Newton, GA 1920 Federal Census (File 4 of 4 for ED:123) This Census was transcribed by Ross Jones and proofread by Robin Locke for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2003 by Ross Jones ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1920 Microfilm Roll #T625-271 State GEORGIA County Newton ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 142B 51 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Allie Dauter . . F B 16 S . . . No Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 52 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Linard Son . . M B 15 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 53 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Lanzy Dauter . . F B 13 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 54 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Norman Son . . M B 10 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 55 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Gladys Dauter . . F B 7 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 56 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Charly Son . . M B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 57 123 11B Monticello & Mansfield Road 206 216 Key Marvil Son . . M B 3 5/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 58 123 11B Plantation Road 206 216 Smith Marvie Head R . M B 23 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farmer operator Oa 79 Note: Dwelling & Family Nos. repeated by enumerator. 142B 59 123 11B Plantation Road 206 216 Smith Clara B. Wife . . F B 22 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 60 123 11B Plantation Road 206 216 Smith Maggie L. Dauter . . F B 3 0/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 61 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Frank Head R . M B 51 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 80 . 142B 62 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Lottie Wife . . F B 45 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 63 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Blanchie Dauter . . F B 20 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 64 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Clarance Son . . M B 18 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 65 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Carl Son . . M B 15 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 66 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Stanford Osie Dauter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 67 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Mullen Jessie Dauter . . F B 35 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Restaurant W . . 142B 68 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Reeavs Early W. Gran Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 69 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Smith Roosvelt Labor . . M B 11 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 70 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Dixon Maron Laborer . . M B 40 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 71 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 207 217 Simon Nancy Mother . . F B 70 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 72 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 208 218 Stanford Harvy Hesd R . M B 20 M . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 81 . 142B 73 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 208 218 Stanford Sarah Wife . . F B 18 M . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 142B 74 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 208 218 Stanford Annie C. Dauter . . F B 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 75 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 209 219 Carter Jeff Head R . M B 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Texas . Texas . Texas . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 76 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 209 219 Carter Emma Wife . . F Mu 36 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 142B 77 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 209 219 Carter Skas Son . . M B 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 78 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson William J. He R . M W 41 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 79 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson Thomas E. Son . . M W 16 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 80 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson Willie H. Son . . M W 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 81 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson Paul S. Son . . M W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 82 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson Winbburody Son . . M W 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 83 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 210 220 Wilson Vera S. dauter . . F W 2 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 84 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Joshua B. Head O * M W 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 83 . 142B 85 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Loye Wife . . F W 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 86 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Loye Dauter . . F W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 87 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Osker Son . . M W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 142B 88 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Rufus Son . . M W 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 89 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Jewel Dauter . . F W 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 90 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears J. B., Jr. Son . . M W 4 11/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 91 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Margret Dauter . . F W 2 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 92 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Spears Ralph Son . . M W 5/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 93 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 211 221 Patterson Lula Servant . . F B 35 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 142B 94 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 212 222 Patterson Rick Laborer R . M B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 95 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 213 223 Stanford Paule Head R . M B 21 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 96 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 213 223 Stanford ****ie Wife . . F B 19 M . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 142B 97 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 213 223 Stanford ***** Son . . M B 1 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 142B 98 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 214 224 Goodmon ***rd Head R . M B 22 M . . . . No No Alabama . Alabamma . Alabamma . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 99 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 215 225 Ivy Anderson Head R . M B 26 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 142B 100 123 11B Mansfield & Monticello Road 215 225 Ivy Mary Wife . . F B 21 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out Oa . . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 143A 1 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 216 226 Banks Arnie Head R . M Mu 22 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 143A 2 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 216 226 Banks Ella Wife . . F B 19 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Laundress at Home Oa . . 