64 11 Reeves Silas pg0053.txt 45 7 Reeves William pg0041.txt 37 20 Reid Guilford pg0029.txt 89 11 Reid Mary pg0089.txt 46 19 Reid Thomas pg0041.txt 74 15 Renolds James pg0065.txt 62 2 Rent William pg0053.txt 34 23 Reynolds John pg0029.txt 101 10 Reynolds Josiah pg0101.txt 38 4 Reynolds Peter pg0029.txt 47 24 Richards John pg0041.txt 52 23 Richards John pg0041.txt 92 15 Richardson Edward pg0089.txt 92 17 Richardson Elijah pg0089.txt 79 15 Richardson Hopkin pg0077.txt 92 14 Richardson James pg0089.txt 90 22 Richardson John pg0089.txt 92 16 Richardson Thos. pg0089.txt 91 10 Richie Daniel pg0089.txt 91 23 Richie James pg0089.txt 112 22 Ridings James pg0101.txt 71 16 Rigsby John pg0065.txt 40 2 Rigsby Lydia pg0029.txt 73 4 Rigsby Paul pg0065.txt 41 9 Rison George pg0041.txt 45 4 Rison Richard pg0041.txt 111 12 Rittenberry Charles pg0101.txt 111 13 Rittenberry Danl. pg0101.txt 78 5 Roark Asa pg0077.txt 49 9 Roark Henry pg0041.txt 78 17 Roark James pg0077.txt 49 7 Roark John pg0041.txt 78 16 Roark John pg0077.txt 82 3 Roark Josiah pg0077.txt 55 13 Roark Levi pg0053.txt 55 15 Roark Reuben pg0053.txt 55 16 Roark William pg0053.txt 49 8 Roark Wm. pg0041.txt 29 8 Roberts Ezekiel pg0029.txt 77 3 Roberts Lewis pg0077.txt 85 2 Roberts Pleasant pg0077.txt 37 22 Roberts Richardson pg0029.txt 124 6 Roberts Thomas pg0113.txt 34 21 Robertson Henry pg0029.txt 122 25 Robertson Henry pg0113.txt 87 6 Robinson Alex. pg0077.txt 74 17 Robinson Alexander pg0065.txt 29 19 Robinson Asa pg0029.txt 29 26 Robinson Augustine pg0029.txt 32 4 Robinson Daniel pg0029.txt 45 10 Robinson David pg0041.txt 33 11 Robinson Francis pg0029.txt 119 6 Robinson Francis pg0113.txt 111 24 Robinson George pg0101.txt 33 3 Robinson Hudson pg0029.txt 54 6 Robinson James C. pg0053.txt 33 1 Robinson Joseph A. pg0029.txt 33 5 Robinson Maurice pg0029.txt 58 19 Robinson Robert pg0053.txt 88 22 Robinson Robt. pg0077.txt 33 7 Robinson Saml B. pg0029.txt 108 24 Robinson Stephen pg0101.txt 109 14 Robinson Stephen pg0101.txt 112 17 Robinson Thos L. pg0101.txt 45 8 Robinson William pg0041.txt 77 16 Robinson William pg0077.txt 57 19 Robman Ruth pg0053.txt 77 18 Rodes Moses pg0077.txt 49 20 Roe Benj. pg0041.txt 96 2 Roe John pg0089.txt 37 26 Rollings James pg0029.txt 58 13 Rose Wm. pg0053.txt 119 19 Ross Alfred pg0113.txt 102 16 Ross Charles pg0101.txt 56 25 Ross Rhoda pg0053.txt 51 16 Roundtree Turner pg0041.txt 68 21 Rowland David pg0065.txt 50 4 Rowland James pg0041.txt 90 8 Rowland Robert pg0089.txt 61 20 Royal Hester pg0053.txt 96 7 Rucks Edmund pg0089.txt 41 20 Rucks Josiah pg0041.txt 