Madison, IA 1850 Federal Census INDEX File This Census was transcribed by Kent G. Transier and proofread by Judy Wight Branson for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2002 by Kent G. Transier ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Users of this transcription of the 1850 Iowa, Madison Federal Census are advised to verify information found herein with the original microfilm from the National Archives. The enumerator's handwriting made it very difficult to distinguish between letters a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, & w, especially when they were adjacent to each other. Captial letters often included flourishes at their ends that resembled letters, further impeding the transcription process. ========================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place File-name ============================================================================= 148A 38 Adamson Aaron M 14 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 36 Adamson Hulda 20 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 148A 41 Adamson Martha 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148A 37 Adamson Mary J 17 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 42 Adamson Mordica 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148A 35 Adamson Rody 33 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 40 Adamson Sarah E 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148A 34 Adamson Seth 42 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 148A 39 Adamson Solomon 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 1 Adamson Susannah 3/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 144B 27 Adiar Cyntha 12 Alabama pg0139a.txt 144B 33 Adiar Emma 5 Mississippi pg0139a.txt 144B 32 Adiar Hannah 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 30 Adiar James 8 Mississippi pg0139a.txt 144B 31 Adiar John 7 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 26 Adiar Mary 28 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 28 Adiar Maryann 12 Alabama pg0139a.txt 144B 25 Adiar Thomas 34 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144B 29 Adiar Thomas 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 18 Ainsley Martha 11 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 144A 20 Ainsley Thomas 20 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 149A 25 Allcock Francis E 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 26 Allcock James M 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 23 Allcock John J 14 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 24 Allcock Lorenzo W 12 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 21 Allcock Lucy H 50 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149A 22 Allcock Margaret S 16 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 18 Allcock Mary J 3 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 20 Allcock Norville S 49 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149A 17 Allcock Rebecca A 20 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 27 Allcock Samuel R 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 16 Allcock William C 26 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 149A 19 Allcock William S 1 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 39 Allen James 43 Ireland pg0147b.txt 143A 34 Allison Matilda 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 35 Allison Phebe Missouri 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143A 32 Allison Rebecca A 30 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 143A 33 Allison Rebecca A 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145B 35 Anderson Eli T 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 36 Anderson Eliza J 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 34 Anderson Elizabeth 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 33 Anderson Henry 25 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 36 Anderson Hulda 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 37 Anderson Rebecca 8/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 3 Bagbey Eliza 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 42 Bagbey Elizabeth 43 Virginia pg0139a.txt 141B 2 Bagbey James 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141B 1 Bagbey John 16 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141B 4 Bagbey Mary 9 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141B 5 Bagbey William 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139A 7 Barnes Aaron Van B 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139A 4 Barnes Amanda E 18 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139A 8 Barnes Emily 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 9 Barnes George M D 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 3 Barnes Hiram J 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 5 Barnes Perry M 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 2 Barnes Rebecca 41 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139A 1 Barnes Silas 43 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 139A 6 Barnes Silas 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145B 15 Baugh Emily Jane 22 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 14 Baugh John H 27 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 16 Baugh William C 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 19 Baum Barbara I 17 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 7 Baum George 12 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 6 Baum Hiram 15 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 4 Baum Irvin 33 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 18 Baum Lewis 26 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 9 Baum Lucy Ann 1/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139B 5 Baum Margaret 34 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 8 Baum Rosanna 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141A 8 Bedell Abraham 7 Illinois pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 9 Bedell Elizabeth 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 7 Bedell Hiram 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 5 Bedell Isabel 28 Ohio pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 4 Bedell John 30 Ohio pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 11 Bedell Margaret 8/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 10 Bedell Mary 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 141A 6 Bedell Nancy 12 Indiana pg0139a.txt Surname s/b Beedle 140B 3 Bedwell James B 26 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 4 Bedwell Lycurgus 24 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 27 Bertholf Cyrene 11/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 26 Bertholf Henrietta 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 21 Bertholf James 43 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 144A 24 Bertholf John 10 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 22 Bertholf Rebecca 41 Virginia pg0139a.txt 144A 25 Bertholf Sibele 7 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 23 Bertholf Susannah 16 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 40 Bilderback Ephraim 28 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 146B 42 Bilderback Mary Ann 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 41 Bilderback Matilda 27 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 1 Bilderback Orlanda 7/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143A 12 Bird Butler 11 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 4 Bird Eli 9 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146B 3 Bird Er 10 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143A 13 Bird Harvey 10 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143A 11 Bird Isaac 15 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143A 10 Bird John 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 1 Bird O H P 30 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 2 Bird Rebecca 30 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 5 Bird Robert L 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 9 Bird Sarah 53 Maryland pg0139a.txt 146B 6 Bird Sarah V 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143A 8 Bird William 56 Virginia pg0139a.txt 147B 25 Bishop Atremacy 5 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 5 Bishop Benjamin 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151B 9 Bishop Bertha 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147A 42 Bishop Betsey 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 147B 24 Bishop Catharine 26 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 5 Bishop David 35 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 6 Bishop Eliza 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 8 Bishop Elizabeth 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 3 Bishop Ester 15 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151B 8 Bishop John 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 26 Bishop John M 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 23 Bishop Joseph 28 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 151B 7 Bishop Josiah 17 Virginia pg0147b.txt 151B 15 Bishop Letitia 18 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 1 Bishop Levi 49 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147A 40 Bishop Mary A 25 Virginia pg0139a.txt 151B 16 Bishop Mary J 3 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151B 13 Bishop Milton 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151B 12 Bishop Minerva 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147A 39 Bishop Noah 27 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 151B 14 Bishop Noah 26 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 2 Bishop Rebecca 46 Virginia pg0147b.txt 151B 11 Bishop Rosanna 5 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151B 10 Bishop Serriptha 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151B 6 Bishop Ursula 38 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147A 41 Bishop Wadey 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt 151B 17 Bishop William Jack 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 7 Bishop William W 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 4 Bishop Winney 14 Indiana pg0147b.txt 142A 31 