143A 3 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 216 226 Banks Heny alen Son . . M B 1 0/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 4 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 217 227 Fears West Head R . M B 35 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 143A 5 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 217 227 Fears Lillie Wife . . F B 27 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 143A 6 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 217 227 Fears Annie K. Dauter . . F B 11 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143A 7 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 217 227 Fears Eddie L. Son . . M B 9 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 8 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 218 228 Smith Marshal Head R . M B 25 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 83 . 143A 9 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 218 228 Smith Zola M. Wife . . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 10 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 218 228 Smith Anne M. Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 11 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 218 228 Smith Emma K. Dauter . . F B 3 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 12 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 218 228 Smith Seales Son . . M B 1 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 13 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Frank Head R . M B 41 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 84 . 143A 14 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Sallie Wife . . F B 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 15 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Sadie Dauter . . F B 16 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 16 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Samie Son . . M B 11 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 17 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Mary Dauter . . F B 9 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 18 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Willie G. Son . . M B 7 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 19 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Jackson Cliff Nephew . . M B 18 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 20 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Perry Rufus Nephew . . M B 15 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 21 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 219 229 Banks Luve Gran Dauter . . F B 11/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 22 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 220 230 Johnson Boysy Head R . M B 20 M . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 85 . 143A 23 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 220 230 Johnson Lenora Wife . . F B 16 M . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 24 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Robert Head R . M B 50 M . . . . No No Georgia . Virginia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 66 . 143A 25 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Nellie Wife . . F B 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 26 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Claudina Dauter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 27 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Charly B. adopt Son . . M B 15 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 28 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Swayod M. adopt Son . . M B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 29 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Matt L. C. adopt Son . . M B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 30 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Tomie L. adopt Son . . M B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 31 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Hellen adopt Dauter . . F B 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 32 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Thurman adopt Son . . M B 11 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 33 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Allen adopt Son . . M B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143A 34 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Robert T. adopt Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 35 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Robert M. adopt Son . . M B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 36 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Clarance adopt Son . . M B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 37 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Whitehead Edward adopt Son . . M B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 38 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Hope Richard Nephew . . M B 16 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 39 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 221 231 Larance James Farther in Law . . M B 76 Wd . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 40 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 222 232 Tuggle Henry Head R . M Mu 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 87 . 143A 41 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 222 232 Tuggle Odessa Wife . . F Mu 21 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 42 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 222 232 Tuggle Lilly M. Dauter . . F Mu 3 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 43 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 222 232 Tuggle Mary G. Dauter . . F Mu 1 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143A 44 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 222 232 Tuggle Samie Cousin . . M Mu 19 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 143A 45 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Mollie Head R . F Mu 36 Wd . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 88 . 143A 46 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Odessa Dauter . . F Mu 23 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 47 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Clarance Son . . M Mu 19 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 48 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Grady Son . . M Mu 16 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 49 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Willie Son . . M Mu 15 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143A 50 123 12A Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Lucius Son . . M Mu 13 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 143B 51 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley George Son . . M Mu 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 52 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Lizie K. Dauter . . F Mu 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 53 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Huie Son . . M Mu 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 54 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 223 233 Baley Girtrude Dauter . . F Mu 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 55 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Jerry Head R . M B 64 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Virginia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 89 . 