Newton, GA 1860 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 8) This Census was transcribed by Ross Jones and proofread by Janice Ellis for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 2000 by Ross Jones ************************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the transcriber, or the legal representative of the transcriber, and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************* THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 519 21 Jackson Albert L. 13 Ga. pg00511.txt 519 20 Jackson Alphoso J. 15 Ga. pg00511.txt 459 32 Jackson Anl***s J. 7 Ga. pg00443.txt 519 23 Jackson Frances C. 7 Ga. pg00511.txt 495 40 Jackson J. D. 26 Ga. pg00494.txt 519 18 Jackson J. L. 40 Ga. pg00511.txt 519 24 Jackson John 5 Ga. pg00511.txt 459 33 Jackson John 3 Ga. pg00443.txt 409 34 Jackson M. E. 17 Ga. pg00409.txt 519 19 Jackson Mary 30 Ga. pg00511.txt 459 30 Jackson Mary E. 14 Ga. pg00443.txt 459 29 Jackson Nancy 33 Ga. pg00443.txt 519 25 Jackson Robertine 3 Ga. pg00511.txt 519 26 Jackson Susan E. 1 Ga. pg00511.txt 519 22 Jackson Thomas 9 Ga. pg00511.txt 459 31 Jackson Thomas J. 11 Ga. pg00443.txt 459 28 Jackson Wm. A. 40 Ga. pg00443.txt 441 24 Jarrell J. 19 Ga. pg00426.txt 425 6 Jenkins John 19 Geo. pg00409.txt 477 24 Jett A. M. 31 Ga. pg00477.txt 477 25 Jett Sarah R. 27 Ga. pg00477.txt 472 17 Jeunnington Emma Z. 9 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 9 Jeunnington J. L. 42 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 19 Jeunnington John 12 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 14 Jeunnington Martha J. 15 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 10 Jeunnington Mary A. 39 S.C. pg00460.txt 472 13 Jeunnington Mary J. 15 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 15 Jeunnington Mary J. 13 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 11 Jeunnington Mildred E. 20 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 16 Jeunnington Rebecca E. 11 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 18 Jeunnington Robert 4 Ga. pg00460.txt 472 12 Jeunnington Susan C. 19 Ga. pg00460.txt 503 35 Johnson Amanda M. 8 Ga. pg00494.txt 498 31 Johnson B. 42 Ga. pg00494.txt 417 20 Johnson Chink 12 Geo. pg00409.txt 449 22 Johnson Comelia M. 31 N.Y. pg00443.txt 551 9 Johnson David B. 4/12 Ga. pg00545.txt 483 20 Johnson E. P. 59 S.C. pg00477.txt 580 16 Johnson Eliza 37 Ga. pg00562.txt 528 33 Johnson Eliza 17 Ga. pg00528.txt 580 21 Johnson Eliza A. 5 Ga. pg00562.txt 503 31 Johnson Eliza M. 15 Ga. pg00494.txt 557 14 Johnson Ellen 22 Ga. pg00545.txt 580 18 Johnson Eluly M. A. 12 Ga. pg00562.txt 425 5 Johnson Emily 35 Geo. pg00409.txt 443 27 Johnson Frances 27 Ga. pg00443.txt 425 9 Johnson Francis E. A. 16 Geo. pg00409.txt 460 22 Johnson Geo. 78 S.C. pg00460.txt 528 30 Johnson Geo. W. 65 Ga. pg00528.txt 518 23 Johnson George C. 2 Ga. pg00511.txt 580 20 Johnson George W. 8 Ga. pg00562.txt 528 35 Johnson Georgia L. 16 Ga. pg00528.txt 518 21 Johnson Hariet 21 Ga. pg00511.txt 396 25 Johnson Hosea 52 S.C. pg00391.txt 396 30 Johnson Hosea 10 Ga. pg00391.txt 425 15 Johnson Indiana 10/12 Geo. pg00409.txt 423 13 Johnson J. A. 46 Ga. pg00409.txt 499 8 Johnson J. T. 45 S.C. pg00494.txt 425 17 Johnson James 11 Geo. pg00409.txt 521 38 Johnson James 11 Ga. pg00511.txt 423 17 Johnson James A. 11 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 31 Johnson James D. 52 Ga. pg00409.txt 518 22 Johnson James F. 4 Ga. pg00511.txt 499 11 Johnson John F. M. 15 S.C. pg00494.txt 557 13 Johnson John P. 22 Ga. pg00545.txt 580 22 Johnson John W. 1 Ga. pg00562.txt 551 8 Johnson Kisaiah 3 Ga. pg00545.txt 425 8 Johnson L. V. 33 Geo. pg00409.txt 396 26 Johnson Louisa 32 Ga. pg00391.txt 503 29 Johnson Louisa G. 50 Ga. pg00494.txt 423 20 Johnson Lovely A. 10/12 Ga. pg00409.txt 396 27 Johnson Lucinda 14 Ga. pg00391.txt 417 19 Johnson M. 18 Geo. pg00409.txt 423 16 Johnson M. A. L. V. 