Appanoose, IA 1860 Federal Census (INDEX - File 5 of 12) This Census was transcribed by Polly Eckles and proofread by Pam Myers-Grewell, Polly Eckles, and Carrie Eckles for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright 2006 by Polly Eckles ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 585 6 Fagin Abner 4/12 Iowa pg00580.txt 585 1 Fagin Elizabeth 31 Ohio pg00580.txt 585 4 Fagin Ezekiah 2 Iowa pg00580.txt 585 2 Fagin Hester A 9 Ohio pg00580.txt 585 3 Fagin Inty 7 Ohio pg00580.txt 584 40 Fagin John 33 Ohio pg00580.txt 585 5 Fagin John G 1 Iowa pg00580.txt 442 37 Fancher David 2 Iowa pg00437.txt 442 36 Fancher Elmyra 5 Iowa pg00437.txt 442 38 Fancher John 1 Iowa pg00437.txt 442 40 Fancher Louisa 45 Ky pg00437.txt 442 35 Fancher Lucy 26 Ill pg00437.txt 442 34 Fancher W.A. 24 Ohio pg00437.txt 442 39 Fancher William 54 Ky pg00437.txt 453 37 Farmer Daniel 9 Ind pg00453.txt 453 34 Farmer Enoch 38 Ohio pg00453.txt 453 35 Farmer Hannah 35 Pa pg00453.txt 454 1 Farmer Margret 1 Iowa pg00453.txt 453 39 Farmer Mary 5 Iowa pg00453.txt 453 38 Farmer Matilda 7 Ind pg00453.txt 453 36 Farmer Phebe 13 Ind pg00453.txt 453 40 Farmer Sarah 3 Iowa pg00453.txt 692 31 Farnsworth Aram 30 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 24 Farnsworth David 50 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 27 Farnsworth Eli 14 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 25 Farnsworth Elizabeth 52 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 10 Farnsworth Hamilton W 1 Iowa pg00691.txt 692 5 Farnsworth Jacob 26 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 7 Farnsworth Jas. M 6 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 26 Farnsworth John 16 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 6 Farnsworth Mary J 26 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 9 Farnsworth Millard F 3 Iowa pg00691.txt 692 29 Farnsworth Milton 8 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 8 Farnsworth Ursula 4 Ohio pg00691.txt 692 28 Farnsworth Wm. 11 Ohio pg00691.txt 580 5 Farrar E.P. 52 N.C. pg00564.txt 580 9 Farrar Eliza E 13 Iowa pg00564.txt 580 6 Farrar Elizabeth 48 Ohio pg00564.txt 580 10 Farrar Lewis W 10 Iowa pg00564.txt 580 8 Farrar Martha 13 Iowa pg00564.txt 580 7 Farrar Sidney A 15 Iowa pg00564.txt 397 21 Fatherstore Maria 18 Iowa pg00387.txt 470 23 Fathner George 16 Tenn pg00465.txt 470 18 Fathner John 49 Tenn pg00465.txt 470 24 Fathner John 14 Iowa pg00465.txt 470 22 Fathner Lewis 19 Tenn pg00465.txt 470 25 Fathner Nancy 11 Iowa pg00465.txt 470 19 Fathner Ruth 53 Tenn pg00465.txt 470 21 Fathner Susanah 21 Tenn pg00465.txt 470 26 Fathner Thomas 8 Iowa pg00465.txt 470 20 Fathner William 24 Tenn pg00465.txt 481 3 Faugison Mary 17 England pg00480.txt 664 7 Fees Annes 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 664 4 Fees Arthur 14 Iowa pg00660.txt 664 3 Fees Geo. W 15 Iowa pg00660.txt 663 39 Fees Jacob 43 Ky pg00660.txt 511 4 Fees Jacob 20 Iowa pg00499.txt 664 1 Fees Jacob 18 Iowa pg00660.txt 664 6 Fees Jane 9 Iowa pg00660.txt 589 19 Fees John W 22 Iowa pg00580.txt 664 2 Fees Josiah 16 Iowa pg00660.txt 663 40 Fees Nancy A 41 Ky pg00660.txt 589 20 Fees Rebecca 17 Ind pg00580.txt 589 22 Fees Sarah 3/12 Iowa pg00580.txt 664 5 Fees Sophia A 6 Iowa pg00660.txt 589 21 Fees Thomas J 2 Iowa pg00580.txt 497 14 Fenton Amy 58 Va pg00480.txt 493 21 Fenton Amy 5 Iowa pg00480.txt 505 24 Fenton B. 28 Ind pg00499.txt 493 19 Fenton Car 30 Ohio pg00480.txt 497 18 Fenton Harriet 5/12 Iowa pg00480.txt 505 28 Fenton Jane 63 Ky pg00499.txt 505 25 Fenton Jane 21 Ind pg00499.txt 497 16 Fenton John 22 Ohio pg00480.txt 493 20 Fenton Martha 21 Ill pg00480.txt 493 22 Fenton Mary 3 Iowa pg00480.txt 505 27 Fenton Saul 30 Ind pg00499.txt 497 15 Fenton Stephen 16 Ill pg00480.txt 497 17 Fenton Thursa 21 Ind pg00480.txt 505 26 Fenton Willis 5/12 Iowa pg00499.txt 468 39 Ferren Hannah 6 Iowa pg00465.txt 468 22 Ferren John 31 Pa pg00465.txt 469 1 Ferren John Marion 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 417 24 Ferren Mary 55 Pa pg00407.txt 468 23 Ferren Mary 25 Pa pg00465.txt 468 37 Ferren Moses 33 Pa pg00465.txt 468 38 Ferren Nancy 31 Pa pg00465.txt 468 40 Ferren Sarah 4 Iowa pg00465.txt 468 24 Ferren William 2 Iowa pg00465.txt 417 23 Ferren Wm. 63 Pa pg00407.txt 495 17 Ferris Dudley 47 Ky pg00480.txt 495 24 Ferris Jacob 10/12 Iowa pg00480.txt 495 21 Ferris Jane 14 Iowa pg00480.txt 495 23 Ferris Mary 10 Iowa pg00480.txt 495 20 Ferris Rees 18 Iowa pg00480.txt 495 19 Ferris Robert 20 Ind pg00480.txt 495 18 Ferris Sarah 41 Pa pg00480.txt 495 22 Ferris William 11 Iowa pg00480.txt 682 22 Fetherson Joseph 27 Ireland pg00674.txt 682 23 Fetherson Maria 21 Ireland pg00674.txt 420 28 Fink Catherine 19 N.Y. pg00407.txt 420 27 Fink Hannah 51 N.Y. pg00407.txt 420 29 Fink Sarah 17 N.Y. pg00407.txt 420 26 Fink W.R. 53 England pg00407.txt 420 30 Fink William 9 N.Y. pg00407.txt 686 11 Fish Arminta 37 Ohio pg00674.txt 686 10 Fish Edward C 49 England pg00674.txt 686 15 Fish Loman 12 Iowa pg00674.txt 686 13 Fish Mahala 16 Iowa pg00674.txt 686 12 Fish Susan 18 Iowa