The USGenWeb Census Project's Lookup Forum is temporarily unavailable while new software is being evaluated.

In the meantime, there is a Census-Chat "Lookup" email-list, that you can subscribe to for your lookup requests.


To subscribe, send an email to:
with the single word  subscribe  in the message subject and body.

To unsubscribe, send an email to:
with the single word  unsubscribe  in the message subject and body.

Anyone needing a census lookup is welcome to post their request on this list. Please provide as much information as possible such as the full name, approximate birth-year, state of residence and county of residence during the specific census year you are requesting. This will minimize the need for the volunteer researchers to reply to the post asking for more information.

Posting a lookup request on this list does not guarentee that someone will reply with your needed information, and adding as much information as you can will help the volunteer researchers to be able to find the census information for your request.

Please note also, this is a CENSUS list and lookup requests for everything about a specific family will probably be ignored, as will requests for birth, death, cemetery, and Indian Roll Numbers.


The CENSUS-CHAT email-list is archived


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For questions about this list, contact the list administrator at


The USGenWeb Census Project®