Peoria, IL 1860 Federal Census (INDEX - File 3 of 31) This Census was transcribed by John J. Jacoby and proofread by a Team of Volunteers. Submitted to the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 2003 by John J. Jacoby ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 97 27 Biaer Frank 4 IL pg00097.txt 97 25 Biaer Henry 30 Barvaria, Germany pg00097.txt 97 28 Biaer Louisa 2 IL pg00097.txt 97 26 Biaer Mary 23 France pg00097.txt 407 29 Biard Isaac 18 OH pg00396.txt 349 38 Bibb Christina 18 MO pg00346.txt 24 26 Bibb Grace 17 VA pg00018.txt 24 27 Bibb John Q. A. 15 IL pg00018.txt 24 25 Bibb Mary [Mrs] 42 NY pg00018.txt 24 28 Bibb Robert 8 IL pg00018.txt 188 38 Bice Edith M. 24 MD pg00182.txt 188 37 Bice Richard H. 29 MD pg00182.txt 709 2 Bick Elizabeth 31 Switzerland pg00700.txt 709 3 Bick Emuel 2 IL pg00700.txt 709 1 Bick Jacob [e] 40 Switzerland pg00700.txt 709 4 Bick Jacob [y] 1 IL pg00700.txt 192 19 Bickford Alvin L. 30 RI pg00182.txt 612 22 Bickford Amanda 7 IL pg00600.txt 612 23 Bickford Emma 5 IL pg00600.txt 192 20 Bickford Julia 27 CT pg00182.txt 612 21 Bickford Leonard 18 IL pg00600.txt 192 21 Bickford Mary 2 IL pg00182.txt 617 27 Bickford Mathew 21 IL pg00617.txt 612 20 Bickford Sally 45 NY pg00600.txt 729 16 Bickner Adam L. 1 IL pg00718.txt 729 9 Bickner Alexander 3 IL pg00718.txt 734 26 Bickner Ann 6 PA pg00718.txt 729 15 Bickner Catharine 9 PA pg00718.txt 734 25 Bickner Catharine 10 PA pg00718.txt 734 24 Bickner Daniel 12 PA pg00718.txt 734 22 Bickner Elizabeth 33 PA pg00718.txt 729 11 Bickner Elizabeth 22 PA pg00718.txt 734 28 Bickner Emma E. 1/12 IL pg00718.txt 729 10 Bickner Jeremiah 28 PA pg00718.txt 734 21 Bickner John 39 PA pg00718.txt 729 8 Bickner Joseph 5 IL pg00718.txt 729 7 Bickner Mary [1] 25 OH pg00718.txt 729 12 Bickner Mary [2] 2 PA pg00718.txt 734 27 Bickner Nancy 3 IL pg00718.txt 729 14 Bickner Nancy 25 PA pg00718.txt 729 17 Bickner Rosanna 60 PA pg00718.txt 729 6 Bickner Samuel 32 PA pg00718.txt 734 23 Bickner Sarah J. 14 PA pg00718.txt 729 13 Bickner Wm. 33 PA pg00718.txt 269 33 Bidamore [?] John 27 OH pg00266.txt 269 35 Bidamore [?] Maggie 5/12 IL pg00266.txt 269 34 Bidamore [?] Sarah 22 NY pg00266.txt 721 22 Bidelbaugh Catherine 59 Bolivia pg00718.txt 721 23 Bidelbaugh Christopher 29 Bolivia pg00718.txt 721 24 Bidelbaugh John 26 Bolivia pg00718.txt 721 21 Bidelbaugh Nicholas 56 Bolivia pg00718.txt 42 19 Bidle Adam 31 Darmstadt, Germany pg00035.txt 42 20 Bidle Elizabeth 30 Darmstadt, Germany pg00035.txt 42 22 Bidle Frederick 3 IL pg00035.txt 42 21 Bidle Marie 5 PA pg00035.txt 42 23 Bidle Wilhelm 1 IL pg00035.txt 80 9 Biebing Ann A. 6/12 IL pg00079.txt 80 7 Biebing Emanuel S. 30 PA pg00079.txt 80 10 Biebing Lydia A. 23 PA pg00079.txt 80 8 Biebing Mary E. 23 PA pg00079.txt 414 35 Big Rosan 16 Ireland pg00413.txt 560 38 Biggs Alice 2 IL pg00552.txt 560 33 Biggs Clar*da 23 OH pg00552.txt 922 38 Biggs John 21 OH pg00907.txt 560 36 Biggs Martha 14 IL pg00552.txt 560 35 Biggs Mary 17 IL pg00552.txt 560 34 Biggs Robert [y] 19 OH pg00552.txt 560 31 Biggs Robt. [e] 74 VA pg00552.txt 560 32 Biggs Sarah 50 VA pg00552.txt 497 31 Bilderback Daniel 25 IN pg00493.txt 351 1 Bille [?] Emma E. 2 IL pg00346.txt 351 2 Bille [?] Louisa M. 1/2 IL pg00346.txt 305 19 Billenbach John 18 wur pg00300.txt 746 19 Biller Catherine 16 Germany pg00735.txt 242 32 Billings Ann 20 NY pg00232.txt 242 31 Billings George 22 OH pg00232.txt 565 22 Billings Harriet 16 NY pg00565.txt 32 38 Billingsley John 24 PA pg00018.txt 310 23 Billon Cha's P. 57 PA pg00300.txt 310 24 Billon Frank 18 MD pg00300.txt 232 26 Bills Fanny E. 8 IL pg00232.txt 232 25 Bills Louisa 28 PA pg00232.txt 232 27 Bills Mary E. 4 IL pg00232.txt 232 24 Bills Roswell 32 CT pg00232.txt 515 9 Binegar Andrew 55 VA pg00508.txt 515 18 Binegar Benj. 3 IL pg00508.txt 515 10 Binegar Catharine 45 VA pg00508.txt 515 16 Binegar Frances 8 VA pg00508.txt 515 15 Binegar Henrietta 4 VA pg00508.txt 515 17 Binegar Jane 6 IL pg00508.txt 515 12 Binegar Joan 16 VA pg00508.txt 515 14 Binegar John 15 VA pg00508.txt 515 11 Binegar Mary 19 IA pg00508.txt 515 13 Binegar Sarah 13 VA pg00508.txt 884 7 Bingham Emma R. 15 NY pg00878.txt 884 8 Bingham Solon 55 NH pg00878.txt 312 19 Binnian Ann E. 7 IL pg00312.txt 312 18 Binnian Elizabeth 37 England pg00312.txt 312 20 Binnian Fanny 5 IL pg00312.txt 312 17 Binnian Henry 33 England pg00312.txt 312 21 Binnian William H. 3 IL pg00312.txt 546 15 Birans George 14 IL pg00535.txt 546 11 Birans Jesse 44 PA pg00535.txt 546 14 Birans John 16 IL pg00535.txt 546 13 Birans Lewis 20 IL pg00535.txt 546 12 Birans Mary 40 OH pg00535.txt 546 16 Birans Wm. 9 IL pg00535.txt 665 11 Birch Wm. 25 Ireland pg00658.txt 24 32 Birchnut Belter 11 IL pg00018.txt 24 30 Birchnut Katrina 50 Hanover, Germany pg00018.txt 24 33 Birchnut Paulina 4 IL pg00018.txt 24 31 Birchnut Rebecca 15 IL pg00018.txt 24 29 Birchnut Wm. 59 Hanover, Germany pg00018.txt 596 31 Bird Ann */12 IL pg00583.txt 596 30 Bird Charles 6 IL pg00583.txt 596 24 Bird Clara 1/12 IL pg00583.txt 507 18 Bird Elizabeth 67 England pg00493.txt 596 27 Bird Elizabeth 35 IL pg00583.txt 507 17 Bird George 68 England pg00493.txt 596 29 Bird George 11 IL pg00583.txt 596 13 Bird Jacob 41 KY pg00583.txt 596 20 Bird Jesse 24 IL pg00583.txt 596 35 Bird John 69 VA pg00583.txt 596 16 Bird John 17 IL pg00583.txt 596 28 Bird John 13 IL pg00583.txt 596 14 Bird Mary 35 KY pg00583.txt 596 21 Bird Mary 21 PA pg00583.txt 596 17 Bird Mary 15 IL pg00583.txt 596 9 Bird Noah 24 KY pg00583.txt 596 36 Bird Pagy 67 VA pg00583.txt 596 22 Bird Rachael 3 IL pg00583.txt 596 11 Bird Rosalou 3 IL pg00583.txt 596 23 Bird Samuel 2 IL pg00583.txt 596 15 Bird Sarah 19 IL pg00583.txt 596 10 Bird Susan 23 IL pg00583.txt 596 26 Bird Wm. 33 KY pg00583.txt 48 27 Birkel Caroline [e] 28 France pg00035.txt 48 29 Birkel Caroline [y] 2 IL pg00035.txt 48 28 Birkel Fredericka 5 IL pg00035.txt 48 26 Birkel Jacob 34 France pg00035.txt 380 13 Birket Arthur 17 IL pg00371.txt 380 9 Birket John 62 England pg00371.txt 380 10 Birket John C. 26 IL pg00371.txt 380 12 Birket Sarah J. 22 Ireland pg00371.txt 380 11 Birket Wm. A. 24 IL pg00371.txt 351 37 Bisett Mary A. 34 RI pg00346.txt 351 36 Bisett Orrin P. [?] 