86 24 Runolds Britton pg0077.txt 62 25 Rush Joshua pg0053.txt 64 3 Russell Asa pg0053.txt 92 21 Russell Elom pg0089.txt 92 23 Russell Elom pg0089.txt 29 22 Russell John pg0029.txt 56 9 Rutherford Margaret pg0053.txt 90 20 Sadler Philip pg0089.txt 125 3 Sadler Thomas pg0113.txt 82 11 Sanders James pg0077.txt 72 20 Sanders John pg0065.txt 34 7 Sanders John S. pg0029.txt 40 6 Sanderson Edwd. pg0029.txt 115 1 Sanderson Susan pg0113.txt 76 10 Sanderson Thos. pg0065.txt 59 19 Sandlin Littleton pg0053.txt 102 5 Sandlin Randolph pg0101.txt 102 6 Sandlin Robert pg0101.txt 89 24 Satterfield Charles pg0089.txt 54 12 Saunders John pg0053.txt 53 25 Saunders William pg0053.txt 111 15 Saxton William pg0101.txt 96 17 Scoby John pg0089.txt 72 2 Scott Andrew pg0065.txt 72 17 Scott James pg0065.txt 62 15 Scott John pg0053.txt 72 9 Scott John pg0065.txt 71 19 Scott John B. pg0065.txt 72 13 Scott Martin pg0065.txt 36 14 Scott Moses pg0029.txt 101 23 Scott Soloman pg0101.txt 72 1 Scott Solomon pg0065.txt 100 13 Scott William pg0089.txt 97 2 Scrivener John pg0089.txt 68 18 Scrivner Jonathan pg0065.txt 102 17 Scrivner Moses pg0101.txt 110 18 Scruggs Archd. pg0101.txt 108 23 Scruggs James A. pg0101.txt 96 13 Seal James pg0089.txt 120 4 Secrest Thomas pg0113.txt 73 22 Self Abner pg0065.txt 63 1 Senceboy Levi pg0053.txt 65 6 Senserboy Samuel pg0065.txt 53 15 Shaffer Andrew pg0053.txt 53 13 Shaffer Jacob pg0053.txt 53 16 Shaffer John pg0053.txt 53 14 Shaffer Michael pg0053.txt 61 6 Shattock David O. pg0053.txt 55 19 Shaw David M. pg0053.txt 55 6 Shaw James pg0053.txt 80 1 Shelton David pg0077.txt 110 23 Shelton Giles pg0101.txt 41 13 Shelton James pg0041.txt 80 2 Shelton James pg0077.txt 88 18 Shelton John pg0077.txt 122 21 Shepard Thos. A. pg0113.txt 117 12 Shepherd James pg0113.txt 119 23 Sheppard Thomas pg0113.txt 41 26 Ship Neakins pg0041.txt 94 8 Shockley Thomas pg0089.txt 104 7 Shores Wiley pg0101.txt 81 15 Short Alex A. pg0077.txt 48 6 Short Jefferson R pg0041.txt 81 12 Short Thos. J. pg0077.txt 69 18 Shoulder Malichi pg0065.txt 80 22 Shriven John pg0077.txt 80 25 Shriven John pg0077.txt 80 24 Shriven Nicholas pg0077.txt 92 4 Shrum Peter pg0089.txt 119 11 Shumake Michael pg0113.txt 115 16 Shumate Martin pg0113.txt 46 12 Shumate William pg0041.txt 116 2 Shy Eli pg0113.txt 92 1 Sigon Evans pg0089.txt 92 2 Sigon William pg0089.txt 69 12 Sikes Joshua pg0065.txt 66 23 Simmons Christopher pg0065.txt 66 14 Simmons Joel pg0065.txt 66 18 Simmons Joel pg0065.txt 92 7 Simmons John pg0089.txt 66 22 Simmons Thomas pg0065.txt 71 9 Simpson James pg0065.txt 