Blair Alexander 51 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142A 39 Blair Alexander 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 37 Blair Clarissa 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 36 Blair George 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 34 Blair John Jackson 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 33 Blair Julie 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 32 Blair Mary 46 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142A 35 Blair Mary 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 38 Blair Rachel 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 149A 15 Blooodsaw Hannah 21 Missouri pg0147b.txt 143B 19 Boils Lydia 28 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143B 21 Boils Martha A 1/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 20 Boils Martin A 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 18 Boils Phillip 27 Ohio pg0139a.txt 147B 13 Borgess Alanson B 12 Ohio pg0147b.txt 147B 14 Borgess Albert 10 Ohio pg0147b.txt 147B 9 Borgess Bedey 51 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 10 Borgess Cyntha 45 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 12 Borgess Edna 17 Ohio pg0147b.txt 147B 11 Borgess Elias 20 Ohio pg0147b.txt 140B 12 Bowman Bethel 30 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 16 Bowman Cantrel 3 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 18 Bowman Charles 6/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 140B 13 Bowman Elenor 28 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 15 Bowman Hiram 7 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 17 Bowman John 2 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 14 Bowman Lucinda 9 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 139B 38 Brewer James 32 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 39 Brewer Margaret 25 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 139B 40 Brewer Mary E 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140A 22 Brinson Catherine 35 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 140A 27 Brinson Catherine 13 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 24 Brinson Daniel 19 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 2 Brinson Daniel 15 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139B 16 Brinson David 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 35 Brinson David 30 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 3 Brinson David A 11 Illinois pg0139a.txt 152A 13 Brinson Eliza A 27 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152A 15 Brinson Eliza J 8/12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 143B 42 Brinson Elizabeth 32 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 13 Brinson Elizabeth 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 21 Brinson Elizabeth 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 152A 14 Brinson Elizabeth P 4 Indiana pg0147b.txt 139B 1 Brinson James 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 41 Brinson John 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 17 Brinson Jonathan 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 3 Brinson Jonathan 2 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 10 Brinson Joseph 39 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 140A 21 Brinson Leonard 35 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 139A 38 Brinson Letitia 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 25 Brinson Levi 17 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 18 Brinson Lewis 33 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 20 Brinson Lucinda 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 39 Brinson Lucinda J 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 37 Brinson Lydia Ann 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 36 Brinson Margaret 33 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139A 41 Brinson Margaret 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 24 Brinson Marion 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 25 Brinson Martin 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 26 Brinson Mary 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 1 Brinson Mary A 17 Illinois pg0139a.txt 140A 26 Brinson Mary J 15 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 22 Brinson Matilda 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 2 Brinson Milley 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 23 Brinson Nancy 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 14 Brinson Nancy 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 11 Brinson Rebecca 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 140A 23 Brinson Reese 20 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 42 Brinson Samuel N 2/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139A 40 Brinson Sarah C 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 15 Brinson Thomas 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139B 12 Brinson William 17 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141A 29 Brown Elizabeth 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141A 30 Brown Francis Mar 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 6 Brown Hezekiah 19 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 21 Brown James 40 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 28 Brown James R 8 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 26 Brown John 11 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 22 Brown Mary 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 141B 8 Brown Mary J 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 7 Brown Nancy A 16 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 141A 32 Brown Sally 66 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 141A 23 Brown Samuel 19 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 24 Brown Sarah 15 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 31 Brown Thomas 70 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 141A 25 Brown Thomas 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 27 Brown William 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146A 32 Bruett Harrison 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 150A 40 Bryan A L 35 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150A 41 Bryan Catharine 28 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 6 Bryan Hannah A 10/12 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150A 42 Bryan James W 12 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 4 Bryan Jeptha T 4 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 2 Bryan John A 8 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 5 Bryan Margaret A 3 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 1 Bryan Mary E 10 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 3 Bryan Pascal L 6 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 3 Burchet James A 17 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 41 Burger Elizabeth 33 Delaware pg0147b.txt 152B 40 Burger Enos 36 Virginia pg0147b.txt 153A 3 Burger George V 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 153A 2 Burger James W 4 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 42 Burger Josephius 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 153A 1 Burger Mary 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149B 35 Burns Asberry W 24 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 36 Burns Martha 19 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 149B 37 Burns Mary J E 4 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 38 Burns Phebe 11/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 143B 23 Butler Anna 17 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142B 19 Butler George Wash 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142B 16 Butler Grace 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 14 Butler Hannah 12 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 15 Butler James 11 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 13 Butler Jesse 13 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 9 Butler John 44 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142B 11 Butler John 18 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 18 Butler Martha J 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 12 Butler Millie 15 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 17 Butler Samson 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 10 Butler Susannah 45 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 143B 22 Butler William 19 Missouri pg0139a.txt 148A 3 Campbell Alexander 11 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 4 Campbell Charles W 9 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 41 Campbell Daniel 40 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 148A 6 Campbell Lyra J 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 42 Campbell Margaret 38 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 2 Campbell Margaret A 13 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 1 Campbell Nancy J 16 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 5 Campbell Nancy M 6 Virginia pg0147b.txt 141B 34 Carroll Edward 9 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 141B 37 Carroll Elihu E 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 36 Carroll Francis Mar 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 32 Carroll John 30 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 141B 33 Carroll Margaret 20 Virginia pg0139a.txt 141B 35 Carroll Mary E 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 31 Casbier Eliza A 8/12 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146A 27 Casbier J C 41 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 28 Casbier Luiza 36 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 29 Casbier Miles N 17 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146A 30 Casbier Simeon G 14 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 12 Casebier Absolem 8/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 14 Casebier Barbara 38 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146B 18 Casebier Catharine 9 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 19 Casebier David 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 17 Casebier Elizabeth 