pg00674.txt 686 14 Fish Wm. R 14 Wis pg00674.txt 682 11 Fisher Andrew 30 Pa pg00674.txt 682 15 Fisher Andrew 2 Iowa pg00674.txt 411 13 Fisher Andy 6/12 Iowa pg00407.txt 429 18 Fisher B.S. 37 Ohio pg00421.txt 532 10 Fisher Bub 1/12 Iowa pg00529.txt 436 19 Fisher Druzilla 39 Va pg00421.txt 429 22 Fisher Emily 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 532 9 Fisher Frederick 4 Ind pg00529.txt 436 18 Fisher G.W. 39 Ohio pg00421.txt 411 10 Fisher George 6 Iowa pg00407.txt 436 22 Fisher George 6 Iowa pg00421.txt 682 16 Fisher Hannah 7/12 Iowa pg00674.txt 411 9 Fisher James 8 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 7 Fisher James P. 56 Deleware pg00407.txt 532 8 Fisher Jessie 6 C.W. pg00529.txt 532 5 Fisher Jessie 32 England pg00529.txt 682 14 Fisher John 8 Iowa pg00674.txt 532 4 Fisher John 43 Ireland pg00529.txt 429 21 Fisher John 3 Iowa pg00421.txt 436 21 Fisher John 15 Iowa pg00421.txt 682 12 Fisher Louisa E 21 Iowa pg00674.txt 411 11 Fisher Maring 3 Iowa pg00407.txt 429 19 Fisher Martha 27 Mo pg00421.txt 436 20 Fisher Martha 17 Ohio pg00421.txt 682 13 Fisher Mary 9 Iowa pg00674.txt 436 23 Fisher Mary 3 Iowa pg00421.txt 532 6 Fisher Mary 12 England pg00529.txt 411 12 Fisher Mary J. 2 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 8 Fisher Rachel 34 Ind pg00407.txt 429 20 Fisher Samuel 13 Ohio pg00421.txt 532 7 Fisher Thomas 11 England pg00529.txt 638 32 Fitzpatrick Elizabeth 13 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 31 Fitzpatrick Francis M 15 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 33 Fitzpatrick Jennette 11 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 28 Fitzpatrick John 42 Ky pg00633.txt 638 34 Fitzpatrick Lucinda 5 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 35 Fitzpatrick Martha 3 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 36 Fitzpatrick Mary M 1 Iowa pg00633.txt 638 29 Fitzpatrick Sarah A 39 Ind pg00633.txt 638 30 Fitzpatrick Thomas J 17 Mo pg00633.txt 673 8 Fleener Eliza 5 Iowa pg00660.txt 673 6 Fleener Melvina 15 Ind pg00660.txt 673 7 Fleener Rebecca 8 Iowa pg00660.txt 673 5 Fleener Sarah 39 Ky pg00660.txt 673 9 Fleener Sarah 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 673 4 Fleener Wm. 48 Va pg00660.txt 685 10 Flick Nancy E 11 Ohio pg00674.txt 544 11 Flock Andrus 22 Ohio pg00543.txt 599 35 Flock Cyntha 7 Ills pg00598.txt 599 36 Flock Cyrus M 5 Iowa pg00598.txt 599 33 Flock Elizabeth 11 Ohio pg00598.txt 599 30 Flock John 18 Ohio pg00598.txt 599 28 Flock Margaret 45 Pa pg00598.txt 544 13 Flock Margaret L 1/12 Iowa pg00543.txt 599 29 Flock Mary 20 Ohio pg00598.txt 599 27 Flock Matthias 47 N.J. pg00598.txt 599 32 Flock Matthias 13 Ohio pg00598.txt 599 31 Flock Morris 15 Ohio pg00598.txt 544 12 Flock Perlina 22 Mo pg00543.txt 599 34 Flock Wm. 9 Ills pg00598.txt 683 2 Flood Christo 22 Ind pg00674.txt 689 39 Flood Emeline 12 Iowa pg00674.txt 689 40 Flood Mary 10 Iowa pg00674.txt 690 2 Flood Noah 1 Iowa pg00674.txt 683 3 Flood Polly 20 Iowa pg00674.txt 690 1 Flood Solomon 7 Iowa pg00674.txt 689 38 Flood Suscelia 32 Ind pg00674.txt 689 37 Flood Wm. 46 Ills pg00674.txt 555 21 Flory Edmond 13 Pa pg00547.txt 607 3 Ford Catherine 34 Ky pg00601.txt 607 11 Ford Daniel 43 Ind pg00601.txt 607 8 Ford Geo W 7 Iowa pg00601.txt 607 2 Ford Jacob 44 Ohio pg00601.txt 607 4 Ford Jane 17 Ind pg00601.txt 607 10 Ford John W 1 Iowa pg00601.txt 607 6 Ford Lazella A 12 Ind pg00601.txt 584 32 Ford Leona 10 Mo pg00580.txt 607 5 Ford Mary 16 Ind pg00601.txt 607 7 Ford Susan 10 Ind pg00601.txt 607 9 Ford Wm J 3 Iowa pg00601.txt 650 6 Forsythe Alel 8 Ills pg00644.txt 650 5 Forsythe Asberry 9 Ills pg00644.txt 650 4 Forsythe Daniel 12 Ohio pg00644.txt 650 1 Forsythe Lucinda 50 Ohio pg00644.txt 650 2 Forsythe Margeret 16 Ohio pg00644.txt 649 40 Forsythe Thomas 51 Ohio pg00644.txt 650 3 Forsythe Thomas 14 Ohio pg00644.txt 650 7 Forsythe Wayne 5 Ills pg00644.txt 617 23 Forsythe Wm. 29 England pg00616.txt 635 15 Foset Ann 35 Ohio pg00633.txt 635 16 Foset Edgar 5 Iowa pg00633.txt 635 17 Foset Ella 6/12 Iowa pg00633.txt 635 14 Foset Joseph 55 Ohio pg00633.txt 441 35 Foster Absolom 34 Ohio pg00437.txt 645 28 Foster Andrew J 10 Iowa pg00644.txt 645 27 Foster Angeline 11 Iowa pg00644.txt 645 17 Foster Arthur 26 Ills pg00644.txt 673 40 Foster Elihu 26 Va pg00660.txt 645 19 Foster Elizabeth 5 Iowa pg00644.txt 645 23 Foster Elizabeth 48 Ky pg00644.txt 674 1 Foster Elizabeth 26 Va pg00660.txt 677 26 Foster Elizabeth 16 Ills pg00674.txt 548 7 Foster Emely 20 Ky pg00547.txt 645 26 Foster Evaline 14 Mo pg00644.txt 548 9 Foster Frank 8/12 Iowa pg00547.txt 645 29 Foster Geo. W 7 Iowa pg00644.txt 390 4 Foster H.C. 3 Iowa pg00387.txt 389 40 Foster H.H. 34 Ky pg00387.txt 390 5 Foster Hamilton 1 Iowa pg00387.txt 548 8 Foster Hetty 2 Iowa pg00547.txt 577 21 Foster Hudson 16 Ind pg00564.txt 645 20 Foster James 3 Iowa pg00644.txt 619 31 Foster James 28 Ills pg00616.txt 645 25 Foster John 16 Mo pg00644.txt 390 2 Foster L.A. 11 Ind pg00387.txt 645 18 Foster Leucilla 23 Ky pg00644.txt 674 2 Foster Marselles 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 