118 2 Simpson John pg0113.txt 59 25 Simpson Mary pg0053.txt 58 11 Simpson Prestley pg0053.txt 97 4 Simpson Thomas pg0089.txt 105 7 Simpson Thomas pg0101.txt 109 8 Skelton Duke pg0101.txt 117 18 Skelton Giles pg0113.txt 48 11 Slavens John pg0041.txt 61 12 Slavens Wm. pg0053.txt 47 25 Slinkard William pg0041.txt 40 4 Sloan Archd. pg0029.txt 46 23 Sloan Archibald pg0041.txt 40 11 Sloan Elizabeth pg0029.txt 66 1 Sloan Hezakiah pg0065.txt 39 16 Sloan Jason R. pg0029.txt 39 14 Sloan John pg0029.txt 39 13 Sloan Josiah pg0029.txt 46 24 Sloan Will R. pg0041.txt 39 11 Sloan William pg0029.txt 40 5 Sloan William pg0029.txt 70 6 Smalin Soloman pg0065.txt 39 22 Smalling Nancy pg0029.txt 123 22 Smith Abel pg0113.txt 91 17 Smith Allen pg0089.txt 98 18 Smith Andrew pg0089.txt 70 7 Smith Archibald pg0065.txt 98 16 Smith Charles pg0089.txt 88 23 Smith Charles E. pg0077.txt 62 11 Smith Daniel pg0053.txt 80 4 Smith Daniel pg0077.txt 80 15 Smith Daniel pg0077.txt 93 2 Smith David pg0089.txt 76 11 Smith Dennis pg0065.txt 98 17 Smith George pg0089.txt 108 11 Smith H. H. pg0101.txt 107 17 Smith Hugh pg0101.txt 122 5 Smith James pg0113.txt 51 8 Smith James G. pg0041.txt 43 11 Smith Jane pg0041.txt 76 3 Smith Jesse pg0065.txt 110 16 Smith John pg0101.txt 59 14 Smith Larkin pg0053.txt 105 10 Smith Mary pg0101.txt 80 9 Smith Randal pg0077.txt 35 17 Smith Samuel pg0029.txt 90 2 Smith Thomas pg0089.txt 122 13 Smith Thomas pg0113.txt 35 19 Smith William pg0029.txt 67 14 Smith William pg0065.txt 80 8 Smith William pg0077.txt 108 21 Smith William pg0101.txt 48 18 Smith Wm. pg0041.txt 83 4 Smithendick Thos. pg0077.txt 90C 19 Snead William pg0089.txt 93 10 Solan Mark pg0089.txt 86 17 Span Wm. pg0077.txt 94 22 Sparagrass John pg0089.txt 96 25 Spears William pg0089.txt 121 5 Spence Charles pg0113.txt 57 18 Spence James pg0053.txt 81 23 Spencer Moses pg0077.txt 62 21 Springer Aaron pg0053.txt 94 23 Springer John pg0089.txt 109 22 Spurlock Byrd pg0101.txt 121 2 Spurlock James pg0113.txt 68 2 Squires Levi pg0065.txt 56 3 Stafford Adam pg0053.txt 52 3 Stafford Cain pg0041.txt 83 8 Stafford Caleb pg0077.txt 52 9 Stafford John pg0041.txt 83 3 Stafford John pg0077.txt 83 1 Stafford Stephen pg0077.txt 52 8 Stafford Thomas pg0041.txt 79 21 Stafford Thomas pg0077.txt 88 19 Stalcup William pg0077.txt 30 22 Stallings James pg0029.txt 123 24 Stallings John pg0113.txt 79 18 Stamps Nathaniel pg0077.txt 90C 11 Standley Wm. pg0089.txt 106 3 Stands Andrew pg0101.txt 44 4 Stapp Coleby pg0041.txt 109 25 Starke Lewis pg0101.txt 98 25 Stephens H. L. pg0089.txt 106 8 Stevens Hezekiah