The USGenWeb Census Project 1920 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Cook County, Illinois - - 1920 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T625-305
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
1 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A1, including
Institution(s): Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital
Excluding Illinois Home and Aid Society. Bounded by: Chicago River, Lake Michigan, Madison St. extended, Madison St., State St., Monroe St., Chicago River
2 Institution(s): Municipal Pier, Motor Transport Corp.
Chicago, Ward 1.
3 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part)
Bounded by: Madison St., Indiana Ave., East Van Buren St., South State St.
4 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A7
Bounded by: West Madison St., extended, Lake Michigan, West 12th Street, S. Indiana Ave.
Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A-2 (part)
Bounded by: East Van Buren, Indiana Ave., East Harrison St., State Street
5 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part)
Bounded by: East Harrison St., Wabash Avenue, East Eighth St., State Street
6 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part)
Bounded by: East Harrison St., Indiana Ave., East Eighth St., Wabash Avenue
7 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part) including
Institution(s): Y M C A
Bounded by: East Eighth St., Wabash Ave., East Ninth St., State St.
8 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part) including
Institution(s): Y M C A
Bounded by: East Eighth St., Indiana Ave., East Ninth St., Wabash Avenue
9 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part)
Bounded by: East Ninth St., Wabash Ave., East Twelfth St., State Street
10 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A2 (part)
Bounded by: East Ninth St., Indiana Avenue, East Twelfth St., Wabash Avenue
11 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Monroe St., State St., West Van Buren St., South Clark St.
12 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Monroe St., South Clark St., West Van Buren St., South La St., West Jackson, South La Salle St.
13 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Van Buren St., South Dearborn St., West Harrison St., South Clark St.
14 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Van Buren St., South Clark St., West Harrison St., South Branch of Chicago River
15 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Van Buren St., South State St., Polk Street, South Dearborn St.
16 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Monroe St., South La Salle St., W. Jackson, S. La Salle, West Van Buren St., South Branch of Chicago River
17 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: West Harrison St., South La Salle St., Taylor St., and Federal St., West Twelfth St., South Branch of Chicago River
18 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: Harrison St., South Dearborn St., Polk St., South La Salle St.
19 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A3 (part)
Bounded by: Polk St., South State St., West 12th St., Federal St., Taylor St., and South La Salle St.
20 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A4 (part)
Bounded by: East 12th St., east 12th St., extended, Lake Michigan, East 16th St., extended, east 16th St., Indiana Ave and 14th St., South State St.
21 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A4 (part) including
Institution(s): St. Luke's Hospital
Bounded by: Twelfth St., South State St., and Fourteenth St., Indiana Avenue, Sixteenth St., 16th St., extended 16th St., South Branch of Chicago River
22 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A5 (part)
Bounded by: Sixteenth St., Wentworth St., West 22nd St., South Branch of Chicago River
23 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A5 (part)
Bounded by: Sixteenth St., extended, 16th St., Federal St., Ninteenth St., Wentworth St.
24 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A5 (part)
Bounded by: Sixteenth Street, State St., Ninteenth Street, Federal Street
25 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A5 (part)
Bounded by: Ninteenth Street, Federal Street, 22nd. Street, Wentworth Street
26 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A5 (part)
Bounded by: Ninteenth, State St., 22nd, St., Federal St.
27 Chicago: Ward 1 (part)      
28 Chicago: Ward 1 (part)      
29 Chicago: Ward 1 (part)      
30 Chicago: Ward 1 (part)      
31 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract A6 (part)
Bounded by: Twentieth St., Prairie Ave., and Eighteenth St., Eighteenth St., extended, Lake Michigan, 22nd. Street, Indiana Ave.
32 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract D2 (part) including
Institution(s): People's Hospital
Bounded by: 22nd. St., Princeton Ave., West 23rd. Place, Archer St., Pct. line, South Branch of Chicago River
33 Chicago: Ward 1; Tract D2 (part)
Bounded by: Archer Ave. W. 23rd St., Princeton Ave., West 25th St., Wallace St., (Precinct line)

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