34 NH pg00346.txt 228 35 Bishop Alex 41 England pg00215.txt 484 37 Bishop Ann 24 Ireland pg00476.txt 228 37 Bishop Anna M. 19 NY pg00215.txt 727 33 Bishop Annetta 10 OH pg00718.txt 837 18 Bishop Annis 17 IL pg00829.txt 727 34 Bishop Charles 4 IL pg00718.txt 720 20 Bishop Charles 1 IL pg00718.txt 484 39 Bishop Charles 0/12 IL pg00476.txt 707 2 Bishop Cintha 7 NY pg00700.txt 173 21 Bishop Clara 15 NY pg00165.txt 727 30 Bishop Columbus 20 OH pg00718.txt 720 12 Bishop Daniel 38 NY pg00718.txt 720 18 Bishop David 6 IL pg00718.txt 706 37 Bishop Dewitt 35 NY pg00700.txt 720 17 Bishop Elizabeth 9 NY pg00718.txt 151 29 Bishop Elizabeth 32 England pg00148.txt 228 38 Bishop Ellen M. 16 IL pg00215.txt 173 22 Bishop Eva 1 IL pg00165.txt 674 30 Bishop Ferdinand 51 Saxony pg00658.txt 222 9 Bishop Frank 25 VT pg00215.txt 173 19 Bishop Hamilton 32 NY pg00165.txt 707 1 Bishop Hellen 8 NY pg00700.txt 720 19 Bishop Henrietta 4 IL pg00718.txt 228 40 Bishop Henrietta 11 WI pg00215.txt 706 40 Bishop Hill 10 NY pg00700.txt 720 16 Bishop Hiram 11 NY pg00718.txt 228 39 Bishop Imogene 14 IL pg00215.txt 229 1 Bishop James A. 7 IL pg00215.txt 727 36 Bishop James M. 1 IL pg00718.txt 151 32 Bishop Jeremiah 8 VA pg00148.txt 727 32 Bishop Josaphine 15 OH pg00718.txt 720 14 Bishop Julia 16 NY pg00718.txt 707 3 Bishop Justus 1 IL pg00700.txt 151 33 Bishop Kesiah 5 VA pg00148.txt 727 29 Bishop Laura [e] 40 NY pg00718.txt 727 35 Bishop Laura [y] 2 IL pg00718.txt 484 38 Bishop Margaret 2 IL pg00476.txt 228 36 Bishop Maria 39 NY pg00215.txt 484 36 Bishop Mark 25 England pg00476.txt 173 20 Bishop Mary 36 NY pg00165.txt 720 15 Bishop Mary 14 NY pg00718.txt 706 38 Bishop Mary A. 34 NY pg00700.txt 151 30 Bishop Mary A. 12 England pg00148.txt 727 28 Bishop Nimrod 46 VA pg00718.txt 727 31 Bishop Nimrod C. 18 OH pg00718.txt 720 13 Bishop Sarah 34 NY pg00718.txt 706 39 Bishop Sarah 11 NY pg00700.txt 151 31 Bishop Susan 10 PA pg00148.txt 381 4 Bitner Jacob 20 Casland pg00371.txt 419 4 Bitner Wm. 24 PA pg00413.txt 525 36 Bivens Jonathan 27 OH pg00525.txt 935 27 Bl**chan Adal**de 5 NJ pg00924.txt 935 23 Bl**chan Caroline 18 NJ pg00924.txt 935 21 Bl**chan Catherine M. 23 NJ pg00924.txt 935 20 Bl**chan Eliza 46 NJ pg00924.txt 935 24 Bl**chan George 15 NJ pg00924.txt 935 19 Bl**chan John 51 Baden, Germany pg00924.txt 935 25 Bl**chan Sarah E. 13 NJ pg00924.txt 935 26 Bl**chan Theodore 10 NJ pg00924.txt 935 22 Bl**chan William 22 NJ pg00924.txt 805 19 Bl**st Nicholas 25 Baden, Germany pg00803.txt 805 20 Bl**st Rebecca 21 OH pg00803.txt 805 21 Bl**st Sarah J. 1 IL pg00803.txt 859 34 Bla***field Ann 20 Ireland pg00850.txt 859 35 Bla***field Annastatia 2 IL pg00850.txt 859 36 Bla***field Edward 1 IL pg00850.txt 859 33 Bla***field Thomas 27 Ireland pg00850.txt 488 28 Blache Elizabeth 9 Germany pg00476.txt 891 7 Black Andrew 8 IL pg00878.txt 890 34 Black Andrew 39 NY pg00878.txt 891 11 Black Annethe 1 IL pg00878.txt 891 3 Black Betsy 3 IL pg00878.txt 890 35 Black Catherine 38 NY pg00878.txt 708 18 Black Charles 7/12 IL pg00700.txt 708 17 Black Cordia 1 IL pg00700.txt 708 15 Black Cory 6 IL pg00700.txt 891 10 Black Elsy 2 IL pg00878.txt 50 15 Black Eveline M. 16 IL pg00035.txt 891 8 Black Francis 6 IL pg00878.txt 708 13 Black Gain R. 35 OH pg00700.txt 891 2 Black Hellen 6 IL pg00878.txt 891 4 Black Hester H. 3/12 IL pg00878.txt 891 6 Black Isabel 26 OH pg00878.txt 488 40 Black John 6 IL pg00476.txt 890 40 Black John 11 IL pg00878.txt 708 16 Black Lydia 4 IL pg00700.txt 891 12 Black Mary 74 NY pg00878.txt 890 36 Black Mary 19 NY pg00878.txt 891 1 Black Nancy 8 IL pg00878.txt 891 9 Black Phineas 5 IL pg00878.txt 890 37 Black Sarah 17 NY pg00878.txt 708 14 Black Susan 29 OH pg00700.txt 890 38 Black Susan 15 NY pg00878.txt 891 5 Black Thomas 36 NY pg00878.txt 890 39 Black Thomas 13 IL pg00878.txt 32 37 Black Uriah J 23 PA pg00018.txt 318 38 Black*** Rose 20 Germany pg00312.txt 447 2 Blackbune Joseph 26 IN pg00432.txt 172 29 Blackburn Sarah A. 23 PA pg00165.txt 672 29 Blackford John 21 England pg00658.txt 799 23 Blackwell Alice 6 IL pg00790.txt 799 20 Blackwell Ann 15 England pg00790.txt 799 24 Blackwell Eliza 3 IL pg00790.txt 799 17 Blackwell Elizabeth 40 England pg00790.txt 799 22 Blackwell Jane 8 England pg00790.txt 799 19 Blackwell John 17 England pg00790.txt 799 21 Blackwell Joseph 11 England pg00790.txt 799 18 Blackwell Thomas 19 England pg00790.txt 799 16 Blackwell William 50 England pg00790.txt 799 25 Blackwell Willie 1 IL pg00790.txt 816 19 Blair Agnes 43 Scotland pg00803.txt 816 18 Blair Archibald 43 Scotland pg00803.txt 816 21 Blair Elizabeth 4 CA pg00803.txt 816 20 Blair Janet 12 IL pg00803.txt 20 10 Blair Jannette 50 Scotland pg00018.txt 20 11 Blair Jannette Jr. 20 Scotland pg00018.txt 94 35 Blair Rachel 32 England pg00079.txt 20 13 Blair Robert 9 Scotland pg00018.txt 816 22 Blair William R. 1 CA pg00803.txt 20 12 Blair Wm. 19 Scotland pg00018.txt 865 12 Blake Calvin 49 VT pg00850.txt 865 17 Blake Elvira 17 IL pg00850.txt 865 14 Blake George W. 20 IL pg00850.txt 865 13 Blake Nancy 52 NY pg00850.txt 865 15 Blake Sarah A. 19 IL pg00850.txt 449 10 Blakely Franklin 17 NY pg00449.txt 216 13 Blakely Geo. S. 36 NY pg00215.txt 787 29 Blakely Maria 10 PA pg00773.txt 216 14 Blakely Murray 29 NY pg00215.txt 216 12 Blakely Sarah E. 66 MA pg00215.txt 547 33 Blakesley Amy 46 OH pg00535.txt 547 38 Blakesley Emily 6 IL pg00535.txt 547 37 Blakesley Henry 10 IL pg00535.txt 547 32 Blakesley Joel 46 NY pg00535.txt 547 36 Blakesley Lucy 12 IL pg00535.txt 547 35 Blakesley Sarah 14 IL pg00535.txt 547 34 Blakesley Seth 17 IL pg00535.txt 467 19 Blakesley Wm. 15 PA pg00466.txt 454 40 Blakesly James 9 PA pg00449.txt 700 37 Blakler Barbary 8/12 IL pg00700.txt 700 32 Blakler Christopher 29 Prussia pg00700.txt 700 33 Blakler Dorathy 26 Wurttemburg,Germany pg00700.txt 700 35 Blakler Elizabeth 4 PA pg00700.txt 700 36 Blakler John 3 PA pg00700.txt 700 34 Blakler Mary 7 PA pg00700.txt 710 4 Blakley Sephrona 14 PA pg00700.txt 218 7 Blakslee Burtis 15 NY pg00215.txt 218 8 Blakslee