STEPHENSON, IL 1860 Federal Census INDEX (File 8 of 19) This Census was transcribed by Judith Mooney Lindgren and proofread by not yet for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright (c) 2009 by Judith Mooney Lindgren ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 610 12 Haas Amanuel 1 Ill pg00608.txt 610 11 Haas Geo M 2 Ill pg00608.txt 610 10 Haas Hannah 25 Ill pg00608.txt 610 9 Haas Valentine 27 Pa pg00608.txt 178 20 Haber Peter 29 Hesia pg00174.txt 128 30 Haber Sophia 63 Hanover pg00122.txt 12 18 Hach Catharine 9 Bavaria pg00001.txt 12 17 Hach Christene 45 Bavaria pg00001.txt 12 16 Hach John 46 Bavaria pg00001.txt 12 19 Hach Philip 2 Illinois pg00001.txt 214 15 Hack Onnetas I 3-1/2 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 214 14 Hack Stephen D 29 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 108 4 Hagen Edgar A 28 NY pg00105.txt 108 3 Hagen Hannah 35 NY pg00105.txt 108 2 Hagen JB 57 NY pg00105.txt 202 14 Hagerdon Henry 28 Prussia pg00191.txt 202 15 Hagerdon Louisa 28 Prussia pg00191.txt 206 7 Hagert Barbara 34 Rinebine pg00191.txt 206 9 Hagert Catharine 5 Ill pg00191.txt 206 6 Hagert Fred 38 Prussia pg00191.txt 206 8 Hagert John 7 Ill pg00191.txt 309 24 Haggart Wm 16 NY pg00305.txt 254 24 Haggott Caroline 48 NY pg00242.txt 254 29 Haggott Chas 12 NY pg00242.txt 254 23 Haggott Danl 54 NY pg00242.txt 254 26 Haggott Elisebeth 18 NY pg00242.txt 254 25 Haggott Juliann 21 NY pg00242.txt 254 27 Haggott Lidus 16 NY pg00242.txt 254 28 Haggott Wm 14 NY pg00242.txt 348 12 Hagman Cath 16 Pa pg00336.txt 348 18 Hagman Emeline 11 Pa pg00336.txt 348 19 Hagman Flora F 9 Pa pg00336.txt 348 11 Hagman Geo 21 Pa pg00336.txt 348 15 Hagman Henry 17 Pa pg00336.txt 348 17 Hagman Jane N 13 Pa pg00336.txt 348 20 Hagman John 6 Pa pg00336.txt 348 9 Hagman John 49 Pa pg00336.txt 348 10 Hagman Lisa 49 Pa pg00336.txt 348 13 Hagman Mary 20 Pa pg00336.txt 348 16 Hagman Matilda 14 Pa pg00336.txt 348 14 Hagman Susan 18 Pa pg00336.txt 327 16 Haids A 45 Vt pg00319.txt 327 20 Haids Eli 10 Ill pg00319.txt 327 23 Haids Frank 5 Ill pg00319.txt 327 25 Haids James 2 Ill pg00319.txt 327 24 Haids Jenny 3 Ill pg00319.txt 327 18 Haids Josephine 15 Ill pg00319.txt 327 22 Haids Lewis 7 Ill pg00319.txt 327 21 Haids Louisa 8 Ill pg00319.txt 327 17 Haids Sarah 36 Ohio pg00319.txt 327 19 Haids Wm 11 Ill pg00319.txt 306 18 Haike Jane 35 Pa pg00305.txt 306 19 Haike John 5 Ill pg00305.txt 306 22 Haike Josephine 1 Ill pg00305.txt 306 20 Haike Lauren 4 Ill pg00305.txt 306 21 Haike Sam 2 Ill pg00305.txt 306 17 Haike Wm 34 Pa pg00305.txt 625 27 Hains Jane 14 Pa pg00617.txt 68 23 Haisler Christian 37 Wertenberg pg00060.txt 68 24 Haisler Conrad 15 Wertenberg pg00060.txt 68 25 Haisler Frederick 12 Wertenberg pg00060.txt 68 22 Haisler George 41 Wertenberg pg00060.txt 68 27 Haisler Henry 2 Illinois pg00060.txt 68 26 Haisler Margret 10 Wertenberg pg00060.txt 517 17 Haistern E 25 Ohio pg00511.txt 72 11 Hait Elizabeth 27 Germany pg00070.txt 72 12 Hait Rashe 2 Illinois pg00070.txt 559 24 Hak Ann 51 Baden pg00548.txt 559 25 Hak Chas 20 Baden pg00548.txt 559 23 Hak JA 50 Baden pg00548.txt 559 26 Hak Jacob 19 Baden pg00548.txt 168 24 Hake Anna 1 Ill pg00157.txt 168 22 Hake Augusta 8 NY pg00157.txt 168 23 Hake Sophia 5 Ill pg00157.txt 192 27 Halaks M 37 NY pg00191.txt 639 27 Halden Catharine 29 Ireland pg00634.txt 639 28 Halden John 5 NY pg00634.txt 639 30 Halden Margret 1 Ill pg00634.txt 639 29 Halden Mary 3 NY pg00634.txt 639 26 Halden Pat 30 Ireland pg00634.txt 122 40 Hale AF 6 Illinois pg00122.txt 21 30 Hale Angaline 32 NH pg00018.txt 123 1 Hale EF 3 Illinois pg00122.txt 122 38 Hale LG 39 Vt pg00122.txt 122 39 Hale SJ 30 NY pg00122.txt 21 29 Hale W 33 NH pg00018.txt 300 39 Halenbeck C 22 Mich pg00288.txt 151 10 Hales Anna 9 Penn pg00139.txt 151 8 Hales Caroline 36 Penn pg00139.txt 151 9 Hales Emma 11 Penn pg00139.txt 151 11 Hales John 6 Penn pg00139.txt 151 7 Hales JW 37 Penn pg00139.txt 536 11 Hall Abram 42 Pa pg00531.txt 486 21 Hall AD 28 NY pg00482.txt 478 21 Hall AE 12 Ill pg00465.txt 486 20 Hall AJ 30 Canada pg00482.txt 495 10 Hall Amanda 17 Ohio pg00482.txt 487 1 Hall Amos 39 NY pg00482.txt 478 22 Hall AW 6 Ill pg00465.txt 487 4 Hall Betsey 6/12 Ill pg00482.txt 126 6 Hall Byron 2 Ill pg00122.txt 536 12 Hall Catharine 39 Pa pg00531.txt 355 7 Hall Catharine 15 Pa pg00351.txt 478 23 Hall CE 4 Ill pg00465.txt 41 4 Hall Chas 30 Penn pg00035.txt 487 2 Hall Cynthia 36 Vt pg00482.txt 129 30 Hall Elizabeth 34 Penn pg00122.txt 60 18 Hall Hannah 60 Canada pg00060.txt 59 22 Hall Harriet 17 Illinois pg00043.txt 486 22 Hall Ida 4 Ill pg00482.txt 486 23 Hall James 40 NY pg00482.txt 126 4 Hall James 33 NY pg00122.txt 129 31 Hall Jinny 7/12 Illinois pg00122.txt 536 17 Hall JM 6 Pa pg00531.txt 487 3 Hall Julia 13 Ill pg00482.txt 41 3 Hall Laura 54 Canada pg00035.txt 109 6 Hall Luther 20 NY pg00105.txt 41 5 Hall Margett 24 New York pg00035.txt 126 5 Hall Margret 26 NY pg00122.txt 219 24 Hall Mary 11 Ill pg00213.txt 536 14 Hall ME 16 Pa pg00531.txt 129 29 Hall Miles 40 NY pg00122.txt 536 19 Hall MV 1 Ill pg00531.txt 478 24 Hall NE 1 Ill pg00465.txt 41 6 Hall Overl 2 Illinois pg00035.txt 486 8 Hall Polly 61 NH pg00482.txt 536 16 Hall RJ 11 Pa pg00531.txt 478 20 Hall SA 34 Vt pg00465.txt 536 18 Hall SE 3 Pa pg00531.txt 290 40 Hall Simon 50 Pa pg00288.txt 75 9 Hall Susan E 32 Maine pg00070.txt 536 15 Hall VM 15 Pa pg00531.txt 536 13 Hall Wesley 18 Pa pg00531.txt 478 19 Hall WW 37 NY pg00465.txt 75 8 Hall Zackens 73 Vermont pg00070.txt 250 35 Hallis H 49 Eng pg00242.txt 41 37 Halstead Jinny 1 Illinois pg00035.txt 41 35 Halstead John O 43 New Jersey pg00035.txt 41 36 Halstead Maria 21 New York pg00035.txt 23 32 Haltz Adam 14 Unknown pg00018.txt 611 40 Hamer Henry 2 Ill pg00608.txt 611 39 Hamer Rachael 25 Germany pg00608.txt 611 38 Hamer William 35 Germany pg00608.txt 612 1 Hamer William 16 Germany pg00608.txt 393 32 Hamill JB 52 NY pg00385.txt 393 33 Hamill