Boulder, CO 1880 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by April Phillips and proofread by Pamela Myers-Grewell for the USGenWeb Census Project® Copyright (c) 2005 by April Phillips ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census-Year 1880 State COLORADO County BOULDER SCHEDULE 5.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880 The 1880 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1879 and ends May 31, 1880 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland MICROFILM-ROLL #T655-4 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 1 1 25 8 Rule Pauline A 5 F W x . . Illinois England Mass . May Diptheria 3 . Wm R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 2 25 15 Giggey Lucille C 4 F W x . . Colorado New Brunswick NH . July Cerebro spinal fever 4 . Wm R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 3 25 20 Warrington Ellen O 18 F W x . . Iowa Ohio Ohio . Oct Typhoid fever . . Dr Glassonan . . . Dallas Centre Dallas Iowa . . Boulder appears lined out 1 1 4 25 30 Williams Constant 1 F W x . . Illinois Ind Illinois . July Cerebro Spinal fever . . S Ruler . . . Auburn Sangamon Illinois . . Boulder appears lined out 1 1 5 25 1* Luther Amos O 37 M W . x . Indianna NY NY Civil Engineer May Strangulated Hernia 7 In Union Army Wm R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 6 25 2* Davis Lary A 4 M W x . . Tenn NY Tenn . Jan Diptheria 3 . Wm R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 7 25 2* Davis Roy E 2 M W x . . Colorado NY Tenn . Jan Membranus Cramps 2 . Ruel Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 8 25 . Cassran Thos * 3 M W x . . Colo Penn RI . June Diptheria * . J Mamann . . . Carabos Boulder Colorado . . Boulder appears lined out 1 1 9 25 32 Austen Martha J 29 F W . x . Ohio OH NY Keeping house Feb Pneumonia 9 . W R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 10 25 . Waldron James S 68 M W . . x New York NY NY Grocer May Pneumonia 1 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 11 25 10 Pine Pristella A 62 F W . x . New Jersey NJ NJ Keeping house Jan Pneumonia 3 . C C Brace . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 12 25 . Snyder Hanson 46 M W . x . Ohio Penn Ohio Farming Oct Pneumonia 13 . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 13 25 22 Greene Mary 1 F W x . . Colorado NY NY . Dec Erysipelas 1 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 14 25 4 Wood Wm A 21 M W x . . Wisconsin Penn Penn Farming March Unknown 7 . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 15 25 . Day Essie 11 F W x . . . . . . June Abcess of Liver . . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder first name could be Effie 1 1 16 25 . Buchanan Emma C 44 F W . . . Maine . . Keeping house June Cancer of womb . . C C Brace . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 17 25 . Sherpe Fred S 70 M W . . x France . . Jeweler June Suicide by shooting caused by despondency . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 18 25 . Phillips E N 45 M W . . . Iowa . . . July Consumption 1/12 . W R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 19 25 . Werely Florence M 3 F W x . . Colorado . OH . July Diptheria 3 . W S Clark . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 20 25 . Scott Andrew T 75 M W . . . . . . Farmer July Cancer of face . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 21 25 32 Waldron Edward Y 8/12 M W x . . Colorado NY Mich . July Dysentery 6/12 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 22 25 75 Solander Oliver N 10/12 M W x . . Colorado Illinois Ind . July Chol Inf 10/12 . Ruel Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder last name could be Lolander 1 1 23 25 . Sterns Ella 3/12 F W x . . Colorado . . . July Dysentery 3/12 . Ruell Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 24 25 . VanDeren Eliza 80 F W . . x Kentucky . . Keeping house July Old Age . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 25 25 . Lindstrom John O 1 M W x . . Colorado . . . July Accidental drowning 1 . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 26 25 . Smith Florence 1/12 F W x . . Colorado . . . Aug Diarrhea 1/12 . Ruell Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 27 25 . Williams Sarah R 27 F W . . . Mass Mass Mass . Aug Consumption 1 . Ruell Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 28 25 . Morgridge Myrtie M 11 F W x . . Michigan Maine Canada Scholar Aug Tyhpoid Fever Uremic Com . . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder typhoid fever is crossed out and overwritten 1 1 29 25 . Cooper Saml M 35 M W . . . . . . Expressman Oct Typhoid Fever . . Dodge & Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 30 25 . Wereley Franklin T 5 M W x . . Colorado . Ohio . Oct Diptheria 5 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 31 25 . Pingree I R 47 F W . . . . . . Keeping house Oct Cancer of breast . . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 32 25 . Healey N M 46 M W . . . . . . Carpenter Dec Rheumatism . . McGraw . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 33 25 . Hawley Elisha 26 M W . . . . . . Clerk Dec Consumption . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 34 25 . Dwyer I A D 31 M W . x . . . . . Dec Accidental fracture of scull . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 35 25 . Johnson Herbert 8/12 M W x . . Colorado Penn Canada . Dec Congestion of brain 8/12 . W R Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 36 25 . Kellog Fannie B 79 F W . . . Mass . . Housekeeper Dec Old Age . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . 1 1 37 25 . Streeter Mary J 52 F W . x . Mass . . Keeping house Dec Consumption . . (none) . . . . . . . . Boulder . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 2 2 1 25 . Boetcher Eliza E 28 F W . x . Irland Ire Ire Keeping house Jan Uterus Dis of . . W E Earhart . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 2 25 . Clark Geo A 39 M W . x . . . . Physician Jan Consumption . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 3 25 . Williams N P 62 M W . x . . . . Keeping house Feb Pneumonia . . Aaron McGraw . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 4 25 . Lucas James 35 M W . . . . . . Unknown Feb Consumption . . Ruel Bartlett . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 5 25 . Moe Martha J 37 F W . . . . . . Keeping house Feb Consumption . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 6 25 2 Cruse Ella 2 F W x . . Colorado Penn Penn . July Gastritis 2 . U S Clarke . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 7 25 . Mann Robert 53 M W . x . . . . . Dec Rheumatism . . Aaron McGraw . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 8 25 . Chase Alice 23 F W . x . . . . . Dec Puerparel fever . . Aaron McGraw . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 9 25 . McKinney Nellie 24 F W . . . . . . Keeping house Feb Kidney Dis . . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 10 25 . Wangelin Lyman 7/12 M W x . . Colorado . . . Feb Diptheria . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 11 25 . Bernis Ella F 1 F W x . . Colorado Michigan NY . Feb Brain Dis . . Aaron McGraw . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 12 25 . Ayers Wm S 56 M W . . . . . . Miner March chronic paralysis . . Chas Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 13 25 . Wood John N 1 M W x . . Colorado . . . Mch Diptheria . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 14 25 . Firman Cell 26 M W . . . . . . Farmer Apr Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 15 25 . Otto Charles 48 M W . x . Prussia . . . Sept Heart Disease . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 16 25 . Smith F 2/12 F W x . . Colorado . . . Sept Ceb Spinal fever . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 17 25 . Smith Fred 1/12 M W . . . Colo . . . Sept Cholera Inft . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . Additions from Phyciscians Returns . . . . . . . . 2 2 21 25 PR Moore A J 1 M W x . . Colo . . . Mch Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 22 25 PR McKinney Mrs W 22 F W . . . . . . . Febry Dropsy . . J Ermerins . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 23 25 PR Chase Lyman U 50 M W . . . . . . Hotel Keeper Febry Alcoholism . . . . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 24 25 . Match . 4 F W . . . Col US US . Feb Lungs Disease . . W S Clark . . . . . . . . Boulder . 2 2 25 25 . Mitchell . 1/12 M W . . . Col US US . Mar Injury Brain . . C Ambrook . . . . . . . . Boulder . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 3 . 1 113 . Matthews Richard 1 day M W . . . Colorado England England . June Still born . . . . . . . . . . . ED113 Still born is crossed out 3 . 2 113 . Grimms* Chas 1 M W . . . Wales England England . May Croup . . . . . . . . . . . ED113 Croup is crossed out 3 . 3 113 . Richards Annie 10 F W x . . Colo Eng England . July Dyptheria . . Dr W J Mann . . . . . . . . ED113 . 3 . 4 113 . Richards Wille 9 M W x . . Colo Eng England . July Dyptheria . . Dr W J Mann . . . . . . . . ED113 . 3 . 5 113 . Richards Allice 3 F W x . . Colo Eng England . . Dyptheria . . Dr W J Mann . . . . . . . . ED113 . 3 . 6 113 . Williams Jas T 30 M W . x . England Eng England Miner Oct Pneumonia . . . . . . . . . . . ED113 . 3 . 7 113 . Minckler Frank 21 M W x . . New York New York New York Farmer Nov Congestion of Lungs . . Wm J Mann . . . . . . . . ED113 . 3 . 8 113 . Floyd Phoebe B 34 F W . x . Vermont NY Vermont . Dec Pneumonia . . Wm J Mann . . . . . . . . ED113 . Additions to Boulder County From Supplement 3 . 15 32 . Eddy Stella 2 F W x . . Colorado . . . Febr Membrane Croup . . . . . . . . . . . Colorado ED32 . 