Geo. H. 10 OH pg00215.txt 218 10 Blakslee Ida 3 IL pg00215.txt 218 9 Blakslee Leonora 5 OH pg00215.txt 218 4 Blakslee Orville S. 37 NY pg00215.txt 218 5 Blakslee Susan L. 36 NY pg00215.txt 218 6 Blakslee Wm. W. 18 NY pg00215.txt 578 29 Blaksley Elvira 26 NY pg00565.txt 578 28 Blaksley Wm. 24 NY pg00565.txt 909 21 Blanchard Alonza 11 IL pg00907.txt 909 19 Blanchard Amanda 33 NY pg00907.txt 916 24 Blanchard Amy 22 IL pg00907.txt 771 9 Blanchard Antoinette S. 14 IL pg00759.txt 447 19 Blanchard Aseneth 61 NH pg00432.txt 916 36 Blanchard Charles 6 IL pg00907.txt 916 19 Blanchard Charles E. 5 IL pg00907.txt 909 23 Blanchard Clara 6 IL pg00907.txt 842 1 Blanchard Clara 26 ME pg00829.txt 916 17 Blanchard Daniel I. 9 IL pg00907.txt 909 30 Blanchard Deliah 39 IL pg00907.txt 916 25 Blanchard Elena 1 IL pg00907.txt 842 2 Blanchard Elizabeth 21 ME pg00829.txt 909 20 Blanchard Emily 13 IL pg00907.txt 916 13 Blanchard Esther 34 NY pg00907.txt 916 23 Blanchard Fred B. 24 IL pg00907.txt 916 29 Blanchard Henry C. 27 IL pg00907.txt 841 40 Blanchard Ira 53 ME pg00829.txt 842 5 Blanchard Ira Jr. 15 IL pg00829.txt 916 12 Blanchard John 45 KY pg00907.txt 916 35 Blanchard John I. 8 IL pg00907.txt 916 20 Blanchard John L. 4/12 IL pg00907.txt 447 18 Blanchard Joseph 66 NH pg00432.txt 771 7 Blanchard Joseph 40 MA pg00759.txt 909 24 Blanchard Laura 2 IL pg00907.txt 916 18 Blanchard Maria 6 IL pg00907.txt 280 37 Blanchard Maria 17 IL pg00266.txt 909 29 Blanchard Mary 63 NC pg00907.txt 916 14 Blanchard Mary 19 IL pg00907.txt 916 30 Blanchard Mary E. 24 OH pg00907.txt 909 18 Blanchard Mason M. 34 IL pg00907.txt 916 26 Blanchard Matilda 4/12 IL pg00907.txt 842 4 Blanchard Matilda 17 IL pg00829.txt 909 32 Blanchard Philencia 19 IL pg00907.txt 447 20 Blanchard Rollin 17 VT pg00432.txt 909 22 Blanchard Rosetta 10 IL pg00907.txt 916 34 Blanchard Sarah 26 IL pg00907.txt 916 16 Blanchard Sarah 16 IL pg00907.txt 447 21 Blanchard Sarah 14 IL pg00432.txt 831 38 Blanchard Sarah E. 12 IL pg00829.txt 771 8 Blanchard Sophia S. 33 VT pg00759.txt 842 3 Blanchard Vesta 19 ME pg00829.txt 916 31 Blanchard Walter H. 4 IL pg00907.txt 916 15 Blanchard William D. 17 IL pg00907.txt 909 28 Blanchard Wm. P. 63 NC pg00907.txt 87 9 Blanchfield Amy 29 Ireland pg00079.txt 452 11 Bland Charlotte 8 OH pg00449.txt 452 13 Bland David 5 OH pg00449.txt 452 12 Bland Jane 7 OH pg00449.txt 452 5 Bland John 48 OH pg00449.txt 452 9 Bland John 17 OH pg00449.txt 452 6 Bland Levina 43 KY pg00449.txt 452 8 Bland Mary 19 OH pg00449.txt 452 14 Bland Perodine 1 IL pg00449.txt 452 10 Bland Rachel 16 OH pg00449.txt 452 7 Bland William 21 OH pg00449.txt 775 30 Bland**y George 4 IL pg00773.txt 775 29 Bland**y John W. 5 IL pg00773.txt 775 28 Bland**y Sarah 24 England pg00773.txt 775 31 Bland**y Susan A. 1 IL pg00773.txt 775 27 Bland**y Thomas 31 England pg00773.txt 719 21 Blandon Alanson 49 MA pg00718.txt 719 19 Blandon Betsy 58 MA pg00718.txt 719 23 Blandon Franklin 20 ma pg00718.txt 719 18 Blandon Polly 86 MA pg00718.txt 719 22 Blandon Sarah 50 MA pg00718.txt 719 16 Blandon Wheaton 21 MA pg00718.txt 719 17 Blandon William 44 MA pg00718.txt 160 25 Blang Adam 30 France pg00148.txt 160 29 Blang Frank A. 2 OH pg00148.txt 160 27 Blang John 3 OH pg00148.txt 160 26 Blang Mary 25 France pg00148.txt 160 28 Blang Mary C. 4 OH pg00148.txt 369 9 Blatz Peter 35 han pg00353.txt 642 29 Ble*za Harriet 22 NY pg00641.txt 642 31 Ble*za James 6 NY pg00641.txt 642 28 Ble*za James 38 England pg00641.txt 642 32 Ble*za Mary 2 IL pg00641.txt 642 30 Ble*za Wm. 9 NY pg00641.txt 6 9 Blessing John 27 Wurttemberg, Germany pg00001.txt 922 10 Bliss Abner 32 NY pg00907.txt 922 14 Bliss Albert L. 4 IL pg00907.txt 922 15 Bliss Alvin Z. 2 IL pg00907.txt 910 18 Bliss Amos 23 NY pg00907.txt 930 23 Bliss Charles H. 12 IL pg00924.txt 922 17 Bliss Edward 21 IL pg00907.txt 930 20 Bliss Elizabeth 40 IL pg00924.txt 922 16 Bliss Emma M. 2/12 IL pg00907.txt 922 12 Bliss Fid**ia 9 IL pg00907.txt 930 29 Bliss Henry 70 NY pg00924.txt 922 19 Bliss Ida 8/12 PA pg00907.txt 930 25 Bliss James F. 8 IL pg00924.txt 930 27 Bliss John F. 1 IL pg00924.txt 922 11 Bliss Lydia 32 NC pg00907.txt 910 17 Bliss Mabel 61 CT pg00907.txt 922 18 Bliss Margaret 26 PA pg00907.txt 930 24 Bliss Mary E. 10 IL pg00924.txt 922 13 Bliss Melinda 6 IL pg00907.txt 930 21 Bliss Omar C. 17 IL pg00924.txt 910 19 Bliss Phineas 19 IL pg00907.txt 930 30 Bliss Rebeeca 65 CT pg00924.txt 930 19 Bliss Solomon 38 NY pg00924.txt 930 26 Bliss Viola 5 IL pg00924.txt 930 22 Bliss William E. 14 IL pg00924.txt 910 16 Bliss Zenus G. 67 VT pg00907.txt 296 27 Blivin Abby 2 IL pg00283.txt 296 25 Blivin Adeline 29 NJ pg00283.txt 296 26 Blivin James 11 NY pg00283.txt 296 24 Blivin Stephan C. 34 NY pg00283.txt 621 13 Blo*d Ellen 23 Canada _ East pg00617.txt 621 15 Blo*d George 3 IL pg00617.txt 621 12 Blo*d Gilman 27 ME pg00617.txt 621 14 Blo*d Lizzie 4 IL pg00617.txt 700 18 Blocher Ferdinand 25 Wurttemburg,Germany pg00700.txt 836 31 Blonday Jane 35 England pg00829.txt 836 30 Blonday Joseph 30 England pg00829.txt 836 33 Blonday Sarah G. 7 IL pg00829.txt 11 28 Blondell Elizabeth 28 Scotland pg00001.txt 11 30 Blondell Theresa J. 1 IL pg00001.txt 11 29 Blondell William [y] 3 IL pg00001.txt 11 27 Blondell Wm. [e] 28 Scotland pg00001.txt 12 2 Blong Adam 33 Belgium pg00001.txt 96 6 Blont Margaret 21 Ireland pg00079.txt 917 40 Bloom [ blank ] [blank] IL pg00907.txt 918 3 Bloom [blank] [blank] . pg00907.txt 918 2 Bloom [blank] [blank] . pg00907.txt 918 1 Bloom [blank] [blank] . pg00907.txt 917 39 Bloom Emily [blank] IL pg00907.txt 45 33 Bloom Garrison 30 Poland pg00035.txt 917 37 Bloom John [blank] IL pg00907.txt 917 38 Bloom Lucy [blank] IL pg00907.txt 45 34 Bloom Sarah 28 Poland pg00035.txt 45 35 Bloom Thomas 10/12 IL pg00035.txt 918 17 Bloomer Allen I. 31 OH pg00907.txt 891 13 Bloomer Augustus 38 Baden, Germany pg00878.txt 918 19 Bloomer Joseph W. 7 OH pg00907.txt 918 18 Bloomer Mary A. 26 OH pg00907.txt 918 20 Bloomer Wm. E. 2 IL pg00907.txt 529 15 Bloomfield Joseph 9 IL pg00525.txt 683 37 Blower George 4 IL pg00675.txt 683 36 Blower Margaret 27 OH pg00675.txt 683 35 Blower