Susan 23 NY pg00385.txt 643 4 Hamilton Edward 8/12 Ill pg00634.txt 22 6 Hamilton George 23 NY pg00018.txt 22 8 Hamilton Hester 25 NY pg00018.txt 643 3 Hamilton John 2 Ill pg00634.txt 643 2 Hamilton Margret 32 Ireland pg00634.txt 22 7 Hamilton Margret 25 NY pg00018.txt 22 9 Hamilton Martha 18 NY pg00018.txt 22 5 Hamilton Nancy 62 NY pg00018.txt 643 1 Hamilton Patrick 38 Ireland pg00634.txt 18 14 Hamilton Robert 40 Ireland pg00018.txt 22 4 Hamilton Wm 67 Scotland pg00018.txt 44 29 Hamm Elizabeth 22 Penn pg00043.txt 44 30 Hamm Geo 64 France pg00043.txt 44 28 Hamm Geo 26 France pg00043.txt 44 31 Hamm Margret 54 France pg00043.txt 44 32 Hamm Valentine 16 France pg00043.txt 38 33 Hammond Eliza 13 Illinois pg00035.txt 38 30 Hammond Esther 42 New York pg00035.txt 247 14 Hammond Florance 7 Wis pg00242.txt 38 35 Hammond Ira 5 Illinois pg00035.txt 191 9 Hammond John 27 Vt pg00191.txt 247 12 Hammond Laurie F 11 Ill pg00242.txt 38 34 Hammond Luke 8 Illinois pg00035.txt 38 32 Hammond Marvin 16 Illinois pg00035.txt 191 10 Hammond Mary 25 Vt pg00191.txt 247 11 Hammond ML 29 Vermont pg00242.txt 38 29 Hammond Philo 49 Vermont pg00035.txt 247 13 Hammond Rolenar 9 Ill pg00242.txt 38 31 Hammond William 17 Illinois pg00035.txt 514 40 Han AD 39 Ohio pg00511.txt 34 31 Hananga Berend 24 Hanover pg00018.txt 34 30 Hananga Dina 49 Hanover pg00018.txt 34 33 Hananga Gerhard 15 Hanover pg00018.txt 34 29 Hananga HB 56 Hanover pg00018.txt 34 32 Hananga Wilhelmina 20 Hanover pg00018.txt 193 23 Hance Benj 28 Ohio pg00191.txt 80 19 Hance FW 37 Ohio pg00070.txt 193 25 Hance James 23 Ohio pg00191.txt 193 21 Hance John 67 Md pg00191.txt 193 24 Hance John 25 Ohio pg00191.txt 80 20 Hance Mary 33 New York pg00070.txt 193 22 Hance Mary A 63 Md pg00191.txt 518 39 Hancock EC 12 Ind pg00511.txt 518 38 Hancock WH 21 Ind pg00511.txt 638 12 Hancock William 36 Eng pg00634.txt 293 29 Handy Moria 37 NY pg00288.txt 262 13 Hane Andrew 30 Germany pg00259.txt 262 18 Hane Catherine 25 Ireland pg00259.txt 262 20 Hane Edward 3 Ill pg00259.txt 262 16 Hane Mary 20 NY pg00259.txt 262 15 Hane Philip 76 Germany pg00259.txt 262 17 Hane Philip 33 Germany pg00259.txt 262 19 Hane Tereca 7 Ill pg00259.txt 262 14 Hane Wm 18 Virginia pg00259.txt 391 9 Hanicor M 35 Ireland pg00385.txt 199 5 Hankey Ann 32 Prussia pg00191.txt 199 6 Hankey Augusta 9 Prussia pg00191.txt 199 8 Hankey Herman 3 Ill pg00191.txt 199 7 Hankey Hulta 7 Ill pg00191.txt 199 4 Hankey William 50 Prussia pg00191.txt 199 9 Hankey William 2 Ill pg00191.txt 497 34 Hannan E 16 Pa pg00482.txt 614 21 Hannely Elizabeth 22 Pa pg00608.txt 140 34 Hannis Martin 30 Penn pg00139.txt 408 5 Hannish AK 32 Pa pg00405.txt 408 10 Hannish Anna 3 Ill pg00405.txt 408 8 Hannish Benj 7 Pa pg00405.txt 408 9 Hannish EV 6 Pa pg00405.txt 408 11 Hannish HM 6/12 Ill pg00405.txt 408 6 Hannish Lydia 32 Pa pg00405.txt 408 7 Hannish MA 10 Pa pg00405.txt 57 10 Hanns Broon 2 Illinois pg00043.txt 57 9 Hanns Inki 5 Illinois pg00043.txt 57 6 Hanns Juske 38 Hanover pg00043.txt 57 5 Hanns Meno 40 Hanover pg00043.txt 57 8 Hanns Seranka 7 Illinois pg00043.txt 57 7 Hanns Yankee 9 Illinois pg00043.txt 184 10 Hans Balinda 15 Ohio pg00174.txt 172 3 Hans CG 41 Ct pg00157.txt 172 6 Hans Eldson 1/12 Ill pg00157.txt 275 35 Hans Elisebeth 16 Pa pg00264.txt 580 40 Hans Elizabeth 24 NJ pg00565.txt 172 2 Hans Elson 49 Mass pg00157.txt 172 5 Hans Eugene 4 Ill pg00157.txt 576 18 Hans Geo 53 Pa pg00565.txt 172 4 Hans Hatty 15 NY pg00157.txt 184 12 Hans Henry 6 Ohio pg00174.txt 184 7 Hans Henry 43 Ohio pg00174.txt 184 11 Hans Ida 13 Ohio pg00174.txt 580 39 Hans Isaac 31 Pa pg00565.txt 184 9 Hans Mary 20 Ohio pg00174.txt 184 8 Hans Sophia 29 Germany pg00174.txt 555 25 Hany Jacob 46 Pa pg00548.txt 555 27 Hany John 18 Pa pg00548.txt 555 26 Hany Lydia 52 Pa pg00548.txt 254 22 Happ Burton 26 Pa pg00242.txt 166 3 Harberts H 22 Hanover pg00157.txt 343 21 Harding Jacob 27 Pa pg00336.txt 343 22 Harding Jane 63 Pa pg00336.txt 343 24 Harding Maria 19 Pa pg00336.txt 343 23 Harding Moses 22 Pa pg00336.txt 32 30 Hards Hart 33 Hanover pg00018.txt 32 31 Hards Hartz 24 Hanover pg00018.txt 32 32 Hards Jacob 2 Illinois pg00018.txt 32 33 Hards Odgen 3 Illinois pg00018.txt 291 1 Harel James 31 Ireland pg00288.txt 291 2 Harel Sarah 24 Ind pg00288.txt 63 8 Harlow Dewitt 16 Illinois pg00060.txt 411 40 Harmon Andrew 6 Ill pg00405.txt 52 1 Harmon Anna M 21 Baden pg00043.txt 52 2 Harmon Catharine 5/12 Illinois pg00043.txt 412 5 Harmon Elizabeth 53 Pa pg00405.txt 412 2 Harmon George 2 Ill pg00405.txt 51 40 Harmon Jacob 32 Baden pg00043.txt 411 37 Harmon John 30 Pa pg00405.txt 412 1 Harmon John L 4 Ill pg00405.txt 412 6 Harmon Lucy A 12 Ill pg00405.txt 411 38 Harmon Margret 32 Pa pg00405.txt 412 3 Harmon Mary 4/12 Ill pg00405.txt 412 4 Harmon William 60 Pa pg00405.txt 411 39 Harmon WL 8 Ill pg00405.txt 418 5 Harn John 25 France pg00405.txt 418 6 Harn Margret 17 France pg00405.txt 144 24 Harnish Benj 14 Penn pg00139.txt 141 5 Harnish E 76 Penn pg00139.txt 141 6 Harnish E 48 Penn pg00139.txt 144 22 Harnish Harriet 35 Penn pg00139.txt 144 23 Harnish Henry 16 Penn pg00139.txt 144 25 Harnish Ida 1 Ill pg00139.txt 141 4 Harnish John 59 Penn pg00139.txt 144 21 Harnish Martin 44 Penn pg00139.txt 565 20 Harnup Andrew 31 Pa pg00565.txt 565 22 Harnup John 3 Pa pg00565.txt 565 21 Harnup Margret 23 Pa pg00565.txt 565 24 Harnup MC 6/12 Ill pg00565.txt 565 23 Harnup WA 2 Ill pg00565.txt 27 26 Harrell John 5 Illinois pg00018.txt 27 24 Harrell John 27 Indiana pg00018.txt 27 25 Harrell Margret 20 Indiana pg00018.txt 27 28 Harrell Marth 1 Illinois pg00018.txt 27 27 Harrell Mary 3 Illinois pg00018.txt 641 40 Harrington Ellen 50 Ireland pg00634.txt 641 39 Harrington J 41 Ireland pg00634.txt 119 8 Harris AE 29 Penn pg00105.txt 21 27 Harris Eli 15 Illinois pg00018.txt 119 9 Harris JA 6 Illinois pg00105.txt 119 10 Harris LD 4 Illinois pg00105.txt 119 7 Harris SB 35 Penn pg00105.txt 152 8 Harris V 54 NY pg00139.txt 562 19 