Blount, AL 1830 Federal Census (INDEX) This Census was transcribed by Marsha Thompson and proofread by M. Thompson for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2006 by Marsha Thompson ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census_Year 1830 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1830 Microfilm #M19-1 ENUMERATOR: John Staton State ALABAMA County BLOUNT ========================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1830 STATE: AL COUNTY: Blount -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STMd Name of Head of Family PAGE LINE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ========================================================================== 20 23 Aerage Robison 8 19 Aldridge Andrew 9 19 Aldridge Enoch 10 14 Alexander David 10 20 Alexander Nathaniel 10 10 Alfred Andrew 8 25 Amosson Benjamin 5 15 Anderton James 16 19 Anderton James B 5 10 Anderton John 18 16 Anderton William 18 5 Armstrong James 3 15 Armstrong Jesse 3 23 Armstrong Thomas 19 24 Askew John 19 21 Avery Allen 5 9 Avery David 11 3 Avery John 21 9 Avery Reuben ----------------------------------------- 5 28 Baley William P 23 4 Ballard Garrison 23 5 Ballard James 23 27 Ballard William 19 27 Banks James 2 15 Barnard John 11 27 Barns Elizabeth 23 10 Barns Johnson 23 9 Barns Jonathan 23 11 Barns Joseph 23 8 Barns Nancy 13 21 Barton Gilbert 13 20 Barton Henry C 15 1 Beard William 20 21 Beeson Edward 2 11 Beeson Vestal 7 8 Berry Charles 13 9 Berry George 6 15 Berry James, Jr 14 25 Berry James, Senr 10 4 Berry William, Jr 11 14 Berry William, Senr 8 14 Berry Zadoc 7 10 Bevers William 21 19 Bias James 17 7 Biddy Edward 24 14 Biddy Henry 17 6 Biddy John 10 1 Billingsley Samuel 13 7 Billingsley Thomas 9 24 Billingsley Thomas, Jr 13 16 Billingsley Thomas, Jr 15 26 Billingsley Thomas, Jr 15 24 Billingsley William 20 27 Bishop John 3 24 Blackburn James A 6 5 Blackburn Joel 6 6 Blackburn William 7 19 Blackwood Isaac 9 27 Blakely Greenberry 5 18 Blakely James 5 17 Blakely John 13 4 Blan Elizabeth 20 8 Blevins John 19 22 Blythe William 24 17 Bowers Vally 13 2 Box Elizabeth 18 13 Box James 12 3 Box John A 16 17 Box John H 17 3 Box John, Jr 11 15 Box John, Senr 4 3 Box Larkin 14 15 Box Rolen W 3 17 Box Stephen 3 18 Box Stilwell 22 26 Box William 13 23 Boyd James 23 26 Bragg James 23 16 Bragg Joseph 21 27 Brantley Wiley 19 1 Brashers Elijah 18 26 Brashers Elijah, Jr 18 27 Brashers John 15 17 Brassel Elias 15 18 Brassel William 19 9 Bratcher Philip 2 1 Brindley Mace S P 8 15 Brooks Jacob W 13 26 Brown David 2 24 Brown Jonathan 3 12 Brown Robert 14 21 Brown William 19 19 Buchanan William B 18 9 Byford Aguilla 3 6 Bynum Asa, Jr 4 22 Bynum Asa, Sr 4 15 Bynum Isaac 21 8 Bynum James, Jr 18 24 Bynum James, Senr 4 25 Bynum Jesse 4 5 Bynum John 18 23 Bynum John, Jr 4 20 Bynum Solomon 4 19 Bynum William 5 8 Byrum Silas C ----------------------------------------- 6 17 Calahan George 2 2 Calahan Joshua 4 8 Callison John G 14 13 Calvert James 14 12 Calvert John 14 11 Calvert Joseph 6 1 Camp Thomas H 20 1 Cane Reed L 11 20 Cargo Samuel 16 8 Carlton Elizabeth 16 6 Carlton Henry 12 18 Carlton Samuel 11 26 Carns David 13 13 Cetchum Jacob 11 5 Chamblee Isham 22 17 Chamblee John 11 7 Chamblee Robert 16 7 Chamness John 16 5 Chamness William 2 6 Chaney Henry 21 11 Childers Mitchel 11 24 Clack Philip D 22 12 Clark Benjamin 22 6 Cleveland Ulyses T 18 3 Clodess Harper 16 27 Conway Abel 5 4 Cook Alexander 13 12 Coons Jacob 12 1 Copeland David 11 11 Copeland James 11 21 Copeland Lewis 5 6 Cornelius Aaron 16 26 Cornelius Beverly 3 26 Cornelius Champeon 3 27 Cornelius Jesse 17 1 Cornelius Moses 5 5 Cornelius William, Senr 4 2 Cornelus William 6 8 Cowden Elijah 20 6 Cox Edward 9 18 Crump John 19 8 Crutcher James 6 7 Cunningham Robert 24 27 Curl Jeremiah ----------------------------------------- 21 1 Davenport John 21 17 Davenport Richard 24 23 Dean Sally 5 23 Deaver Matthew 9 1 Derrick China 5 25 Derrick Tobias 14 4 Dorsey James 7 7 Doty Thomas R 2 7 Dunn James ----------------------------------------- 5 2 Easley Benjamin 3 9 Easley Daniel 9 2 Easley Warham 8 5 Edwards Asa 4 18 Edwards Jesse 16 2 Edwards Joseph 10 27 Edwards Lewis 10 17 Edwards William 16 3 Edwards William 9 8 Elliott H H 21 20 Elliott James 4 10 Ellis Benjamin 3 7 Ellis Iva 18 22 Ellis Jeremiah 4 11 Ellis Jesse 22 19 Ellison Nancy 20 22 Estes John W ----------------------------------------- 6 12 Farley Robert 9 17 Ferguson King D 14 23 Ferrel Thomas 17 8 Fields Daniel 21 2 Fields Gilbert 12 2 Files Jeremiah 14 26 Files Jeremiah, Jr 23 24 Findley Robert 23 25 Findley William 19 18 Fletcher James 15 21 Fletcher Riley 24 25 Fortner Pleasant 18 18 Foster John 15 7 Foust David 2 25 Foust John 11 8 Foust Peter 10 19 Foust Philip 11 9 Foust Samuel 15 6 Foust William 13 17 Fowler Godfrey 24 8 Fowler John 11 1 Freeman Robert 12 16 Fulton Jeremiah ----------------------------------------- 17 2 Gallian Bradent 21 12 Gambelle Kinchen K 24 20 Gandy Lemuel 8 13 Garnter Thomas, Senr 20 13 Gilbreath Baxter 10 22 Gill Jesse 19 23 Gillilan John 20 26 Gillum Elizabeth 7 25 Gilmore John P 21 16 Glascock Gregory 18 19 Glover George 17 14 Glover James 8 21 Golden Richard 14 27 Golden Turner 4 6 Goucher Henry 13 8 Goucher Samuel 7 18 Graves Alexander 7 21 Graves Doctor 7 24 Graves Hiram 7 23 Graves James 11 4 Graves John 23 23 Green John W 17 20 Gregory Edward 17 21 Gregory Jonathan 17 19 Gregory William B 3 16 Grimmet Abraham 17 4 Grimmet William 9 13 Gunter John 9 25 Gunter Thomas, Jr 15 19 Gunter William 6 23 Gurley Aaron 6 22 Gurley John 6 21 Gurley Westley ----------------------------------------- 12 22 Haile George 24 16 Haile James 17 24 Haily Thomas 18 10 Hall James 6 20 Hall John 3 25 Hall Josiah 18 11 Hall William 16 10 Hallmark