143B 56 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Lea Wife . . F B 55 M . . . . No No Georgia . Virginia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 57 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Rosie B. Dauter . . F B 24 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 58 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Clarra C. Dauter . . F B 23 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 59 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Allen C. Son . . M B 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 60 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Lizie F. Dauter . . F B 16 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 61 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Leathie Dauter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 62 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Res**l Annie L. Neice . . F B 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 63 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Franklin Annie L. Dauter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 64 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Clark Carrie L. Neace . . F B 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 65 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Clark Ester Neace . . F B 17 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 66 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 224 234 Chatman Howard adopted Son . . M B 12 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 67 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 225 235 Smith Charly Head R . M B 40 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Virginia . Yes Farm operator Oa 90 . 143B 68 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 225 235 Smith Robie L. Wife . . F B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 69 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 225 235 Smith Clifford Son . . M B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 70 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 225 235 Smith Mazie Dauter . . F B 3 7/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 71 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 225 235 Smith Ineze Dauter . . F B 1 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 72 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 226 236 Lunsford James M. Head O F M W 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 91 . 143B 73 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 226 236 Lunsford Willie F. Wife . . F W 36 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143B 74 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Lucian C. Head O M M W 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 92 . 143B 75 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Rosie L. Wife . . F W 29 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143B 76 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Seales Son . . M W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143B 77 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Sam H. Son . . M W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 78 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Elizebeth Dauter . . F W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 79 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 227 237 Harmel Lucian L. Son . . M W 3 9/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 80 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Robert Head R . M B 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 93 . 143B 81 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Pearl Wife . . F B 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 82 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Osker S. Son . . M B 15 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 83 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Ester Dauter . . F B 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 84 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Zettie Son . . M B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 85 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Emma P. Dauter . . F B 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 86 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Levara Dauter . . F B 4 5/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 87 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 228 238 Benton Robert J. R. Son . . M B 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 88 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Frank Head R . M Mu 46 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 94 . 143B 89 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Bettie Wife . . F Mu 44 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 143B 90 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Carl Son . . M Mu 22 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 91 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Clinton Son . . M Mu 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 92 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Frank J. R. Son . . M Mu 17 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 93 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Annie N. Dauter . . F Mu 16 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 94 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Rena M. Dauter . . F Mu 14 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 95 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Allie F. Dauter . . F Mu 12 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 96 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle R. M. Son . . M Mu 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 97 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Nute Son . . M Mu 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 98 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Daisy R. Dauter . . F Mu 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 143B 99 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Isam Son . . M Mu 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 143B 100 123 12B Mansfield & Monticello Road 229 239 Tuggle Eddie S. Son . . M Mu 3 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 144A 1 123 13A Monticello Road 230 240 Smith Abert Head R . M B 22 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out Oa . . 144A 2 123 13A Monticello Road 230 240 Smith Lizie M. Wife . . F Mu 20 M . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 3 123 13A Monticello Road 231 241 Smith Arke Head R . M B 37 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 4 123 13A Monticello Road 231 241 Smith Katy B. Wife . . F B 27 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 144A 5 123 13A Monticello Road 232 242 Gather Anthony Head R . M B 30 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 6 123 13A Monticello Road 232 242 Gather Lillian Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 7 123 13A Monticello Road 232 242 Gather Essie M. Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 8 123 13A Monticello Road 232 242 Gather Essie L. Dauter . . F B 3 6/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 9 123 13A Monticello Road 232 242 Gather Anthony, JR. Son . . M B 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 10 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones James O. Head R . M W 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 95 . 144A 11 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones Ema K. Wife . . F W 36 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 12 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones Ezra L. Son . . M W 15 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144A 13 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones James G. Son . . M W 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144A 14 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones Jave W. Son . . M W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 15 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones Sarah F. Dauter . . F W 1 6/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 16 123 13A Monticello Road 233 243 Jones Sam B. uncle . . M W 59 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer work out Oa . . 