Harrison Ann 35 Eng pg00548.txt 562 20 Harrison CS 10 Ill pg00548.txt 562 22 Harrison GW 6 Ill pg00548.txt 562 23 Harrison JL 1 Ill pg00548.txt 562 18 Harrison John 38 NY pg00548.txt 11 24 Harrison Samuel 25 England pg00001.txt 562 21 Harrison W 8 Ill pg00548.txt 624 33 Harsey Barbara 21 Ill pg00617.txt 624 34 Harsey Susan 18 Ill pg00617.txt 76 39 Hart Adella 11/12 Illinois pg00070.txt 416 27 Hart Alace 9/12 Ill pg00405.txt 213 3 Hart Albert 8 Michigan pg00213.txt 76 37 Hart Albert N 30 Vermont pg00070.txt 416 31 Hart AW 5 Ill pg00405.txt 410 11 Hart Chas F 7 Ill pg00405.txt 213 1 Hart Chas F 36 Vermont pg00213.txt 416 32 Hart Clinton C 6/12 Ill pg00405.txt 416 25 Hart DM 22 Ill pg00405.txt 416 26 Hart Elmira 22 Pa pg00405.txt 107 27 Hart FH 6 Illinois pg00105.txt 165 17 Hart HM 39 NY pg00157.txt 107 24 Hart Jacob 43 France pg00105.txt 410 7 Hart James 51 NC pg00405.txt 410 8 Hart James H 16 Ill pg00405.txt 416 29 Hart John 29 Ind pg00405.txt 107 28 Hart Joseph 2 Illinois pg00105.txt 410 10 Hart Joseph E 10 Ill pg00405.txt 107 26 Hart Louisa 9 Illinois pg00105.txt 107 29 Hart Margret 5/12 Illinois pg00105.txt 76 38 Hart Maris 28 NY pg00070.txt 213 2 Hart Mary Ann 29 Vermont pg00213.txt 213 4 Hart Mary E 6 Michigan pg00213.txt 107 25 Hart Pauline 27 France pg00105.txt 416 30 Hart Rebecca 32 Pa pg00405.txt 284 38 Hart Sam 25 Pa pg00281.txt 410 9 Hart Thos 15 Ill pg00405.txt 213 5 Hart Wm L 2 Michigan pg00213.txt 165 16 Hart WW 39 NY pg00157.txt 101 14 Harter W 22 Germany pg00088.txt 630 19 Harting Elizabeth 20 Pa pg00617.txt 331 34 Hartman Albert 8 Ill pg00319.txt 572 25 Hartman Allen 8 Pa pg00565.txt 331 33 Hartman Ann E 11 Ill pg00319.txt 331 36 Hartman Ann G 1 Ill pg00319.txt 170 23 Hartman Augustus 21 Germany pg00157.txt 126 28 Hartman C 17 Germany pg00122.txt 546 16 Hartman Cal 12 Pa pg00531.txt 52 25 Hartman Catharine 73 Brensham pg00043.txt 546 19 Hartman E 5 Ill pg00531.txt 331 28 Hartman Elisebeth 46 Pa pg00319.txt 572 21 Hartman Elizabeth 52 Pa pg00565.txt 546 17 Hartman FA 10 Ill pg00531.txt 572 23 Hartman Franklin 21 Pa pg00565.txt 331 27 Hartman Geo 52 Pa pg00319.txt 546 20 Hartman HA 3 Ill pg00531.txt 546 15 Hartman HA 15 Pa pg00531.txt 331 29 Hartman Helen S 20 Pa pg00319.txt 546 12 Hartman Jacob 50 Pa pg00531.txt 331 30 Hartman Jacob H 18 Pa pg00319.txt 331 31 Hartman JN 15 Pa pg00319.txt 126 29 Hartman John 36 Germany pg00122.txt 546 21 Hartman L 7/12 Ill pg00531.txt 331 32 Hartman May E 13 Ill pg00319.txt 572 20 Hartman Michael 53 Pa pg00565.txt 331 35 Hartman Perry W 5 Ill pg00319.txt 546 13 Hartman Pricilla 38 Pa pg00531.txt 572 24 Hartman Rebecca 19 Pa pg00565.txt 546 18 Hartman SJ 7 Ill pg00531.txt 126 27 Hartman W 26 Germany pg00122.txt 572 22 Hartman Washington 22 Pa pg00565.txt 407 22 Hartman William 27 Pa pg00405.txt 546 14 Hartman William 18 Pa pg00531.txt 302 38 Hartsock J 58 Pa pg00288.txt 303 1 Hartsock James 20 Pa pg00288.txt 302 39 Hartsock Mary A 55 Pa pg00288.txt 302 40 Hartsock Susan 23 Pa pg00288.txt 301 27 Hartsock Susan 10 Pa pg00288.txt 597 32 Hartzell Alace 2 Ill pg00591.txt 571 34 Hartzell Benj 42 Pa pg00565.txt 597 31 Hartzell Catharine 22 Pa pg00591.txt 575 23 Hartzell David H 14 Pa pg00565.txt 574 27 Hartzell Emma I 6/12 Ill pg00565.txt 575 21 Hartzell Emma L 17 Pa pg00565.txt 575 22 Hartzell Hannah 17 Pa pg00565.txt 574 21 Hartzell Jacob 33 Pa pg00565.txt 575 18 Hartzell John 59 Pa pg00565.txt 575 20 Hartzell John 29 Pa pg00565.txt 597 30 Hartzell John 26 Pa pg00591.txt 574 25 Hartzell John S 3 Ill pg00565.txt 575 19 Hartzell Maria 55 Pa pg00565.txt 574 26 Hartzell Martha E 1 Ill pg00565.txt 574 23 Hartzell Mary E 9 Pa pg00565.txt 571 37 Hartzell Samuel 14 Pa pg00565.txt 571 35 Hartzell Sarah 42 Pa pg00565.txt 574 22 Hartzell Susan 31 Pa pg00565.txt 571 36 Hartzell Susan 17 Pa pg00565.txt 571 38 Hartzell Washington 6 Ill pg00565.txt 574 24 Hartzell William 7 Pa pg00565.txt 206 14 Harvey Celia 6 NY pg00191.txt 173 4 Harvey EE 15 Mich pg00157.txt 480 28 Harvey Ellen 7 Ill pg00465.txt 206 10 Harvey James 55 Ireland pg00191.txt 173 3 Harvey James 18 Mich pg00157.txt 173 999 Harvey John J 50 NY pg00157.txt 206 16 Harvey Julia 7/12 Ill pg00191.txt 206 11 Harvey Julia 35 Ireland pg00191.txt 206 13 Harvey Maria 7 NY pg00191.txt 173 2 Harvey Maria 49 NY pg00157.txt 206 15 Harvey Nellie 3 Ill pg00191.txt 206 12 Harvey Thomas 8 NY pg00191.txt 255 33 Harwood Clarisa 2 Ill pg00242.txt 255 27 Harwood D 40 NY pg00242.txt 255 30 Harwood E Jane 15 Ill pg00242.txt 255 31 Harwood Francis 12 Ill pg00242.txt 255 28 Harwood Harriett 39 Ill pg00242.txt 247 38 Harwood Lamon P 24 . pg00242.txt 247 35 Harwood Lewis C 7 Ill pg00242.txt 255 29 Harwood Mary 17 Ill pg00242.txt 247 37 Harwood May 4/12 Ill pg00242.txt 247 33 Harwood MN 32 N York pg00242.txt 247 34 Harwood Sonnie 32 Vermont pg00242.txt 255 32 Harwood Wm 6 Ill pg00242.txt 247 36 Harwood Wm H 3 Iowa pg00242.txt 287 28 Hashbressin AG 11 Ill pg00281.txt 287 29 Hashbressin CS 9 Ill pg00281.txt 287 31 Hashbressin Davis 5 Ill pg00281.txt 287 26 Hashbressin Ira 15 Ill pg00281.txt 287 25 Hashbressin John 19 Ohio pg00281.txt 287 24 Hashbressin MG 44 Pa pg00281.txt 287 30 Hashbressin Sam 7 Ill pg00281.txt 287 27 Hashbressin SG 13 Ill pg00281.txt 287 23 Hashbressin Wm 43 Pa pg00281.txt 587 9 Hashman Adna 27 Bohemia pg00582.txt 587 10 Hashman Anna 13 Bohemia pg00582.txt 587 12 Hashman Emaline 5 Ill pg00582.txt 587 11 Hashman Hellena 10 Bohemia pg00582.txt 587 8 Hashman Joseph 31 Bohemia pg00582.txt 625 15 Haskins Robert 25 Ohio pg00617.txt 48 9 Hastings Julius 27 NY pg00043.txt 46 27 Hatch Amelia 46 NY pg00043.txt 46 28 Hatch Boadocia 26 NY pg00043.txt 46 26 Hatch Chas 48 Vermont pg00043.txt 46 29 Hatch Clestia 18 NY pg00043.txt 526 2 Hatch H 10 NY pg00511.txt 46 30 Hatch Herman 15 NY pg00043.txt 46 32 Hatch Ida 6 NY pg00043.txt 46 31 Hatch Milton 12 NY pg00043.txt 509 5 Hatch N 19 NY pg00499.txt 511 12 Hatch Peter 19 NY pg00511.txt 526 1 Hatch R 