677 29 Foster Mary 9 Ills pg00674.txt 441 36 Foster Mary 70 Maryland pg00437.txt 677 25 Foster Mary 46 Tenn pg00674.txt 441 38 Foster Mary 38 Ohio pg00437.txt 645 24 Foster Mary 19 Mo pg00644.txt 577 20 Foster Matilda 55 Ky pg00564.txt 441 37 Foster Nancy 51 Ohio pg00437.txt 677 30 Foster Olive 7 Ills pg00674.txt 645 21 Foster Rachel 1 Iowa pg00644.txt 645 22 Foster Thomas 31 Ills pg00644.txt 677 27 Foster Thomas 14 Ills pg00674.txt 390 1 Foster V.N. 28 Ky pg00387.txt 677 24 Foster Wm. 53 Ky pg00674.txt 677 28 Foster Wm. 11 Ills pg00674.txt 390 3 Foster Wm. W. 6 Iowa pg00387.txt 548 6 Foster Z.D. 23 Ind pg00547.txt 577 19 Foster Zenas 59 Ky pg00564.txt 468 33 Fowler Emily 24 Ind pg00465.txt 468 32 Fowler M.F. 28 Ind pg00465.txt 401 23 Fox Abram 60 Tenn pg00387.txt 401 24 Fox Actious 58 Tenn pg00387.txt 598 21 Fox Ada J 5 Iowa pg00598.txt 515 14 Fox Adam 21 Ind pg00512.txt 515 34 Fox Amos 12 Ind pg00512.txt 598 18 Fox Ann 13 Ind pg00598.txt 596 8 Fox Benj. F 12 Pa pg00580.txt 433 27 Fox Celia 34 Tenn pg00421.txt 515 17 Fox Celia 13 Ind pg00512.txt 598 15 Fox Chas. 40 Ohio pg00598.txt 598 22 Fox Chas. 2 Iowa pg00598.txt 515 12 Fox Elias 56 N.C. pg00512.txt 515 15 Fox Elias 18 Ind pg00512.txt 433 29 Fox Elias 13 Tenn pg00421.txt 515 13 Fox Elizabeth 46 N.C. pg00512.txt 596 7 Fox Elizabeth 38 Pa pg00580.txt 596 10 Fox Erastus B 9 Pa pg00580.txt 433 28 Fox Hiram 15 Tenn pg00421.txt 519 6 Fox Hugh B 29 Ohio pg00512.txt 525 21 Fox Isaac 68 Pa pg00512.txt 429 31 Fox James 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 519 8 Fox James W 3 Iowa pg00512.txt 429 29 Fox John 27 Ohio pg00421.txt 515 10 Fox John 23 Ind pg00512.txt 596 6 Fox John G 38 Pa pg00580.txt 429 32 Fox Joseph 8/12 Iowa pg00421.txt 515 33 Fox Julia 32 Ind pg00512.txt 596 9 Fox Leslie R 11 Pa pg00580.txt 598 17 Fox Lodiska 15 Ind pg00598.txt 598 16 Fox Mahala 36 Ind pg00598.txt 433 30 Fox Martha 8 Tenn pg00421.txt 495 34 Fox Martha 17 Iowa pg00480.txt 519 7 Fox Mary 23 Ohio pg00512.txt 515 11 Fox Melinda 22 Ohio pg00512.txt 433 31 Fox Nancy 5 Iowa pg00421.txt 401 25 Fox Nancy 18 Ind pg00387.txt 598 19 Fox Otto 10 Ind pg00598.txt 495 33 Fox Reuben 25 Ind pg00480.txt 598 20 Fox Roxana 7 Ind pg00598.txt 596 11 Fox Samuel 7 Pa pg00580.txt 429 30 Fox Sarah 27 Ohio pg00421.txt 515 37 Fox Sis 2 Iowa pg00512.txt 515 35 Fox Tena 10 Ind pg00512.txt 515 32 Fox Thomas 35 Ind pg00512.txt 515 16 Fox Tillman 16 Ind pg00512.txt 515 36 Fox William 7 Ind pg00512.txt 433 26 Fox William 36 Tenn pg00421.txt 434 15 Fox William 34 England pg00421.txt 390 6 Frantz Charles 35 Pa pg00387.txt 429 25 Frantz Charles 11 Ohio pg00421.txt 429 28 Frantz Jefferson 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 390 9 Frantz Lydia 8/12 Iowa pg00387.txt 429 24 Frantz Mary 31 Ohio pg00421.txt 390 7 Frantz Mary 27 Pa pg00387.txt 429 26 Frantz Rebecca 9 Iowa pg00421.txt 429 23 Frantz Samuel 38 Pa pg00421.txt 429 27 Frantz Wallace 4 Iowa pg00421.txt 390 8 Frantz William 4 Pa pg00387.txt 435 40 Frasier Caroline 26 Iowa pg00421.txt 518 11 Frasier Wm 19 Ohio pg00512.txt 389 18 Frazier Caro 22 Va pg00387.txt 611 2 Frazier Elizabeth 40 NC pg00601.txt 611 3 Frazier Ira J 6 Iowa pg00601.txt 611 4 Frazier Mary M 4 Iowa pg00601.txt 611 1 Frazier Wm 33 NC pg00601.txt 666 23 Free Babe 2/12 Iowa pg00660.txt 666 20 Free Harriet E 25 Ind pg00660.txt 666 21 Free Henrietta 4 Iowa pg00660.txt 666 19 Free John 29 N.C. pg00660.txt 666 22 Free Samuel 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 679 37 Freebom John 42 Ohio pg00674.txt 679 38 Freebom Mary 20 Iowa pg00674.txt 632 31 Freeman Albert G. 1 Iowa pg00616.txt 502 10 Freeman Daniel 3 Iowa pg00499.txt 632 28 Freeman Delile E. 8 Ills pg00616.txt 632 30 Freeman Eunace 3 Iowa pg00616.txt 632 29 Freeman Horace 6 Iowa pg00616.txt 632 26 Freeman J. 31 N.Y. pg00616.txt 502 5 Freeman L.C. 35 Ill pg00499.txt 502 7 Freeman Margret 15 Ill pg00499.txt 502 6 Freeman Martha 23 Ind pg00499.txt 502 8 Freeman Martha 13 Ill pg00499.txt 502 9 Freeman Mary 6 Ill pg00499.txt 632 27 Freeman Nancy 33 Ind pg00616.txt 502 11 Freeman Sarah 1/12 Iowa pg00499.txt 562 6 Frost Andrew 9 Tenn pg00547.txt 566 7 Frost Belindia 21 Ind pg00564.txt 566 8 Frost Geo. A 3/12 Iowa pg00564.txt 534 28 Frost James 12 Iowa pg00529.txt 566 6 Frost Jesse 24 Tenn pg00564.txt 534 25 Frost John 38 Ohio pg00529.txt 562 3 Frost John 16 Tenn pg00547.txt 562 7 Frost Landon 4 Iowa pg00547.txt 534 29 Frost Louisa 6 Iowa pg00529.txt 534 26 Frost Lucinda 34 Ky pg00529.txt 562 5 Frost Maria 11 Tenn pg00547.txt 534 27 Frost Milton 13 Iowa pg00529.txt 534 30 Frost Park 4 Iowa pg00529.txt 562 1 Frost Polly 39 Tenn pg00547.txt 561 40 Frost Robert 41 Tenn pg00547.txt 562 4 Frost Simpson 14 Tenn pg00547.txt 562 2 Frost Thomas 18 Tenn pg00547.txt 486 19 Fruit David 23 Ind pg00480.txt 486 20 Fruit Eliza 17 Va pg00480.txt 486 21 Fruit Elizabeth 61 Ky pg00480.txt 486 22 Fruit Nancy 19 Ind pg00480.txt 694 21 Fry Elizabeth 23 Ohio pg00691.txt 694 23 Fry Geo. W 4 Ohio pg00691.txt 694 24 Fry Isyphena 2 Iowa pg00691.txt 694 20 Fry Richard 28 Va pg00691.txt 694 22 Fry Zomah 5 