Glascock county. GA 1880 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Bob Torbert and proofread by Russell Anderson for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2003 by Bob Torbert ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1880 MICROFILM-ROLL#: T655-11 STATE GEORGIA COUNTY GLASCOCK SCHEDULE 5.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880 The 1880 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1879 and ends May 31, 1880 Because death certificates were mostly unknown prior to 1902, enumerators were instructed to collect the name and information for every person who died during the twelve months preceding the official census date. These censuses were taken from 1850 to 1900, although not all have survived. By 1902, most states had implemented vital records laws and the mortality schedules were phased out. It is important to remember that the information is available only for the year immediately preceding the census. Those who died outside of this range were never enumerated. Even then, the information was under- reported. According to U.S. Public Health Service estimates, only about 60% of deaths were reported in the mortality schedules. ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- Transcriber Note: Columns that had no entries have been omitted from this transcription. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: Georgia COUNTY: Glascock ENUM/DISTR: 31 ENUMERATOR: J. Sansome Kobley FILE PAGE: 1 STAMPED PAGE: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FATHER's MOTHER's Length of LINE FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT PHYSICIAN'S-NAME TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 22 Davis Vinsin 76 M W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farmer Feb Abcess of the Brain 76 J. Lawrence Kelley . 2 41 Dowd Nancy 26 F W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Housekeeping March Pneumonia 26 J. Lawrence Kelley . 3 51 Swink Mary 65 F W . . X Georgia Georgia Georgia Keeping House Oct Pneumonia 65 Kelley and Roney . 4 62 Thompkins Ned 80 M B . . X North Carolina N. C N. C Pauper April Malarial Fever 58 T M Kelly . 5 76 Danniel Mary 77 F W . X . North Carolina N. C N. C Keeping House May Erysipelas 45 T. S. Roney . 6 105 Roseburough Ella 2/12 F W X . . Georgia S. C. S. C. . June Diarrhoea 2/12 J. Lawrence Kelley . 7 108 Davis Baby 6/30 F W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . May Cyanosis 6/30 No Doc . 8 110 Hays Nancy 95 F W . . X Georgia Georgia Georgia Pauper March Cancer of the Face 95 T. S. Roney . 9 153 Neal General 23 M B X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Oct Rheumatism 23 J. Lawrence Kelley . 10 154 Reaves William 3/12 M W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . September Dysentery 3/12 T. S. Roney . 11 183 Adkins Alice 21 F B X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Aug Abortion 21 J L Kelley . 12 183 Adkins John 7 M B X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . Sept Malarial Fever 7 J L Kelley . 13 183 Cody Dalis 18 M B X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Oct Congestion of Brain 4 J L Kelley . 14 188 Williams Beatrice E. 1 F W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . April Aphthae . A Avera . 15 190 Moat Isabella 40 F W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Keeping House Aug Cancer of the Uterus 40 J L Kelley . 16 203 Usry James W. 47 M W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farmer Oct Delirium Tremens 47 T. S. Roney . 17 216 Harden George 14 M W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Aug Leucosy Tharuria 14 J L Kelley . 18 243 Neal Henry 65 M B . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Sept Malarial Fever 65 S Gibson . 19 242 Adkins Eddy 5/12 M W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . Oct Diarrhoea 5/12 S Gibson . 20 271 Newsome Solomey 3 F W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . June Measles 3 J L Kelley . 21 282 Chalker Baby 5/12 M W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . Oct Hooping Cough 5/12 J L Kelley . 22 299 McGraw Sarah 35 F W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Keeping House Nov Pneumonia 35 J L Kelley . 23 302 Braddock Eddie 2 M W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . Sept Meningitis 2 J L Kelley . 24 351 Howel Hariet 70 F W . . X Georgia Georgia Georgia Keeping House August Heart Dis. 70 T. S. Roney . 25 358 Kitchens Saphronia 34 F W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Keeping House Mar Convulsions 34 J L Kelley . 26 374 Suttles Baby 11/30 F W X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . June Dysentery 11/30 No Doc . 27 378 Richerson Robert 50 M W . X . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour July Remittent Fever 15 Barton . 28 357 Murry Mary J. 17 F B X . . Georgia Georgia Georgia Farm Labour Nov Congestion of the Brain 17 J F Rissy . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additions from physicians returns 30 P. R. Newson Turpey 76 F W . X . Georgia Ga Ga Housewife Aug General Dropsy . T. S. Roney . 31 P. R. Hughes Baby 0 F W X . . Georgia Ga Ga Well digger Jan Still Born . T. S. Roney . 32 P. R. Thigspens Baby 0 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga Farmers Baby Mch Still Born . T. S. Roney . 33 P. R. Manney Baby 0 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Dec Still Born . T. S. Roney . 34 P. R. Landrum Baby 6/12 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Oct Unknown . T. S. Roney . 35 P. R. Thomson Baby 3/30 F W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Jan Premature birth . T. S. Roney . 36 P. R. Cronder Jane 5 F B X . . Georgia Ga Ga Daugh. Jan Pneumonia . T. S. Roney . 37 P. R. Black John 15 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga Son Dec Maracmus . T. S. Roney . ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR: 1880 STATE: Georgia COUNTY: Glascock ENUM/DISTR: 32 ENUMERATOR: J. F. Scruggs FILE PAGE: 2 STAMPED PAGE: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FATHER's MOTHER's Length of LINE FAM# LAST-NAME FIRST NAME AGE SEX COLOR SINGLE MARRIED W/D BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE BIRTH-PLACE OCCUPATION DIED CAUSE OF DEATH RESIDENT PHYSICIAN'S-NAME TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 44 Powel Lavina 85 F W . . X Georgia N. C. N. C. Live with Daughter April Old Age 85 No Doctor . 2 53 Warren William 2 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . August Dysentery . F P Nunn . 3 103 Nanatt? James 69 M W . X . Georgia N. C. Ga Farmer March Paralysis . None . 4 122 Underwood Dela 22 F W . X . Georgia Georgia Ga Keeping House Jany Pneumonia . F P Nunn . 5 130 Raily John 3 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Sept Dysentery . No Doctor . 6 167 Barefield Cathe? 70 F W X . . Georgia Ga N. C. At sister April Diarrhea . None . 7 208 Wilcher Thomas 18 M B X . . Georgia Ga Ga Servant Jany Dyspepsia 13 Cheatom . 8 197 Bird Guss 3 M B X . . Georgia Ga Ga . March Measles 3 No Doctor . 9 226 Galler Jacob 7/12 M B X . . Georgia Ga Ga . March Meningitis . Terrel . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additions from physicians returns 13 P. R. Wilcher Lucretia 75 F W . . X Georgia Ga Ga . July Paralysis . F. P. Nunn . 14 P. R. O'Neal Willie 3 M W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Sept Mum. Cramp . F. P. Nunn . 15 P. R. Huff George 35 M B . X . Georgia Ga Ga Basket Maker Aug Fever Mal . T. S. Roney . 16 P. R. Kent Baby 10/12 F W X . . Georgia Ga Ga . Aug Chol. Infautum . T. S. Roney . 17 P. R. Hart Savian 45 F B . X . Georgia Ga Ga Farming July Inf. Of Brain . Sterling Gibson . 18 P. R. Shilton Mrs. 80 F W . . X Georgia Ga Ga Farming July Dropsy . Sterling Gibson End Glascock Co. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================