13 NY pg00511.txt 525 39 Hatch W 49 NY pg00511.txt 525 40 Hatch W 48 NY pg00511.txt 468 3 Hater CA 14 Pa pg00465.txt 106 30 Hates Cornelia 2 Illinois pg00105.txt 106 29 Hates Hellen 34 Hanover pg00105.txt 106 31 Hates Henrietta 3/12 Illinois pg00105.txt 106 28 Hates Henry 49 Germany pg00105.txt 624 10 Hathaway Caroline 40 Ohio pg00617.txt 624 13 Hathaway Caroline 10 Ill pg00617.txt 621 4 Hathaway Daniel 20 Ill pg00617.txt 626 21 Hathaway Earl 20 Ill pg00617.txt 626 29 Hathaway Eveline 5 Iowa pg00617.txt 624 9 Hathaway Geo 44 Ohio pg00617.txt 624 15 Hathaway Geo W 3 Ill pg00617.txt 626 26 Hathaway Hannah 17 Ill pg00617.txt 624 12 Hathaway Hannah 16 Ill pg00617.txt 621 5 Hathaway Hannah 16 Ill pg00617.txt 626 20 Hathaway Homer 22 Ill pg00617.txt 626 32 Hathaway Isabell 4/12 Ill pg00617.txt 621 10 Hathaway John 4 Ill pg00617.txt 624 14 Hathaway LA 5 Ill pg00617.txt 626 24 Hathaway Lucy 12 Ill pg00617.txt 626 28 Hathaway Margret 22 Ill pg00617.txt 624 16 Hathaway Marvilla 1 Ill pg00617.txt 624 11 Hathaway Mary E 18 Ill pg00617.txt 621 8 Hathaway Millard F 10 Ill pg00617.txt 626 23 Hathaway Phillip 14 Ill pg00617.txt 621 6 Hathaway Robert 14 Ill pg00617.txt 626 31 Hathaway Rowrson 2 Ill pg00617.txt 626 18 Hathaway Sarah 56 Pa pg00617.txt 626 22 Hathaway Sarah 18 Ill pg00617.txt 621 7 Hathaway Sarah E 12 Ill pg00617.txt 621 9 Hathaway Susan 7 Ill pg00617.txt 621 3 Hathaway Susan 41 Ohio pg00617.txt 626 30 Hathaway Thomas 4 Ill pg00617.txt 626 17 Hathaway Thos 54 Va pg00617.txt 626 19 Hathaway Thos J 28 Ill pg00617.txt 626 27 Hathaway Zacheriah 30 Ohio pg00617.txt 586 4 Haughnagle Albert N 5 Ill pg00582.txt 586 5 Haughnagle Ellen N 2 Ill pg00582.txt 586 2 Haughnagle John 27 Pa pg00582.txt 586 3 Haughnagle Julia 35 NY pg00582.txt 586 6 Haughnagle Sarah I 10/12 Ill pg00582.txt 299 13 Hauly Alsetty 50 Vt pg00288.txt 299 16 Hauly Charlotte 35 NY pg00288.txt 299 12 Hauly Ford 56 Vt pg00288.txt 299 14 Hauly Lui**en 27 Ohio pg00288.txt 299 15 Hauly Luthar 40 Vt pg00288.txt 294 19 Havelin Ed 23 N York pg00288.txt 186 32 Hawe Chas 6 Ill pg00174.txt 186 31 Hawe Rabecca 30 Pa pg00174.txt 315 36 Hawkin Della 11 Ill pg00305.txt 315 31 Hawkin Geo 24 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 35 Hawkin Harry 13 Ill pg00305.txt 315 27 Hawkin Jane 48 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 29 Hawkin Jane 30 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 38 Hawkin John 3 Ill pg00305.txt 315 39 Hawkin Joseph 1 Ill pg00305.txt 315 28 Hawkin Moran 28 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 30 Hawkin Sandy 26 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 37 Hawkin Sarah 7 Ill pg00305.txt 315 26 Hawkin Thos 50 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 32 Hawkin Thos 20 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 34 Hawkin Wesley 15 Kentucky pg00305.txt 315 33 Hawkin Wm 17 Kentucky pg00305.txt 17 8 Hawkins AH 18 Illinois pg00001.txt 556 34 Hawkins Ann 14 Pa pg00548.txt 17 7 Hawkins Marinda 27 New York pg00001.txt 17 6 Hawkins Mary 20 New York pg00001.txt 17 5 Hawkins Morris 22 New York pg00001.txt 17 3 Hawkins NA 53 New York pg00001.txt 17 4 Hawkins Pheoba 53 Vermont pg00001.txt 17 9 Hawkins Sarah 16 Illinois pg00001.txt 466 29 Hawley AE 4 Ill pg00465.txt 466 16 Hawley Amanda 35 NY pg00465.txt 466 26 Hawley BJ 39 NY pg00465.txt 466 15 Hawley FL 38 NY pg00465.txt 466 17 Hawley Frances 13 NY pg00465.txt 466 28 Hawley GM 12 Ill pg00465.txt 115 8 Hawley HH 32 Ohio pg00105.txt 466 18 Hawley Laura 2 Ill pg00465.txt 466 27 Hawley Mary 42 NY pg00465.txt 349 20 Hay Ada 5 Ill pg00336.txt 614 33 Hay Caroline 38 Pa pg00608.txt 349 18 Hay Elesebeth 29 Vt pg00336.txt 614 39 Hay Fernando 1 Ill pg00608.txt 614 36 Hay Franklin 15 Pa pg00608.txt 614 38 Hay James 4 Ill pg00608.txt 349 17 Hay John 30 Ohio pg00336.txt 614 35 Hay John 17 Pa pg00608.txt 480 29 Hay Mary E 15 Ill pg00465.txt 349 19 Hay May 7 Ill pg00336.txt 614 34 Hay R 17 Pa pg00608.txt 614 32 Hay Soloman 41 Pa pg00608.txt 614 37 Hay Thomas 13 Pa pg00608.txt 322 26 Hayde E 28 Ohio pg00319.txt 322 28 Hayde Nuimen 11 Ill pg00319.txt 322 29 Hayde Spiro 9 Ill pg00319.txt 322 27 Hayde Sytrina 18 Ill pg00319.txt 350 9 Hayes Cath M 17 Pa pg00336.txt 350 8 Hayes Geo 22 Pa pg00336.txt 36 9 Haynga Benjamin 3 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 6 Haynga Elizabeth 34 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 10 Haynga Elizabeth 3 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 7 Haynga Falka 9 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 5 Haynga H 34 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 8 Haynga Hilkalina 7 Hanover pg00035.txt 301 28 Hays A 48 Ohio pg00288.txt 476 31 Hays A 21 NY pg00465.txt 476 30 Hays AJ 1 Ill pg00465.txt 537 32 Hays Amelia 26 Pa pg00531.txt 639 37 Hays Ann 30 Ireland pg00634.txt 301 4 Hays Chas 3 Ill pg00288.txt 301 30 Hays Chas 10 Ohio pg00288.txt 488 15 Hays Chas C 25 Pa pg00482.txt 103 36 Hays David 3 Wisconsin pg00088.txt 490 23 Hays DW 38 Pa pg00482.txt 482 36 Hays E 23 Ohio pg00482.txt 103 37 Hays Ellen 2 Wisconsin pg00088.txt 301 32 Hays Emma F 6/12 Ill pg00288.txt 482 38 Hays F 4 Ohio pg00482.txt 535 20 Hays FC 11 Pa pg00531.txt 537 35 Hays HA 3 Pa pg00531.txt 490 25 Hays Hattie 3/12 Ill pg00482.txt 301 31 Hays Iolo A 7 Ohio pg00288.txt 535 22 Hays J 4 Ill pg00531.txt 479 9 Hays Jackson 32 Ill pg00465.txt 537 31 Hays James 40 Pa pg00531.txt 490 24 Hays Jennie 24 Maine pg00482.txt 103 34 Hays John 34 Ireland pg00088.txt 639 38 Hays John 12 Canada pg00634.txt 482 39 Hays John 1 Ohio pg00482.txt 482 35 Hays Josiah 25 Ohio pg00482.txt 639 39 Hays Kate 9 Canada pg00634.txt 490 26 Hays Kate 3/12 Ill pg00482.txt 488 16 Hays L 25 Ohio pg00482.txt 482 37 Hays LA 6 Ohio pg00482.txt 301 3 Hays Levi 15 Ohio pg00288.txt 535 19 Hays M 13 Pa pg00531.txt 103 35 Hays Margret 24 Ireland pg00088.txt 639 40 Hays Mary 4 Canada pg00634.txt 301 2 Hays Mary G 18 Ohio