Cummings 16 13 Hallmark Minet 14 8 Halmark Carter 18 12 Halmark Jesse 14 9 Halmark William 13 18 Hamaker John 21 18 Hamaker William 8 4 Hanby Nancy 22 7 Hannor Matthew H 9 12 Hannor Moses T 13 27 Harman Joel 8 26 Harmon Samuel 3 3 Harris Alfred 2 3 Harris Thomas H 18 20 Harst James 16 15 Harvy Richard B 3 28 Hays Reuben 9 9 Hays Standwix 5 19 Head Sampson 16 11 Henderson Joseph 16 12 Henderson Martha 24 7 Henson William 16 16 Hiatt Elisha 22 9 Hicks Elisha 22 10 Hicks William 13 25 Higginbotham Robert 13 24 Higginbotham William 11 25 Hinds Simeon 21 26 Hogland Abraham 21 25 Hogland Anthony 15 16 Holloway Ruthy 6 24 Holt Charles 6 27 Holt William 10 25 Hopkins Isham 13 5 Hopper George 13 3 Hopper John 17 23 Hopper John, Jr 10 12 Hopy Isaac 20 16 Horton Archibald 20 15 Horton Jesse 3 10 House Darling B 2 8 Hovarter Jacob 2 18 Huddleston Newton 18 7 Huddleston William 12 27 Hudson Jackson K 7 14 Hudson Richard 7 1 Huffstutlar George 6 25 Huffstutlar Lewis 8 10 Hughs Joshua 20 3 Hunt Lewis ----------------------------------------- 4 7 Jackson Adam 11 10 Jacobs George 19 16 Jett James 19 15 Jett John 19 14 Jett Nancy 2 28 Johnson Daniel 22 13 Johnson George W 7 2 Johnson Samuel 15 27 Johnson Thomas A 7 9 Johnston Joel 23 17 Jone Henry S 6 28 Jones Aqulla 9 28 Jones Francis K 23 19 Jones George J 8 16 Jones Greenberry 10 15 Jones James 23 15 Jones James 23 18 Jones Jeremiah 11 13 Jones Jiles C 12 13 Jones John 22 23 Jones John 15 8 Jones John, Jr 2 21 Jones Joshua 9 5 Jones Matilda 18 17 Jones Samuel 24 2 Jones Samuel 10 9 Jones Seburn 24 1 Jones Thomas C 22 22 Jones Thomas, Jr 22 24 Jones Thomas, Senr 7 13 Jones William 20 5 Jones William 20 2 Jordan William G ----------------------------------------- 14 3 Kelly Samuel 14 28 Kelly William 10 21 Kelsey William 2 4 Kilfoyle Peter 24 10 Killion Goodwin 8 28 Killion William 14 16 Kilpatrick Andrew T ----------------------------------------- 6 10 Lasseter Benjamin 8 27 Lathram Charles 8 22 Lathram George 20 18 Lavart James 14 19 Letchworth Thomas 24 22 Levingston John 13 6 Levingston William 12 17 Linton Henry 13 28 Little John 6 18 Little Thomas 22 18 Loe John 7 26 Long James 15 9 Loyd John ----------------------------------------- 4 16 Mackey John 4 13 Mackey Thomas 11 2 Malaby Aldridge 2 22 Manos Joel 2 10 Mansgrove William H 3 13 Marcrum Squire 3 14 Marcrum Thomas 23 13 Marsh Robert 10 11 Martin Isaac 14 10 Martin John 15 28 Marton William 13 22 Massey Robert 16 14 Maxwell John C 5 1 Mays James 17 9 McAnally Edmond 17 10 McAnally Elijah 23 3 McAnally Elijah, Jr 22 5 McAnally James 24 3 McAnally John 13 10 McAnally John, Jr 19 20 McBrayer David 12 21 McClendon John B 21 13 McCollon John 20 17 McCraw Jesse 7 20 McDonald Daniel 5 24 McDonald David 9 4 McDonald William 7 27 McGuire Jesse 23 28 McKinney Johnson 12 11 McMurry Robert 7 15 McMurry Robert, Jr 9 14 McMurry Samuel 10 3 McMurry