3 . 18 72 . Tarwell Cyrus D 79 M W . . x NH . . . Dec Paralysis . . . . . . . . . . . Colorado ED 72 last name could be Farwell 3 . 20 25 . Crosgrove Thos P 3 M W x . . Col . . . June Syphtheria . . J Mormann . . . . . . . . Colorado ED25 . Additions to Boulder Co Colo from Physicians Return 3 . 24 113 . Brinkerhoff John 18 M W . . . . . . Farmer Jany Brights Disease . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 25 113 . Oviatt Mamie 16 F W . . . . . . . Aug Typhoid fever . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 26 113 . Stuart S 3 F W x . . Colo . . . Sept Hooping Cough . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 27 113 . Berry Jabez 21 M W . . . . . . Farmer Mch Consumption . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 28 113 . Carlson G A 18 M W . . . . . . Laborer Mch Injuries from fall . . S J Ross . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 29 113 . Martin Mrs Presley 35 F W . x . . . . . Nov Puerperal Convulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 30 113 . Weese Samuel 66 M W . . . . . . Farmer Aug Injuries from fall . . L H Smith . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 31 113 . Brett . 16/30 F W . . . Col US US . Oct Pneumonia . . L H Smith . . . . . . . . . . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 4 2 1 22 3 Barney Malissa 45 F W . x . Ohio Ohio Penna . February Dropsy of the heart 15 . Bardill, Charles Pella Precinct (see REMARKS) Boulder Colorado Pella (see REMARKS) Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown Places where the family of the deceased resided and Place where the death occurred columns were crossed out. I filled in the entries. 4 2 2 22 8 Fliry Elmer 10/12 M W x . . Colorado Virginia Virginia . April Lung Disease 10/12 . Goodwin Dr Pella Precinct Boulder Colorado Pella Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown . 4 2 3 22 7 Hannon John 48 M W . x . Ireland Ireland Ireland Farmer October yellow jaunders 9 . none Longmont Boulder Colorado Longmount Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 4 22 5 Zweek Fred 9/12 M W x . . Colorado Germany Switzerland . Febrary Congestion of the brain 9/12 . Barely Longmont Boulder Colorado Longmount Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 5 22 16 Mann Robert 54 M W . x . Ohio Ireland Ireland Farmer December Inflamatory Feaver 6/12 . McGraw Longmont Boulder Colorado Boulder Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown . 4 2 6 22 3 Grant Hellen 6 F W x . . Nebraska Indianna Michigan . June Congestion of the lungs 2 . Bardill, Charles Longmont Boulder Colorado Longmount Boulder Colorado . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 7 22 3 Grant Albert 4 M W x . . Nebraska Indianna Michg . March Ghastric fever 2 . ****** Longmont Boulder Colorado . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 8 22 4 Hubbel Sallie 3/12 F W x . . Colorado Missouri Mo . Jan Erypefplas 3/12 . Bardill, Charles . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown . 4 2 9 22 6 Caywood R F 32 M W . x . Kentucky Kentuck Kentucky Farmer March Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever 14 . Jones . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 10 22 21 White Ebanezer 73 M W . . x Mass Mass Mass Shoe Dealer Dec . 5 . Bardill, Charles . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 11 22 4 Bellman Emma 25 F W . x . England England England Keeping house March Typhoid Phneumonia 9 . Bardill, Charles . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 12 22 3 Phillips Mary A 45 F W . x . Canada England England Keeping house March Araensia 7 . Bardill, Charles . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 13 22 3 Smith Azeiael 73 M W . . x Mass Mass Mass Carpenter April Typhoid Phneumonia 13 . Barcley . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 14 22 . Davis Jane C 45 F W . x . Mass Mass Mass Keeping house April Consumption 15 . Earhart . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 15 22 2 Scoville R A 21 F W . x . Missouri Mo Mo Keeping house May Typhoid Phneumonia 12 . Youncie . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 16 22 8 Gummerson E M 39 F W . x . Sweden Sweden S*** Keeping house March Erysipalis **** fever 11 . Allen . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown this line appears crossed off 4 2 17 22 1 Frazer Helen 21 F W . x . Wisconsin Wis NY . Feb Consumption 2 . Bardill C . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown . 4 2 18 22 . O'Connor Johanna 42 F W . x . Ireland Ireland Ireland Keeping house May unknown 6 . Bardill C . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella and Jamestown . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 5 1 1 22 . O'Connor Johanna 42 F W . x . Ireland Ireland Ireland Keeping house May . 6 . Bardill C . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 18 except on File-pg5 it appears crossed out 5 1 2 22 7 Hannon John 48 M W . x . Ireland Ireland Ireland Farmer Oct Yellow Jaunsters 9 . none . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 3. Last name could be Harmon 5 1 3 22 5 Zweck Fred 9/12 M W x . . Colorado Germany Switzerland . Feb Congestion of Brain 9/12 . Barcley . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 5. 5 1 4 22 3 Grant Hellen 6 F W x . . Nebraska Ind Mich . June Congestion of Lungs 2 . Bardill Carlos . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 6. 5 1 5 22 3 Grant Albert 4 M W x . . Nebraska Ind Mich . Mrch Ghastric Feaver . . Guthrie . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 7. 5 1 6 22 6 Caywood R F 32 M W . x . Kentucky KY KY Farmer Mrch Phneumonia Typhoid Feaver 14 . Jones . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File- pg4 Line 9 5 1 7 22 2 White Ebanezer 73 M W . . x Mass Mass Mass Shoe Dealer Dec Cold and Old age 5 . Bardill . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File- pg4 Line 10 5 1 8 22 4 Bellman Emma 35 F W . x . England England England Keeping house Mrch Typhoid Phneumonia 9 . Bardill Carlos . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 11 5 1 9 22 3 Phillips Mary 45 F W . x . Canada England England Keeping house Mrch Nraenia 7 . Bardill Carlos . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 12 5 1 10 22 3 Smith Izerael 73 M W . . x Mass Mass Mass Carpenter April Typhoid Pheunmonia 15* . Barclay . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 13 5 1 11 22 5 Davis Jane 45 F W . x . Mass Mass Mass Keeping house April Consumption 15 . Earhart . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 14 5 1 12 22 2 Scoville R A 21 F W . x . Missouri MO MO Keeping house May Typhoid Pheunmonia 12 . Youncie . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 15 5 1 13 22 8 Gummerson E M 39 F W . x . Sweden Sweden Sweden Keeping house Mrch Typhoid Feaver 11 . Allen . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst Exact dupe of File-pg4 Line 16 5 1 14 22 . Hancock T E 26 M W . x . . . . . Oct Typhoid Feaver . . . . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 15 22 . Roland Carrie 1 F W x . . Iowa . . . Aug Lung Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 16 22 . Greenwell Andrew 22 M W x . . Ills . . . Aug Cong of brain . . . . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 17 22 . Titus Willie L 26 M W x . . NY . . . Sept Cancer of Liver . . . . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 18 22 . Voggle L Anna 21 F W . x . Iowa . . . Mch Cong of brain . . . . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . Additions from Phyciscians Returns 5 1 21 22 PR Lee Henry M 61 M W . . . . . . Hotel Keeper Febry Hypertiophy of Heart . . L H Smith . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 22 22 PR Bliss Mrs C 22 F W . x . . . . . Aug Typhoid fever . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 23 22 PR Larson A H 35 F W . . . . . . . Oct Typhoid fever . . S J Ross . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 24 22 . Bassett . 3/12 M W . . . Col US US . Feb Lungs Disease . . C Bardill . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . 5 1 25 22 . Byers . 1/30 F W . . . Col US US . Nov Inanition . . L H Smith . . . . . . . . Longmount, Pella, Jamestown, Ralarst . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 6 35 1 24 23 Duffy Mary 35 F W . x . Ireland Ireland Ireland Housekeep'g Jany Child birth 11 . Earhart W R . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 Enumerator Henry Drumm 6 35 2 24 23 Duffy George 10/30 M W x . . Colorado Ireland Ireland . Jany I**** 10/30 . . . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 cause of death crossed out 6 35 3 24 52 Meikel Margaret 3 F W x . . Colorado Scotland Scotland . May Diphtheria 3 . none . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 4 24 110 Allen A P 63 M W . x . Vermont Vermont . Minister April Pneumonia 15 . Ambrook Chas . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 5 24 110 Allen Comelia M 68 F W . x . N York . . Housekeepg March Apoplexy 15 . Ambrook Chas . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 6 24 1* King Mary 38 F W . x . Ohio . . Housekeepg Febry Child birth 14 . Dodge H O . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 7 24 74 Groesbeck Abram 64 M W . x . N York N York N York Farming July Cholera Morbus 2 . Earhart W R . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 8 24 118 Beasley Lerosa 3 F W x . . Colorado Missouri Penn . Sept Thphoid Fever 3 . Stradley . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 9 24 134 Smith Ann 51 F W . x . Eng Eng Eng Housekeepg Aug Typhoid Fever 2 . Earhart W R . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 Typhoid fever in case No 9 resulted in Hemorrhage of bowels 6 35 10 24 136 Bernauer John 26 M W x . . Austria Austria Austria Coal miner April Inflammation of Brain 1 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 11 24 155 Page Evelina 23 F W . x . Missouri Penn Penn Housekeepg Mch Scarlet fever . . French and Golbert . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 12 24 147 Gerow G W 27 M W . x . N York . . Agt Sewing Machine Co Apr Consumption 9/12 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 13 24 165 Flanzner Anna 4/12 F W x . . Colo Austria Austria . Apr Diptheria 4/12 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 14 24 174 Moon Julia 2 F W x . . Illinois Ohio Wales . Jany Diptheria 1 . Stradley . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 15 24 184 Gildea Peter 3 M W x . . Penn Penn Penn . March Diptheria 3 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 16 24 188 McKay Mary J 3 F W x . . N Scotia N Scotia N Scotia . May Diptheria 9/12 . Earhart W R . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 17 24 191 Neahoff Anna 6 F W x . . Colorado Germany MO . Feb Diptheria 1 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 18 24 193 Klee Catharince 7 F W x . . Penn Germany Ireland . Feb Diptheria 3/12 . King and Ambrook . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 19 24 208 Spees Chas E 9/12 M W x . . Colo Wis Penn . Dec Croup & Diptheria 9/12 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 Croup is crossed out 6 35 20 24 224 Kerr John David 8 M W x . . Colorado Kentucky Ireland At school May Diptheria 8 . Dodge H O . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 21 24 236 Bell Annie 7 F W x . . Eng Eng Eng . Apr Diptheria 1 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 22 24 245 Willis Newton W 5 M W x . . Colorado Kentucky Illinois . Jany Diptheria 5 . Earhart W R . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . 6 35 23 24 245 Willis Frances A 2 M W x . . Colorado Kentucky Ill . Jany Diptheria 2 . King D W . . . . . . . . Enum Dist No 24 . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: CO COUNTY: Boulder ENUMERATOR: Saml Copeland ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== FILE ENUM FATHER's MOTHER's |Place family of deceased resided |Place where the death occurred |Attending Physician's statement |ENUMERATION TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS PAGE PAGE LINE DIST FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT OTHER-PLACE PHYSICIAN'S-NAME |TOWN COUNTY STATE |TOWN COUNTY STATE |PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF DEATH |TWP/DIVISION ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 7 1 1 23 3 Frankforthor Frank 20 M W x . . Ohio Ohio Ohio Farmer May Pneumonia 2/12 . Bartlett . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 2 23 109 Beldwin T E 20 M W x . . Penn Moi* NY Miner Sept accident in Min 2 . H O Basley . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 3 23 114 Luxen Thos H 7 M W . . . MO England Ireland . Nov Diphtheria 5 . Lester Ambrook . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 4 23 146 Kirkbride Geo C 2 M W . . . MO England Ireland . Dec Remittant Fever 1 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 5 23 173 Bottolfson Anne R 6 F W . . . Colorado Norway Norway . July Inflammation of Bowels 6 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 6 23 232 Leggets Matilda 34 F W . x . Ireland Scotland Scotland Housekeeper April Congestion of the lungs 3 . H O Dodge . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 7 23 282 Brown May 37 F W . x . Penna Penna Penna . Dec Child birth . . none . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 8 23 *64 Hall Andrew 19 M W x . . KY KY KY Miner Nov Bowels **** 8/12 . none . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 9 23 261 Lewison Anna 22 F W . . . Sweden Sweden Sweden . Oct Pneumonia 6 . Conrad Bardill . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 10 23 314 Wright Bessie 6/12 F W . . . Colorado Ill Ohio . March Erysipheles 6/12 . Conrad Bardill . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 11 23 347 Davis Eugn 4/12 M W . . . Colorado Wales Wales . Dec Inflammation of the brain 9/12 . Bradill . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 12 23 396 Wilson Charles 1 M W . . . Colorado Ohio Ireland . Nov Croup 1 . Charles Ambrook . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 13 23 382 Keef Willie 11 M W . . . Colorado Ireland England . Oct Diptheria 9 . Charles Ambrook . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 14 23 . Barr Jas M 25 M W x . . Ireland . . . June Mine Accident . . . . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 15 23 . Bradford Lyon 58 M W . x . VT . . . July Pneumonia . . . . . . . . . . . Not Stated . 7 1 18 23 PR Brown Mary . F W x . . Colo . . . Dec Still born . . L H Smith . . . . . . . . Not Stated .