pg00288.txt 537 34 Hays ME 6 Pa pg00531.txt 476 29 Hays ME 19 Mo pg00465.txt 479 10 Hays MJ 29 Ohio pg00465.txt 537 36 Hays MJ 1/12 Ill pg00531.txt 301 29 Hays Nancy 30 Ohio pg00288.txt 640 1 Hays Pat 2 Ill pg00634.txt 535 21 Hays R 8 Pa pg00531.txt 566 7 Hays R 27 Pa pg00565.txt 476 28 Hays Samuel 33 NY pg00465.txt 301 1 Hays Sarah 40 Ohio pg00288.txt 535 14 Hays SP 49 Pa pg00531.txt 535 18 Hays SP 17 Pa pg00531.txt 535 17 Hays Thos 18 Pa pg00531.txt 535 15 Hays W 46 Pa pg00531.txt 300 40 Hays W 40 Pa pg00288.txt 535 16 Hays W 22 Pa pg00531.txt 537 33 Hays WM 9 Pa pg00531.txt 5 31 Hayunga Band 3 Illinois pg00001.txt 5 32 Hayunga Elizabeth 3 Illinois pg00001.txt 5 28 Hayunga Elizabeth 28 Ostfeastland pg00001.txt 5 29 Hayunga Falkner 9 Ostfeastland pg00001.txt 5 27 Hayunga Falkner 36 Ostfeastland pg00001.txt 5 30 Hayunga Helen 7 Ostfeastland pg00001.txt 265 14 Hayward Eliza 25 Vermont pg00264.txt 265 15 Hayward Natlea 2 Ill pg00264.txt 265 13 Hayward Wm 30 England pg00264.txt 392 12 Hazard Ella 6 Ill pg00385.txt 392 11 Hazard Homer 9 Ill pg00385.txt 392 13 Hazard Jenny 2 Ill pg00385.txt 392 10 Hazard Lucinda 35 Ohio pg00385.txt 392 9 Hazard Omer 38 Ohio pg00385.txt 472 25 Heacox John 23 Ohio pg00465.txt 30 22 Headland H 30 Hanover pg00018.txt 30 24 Headland H 2 Illinois pg00018.txt 30 25 Headland J 6/12 Illinois pg00018.txt 30 23 Headland J 26 Hanover pg00018.txt 161 17 Heald Ann 48 NY pg00157.txt 161 18 Heald Ann 25 NY pg00157.txt 161 19 Heald Fanny 14 NY pg00157.txt 161 16 Heald JW 50 Mass pg00157.txt 1 28 Heart Jacob 20 Germany pg00001.txt 93 3 Heartman George 4 Illinois pg00088.txt 92 40 Heartman Jacob 39 Ohio pg00088.txt 93 4 Heartman Jacob 3 Illinois pg00088.txt 93 2 Heartman Lucinda 7 Illinois pg00088.txt 93 1 Heartman Malvina 30 Penn pg00088.txt 346 12 Hearton David 4 Ill pg00336.txt 346 13 Hearton Ema 8/12 Ill pg00336.txt 346 8 Hearton Jacob 34 Maryland pg00336.txt 346 9 Hearton Lucinda 34 Maryland pg00336.txt 346 11 Hearton Martha 9 Ill pg00336.txt 346 10 Hearton May 12 Ill pg00336.txt 243 19 Heates Alice 4 Ill pg00242.txt 244 11 Heates Anna 61 Pa pg00242.txt 244 15 Heates Camlin 24 Pa pg00242.txt 243 18 Heates Eliza 24 Pa pg00242.txt 243 20 Heates Ema C 2 Ill pg00242.txt 243 26 Heates Francis S 7 Mich pg00242.txt 243 24 Heates Henry L 11 Mich pg00242.txt 243 27 Heates James B 3 Ill pg00242.txt 244 10 Heates Lewis 61 Pa pg00242.txt 244 16 Heates Mary 20 Pa pg00242.txt 243 21 Heates Sam 39 Pa pg00242.txt 243 22 Heates Sarah 39 Pa pg00242.txt 244 12 Heates Sarah 27 Pa pg00242.txt 243 28 Heates Sarah 2/12 Ill pg00242.txt 243 25 Heates Sonah N 9 Mich pg00242.txt 243 23 Heates Susan E 13 Mich pg00242.txt 243 17 Heates Thos 30 Pa pg00242.txt 466 25 Heath Jacob 18 Pa pg00465.txt 291 36 Hebine Caroline 60 Germany pg00288.txt 291 35 Hebine Fred 56 Germany pg00288.txt 291 37 Hebine Fred 28 Germany pg00288.txt 291 38 Hebine James 24 Germany pg00288.txt 294 5 Heck Andrew 7 Ill pg00288.txt 294 3 Heck Christian J 11 Pa pg00288.txt 294 4 Heck Elesebeth 9 Ill pg00288.txt 294 2 Heck Mary A 30 Pa pg00288.txt 294 7 Heck Mary C 4 Ill pg00288.txt 294 1 Heck Sam 43 Pa pg00288.txt 294 8 Heck Sam 2/12 Ill pg00288.txt 294 6 Heck Wm M 6 Ill pg00288.txt 325 10 Hecker Agnes M 4 Ill pg00319.txt 340 32 Hecker Ameline 2 Ill pg00336.txt 325 9 Hecker Bell 6 Pa pg00319.txt 325 8 Hecker E 8 Pa pg00319.txt 340 29 Hecker EM 29 Pa pg00336.txt 340 33 Hecker Ema R 3/12 Ill pg00336.txt 325 6 Hecker J 35 Pa pg00319.txt 325 7 Hecker Martha 27 Pa pg00319.txt 340 31 Hecker May G 4 Ill pg00336.txt 340 30 Hecker Susan 22 Ohio pg00336.txt 567 35 Heckman AJ 4 Ill pg00565.txt 567 36 Heckman E 3 Ill pg00565.txt 567 32 Heckman Fred 39 Pa pg00565.txt 567 34 Heckman GM 7 Ill pg00565.txt 567 33 Heckman Larina 27 Pa pg00565.txt 36 28 Heeren Hepka 7 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 25 Heeren J 37 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 30 Heeren John 2 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 29 Heeren Kate 4 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 31 Heeren Savina 4/12 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 26 Heeren Talka 27 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 27 Heeren Wapel 10 Illinois pg00035.txt 415 33 Heftard Hetta 24 Vt pg00405.txt 415 32 Heftard John E 26 NY pg00405.txt 32 14 Heide John 36 Hanover pg00018.txt 32 15 Heide Seide 34 Hanover pg00018.txt 33 20 Heilmann G 30 Baden pg00018.txt 33 24 Heilmann Jacob P 1 Illinois pg00018.txt 33 22 Heilmann Lizzy 5 Illinois pg00018.txt 33 21 Heilmann Mary L 29 Baden pg00018.txt 33 23 Heilmann Susanna 3 Illinois pg00018.txt 186 6 Heinard Fred 29 Lepa pg00174.txt 186 9 Heinard John 2 Ill pg00174.txt 186 8 Heinard Mary 3 Ill pg00174.txt 186 7 Heinard Whilmena 24 Lepa pg00174.txt 198 26 Heintsman Andrew 4 Ill pg00191.txt 198 24 Heintsman Andrew 26 Baden pg00191.txt 198 25 Heintsman Eliza 24 Bevin pg00191.txt 198 27 Heintsman John 1 Ill pg00191.txt 178 24 Heiser Adam 7 Ill pg00174.txt 178 21 Heiser Adam 45 NY pg00174.txt 178 22 Heiser Rabecca 44 Pa pg00174.txt 178 23 Heiser Sarah 13 Pa pg00174.txt 407 28 Heitter Amelia 5 Ill pg00405.txt 407 30 Heitter Clara J 6/12 Ill pg00405.txt 407 26 Heitter Monroe 25 Pa pg00405.txt 407 27 Heitter Sophia 24 Pa pg00405.txt 407 29 Heitter William 3 Ill pg00405.txt 553 33 Heitz Ann B 26 Pa pg00548.txt 553 36 Heitz GL 1 Ill pg00548.txt 553 32 Heitz John 37 Pa pg00548.txt 553 34 Heitz MC 5 Ill pg00548.txt 553 35 Heitz SC 3 Ill pg00548.txt 51 20 Heleman Peter 36 Baden pg00043.txt 626 25 Heles PP 25 Poland pg00617.txt 191 3 Hellen Mary 18 Ohio pg00191.txt 96 20 Heller Benj 61 Saxony pg00088.txt 96 18 Heller Edward 5 Mass pg00088.txt 96 16 Heller Edward 36 Prussia pg00088.txt 96 19 Heller Emma 3 Mass pg00088.txt 96 17 Heller Mary A 24 NY pg00088.txt 630 26 Helm Amanda I 8 Pa pg00617.txt 630 21 Helm B 46 Pa pg00617.txt 630 24 Helm Mary 22 Pa pg00617.txt 557 1 Helm Mary 18 Pa pg00548.txt 630 22 Helm