12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146A 33 Casebier J D 33 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 13 Casebier Jonathan 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146B 15 Casebier Lucinda 19 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146B 20 Casebier Malinda 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146A 35 Casebier Mary 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 16 Casebier Mary 14 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146A 34 Casebier Moses 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 11 Casebier Nancy 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 10 Casebier Samuel 27 Indiana pg0139a.txt 148B 23 Cason Amelia 46 Maryland pg0147b.txt 148B 30 Cason Elizabeth 5 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 25 Cason John J 18 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 26 Cason Joshua 11 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 28 Cason Philista 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 22 Cason Thomas 57 South Carolina pg0147b.txt 148B 27 Cason Thomas 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 24 Cason Timothy 19 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 29 Cason William V 8 Indiana pg0147b.txt 142B 40 Casteel George 11 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 38 Casteel Isabel 15 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 33 Casteel Jesse 61 Maryland pg0139a.txt 142B 36 Casteel Jesse Jr 19 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 35 Casteel John 20 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 37 Casteel Lucinda 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 42 Casteel Mary J 5 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143B 28 Casteel Mesach 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 41 Casteel Nancy 8 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 39 Casteel Powell 13 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 34 Casteel Sarah 37 Unknown pg0139a.txt 143B 29 Casteel Sarah 21 Indiana pg0139a.txt 152B 29 Chennoworth David 32 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152B 30 Chennoworth Elizabeth 25 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 32 Chennoworth Hardin 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152B 31 Chennoworth John 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 149B 9 Clanton Charles 42 North Carolina pg0147b.txt 149A 31 Clanton Charles Frank 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 15 Clanton Elizabeth 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 5 Clanton George 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 40 Clanton Isaac 38 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 33 Clanton Isaac Mon 5/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 149A 28 Clanton Joel 33 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149B 16 Clanton Joel 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 149A 42 Clanton Joel 15 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149B 11 Clanton John 12 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149A 41 Clanton Lorana 36 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 149B 12 Clanton Lucinda 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 10 Clanton Mary 33 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 149B 4 Clanton Moses E 11 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 1 Clanton Nancy 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149A 32 Clanton Polly A 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 14 Clanton Rachel 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 7 Clanton Rachel 10/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 149A 29 Clanton Sally 31 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149B 13 Clanton Sarah M 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 6 Clanton Thomas 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 3 Clanton Wesley 12 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 2 Clanton William 13 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149A 30 Clanton William Was 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 150A 4 Clare Amanda E 6 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149B 41 Clare Barbara 37 Maryland pg0147b.txt 149B 42 Clare Frederick 14 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 3 Clare John 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 1 Clare Margaret 15 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 2 Clare Mary Ann 13 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149B 40 Clare Peter 40 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150A 5 Clare Peter 4 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 14 Clare Susannah 20 Ohio pg0147b.txt 139A 25 Clark Caleb 43 New York pg0139a.txt 139A 31 Clark Cyntha A 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 34 Clark Joshua 2/10 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139A 27 Clark Luiza I 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139A 33 Clark Mary A 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139A 30 Clark Nancy E 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 28 Clark Rachael C 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139A 32 Clark Rufus 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 26 Clark Ruthy 32 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 29 Clark Sarah B 10 Missouri pg0139a.txt 148B 33 Coaker Joseph C 2 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 32 Coaker Ruthie E 20 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148B 31 Coaker Thompson 32 Virginia pg0147b.txt 152B 11 Cochran Margaret A 15 Ohio pg0147b.txt 152B 21 Collier Philadelphia 27 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 139A 22 Combs Barbara 11 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 23 Combs Ben Frank 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 20 Combs Jacob 30 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139B 19 Combs Joseph 35 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 24 Combs Lucinda 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 21 Combs Sarah 29 Ohio pg0139a.txt 152A 3 Compton Adeline 8 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 4 Compton Anjenette 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 5 Compton Granville 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 2 Compton Sarah 30 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152A 1 Compton William 31 Ohio pg0147b.txt 152A 6 Compton Zackary Tay 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 146B 31 Crawford Anne 12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 35 Crawford Eliza 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 32 Crawford James 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 29 Crawford James 35 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 146B 33 Crawford Mary 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 30 Crawford Mary 32 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 34 Crawford Rebecca 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 19 Craycraft David 35 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 23 Craycraft Eli 16 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 22 Craycraft Emiline 18 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 30 Craycraft Harvey 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt 140B 21 Craycraft John 22 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 28 Craycraft Juliann 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 29 Craycraft Luiza J 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 26 Craycraft Mary 11 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 27 Craycraft Milton 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 20 Craycraft Rebecca 35 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 24 Craycraft Rosanna 15 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 25 Craycraft Ruben 13 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 152A 22 Danfourth Charles 6 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152A 20 Danfourth Mary 40 Maryland pg0147b.txt 152A 21 Danfourth William 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 144B 35 Davis Alexander 22 Upper Canada pg0139a.txt 145A 32 Davis Elizabeth 28 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 30 Davis Evan 37 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 145A 34 Davis Frankee A 14 Arkansas pg0139a.txt 152B 9 Davis Henry 5 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152B 7 Davis Jane 25 Ireland pg0147b.txt 144B 34 Davis Jonathan 24 Upper Canada pg0139a.txt 143A 14 Davis Lewis 22 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 38 Davis Lydia 4/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 152B 10 Davis Lydia J 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 145A 35 Davis Mark 10 Arkansas pg0139a.txt 145A 33 Davis Mary 19 Ohio pg0139a.txt 152B 6 Davis Otho 33 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 145A 4 Davis Rodney 21 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 152B 8 Davis Sarah A 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 145A 31 Davis Susannah 39 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145A 37 Davis Susannah 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145A 36 Davis William 9 Arkansas pg0139a.txt 147B 36 Debord Benjamin 6 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 38 Debord Eliza E 2 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 39 Debord Emerine 1 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 37 Debord Mary E 3 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 35 Debord Mary W 31 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 147B 34 Debord Mires C 26 Virginia pg0147b.txt 147B 40 Debord Taylor 1/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151A 7 Dorrel Anne 5/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151A 6 Dorrel Charles 4 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 4 Dorrel George Head 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 1 Dorrel Lemuel 18 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 5 Dorrel Mariah 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 2 Dorrel William W 15 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 3 Dorrel Wilson G 14 Missouri pg0147b.txt 150B 41 Dorrell John 48 