144A 17 123 13A Monticello Road 234 244 McClendon James C. Head O F M W 47 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 96 . 144A 18 123 13A Monticello Road 235 245 Williams Teldie Head R . F B 45 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Cook Private Family W . . 144A 19 123 13A Monticello Road 236 246 Barnes Bennie Head R . M B 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 20 123 13A Monticello Road 236 246 Barnes Ollie Wife . . F Mu 25 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 21 123 13A Monticello Road 236 246 Barnes Mary Dauter . . F Mu 14 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 22 123 13A Monticello Road 236 246 Barnes J. C. Son . . M Mu 3 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 23 123 13A Monticello Road 236 246 Barnes Mary L. Dauter . . F Mu 2 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 24 123 13A Monticello Road 237 247 Gather Susie A. Head R . F B 59 Wd . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 25 123 13A Monticello Road 237 247 Gather Cary L. Son . . M B 19 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 26 123 13A Monticello Road 237 247 Gather Ina N. Gran Dauter . . F B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 27 123 13A Monticello Road 238 248 Carr Lucy Head R . F B 86 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Virginia . Yes Farm laborer work out Oa . . 144A 28 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Noah F. Head O F M W 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 98 . 144A 29 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Mary L. Wife . . F W 33 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 30 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Mattie L. Dauter . . F W 11 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 31 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Francis E. Dauter . . F W 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 32 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas John F. Son . . M W 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 33 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Ray Son . . M W 4 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 34 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Thomas Dorothy E. Dauter . . F W 1 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 35 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Stanford Zack Laborer . . M B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 36 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Marshal John Laborer . . M B 45 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 37 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Brown Jim Laborer . . M B 37 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 38 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 239 249 Mathew Will Laborer . . M B 25 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 39 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 240 250 Mathis Mary Head R . F B 43 Wd . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out Oa . . 144A 40 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 240 250 Mathis Jayny G. Dauter . . F B 22 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 41 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 240 250 Mathis Nezie Son . . M B 15 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144A 42 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 240 250 Mathis Mandie Dauter . . F B 12 S . . . No Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 144A 43 123 13A Hunter Boyd Road 240 250 Mathiis Ema Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 44 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams Alonzo Head . . M B 34 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 99 . 144A 45 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams Jela Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144A 46 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams Ella Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144A 47 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams ***** Son . . M B 3 8/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 48 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams Ron Son . . M B 1 6/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144A 49 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 241 251 Williams Harrett Mother . . F B 65 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . United States . United States . . None . . . . 144A 50 123 13A Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy George A. Head R . M W 34 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 100 . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 144B 51 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Emma Wife . . F W 32 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 52 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Irene Dauter . . F W 12 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 53 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Nellie C. Dauter . . F W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 54 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Lester Son . . M W 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 55 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Erie Dauter . . F W 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 56 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Charles Son . . M W 7/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 57 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Charly C. Brother . . M W 27 S . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 101 . 144B 58 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Johnie L. Brother . . M W 22 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144B 59 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 242 252 Yancy Willie H. Brother . . M W 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144B 60 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 243 253 Duke Clarance D. Head O F M w 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 102 . 144B 61 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 243 253 Duke Rebeca P. Wife . . F W 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 62 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 243 253 Duke Flora L. adopted Dauter . . F W 3 11/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 63 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 243 253 Fretwell Roy Laborer . . M B 32 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144B 64 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 244 254 Briant Wina B. Head R . F B 24 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer work out Oa . . 144B 65 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 244 254 Briant Ella L. Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 66 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 244 254 Briant Eddie C. Son . . M B 4 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 67 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 244 254 Briant Ludie W. Son . . M B 6/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 68 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 245 255 Williams Odis Head R . M B 33 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144B 69 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 245 255 Williams Willie M. Wife . . F B 25 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out . . . 