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 19 Johnson M. F. 3 Ga. pg00409.txt 498 33 Johnson M. F. 10 Ga. pg00494.txt 551 6 Johnson Martha A. 25 Ga. pg00545.txt 503 32 Johnson Martha E. 14 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 19 Johnson Martha F. 10 Ga. pg00562.txt 460 23 Johnson Mary 69 S.C. pg00460.txt 443 25 Johnson Mary 65 Va. pg00443.txt 423 14 Johnson Mary A. 38 Ga. pg00409.txt 425 11 Johnson Mary A. 11 Geo. pg00409.txt 499 12 Johnson Mary E. 13 S.C. pg00494.txt 396 31 Johnson Mary P. 5 Ga. pg00391.txt 448 3 Johnson Mary R. M. 2 Ga. pg00443.txt 498 32 Johnson Minerva S. 12 Ga. pg00494.txt 551 5 Johnson N. C. 36 Ga. pg00545.txt 518 20 Johnson N. Z. 28 Ga. pg00511.txt 503 30 Johnson Nancy A. 17 Ga. pg00494.txt 396 28 Johnson Nancy A. 13 Ga. pg00391.txt 422 13 Johnson Nancy C. 15 Geo. pg00409.txt 425 10 Johnson Newton W. 13 Geo. pg00409.txt 521 35 Johnson P. 40 Ga. pg00511.txt 396 29 Johnson P. A. 11 Ga. pg00391.txt 503 28 Johnson P. M. 60 N.C. pg00494.txt 503 33 Johnson Peter H. 13 Ga. pg00494.txt 532 28 Johnson R. 69 Ga. pg00528.txt 499 9 Johnson Rebecca 45 S.C. pg00494.txt 443 26 Johnson Rebecca 29 Ga. pg00443.txt 521 39 Johnson Robertine 7 Ga. pg00511.txt 423 18 Johnson S. A. J. 7 Ga. pg00409.txt 443 24 Johnson S. M. 70 Ga. pg00443.txt 425 7 Johnson S. R. 46 Geo. pg00409.txt 425 2 Johnson Samuel 93 S.C. pg00409.txt 425 4 Johnson Samuel 52 Geo. pg00409.txt 443 29 Johnson Samuel 32 Ga. pg00443.txt 521 36 Johnson Samuel 17 Ga. pg00511.txt 423 15 Johnson Samuel 15 Ga. pg00409.txt 425 13 Johnson Samuel F. 5 Geo. pg00409.txt 448 4 Johnson Samuel J. B. 6/12 Ga. pg00443.txt 532 29 Johnson Sarah 38 Ga. pg00528.txt 425 3 Johnson Sarah A. 83 S.C. pg00409.txt 425 14 Johnson Sarah A. 3 Geo. pg00409.txt 503 34 Johnson Sarah F. 12 Ga. pg00494.txt 448 2 Johnson Sarah L. 21 Ga. pg00443.txt 499 13 Johnson Sarah M. 11 S.C. pg00494.txt 422 12 Johnson Sidney 18 Geo. pg00409.txt 425 12 Johnson Sidney A. 8 Geo. pg00409.txt 448 1 Johnson Silas M. 26 Ga. pg00443.txt 580 17 Johnson Susanah J. 15 Ga. pg00562.txt 528 31 Johnson Susannah 61 Ga. pg00528.txt 528 32 Johnson Susannah 19 Ga. pg00528.txt 528 34 Johnson Thomas L. 23 Ga. pg00528.txt 499 10 Johnson Thomas L. 16 S.C. pg00494.txt 425 16 Johnson W. H. 13 Geo. pg00409.txt 521 37 Johnson William 14 Ga. pg00511.txt 580 15 Johnson William S. 42 Ga. pg00562.txt 551 7 Johnson Wm. A. J. 5 Ga. pg00545.txt 532 30 Johnson Wm. M. 12 Ga. pg00528.txt 503 36 Johnson Wm. T. 3 Ga. pg00494.txt 410 10 Jones Amelia V. 30 Ga. pg00409.txt 468 40 Jones B. A. 31 Geo. pg00460.txt 469 8 Jones Cecelia B. 1 Ga. pg00460.txt 469 6 Jones Champion 6 Ga. pg00460.txt 469 2 Jones Christopher W. 15 Ga. pg00460.txt 578 5 Jones Clara A. 35 Ga. pg00562.txt 525 4 Jones Columbus H. 19 Ga. pg00511.txt 546 25 Jones Cynthia J. 27 Ga. pg00545.txt 526 16 Jones Donalson F. 4 Ga. pg00511.txt 564 27 Jones E. P. 8 Ga. pg00562.txt 469 5 Jones Ebanezer 9 Ga. pg00460.txt 525 7 Jones Elizabeth 65 S.C. pg00511.txt 526 15 Jones Elizabeth L. 5 Ga. pg00511.txt 410 9 Jones Ellena 53 S.C. pg00409.txt 403 29 Jones Emma H. 5 Geo. pg00391.txt 398 38 Jones Emma R. T. 2 Ga. pg00391.txt 526 13 Jones Enice H. 24 S.C. pg00511.txt 548 34 Jones Esther 50 S.C. pg00545.txt 564 26 Jones F. A. 12 Ga. pg00562.txt 564 22 Jones F. T. 44 Va. pg00562.txt 525 3 Jones Genoa 59 Va. pg00511.txt 410 40 Jones H. L. 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 403 27 Jones Henrietta 10 Geo. pg00391.txt 431 18 Jones Henry J. 2/12 Ga. pg00426.txt 469 4 Jones Indiana 11 Ga. pg00460.txt 410 12 Jones Iverson L. 15 Ga. pg00409.txt 411 10 Jones J. L. 32 Tenn. pg00409.txt 441 2 Jones James 16 Ga. pg00426.txt 431 17 Jones James B. 2 Ga. pg00426.txt 403 24 Jones James D. 17 Geo. pg00391.txt 578 11 Jones James L. 7 Ga. pg00562.txt 403 23 Jones John F. 19 Geo. pg00391.txt 578 10 Jones John P. 9 Ga. pg00562.txt 431 21 Jones Jonah B. 4 Ga. pg00426.txt 427 1 Jones Lea 14 Ga. pg00426.txt 411 13 Jones Lura 1 Ga. pg00409.txt 578 8 Jones Lutishia J. 13 Ga. pg00562.txt 525 2 Jones M. 63 S.C. pg00511.txt 431 19 Jones M. J. 24 Ga. pg00426.txt 410 11 Jones Ma 27 Ga. pg00409.txt 469 3 Jones Mable 13 Ga. pg00460.txt 403 28 Jones Magesta 7 Geo. pg00391.txt 431 22 Jones Marcus E. 1 Ga. pg00426.txt 564 29 Jones Martha C. 1 Ga. pg00562.txt 578 9 Jones Mary C. 11 Ga. pg00562.txt 431 20 Jones Mary E. 23 Ga. pg00426.txt 525 5 Jones Mary F. 16 Ga. pg00511.txt 564 28 Jones Mary M. 6 Ga. pg00562.txt 431 15 Jones N. F. 25 Ga. pg00426.txt 407 13 Jones P. 16 Ga. pg00391.txt 546 24 Jones Pleasant B. 55 Ga. pg00545.txt 410 8 Jones Presley 55 Ga. pg00409.txt 