Ohio pg00691.txt 466 1 Fugua Ann 5 Ind pg00465.txt 466 3 Fugua Asa 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 466 21 Fugua Delana 37 Ky pg00465.txt 463 40 Fugua Eliza 4 Ind pg00453.txt 466 34 Fugua Emily 26 Ind pg00465.txt 463 38 Fugua George A. 24 Ind pg00453.txt 466 20 Fugua James 37 Ky pg00465.txt 466 24 Fugua James 10 Ind pg00465.txt 466 37 Fugua Jemes 2/12 Iowa pg00465.txt 464 4 Fugua John 5 Ind pg00453.txt 466 22 Fugua John 16 Ind pg00465.txt 465 39 Fugua John 10 Ind pg00465.txt 466 2 Fugua Joseph 3 Iowa pg00465.txt 466 25 Fugua Lauson 6 Ind pg00465.txt 464 1 Fugua Layfaette 1 Iowa pg00453.txt 464 3 Fugua Margret 25 Ind pg00453.txt 463 39 Fugua Martha 22 Ind pg00453.txt 466 31 Fugua Martha 18 Ohio pg00465.txt 465 38 Fugua Martha 12 Ind pg00465.txt 466 35 Fugua Mary 7 Ind pg00465.txt 465 37 Fugua Mary 31 Va pg00465.txt 466 23 Fugua Mary 14 Ind pg00465.txt 466 36 Fugua Mason 2 Iowa pg00465.txt 466 30 Fugua R.T. 19 Ind pg00465.txt 466 32 Fugua Rebecca 1/12 Iowa pg00465.txt 465 36 Fugua Richard 36 Ky pg00465.txt 464 2 Fugua Samuel 25 Ky pg00453.txt 465 40 Fugua Sarah 7 Ind pg00465.txt 466 33 Fugua Thomas 27 Ky pg00465.txt 464 5 Fugua William 3 Iowa pg00453.txt 518 1 Fulcher Elizabeth 16 Ohio pg00512.txt 518 4 Fulcher Ellen 9 Iowa pg00512.txt 518 2 Fulcher Emily 14 Ohio pg00512.txt 518 5 Fulcher Evangeline 7 Iowa pg00512.txt 518 6 Fulcher Hannah 4 Iowa pg00512.txt 517 38 Fulcher John 53 Pa pg00512.txt 517 40 Fulcher Joseph 18 Ohio pg00512.txt 517 39 Fulcher Nancy 43 Conn pg00512.txt 518 3 Fulcher Ruth 11 Ohio pg00512.txt 425 23 Fuller Amanda 19 Ohio pg00421.txt 425 24 Fuller Ann 17 Ohio pg00421.txt 428 31 Fuller Araminta 31 N.Y. pg00421.txt 393 27 Fuller Araminta 26 Va pg00387.txt 393 26 Fuller Aramintus 33 N.Y. pg00387.txt 428 34 Fuller Chloe 7 Iowa pg00421.txt 393 29 Fuller Clara E. 6 Iowa pg00387.txt 425 27 Fuller Dora 9 Iowa pg00421.txt 428 30 Fuller Isaac 33 Ohio pg00421.txt 425 26 Fuller John 12 Ohio pg00421.txt 428 33 Fuller Laura 10 Iowa pg00421.txt 393 30 Fuller Lenora 4 Iowa pg00387.txt 428 37 Fuller Lucy 67 Conn pg00421.txt 425 25 Fuller Mary 14 Ohio pg00421.txt 428 35 Fuller Philo 4 Iowa pg00421.txt 428 32 Fuller Price 12 Ohio pg00421.txt 393 31 Fuller Solomon A. 1 Iowa pg00387.txt 428 36 Fuller Sqire 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 393 28 Fuller Wm. J. 9 Ohio pg00387.txt 571 32 Fullerton Absolum 18 Ohio pg00564.txt 571 37 Fullerton Daniel 4 Iowa pg00564.txt 408 14 Fullerton Electa 16 Ohio pg00407.txt 571 33 Fullerton John 14 Ohio pg00564.txt 571 35 Fullerton Lenox 10 Ohio pg00564.txt 571 34 Fullerton Mary 13 Ohio pg00564.txt 571 30 Fullerton Robert 51 Pa pg00564.txt 571 36 Fullerton Sarah 8 Ohio pg00564.txt 571 31 Fullerton Sarah 45 Md pg00564.txt 408 13 Fullerton William 24 Ohio pg00407.txt 636 6 Fulton James 57 England pg00633.txt 634 16 Funk Catherine 11 Ohio pg00633.txt 634 15 Funk Sarah 40 Ohio pg00633.txt 660 26 Funkhouser Abram 14 Ind pg00660.txt 490 22 Funkhouser Albert 7 Iowa pg00480.txt 672 7 Funkhouser Alfred 4 Iowa pg00660.txt 672 4 Funkhouser Ann 26 Ind pg00660.txt 663 36 Funkhouser Ann J 11 Ind pg00660.txt 672 6 Funkhouser Daniel 5 Iowa pg00660.txt 660 29 Funkhouser Daniel 29 Ohio pg00660.txt 660 23 Funkhouser David 54 Pa pg00660.txt 660 25 Funkhouser Geo. 17 Ind pg00660.txt 490 18 Funkhouser H. 35 Ind pg00480.txt 660 33 Funkhouser Isadora 7/12 Iowa pg00660.txt 672 3 Funkhouser J. 27 Ohio pg00660.txt 672 5 Funkhouser James 8 Ind pg00660.txt 660 32 Funkhouser James L 1 Iowa pg00660.txt 660 30 Funkhouser Jane 24 Va pg00660.txt 490 21 Funkhouser Jane 10 Iowa pg00480.txt 660 27 Funkhouser John 48 Pa pg00660.txt 490 20 Funkhouser John 14 Ind pg00480.txt 660 31 Funkhouser John L 4 Iowa pg00660.txt 490 19 Funkhouser Louisa 29 Ill pg00480.txt 672 8 Funkhouser Lydia 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 490 24 Funkhouser Margaret 2 Iowa pg00480.txt 660 24 Funkhouser Susan 54 Pa pg00660.txt 490 23 Funkhouser William 4 Iowa pg00480.txt 463 36 Fuywa John 16 Ind pg00453.txt 463 34 Fuywa John T. 48 Ky pg00453.txt 463 35 Fuywa Margret 48 Ky pg00453.txt 463 37 Fuywa Thomas 72 Va pg00453.txt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 404 17 Galbot J.A. 42 Deleware pg00387.txt 387 2 Galbraith Cynthia 28 Ohio pg00387.txt 387 3 Galbraith Duncan 10 Ohio pg00387.txt 387 4 Galbraith Elizabeth 7 Iowa pg00387.txt 387 1 Galbraith James 41 Pa pg00387.txt 387 5 Galbraith Lula 5 Iowa pg00387.txt 490 35 Galbraith Mary 6 Iowa pg00480.txt 490 34 Galbraith Samuel 12 Ohio pg00480.txt 490 33 Galbraith Sarah 35 Pa pg00480.txt 490 36 Galbraith Sarah 2 Iowa pg00480.txt 387 6 Galbraith Susan 3 Iowa pg00387.txt 490 32 Galbraith Thos. 35 Ohio pg00480.txt 387 7 Galbraith Tom 9/12 Iowa pg00387.txt 467 7 Gale Alonzo 13 Ind pg00465.txt 582 21 Gale Eliza E 24 Ind pg00580.txt 582 22 Gale H.H. 19 Iowa pg00580.txt 467 9 Gale Hugh 11 Ind pg00465.txt 582 20 Gale J.W. 27 Ind pg00580.txt 467 8 Gale John 12 Ind pg00465.txt 582 25 Gale John C 12 Iowa pg00580.txt 582 24 Gale Martha 14 Iowa pg00580.txt 582 19 Gale Rebecca 53 N.C. pg00580.txt 582 23 Gale