L. pg0101.txt 36 19 Steward Elisha pg0029.txt 109 6 Steward Jourdan pg0101.txt 42 12 Stewart Drury pg0041.txt 110 14 Stewart Grief pg0101.txt 34 1 Stewart John pg0029.txt 56 16 Stewart John C. pg0053.txt 56 17 Stewart Murdock pg0053.txt 115 4 Stewart Thomas pg0113.txt 96 16 Still James pg0089.txt 46 22 Stinson Alexr. W. pg0041.txt 78 24 Stinson Burdett pg0077.txt 78 18 Stinson Daniel pg0077.txt 109 10 Stokes Thomas pg0101.txt 97 8 Stone Jacob F pg0089.txt 97 9 Stone William pg0089.txt 44 22 Stopp Raleigh pg0041.txt 118 15 Stowe Corder H. pg0113.txt 41 11 Strange Beverly H. pg0041.txt 57 10 Stratton Thos. J. pg0053.txt 77 10 Street John pg0077.txt 59 20 Strong John pg0053.txt 73 1 Strong Thos. pg0065.txt 46 2 Strother Judd pg0041.txt 46 13 Strother William pg0041.txt 90 5 Stubblefield Alexander pg0089.txt 43 3 Stubblefield Flemming pg0041.txt 42 26 Stubblefield John pg0041.txt 43 1 Stubblefield Robert pg0041.txt 46 8 Sullivan Ann pg0041.txt 66 5 Sullivan Daniel pg0065.txt 123 18 Sullivan Sarah pg0113.txt 46 14 Sullivan Tabitha pg0041.txt 67 23 Sullivan Wiley pg0065.txt 46 9 Sullivan Will D. pg0041.txt 67 22 Sullivan William pg0065.txt 36 10 Sumerset Joseph pg0029.txt 89 21 Surrels Francis pg0089.txt 91 8 Sutton Demsey pg0089.txt 29 25 Sutton Edmund pg0029.txt 87 20 Sutton George pg0077.txt 92 19 Sutton James pg0089.txt 92 20 Sutton James pg0089.txt 104 12 Sutton James pg0101.txt 104 4 Sykes Majr. L. pg0101.txt 60 7 Tate John pg0053.txt 69 2 Tate John P. pg0065.txt 107 16 Taylor Barney pg0101.txt 73 21 Taylor Creasy pg0065.txt 47 20 Taylor Daniel pg0041.txt 107 18 Taylor David pg0101.txt 48 5 Taylor David S. pg0041.txt 48 3 Taylor Dimon pg0041.txt 107 14 Taylor Drury pg0101.txt 107 19 Taylor Ezekiel pg0101.txt 107 15 Taylor Henry pg0101.txt 107 22 Taylor Henry pg0101.txt 73 20 Taylor Isaac pg0065.txt 109 20 Taylor John pg0101.txt 70 5 Taylor Meredith pg0065.txt 111 25 Taylor Morris pg0101.txt 46 17 Taylor Thomas pg0041.txt 124 10 Taylor Thomas pg0113.txt 63 12 Temple James pg0053.txt 63 11 Temple John pg0053.txt 42 23 Terry James pg0041.txt 102 22 Terry John pg0101.txt 125 14 Terry Nat pg0113.txt 30 1 Thomas Champen T. pg0029.txt 47 15 Thomas Diggs W. pg0041.txt 30 5 Thomas Ephraim pg0029.txt 93 23 Thomas Ephraim pg0089.txt 45 6 Thomas Martha pg0041.txt 31 8 Thomas William pg0029.txt 55 21 Thomas William pg0053.txt 93 22 Thomas William pg0089.txt 75 11 Thomason David pg0065.txt 75 20 Thomason David pg0065.txt 88 3 Thomason George pg0077.txt 82 2 Thomason Peter pg0077.txt 39 3 Thomason Samuel pg0029.txt 91 12 Thomerson