526 12 Jones R. A. 33 Ga. pg00511.txt 546 28 Jones Rebecca 77 Ga. pg00545.txt 546 26 Jones Rebecca J. 3 Ga. pg00545.txt 411 11 Jones Rebecca J. 28 Ga. pg00409.txt 526 14 Jones Ryal A. 6 Ga. pg00511.txt 578 12 Jones Sarah E. 5 Ga. pg00562.txt 398 37 Jones Sarah E. 21 Ga. pg00391.txt 469 7 Jones Sarah J. 4 Ga. pg00460.txt 469 1 Jones Sarah J. 31 Ga. pg00460.txt 431 16 Jones Sarah J. 23 Ga. pg00426.txt 564 23 Jones Susan C. 41 S.C. pg00562.txt 403 22 Jones T. F. 43 Geo. pg00391.txt 564 25 Jones Tho's A. 14 Ga. pg00562.txt 548 33 Jones Tho's S. 50 N.C. pg00545.txt 578 7 Jones Thomas A. 15 Ga. pg00562.txt 403 25 Jones Thomas F. 14 Geo. pg00391.txt 410 13 Jones Thomas O. 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 442 6 Jones W. H. 19 Ga. pg00426.txt 411 12 Jones Walter J. 6 Ga. pg00409.txt 578 4 Jones Warrenton 40 Ga. pg00562.txt 578 6 Jones Willbron 16 Ga. pg00562.txt 403 26 Jones William D. 12 Geo. pg00391.txt 578 13 Jones William H. 2 Ga. pg00562.txt 564 24 Jones Wm. A. 11 Ga. pg00562.txt 519 17 Jones Wm. H. H. 20 Ga. pg00511.txt 486 22 Jornier David M. 9 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 19 Jornier Henry S. 16 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 17 Jornier Isaac 47 S.C. pg00477.txt 486 21 Jornier Isaac W. 11 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 18 Jornier Jincy 45 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 23 Jornier John E. 6 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 20 Jornier Mary E. 14 Ga. pg00477.txt 486 24 Jornier Thomas D. 2 Ga. pg00477.txt 406 13 Jun Francis J. 17 Ga. pg00391.txt 414 14 Kelly Charles F. 11 Ga. pg00409.txt 414 13 Kelly Edmond T. 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 414 12 Kelly Eliza J. 15 Ga. pg00409.txt 557 7 Kelly Harriet 30 N.C. pg00545.txt 414 9 Kelly Isham 48 S.C. pg00409.txt 557 8 Kelly James F. 12 Ga. pg00545.txt 414 11 Kelly James L. 16 Ga. pg00409.txt 557 12 Kelly John J. 1 Ga. pg00545.txt 557 10 Kelly Leroy M. 6 Ga. pg00545.txt 414 10 Kelly Margaret 47 N.C. pg00409.txt 557 9 Kelly Mary A. 9 Ga. pg00545.txt 557 6 Kelly Sanford 35 Ga. pg00545.txt 557 11 Kelly Wm. S. 4 Ga. pg00545.txt 493 4 Kennady Eliza M. 28 Ga. pg00477.txt 575 1 Kennon A. P. 40 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 5 Kennon Aldus 14 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 6 Kennon Cora 12 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 3 Kennon Emma J. 14 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 2 Kennon Sarah J. 35 Ga. pg00562.txt 441 36 Kilgore C. W. 16 Ga. pg00426.txt 488 7 Kilgore Mary 52 Ga. pg00477.txt 514 30 Kilpatrick Amanda M. 14 Ga. pg00511.txt 507 13 Kilpatrick F. M. 27 Ala. pg00494.txt 507 15 Kilpatrick Josaphine 4 Ga. pg00494.txt 514 28 Kilpatrick M. 52 Ga. pg00511.txt 514 29 Kilpatrick Margaret K. 19 Ga. pg00511.txt 507 17 Kilpatrick Mary 2 Ga. pg00494.txt 507 16 Kilpatrick Susan M. 3 Ga. pg00494.txt 507 14 Kilpatrick Winney 27 Ga. pg00494.txt 575 13 Kimble Elizabeth 58 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 18 Kimble Ellen 2 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 19 Kimble Emanuel 7/12 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 14 Kimble Francis M. 28 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 16 Kimble Henry 8 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 14 Kimble John W. 43 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 15 Kimble Joseph F. 17 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 17 Kimble Marthanne 15 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 16 Kimble Peter 7 Ga. pg00562.txt 575 12 Kimble Peter 67 Germany pg00562.txt 576 17 Kimble Sarah E. 6 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 15 Kimble Sophia 29 Ga. pg00562.txt 408 26 Kincher F. 29 Germany pg00391.txt 484 13 King Augustus L. 10 Ga. pg00477.txt 588 13 King Benjamin 13 Ga. pg00587.txt 417 36 King C. G. 21 Geo. pg00409.txt 412 10 King Catharine A. 