Samuel 17 Iowa pg00580.txt 467 5 Gale Sidney 46 Ind pg00465.txt 467 6 Gale Thomas 17 Ind pg00465.txt 467 4 Gale William 47 N.C. pg00465.txt 417 30 Galley Eliza 24 Pa pg00407.txt 417 29 Galley Henry 28 Pa pg00407.txt 417 31 Galley Martha J. 10/12 Iowa pg00407.txt 691 30 Gan Ann 24 Ind pg00691.txt 691 32 Gan General W 4 Ind pg00691.txt 691 33 Gan Martha E 1 Iowa pg00691.txt 691 29 Gan S. Lewis 38 Ky pg00691.txt 691 31 Gan Wm. W 5 Ind pg00691.txt 404 20 Gardener D. 39 N.Y. pg00387.txt 404 23 Gardner Edwin 10 Iowa pg00387.txt 394 40 Garl Lucy 21 Ind pg00387.txt 683 33 Garrison J.R.P. 64 N.J. pg00674.txt 683 34 Garrison Luvina 54 N.Y. pg00674.txt 683 35 Garrison Spencer 17 Ind pg00674.txt 430 33 Garton Ada 3 Iowa pg00421.txt 430 34 Garton Ida 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 430 32 Garton Martha 23 Ohio pg00421.txt 430 31 Garton Sarah 31 Ohio pg00421.txt 602 19 Gary Hannah 23 NC pg00601.txt 602 18 Gary Luther 27 Vt pg00601.txt 674 26 Gaughenbaugh Fordico 8/12 Iowa pg00674.txt 674 23 Gaughenbaugh Malcenia 23 Ky pg00674.txt 674 25 Gaughenbaugh Moses 4 Ohio pg00674.txt 674 22 Gaughenbaugh Moses 31 Pa pg00674.txt 674 24 Gaughenbaugh Patterson 7 Ohio pg00674.txt 465 16 Gaulen Angeline 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 465 14 Gaulen Elijah 22 Ind pg00465.txt 465 15 Gaulen Lucretia 19 Ind pg00465.txt 537 23 Gault Anne 3 Iowa pg00529.txt 537 20 Gault Edward 31 Ireland pg00529.txt 537 15 Gault Francis 60 Ireland pg00529.txt 537 24 Gault Francis 1 Iowa pg00529.txt 537 17 Gault Henry 26 Ireland pg00529.txt 537 18 Gault Hester 22 Ind pg00529.txt 537 19 Gault James 3 Iowa pg00529.txt 537 16 Gault Nancy 22 Ireland pg00529.txt 537 21 Gault Sophia 28 Ohio pg00529.txt 537 22 Gault Thomas 5 Iowa pg00529.txt 588 30 George Mary 27 Va pg00580.txt 588 31 George Susan D 9/12 Iowa pg00580.txt 448 27 Ghuss Charles 4 Iowa pg00437.txt 448 21 Ghuss Elizabeth 22 Ill pg00437.txt 448 24 Ghuss Janes 15 Ill pg00437.txt 448 18 Ghuss John 52 Va pg00437.txt 448 22 Ghuss John 19 Ill pg00437.txt 448 23 Ghuss Lucy 14 Ill pg00437.txt 448 20 Ghuss Mary 28 Ill pg00437.txt 448 19 Ghuss Minerva 45 Ill pg00437.txt 448 26 Ghuss Sarah 9 Ill pg00437.txt 448 25 Ghuss William 12 Ill pg00437.txt 468 5 Gibson B. 4 Iowa pg00465.txt 551 28 Gibson Catherine 3 Iowa pg00547.txt 551 26 Gibson Clara 7 Ind pg00547.txt 467 38 Gibson Cyrus 17 Ind pg00465.txt 432 40 Gibson Edney 28 Ind pg00421.txt 551 25 Gibson Elijah P 9 Ind pg00547.txt 551 23 Gibson Eliza 15 Ind pg00547.txt 433 4 Gibson Ellsberry 2 Iowa pg00421.txt 551 24 Gibson Emaretta 12 Ind pg00547.txt 551 21 Gibson Emily C 25 Ind pg00547.txt 551 29 Gibson Emily O 1 Iowa pg00547.txt 467 37 Gibson Jessa 38 Va pg00465.txt 551 20 Gibson Jesse 40 Ind pg00547.txt 433 3 Gibson John 4 Iowa pg00421.txt 467 40 Gibson John 13 Ind pg00465.txt 467 39 Gibson Josephine 15 Ind pg00465.txt 432 39 Gibson M.J. 29 Ky pg00421.txt 468 7 Gibson Margret 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 551 27 Gibson Martha J 4 Ind pg00547.txt 468 2 Gibson Mary 10 Iowa pg00465.txt 467 36 Gibson Nelson 42 Ky pg00465.txt 468 4 Gibson Phebe 5 Iowa pg00465.txt 551 22 Gibson Sallie A 16 Ind pg00547.txt 468 3 Gibson Sarah 7 Iowa pg00465.txt 551 30 Gibson Sarah 62 N.C. pg00547.txt 433 2 Gibson Sarah 6 Iowa pg00421.txt 468 1 Gibson Victoria 12 Iowa pg00465.txt 433 1 Gibson William 8 Iowa pg00421.txt 468 6 Gibson Willis 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 535 16 Gidney Charles 6 Iowa pg00529.txt 535 12 Gidney J.B. 34 Ind pg00529.txt 535 17 Gidney John 3 Iowa pg00529.txt 535 14 Gidney Julius 11 Iowa pg00529.txt 535 18 Gidney Manford 1 Iowa pg00529.txt 535 13 Gidney Sarah 31 Ohio pg00529.txt 535 15 Gidney Willis 9 Iowa pg00529.txt 558 23 Gier Annah C 9 Pa pg00547.txt 558 22 Gier Geo. W 11 Pa pg00547.txt 558 21 Gier John 13 Pa pg00547.txt 558 24 Gier Lydia 7 Pa pg00547.txt 558 20 Gier Lydia 36 Pa pg00547.txt 558 19 Gier Samuel 36 Pa pg00547.txt 558 25 Gier Soloman 3 Iowa pg00547.txt 558 26 Gier Wm. M 1/12 Iowa pg00547.txt 520 26 Gilbert Catharine 42 Ohio pg00512.txt 520 28 Gilbert Elizabeth 13 Ohio pg00512.txt 520 31 Gilbert Ellen 3 Iowa pg00512.txt 520 30 Gilbert Josiah 7 Iowa pg00512.txt 520 25 Gilbert Josiah 45 Vermont pg00512.txt 520 27 Gilbert Mary 17 Ohio pg00512.txt 520 29 Gilbert Sarah 10 Ohio pg00512.txt 624 16 Gill John 69 Ky pg00616.txt 387 18 Gill Margret 32 Ohio pg00387.txt 387 19 Gill Mary E. 7 Ohio pg00387.txt 387 20 Gill William A. 5 Iowa pg00387.txt 387 17 Gill Wm. P. 41 Ohio pg00387.txt 575 15 Gilland J.T. 25 Ind pg00564.txt 575 17 Gilland James 23 Ind pg00564.txt 573 13 Gilland Nancy 52 Ohio pg00564.txt 573 12 Gilland Robert 58 N.C. pg00564.txt 575 16 Gilland Sarah 19 Ohio pg00564.txt 412 9 Gillaspi Hannah 22 Va pg00407.txt 412 8 Gillaspi John 25 Ind pg00407.txt 412 10 Gillaspi Lorena J. 1 Iowa pg00407.txt 640 26 Gilliland Andy 2 Iowa pg00633.txt 640 19 Gilliland Ann 17 Arkansas pg00633.txt 640 20 Gilliland Elias 14 Arkansas pg00633.txt 640 21 Gilliland Enos 12 Arkansas pg00633.txt 573 20 Gilliland Geo. W 11 Ind pg00564.txt 640 16 Gilliland Hugh 46 