Polly 46 Pa pg00617.txt 630 25 Helm Tobias 15 Pa pg00617.txt 630 23 Helm William 23 Pa pg00617.txt 473 39 Helsey FA 3 Ill pg00465.txt 473 40 Helsey JA 4/12 Ill pg00465.txt 473 37 Helsey James 38 Pa pg00465.txt 473 38 Helsey M 31 Pa pg00465.txt 76 34 Helt Amelia 48 Lepa pg00070.txt 76 33 Helt Chistean 38 Lepa pg00070.txt 68 2 Helt Elizabeth 23 Germany pg00060.txt 76 36 Helt Ernist 6 Lepa pg00070.txt 76 35 Helt Fred 14 Lepa pg00070.txt 68 3 Helt John 7/12 Illinois pg00060.txt 68 1 Helt John 24 Baden pg00060.txt 5 25 Helvage Agnes 65 England pg00001.txt 133 13 Heman Anna 8 Germany pg00122.txt 133 12 Heman Augustus 10 Germany pg00122.txt 133 11 Heman Christena 35 Germany pg00122.txt 133 10 Heman Frank 40 Germany pg00122.txt 133 15 Heman Mary 1 Illinois pg00122.txt 133 14 Heman Phillip 2 Illinois pg00122.txt 170 40 Hemberger C 26 Wertemberg pg00157.txt 171 1 Hemberger Infant 2/12 Ill pg00157.txt 170 39 Hemberger M 35 Wertemberg pg00157.txt 490 34 Hemerchutz AE 26 Ohio pg00482.txt 490 33 Hemerchutz Jas 26 Pa pg00482.txt 490 35 Hemerchutz ME 5 Ill pg00482.txt 490 36 Hemerchutz WB 3 Ill pg00482.txt 637 26 Heming Amos 35 Pa pg00634.txt 81 23 Heminway Herman 25 NY pg00070.txt 559 37 Hemkle JH 4 Pa pg00548.txt 559 34 Hemkle John 38 Baden pg00548.txt 559 38 Hemkle L 3 Ill pg00548.txt 559 36 Hemkle MA 6 Pa pg00548.txt 559 35 Hemkle Margret 38 Baden pg00548.txt 559 39 Hemkle RA 4/12 Ill pg00548.txt 21 9 Hemmingway Adna 5 Illinois pg00018.txt 637 36 Hemmingway AG 33 NY pg00634.txt 21 6 Hemmingway Alvaro 17 Illinois pg00018.txt 638 5 Hemmingway Eliza 59 Mass pg00634.txt 637 39 Hemmingway Flora J 2 Ill pg00634.txt 21 10 Hemmingway Frank 3 Illinois pg00018.txt 21 8 Hemmingway Harvey 8 Illinois pg00018.txt 637 40 Hemmingway Howard V 1 Ill pg00634.txt 21 4 Hemmingway J 65 Vermont pg00018.txt 637 38 Hemmingway JM 4 Ill pg00634.txt 21 7 Hemmingway Leroy 10 Illinois pg00018.txt 637 37 Hemmingway Lucy H 30 Vt pg00634.txt 21 5 Hemmingway Sarah 42 Vermont pg00018.txt 638 4 Hemmingway U 71 NY pg00634.txt 40 22 Hemminway MAry 19 Penn pg00035.txt 40 21 Hemminway Wm 23 Penn pg00035.txt 485 2 Henan Hannah 30 Ireland pg00482.txt 485 3 Henan M 1 Ill pg00482.txt 485 1 Henan Pat 35 Ireland pg00482.txt 130 16 Henderson Charles 28 NY pg00122.txt 638 20 Henderson ES 45 Vt pg00634.txt 638 19 Henderson LF 30 NY pg00634.txt 124 26 Henderson Martha 21 Va pg00122.txt 195 36 Henepin Donald 3 Ill pg00191.txt 195 31 Henepin Ellen 40 Ireland pg00191.txt 195 32 Henepin John 16 Ireland pg00191.txt 195 34 Henepin Mary 6 Ill pg00191.txt 195 30 Henepin Pat 50 Ireland pg00191.txt 195 37 Henepin Patrick 1 Ill pg00191.txt 195 33 Henepin Tate 12 Ireland pg00191.txt 195 35 Henepin Timothy 4 Ill pg00191.txt 490 32 Heninger G 23 NY pg00482.txt 88 5 Henks August 1 Illinois pg00088.txt 88 4 Henks Edward 3 Illinois pg00088.txt 88 3 Henks Emaline 5 Illinois pg00088.txt 88 1 Henks Fred 38 Lepa Ger pg00088.txt 88 2 Henks Malind 24 Prussia pg00088.txt 284 6 Henn Ed 24 NY pg00281.txt 131 24 Hennessy Mary 45 Ireland pg00122.txt 616 11 Hennich Chas 42 Pa pg00608.txt 616 16 Hennich Chas M 5 Ill pg00608.txt 616 13 Hennich Cornelius 17 Pa pg00608.txt 616 15 Hennich David D 9 Pa pg00608.txt 616 14 Hennich Mary A 15 Pa pg00608.txt 616 12 Hennich Rebecca 42 Pa pg00608.txt 282 24 Hennicle M 45 Pa pg00281.txt 202 16 Henning Mary 72 Prussia pg00191.txt 202 13 Henning William 31 Prussia pg00191.txt 205 33 Henry Barbara 3 Ill pg00191.txt 201 19 Henry Caroline 6 Wis pg00191.txt 602 11 Henry Elizabeth 52 Lepidetmold pg00591.txt 205 6 Henry Elizabeth 23 Baden pg00191.txt 205 7 Henry Elizabeth 2 Ill pg00191.txt 205 31 Henry Fena 26 Prussia pg00191.txt 602 13 Henry Henry 17 Lepidetmold pg00591.txt 205 34 Henry Henry 1 Ill pg00191.txt 400 23 Henry JM 23 Ga pg00385.txt 602 10 Henry John 62 Lepidetmold pg00591.txt 205 32 Henry John 5 Ill pg00191.txt 201 17 Henry John 39 Napau pg00191.txt 205 30 Henry John 30 Prussia pg00191.txt 602 12 Henry John 22 Lepidetmold pg00591.txt 205 5 Henry Joseph 35 Prussia pg00191.txt 205 8 Henry Joseph 3/12 Ill pg00191.txt 201 18 Henry Mary 33 Baden pg00191.txt 191 25 Henry Sarah 50 Ireland pg00191.txt 191 24 Henry Thomas 50 Ireland pg00191.txt 524 18 Hensan G 19 Mass pg00511.txt 528 21 Henster AC 18 Pa pg00528.txt 528 22 Henster AM 16 Pa pg00528.txt 528 26 Henster EE 6 Wis pg00528.txt 528 24 Henster EJ 9 Pa pg00528.txt 528 20 Henster Elizabeth 38 Pa pg00528.txt 528 19 Henster Josiah 42 Pa pg00528.txt 528 27 Henster ME 4 Ill pg00528.txt 528 25 Henster TA 6 Wis pg00528.txt 528 23 Henster WN 14 Pa pg00528.txt 118 3 Hent AM 49 Penn pg00105.txt 118 4 Hent Anna M 21 Penn pg00105.txt 118 5 Hent Charlott 17 Penn pg00105.txt 118 2 Hent David 52 Penn pg00105.txt 118 7 Hent Emma E 12 Penn pg00105.txt 127 2 Hent Lea 20 Penn pg00122.txt 118 6 Hent Lucinda 14 Penn pg00105.txt 604 6 Henzie Fred 22 Germany pg00591.txt 384 36 Heps Fred 29 Germany pg00368.txt 384 37 Heps Sophia 27 Germany pg00368.txt 415 13 Heran Wesley 23 Ill pg00405.txt 174 30 Herb DS 27 Pa pg00174.txt 496 20 Herb E 37 Pa pg00482.txt 496 29 Herb EM 3/12 Ill pg00482.txt 342 35 Herb Geo 52 Pa pg00336.txt 496 25 Herb GM 8 Pa pg00482.txt 496 26 Herb IF 7 Pa pg00482.txt 496 22 Herb J 13 Pa pg00482.txt 478 26 Herb JA 14 Pa pg00465.txt 496 21 Herb JA 14 Pa pg00482.txt 496 27 Herb John 5 Ill pg00482.txt 496 23 Herb ME 12 Pa pg00482.txt 496 28 Herb P 3 Ill pg00482.txt 496 24 Herb WH 10 Pa pg00482.txt 496 19 Herb William 39 Pa pg00482.txt 50 9 Herbert Dirk 36 Hanover pg00043.txt 50 10 Herbert Gurd 28 Hanover pg00043.txt 345 24 Herbert Hellen 9 Ill pg00336.txt 50 8 Herbert Ichabode 61 Hanover pg00043.txt 50 7 Herbert JD 70 Hanover pg00043.txt 50 11 Herbert John 26 Hanover pg00043.txt 345 23 Herbert May G 15 Ill pg00336.txt 345 22 Herbert May I 42 Kentucky pg00336.txt 50 12 Herbert Renko 25 Hanover pg00043.txt 345 25 Herbert Wm 6 Ill pg00336.txt 345 21 Herbert Wm 55 England pg00336.txt 45 3 Herd Caroline 15 Penn pg00043.txt 385 