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 412 14 King Charlotte E. 8/12 Ga. pg00409.txt 588 17 King Christopher C. 4 Ga. pg00587.txt 484 34 King Elinor A. 71 Ireland pg00477.txt 484 27 King Eliza J. 32 Ga. pg00477.txt 550 12 King Elizabeth A. 39 S.C. pg00545.txt 484 9 King Francis A. 4 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 11 King Francis A. 14 Ga. pg00477.txt 412 13 King Francis J. 5 Ga. pg00409.txt 550 13 King Geroge M. D. 16 Ga. pg00545.txt 588 15 King Henry C. 9 Ga. pg00587.txt 550 17 King James B. 3 Ala. pg00545.txt 484 30 King James W. 3 Ga. pg00477.txt 412 9 King Jane R. 30 S.C. pg00409.txt 568 30 King Jas. M. 22 Ga. pg00562.txt 543 22 King Joel T. 1 Ga. pg00528.txt 484 33 King John 81 S.C. pg00477.txt 588 11 King John 20 Ga. pg00587.txt 417 38 King John 10 Geo. pg00409.txt 484 32 King John A. 20 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 10 King John B. M. 16 Ga. pg00477.txt 588 9 King John C. 47 S.C. pg00587.txt 543 20 King John F. 5 Ga. pg00528.txt 484 28 King John L. 7 Ga. pg00477.txt 550 11 King John M. 38 Ga. pg00545.txt 550 14 King John M. 13 Ala. pg00545.txt 550 16 King Lucinda E. 7 Ala. pg00545.txt 543 17 King Martha A. S. A. 32 Ga. pg00528.txt 484 12 King Martha E. 11 Ga. pg00477.txt 568 31 King Mary 24 Ga. pg00562.txt 417 37 King Mary 20 Geo. pg00409.txt 412 11 King Mary E. 9 Ga. pg00409.txt 484 31 King Mary E. 1 Ga. pg00477.txt 543 21 King Mary S. 3 Ga. pg00528.txt 396 19 King Matilda 52 S.C. pg00391.txt 550 15 King Matilda E. 10 Ala. pg00545.txt 588 12 King Nancy I. 15 Ga. pg00587.txt 412 8 King Richard 45 Va. pg00409.txt 484 8 King Samuel A. 40 S.C. pg00477.txt 543 18 King Sarah E. 10 Ga. pg00528.txt 484 35 King Sarah J. 42 S.C. pg00477.txt 588 16 King Susan J. 6 Ga. pg00587.txt 588 10 King Vashti 44 Ga. pg00587.txt 588 14 King William Z. L. 11 Ga. pg00587.txt 484 26 King Wm. A. 39 Ga. pg00477.txt 543 19 King Wm. E. 7 Ga. pg00528.txt 543 16 King Wm. F. 35 Ga. pg00528.txt 568 32 King Wm. M. 1 Ga. pg00562.txt 484 29 King Wm. R. 5 Ga. pg00477.txt 412 12 King Wm. T. 7 Ga. pg00409.txt 455 35 Kinney Elizabeth 32 Geo. pg00443.txt 455 34 Kinney J. H. 32 Geo. pg00443.txt 455 36 Kinney John H. 4 Geo. pg00443.txt 444 27 Kinnon Francis 41 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 34 Kinnon Geo. L. 8 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 30 Kinnon Julia F. 18 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 35 Kinnon Lenora E. 6 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 32 Kinnon Leonard F. 11 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 31 Kinnon Martha J. 16 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 28 Kinnon Mary A. 21 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 33 Kinnon Philip Z. 10 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 29 Kinnon Thomas T. 20 Ga. pg00443.txt 442 31 Kirby E. 49 N.C. pg00426.txt 533 31 Kirkland G. A. C. 10 Ga. pg00528.txt 423 24 Kirkpatrick E. S. W. 15 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 23 Kirkpatrick Harmon 18 Ga. pg00409.txt 422 4 Kirkpatrick James 24 Geo. pg00409.txt 423 22 Kirkpatrick Mary 20 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 21 Kirkpatrick S. 50 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 26 Kirkpatrick Sarah W. 9 Ga. pg00409.txt 423 25 Kirkpatrick Welborn 12 Ga. pg00409.txt 477 12 Kitchens Aaron 6 Ga. pg00477.txt 406 27 Kitchens B. E. 39 Ga. pg00391.txt 476 33 Kitchens C. B. 20 Ga. pg00460.txt 476 34 Kitchens Elizabeth 30 Ga. pg00460.txt 406 30 Kitchens Elizabeth H. 6 Ga. pg00391.txt 406 31 Kitchens James B. H. 5 Ga. pg00391.txt 406 32 Kitchens John 1 Ga. pg00391.txt 477 9 Kitchens Louisa C. 35 Ga. pg00477.txt 477 11 Kitchens Manerva 10 Ga. pg00477.txt 476 35 Kitchens Martha F. 3/12 Ga. pg00460.txt 406 28 Kitchens Mary A. 36 Ga. pg00391.txt 477 8 Kitchens T. J. 39 Ga. pg00477.txt 406 29 Kitchens Thomas J. 17 Ga. pg00391.txt 477 10 Kitchens Winnie C. 14 Ga. pg00477.txt 565 5 Kitchins Mary 14 Ga. pg00562.txt 411 23 Kittles Julia 15 Ga. pg00409.txt 503 27 Knight A. 56 N.C. pg00494.txt 504 12 Knight Amanda F. 8 Ga. pg00494.txt 576 11 Knight Betsey 63 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 13 Knight Elizabeth J. 15 Ga. pg00562.txt 504 11 Knight Emily J. 10 Ga. pg00494.txt 576 9 Knight Iverson 23 Ga. pg00562.txt 578 39 Knight James M. 8 Ga. pg00562.txt 579 6 Knight John F. 25 Ga. pg00562.txt 578 38 Knight Josaphine 10 Ga. pg00562.txt 579 8 Knight Joshua 8/12 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 12 Knight Josiah 26 Ga. pg00562.txt 