N.C. pg00633.txt 640 22 Gilliland Jesse 11 Arkansas pg00633.txt 573 18 Gilliland John J 35 Ind pg00564.txt 640 24 Gilliland Margaret 8 Ind pg00633.txt 640 18 Gilliland Martha 21 Arkansas pg00633.txt 640 23 Gilliland Mary 9 Ind pg00633.txt 573 21 Gilliland Nancy 7 Ind pg00564.txt 640 25 Gilliland Peter 4 Iowa pg00633.txt 640 17 Gilliland Rhoda 44 Arkansas pg00633.txt 573 19 Gilliland Susan 28 Ky pg00564.txt 671 15 Gillis Albert A 14 Pa pg00660.txt 671 12 Gillis David 41 Ohio pg00660.txt 671 13 Gillis Jane 37 Pa pg00660.txt 671 14 Gillis Leander 16 Pa pg00660.txt 671 17 Gillis Leiveny 10 Pa pg00660.txt 671 18 Gillis Louise 3 Iowa pg00660.txt 671 16 Gillis Riley 12 Pa pg00660.txt 671 19 Gillis Solomon 1 Iowa pg00660.txt 496 18 Gillman Arthur 20 Ind pg00480.txt 496 19 Gillman Eliot 21 Ky pg00480.txt 496 17 Gillman Mary 2 Iowa pg00480.txt 496 16 Gillman Rachel 21 Ind pg00480.txt 496 15 Gillman Silas 27 Ky pg00480.txt 632 7 Gilmore Eliza J. 1 Iowa pg00616.txt 632 4 Gilmore Elizabeth 33 Ireland pg00616.txt 632 3 Gilmore James 32 Ireland pg00616.txt 632 6 Gilmore Mary M. 3 Iowa pg00616.txt 632 5 Gilmore Thomas 5 Ills pg00616.txt 602 26 Giltner Susan R 36 Ind pg00601.txt 673 18 Gladfilder Chas. C 11 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 15 Gladfilder David 19 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 13 Gladfilder Geo. 23 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 14 Gladfilder John C 21 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 12 Gladfilder Lydia 25 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 11 Gladfilder Mary 47 Va pg00660.txt 673 17 Gladfilder Susan A 14 Ohio pg00660.txt 673 10 Gladfilder Wm. 50 Pa pg00660.txt 673 16 Gladfilder Wm. K 17 Ohio pg00660.txt 672 39 Glanden Elizabeth 68 N.C. pg00660.txt 672 38 Glanden Isaac 74 S.C. pg00660.txt 672 40 Glanden Leitha 40 N.C. pg00660.txt 673 1 Glanden Litha 35 Va pg00660.txt 673 2 Glanden Tilman C 29 N.C. pg00660.txt 673 3 Glanden Wm. W 23 Ky pg00660.txt 506 5 Glandon Margaret 6 Iowa pg00499.txt 604 40 Glass Elener 2 Iowa pg00601.txt 604 37 Glass Elizabeth 30 Ind pg00601.txt 604 36 Glass Emalus 38 Ohio pg00601.txt 605 1 Glass Geo D 7/12 Iowa pg00601.txt 430 12 Glass John 19 Michigan pg00421.txt 604 39 Glass John W 5 Iowa pg00601.txt 604 38 Glass Phebe J 6 Iowa pg00601.txt 449 25 Glasser George T 4 N.Y. pg00437.txt 449 24 Glasser Jasper H 13 N.Y. pg00437.txt 449 22 Glasser Joseph 37 France pg00437.txt 449 23 Glasser Matilda 34 N.Y. pg00437.txt 416 32 Glenn A.E. 29 Ohio pg00407.txt 498 31 Glenn Alfred 12 Ind pg00480.txt 498 30 Glenn Ann 17 Ind pg00480.txt 416 35 Glenn Ann E. 5 Iowa pg00407.txt 498 27 Glenn Caroline 41 Pa pg00480.txt 416 34 Glenn Catherine 7 Ohio pg00407.txt 397 28 Glenn Charles 3 Iowa pg00387.txt 626 26 Glenn Hannah 37 Tenn pg00616.txt 498 26 Glenn Harvey 43 Ohio pg00480.txt 498 34 Glenn James 4 Iowa pg00480.txt 626 25 Glenn James M. 34 Tenn pg00616.txt 416 37 Glenn James P. 1 Iowa pg00407.txt 416 33 Glenn Jane E. 24 Ireland pg00407.txt 498 28 Glenn Jasper 22 Ohio pg00480.txt 416 36 Glenn John B. 4 Iowa pg00407.txt 416 38 Glenn John D. 60 Pa pg00407.txt 498 32 Glenn Louisa 9 Ind pg00480.txt 397 27 Glenn Mary E. 24 Ohio pg00387.txt 397 26 Glenn R.N. 28 Ohio pg00387.txt 498 29 Glenn Samantha 19 Ohio pg00480.txt 498 33 Glenn William 7 Iowa pg00480.txt 686 33 Godfrey Joseph B 36 Ohio pg00674.txt 686 35 Godfrey Mary Ann 2 Iowa pg00674.txt 686 34 Godfrey Sarah E 23 Ills pg00674.txt 686 36 Godfrey Wm. H 10/12 Iowa pg00674.txt 661 18 Goldsberry Clopatra J 1 Iowa pg00660.txt 534 13 Goldsberry Cyrus 10 Ind pg00529.txt 534 9 Goldsberry John 56 Vermont pg00529.txt 534 12 Goldsberry John 13 Ind pg00529.txt 661 15 Goldsberry John W 9 Iowa pg00660.txt 661 13 Goldsberry Mary 31 Ind pg00660.txt 661 14 Goldsberry Mary A 14 Ind pg00660.txt 534 14 Goldsberry Morris 6 Ind pg00529.txt 661 16 Goldsberry Nancy E 8 Iowa pg00660.txt 534 10 Goldsberry Permelia 47 N.Y. pg00529.txt 661 12 Goldsberry Robert 35 Pa pg00660.txt 661 17 Goldsberry Thos. J 3 Iowa pg00660.txt 534 11 Goldsberry Truman 25 N.Y. pg00529.txt 620 25 Gollaher Ellen 3/12 Iowa pg00616.txt 620 22 Gollaher Geo. 32 Ind pg00616.txt 620 23 Gollaher Mahala 22 Mich pg00616.txt 620 24 Gollaher Thos. J. 4 Iowa pg00616.txt 657 40 Golson Elizabeth 37 Ind pg00644.txt 658 3 Golson Isabell 2 Iowa pg00644.txt 658 1 Golson James J 11 Iowa pg00644.txt 658 2 Golson Margeret 8 Iowa pg00644.txt 644 4 Gonell Ann 47 Ohio pg00633.txt 644 5 Gonell Isaac 21 Va pg00633.txt 639 39 Gonell Lucinda F 8/12 Iowa pg00633.txt 644 7 Gonell Mary E 9 Va pg00633.txt 644 3 Gonell Oliver 52 Va pg00633.txt 644 6 Gonell Oliver 13 Va pg00633.txt 639 38 Gonell Sarah R 19 Ohio pg00633.txt 644 8 Gonell Virginia 4 Iowa pg00633.txt 639 37 Gonell Wm. O 24 Va pg00633.txt 551 36 Good Abram 61 Va pg00547.txt 572 9 Good Adelia 30 Mo pg00564.txt 572 12 Good Ashford 26 Ohio pg00564.txt 579 27 Good D.S. 1 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 8 Good Daniel 35 Ohio pg00564.txt 579 19 Good Edward 40 Ohio pg00564.txt 551 37 Good Fanny 56 Pa pg00547.txt 579 22 Good Isaac R 12 Ohio