31 Herd D 38 Ct pg00385.txt 45 4 Herd Elizabeth A 14 Penn pg00043.txt 45 8 Herd Isaac P 6 Ohio pg00043.txt 45 1 Herd Isabell 18 Penn pg00043.txt 44 39 Herd John 42 Iowa pg00043.txt 45 5 Herd John Robert 12 Penn pg00043.txt 44 40 Herd Margret 39 Iowa pg00043.txt 45 6 Herd Margret C 10 Penn pg00043.txt 45 2 Herd Nicholas A 16 Penn pg00043.txt 45 7 Herd Rachal 8 Virginia pg00043.txt 45 9 Herd William S 3 Virginia pg00043.txt 32 2 Heren Frederick 6 Hanover pg00018.txt 31 39 Heren Hilge 35 Hanover pg00018.txt 32 1 Heren Hiram 8 Hanover pg00018.txt 31 40 Heren Mesell 10 Hanover pg00018.txt 31 38 Heren Minhart 40 Hanover pg00018.txt 32 3 Heren Swanga 11/12 Illinois pg00018.txt 637 28 Herener Mary 19 Germany pg00634.txt 38 2 Herin Anna 5 Illinois pg00035.txt 37 37 Herin Anna 46 Hanover pg00035.txt 37 39 Herin Fiska 18 Hanover pg00035.txt 37 38 Herin Foska 19 Hanover pg00035.txt 37 36 Herin John 46 Hanover pg00035.txt 38 1 Herin Vessel 8 Illinois pg00035.txt 37 40 Herin William 15 Hanover pg00035.txt 619 17 Herkins Geo 19 Ohio pg00617.txt 619 19 Herkins Mary A 15 Ohio pg00617.txt 619 20 Herkins Morgan 10 Ohio pg00617.txt 619 16 Herkins Sarah 58 Ohio pg00617.txt 619 15 Herkins William 56 Ohio pg00617.txt 619 18 Herkins William 17 Ohio pg00617.txt 415 11 Herman Adam 9/12 Ill pg00405.txt 2 15 Herman Barbara 60 Germany pg00001.txt 2 18 Herman Catharine 20 Germany pg00001.txt 4 39 Herman Frederick 30 Wurtenberg pg00001.txt 415 10 Herman Ida R 2 Minn pg00405.txt 415 8 Herman Israel 24 Pa pg00405.txt 415 9 Herman Jane 20 Ill pg00405.txt 2 14 Herman Lewis 69 Germany pg00001.txt 2 16 Herman Lewis 36 Germany pg00001.txt 4 40 Herman Mary 26 Wurtenberg pg00001.txt 2 17 Herman Peter 23 Germany pg00001.txt 203 29 Hermes Christian 25 Germany pg00191.txt 126 13 Herron Agnes 20 Penn pg00122.txt 54 35 Hershey AB 48 Canada pg00043.txt 54 38 Hershey Abram 11 Illinois pg00043.txt 54 39 Hershey Allen 8 Illinois pg00043.txt 626 37 Hershey Earl 4 Ill pg00617.txt 54 36 Hershey Elizabeth 50 NY pg00043.txt 637 22 Hershey Elizabeth 4 Ill pg00634.txt 626 38 Hershey Eugene 1 Ill pg00617.txt 637 21 Hershey Hannah 25 Pa pg00634.txt 626 35 Hershey Milly 26 Ill pg00617.txt 626 34 Hershey Samuel 27 Pa pg00617.txt 626 36 Hershey Sarah 6 Ill pg00617.txt 54 37 Hershey William 17 Illinois pg00043.txt 627 8 Herst Barbara 31 Beirn pg00617.txt 627 7 Herst Jacob 39 Beirn pg00617.txt 627 9 Herst Lisa 3 Ill pg00617.txt 85 5 Hertha Anna 16 Penn pg00070.txt 90 24 Herton Charles 23 Michigan pg00088.txt 179 36 Hertrick Ellen 9 Mass pg00174.txt 179 34 Hertrick Ellen 42 Wertemberg pg00174.txt 179 35 Hertrick FC 10 Mass pg00174.txt 179 33 Hertrick FJ 38 Bavaria pg00174.txt 179 38 Hertrick Lewis 5 Mass pg00174.txt 179 39 Hertrick Martha 3 Mass pg00174.txt 179 37 Hertrick Pauline 7 Mass pg00174.txt 331 20 Hertsoff Adeline 9 Ill pg00319.txt 331 16 Hertsoff Geo 39 NY pg00319.txt 331 17 Hertsoff May 40 Pa pg00319.txt 331 19 Hertsoff May 12 Ill pg00319.txt 331 18 Hertsoff Sarah E 16 NY pg00319.txt 331 21 Hertsoff Susan 8 Ill pg00319.txt 629 34 Hes Aaron 16 Pa pg00617.txt 109 2 Hes AE 8 Penn pg00105.txt 108 39 Hes Alexander 32 Penn pg00105.txt 629 35 Hes Andrew 14 Pa pg00617.txt 629 31 Hes Anna 48 Pa pg00617.txt 629 36 Hes Anna 11 Ill pg00617.txt 629 30 Hes Benj 50 Pa pg00617.txt 109 3 Hes D* 5 Illinois pg00105.txt 629 33 Hes Emaline 20 Pa pg00617.txt 109 1 Hes GS 13 Penn pg00105.txt 182 23 Hes Henry 35 Holland pg00174.txt 109 4 Hes Josaphine 3 Illinois pg00105.txt 629 32 Hes L 22 Pa pg00617.txt 629 37 Hes Lydia 9 Ill pg00617.txt 108 40 Hes Nancy 31 Penn pg00105.txt 109 5 Hes Rosetta 11/12 Illinois pg00105.txt 590 10 Hesinger Barbara 46 Pa pg00582.txt 590 16 Hesinger Chas E 2 Ill pg00582.txt 590 13 Hesinger Emma C 15 Pa pg00582.txt 590 9 Hesinger Geo 48 Pa pg00582.txt 590 15 Hesinger John J 5 Ill pg00582.txt 590 14 Hesinger Margret A 6 Pa pg00582.txt 590 11 Hesinger Phillip 21 Pa pg00582.txt 590 12 Hesinger William S 20 Pa pg00582.txt 481 39 Heslen C 28 Germany pg00465.txt 115 30 Heston Peter 29 Penn pg00105.txt 70 28 Hettinger Elizabeth 23 Baden pg00070.txt 70 30 Hettinger Jane 3 Illinois pg00070.txt 70 35 Hettinger John 20 NY pg00070.txt 70 29 Hettinger Josaphine 11 Illinois pg00070.txt 70 27 Hettinger Mathias 40 France pg00070.txt 70 31 Hettinger Sophia 1 Illinois pg00070.txt 151 15 Hetty Eliza 27 England pg00139.txt 69 13 Hetty F 1838 46 Germany pg00060.txt 151 14 Hetty Thomas 55 England pg00139.txt 122 3 Hewd TE 23 Ct pg00122.txt 95 39 HG . 25 Germany pg00088.txt 189 15 HG Ann 25 Ireland pg00174.txt 151 27 HG Bridget 15 Ireland pg00139.txt 159 12 HG Caroline 20 Germany pg00157.txt 95 32 HG Caroline 19 Germany pg00088.txt 126 26 HG Caroline 13 Germany pg00122.txt 161 20 HG Christene 18 Germany pg00157.txt 198 34 HG Eliza 28 Ireland pg00191.txt 78 16 HG Ellen 23 Ireland pg00070.txt 139 7 HG Ellen 13 Germany pg00139.txt 117 23 HG Esther 25 Unknown pg00105.txt 78 38 HG Hatty 20 Germany pg00070.txt 86 27 HG Josaphine 18 Germany pg00070.txt 122 2 HG Julia 30 Ireland pg00122.txt 87 17 HG Kate 20 Germany pg00070.txt 152 38 HG Lena 30 Germany pg00139.txt 211 13 HG Lizzy 21 Germany pg00208.txt 145 13 HG Louisa 23 Germany pg00139.txt 160 27 HG Louisa 16 Lepa pg00157.txt 141 12 HG Margret 25 Ireland pg00139.txt 190 36 HG Margret 19 Ireland pg00174.txt 97 7 HG Mary 30 Ireland pg00088.txt 156 23 HG Mary 24 Ireland pg00139.txt 86 16 HG Mary 21 Ireland pg00070.txt 162 21 HG Mary 19 Germany pg00157.txt 85 29 HG Mary 18 Ireland pg00070.txt 190 1 HG Mary 16 Germany pg00174.txt 119 35 HG Mary 12 Germany pg00105.txt 119 19 HG Matilda 22 Unknown pg00105.txt 79 24 HG Minna 18 Germany pg00070.txt 117 12 HG Minna 14 Germany pg00105.txt 158 28 HG Rhoda 22 Ill pg00157.txt 156 30 HG Sarah 24 Penn pg00139.txt 102 7 HG Sophia 23 Germany pg00088.txt 159 24 HG Susan 22 Penn pg00157.txt 29 25 Hibald Brecka 5 Hanover pg00018.txt 29 24 Hibald Fitska 33 Hanover pg00018.txt 29 23 Hibald GW 40 Hanover pg00018.txt 