Joseph pg0089.txt 91 13 Thomerson Page pg0089.txt 36 15 Thompson Archd. pg0029.txt 81 10 Thompson Elizabeth pg0077.txt 108 22 Thompson John pg0101.txt 56 8 Thompson Laurence pg0053.txt 82 1 Thompson Lucy pg0077.txt 37 23 Thompson Swan pg0029.txt 121 6 Thompson Will pg0113.txt 48 12 Thompson Wm. pg0041.txt 32 20 Thorn Augustin L. pg0029.txt 104 15 Thornton Hannah pg0101.txt 106 9 Thornton Hannah pg0101.txt 106 10 Thornton John pg0101.txt 29 6 Thornton Nelson pg0029.txt 44 26 Thurman Graves pg0041.txt 101 20 Thurman John pg0101.txt 117 7 Thurston John pg0113.txt 105 3 Tibb John pg0101.txt 119 17 Timberlake D.R. pg0113.txt 46 5 Timberlake David R. pg0041.txt 46 3 Timberlake John pg0041.txt 110 19 Tines Martha pg0101.txt 120 23 Tittle Samuel pg0113.txt 125 15 Tivis John pg0113.txt 32 7 Toney Elijah pg0029.txt 36 16 Touron William T. pg0029.txt 83 2 Towns Edmund pg0077.txt 74 7 Trail Edward N. pg0065.txt 108 15 Trammel Betsey pg0101.txt 108 4 Trammel Shadrach pg0101.txt 107 6 Trap Job pg0101.txt 124 25 Trousdale John pg0113.txt 125 1 Trousdale John pg0113.txt 34 16 Tubb Abraham pg0029.txt 118 1 Tubb Benjn. pg0113.txt 34 26 Tubb Geo. pg0029.txt 112 8 Tubb James pg0101.txt 34 25 Tubb Jas. pg0029.txt 112 14 Tubb Nicholas pg0101.txt 112 13 Tubb Saml. pg0101.txt 102 18 Tubbs John pg0101.txt 102 20 Tubbs John pg0101.txt 84 5 Tuck John pg0077.txt 121 21 Tuggle Hansey pg0113.txt 121 22 Tuggle Harris pg0113.txt 58 8 Tuggle Henry pg0053.txt 121 20 Tuggle Sarah pg0113.txt 102 23 Turnboor Samuel pg0101.txt 56 11 Turnbull Ruth pg0053.txt 96 5 Turner Beryman pg0089.txt 94 7 Turner David pg0089.txt 74 4 Turner Edward pg0065.txt 71 1 Turner Francis pg0065.txt 74 8 Turner Hezekiah pg0065.txt 42 8 Turner John pg0041.txt 88 6 Turner John pg0077.txt 96 20 Turner John pg0089.txt 55 5 Turner John L. pg0053.txt 55 8 Turner Lewis pg0053.txt 76 14 Turner Little B. pg0065.txt 102 4 Turner Patsey pg0101.txt 74 5 Turner Tallifaro pg0065.txt 75 1 Turner Wilson pg0065.txt 120 24 Turney Carharine pg0113.txt 119 24 Turney Joseph pg0113.txt 109 24 Turney Lemuel pg0101.txt 120 25 Turney Mary pg0113.txt 113 8 Twidwell Jno. pg0113.txt 39 8 Tyre Flanders pg0029.txt 31 1 Tyree David pg0029.txt 31 3 Tyree William pg0029.txt 76 21 Tyree William pg0065.txt 77 22 Uhles Jacob pg0077.txt 81 8 Uhles Jacob pg0077.txt 79 6 Uhles John B. pg0077.txt 92 9 Uhlis Lucy pg0089.txt 48 4 Uhls Fredk. pg0041.txt 48 7 Uhls James pg0041.txt 29 20 Uhls Micheal L pg0029.txt 55 24 Uhls Richard pg0053.txt 48 24 Uhls Wm. pg0041.txt 45 17 Vabderpool Joseph pg0041.txt 31 16 Vaden John pg0029.txt 