pg00564.txt 579 25 Good James W 6 Ills pg00564.txt 579 24 Good John E 7 Ohio pg00564.txt 551 39 Good Joseph 12 Ohio pg00547.txt 579 26 Good L.D. 3 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 13 Good Maranda 18 Ind pg00564.txt 572 10 Good Martha 6 Iowa pg00564.txt 579 21 Good Mary 15 Ohio pg00564.txt 572 11 Good Nancy 2 Iowa pg00564.txt 579 23 Good Nancy S 8 Ohio pg00564.txt 579 20 Good Sarah 35 Ohio pg00564.txt 551 38 Good Sarah A 31 Ohio pg00547.txt 441 5 Gooden Adeline 17 Ohio pg00437.txt 553 37 Gooden Calvin L 11 Tenn pg00547.txt 441 3 Gooden Debora 37 Maine pg00437.txt 441 8 Gooden Frederick 7/12 Iowa pg00437.txt 441 2 Gooden Frederick 40 Ohio pg00437.txt 553 36 Gooden Geo. P 13 Tenn pg00547.txt 553 33 Gooden George 48 S.C. pg00547.txt 553 39 Gooden Jefferson 7 Tenn pg00547.txt 553 35 Gooden John J 17 Tenn pg00547.txt 458 32 Gooden Levi 21 Ill pg00453.txt 553 34 Gooden Martha 48 Tenn pg00547.txt 441 6 Gooden Rosannah 15 Ohio pg00437.txt 441 7 Gooden Salinda 13 Ohio pg00437.txt 553 38 Gooden Sally A 8 Tenn pg00547.txt 441 4 Gooden Thadius 19 Ohio pg00437.txt 457 24 Gooden Thadius 18 Ohio pg00453.txt 449 19 Goodenough Gilbert 27 N.Y. pg00437.txt 449 20 Goodenough Victoria 20 Ohio pg00437.txt 538 9 Gordon Caroline 27 Ga pg00529.txt 425 21 Gordon Esther 11 Ind pg00421.txt 425 20 Gordon Howard 16 Ind pg00421.txt 538 8 Gordon I.L. 25 Pa pg00529.txt 425 22 Gordon James 3 Iowa pg00421.txt 425 17 Gordon John 40 Ind pg00421.txt 425 19 Gordon Mary 18 Ind pg00421.txt 425 18 Gordon Rhoda 42 Conn pg00421.txt 538 13 Gordon Sarah 3 Iowa pg00529.txt 414 13 Goss Clara C. 26 Va pg00407.txt 414 15 Goss Emma C. 2 Iowa pg00407.txt 414 14 Goss Henry C. 3 Iowa pg00407.txt 414 12 Goss Joseph 26 La pg00407.txt 414 16 Goss Mary J. 9 Iowa pg00407.txt 682 24 Gough James H 42 N.C. pg00674.txt 682 25 Gough Martha S 38 N.C. pg00674.txt 682 26 Gough Tennessee J 8 N.C. pg00674.txt 390 40 Gove Benj 2 Mass pg00387.txt 390 39 Gove Emina 35 N.Y. pg00387.txt 391 2 Gove George A. 1 Iowa pg00387.txt 391 1 Gove Mary E. 3 Iowa pg00387.txt 590 15 Gowing Gilford 11 Iowa pg00580.txt 590 14 Gowing Jane 42 Ind pg00580.txt 590 16 Gowing Sarah 7 Iowa pg00580.txt 513 40 Gradwell Eliza 13 Pa pg00512.txt 513 37 Gradwell George 47 Wurtemburgh pg00512.txt 514 1 Gradwell Joseph 12 Iowa pg00512.txt 514 4 Gradwell Lucinda 4 Iowa pg00512.txt 514 2 Gradwell Madison 12 Iowa pg00512.txt 513 38 Gradwell Margaret 38 Baden pg00512.txt 514 3 Gradwell Mary 6 Iowa pg00512.txt 513 39 Gradwell Mary 14 Maryland pg00512.txt 647 26 Gragg Chas. M 10 Ills pg00644.txt 647 22 Gragg Elizabeth 43 Ohio pg00644.txt 647 25 Gragg Hannah 13 Ills pg00644.txt 647 24 Gragg Jobe 16 Ohio pg00644.txt 647 23 Gragg Mary 18 Ohio pg00644.txt 647 28 Gragg Rebecca 6 Iowa pg00644.txt 647 21 Gragg Samuel 45 Pa pg00644.txt 647 27 Gragg Wm. R 8 Ills pg00644.txt 571 5 Graham Alice 1 Iowa pg00564.txt 571 2 Graham America 7 Iowa pg00564.txt 493 4 Graham Catharine 8 Ind pg00480.txt 493 1 Graham Eliza 15 Ind pg00480.txt 571 1 Graham Eliza E 10 Iowa pg00564.txt 492 40 Graham Elizabeth 36 Ind pg00480.txt 570 39 Graham Frances 14 Iowa pg00564.txt 570 37 Graham Frank 16 Ohio pg00564.txt 570 40 Graham Hellen 12 Iowa pg00564.txt 665 15 Graham Jacob S 26 Ohio pg00660.txt 570 38 Graham James 15 Ohio pg00564.txt 665 17 Graham James H 2 Iowa pg00660.txt 570 35 Graham John 42 Ohio pg00564.txt 493 2 Graham John 13 Ind pg00480.txt 493 5 Graham Luther 4 Ill pg00480.txt 570 36 Graham Margaret 39 Pa pg00564.txt 665 16 Graham Maria 26 Ohio pg00660.txt 571 4 Graham Mary 3 Iowa pg00564.txt 493 3 Graham Samuel 11 Ind pg00480.txt 571 3 Graham Sarah 5 Iowa pg00564.txt 473 5 Graines Elizabeth 24 Ill pg00465.txt 473 4 Graines John 30 Ky pg00465.txt 473 6 Graines Mary 2 Iowa pg00465.txt 473 7 Graines Sarah 1 Iowa pg00465.txt 504 4 Graves Albert 2 Iowa pg00499.txt 503 40 Graves George 12 Iowa pg00499.txt 503 37 Graves J.B. 40 Ky pg00499.txt 503 38 Graves Lucy 36 Ill pg00499.txt 504 2 Graves Martha 5 Iowa pg00499.txt 504 1 Graves Melvina 9 Iowa pg00499.txt 503 39 Graves Sarah 16 Iowa pg00499.txt 504 3 Graves Stephen 7 Iowa pg00499.txt 424 14 Green Albert 8 Ind pg00421.txt 534 20 Green Albert 12 Ohio pg00529.txt 465 13 Green Alma 11/12 Iowa pg00465.txt 552 12 Green Andrew 35 Ohio pg00547.txt 552 18 Green Annetta J 5 Iowa pg00547.txt 465 11 Green Austin 21 Ind pg00465.txt 661 20 Green Charlotte 22 Va pg00660.txt 534 23 Green Clara 4 Iowa pg00529.txt 552 17 Green Clara S 7 Ind pg00547.txt 534 22 Green David 5 Iowa pg00529.txt 464 18 Green David 43 Ky pg00453.txt 534 16 Green David 42 Vermont pg00529.txt 464 25 Green Eliza 3 Iowa pg00453.txt 464 19 Green Elizabeth 40 Ohio pg00453.txt 622 11 Green Eurany 25 Va pg00616.txt 661 22 Green Francis M 4 Va pg00660.txt 605 14 Green GM 33 Mo pg00601.txt 622 15 Green Hannah 76 N.Y. pg00616.txt 622 12 Green Hannah 5 Iowa pg00616.txt 534 21 Green Harriet 9 Ohio pg00529.txt 534 17 Green Harriet 38 Ohio pg00529.txt 605 18 Green HE 3 Iowa pg00601.txt 576 22 Green Henry N.L. 31 N.Y. pg00564.txt 605 17 Green Isaac N 5 Iowa pg00601.txt 622 10 Green Isreal N. 32 N.Y. pg00616.txt 