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150B 42 Dorrell Nancy 34 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152A 30 Dougherty Dyno L 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152A 28 Dougherty John H 27 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152A 29 Dougherty Phebe C 26 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 20 Emerson Henry 2/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 17 Emerson James 27 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 19 Emerson Mary 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 18 Emerson Mary A 20 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148B 17 Esley Barton 16 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 20 Esley Benjamin 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 21 Esley Drusilla 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 14 Esley Elizabeth 43 Unknown pg0147b.txt 148B 16 Esley John 19 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 19 Esley Milton 12 Ohio pg0147b.txt 148B 18 Esley Pemelia A 14 Ohio pg0147b.txt 148B 13 Esley Philip 46 Unknown pg0147b.txt 148B 15 Esley William 22 Indiana pg0147b.txt 143B 8 Fallwell Cerilda 27 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143B 10 Fallwell Jacob R 7 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143B 12 Fallwell James 6/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 7 Fallwell James 33 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143B 11 Fallwell Norewanda 5 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143B 9 Fallwell Rebecca 11 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 11 Fiddler Luiza 22 Indiana pg0139a.txt 139A 10 Fiddler Sarah 66 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 149B 8 Fife Amos 30 Ohio pg0147b.txt 148B 34 Fife David 25 Ohio pg0147b.txt 149A 34 Fife Samuel 20 Ohio pg0147b.txt 142B 6 Fisher Nelson 25 Ohio pg0139a.txt 147A 29 Fleaner David 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 37 Fleaner David R 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 147A 33 Fleaner Jesse N 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 30 Fleaner Mary A 17 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 26 Fleaner Mary Ann 68 Virginia pg0139a.txt 147A 28 Fleaner Mary Ann 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 147A 34 Fleaner Mary J 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 35 Fleaner Nancy W 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 147A 32 Fleaner Rachael 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 147A 38 Fleaner Rebecca 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 147A 25 Fleaner Samuel 70 Virginia pg0139a.txt 147A 31 Fleaner Samuel 33 Virginia pg0139a.txt 147A 36 Fleaner Samuel O 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145B 1 Fletcher Amanda J 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145A 39 Fletcher Drury P 34 Virginia pg0139a.txt 145B 2 Fletcher Eliza E 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145A 41 Fletcher Francis Mar 9 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145A 40 Fletcher Nancy J 24 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 42 Fletcher Thomas B 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 150A 13 Fruits Martin 30 Indiana pg0147b.txt 146A 18 Fry Jacob 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 151B 42 Gaff Francis S 2/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151B 40 Gaff John 26 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 41 Gaff Mary Ann 24 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 145B 26 Gentry Dicy E 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 25 Gentry Elizabeth 26 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 34 Gentry Emily J 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 35 Gentry Francis Mar 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 33 Gentry Harriet E 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 32 Gentry James M 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 27 Gentry John 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 24 Gentry Joshua 26 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 40 Gentry Lucinda 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 37 Gentry Mary E 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145B 28 Gentry Mary J 3/12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 38 Gentry Nancy Ann 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143B 31 Gentry Sarah 36 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 143B 39 Gentry Sarah 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 145B 18 Gentry Selina A 21 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 30 Gentry William 36 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 17 Gentry William 24 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 36 Gentry William Was 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 150B 22 Goble Alice 63 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150B 21 Goble David Sr 66 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150B 23 Goble George 30 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150B 26 Goble Jackson 31 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150B 24 Goble Samuel 8 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 25 Goble William J 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151A 38 Graves Bryant 4 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 37 Graves Emily 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 35 Graves Irene 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 30 Graves Joel 35 North Carolina pg0147b.txt 151A 32 Graves Lewis 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 33 Graves Luiza 11 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 39 Graves Margaret 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151A 31 Graves Nancy 34 North Carolina pg0147b.txt 151A 36 Graves Pauline 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 34 Graves Sally 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151B 32 Guiberson Catharine 42 Maryland pg0147b.txt 151B 31 Guiberson Edwin 48 New Jersey pg0147b.txt 151B 36 Guiberson Hannah 10 Ohio pg0147b.txt 152B 2 Guiberson J D 24 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 35 Guiberson Jemmima 13 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 33 Guiberson Lucinda 16 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 38 Guiberson Rachel 6 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 37 Guiberson Richard 8 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 34 Guiberson Samuel S 14 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 39 Guiberson William 3 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 9 Guthrie John W A 4 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 8 Guthrie Margaret A 23 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150B 7 Guthrie William J 39 Virginia pg0147b.txt 140A 39 Guy Angeline 12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 36 Guy Elizabeth 24 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 37 Guy Francis M 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 1 Guy George W 24 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140A 38 Guy Houstin 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 41 Guy James 26 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140B 2 Guy Lurena 17 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 40 Guy Mariah 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140A 35 Guy Mary 32 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 34 Guy Samuel 53 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 140A 42 Guy Serena 17 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145A 3 Hagan John 28 Virginia pg0139a.txt 144A 4 Hallpath David 27 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 6 Hallpath Mary 1 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 5 Hallpath Nancy 21 Illinois pg0139a.txt 152B 25 Hanna Ann 23 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152B 27 Hanna Berril A 19 Indiana pg0147b.txt 139B 42 Hanna Celina I 28 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 1 Hanna Cyrus G 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139B 41 Hanna John G 32 Indiana pg0139a.txt 152B 26 Hanna Rebecca 52 Unknown pg0147b.txt 152B 28 Hanna Rebecca 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 140A 3 Hanna Robert W 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 152B 24 Hanna Ruben 21 Indiana pg0147b.txt 140A 2 Hanna Ruth E 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 147B 20 Harbert Cerilda 9 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 19 Harbert Hulda J 10 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 17 Harbert James J 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 21 Harbert John P 2 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147B 16 Harbert Mary B 35 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 15 Harbert Mathew 46 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 147B 22 Harbert Susan E 4/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 18 Harbert William 12 Illinois pg0147b.txt 145A 9 Harmon Amanda 16 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 8 Harmon George L 17 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 19 Harmon James 26 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 11 Harmon John H 12 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 21 Harmon John P 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 145A 10 Harmon Lenville M 14 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 7 Harmon Lorenzo Dow 18 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 20 Harmon Mary B 18 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 12 Harmon Nancy J 11 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 6 Harmon Sarah 41 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 13 Harmon Tillman 9 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 145A 5 Harmon William 51 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 140A 10 Harris David 39 Ohio pg0139a.txt 150B 28 Hart Andrew J 37 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150B 31 Hart Andrew Jack 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 150B 32 Hart James H 1/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 29 Hart Sarah 35 