578 36 Knight Lewis T. 28 Ga. pg00562.txt 504 10 Knight Martha 29 Ga. pg00494.txt 578 37 Knight Martha J. 27 Ga. pg00562.txt 504 13 Knight Martha M. 6 Ga. pg00494.txt 579 7 Knight Mary 19 Ga. pg00562.txt 576 10 Knight Matilda 17 Ga. pg00562.txt 504 14 Knight Wesley D. 1 Ga. pg00494.txt 504 9 Knight Wm. J. 30 N.C. pg00494.txt 393 30 Lacy B. A. 24 Geo. pg00391.txt 393 31 Lacy J. A. E. 24 Geo. pg00391.txt 396 32 Lacy J. B. 27 Ga. pg00391.txt 396 33 Lacy Martha 28 Ga. pg00391.txt 393 32 Lacy Martha F. 2 Geo. pg00391.txt 407 26 Lamarr J. M. 25 ** pg00391.txt 418 32 Lamb J. M. 34 N.C. pg00409.txt 418 35 Lamb Jesse M. 3 Geo. pg00409.txt 418 36 Lamb Mary J. 1 Geo. pg00409.txt 418 33 Lamb Patience E. 40 S.C. pg00409.txt 418 34 Lamb S. P. 5 Geo. pg00409.txt 418 37 Landers Mary E. 18 Geo. pg00409.txt 487 25 Lane Alfred B. 29 Ga. pg00477.txt 441 20 Lane Callie B. 16 Ga. pg00426.txt 441 21 Lane Charles 14 Ga. pg00426.txt 441 18 Lane H. L. 42 Ga. pg00426.txt 463 36 Lane Joseph J. 1 Ga. pg00460.txt 441 19 Lane Lucius L. 19 Ga. pg00426.txt 463 33 Lane M. P. 37 Ga. pg00460.txt 463 35 Lane Martha E. 9 Ga. pg00460.txt 487 28 Lane Mary E. 2 Ga. pg00477.txt 463 34 Lane Mary N. 27 Ga. pg00460.txt 487 27 Lane Philip L. 5 Ga. pg00477.txt 487 29 Lane Rachel J. 4/12 Ga. pg00477.txt 487 26 Lane Sarah 8 Ga. pg00477.txt 457 32 Lane W. F. N. 14 Geo. pg00443.txt 558 16 Laner Ephraim W. 42 N.C. pg00545.txt 558 21 Laner John B. 8 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 22 Laner Joseph S. 6 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 23 Laner Margaret E. 3 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 24 Laner Martha E. 1 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 17 Laner Nancy C. 34 N.C. pg00545.txt 558 18 Laner Sarah 14 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 20 Laner Tho's G. 10 Ga. pg00545.txt 558 19 Laner Wm. A. 12 Ga. pg00545.txt 437 32 Lanier Henry 80 Md. pg00426.txt 443 14 Lansford Catherin S. 36 Ga. pg00443.txt 454 1 Lansford Cynthia A. 19 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 19 Lansford Emma C. 6 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 15 Lansford Francis A. 18 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 13 Lansford J. W. 38 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 20 Lansford John M. 1 Ga. pg00443.txt 454 4 Lansford Martha J. 8 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 18 Lansford Reuben E. 8 Ga. pg00443.txt 453 40 Lansford Sarah 48 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 17 Lansford Sarah E. 12 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 21 Lansford Thomas M. 1 Ga. pg00443.txt 453 39 Lansford W. T. 46 Ga. pg00443.txt 454 2 Lansford William J. 18 Ga. pg00443.txt 454 3 Lansford Williamson 10 Ga. pg00443.txt 443 16 Lansford Wm. A. 15 Ga. pg00443.txt 529 22 Lard A. E. 63 S.C. pg00528.txt 515 5 Lard Alice 28 Ga. pg00511.txt 529 36 Lard Cora V. 4 Ga. pg00528.txt 529 26 Lard Cosby W. D. 21 Geo. pg00528.txt 529 34 Lard F. M. 28 Geo. pg00528.txt 529 24 Lard George M. 27 Geo. pg00528.txt 529 25 Lard John E. 23 Geo. pg00528.txt 515 6 Lard Joseph E. 7 Ga. pg00511.txt 443 23 Lard Lelan G. 18 Ga. pg00443.txt 515 7 Lard Mary E. 4 Ga. pg00511.txt 529 23 Lard Mary M. 61 N.C. pg00528.txt 529 35 Lard Minerva J. 27 Va. pg00528.txt 494 1 Lard Robt. G. 22 Ga. pg00494.txt 529 37 Lard Sily U. 2 Ga. pg00528.txt 515 9 Lard Sophronia A. 1/12 Ga. pg00511.txt 443 22 Lard T. E. 25 Ga. pg00443.txt 515 8 Lard Thomas A. 2 Ga. pg00511.txt 515 4 Lard Wm. P. 34 Ga. pg00511.txt 391 19 Laskey Elizabeth 66 Geo. pg00391.txt 494 15 Lavone Mahala 25 Ga. pg00494.txt 494 13 Lavone Richard 68 N.C. pg00494.txt 494 14 Lavone Sarah 67 Ga. pg00494.txt 404 19 Lawham F. 16 S.C. pg00391.txt 470 32 Lawson Sarah A. 2 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 30 Lawson Sarah W. 24 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 29 Lawson T. G. 24 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 31 Lawson Wm. B. 3 Ga. pg00460.txt 458 35 Lazenby Elizabeth 50 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 34 Lazenby F. J. 37 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 40 Lazenby Joseph C. 4 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 38 Lazenby Martha 