576 27 Green J.W. 8 Ills pg00564.txt 605 15 Green Jas W 11 Iowa pg00601.txt 661 19 Green John 28 Va pg00660.txt 464 21 Green John 14 Ind pg00453.txt 576 30 Green John Thos. 6/12 Iowa pg00564.txt 424 11 Green Joseph 15 Ind pg00421.txt 534 18 Green Julia 22 Ohio pg00529.txt 622 13 Green Malissa 3 Iowa pg00616.txt 464 22 Green Margret 12 Ind pg00453.txt 397 11 Green Mariah 46 Pensylvania pg00387.txt 424 12 Green Marion 13 Ind pg00421.txt 552 13 Green Martha 32 Ind pg00547.txt 424 10 Green Mary 35 Ind pg00421.txt 622 14 Green Mary 3/12 Iowa pg00616.txt 465 12 Green Mary 18 Ind pg00465.txt 534 19 Green Mary 17 Ohio pg00529.txt 464 20 Green Mary 16 Ind pg00453.txt 576 23 Green Mary A 31 Ky pg00564.txt 576 26 Green Mary C 9 Ills pg00564.txt 552 15 Green Mary H 12 Ind pg00547.txt 424 15 Green Nancy 5 Iowa pg00421.txt 576 24 Green Nancy J 13 Ills pg00564.txt 576 29 Green Nathaniel L 3 Iowa pg00564.txt 424 16 Green Noah 1 Iowa pg00421.txt 605 13 Green Oren 35 NY pg00601.txt 464 24 Green Peter 7 Ind pg00453.txt 416 22 Green Polly 10 Ind pg00407.txt 464 23 Green Rachel 9 Ind pg00453.txt 661 21 Green Rose A 6 Va pg00660.txt 576 28 Green Ruth E 6 Ills pg00564.txt 424 13 Green Samantha 10 Ind pg00421.txt 416 20 Green Sarah 50 Ky pg00407.txt 576 25 Green Sarah A 11 Ills pg00564.txt 552 14 Green Sarah E 14 Ind pg00547.txt 605 16 Green Sarah J 8 Iowa pg00601.txt 416 21 Green Solomon J. 14 Ind pg00407.txt 552 16 Green Susan E 10 Ind pg00547.txt 534 24 Green William 8/12 Iowa pg00529.txt 424 9 Green William 36 Ky pg00421.txt 552 19 Green Wm. P 2 Iowa pg00547.txt 389 17 Green Worth 12 Ohio pg00387.txt 652 37 Gregory Don. A 3/12 Iowa pg00644.txt 652 34 Gregory Eliza 25 Ills pg00644.txt 652 35 Gregory Elizabeth 6 Iowa pg00644.txt 652 33 Gregory Isaac C 31 Tenn pg00644.txt 652 39 Gregory Mary 21 Ky pg00644.txt 652 40 Gregory Nancey 3 Iowa pg00644.txt 653 1 Gregory Thomas R 1 Iowa pg00644.txt 652 36 Gregory Wilson 3 Iowa pg00644.txt 652 38 Gregory Wm. 21 Ills pg00644.txt 401 4 Grey Joseph 29 Ohio pg00387.txt 673 34 Griffith John F 7 Iowa pg00660.txt 433 25 Griffith Melvin 13 Ind pg00421.txt 404 22 Grig Wm. A. 21 Ky pg00387.txt 481 22 Griggsby Christena 46 Ky pg00480.txt 481 21 Griggsby David 55 Va pg00480.txt 481 24 Griggsby David 4 Iowa pg00480.txt 481 23 Griggsby William 17 Mo pg00480.txt 639 21 Grimes Albert R 10 Ind pg00633.txt 639 23 Grimes Alice 5 Ind pg00633.txt 662 12 Grimes Jacob 22 Va pg00660.txt 639 19 Grimes John C 33 Ind pg00633.txt 639 24 Grimes Laura 3 Iowa pg00633.txt 639 22 Grimes Laura F 7 Ind pg00633.txt 639 20 Grimes Lucinda 36 Ind pg00633.txt 639 25 Grimes Rosebell 1 Iowa pg00633.txt 572 20 Groom Chas. 4 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 14 Groom David 43 Ohio pg00564.txt 572 21 Groom Elizabeth 2 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 19 Groom James 7 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 22 Groom Manta 2/12 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 18 Groom Marion 9 Iowa pg00564.txt 572 15 Groom Mary A 32 Va pg00564.txt 572 17 Groom Rhoda 18 Ohio pg00564.txt 572 16 Groom Smith 14 Iowa pg00564.txt 457 39 Grove Levi 6/12 Iowa pg00453.txt 457 37 Grove Squire 22 Ind pg00453.txt 457 38 Grove Susannah 24 Ind pg00453.txt 406 14 Grub Jacob 25 Pa pg00387.txt 406 15 Grub Nancy 20 Ohio pg00387.txt 391 31 Guildart B.J. 21 Ohio pg00387.txt 391 29 Guildart Benj. 58 Va pg00387.txt 391 30 Guildart Mariah 54 Pa pg00387.txt 588 13 Gully Francis 13 Ind pg00580.txt 588 12 Gully Joseph P 15 Ind pg00580.txt 588 10 Gully Mary 29 Ind pg00580.txt 588 11 Gully Samuel G 17 Ind pg00580.txt 588 9 Gully Wm. T 39 Ky pg00580.txt 411 18 Gunter Calvin T. 16 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 19 Gunter Eliza E. 16 Iowa pg00407.txt 605 29 Gunter Elizabeth 21 Ky pg00601.txt 411 21 Gunter Eurana 13 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 22 Gunter James W. 11 Iowa pg00407.txt 605 31 Gunter John 2 Iowa pg00601.txt 411 16 Gunter John T. 39 Ky pg00407.txt 411 17 Gunter Lucinda 39 Ohio pg00407.txt 605 28 Gunter Malachi 26 Ky pg00601.txt 411 24 Gunter Mana C. 7 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 25 Gunter Mary E. 4 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 20 Gunter Melissa A. 14 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 23 Gunter Nancy J. 9 Iowa pg00407.txt 411 26 Gunter Parnee 3 Iowa pg00407.txt 605 30 Gunter Ruben 4 Ills pg00601.txt 472 1 Gurnsey D.B. 58 Conn pg00465.txt 472 7 Gurnsey John 29 Ind pg00465.txt 472 8 Gurnsey Lucy 21 Ind pg00465.txt 472 2 Gurnsey Nancy 56 Ohio pg00465.txt 472 3 Gurnsey Nancy 16 Ind pg00465.txt 472 4 Gurnsey Riley 12 Ind pg00465.txt 503 3 Guy B.F. 24 Ind pg00499.txt 453 9 Guynn Jesse 56 Va pg00453.txt 453 10 Guynn Martha 45 Ohio pg00453.txt 648 23 Gwin Andrew 12 Ky pg00644.txt 648 19 Gwin Cynthia 46 Ky pg00644.txt 648 20 Gwin Franklin 19 Ky pg00644.txt 648 18 Gwin Hardin 46 N.C. pg00644.txt 648 26 Gwin Hardin 3 Iowa pg00644.txt 648 25 Gwin Isaac 7 Ky pg00644.txt 648 21 Gwin John 15 Ky pg00644.txt 648 24 Gwin Joseph 9 Ky pg00644.txt 648 22 Gwin Wm. 14 Ky pg00644.txt