Thomas 21 23 McPherson Elijah 21 22 McPherson George 21 24 McPherson Lewis K 11 12 Mead Marston 22 1 Miller James 9 16 Miller James A 10 16 Miller Lewis 22 20 Miller Lewis 4 1 Miller Sarah 2 16 Mills James 17 15 Mills Mary 14 24 Mitchel John 3 20 Moody Benjamin E 3 19 Moody James A 14 17 Moore Barnabus 22 25 Moore Thompson 6 14 Moore William 12 10 Moore William 17 11 Moore William 12 25 Moore Wiseman 21 10 Morgan Calvin C 8 23 Morris Alvy T 17 17 Morris Israel, Jr 17 18 Morris Israel, Senr 2 27 Morris Nimrod 2 26 Morris Richard J 17 16 Morris William R 9 26 Morrow James 16 28 Morse William 14 22 Morton Drury A 12 15 Morton James 16 1 Morton Jeremiah 9 23 Morton John 9 7 Morton Martial 21 7 Morton Martial, Jr 20 19 Mullens John 20 20 Mullens Malone 12 8 Mullens Sally 6 13 Mullens Samuel 6 9 Mullens Stephen 15 5 Murphree Aaron 22 2 Murphree Allen 12 6 Murphree Caleb 4 17 Murphree Daniel 4 26 Murphree James 4 27 Murphree James 12 28 Murphree James 4 14 Murphree Jesse 12 23 Murphree Sally 4 12 Murphree Solomon, Jr 4 28 Murphree Solomon, Sr 17 5 Murray Gibson W 13 11 Musgrove John T ----------------------------------------- 15 20 Nailor James 2 20 Nation Edward 8 17 Nation Thomas 10 7 Nelson Edward, Jr 3 11 Nelson Edward, Senr 21 6 Nelson William 20 14 Newgent Medfed 20 4 Newman Stephen 12 24 Newman Temperance 10 8 Niblet John 21 21 Nicholas William 2 9 Nicholson Michael 8 2 Nicholson Michael ----------------------------------------- 7 5 Obannon Sampson 8 6 Oden Thomas ----------------------------------------- 24 21 Pace David K 6 2 Paine Isaac 6 4 Paine John W 6 3 Paine Moses 13 19 Palmer Solomon 14 20 Pannel John 8 7 Parham Henry J 7 22 Parham Thomas 22 21 Parine Harris J 16 9 Parkerson Afred 24 12 Payne Nancy 17 13 Pendergrass Titus 23 14 Pickle Robert 8 12 Pippin Peter 14 7 Posey Hezekiah 14 6 Posey Hezekiah B 7 4 Posey Joseph H 22 8 Powell George 18 1 Powell Gray 5 7 Powell James 3 8 Prator John 18 21 Prator Thomas 4 29 Prator William 2 23 Price Jesse 18 14 Price William 11 19 Pullam Joseph ----------------------------------------- 24 5 Rackley Allen H 24 6 Rackley William 2 13 Rains Robert 20 12 Ramsey Sarah 15 22 Randolph Elisha 13 1 Ratliff John 14 1 Reace James 18 25 Reed Allen 4 21 Reed Asa 7 16 Reed Austin 17 12 Reed Elias 18 15 Reed Greenberry 20 25 Reed James 2 14 Reed Joel 23 12 Reed Redden 19 11 Renean Cornelius 12 19 Renean William L 9 3 Reynolds Jesse 22 3 Richards Charles 17 22 Robbins Daniel 19 12 Robbins Frances 18 4 Robbins Jacob, Jr 21 4 Robbins Jacob, Sr 19 13 Robbins William 4 4 Roberts George 13 14 Roberts Joshua K 5 13 Roden Bazzel 19 3 Roden George 5 14 Roden Jeremiah 7 6 Roden John B 18 6 Roden John F 12 12 Roden John M 5 20 Roden John, Senr 16 20 Roden Thomas L 5 22 Roden William 16 18 Roden Wright 2 12 Rodgers David 24 11 Rogers Robert H 7 11 Russell John 24 15 Rutherford John 2 5 Rutherford Joseph 11 16 Rutherford