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150B 30 Hart William Jef 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 142B 23 Henry Aevelier E 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142B 26 Henry Amanda B 10/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142B 21 Henry Belinda 37 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 20 Henry David D 40 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 142B 22 Henry John A 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142B 24 Henry Lydia M 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 25 Henry William J 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 140A 14 Henshaw Catharine 32 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 12 Henshaw Nancy I 19 Virginia pg0139a.txt 140A 16 Henshaw Rebecca R 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 13 Henshaw Sarah 39 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 140A 15 Henshaw Silas 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 11 Henshaw William 25 Ohio pg0139a.txt 148B 2 Hillman Abbot 28 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 5 Hillman Cimmenthadt 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 6 Hillman John W 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148B 3 Hillman Martha 26 Ohio pg0147b.txt 148B 4 Hillman Mary A 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 40 Hinkle Emmanuel 28 Virginia pg0147b.txt 145B 9 Hooten Benjamin A 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 10 Hooten James M 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 3 Hooten John 45 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 6 Hooten John Wes 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 7 Hooten Levi Frank 12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 12 Hooten Martin G 4 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 11 Hooten Sarah F 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 13 Hooten Susan E 8/12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 4 Hooten Susannah 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 5 Hooten Thomas Jef 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 8 Hooten William R 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 31 Hoover William Franklin 27 Virginia pg0139a.txt 139A 16 Hopkins Barbara E 2 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 15 Hopkins Elmira 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 139A 17 Hopkins Isaiah A 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139A 13 Hopkins Phebe 29 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 12 Hopkins William 32 Ohio pg0139a.txt 139A 14 Hopkins Willis G 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 4 Hornback Dorothy 42 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 5 Hornback Elizabeth 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142B 3 Hornback George 43 Ohio pg0139a.txt 152B 3 Houk J G 39 Virginia pg0147b.txt 141B 27 Howell Aaron 27 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 141B 29 Howell Emerson 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141B 30 Howell Lanson 3 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141B 28 Howell Margaret 25 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 141B 31 Howell Martha A 1 Ohio pg0139a.txt 150A 25 Hunt Elizabeth 19 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150A 24 Hunt Milen 35 New York pg0147b.txt 151A 17 Hurst Elizabeth 25 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 151A 16 Hurst Hiram 29 Virginia pg0147b.txt 151A 19 Hurst James H 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 18 Hurst John M 7 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 20 Hurst William Harris 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 143B 14 Ivins Amanda 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 25 Ivins Anna 53 Virginia pg0139a.txt 143B 17 Ivins Elizabeth 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 27 Ivins Henry 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 24 Ivins John 55 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 15 Ivins John 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 13 Ivins Joseph 30 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 26 Ivins Lydia 24 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143B 16 Ivins Robert 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142A 18 Jessup Ellie 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 17 Jessup Hannah 34 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 152B 34 Jessup Linville 17 Indiana pg0147b.txt 142A 16 Jessup Solomon 51 Unknown pg0139a.txt 142A 22 Job Elizabeth 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142A 20 Job John Jr 13 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142A 19 Job John Sr 38 Unknown pg0139a.txt 142A 21 Job Sephina 10 Missouri pg0139a.txt 150A 11 Johnson Alexander 20 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 16 Johnson Ester A 20 Ireland pg0147b.txt 146B 38 Johnson Henry 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 150A 9 Johnson John J 50 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 15 Johnson John M 22 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 12 Johnson Julia E 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 146B 37 Johnson Mary 27 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 150A 17 Johnson Mary M 3/12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 10 Johnson Nancy 27 Ohio pg0147b.txt 146B 39 Johnson Perry 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 36 Johnson Valentine 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 152A 17 Jones Alfred D 32 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 140B 11 Jones Anissatia 10/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 152A 19 Jones Charles 6 Missouri pg0147b.txt 150B 36 Jones Elizabeth F 10 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 37 Jones Emeline 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 150A 27 Jones Erastus S 17 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 140B 8 Jones Hampton 31 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 150B 40 Jones Isabel C 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 38 Jones John W 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 34 Jones Lucinda 30 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 140B 10 Jones Marquis D Laf 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 150B 33 Jones Mathew 37 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150B 39 Jones Mary Ad 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 140B 9 Jones Mary L 22 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 152A 18 Jones S J 23 Unknown pg0147b.txt 150B 35 Jones William H 12 Illinois pg0147b.txt 146A 11 Kellum Andrew Jack 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 9 Kellum Elizabeth 49 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 12 Kellum John W 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 8 Kellum Joseph 36 Georgia pg0139a.txt 146A 13 Kellum Malissa 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 14 Kellum Minerva 12 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 10 Kellum William 21 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 22 Kennedy Jesse 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 20 Kennedy Mary 23 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 23 Kennedy Sarah 1 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 19 Kennedy Stockton 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 21 Kennedy William T 5 Indiana pg0139a.txt 149B 19 Knotts Ann R 11 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 20 Knotts Dowella 9/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 149B 18 Knotts Drusilla 30 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 17 Knotts Isaac 30 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 21 Knotts Ivi I 10 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149B 22 Knotts Mary E 8 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149B 23 Knotts Susan V 6 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149B 24 Knotts William 3 Ohio pg0147b.txt 144A 30 Large Lucinda 9/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 29 Large Mary 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 28 Large Patrick 25 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 149A 10 Lee Clement E 26 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 3 Lee Elenor 15 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 12 Lee James 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 2 Lee James M 21 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149A 11 Lee Louicen 27 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 13 Lee Mary C 3 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 14 Lee William F 9/12 Missouri pg0147b.txt 140B 42 Magnus George 28 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 141A 2 Magnus Hazbess 6 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 3 Magnus Jane E 3/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141A 1 Magnus Mary 23 Ohio pg0139a.txt 150B 14 Marekle Catherine 25 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150B 15 Marekle James 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150B 13 Marekle John 39 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150B 16 Marekle John Calvin 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150A 36 Mars Elizabeth 27 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150A 39 Mars Geo Elias 11/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150A 38 Mars Isaac Mar 3 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150A 35 Mars John 25 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150A 37 Mars Susan N 5 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 150B 10 Marsh Abijah 24 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150B 11 Marsh Ellen 18 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150B 12 Marsh George L 2 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 142A 15 McClelland Benjamin 61 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142A 12 McClelland George 27 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142A 13 McClelland Mary J 22 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142A 14 McClelland Valentine 4 Indiana pg0139a.txt 150A 26 McCullick Matthew U 22 Illinois pg0147b.txt 