Wm. 40 England pg00675.txt 865 7 Blue Alice C. 11 OH pg00850.txt 475 20 Blue Alonzo 36 MA pg00466.txt 865 10 Blue Arthur 4 IN pg00850.txt 865 11 Blue Charles F. 1 IN pg00850.txt 451 25 Blue Cyrus H. 39 OH pg00449.txt 475 16 Blue Emery 41 MA pg00466.txt 865 9 Blue Emily 6 IN pg00850.txt 842 18 Blue Francis M. 15 OH pg00829.txt 904 32 Blue Helen 5 IL pg00895.txt 864 37 Blue James 61 VA pg00850.txt 865 5 Blue James W. 16 OH pg00850.txt 842 16 Blue Joseph 66 VA pg00829.txt 865 8 Blue Lelia 9 OH pg00850.txt 451 26 Blue Linna 37 OH pg00449.txt 475 19 Blue Lyman 9 MA pg00466.txt 451 28 Blue Margaret 11 IL pg00449.txt 475 17 Blue Maria 42 MA pg00466.txt 451 29 Blue Mary E. 8 IL pg00449.txt 864 38 Blue Matilda 58 OH pg00850.txt 451 27 Blue Matilda 15 OH pg00449.txt 475 18 Blue Miron 18 MA pg00466.txt 451 30 Blue Nancy J. 6 IL pg00449.txt 865 4 Blue Narcissia 36 OH pg00850.txt 865 6 Blue Oceander 13 OH pg00850.txt 904 31 Blue Rebbecca 24 OH pg00895.txt 904 33 Blue Rosella 3 IL pg00895.txt 842 17 Blue Susan 61 OH pg00829.txt 904 34 Blue Virginia 1 IL pg00895.txt 865 3 Blue William M. 41 OH pg00850.txt 904 30 Blue William W. 31 OH pg00895.txt 303 4 Blum Barbara 23 PA pg00300.txt 113 27 Blum Elizabeth 38 Hanover, Germany pg00097.txt 113 26 Blum George 36 Hanover, Germany pg00097.txt 303 5 Blum George W. 3/12 IL pg00300.txt 303 3 Blum Joseph 24 MD pg00300.txt 639 15 Blumb John 16 Germany pg00624.txt 20 38 Blumberg John 37 Prussia pg00018.txt 44 13 Blumberg John 36 Baden, Germany pg00035.txt 448 10 Blumle Mathias 29 Prussia pg00432.txt 296 22 Blunt Andrew 13 IL pg00283.txt 298 34 Blunt Barbara 3 IL pg00283.txt 298 32 Blunt Eve 25 bar pg00283.txt 296 23 Blunt Frederika 10 IL pg00283.txt 296 21 Blunt George 19 MD pg00283.txt 296 20 Blunt Marie 57 han pg00283.txt 298 33 Blunt Mary 5 IL pg00283.txt 296 19 Blunt Peter 49 dar pg00283.txt 298 31 Blunt Peter Jr. 23 MD pg00283.txt 298 35 Blunt Peter A. 1 IL pg00283.txt 295 24 Blush John 38 Switzerland pg00283.txt 295 25 Blush Mary 40 bre pg00283.txt 266 32 Bly Mary E 17 NY pg00266.txt 266 31 Bly Ranson D 23 NY pg00266.txt 642 36 Bo**** John 8 IL pg00641.txt 642 34 Bo**** John 40 France pg00641.txt 642 35 Bo**** John Mrs. 35 France pg00641.txt 642 37 Bo**** Mary 4 IL pg00641.txt 635 5 Bo**lier Catharine 80 PA pg00624.txt 206 19 Bobb Charles 7 IL pg00198.txt 206 17 Bobb Charles L. 25 MS pg00198.txt 89 30 Bobb David 26 OH pg00079.txt 206 18 Bobb Irene 22 IL pg00198.txt 526 18 Bobbins Ann 47 MO pg00525.txt 526 20 Bobbins Ansen 21 CT pg00525.txt 526 17 Bobbins Henry 59 CT pg00525.txt 526 19 Bobbins Julia 31 CT pg00525.txt 235 4 Bodine Augusta 16 IL pg00232.txt 577 19 Bodine Barbury 46 NJ pg00565.txt 804 17 Bodine David J. 14 NJ pg00803.txt 804 15 Bodine Enoch K. 20 NJ pg00803.txt 577 22 Bodine Harriet 11 IL pg00565.txt 577 23 Bodine John 8 IL pg00565.txt 577 18 Bodine John 55 NJ pg00565.txt 804 16 Bodine John 18 NJ pg00803.txt 804 13 Bodine Joseph 47 NJ pg00803.txt 577 20 Bodine Lydia 21 IL pg00565.txt 804 14 Bodine Rebecca M. 44 NJ pg00803.txt 577 21 Bodine Ruth 13 IL pg00565.txt 110 13 Boeling Fred'k 33 Prussia, Germany pg00097.txt 110 14 Boeling Madeline 30 Barvaria, Germany pg00097.txt 110 15 Boeling Madeline 2 Barvaria, Germany pg00097.txt 434 9 Bogard Anna 45 NJ pg00432.txt 434 8 Bogard Cornelius 50 OH pg00432.txt 434 10 Bogard James 18 IL pg00432.txt 434 12 Bogard Lydia 11 OH pg00432.txt 434 11 Bogard Mary 13 OH pg00432.txt 434 13 Bogard Olive 8 OH pg00432.txt 448 29 Bogart Matilda 16 OH pg00432.txt 588 12 Bogus Ann 4 IL pg00583.txt 588 11 Bogus Elizabeth 25 Ireland pg00583.txt 588 10 Bogus James 23 IL pg00583.txt 588 13 Bogus Mary 3/12 IL pg00583.txt 566 30 Bohan Fancy 49 Ireland pg00565.txt 521 29 Bohanan Adeline 14 IL pg00508.txt 521 30 Bohanan Caroline 10 IL pg00508.txt 521 26 Bohanan Esther 57 NY pg00508.txt 521 27 Bohanan James 17 IL pg00508.txt 521 28 Bohanan Louisa 16 IL pg00508.txt 521 25 Bohanan Major 59 NY pg00508.txt 342 24 Bohannan Edward 45 NY pg00329.txt 342 30 Bohannan Edward G. 1 IL pg00329.txt 342 27 Bohannan Franklin H. 15 IL pg00329.txt 342 29 Bohannan Lovinia 5 IL pg00329.txt 342 25 Bohannan Mahala 45 MA pg00329.txt 342 26 Bohannan Major G. 18 IL pg00329.txt 342 28 Bohannan Walter 13 IL pg00329.txt 657 12 Bohannon Dennis 11 IL pg00641.txt 657 9 Bohannon John 48 NY pg00641.txt 657 11 Bohannon John 14 IL pg00641.txt 665 24 Bohannon Lucy 25 IL pg00658.txt 665 25 Bohannon Mary 5/12 IL pg00658.txt 657 14 Bohannon Rob't 7 IL pg00641.txt 657 13 Bohannon Sam'l 9 IL pg00641.txt 657 15 Bohannon Thomas 4 IL pg00641.txt 657 10 Bohannon Tylphia 38 MA pg00641.txt 665 23 Bohannon Wm. 21 IL pg00658.txt 348 12 Bohl Austine [e] 32 bar pg00346.txt 348 16 Bohl Austine [y] 9 bar pg00346.txt 271 30 Bohl Emma M. 2 IL pg00266.txt 271 26 Bohl Frederick 39 bar pg00266.txt 348 13 Bohl Gotleib 15 bar pg00346.txt 271 29 Bohl Julius 6 CA pg00266.txt 348 14 Bohl Mike 13 bar pg00346.txt 348 11 Bohl Ogus 36 bar pg00346.txt 271 28 Bohl Robertina L. 12 IL pg00266.txt 271 27 Bohl Rosanne 39 pru pg00266.txt 348 15 Bohl Rudolph 11 bar pg00346.txt 65 4 Bohlander Albert 4/12 IL pg00052.txt 65 2 Bohlander Catharine 27 Hesse, Darmstadt, German pg00052.txt 65 1 Bohlander George [e] 28 Bavaria, Germany pg00052.txt 65 3 Bohlander George [y] 6 OH pg00052.txt 179 24 Bohlander John 32 OH pg00165.txt 179 26 Bohlander LeRoy 5 IL pg00165.txt 179 25 Bohlander Sophia 40 England pg00165.txt 365 37 Boiles George L. 7/12 IL pg00353.txt 365 34 Boiles Henry 38 KY pg00353.txt 365 35 Boiles Lucretia [e] 27 IN pg00353.txt 365 36 Boiles Lucretia [y] 3 IL pg00353.txt 220 14 Boilom Ada 13 IL pg00215.txt 220 15 Boilom Josephine 8 IL pg00215.txt 220 12 Boilom Juliette 38 NY pg00215.txt 220 13 Boilom Mary 17 IL pg00215.txt 220 16 Boilom Nicholas 4 IL pg00215.txt 220 11 Boilom Wm. C. 41 WI pg00215.txt 540 6 Bokanon Elvira 19 IL pg00535.txt 504 7 Bokner Catharine 24 Baden pg00493.txt 504 8 Bokner Joseph 1 IL pg00493.txt 504 6 Bokner Lewis 29 Baden pg00493.txt 535 34 Bokree Harriet 45 VA pg00535.txt 535 33 Bokree Joseph 54 VA pg00535.txt 535 36 Bokree Philip 18 IL pg00535.txt 535 35 Bokree Samuel 20 