Thomas 12 4 Rutherford William ----------------------------------------- 15 4 Samples James 12 20 Samples William 17 26 Samuels Elisha 17 27 Samuels Francis 17 25 Samuels William 8 18 Sanders John 5 27 Sargent Daniel 5 26 Sargent Joseph 7 12 Scott Patrick 10 23 Scott Thomas 22 11 Self Hezekiah 7 3 Self Presley 13 15 Self William 4 23 Severs Daniel H 8 20 Shaffer Michael 15 2 Shelton Gilbert 9 20 Shelton Taliferro 12 26 Sherrer Thomas 11 17 Shikle John P 20 11 Short William 21 5 Smith Elisha 24 18 Smith Franklin 24 19 Smith James 23 7 Smith John 15 3 Smith Stephen 16 25 Smith Zachariah 10 18 South Philip 15 23 Spalding Ephraim 21 15 Speakman James 9 11 Spears Jacob 12 9 Starling Silas 3 5 Staton George D 3 4 Staton Willis 5 16 Stephens Jeremiah 24 13 Stephens William 18 2 Stephens Zachariah 8 1 Stephenson James 2 17 Stephenson William H 2 19 Stephenson William H, Jr 10 24 Stewart Joseph 19 26 Stewart William 23 20 Stout Abraham 23 21 Stout James 23 22 Stout William 24 9 Stovall Thomas 20 10 Sturgus William F 19 25 Sullivan Joel 21 3 Sullivan Phenix 11 18 Sutherland Archibald ----------------------------------------- 20 9 Talbot Westley 21 14 Tate James 22 4 Taylor Lewis 24 4 Taylor Nathan 11 6 Thomas John P 23 2 Thomas Richard 8 24 Thomas William 9 22 Thomas William 22 28 Thompson John 10 28 Thompson Joshua 22 27 Thompson William 9 15 Tidmore Henry 19 4 Tidwell Endon 16 24 Tidwell George R 5 12 Tidwell Henry 19 7 Tidwell Henry 5 11 Tidwell Job 5 21 Tidwell Josiah 19 2 Tidwell Robert 16 21 Tidwell Simeon 22 16 Tiffin Claborn 22 14 Tiffin Edward 22 15 Tiffin Henry 15 25 Tiffin Joseph 6 16 Tuttle Robert G 10 6 Twokenet Jacob ----------------------------------------- 10 26 Vaughan Hiram 24 24 Verser William ----------------------------------------- 14 5 Waid Abraham 5 3 Waid Calvin 4 9 Walker Archibald 7 17 Walker Robert 11 28 Walker William 16 4 Warnick Joisrael 24 26 Warnick Robert W 19 10 Webb John 14 18 Welden William T 8 9 Wells Thomas C 19 17 West Indy 11 22 West William 8 3 Westbrook John 9 21 Whaley Alexander 6 26 White Lewis 6 11 White William 15 10 Whited William T 8 8 Whitney Hiram C 19 5 Wideman John 4 24 Wideman William 19 6 Wideman William 23 1 Wigginton John 23 6 Wigginton Martin 16 22 Wildman Harrison 3 21 Wildman James 14 14 Wildman Jefferson 16 23 Wildman Peter 3 22 Wildman Thomas 15 12 Williams Alexander 15 15 Williams Hiram L 12 14 Williams Jacob 15 11 Williams James A 12 5 Williams John M 15 13 Williams John M 10 2 Williams Josiah R 15 14 Williams Josiah R 9 10 Williams Thomas A 9 6 Wilson Hezekiah 3 2 Wilson Horatio 3 1 Wilson William 14 2 Wims George 12 7 Windsor James 20 24 Woodham Everett ----------------------------------------- 6 19 Yates Thomas 10 5 Yielding Francis 18 8 Yielding John 11 23 Yielding Richard 10 13 Yielding Taylor W 8 11 Young Edward 20 7 Young Martha -----------------------------------------