26 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 36 Lazenby Nancy 28 Ga. pg00443.txt 459 1 Lazenby Samuel L. 2 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 37 Lazenby William 33 Ga. pg00443.txt 458 39 Lazenby William L. 9 Ga. pg00443.txt 470 4 Leach Caroline 23 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 9 Leach David 10 Ga. pg00460.txt 422 14 Leach F. 37 Geo. pg00409.txt 422 18 Leach Francis A. 5 Geo. pg00409.txt 422 17 Leach John S. 7 Geo. pg00409.txt 470 6 Leach John W. 18 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 2 Leach Jordan 50 Ga. pg00460.txt 422 15 Leach Julia A. 30 Geo. pg00409.txt 470 8 Leach Martha 13 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 7 Leach Mary A. 16 Ga. pg00460.txt 470 3 Leach Piety 51 Ga. pg00460.txt 422 16 Leach Sarah A. 10 Geo. pg00409.txt 470 5 Leach Wm. H. 21 Ga. pg00460.txt 443 12 Leah J. S. P. 15 Ga. pg00443.txt 580 14 Leake Adeline M. 9 Ga. pg00562.txt 580 12 Leake Elizabeth H. 15 Ga. pg00562.txt 580 11 Leake Eugenia C. 40 Ga. pg00562.txt 580 10 Leake Milton G. 40 S.C. pg00562.txt 580 13 Leake William C. 13 Ga. pg00562.txt 405 26 Lee A. H. 32 Ga. pg00391.txt 559 6 Lee Agnes G. 7 Ga. pg00545.txt 508 18 Lee Almanza A. 7 Ga. pg00494.txt 559 5 Lee Ann E. 28 Ga. pg00545.txt 595 16 Lee Ann F. 15 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 9 Lee Augustus J. 16 Ala. pg00587.txt 595 21 Lee Clarence D. 5 Ga. pg00587.txt 428 40 Lee David A. 18 Ga. pg00426.txt 436 20 Lee E. 8 Va. pg00426.txt 595 22 Lee Edgar 4 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 20 Lee Elbert H. 7 Ga. pg00587.txt 508 15 Lee Emily H. 28 Ga. pg00494.txt 595 13 Lee Eugene O. 1 Ga. pg00587.txt 559 7 Lee George W. 5 Ga. pg00545.txt 405 28 Lee Isaac M. 4 Ga. pg00391.txt 595 18 Lee James W. 11 Ga. pg00587.txt 508 16 Lee James W. 10 Ga. pg00494.txt 595 14 Lee John B. 45 Ga. pg00587.txt 546 21 Lee John R. 12 Ga. pg00545.txt 595 19 Lee John W. 9 Ga. pg00587.txt 436 21 Lee John W. 5 Va. pg00426.txt 595 8 Lee John W. 19 Ala. pg00587.txt 595 10 Lee Julia J. J. 14 Ga. pg00587.txt 429 2 Lee M. P. C. 12 Ga. pg00426.txt 508 17 Lee Martha A. 8 Ga. pg00494.txt 508 21 Lee Mary 3/12 Ga. pg00494.txt 405 29 Lee Mary A. 1 Ga. pg00391.txt 416 24 Lee Mary E. 1 Ga. pg00409.txt 595 7 Lee Mary F. 20 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 6 Lee Mary S. 43 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 15 Lee Narcissa J. 32 Ga. pg00587.txt 405 27 Lee Nathan C. 7 Ga. pg00391.txt 559 9 Lee NN 3/12 Ga. pg00545.txt 405 30 Lee NN 2/12 Ga. pg00391.txt 508 19 Lee Rebecca A. 5 Ga. pg00494.txt 559 4 Lee Tho's 39 Ireland pg00545.txt 559 8 Lee Tho's W. 3 Ga. pg00545.txt 595 12 Lee Walter E. 8 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 17 Lee William A. 13 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 11 Lee William B. 12 Ga. pg00587.txt 595 5 Lee William S. 45 Ga. pg00587.txt 508 20 Lee Wm. B. 3 Ga. pg00494.txt 508 14 Lee Z. P. 28 Ga. pg00494.txt 465 11 Leek Benj. A. 15 Ga. pg00460.txt 465 10 Leek J. R. 19 Ga. pg00460.txt 555 32 Leftwich James M. 5 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 33 Leftwich James M. 13 Ga. pg00545.txt 550 8 Leftwich Margaret D. 3 Ga. pg00545.txt 550 7 Leftwich Martha G. 5 Ga. pg00545.txt 550 6 Leftwich Nancy 30 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 31 Leftwich Nancy A. 8 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 30 Leftwich Sarah M. 10 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 29 Leftwich Susan W. 34 Ga. pg00545.txt 516 21 Leftwick Nancy 14 Ga. pg00511.txt 505 38 Leftwitch Amanda 4 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 30 Leftwitch J. M. 40 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 40 Leftwitch J. M. . Ga. pg00494.txt 505 36 Leftwitch Jane 8 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 34 Leftwitch Joel W. 12 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 33 Leftwitch John M. 14 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 39 Leftwitch Matilda L. 11 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 32 Leftwitch Matilda S. 16 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 35 Leftwitch Rebecca 10 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 37 Leftwitch Richard