147A 24 McKenzie Aaron 16 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 24 McKenzie Aaron 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 146B 7 McKenzie Absolem 23 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 25 McKenzie Ann 12 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151B 28 McKenzie Caroline 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151B 22 McKenzie Daniel 18 Illinois pg0147b.txt 146B 8 McKenzie Elizabeth E 18 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 26 McKenzie Emeline 10 Missouri pg0147b.txt 146B 9 McKenzie Francis Mar 6/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 29 McKenzie Gabriel 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151B 20 McKenzie Henry 48 Maryland pg0147b.txt 151B 27 McKenzie Mahala 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151B 21 McKenzie Sarah 48 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 151B 23 McKenzie Thomas Jef 16 Illinois pg0147b.txt 145B 30 Mead Byntha A 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145B 32 Mead Elizabeth 1 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 31 Mead Margaret 4 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 29 Mead Peter 30 Virginia pg0139a.txt 142A 6 Mendenhall Anna 43 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 142A 10 Mendenhall Catherine T 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142B 1 Mendenhall Charles 27 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 142A 9 Mendenhall Elias G 15 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142A 11 Mendenhall Joseph 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 2 Mendenhall Pauline 27 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 7 Mendenhall Samuel 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 8 Mendenhall William 17 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146A 22 Meyers Alexander 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 23 Meyers Daniel M 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 20 Meyers Elizabeth 41 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 26 Meyers Elizabeth A 7 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 19 Meyers Jonathan 37 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 25 Meyers Jonathan S 7 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 21 Meyers Mary F 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 24 Meyers Rebecca J 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 152A 10 Miller Elijah 18 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 21 Miller Joseph 25 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 152A 8 Miller Lucinda 44 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148A 23 Miller Lydia A 7/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 12 Miller Martha A 6 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 22 Miller Mary A 22 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152A 11 Miller Samuel 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152A 7 Miller Samuel 32 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 152A 9 Miller William 20 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 143A 25 Mills Asa 34 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 143A 31 Mills Elizabeth 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143A 29 Mills Emma 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143A 28 Mills Mary J 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143A 30 Mills Sarah 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143A 26 Mills Sarah A 30 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 27 Mills William 10 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145B 39 Moon Elizabeth 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 38 Moon John 26 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145B 40 Moon Marion 24 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 9 More Anderson W 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 141B 10 More Edna 30 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141B 12 More John M 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141B 11 More Wesley W 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141B 13 More William F 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 149B 28 Nathan Luiza 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 26 Nathan Peggy 45 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149B 27 Nathan Robert 18 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 25 Nathan Viney 50 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149B 29 Nathan Virginia 5 Missouri pg0147b.txt 144B 17 Nelson James W 32 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144B 18 Nelson Margaret E 21 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144B 19 Nelson Robert S 6/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142A 5 Newberry Daniel 66 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 151B 30 O'Burn Thomas Francis 38 Ireland pg0147b.txt 152B 5 Ong Elsa 17 Ohio pg0147b.txt 152B 4 Ong Finley D 28 Ohio pg0147b.txt 148A 24 Patten David W 25 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 148A 25 Patten Juditha 20 Missouri pg0147b.txt 144A 16 Perkins Elijah 40 New Hampshire pg0139a.txt 144A 17 Perkins Juliann 16 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 144A 33 Peters Elizabeth 26 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 144A 36 Peters Emmanual 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144A 32 Peters Henry 27 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 152A 39 Peters Henry W 10 Iowa pg0147b.txt 144A 34 Peters James S 4 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 152A 36 Peters Margaret 34 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152A 38 Peters Mary E 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152A 40 Peters Nancy J 7 Iowa pg0147b.txt 144A 35 Peters Noah H 3 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 152A 35 Peters Samuel 40 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152A 41 Peters William F 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 37 Peters Zack G 17 Illinois pg0147b.txt 143B 3 Phipps Catharine 7 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143B 6 Phipps Charles 9/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143B 1 Phipps Harriet 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143B 2 Phipps Henry 8 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 40 Phipps Isaac 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 39 Phipps Luiza 35 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 143A 41 Phipps Oliver P 17 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 42 Phipps Rebecca J 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143B 4 Phipps Sally 5 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 38 Phipps William 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143B 5 Phipps William 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139B 27 Pitzer Claibourne 48 Virginia pg0139a.txt 139B 36 Pitzer Emily I 3 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139B 31 Pitzer Emory W 12 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 30 Pitzer Fletcher B 14 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 35 Pitzer George W 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139B 29 Pitzer Henry M 16 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 152B 1 Pitzer John A 40 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 139B 37 Pitzer Melissa A 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 139B 34 Pitzer Newton B 7 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139B 33 Pitzer Samuel C 8 Illinois pg0139a.txt 139B 28 Pitzer Sarah 42 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 139B 32 Pitzer Sarah B 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 27 Pollard Mary Ann 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 21 Porter Aaron 5 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 19 Porter Ann E 8 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 20 Porter Edward 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 18 Porter Henry 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 23 Porter John M 5/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 147A 16 Porter John M 32 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 147A 22 Porter Malinda 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 147A 17 Porter Malinda 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 152B 23 Puffenberger Hannah 27 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152B 22 Puffenberger Samuel B 30 Maryland pg0147b.txt 140A 31 Pursel Absolem 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 33 Pursel America 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 29 Pursel Ann 46 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 28 Pursel Bazel 34 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 140A 32 Pursel Emily 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 30 Pursel William 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 151A 23 Queen Alfred 22 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 21 Queen Hampton 54 North Carolina pg0147b.txt 151A 26 Queen James 18 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 22 Queen John 27 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 27 Queen Lucy D 15 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 25 Queen Phebe 20 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 28 Queen Sarah A 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 24 Queen William 24 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 29 Queen Ziltha 4 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148A 12 Ralston Elizabeth 46 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 19 Ralston Franklin S 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148A 13 Ralston John 20 Illinois pg0147b.txt 148A 18 Ralston Margaret M 6 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148A 17 Ralston Martha P 11 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148A 14 Ralston Robert H 18 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148A 11 Ralston Samuel 50 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 20 Ralston Samuel G 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 148A 16 Ralston Serilda 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 148A 15 