IL pg00535.txt 535 38 Bokree Virginia 7 IL pg00535.txt 535 37 Bokree Wm. 16 IL pg00535.txt 137 19 Bolander Ann S. 4 IL pg00131.txt 137 18 Bolander Harriet 28 PA pg00131.txt 702 22 Bolander John [e] 28 Baden, Germany pg00700.txt 702 25 Bolander John [y] 1 IL pg00700.txt 702 24 Bolander Joseph 3 IL pg00700.txt 137 20 Bolander Katrina 1 IL pg00131.txt 137 17 Bolander Peter 31 Barvaria, Germany pg00131.txt 702 23 Bolander Terissa 31 Baden, Germany pg00700.txt 870 23 Bold Bradford 34 KY pg00867.txt 870 24 Bold Catherine 27 NY pg00867.txt 870 29 Bold Emily L. 8/12 IL pg00867.txt 870 28 Bold Emma A. 3 IL pg00867.txt 870 27 Bold Fanney 5 IL pg00867.txt 870 26 Bold Franklin P. 6 IL pg00867.txt 870 25 Bold Sarah A. 8 IL pg00867.txt 680 4 Boley Thomas 75 Ireland pg00675.txt 725 3 Bolinger Albert 21 IL pg00718.txt 725 4 Bolinger Alford C. 21 IL pg00718.txt 725 1 Bolinger Catherine 51 PA pg00718.txt 306 9 Bolinger Henry 33 Switzerland pg00300.txt 306 12 Bolinger Henry 2 IL pg00300.txt 306 11 Bolinger Louisa 4 IL pg00300.txt 306 10 Bolinger Lovina 26 bar pg00300.txt 725 6 Bolinger Marcus 11 IL pg00718.txt 725 5 Bolinger Samuel E. 18 IL pg00718.txt 725 2 Bolinger Wm. D. 22 IL pg00718.txt 396 17 Bolla Daniel 24 PA pg00396.txt 323 25 Bolley Sarah 59 VA pg00312.txt 724 40 Bollinger Samuel F. 52 PA pg00718.txt 14 17 Bolt Albertine M. 1 IL pg00001.txt 14 16 Bolt Catharine 5 IL pg00001.txt 14 14 Bolt Elizabeth 33 NY pg00001.txt 14 15 Bolt Martha E. 8 IL pg00001.txt 14 13 Bolt Wm W. 39 NY pg00001.txt 605 40 Bolton Alice 3 IL pg00600.txt 605 39 Bolton Elizabeth 28 England pg00600.txt 605 38 Bolton Rob't 29 England pg00600.txt 107 7 Bond Albert 5/12 IL pg00097.txt 789 2 Bond David 26 England pg00773.txt 107 5 Bond Eliza 30 Canada - West pg00097.txt 789 3 Bond Elizabeth 22 England pg00773.txt 242 25 Bond Jennette 30 Scotland pg00232.txt 242 27 Bond John 4 IL pg00232.txt 168 24 Bond John 28 PA pg00165.txt 669 19 Bond John 25 NY pg00658.txt 788 19 Bond John 22 England pg00773.txt 242 28 Bond Margaret 2 IL pg00232.txt 242 26 Bond Mary 6 IL pg00232.txt 107 6 Bond Mary 5 Canada - West pg00097.txt 168 25 Bond Mary 22 IL pg00165.txt 168 26 Bond Minnie 9/12 IL pg00165.txt 107 4 Bond Philip 30 Prussia pg00097.txt 853 32 Bonday Elizabeth [y] 2 IL pg00850.txt 853 30 Bonday Elizabeth [e] 29 England pg00850.txt 853 29 Bonday William [e] 28 England pg00850.txt 853 31 Bonday William [y] 6 England pg00850.txt 19 20 Bone Ellen E. 26 MD pg00018.txt 798 36 Boner Joseph M. 40 MA pg00790.txt 640 40 Bonme Augusta 16 IL pg00624.txt 640 39 Bonme Hellen 20 IL pg00624.txt 640 34 Bonme Herbert 27 MA pg00624.txt 640 38 Bonme Laura 55 MA pg00624.txt 640 36 Bonme Laura 3 IL pg00624.txt 640 35 Bonme Sarah 27 OH pg00624.txt 211 37 Bonney Caroline 4 IL pg00198.txt 211 35 Bonney Charles C. 29 NY pg00198.txt 211 38 Bonney Charles L. 2 IL pg00198.txt 211 39 Bonney Florence 1 IL pg00198.txt 211 36 Bonney Lydia P. 29 NY pg00198.txt 612 6 Bonse Anderson 12 OH pg00600.txt 612 12 Bonse Eliza 20 MI pg00600.txt 612 2 Bonse Elizabeth 43 PA pg00600.txt 612 9 Bonse Frances 5 IL pg00600.txt 612 11 Bonse Gilbert 26 OH pg00600.txt 612 8 Bonse Isabel 7 OH pg00600.txt 612 1 Bonse James 52 NY pg00600.txt 612 5 Bonse James 14 OH pg00600.txt 612 4 Bonse John 17 OH pg00600.txt 612 10 Bonse Robert 1 IL pg00600.txt 612 7 Bonse Sylvester 11 OH pg00600.txt 612 3 Bonse Thomas 21 OH pg00600.txt 114 40 Bonties Henry 39 Hanover, Germany pg00114.txt 115 1 Bonties Johann 33 Hanover, Germany pg00114.txt 674 32 Bontz Conrad 41 Bavaria pg00658.txt 674 36 Bontz Ellen 9 IL pg00658.txt 674 40 Bontz John 1 IL pg00658.txt 674 34 Bontz Julia 13 IL pg00658.txt 699 7 Bontz Magdalin 35 Baiern pg00692.txt 699 8 Bontz Margaret 6 OH pg00692.txt 674 39 Bontz Margaret 3 IL pg00658.txt 674 33 Bontz Mary 35 Bavaria pg00658.txt 699 9 Bontz Mary 3 IL pg00692.txt 674 35 Bontz Mary 11 IL pg00658.txt 699 6 Bontz Peter 39 Baiern pg00692.txt 699 11 Bontz Peter 3/12 IL pg00692.txt 674 37 Bontz Philip 7 IL pg00658.txt 699 12 Bontz Philip 22 Baiern pg00692.txt 674 38 Bontz Wm. 5 IL pg00658.txt 699 10 Bontz Wm. 1 IL pg00692.txt 31 5 Bonville Fanny 18 IL pg00018.txt 99 25 Bonville Fanny 18 IL pg00097.txt 311 1 Boomer Herman 3 pru pg00300.txt 310 39 Boomer Jacob 30 pru pg00300.txt 310 40 Boomer Jennie 25 pru pg00300.txt 826 31 Boone Charles G. 1 IL pg00820.txt 826 29 Boone Lorenza 26 IL pg00820.txt 826 30 Boone Mary E. 23 IL pg00820.txt 921 5 Booney Hugh 18 Ireland pg00907.txt 921 4 Booney Peter 60 Ireland pg00907.txt 334 11 Boorman George 28 England pg00329.txt 334 12 Boorman Jane 26 England pg00329.txt 334 13 Boorman Petty 5 England pg00329.txt 334 14 Boorman William 1.1/2 IL pg00329.txt 781 6 Booth Booth 2 IL pg00773.txt 435 12 Booth Caroline 30 OH pg00432.txt 442 35 Booth Catherine 34 IL pg00432.txt 442 37 Booth Edwin 5 IL pg00432.txt 673 2 Booth Elizabeth 30 CT pg00658.txt 442 36 Booth Emma 15 IL pg00432.txt 435 14 Booth Fannie 3 OH pg00432.txt 780 39 Booth Ferdinand 22 CT pg00773.txt 780 38 Booth Harriet R. 48 CT pg00773.txt 781 1 Booth Henry 19 IL pg00773.txt 781 5 Booth Jenny Lucas 4 IL pg00773.txt 442 34 Booth Levi 40 IL pg00432.txt 781 2 Booth Lewis 17 IL pg00773.txt 780 37 Booth Lewis L. 48 CT pg00773.txt 453 31 Booth Lucinda 20 OH pg00449.txt 780 40 Booth Margaret 21 CT pg00773.txt 435 15 Booth Mary 1 OH pg00432.txt 435 13 Booth Olive 5 OH pg00432.txt 435 11 Booth Orin 35 IL pg00432.txt 781 4 Booth Ossian 10 IL pg00773.txt 673 3 Booth Walter 4 CT pg00658.txt 781 3 Booth Walter 12 IL pg00773.txt 673 1 Booth Walter jr. 33 CT pg00658.txt 375 23 Bootz Daniel K. 5 IL pg00371.txt 375 25 Bootz David O. 11/12 IL pg00371.txt 375 24 Bootz Ida I. 2 IL pg00371.txt 375 20 Bootz Lydia 35 PA pg00371.txt 375 19 Bootz Peter 44 Prussia pg00371.txt 375 21 Bootz Robert B. 12 IL pg00371.txt 375 22 Bootz Wm. Wallace 9 IL pg00371.txt 595 7 Borbon Anna 40 VA pg00583.txt 595 6 Borbon Martin 45 KY pg00583.txt 135 6 Borchers Anna 32 Hanover, Germany pg00131.txt 135 8 Borchers Augusta 2 IL pg00131.txt 55 37 Borchers Hermanns 18 Hanover, Germany pg00052.txt 135 7 Borchers Hermon 4 Hanover, Germany pg00131.txt 135 5 