144B 70 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 245 255 Williams Willie H. Son . . M B 10 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 71 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 245 255 Williams Emma K. Dauter . . F B 7 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 72 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 246 256 Williams Dock Head R . M B 52 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 144B 73 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 246 256 Williams Emma Wife . . F B 50 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out . . . 144B 74 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 246 256 Williams Clara B. Gran Dauter . . F B 14 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 75 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Robert L. Head R . M B 45 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 103 . 144B 76 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Eva Wife . . F B 40 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 77 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Willie Son . . M B 13 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 78 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Jim Son . . M B 11 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 79 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Athis Son . . M B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 80 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Horace Son . . M B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 81 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Sue Dauter . . F B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 82 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Mary L. Dauter . . F B 4 2/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 83 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 247 257 Gather Charly W. Son . . M B 2 3/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 84 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Moze Head R . M B 46 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 104 . 144B 85 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Lessie Wife . . F B 38 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 86 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Grover Son . . M B 22 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 87 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Annie Dauter . . F B 18 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 88 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Wills Son . . M B 17 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 89 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Link Son . . M B 13 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 90 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Mike Son . . M B 11 S . . . No Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 91 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith James Son . . M B 9 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 92 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Lattie B. Dauter . . F B 8 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 93 123 13B Duke and Hardiman Road 248 258 Smith Willie Son . . M B 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 144B 94 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 249 259 Kelly Archer Head R . M B 61 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 105 . 144B 95 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 249 259 Kelly Silvy Wife . . F B 47 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 144B 96 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 250 260 Davice Grover C. Head R . M W 36 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 106 . 144B 97 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 250 260 Davice Rosie E. Wife . . F W 29 M . . . . Yes Yes Alabama . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 144B 98 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 250 260 Davice Walter L. Son . . M W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Alabama . Yes None . . . . 144B 99 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 250 260 Davice Joe L. Son . . M W 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Alabamma . . None . . . . 144B 100 123 13B Hayston and Leakton Road 250 260 Davice Rebecka L. Dauter . . F W 1 5/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Alabamma . . None . . . . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 145A 1 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Loyd Charley Head R . M W 59 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 107 . 145A 2 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Loyd Georgia M. Wife . . F W 48 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 3 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Loyd Herman W. Son . . M W 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Mchanik automobile Oa . . 145A 4 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Loyd Hattie B. Dauter . . F W 18 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 5 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Loyd Emma K. Dauter . . F W 16 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 6 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Pagitt Claud H. JR. Nephew . . M W 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 7 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 251 261 Pagitt Susie M. Neace . . F W 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes No . . . . 145A 8 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Thomas L. Head O F M W 60 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 108 . 145A 9 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Sarah A. Wife . . F W 55 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 10 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Maggie M. Dauter . . F W 25 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 11 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Gilbert G. Son . . M W 21 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 12 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Rubie R. Dauter . . F W 19 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 13 123 14A Loyd and Cavinals Road 252 262 Loyd Noah W. Son . . M W 17 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 14 123 14A Plantation Road 253 263 Benton Tom Head R . M Mu 23 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Laborer W . . 145A 15 123 14A Plantation Road 253 263 Benton Laremie Wife . . F B 20 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Work out Oa . . 145A 16 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten Joe Head R . M Mu 50 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 109 . 145A 17 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten Lessie Wife . . F B 27 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 18 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten Alloniar Dauter . . F Mu 13 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 19 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten James Son . . M Mu 11 S . . . Yes No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 20 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten Majer Son . . M Mu 10 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 21 123 14A Plantation Road 254 264 Branten Jessy Son . . M Mu 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 22 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 255 265 Ozburn Willie D. Head R . M W 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 110 . 145A 23 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 255 265 Ozburn Dollie C. Wife . . F W 35 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 24 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Sam S. Head R . M B 61 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Virginia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 111 . 145A 25 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Rebecka Wife . . F B 51 M . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 26 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Thomas Son . . M B 17 S . . . No Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 27 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Willie Son . . M B 14 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 28 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Etta M. Dauter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 29 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Clemmie Gran Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 30 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 256 266 Shepperd Anbie K. Son . . M B 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145A 31 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Davie Head R . M B 49 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 112 . 145A 32 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Hatie B. Wife . . F B 30 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 33 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Claud Son . . M B 13 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 34 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Flora B. Dauter . . F B 12 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 35 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Forrest Son . . M B 10 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 36 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Charly M. Dauter . . F B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 37 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Linard Son . . M B 11 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 38 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Louiase Step Dauter . . F B 11 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 39 123 14A Leakton and Hayston Road 257 267 Johnson Gladys Dauter . . F B 6 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 40 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 258 268 Umphris Evinor Head R . M B 42 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 113 . 145A 41 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 258 268 Umphris Alberta Wife . . F B 36 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 42 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Whitehead Neal Head R . M B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 114 . 145A 43 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith Mattie L. Mother . . F B 49 Wd . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 44 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith George H. Brother . . M B 16 S . . . No No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 45 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith Samie Brother . . F B 12 S . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 46 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith Unice Sister . . F B 9 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145A 47 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith Hermen Brother . . M B 7 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145A 48 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 259 269 Smith Leon Brother . . M B 5 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145A 49 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 260 270 Henderson Sant Head R . M B 65 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . United States . United States . Yes Brick Layer Oa . . 145A 50 123 14A Popular Hill and Leakton Road 260 270 Henderson Randy Wife . . F B 56 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm laborer work out . . . ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1920 STATE: GA COUNTY: Newton TOWNSHIP: Mansfield District No. 1618 GM MICROFILM#: T625-271 SUPV/DISTR: 8th ENUM/DISTR: 123rd ENUMERATOR: Walter E. Herring ENUM/DATE-RANGE: Jan. 2-30, 1920 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Stamped S-M YEAR YEAR ATT CAN CAN FATHER FATHER MOTHER MOTHER SPEAK EMPL FARM PG# LN# ED SH# STREET DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R M-F SEX RACE AGE W-D IMMI ALIEN NAT SCH READ WRITE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE BIRTHPL TONGUE ENG? TRADE BUSINESS SAL SCH REMARKS (1) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 145B 51 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Thomas J. Head R . M W 37 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 115 . 145B 52 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Mattie H. Wife . . F W 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145B 53 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Vanie G. Dauter . . F W 10 S . . . Yes Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145B 54 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Jepthie W. Son . . M W 8 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 55 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Nora B. Dauter . . F W 6 S . . . No . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 56 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 261 271 Chaffin Bula R. Dauter . . F W 1 1/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 57 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 262 272 Adams Henry Head R . M Mu 32 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 116 . 145B 58 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 262 272 Adams Flarance Wife . . F B 28 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 59 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 263 273 Walker Willie Head R . M B 47 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 117 . 145B 60 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 263 273 Walker Mary Wife . . F B 38 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 61 123 14B Henderson and Boyd Road 263 273 Walker Annie L. Dauter . . F B 9 S . . . Yes . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 62 123 14B . 264 274 Hardiman Ben Head R . M B 60 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Virginia . Yes Farm operator Oa 118 . 145B 63 123 14B . 264 274 Hardiman Jayne Wife . . F B 55 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 64 123 14B . 264 274 Hardiman Harvy Son . . M B 17 S . . . . Yes No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 65 123 14B . 265 275 Hardiman Arbie Head R . M B 21 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 119 . 145B 66 123 14B . 265 275 Hardiman Julie M. Wife . . F B 20 M . . . No Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 67 123 14B . 266 276 Wright Alan Head R . M B 67 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 120 . 145B 68 123 14B . 266 276 Wright Margret Wife . . F B 66 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 69 123 14B . 267 277 Kelley Will Head R . M B 48 M . . . . No No Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 121 . 145B 70 123 14B . 267 277 Kelley Fanne L. Wife . . F B 24 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm Help at Home . . . 145B 71 123 14B . 267 277 Kelley Willie T. Son . . M B 3 4/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 72 123 14B . 267 277 Kelley Eugene Son . . M B 9/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . . None . . . . 145B 73 123 14B . 268 278 Burgess Thomas C. Head R . M W 40 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 122 . 145B 74 123 14B . 268 278 Burgess Susie E. Wife . . F W 32 M . . . . Yes Yes South Carolina . South Carolina . South Carolina . Yes None . . . . 145B 75 123 14B . 268 278 Burgess Suzile Dauter . . F W 9/12 S . . . . . . Georgia . Georgia . South Carolina . . None . . . . 145B 76 123 14B . 269 279 Loyd Henry M. Head O F M W 39 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm owner Oa 123 . 145B 77 123 14B . 269 279 Loyd Gena M. Wife . . F W 38 M . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes None . . . . 145B 78 123 14B . 270 280 Hardiman Willie Head R . M Mu 27 S . . . . Yes Yes Georgia . Georgia . Georgia . Yes Farm operator Oa 124 . lines 79-100 blank