M. 6 Ga. pg00494.txt 505 31 Leftwitch Sarah 37 Ga. pg00494.txt 437 21 Legmore E. M. 8 Ga. pg00426.txt 444 25 Lemon David 21 Ga. pg00443.txt 444 26 Lemon H. D. 19 Ga. pg00443.txt 495 9 Leovom Amanda F. 6 Ga. pg00494.txt 495 10 Leovom Georgia A. 2/12 Ga. pg00494.txt 495 6 Leovom J. P. 32 Ga. pg00494.txt 495 7 Leovom Jane 25 Ga. pg00494.txt 495 8 Leovom Sanford 8 Ga. pg00494.txt 510 26 Lester Elizabeth 18 Ga. pg00494.txt 526 32 Lester F. M. 25 Ga. pg00511.txt 506 21 Lester Geo. A. 6/12 Ga. pg00494.txt 510 25 Lester Henry 21 Ga. pg00494.txt 506 15 Lester J. M. 48 Ga. pg00494.txt 506 17 Lester James R. 14 Ga. pg00494.txt 506 20 Lester Margaret M. 7 Ga. pg00494.txt 510 27 Lester Mary C. 2/12 Ga. pg00494.txt 411 35 Lester Mollie 18 Ga. pg00409.txt 526 33 Lester Nancy C. 18 Ga. pg00511.txt 506 18 Lester Susan A. 12 Ga. pg00494.txt 506 16 Lester Susan W. 41 Ga. pg00494.txt 506 19 Lester William R. 10 Ga. pg00494.txt 455 37 Levant Margaret 12 Geo. pg00443.txt 410 38 Levey John 25 N.C. pg00409.txt 423 28 Lewis Cesia 60 Ga. pg00409.txt 420 31 Lewis Ina 50 Geo. pg00409.txt 420 34 Lewis Joseph B. 11 Geo. pg00409.txt 420 33 Lewis Mary J. 14 Geo. pg00409.txt 420 32 Lewis W. H. 20 Geo. pg00409.txt 516 16 Ligneais L. 13 Ga. pg00511.txt 404 36 Lin Georgia C. 17 Ga. pg00391.txt 434 29 Lin Josephine J. 14 Ga. pg00426.txt 434 28 Lin Laura J. 18 Ga. pg00426.txt 434 26 Lin Martha B. 46 Ga. pg00426.txt 434 27 Lin Sarah A. 25 Ga. pg00426.txt 422 31 Linsey Clementine 2 Ga. pg00409.txt 457 17 Linsey I. H. 17 Geo. pg00443.txt 422 29 Linsey Isaac H. 17 Ga. pg00409.txt 422 27 Linsey John 55 N.C. pg00409.txt 422 30 Linsey John W. 14 Ga. pg00409.txt 422 32 Linsey Louisa 8/12 Ga. pg00409.txt 422 28 Linsey Louisa G. 34 Ga. pg00409.txt 430 25 Livingston Alford S. 8 Ga. pg00426.txt 482 34 Livingston Alfred 57 Ga. pg00477.txt 411 31 Livingston Eliza 43 Ga. pg00409.txt 482 35 Livingston Eliza L. 48 S.C. pg00477.txt 411 33 Livingston John 18 Ga. pg00409.txt 430 26 Livingston L. F. 6 Ga. pg00426.txt 430 23 Livingston L. F. 28 Ga. pg00426.txt 482 40 Livingston Louisa L. 16 Ga. pg00477.txt 482 39 Livingston Lucilla L. 18 Ga. pg00477.txt 411 34 Livingston Margaret A. 14 Ga. pg00409.txt 430 24 Livingston Martha C. 28 Ga. pg00426.txt 483 2 Livingston Martha S. 12 Ga. pg00477.txt 482 37 Livingston Mary L. 20 Ga. pg00477.txt 411 32 Livingston Octavia J. 23 Ga. pg00409.txt 430 27 Livingston Ophelia H. 4 Ga. pg00426.txt 411 30 Livingston R. B. 46 Ga. pg00409.txt 482 36 Livingston Sarah E. 26 Ga. pg00477.txt 430 28 Livingston Sarah E. 2 Ga. pg00426.txt 483 1 Livingston Thomas B. 14 Ga. pg00477.txt 482 38 Livingston William L. 24 Ga. pg00477.txt 430 29 Livingston Wm. B. 1 Ga. pg00426.txt 507 34 Lockwell Andrew J. 4 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 26 Lockwell Cary W. 11 Ga. pg00562.txt 507 33 Lockwell Horace J. B. 11 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 24 Lockwell James 34 Ga. pg00562.txt 507 31 Lockwell Julia F. 16 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 25 Lockwell Lucy C. 29 Ga. pg00562.txt 580 29 Lockwell Luizer 3 Ga. pg00562.txt 580 27 Lockwell Margoet 10 Ga. pg00562.txt 507 30 Lockwell Martha 35 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 28 Lockwell Mary A. G. 7 Ga. pg00562.txt 507 35 Lockwell Mary E. 2 Ga. pg00494.txt 507 29 Lockwell T. 35 Ga. pg00494.txt 507 32 Lockwell William 12 Ga. pg00494.txt 580 30 Lockwell William P. C. S. 1 Ga. pg00562.txt 530 21 Long Ambrose 7/12 Ga. pg00528.txt 530 19 Long Eliza J. 4 Ga. pg00528.txt 530 20 Long James R. 1 Ga. pg00528.txt 530 17 Long Julia L. L. 27 Ga. pg00528.txt 530 16 Long L. L. 34 Ga. pg00528.txt 530 18 Long William F. 7 Ga. pg00528.txt 582 39 Lostkey James L. 25 Ga. pg00562.txt 582 40 Lostkey Mary E. 18 Ga. pg00562.txt 407 16 Louis Georgia 14 Ga. pg00391.txt 524 1 Lovett Amanda L. 16 Ga. pg00511.txt 524 3 Lovett James M. 11 Ga. pg00511.txt 524 5 Lovett Lucy E. 6 Ga. pg00511.txt 524 2 Lovett Robt. O. 13 Ga. pg00511.txt 523 39 Lovett Robt. W. 41 Ga. pg00511.txt 523 40 Lovett Sarah J. 23 Ga. pg00511.txt 524 4 Lovett Wm. C. 8 Ga. pg00511.txt 453 26 Low John W. 9 Ga. pg00443.txt 563 9 Lowden Caroline 28 Ga. pg00562.txt 563 12 Lowden E***** A. 21 Ga. pg00562.txt 563 7 Lowden Lott 60 Ga. pg00562.txt 563 11 Lowden