Ralston Susan V 15 Illinois pg0147b.txt 142A 1 Randal Calvin 45 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142A 2 Randal Mary A 20 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 142A 4 Randal Parker M 1/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142A 3 Randal William J 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 27 Randals Joseph 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142B 28 Randals Rebecca J 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 148A 10 Ratter Simmon 32 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 152A 25 Reeves Cameron 27 Unknown pg0147b.txt 152A 23 Reeves Elizabeth 46 Virginia pg0147b.txt 152A 27 Reeves General Was 12 Unknown pg0147b.txt 152A 26 Reeves Jesse 18 Unknown pg0147b.txt 152A 24 Reeves William 20 Unknown pg0147b.txt 150A 8 Rhino Jefferson 2 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 7 Rhino Sally 28 Ohio pg0147b.txt 150A 6 Rhino William 24 Virginia pg0147b.txt 146A 6 Rice Alfred 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145B 41 Rice Alfred Q 39 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 6 Rice Catherine 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 4 Rice David 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 1 Rice Eliza J 18 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 5 Rice Elvin 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 5 Rice Henry 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 140B 7 Rice Jasper New 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 7 Rice Joanna 1/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146A 3 Rice John 11 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145B 42 Rice Nancy 35 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 146A 2 Rice Samuel I 13 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142B 31 Robbins Abraham 18 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142B 32 Robbins Andrew Jack 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143A 37 Robbins David 12 Missouri pg0139a.txt 143A 36 Robbins Henry L 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142B 30 Robbins John 21 Arkansas pg0139a.txt 142B 29 Robbins Johnathan 24 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 4 Rogers Henry 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 2 Rogers John W 39 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 147A 7 Rogers Lewis 6 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 3 Rogers Mary 41 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 147A 5 Rogers Mary 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 147A 6 Rogers Sarah 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 149B 33 Rollings Caleb 10 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149B 32 Rollings John J 12 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149B 34 Rollings Mary E 7 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149B 30 Rollings Pleasant 32 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 149B 31 Rollings Rebecca 30 North Carolina pg0147b.txt 152A 16 Ruby Martin 23 Ohio pg0147b.txt 140A 19 Sargant Delilah I 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140A 20 Sargant Polly A 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140A 18 Sargant Rebecca 26 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140A 17 Sargant Taylor 30 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 17 Scidmore Francis O 9/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 14 Scidmore Lorenzo Dow 41 Indiana pg0139a.txt 145A 15 Scidmore Nancy 36 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145A 18 Scidmore Nancy D 9/12 Missouri pg0139a.txt 145A 16 Scidmore Sarah E 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 38 Shelton Elisabeth 2 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 35 Shelton Elmer 24 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 39 Shelton John 26 Virginia pg0139a.txt 141A 37 Shelton Lydia 4 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 36 Shelton Martha 21 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 40 Shelton Nancy 28 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 41 Shelton Robert 6/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141A 33 Sheppard Frances 23 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 34 Sheppard Sally 21 Missouri pg0139a.txt 144A 19 Shoap Levi 25 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 148B 11 Shreeves Hulda 10 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 8 Shreeves Jonah 18 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 9 Shreeves Jonathan 14 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 12 Shreeves Josiah 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 148B 7 Shreeves Minerva 45 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 148B 10 Shreeves Rebecca A 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 146A 42 Simmons Andrew Jack 8/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146A 38 Simmons C M 28 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 40 Simmons Christopher C 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 37 Simmons H 30 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 39 Simmons Luiza 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146A 41 Simmons Mary C 4 Iowa pg0139a.txt 148A 27 Smith Ann 46 Virginia pg0147b.txt 152B 12 Smith Aquilla 55 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 31 Smith Armilda A 7 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 20 Smith Asa B 14 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152B 17 Smith Calvin 21 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148B 36 Smith Catharine 29 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152A 42 Smith Christopher 19 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 142B 8 Smith Cyntha Ann 24 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 148A 32 Smith David S 23 Virginia pg0147b.txt 152B 19 Smith Elijah 19 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152B 13 Smith Elizabeth 53 Virginia pg0147b.txt 149A 5 Smith Elizabeth 49 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 149A 9 Smith Elizabeth R 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 4 Smith George 42 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148B 37 Smith George Was 14 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 38 Smith Granville A 11 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148B 35 Smith Isaac C 33 Tennessee pg0147b.txt 148B 41 Smith James Frank 3 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148A 33 Smith Jane 16 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152B 18 Smith Levi 20 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148A 29 Smith Lorenzo W 16 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148B 39 Smith Lucinda 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 7 Smith Lucy A 14 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152B 15 Smith Maranda 21 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152B 14 Smith Mary 27 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148A 28 Smith Milton Mar 18 Virginia pg0147b.txt 152B 16 Smith Permelia 13 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 6 Smith Polly I 16 Illinois pg0147b.txt 149A 8 Smith Sarah S 12 Illinois pg0147b.txt 142B 7 Smith Washington 27 Indiana pg0139a.txt 148B 40 Smith William 8 Missouri pg0147b.txt 148A 26 Smith William 52 Virginia pg0147b.txt 148A 30 Smith William T 14 Michigan pg0147b.txt 143A 2 Speerlock Anna 40 Ohio pg0139a.txt 143A 4 Speerlock Elizabeth 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 7 Speerlock James A 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 143A 1 Speerlock John 45 Virginia pg0139a.txt 143A 5 Speerlock Malissa 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 3 Speerlock Sarah A 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 6 Speerlock William H 11 Illinois pg0139a.txt 143A 23 Spencer Catherine 7 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 16 Spencer Catherine 39 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 143A 19 Spencer Isaac 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 22 Spencer James 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 20 Spencer Josiah 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 18 Spencer Margaret J 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 17 Spencer Samuel 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 21 Spencer Simpleton 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 24 Spencer Thomas 3 Indiana pg0139a.txt 143A 15 Spencer Thompson 45 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 150A 18 Stark A J 36 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150A 23 Stark Angeline E 8/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150A 21 Stark Francis Mar 11 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150A 19 Stark Mary 27 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 150A 20 Stark Mary E 12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 150A 22 Stark William 7 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152A 34 Stephenson Betsy Ann 2/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 33 Stephenson John 3 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152A 32 Stephenson Margaret 26 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152A 31 Stephenson William 22 Indiana pg0147b.txt 141B 39 Steward Ester 40 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141B 40 Steward Mary W 10 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141B 41 Steward Rody 3 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141B 38 Steward Thomas 35 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 141A 15 Sturman Cecelia 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 140B 40 Sturman Charlotte 3 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 36 Sturman Derrender E 13 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 14 Sturman Eliza 5 Missouri pg0139a.txt 140B 33 Sturman Eliza 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 41 Sturman Helen M 2/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141A 16 Sturman James M 4/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 140B 32 Sturman Jane 39 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 140B 35 Sturman Joel D 14 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 