95 19 Vaden L. pg0089.txt 46 4 Vaden Samuel pg0041.txt 68 20 Vaden Samuel L. pg0065.txt 46 16 Vaden William pg0041.txt 125 8 Vaden William pg0113.txt 87 11 Vanbreace John pg0077.txt 78 22 Vanover Henry pg0077.txt 75 10 Vanover William pg0065.txt 45 1 Vassel Peter pg0041.txt 62 22 Vaughan Rebeca pg0053.txt 94 9 Vaughn John pg0089.txt 95 17 Vaughn William pg0089.txt 35 24 Ventress James W. pg0029.txt 36 1 Ventress Lovet pg0029.txt 71 24 Vick Benjamin pg0065.txt 31 10 Vick Joshua pg0029.txt 114 12 Vick Joshua pg0113.txt 63 5 Vincent Bemon pg0053.txt 63 4 Vincent James pg0053.txt 63 6 Vincent John pg0053.txt 63 2 Vincent Richard C. pg0053.txt 110 21 Wade Wm. pg0101.txt 101 17 Wafferd Benjm pg0101.txt 101 13 Wafferd John pg0101.txt 101 18 Wafford Robert pg0101.txt 40 21 Waggoner George pg0029.txt 53 5 Wakefield Alexander pg0053.txt 53 4 Wakefield Henry pg0053.txt 53 7 Wakefield Henry pg0053.txt 53 9 Wakefield John pg0053.txt 53 10 Wakefield William pg0053.txt 118 8 Waldon Jesse pg0113.txt 51 25 Walker Anderson pg0041.txt 31 5 Walker Charles pg0029.txt 37 7 Walker George pg0029.txt 69 3 Walker George pg0065.txt 29 18 Walker John pg0029.txt 76 2 Walker John pg0065.txt 45 16 Walker Nelson pg0041.txt 112 25 Walker Saml. pg0101.txt 114 8 Walker Saml. pg0113.txt 122 11 Walker Saml. pg0113.txt 98 6 Walker Samuel pg0089.txt 41 25 Walker Thomas pg0041.txt 122 20 Walker Thomas pg0113.txt 57 9 Walker Thos. pg0053.txt 95 4 Walker Walter pg0089.txt 37 6 Walker William pg0029.txt 52 7 Wallace Mary pg0041.txt 105 2 Wallace Randal pg0101.txt 125 10 Wallace Stephen pg0113.txt 82 6 Wallace Thomas W. pg0077.txt 94 25 Wallen Margaret pg0089.txt 45 5 Walters Jesse pg0041.txt 45 12 Walton Sarah pg0041.txt 33 21 Walton Timothy pg0029.txt 45 13 Walton Timothy pg0041.txt 67 11 Wamock Alfred pg0065.txt 59 13 Ward A. pg0053.txt 46 26 Ward Avent pg0041.txt 57 14 Ward Bryant pg0053.txt 50 9 Ward David C. pg0041.txt 49 25 Ward Dicken pg0041.txt 95 23 Ward John pg0089.txt 117 1 Ward Matthew pg0113.txt 71 20 Warfire John C. pg0065.txt 102 2 Warford David pg0101.txt 102 3 Warford Isaac pg0101.txt 102 1 Warford John pg0101.txt 47 16 Warren Etheldred pg0041.txt 61 23 Warren John pg0053.txt 42 3 Warren Richard pg0041.txt 86 13 Washer John pg0077.txt 71 13 Watson Charles pg0065.txt 121 1 Watson John K. pg0113.txt 52 12 Watson Samuel pg0041.txt 90 11 Watts Westley pg0089.txt 80 21 Weatherford John B. pg0077.txt 58 3 Weaver Walker pg0053.txt 123 4 Weaver Weakly pg0113.txt 41 3 Welborn William L. pg0041.txt 95 11 Welch Richd. pg0089.txt 108 18 Welleer Adaline pg0101.txt 