Borchers Peter 32 Hanover, Germany pg00131.txt 717 10 Borcus Hedrich 20 Prussia pg00700.txt 759 11 Borein John T. 29 England pg00759.txt 759 13 Borein Margaret J. 6 OH pg00759.txt 759 12 Borein Mary E. [e] 26 OH pg00759.txt 759 15 Borein Mary E. [y] 1 IL pg00759.txt 759 14 Borein William W. 4 OH pg00759.txt 694 25 Borens Mary 11 Prussia pg00692.txt 537 9 Borer Clara 1 IL pg00535.txt 537 8 Borer Elizabeth 23 OH pg00535.txt 537 7 Borer Isaac 28 IL pg00535.txt 537 10 Borer Isadore 3/12 IL pg00535.txt 132 13 Boring Christ[opher] C. 27 TN pg00131.txt 132 14 Boring Mildred 24 IL pg00131.txt 248 39 Bormaster Charles E. 33 Mechlenburg, Germany pg00232.txt 248 40 Bormaster Doretta 33 . pg00232.txt 236 2 Borrden Catharine 56 Ireland pg00232.txt 84 9 Borries Emma 18 Prussia pg00079.txt 84 8 Borries Henry 24 Hanover, Germany pg00079.txt 57 20 Borries Hermon 29 Hanover, Germany pg00052.txt 57 21 Borries Julia 27 Hamburg, Germany pg00052.txt 678 19 Borth Gadleh 35 Prussia pg00675.txt 678 20 Borth Wm. 35 Prussia pg00675.txt 463 16 Boscher John 33 uld pg00449.txt 660 38 Bostain John 74 France pg00658.txt 603 21 Bostwick Alma 6 OH pg00600.txt 603 20 Bostwick Almon 6 OH pg00600.txt 603 19 Bostwick Eliza 11 OH pg00600.txt 603 15 Bostwick Ezra 45 NY pg00600.txt 603 18 Bostwick George 14 OH pg00600.txt 603 16 Bostwick Harriet 43 OH pg00600.txt 603 17 Bostwick Wm. 16 OH pg00600.txt 564 23 Boswick Martha 18 OH pg00552.txt 339 34 Bosworth Amanda 25 VT pg00329.txt 339 35 Bosworth Charles 10 IL pg00329.txt 339 33 Bosworth Miles 39 OH pg00329.txt 267 2 Botts Columba 23 Italy pg00266.txt 267 1 Botts Joseph 36 Italy pg00266.txt 267 3 Botts Josph [R] 1/12 IL pg00266.txt 353 33 Botzenhaus Bradict 6 IL pg00353.txt 353 34 Botzenhaus Franciska 38 wur pg00353.txt 353 32 Botzenhaus Johanna 32 wur pg00353.txt 353 31 Botzenhaus Joseph 41 wur pg00353.txt 791 36 Bouer Elizabeth 30 England pg00790.txt 791 38 Bouer Fanney 4 IL pg00790.txt 791 40 Bouer Flora 1 IL pg00790.txt 791 35 Bouer Walter 31 England pg00790.txt 791 37 Bouer Walter J. 5 IL pg00790.txt 791 39 Bouer William 2 IL pg00790.txt 313 29 Bourke Nicholas 25 Ireland pg00312.txt 90 23 Bourland B.L.T. 34 KY pg00079.txt 667 30 Bourland James 22 Scotland pg00658.txt 667 28 Bourland John 64 Scotland pg00658.txt 90 24 Bourland Julia P. 33 NY pg00079.txt 667 31 Bourland Louisa 22 OH pg00658.txt 667 29 Bourland Mary 64 Scotland pg00658.txt 90 25 Bourland Ogden 9 IL pg00079.txt 90 26 Bourland Rudolphus R. 4 IL pg00079.txt 746 20 Bourland Thomas 18 PA pg00735.txt 241 10 Bourland ? Elizabeth J. 11 IL pg00232.txt 242 23 Bourland ? Emma 7 IL pg00232.txt 241 8 Bourland ? John 40 Scotland pg00232.txt 241 9 Bourland ? Louisa 29 NY pg00232.txt 241 11 Bourland ? Mary L. 8 IL pg00232.txt 242 21 Bourland ? Rob't 35 Scotland pg00232.txt 242 22 Bourland ? Susan 30 OH pg00232.txt 242 24 Bourland ? William 4 IL pg00232.txt 734 29 Bouserman Philip 23 PA pg00718.txt 879 27 Bouslang Armenia 8/12 IL pg00878.txt 879 26 Bouslang Henry 3 IL pg00878.txt 879 21 Bouslang Jesse 33 PA pg00878.txt 879 23 Bouslang Louisa 9 PA pg00878.txt 879 24 Bouslang Mary E. 7 PA pg00878.txt 879 25 Bouslang Samuel 5 PA pg00878.txt 879 22 Bouslang Sarah 30 PA pg00878.txt 874 6 Bouslough Charles G. 17 PA pg00867.txt 874 1 Bouslough Eliza J. 32 PA pg00867.txt 874 4 Bouslough Howard H. 2 IL pg00867.txt 874 3 Bouslough Loyd L. 4 IL pg00867.txt 874 2 Bouslough Mary M. 9 IL pg00867.txt 873 40 Bouslough Samuel 36 PA pg00867.txt 874 5 Bouslough William W. 1/12 IL pg00867.txt 847 30 Bouten Alanson 32 IL pg00846.txt 911 16 Bouten Amanda 10 IL pg00907.txt 896 1 Bouten Austen 38 OH pg00895.txt 911 14 Bouten Burr 14 IL pg00907.txt 847 35 Bouten Columbus 33 OH pg00846.txt 895 39 Bouten Eliza 30 OH pg00895.txt 847 31 Bouten Eliza J. 29 IN pg00846.txt 911 13 Bouten Elizabeth 16 IL pg00907.txt 847 40 Bouten Emily 40 OH pg00846.txt 847 39 Bouten Frank 3 IL pg00846.txt 911 11 Bouten Hannah 43 OH pg00907.txt 911 10 Bouten Hial 53 NY pg00907.txt 911 12 Bouten James 17 IL pg00907.txt 870 37 Bouten Jane 6 IL pg00867.txt 842 14 Bouten John 27 OH pg00829.txt 847 36 Bouten Margaret 30 PA pg00846.txt 842 13 Bouten Maria 66 CT pg00829.txt 911 17 Bouten Mary 5 IL pg00907.txt 847 38 Bouten Mary E. 7 IL pg00846.txt 847 32 Bouten Mary J. 10/12 IL pg00846.txt 842 12 Bouten Samuel 46 NY pg00829.txt 847 34 Bouten Samuel D. 65 NJ pg00846.txt 847 37 Bouten Sophronia E. 12 IL pg00846.txt 895 38 Bouten Thompson 40 OH pg00895.txt 895 40 Bouten Vanchen 2/12 IL pg00895.txt 911 15 Bouten Warren 11 IL pg00907.txt 395 8 Boutz Lizzie 20 France pg00388.txt 884 9 Bovie Jacob 24 NY pg00878.txt 904 7 Bow Abby 6 IL pg00895.txt 904 4 Bow Bena 12 NJ pg00895.txt 904 5 Bow Hannah 10 NJ pg00895.txt 904 8 Bow Karr 2/12 IL pg00895.txt 904 3 Bow Louisa 31 NJ pg00895.txt 904 6 Bow Thomas 8 NJ pg00895.txt 904 2 Bow Thomas 37 NJ pg00895.txt 74 17 Bowen Absalom 54 MD pg00069.txt 383 12 Bowen Anna U. 18 NJ pg00371.txt 885 6 Bowen Chester A. 26 NY pg00878.txt 74 19 Bowen David 28 OH pg00069.txt 614 34 Bowen David 18 OH pg00600.txt 74 18 Bowen Electa 50 ME pg00069.txt 383 11 Bowen Frances 22 NJ pg00371.txt 74 21 Bowen George 18 IL pg00069.txt 74 20 Bowen John T. 26 OH pg00069.txt 614 26 Bowen Lanah 47 OH pg00600.txt 614 25 Bowen Sarah 79 NJ pg00600.txt 280 1 Bower Adam 36 bar pg00266.txt 145 13 Bower Christian 82 Wurttemberg, Germany pg00131.txt 280 2 Bower Elizabeth 31 dar pg00266.txt 27 5 Bower George 40 Saxony, Germany pg00018.txt 59 19 Bower Henry 25 Wurttemburg, Germany pg00052.txt 619 23 Bower Lena 48 OH pg00617.txt 280 3 Bower Samuel 1 IL pg00266.txt 531 4 Bowers Andrew 1/12 IL pg00525.txt 426 15 Bowers Ann 34 England pg00420.txt 530 38 Bowers Catharine 40 PA pg00525.txt 530 37 Bowers Daniel 41 PA pg00525.txt 576 11 Bowers Daniel 32 NH pg00565.txt 441 22 Bowers Eliza 21 PA pg00432.txt 575 16 Bowers Elizabeth [y] 39 PA pg00565.txt 575 21 Bowers Elizabeth [y] 3 IL pg00565.txt 531 3 Bowers Harriet 7 IL pg00525.txt 426 14 Bowers Hull 38 England pg00420.txt 441 23 Bowers Ida 1 IL pg00432.txt 576 14 Bowers Infant 10/12 IL pg00565.txt 575 19 Bowers Jane 11 PA pg00565.txt 575 15 