Mary J. 23 Ga. pg00562.txt 563 8 Lowden Mary W. 62 Ga. pg00562.txt 563 10 Lowden Tho's J. 26 Ga. pg00562.txt 484 39 Lowery Joseph E. 17 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 40 Lowery Louisa F. 12 Ga. pg00477.txt 485 2 Lowery Martha E. 4 Ga. pg00477.txt 485 1 Lowery Rhoda A. W. 10 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 37 Lowery Rhody A. 40 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 36 Lowery Wm. *. J. 50 Ga. pg00477.txt 484 38 Lowery Wm. G. 19 Ga. pg00477.txt 535 16 Loyall Susan J. 18 Ga. pg00528.txt 457 8 Loyd Abrella J. 46 Geo. pg00443.txt 488 38 Loyd Alice A. 11/12 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 32 Loyd George W. 16 Ga. pg00477.txt 457 11 Loyd Georgia A. 13 Geo. pg00443.txt 457 7 Loyd Green B. 51 Geo. pg00443.txt 457 10 Loyd James P. 16 Ala. pg00443.txt 488 34 Loyd James W. 11 Ga. pg00477.txt 457 12 Loyd John N. 2 Geo. pg00443.txt 457 9 Loyd Mary E. 27 Geo. pg00443.txt 488 31 Loyd May E. 18 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 36 Loyd Missouri I. F. 6 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 33 Loyd Ozias A. 14 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 30 Loyd Phoeba P. 42 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 37 Loyd Robert L. 4 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 35 Loyd Susan M. L. 8 Ga. pg00477.txt 488 29 Loyd Washington 50 Ga. pg00477.txt 511 28 Lucas Ann 25 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 34 Lucas Charles T. 21 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 27 Lucas Delilah 57 S.C. pg00511.txt 511 30 Lucas Elizabeth 13 Ga. pg00511.txt 512 2 Lucas Ephraim 3 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 29 Lucas Franklin 15 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 35 Lucas George A. 19 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 26 Lucas Isaac 32 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 37 Lucas James R. 15 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 36 Lucas John T. 17 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 39 Lucas Louisa T. 11 Ga. pg00511.txt 512 4 Lucas Mary A. 4 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 32 Lucas Mary T. 37 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 25 Lucas Nancy 71 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 33 Lucas Nancy A. 22 Ga. pg00511.txt 512 1 Lucas Robt. 6 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 38 Lucas Slatia E. 13 Ga. pg00511.txt 512 3 Lucas Susan J. 18 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 31 Lucas Wm. 48 Ga. pg00511.txt 511 40 Lucas Wm. N. 9 Ga. pg00511.txt 404 28 Luchie Alfred T. 12 Ga. pg00391.txt 404 27 Luchie L. F. 21 Ga. pg00391.txt 404 26 Luchie W. D. 59 Ga. pg00391.txt 555 40 Lucker Benj. F. 2 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 35 Lucker Eveline A. 33 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 37 Lucker Julia A. E. 9 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 34 Lucker Madison 33 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 38 Lucker Pleasant G. 6 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 39 Lucker Richard W. 4 Ga. pg00545.txt 556 1 Lucker Wm. 86 Ga. pg00545.txt 555 36 Lucker Wm. A. 11 Ga. pg00545.txt 480 40 Lucus Mary 1 Ga. pg00477.txt 480 39 Lucus Saket 23 Ga. pg00477.txt 462 27 Lunsford Alex 32 Ga. pg00460.txt 467 37 Lunsford Alice B. 24 Geo. pg00460.txt 467 40 Lunsford Chillie A. 13 Geo. pg00460.txt 463 7 Lunsford Cicero H. 4 Ga. pg00460.txt 468 10 Lunsford Geo. H. 6 Ga. pg00460.txt 462 29 Lunsford Henry E. 4 Ga. pg00460.txt 468 13 Lunsford James R. J. 1 Ga. pg00460.txt 463 5 Lunsford Jane 33 Ga. pg00460.txt 462 31 Lunsford John 8/12 Ga. pg00460.txt 467 38 Lunsford John Henry 20 Geo. pg00460.txt 468 1 Lunsford L. S. G. 12 Ga. pg00460.txt 468 9 Lunsford Lucy A. 34 Ga. pg00460.txt 467 35 Lunsford Mary 53 Geo. pg00460.txt 467 36 Lunsford Mary A. 25 Geo. pg00460.txt 468 12 Lunsford Mary A. E. 3 Ga. pg00460.txt 462 28 Lunsford Mary E. 27 Ga. pg00460.txt 467 39 Lunsford Richard M. 17 Geo. pg00460.txt 463 6 Lunsford S. H. 8 Ga. pg00460.txt 468 11 Lunsford Sarah A. E. 4 Ga. pg00460.txt 462 30 Lunsford Susan P. 2 Ga. pg00460.txt 468 8 Lunsford Z. L. 28 Ga. pg00460.txt