102 21 West Benjamin L. pg0101.txt 62 8 West Edward pg0053.txt 62 5 West James pg0053.txt 62 10 West Jesse pg0053.txt 100 9 West Joel pg0089.txt 77 23 West John pg0077.txt 100 6 West John F. pg0089.txt 62 9 West Miles pg0053.txt 100 16 West Nathaniel S. pg0089.txt 50 20 West Robert pg0041.txt 61 25 West Wm. pg0053.txt 101 7 Whaley Elijah pg0101.txt 120 21 Whaley Seth pg0113.txt 101 5 Whaley Thomas pg0101.txt 97 19 Wheeler John pg0089.txt 29 3 Whitakers Cyrus pg0029.txt 83 25 White Ann pg0077.txt 85 4 White Charles J. pg0077.txt 118 22 White Devotion pg0113.txt 66 12 White George pg0065.txt 87 1 White Isaiah pg0077.txt 118 23 White John pg0113.txt 86 25 White Jos. pg0077.txt 101 15 White Rachel pg0101.txt 98 21 Whitfield James pg0089.txt 30 21 Whitley David pg0029.txt 125 6 Whitley David pg0113.txt 30 10 Whitley Erwin pg0029.txt 30 20 Whitley Jonas pg0029.txt 124 24 Whitley Taylor pg0113.txt 108 10 Whitley Willis pg0101.txt 31 21 Wiatt Edward pg0029.txt 118 24 Wigett Joseph pg0113.txt 44 14 Wilborne Gunnery pg0041.txt 44 11 Wilborne Robert pg0041.txt 44 6 Wilborne Thos. pg0041.txt 88 15 Wilburne Henry pg0077.txt 88 14 Wilburne Obadiah pg0077.txt 123 20 Wiliams Judah pg0113.txt 53 6 Wilkinson Daniel pg0053.txt 82 8 Wilkinson Obadiah pg0077.txt 64 8 Wilkinson Richard pg0053.txt 122 8 Wilkinson Turner L. pg0113.txt 123 19 Williams Abary pg0113.txt 101 19 Williams Andrew pg0101.txt 68 16 Williams Elijah pg0065.txt 112 10 Williams Elisha pg0101.txt 112 3 Williams Giles pg0101.txt 116 24 Williams Henry pg0113.txt 98 10 Williams Howell pg0089.txt 107 10 Williams Humphrey pg0101.txt 90C 22 Williams James C. pg0089.txt 43 14 Williams John pg0041.txt 29 27 Williams John P. pg0029.txt 105 6 Williams K. D. pg0101.txt 36 18 Williams Marmaduke pg0029.txt 125 4 Williams Nat W. pg0113.txt 67 17 Williams Randolph pg0065.txt 121 24 Williams Richd. pg0113.txt 107 11 Williams Richmond pg0101.txt 31 19 Williams Robert pg0029.txt 87 5 Williams Robt. pg0077.txt 54 16 Williams Thomas pg0053.txt 90C 20 Williams Thomas pg0089.txt 84 16 Williams Thos A. pg0077.txt 71 2 Williams William pg0065.txt 29 7 Williams Wm. T. pg0029.txt 48 14 Williamson Byrd pg0041.txt 104 5 Williamson James pg0101.txt 92 13 Williamson Martin pg0089.txt 114 20 Williford Jeffrey pg0113.txt 38 25 Willis Delpha pg0029.txt 77 5 Willis Henry pg0077.txt 38 22 Willis Nancy pg0029.txt 89 8 Willis Vincent pg0089.txt 44 10 Willis Wm. L. pg0041.txt 114 6 Willoughby Isaac pg0113.txt 115 18 Willoughby Rhody pg0113.txt 102 8 Willoughby Wm. pg0101.txt 79 20 Wilmore Henry pg0077.txt 65 2 