Bowers John 48 PA pg00565.txt 426 16 Bowers John 42 England pg00420.txt 24 10 Bowers John 28 OH pg00018.txt 525 27 Bowers John 26 OH pg00525.txt 441 21 Bowers Joseph 22 IL pg00432.txt 576 12 Bowers Lucy 31 VT pg00565.txt 530 39 Bowers Martha 19 OH pg00525.txt 575 17 Bowers Mary 17 PA pg00565.txt 531 1 Bowers Mary 14 OH pg00525.txt 575 20 Bowers Matilda 7 PA pg00565.txt 530 40 Bowers Peter 15 OH pg00525.txt 367 8 Bowers Reuben 17 IL pg00353.txt 575 18 Bowers Susan 15 PA pg00565.txt 531 2 Bowers William 9 OH pg00525.txt 576 13 Bowers Winni 4 IL pg00565.txt 781 34 Bowey William 18 PA pg00773.txt 620 26 Bowine Alice 23 IL pg00617.txt 620 28 Bowine Ella 16 IL pg00617.txt 620 29 Bowine Joseph 14 MA pg00617.txt 620 25 Bowine Mary 52 MA pg00617.txt 620 27 Bowine Mary 22 IL pg00617.txt 620 24 Bowine Melchi 54 MA pg00617.txt 745 22 Bowl*y Alexander 26 PA pg00735.txt 745 23 Bowl*y Thomas 20 PA pg00735.txt 563 24 Bowley David 24 ME pg00552.txt 565 16 Bowley Georgianna 7 WI pg00565.txt 563 26 Bowley Lydia 15 IL pg00552.txt 565 15 Bowley Margaret 9 WI pg00565.txt 565 13 Bowley Martin 33 NY pg00565.txt 565 14 Bowley Mary 22 NY pg00565.txt 563 22 Bowley Palley 69 ME pg00552.txt 563 23 Bowley Sabrina 45 ME pg00552.txt 606 1 Bowlton Emma 1 IL pg00600.txt 606 2 Bowlton Ida 2/12 IL pg00600.txt 551 22 Bowly David 21 NY pg00535.txt 764 1 Bowman Alice A. 1 IL pg00759.txt 285 11 Bowman Amelia 3 IL pg00283.txt 169 7 Bowman Andrew 37 Ireland pg00165.txt 763 39 Bowman Bateman 34 VT pg00759.txt 630 36 Bowman Carl 21 Germany pg00624.txt 285 7 Bowman Charles 14 MA pg00283.txt 764 3 Bowman Delaney 16 Ireland pg00759.txt 346 8 Bowman Elizabeth 58 NY pg00346.txt 209 38 Bowman Emma 34 England pg00198.txt 285 6 Bowman Frederick 16 MA pg00283.txt 285 4 Bowman Fridoline 52 Germany pg00283.txt 763 40 Bowman Harriett A. 25 VT pg00759.txt 728 35 Bowman Henry 19 IL pg00718.txt 408 7 Bowman Ida 2 IL pg00396.txt 285 8 Bowman Jacob 8 MA pg00283.txt 591 10 Bowman Jane 18 OH pg00583.txt 591 9 Bowman John 23 OH pg00583.txt 891 15 Bowman John M. 36 Baden, Germany pg00878.txt 891 16 Bowman Lena 36 Baden, Germany pg00878.txt 285 9 Bowman Margaret 10 MA pg00283.txt 285 10 Bowman Mary 9 MA pg00283.txt 285 5 Bowman Mary 39 Germany pg00283.txt 169 8 Bowman Mary 38 Ireland pg00165.txt 169 9 Bowman Nancy 12 Scotland pg00165.txt 209 37 Bowman Sam'l S. 38 England pg00198.txt 209 39 Bowman Unknown Child 3 IL pg00198.txt 753 30 Bowman Wm. 19 IL pg00752.txt 522 11 Boxer Amelia 48 VA pg00508.txt 522 19 Boxer Amelia 21 NY pg00508.txt 522 12 Boxer Christopher 19 IL pg00508.txt 522 20 Boxer Harvey 4/12 IL pg00508.txt 522 15 Boxer Harvey 13 IL pg00508.txt 522 14 Boxer John 15 IL pg00508.txt 522 18 Boxer Oliver 27 IL pg00508.txt 522 13 Boxer Robt. 17 IL pg00508.txt 522 16 Boxer Winfred 11 IL pg00508.txt 905 18 Boyd Catherine 34 OH pg00895.txt 158 36 Boyd David 21 Ireland pg00148.txt 153 26 Boyd Eliza 16 Ireland pg00148.txt 905 19 Boyd Hiley Ann 12 OH pg00895.txt 158 38 Boyd Hugh 11 Ireland pg00148.txt 575 14 Boyd Ida 3 OH pg00565.txt 905 17 Boyd James 41 TN pg00895.txt 138 39 Boyd James 27 Ireland pg00131.txt 138 40 Boyd Jane 38 Ireland pg00131.txt 139 3 Boyd John 9/12 IL pg00131.txt 158 34 Boyd John 45 Ireland pg00148.txt 905 20 Boyd Joicey E. 8 IL pg00895.txt 158 35 Boyd Mary 45 Ireland pg00148.txt 160 8 Boyd Mary 20 Ireland pg00148.txt 101 18 Boyd Mary A. 17 PA pg00097.txt 139 2 Boyd Mary J. 2 IL pg00131.txt 63 7 Boyd Rosa 24 Ireland pg00052.txt 158 37 Boyd Samuel 15 Ireland pg00148.txt 139 1 Boyd Susanna 5 NJ pg00131.txt 247 24 Boyer John B. 15 PA pg00232.txt 482 13 Boyl Benj. 54 PA pg00476.txt 482 15 Boyl Ellen 18 IA pg00476.txt 482 14 Boyl Mary 55 PA pg00476.txt 406 33 Boylan Margaret 22 NY pg00396.txt 406 32 Boylan Thomas 28 NY pg00396.txt 406 34 Boylan Thos. 9/12 IL pg00396.txt 450 12 Boylan Wm. 24 NY pg00449.txt 374 23 Boyle Ann 26 Ireland pg00371.txt 374 25 Boyle Ann E. 5 IL pg00371.txt 374 26 Boyle Henry P. 2 IL pg00371.txt 588 30 Boyle Hugh 13 IL pg00583.txt 588 27 Boyle John 51 Ireland pg00583.txt 588 29 Boyle John 48 Scotland pg00583.txt 219 28 Boyle Lenox 31 England pg00215.txt 219 29 Boyle Martha 33 England pg00215.txt 269 20 Boyle Martin 26 England pg00266.txt 588 31 Boyle Mary 9 PA pg00583.txt 588 28 Boyle Mary 49 Scotland pg00583.txt 374 24 Boyle Mary A. 8 IL pg00371.txt 374 22 Boyle Thomas 33 Ireland pg00371.txt 374 27 Boyle Thomas L. 2/12 IL pg00371.txt 588 32 Boyle Wm. 6 PA pg00583.txt 414 34 Boylen Charles 20 IL pg00413.txt 830 25 Boylen Elias 5 IL pg00829.txt 414 33 Boylen John 23 MO pg00413.txt 830 27 Boylen John 1 IL pg00829.txt 830 26 Boylen Jonas 3 IL pg00829.txt 830 22 Boylen Judith 40 Ireland pg00829.txt 830 24 Boylen Mary 7 IL pg00829.txt 414 32 Boylen Mary 52 Ireland pg00413.txt 414 31 Boylen Patrick 52 Ireland pg00413.txt 830 21 Boylen Patrick [e] 50 Ireland pg00829.txt 830 23 Boylen Patrick [y] 9 Ireland pg00829.txt 194 16 Brace Burr R. 43 NY pg00182.txt 194 19 Brace Emily W. 11 IL pg00182.txt 194 21 Brace Eva 5 IL pg00182.txt 194 18 Brace George K. 15 IL pg00182.txt 194 22 Brace Gypsy 9/12 IL pg00182.txt 194 20 Brace James W. 8 IL pg00182.txt 194 17 Brace Samantha 33 NY pg00182.txt 928 29 Brach Caroline A. 9 IL pg00924.txt 928 24 Brach Charles 51 NY pg00924.txt 928 27 Brach Charles F. 15 IL pg00924.txt 928 28 Brach Cornelia E. 12 IL pg00924.txt 928 26 Brach Henry H. 17 IL pg00924.txt 928 25 Brach Leah 38 NY pg00924.txt 928 30 Brach Nelson B. 6 IL pg00924.txt 375 36 Bracken Belle 10 IL pg00371.txt 375 34 Bracken Daniel 33 OH pg00371.txt 375 37 Bracken Fannie 7 IL pg00371.txt 375 35 Bracken Susan 28 PA pg00371.txt 132 15 Brackley Albert 44 ME pg00131.txt 132 20 Brackley Albert 3 IL pg00131.txt 132 19 Brackley Andrew 10 OH pg00131.txt 132 18 Brackley Lucy A. 14 OH pg00131.txt 132 16 Brackley Rufus 17 OH pg00131.txt 132 17 Brackley Wm. H. 15 OH pg00131.txt 778 4 Bradberry Andrew J. 15 MA pg00773.txt 778 6 Bradberry Bergan 6 IL pg00773.txt 778 2 Bradberry Charles W. 19 NY pg00773.txt 778 7 Bradberry George R. 4 IL pg00773.txt 778 5 Bradberry Jenny L. 9 VA pg00773.txt 777 40 Bradberry Joseph S. 50 NH pg00773.txt 778 1 