12 Sturman John 34 Virginia pg0139a.txt 140B 37 Sturman John 11 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 38 Sturman Jonus 9 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 34 Sturman Magnus 16 Ohio pg0139a.txt 141A 13 Sturman Margaret J 26 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 39 Sturman Mary E 5 Ohio pg0139a.txt 140B 31 Sturman William 38 Virginia pg0139a.txt 150A 31 Teague Ephraim C 11 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 32 Teague G W 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 28 Teague G W 41 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 150A 29 Teague Indiana 25 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 30 Teague Mary Ann 12 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 34 Teague Samuel 1 Indiana pg0147b.txt 150A 33 Teague Sarah E 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 144B 36 Thornburg Absolem 40 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 144B 37 Thornburg Delilah 33 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 144B 42 Thornburg Ellie 8 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 1 Thornburg George Wash 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 144B 38 Thornburg Joseph 18 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144B 40 Thornburg Lewis 14 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144B 41 Thornburg Luiza 12 Ohio pg0139a.txt 145A 2 Thornburg Lydia 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144B 39 Thornburg William 15 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 22 Thornburgh Elizabeth 37 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146B 21 Thornburgh James 38 Ohio pg0139a.txt 146B 28 Thornburgh James C 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 146B 25 Thornburgh Joseph L 10 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 23 Thornburgh Luiza 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146B 26 Thornburgh Paulina 8 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 24 Thornburgh Rebecca 12 Missouri pg0139a.txt 146B 27 Thornburgh Samuel 6 Missouri pg0139a.txt 151A 14 Trimble Christopher 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 151A 11 Trimble Elisha 20 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 15 Trimble Elizabeth 13 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 12 Trimble John 18 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 10 Trimble Joseph 22 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151A 9 Trimble Mary 48 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 151A 8 Trimble Stephen 52 Virginia pg0147b.txt 151A 13 Trimble William 15 Indiana pg0147b.txt 144B 21 Tyler Elizabeth 22 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 20 Tyler John 23 Virginia pg0139a.txt 148A 9 Uran Cyntha H 2 Illinois pg0147b.txt 148A 8 Uran Mary A 26 Pennsylvania pg0147b.txt 148A 7 Uran Royal 32 Vermont pg0147b.txt 144A 38 Vancell Amelia 43 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 39 Vancell Charles 18 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 37 Vancell Daniel 38 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 41 Vancell Elizabeth 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 2 Vancell Ezra B 3 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 40 Vancell Isaac 16 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144A 42 Vancell Lydia 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 3 Vancell Rachel C 1/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 144B 1 Vancell Tabitha A 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142A 28 Vanhouten Charles 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 142A 25 Vanhouten David 17 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 142A 24 Vanhouten Elizabeth 36 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 142A 29 Vanhouten George 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 142A 30 Vanhouten James 1 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142A 27 Vanhouten John 9 Ohio pg0139a.txt 142A 23 Vanhouten John 37 New Jersey pg0139a.txt 142A 26 Vanhouten Peter 11 New York pg0139a.txt 141B 24 Venatta Barbara 21 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 25 Venatta Harrison 15 Illinois pg0139a.txt 141B 26 Venatta Nancy 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141B 23 Venatta Samuel 40 Pennsylvania pg0139a.txt 145A 24 Wade Eliza J 14 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 27 Wade Henrietta 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 22 Wade Lorenzo Dow 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 145A 23 Wade Mary 24 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 29 Wade Mary B 2/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 25 Wade Nancy E 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 28 Wade Sarah E 2 Illinois pg0139a.txt 145A 26 Wade William 12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 4 Watson Abigail 25 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151A 41 Watson James Mad 30 Ohio pg0147b.txt 151B 2 Watson John Lay 1 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151B 1 Watson Paschal 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 151A 42 Watson Sarah 26 Virginia pg0147b.txt 141A 17 Weymeyer Andrew 21 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141A 19 Weymeyer David 1 Missouri pg0139a.txt 141A 20 Weymeyer Hulda 1/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 141A 18 Weymeyer Malissa 20 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 147B 27 Whited Doctor 30 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 32 Whited Emmauel 4 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 31 Whited Frylingheysen 5 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 33 Whited Harriet 2 Iowa pg0147b.txt 147B 29 Whited Joseph B 9 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 30 Whited Marianne 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 147B 28 Whited Sarah 26 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 147A 15 Wilkinson Austin M 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 147A 9 Wilkinson Clarissa 43 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 147A 14 Wilkinson David 6 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 10 Wilkinson David J 16 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 8 Wilkinson John 47 Virginia pg0139a.txt 147A 12 Wilkinson John 10 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 13 Wilkinson Matilda E 9 Illinois pg0139a.txt 147A 11 Wilkinson William S 13 Illinois pg0139a.txt 151B 19 Wilkinson Nancy J 21 Indiana pg0147b.txt 151B 18 Wilkinson Thomas M 20 Illinois pg0147b.txt 152B 36 Willhiet Harriet M 11 Indiana pg0147b.txt 152B 33 Willhiet John 36 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 152B 39 Willhiet Joseph Laf 11/12 Iowa pg0147b.txt 152B 38 Willhiet Leander Frank 4 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 37 Willhiet Lovica J 9 Missouri pg0147b.txt 152B 35 Willhiet Phebe 33 Ohio pg0147b.txt 141B 17 Williams Alfred 17 Indiana pg0139a.txt 150B 27 Williams Augustus 29 Illinois pg0147b.txt 141B 15 Williams Barbara 40 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 141B 21 Williams Cassena 5 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 19 Williams Drury 10 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 14 Williams Henry 40 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 141B 22 Williams Josephus 2 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 42 Williams Mary 34 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 141B 16 Williams Mary 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 18 Williams Nancy 13 Indiana pg0139a.txt 141B 20 Williams Susan 7 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 5 Wilson Catharine 43 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144B 9 Wilson Francis M 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 14 Wilson James R 3 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144B 11 Wilson Jeremiah M 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 6 Wilson Mary Jane 18 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 12 Wilson Nancy Ann 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144B 4 Wilson Robert 46 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144B 15 Wilson Robert A 2 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144B 16 Wilson Samuel S 20 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144B 8 Wilson Sarah E 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 13 Wilson Susan Ann 5 Iowa pg0139a.txt 144B 7 Wilson Vance I 16 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 10 Wilson William H 9 Indiana pg0139a.txt 146A 16 Wood Amanda 21 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 146A 15 Wood Edward 25 Illinois pg0139a.txt 146A 17 Wood Emma 2/12 Iowa pg0139a.txt 142A 42 Worl Alexander 1 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 41 Worl Sarah 20 Indiana pg0139a.txt 142A 40 Worl Woodward 33 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144B 24 Wright Betsey A 1 Missouri pg0139a.txt 144A 7 Wright Charles 47 Kentucky pg0139a.txt 144A 14 Wright Daniel 4 Missouri pg0139a.txt 144A 10 Wright Francis 14 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 12 Wright Harrison Weymeyer 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 13 Wright Hugh 7 Missouri pg0139a.txt 144B 22 Wright Joseph T 21 Ohio pg0139a.txt 144A 11 Wright Martha 11 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144B 23 Wright Mary 23 Tennessee pg0139a.txt 144A 9 Wright Mary 19 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 15 Wright Mary 15 Indiana pg0139a.txt 144A 8 Wright Rachel 45 North Carolina pg0139a.txt 149A 1 York James H 14 Kentucky pg0147b.txt 148B 42 York Mary S F 11 Missouri pg0147b.txt 149A 38 Young George M 5 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 35 Young Jesse 28 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 39 Young Mary E 1 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 36 Young Mary J 25 Indiana pg0147b.txt 149A 37 Young Milley A 7 Indiana pg0147b.txt 140A 9 Zeilor Ann E 1/12 Illinois pg0139a.txt 140A 7 Zeilor Davis R Ka 5 Illinois pg0139a.txt 140A 6 Zeilor George J 8 Indiana pg0139a.txt 140A 4 Zeilor Joshua 35 Virginia pg0139a.txt 140A 8 Zeilor Rebecca 3 Illinois pg0139a.txt 140A 5 Zeilor Sarah A 28 Indiana pg0139a.txt