Baldwin, AL 1830 Federal Census INDEX This Census was transcribed by Vickie Moore and proofread by Marsha Thompson for the USGenWeb Census Project® Copyright (c) 2004 by Vickie Moore ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census_Year 1830 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1830 Microfilm #M19-2 State ALABAMA County BALDWIN ========================================================================== PG LN Lastname Firstname ========================================================================== 21 9 Aaron Mary 24 1 Alexan Bazeel 23 26 Alexan Boden 22 26 Alexander Henry 20 4 Allen Robert 20 19 Avis Joseph 20 13 Barlow Aaron 24 9 Baxley Samuel 24 5 Bayley William 20 22 Beard Henry 23 2 Bingham Charles 22 22 Biscaro Bartola 22 18 Blue Uriah 24 2 Boden Judicke 19 25 Booker John 18 6 Boon John 18 24 Booth Joseph 22 1 Bowen William 22 9 Brown John 23 7 Brownjohn Emalia 19 14 Brumby Benjamin S 19 11 Bryant William P 20 9 Bryars Charles 20 3 Bryers Lazarus J 21 4 Byrne Gerald 21 7 Byrne Patrick 21 5 Byrne Thomas 22 7 Cabrao Joseph 22 13 Capprel Francis 24 21 Carpenter Thomas 23 10 Castloe William 24 16 Caton Thomas 23 3 Cenler Fredrick 23 4 Christian B. K. 23 13 Clark Lyman 24 7 Clark Moses 22 15 Clark Wm. C. W. 24 17 Cochran James M 20 27 Cofman Ephraim 24 20 Cohnes Thomas G T 22 14 Collins James 21 18 Conway James 22 3 Conway Ruthy 18 7 Conway Sopha 23 24 Cook Constance 23 23 Cook John 22 6 Corno Francis 18 25 Crawford Stephen 23 14 Crosby Thomas W 20 17 Cushin Joseph 24 6 Cypress John 18 14 Daniel Green B 24 3 Danna Calab 19 19 Davis Benjamin 18 17 Davis Henry 19 6 Davis Jefferson 18 19 Davis William 18 21 Davis William C 21 11 Dean James 23 18 Decilva John 20 23 Deeze Joal 22 10 Dennis Robert 22 4 Denton John 19 15 Dewolf Samuel H 22 11 Dinsmore Silas 22 23 Dolive Louis 22 25 Dolive Reubin 23 20 Dolive Sebray 21 3 Dunn Sarah 19 24 Durant Locklin 18 3 Earls James 21 21 Eddy Henry 18 12 Edmonds Samuel 20 2 Ellis John 19 4 English Lewis 23 27 Estava Hepolite 19 10 Ficklin Thomas 24 14 Fowler John 19 17 Garner Arthur 19 1 Gentry David 20 1 Gilbert Allen K 22 24 Greenwood John 19 20 Hadley Jesse 21 2 Hall Charles 20 25 Hall Clemson 21 25 Hall Nathaniel 20 15 Halter Jacob 20 20 Hammons Elias 21 22 Hayden Nehemiah 23 8 Henry Charles A 22 20 Hisler Elizabeth 19 7 Hubird James 19 3 Hughs Richmond P 21 23 James Thomas 21 17 Johns Johnathan 18 16 Johnson Elizabeth 21 26 Jones Elijah 19 16 Keithley James 20 12 Killcrease John 20 11 Kitchens Samuel 20 10 Kitchens Wiiliam 23 15 Koss Andrew 23 25 Lacoast Augustine 19 12 Lancaster Edward 21 12 Lewey Joseph 23 22 Lewis Fredrick 22 5 Lopass John 22 21 Lorez Jane 19 26 Magee Linn 18 20 Mahoney Patrick 18 23 Martin William 23 11 Mawson Henry 23 1 McClary John 24 8 McColley James 19 18 McConnel John 19 27 McDavid Joal 19 9 McDonald John 23 5 McDonald Micheal 23 12 McFall Henry 21 20 McKibbin Henry 21 1 Miller Jacob 20 18 Mills Sarah 19 21 Mims Alexander 24 22 Minton Joshua W 24 19 Moniac Alexander 19 22 Moniac David 21 14 Monroe Alexander 22 17 Moore James 18 10 Morris John 20 7 Moye Jason 18 1 Myles Josephus 24 10 Newton Edward 21 15 Niffin Henry 24 24 Ogden C. A. 21 6 Oswald Samuel 24 13 Overton John 24 11 Parry Lemon 24 15 Pitcher Stephen 24 23 Quandrill Charles 21 24 Randol Isaiah 21 19 Roberson Lucey 23 9 Roberts James J 21 13 Rogers John 19 5 Sawyer John 20 16 Seabury James L 24 4 Sharp James 21 16 Sibley Cyrus 20 14 Sibley Origin 20 26 Sikes Caroline 21 27 Simmons J. W. L. 18 18 Singleton Robert 18 13 Sizemoore William 18 8 Slaughter Lee 23 17 Smith John 20 5 Smith Rease 23 6 Smith William E 18 26 Stapleton Catherine 18 22 Stapleton Jobez 22 8 Starke Lewis 18 2 Stedham Edward 18 27 Stedham Elizabeth 20 24 Stedham Jesse 24 18 Steel Edward R 23 16 Stoval Frank 22 27 Swains Joseph 22 16 Swains Peter 19 23 Tate Margaret 20 8 Thomas Joseph 24 12 Thomas Joshua 19 2 Thompson William 21 10 Thompson William 21 8 Toler Daniel 18 4 Turvin Elijah 18 5 Turvin Elisha 23 21 Tylee George 20 6 Vastbinder Mervin T 18 9 Vaughn William C 18 11 Weatherford Mary 22 2 Weekeley Edmond 19 8 Weekeley Ransom 23 19 Weeks Nicholas 18 15 Whitney Jason 20 21 Wilkins George W 22 19 Williams Ujane 19 13 Williamson Harlee 22 12 Willson Henry