Bradberry Mary M. 46 MA pg00773.txt 778 3 Bradberry Octavia 17 NH pg00773.txt 887 19 Bradcomb Amelia 8 Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 887 15 Bradcomb Anna 38 Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 887 20 Bradcomb Emma 3 IL pg00878.txt 887 13 Bradcomb Jacob M. 40 Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 887 16 Bradcomb John 16 Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 887 17 Bradcomb Julius 14 Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 887 18 Bradcomb Sophia 11 [?] Saxony, Germany pg00878.txt 662 28 Braden George 40 NY pg00658.txt 662 31 Braden John 9 NY pg00658.txt 662 33 Braden Maria 4 NY pg00658.txt 662 30 Braden Sarah 13 NY pg00658.txt 662 29 Braden Susan 35 NY pg00658.txt 662 32 Braden Wm. 7 NY pg00658.txt 553 4 Bradfield Edward 25 England pg00552.txt 442 5 Bradfield Thomas 65 Ireland pg00432.txt 483 13 Bradford Austin 20 IL pg00476.txt 483 14 Bradford Elizabeth 23 IA pg00476.txt 483 16 Bradford Henry 17 IL pg00476.txt 483 11 Bradford Jonathan [e] 55 NC pg00476.txt 483 18 Bradford Jonathan [y] 1 IA pg00476.txt 483 15 Bradford Mary 21 IA pg00476.txt 483 12 Bradford Rebecca 52 NC pg00476.txt 483 17 Bradford Thomas 12 IL pg00476.txt 642 27 Bradle Moses 62 NY pg00641.txt 438 23 Bradley Jane A. 6 NY pg00432.txt 438 21 Bradley Joseph 30 England pg00432.txt 199 34 Bradley Joseph T. 44 KY pg00198.txt 199 35 Bradley Julia A. 43 NY pg00198.txt 667 21 Bradley Louisa 8 PA pg00658.txt 351 26 Bradley Lydia 44 IN pg00346.txt 148 19 Bradley Mahaley 17 OH pg00148.txt 701 37 Bradley Margaret 22 NY pg00700.txt 438 22 Bradley Mary A. 32 England pg00432.txt 701 36 Bradley Robert 32 Ireland pg00700.txt 351 25 Bradley Tobias G. 49 KY pg00346.txt 781 13 Bradly Horace 19 MI pg00773.txt 576 36 Bradshaw Charles 18 IL pg00565.txt 795 13 Bradshaw Elizabeth 60 KY pg00790.txt 76 8 Bradshaw Mary [e] 30 Ireland pg00069.txt 76 11 Bradshaw Mary [y] 3 IL pg00069.txt 76 9 Bradshaw Richard 13 Ireland pg00069.txt 76 10 Bradshaw Robert 11 Ireland pg00069.txt 76 7 Bradshaw Wm. 40 Ireland pg00069.txt 356 23 Brady Beckey Ann 3/12 IL pg00353.txt 480 4 Brady Charles 4 IL pg00476.txt 301 26 Brady Charles W. 3 IL pg00300.txt 479 13 Brady Cintha 28 MA pg00476.txt 290 28 Brady Eliza 35 Ireland pg00283.txt 479 11 Brady Ellen 55 Ireland pg00476.txt 479 16 Brady Eugenie 1 IL pg00476.txt 514 13 Brady Henry 30 Ireland pg00508.txt 480 5 Brady Isabelle 3 IL pg00476.txt 479 14 Brady James 5 IL pg00476.txt 480 3 Brady Jane 26 MA pg00476.txt 479 6 Brady John 59 Ireland pg00476.txt 479 15 Brady John 3 IL pg00476.txt 480 2 Brady John 27 NY pg00476.txt 290 30 Brady John 2 IL pg00283.txt 301 25 Brady Julia 28 IN pg00300.txt 273 1 Brady Margaret 30 Ireland pg00266.txt 58 13 Brady Mariah 17 IL pg00052.txt 148 21 Brady Martha 3 IL pg00148.txt 290 29 Brady Mary 10 England pg00283.txt 58 12 Brady Michael 22 OH pg00052.txt 412 2 Brady Mrs. 18 unknown pg00396.txt 298 24 Brady Peter 30 IN pg00283.txt 58 6 Brady Rachel 41 OH pg00052.txt 325 18 Brady Roderick 62 Ireland pg00312.txt 298 25 Brady Sarah 22 IL pg00283.txt 479 12 Brady Thomas 31 PA pg00476.txt 480 6 Brady Thomas 1 IL pg00476.txt 412 1 Brady unknown 27 unknown pg00396.txt 301 24 Brady Washington 40 PA pg00300.txt 58 5 Brady William 42 OH pg00052.txt 354 15 Brah Louisa 5 IL pg00353.txt 820 40 Brain Mary 49 England pg00820.txt 770 4 Brainard John blank blank pg00759.txt 449 39 Braley John 28 England pg00449.txt 330 36 Bramble James W. 34 OH pg00329.txt 330 37 Bramble Parmelia 29 NY pg00329.txt 284 16 Bramley George 25 OH pg00283.txt 66 11 Bramwell Caroline 24 IN pg00052.txt 66 10 Bramwell Wm. A. 35 IN pg00052.txt 782 9 Brand Emerson 24 NY pg00773.txt 200 37 Brandemoun Ceclia 25 South America pg00198.txt 200 36 Brandemoun Napolean B. 33 Canada-East pg00198.txt 3 24 Brandenberg Wm. 22 MD pg00001.txt 459 20 Branegan Wm. 25 Ireland pg00449.txt 345 23 Brann Lena 30 pru pg00329.txt 397 6 Brannan James 3 IL pg00396.txt 397 4 Brannan John 34 Ireland pg00396.txt 397 7 Brannan John 2 IL pg00396.txt 397 5 Brannan Mary 30 Ireland pg00396.txt 767 6 Brannan Philip 28 Ireland pg00759.txt 752 20 Branson Isabel 5 IL pg00752.txt 752 19 Branson Jane [e] 30 England pg00752.txt 752 21 Branson Jane [y] 3 IL pg00752.txt 752 18 Branson Thomas 47 IA pg00752.txt 752 22 Branson Thomas 4/12 IL pg00752.txt 611 4 Brant David 24 PA pg00600.txt 611 5 Brant Mary 22 PA pg00600.txt 611 6 Brant Mary 2 IL pg00600.txt 611 7 Brant Sylvester 0/12 IL pg00600.txt 113 32 Brantes Ann 1 IL pg00097.txt 113 31 Brantes Corindius 3 IL pg00097.txt 113 28 Brantes Ephraim 30 Hanover, Germany pg00097.txt 113 33 Brantes Hilke 66 Hanover, Germany pg00097.txt 113 30 Brantes John 6 IL pg00097.txt 113 29 Brantes Petje 28 Hanover, Germany pg00097.txt 341 5 Brass Brida 20 Ireland pg00329.txt 272 35 Brass Charles E 21 Pa pg00266.txt 341 1 Brass John 65 Ireland pg00329.txt 341 3 Brass John Jr. 15 Ireland pg00329.txt 341 4 Brass Kate 26 NY pg00329.txt 341 6 Brass Margaret 18 Ireland pg00329.txt 341 2 Brass Roger J. 34 Ireland pg00329.txt 855 19 Brassfield Charles 9 Ireland pg00850.txt 517 39 Brassfield James 60 IL pg00508.txt 506 1 Brassfield Nancy 12 IL pg00493.txt 320 4 Braun Lena 24 Waldeck, Germany pg00312.txt 320 3 Braun Peter 31 bar pg00312.txt 320 5 Braun William 1 IL pg00312.txt 51 24 Brawner Wm. A. 21 KY pg00035.txt 246 15 Braxton Caroline A. 34 MA pg00232.txt 246 16 Braxton Eleanor N. 8 RI pg00232.txt 246 14 Braxton Geo. W. 35 RI pg00232.txt 246 17 Braxton Jennie C. 3 IL pg00232.txt 246 18 Braxton John T. 22 RI pg00232.txt 252 8 Bray Mary 44 Ireland pg00249.txt 252 9 Bray Rose 12 Ireland pg00249.txt 472 27 Braymond Friend 24 VT pg00466.txt 230 16 Brayton Caroline A. 34 Ma pg00215.txt 230 17 Brayton Eleanor W. 8 RI pg00215.txt 230 15 Brayton Geo. W. 35 RI pg00215.txt 230 18 Brayton Jennie C. 3 Peoria, IL pg00215.txt 230 19 Brayton John T. 22 RI pg00215.txt 749 30 Brazena Catherine 37 Bohemia pg00735.txt 749 32 Brazena Frances 8 MO pg00735.txt 749 33 Brazena John 2 IL pg00735.txt 749 29 Brazena Joseph [e] 45 Bohemia pg00735.txt 749 31 Brazena Joseph [y] 12 Bohemia pg00735.txt