Wilmore Hensly pg0065.txt 69 16 Wilmore Willie pg0065.txt 45 23 Wilson Claibourn pg0041.txt 34 22 Wilson Elijah pg0029.txt 116 21 Wilson Elijah pg0113.txt 123 11 Wilson Elijah pg0113.txt 48 13 Wilson James pg0041.txt 92 5 Wilson John pg0089.txt 73 18 Wilson Randolph pg0065.txt 70 20 Wilson Saml. D. pg0065.txt 116 16 Wilson Samuel H. pg0113.txt 116 5 Wilson Scurley pg0113.txt 34 15 Wilson Wm. pg0029.txt 103 20 Winchester Andrew pg0101.txt 105 16 Winchester Andrew pg0101.txt 108 9 Winfree David pg0101.txt 53 8 Winfrey Allen C. pg0053.txt 114 10 Winfrey James pg0113.txt 114 15 Winfrey James pg0113.txt 47 4 Winfrey John T. pg0041.txt 40 10 Winkle Parthena pg0029.txt 56 12 Winston Noel pg0053.txt 80 20 Wiseman Isaac pg0077.txt 84 14 Witcher James pg0077.txt 84 15 Witcher James pg0077.txt 53 1 Witchers Daniel pg0053.txt 96 14 Wood Augustine pg0089.txt 90 3 Wood Francis pg0089.txt 41 14 Wood James pg0041.txt 116 19 Wood John pg0113.txt 43 7 Wood Josiah pg0041.txt 43 9 Wood Josiah D. pg0041.txt 116 20 Wood Thos. pg0113.txt 82 9 Wood William pg0077.txt 57 8 Wood Wm. pg0053.txt 54 15 Woodcock C. H. pg0053.txt 54 24 Woodcock John pg0053.txt 54 25 Woodcock Joseph pg0053.txt 66 20 Woodcock Mark pg0065.txt 54 10 Woodcock Parish pg0053.txt 52 1 Woodmore James pg0041.txt 109 7 Woods Elisha pg0101.txt 82 16 Woods John pg0077.txt 69 24 Woods Wm. pg0065.txt 73 11 Woodsides Alfred pg0065.txt 71 25 Woodsides John pg0065.txt 95 22 Woodson Obediah pg0089.txt 118 11 Woodson Tucker pg0113.txt 40 24 Wooten Benjamin pg0029.txt 40 25 Wooten Thomas W. pg0029.txt 81 25 Wright Bazel pg0077.txt 81 18 Wright Bennet pg0077.txt 68 13 Wright Campbell pg0065.txt 37 9 Wright Ebenezer pg0029.txt 80 17 Wright George pg0077.txt 80 6 Wright George S. pg0077.txt 34 9 Wright Green pg0029.txt 48 20 Wright Hickmon pg0041.txt 88 24 Wright Hubbard pg0077.txt 41 12 Wright John F. pg0041.txt 77 17 Wright Robert pg0077.txt 79 12 Wright Thompson pg0077.txt 104 19 Wyatt Ezekiel pg0101.txt 55 14 Wynne Peter pg0053.txt 101 11 Yeargin Dobson pg0101.txt 101 22 Yeargin Henry pg0101.txt 72 19 Yergin James pg0065.txt 100 18 York Gideon B. pg0089.txt 95 8 York James pg0089.txt 95 16 York Jno. pg0089.txt 95 7 York Richd. pg0089.txt 39 24 Yorke John pg0029.txt 35 4 Young A, D. pg0029.txt 64 20 Young Alfonsa pg0053.txt 95 13 Young B. F. pg0089.txt 64 19 Young Daniel pg0053.txt 86 3 Young Manson pg0077.txt 53 2 Young Milton pg0053.txt 64 14 Young Syms pg0053.txt 92 11 Young Thomas N. pg0089.txt 82 20 Young Thos. T. pg0077.txt 50 17 Young William pg0041.txt 93 14 Young William pg0089.txt