29 26 Hibald Tilka 2 Illinois pg00018.txt 465 32 Hibbard AW 62 Mass pg00465.txt 465 33 Hibbard EA 21 Vt pg00465.txt 154 8 Hibbard Edith 4 Ill pg00139.txt 154 11 Hibbard Edith 21 Vt pg00139.txt 159 28 Hibbard EJ 4 Ill pg00157.txt 154 6 Hibbard HN 35 Vt pg00139.txt 154 7 Hibbard Jane W 29 Vt pg00139.txt 159 27 Hibbard RJ 24 Mich pg00157.txt 465 31 Hibbard Samuel 79 Ct pg00465.txt 159 26 Hibbard SM 28 NY pg00157.txt 159 29 Hibbard SR 25 Mass pg00157.txt 154 9 Hibbard WW 2 Ill pg00139.txt 78 2 Hice Daniel 22 Penn pg00070.txt 425 7 Hick Henry 26 England pg00422.txt 37 33 Hickman George 39 Hanover pg00035.txt 37 35 Hickman Johanna 11 Hanover pg00035.txt 37 34 Hickman Umpka 42 Hanover pg00035.txt 425 32 Hickner Theador 18 Baden pg00422.txt 507 35 Hicks EL 10 Wis pg00499.txt 507 36 Hicks FC 1 Ill pg00499.txt 124 7 Hicks Geog A 44 NY pg00122.txt 124 9 Hicks James R 19 NY pg00122.txt 507 33 Hicks Joseph 39 Ohio pg00499.txt 507 34 Hicks LE 35 NY pg00499.txt 124 10 Hicks MR 11 Penn pg00122.txt 124 8 Hicks Sophia 44 Vt pg00122.txt 556 8 Hickson Anna 10 Ill pg00548.txt 556 7 Hickson Geo 10 Ill pg00548.txt 556 6 Hickson MI 18 Pa pg00548.txt 556 4 Hickson Moses 38 Pa pg00548.txt 556 5 Hickson Sarah 40 Pa pg00548.txt 556 9 Hickson SM 3 Ill pg00548.txt 387 19 Hide Allen 5 Ill pg00385.txt 117 37 Hide EH 40 Mass pg00105.txt 387 18 Hide Frederick 10 Ill pg00385.txt 117 25 Hide HE 25 Mass pg00105.txt 387 16 Hide Henry 43 Germany pg00385.txt 387 17 Hide Henry Jr 12 Germany pg00385.txt 117 40 Hide John T 8 Illinois pg00105.txt 387 21 Hide Louisa 7 Ill pg00385.txt 117 38 Hide Mary D 40 Mass pg00105.txt 117 39 Hide Mary E 10 Wis pg00105.txt 387 20 Hide William 3 Ill pg00385.txt 579 15 Hidre William 30 Germany pg00565.txt 472 4 Hiewa Chas 20 Germany pg00465.txt 361 33 Highland Bridget 16 Ill pg00351.txt 361 29 Highland James 19 Ill pg00351.txt 361 30 Highland John 18 Ill pg00351.txt 361 27 Highland M 45 Ireland pg00351.txt 361 34 Highland Margret 10 Ill pg00351.txt 361 35 Highland Mary 7 Ill pg00351.txt 361 28 Highland Mary 44 Ireland pg00351.txt 361 31 Highland Thomas 14 Ill pg00351.txt 361 32 Highland William 4 Ill pg00351.txt 378 34 Highten B 5 Ill pg00368.txt 378 31 Highten Doratha 30 Germany pg00368.txt 378 33 Highten Geo 6 Ill pg00368.txt 378 35 Highten Herman 1 Ill pg00368.txt 378 30 Highten Lewis 35 Germany pg00368.txt 378 32 Highten Lewis 11 Germany pg00368.txt 146 39 Hilder AM 1 Ill pg00139.txt 146 36 Hilder Anna 23 Penn pg00139.txt 146 35 Hilder John 29 Penn pg00139.txt 146 37 Hilder Mary F 3 Ill pg00139.txt 146 38 Hilder Sarah J 2 Ill pg00139.txt 122 26 Hilderbrand Augusta 14 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 35 Hilderbrand Augusta 14 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 32 Hilderbrand Caroline 38 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 33 Hilderbrand Christian 18 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 31 Hilderbrand F 48 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 37 Hilderbrand Martha 3 Illinois pg00122.txt 124 13 Hilderbrand Mena 16 Germany pg00122.txt 136 34 Hilderbrand Mena 15 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 36 Hilderbrand Sophia 12 Lepa pg00122.txt 333 13 Hilderpond ALbert 10 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 14 Hilderpond Elisebeth 8 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 10 Hilderpond Harriett 18 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 11 Hilderpond Henry 14 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 12 Hilderpond James 12 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 16 Hilderpond Jaric 4 Ill pg00319.txt 333 17 Hilderpond Jeny 1 Ill pg00319.txt 333 15 Hilderpond Mary 6 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 8 Hilderpond R 41 Ohio pg00319.txt 333 9 Hilderpond Rachell 38 Ohio pg00319.txt 12 24 Hileman Christene 19 Baden pg00001.txt 12 23 Hileman Frederick 21 Baden pg00001.txt 12 22 Hileman Jacob 26 Baden pg00001.txt 12 20 Hileman Peter 58 Baden pg00001.txt 12 21 Hileman Susanna 51 Baden pg00001.txt 486 35 Hill C 4 Ill pg00482.txt 170 15 Hill CF 28 Mass pg00157.txt 486 31 Hill David 45 NY pg00482.txt 14 35 Hill Enos 14 Penn pg00001.txt 423 16 Hill Fanny 4/12 Ill pg00422.txt 486 32 Hill FE 44 Ct pg00482.txt 170 16 Hill Geo 1 Ill pg00157.txt 486 33 Hill H 15 Ind pg00482.txt 423 14 Hill Henry 25 NY pg00422.txt 271 21 Hill James W 18 Ind pg00264.txt 486 36 Hill John 80 Ct pg00482.txt 271 19 Hill JW 56 NY pg00264.txt 41 13 Hill Leroy 17 New York pg00035.txt 170 14 Hill LK 29 NY pg00157.txt 423 15 Hill Maria 22 NY pg00422.txt 486 37 Hill Mary 77 Ct pg00482.txt 271 20 Hill Min 58 Ind pg00264.txt 374 15 Hill Samuel 28 Pa pg00368.txt 395 14 Hill Sarah 13 Ohio pg00385.txt 11 15 Hill Thomas 19 Unknown pg00001.txt 486 34 Hill U 18 Ill pg00482.txt 528 10 Hillard C 5 Ill pg00528.txt 491 39 Hillard C 25 NY pg00482.txt 528 9 Hillard Catharine 21 Canada pg00528.txt 528 8 Hillard Josiah 29 Pa pg00528.txt 492 1 Hillard Mary 1 Ill pg00482.txt 491 38 Hillard W 35 Pa pg00482.txt 491 40 Hillard William 4 Ill pg00482.txt 63 16 Hills Benj M 28 NY pg00060.txt 63 7 Hills Celestia 1 Illinois pg00060.txt 63 6 Hills David 4 Illinois pg00060.txt 63 3 Hills George 30 NY pg00060.txt 63 5 Hills Hiram 6 Illinois pg00060.txt 63 4 Hills Mary 24 Canada pg00060.txt 63 17 Hills Mary 16 Vermont pg00060.txt 63 9 Hills Naomi 24 NY pg00060.txt 41 30 Hills RE 77 Connecticut pg00035.txt 100 20 Hilly James 16 Penn pg00088.txt 203 32 Hime Amos 16 Pa pg00191.txt 203 35 Hime Anastasia 10 Ill pg00191.txt 203 38 Hime Anna 2 Ill pg00191.txt 203 34 Hime Catharine 12 Pa pg00191.txt 203 36 Hime Jacob 6 Ill pg00191.txt 203 30 Hime JJ 38 Wertemberg pg00191.txt 203 37 Hime Levi 4 Ill pg00191.txt 203 33 Hime Mary 14 Pa pg00191.txt 203 31 Hime Salona 36 Pa pg00191.txt 389 13 Hinam Joseph 1 Ill pg00385.txt 389 12 Hinam Mary 22 Md pg00385.txt 389 11 Hinam N 30 Germany pg00385.txt 321 22 Hind Aaron 14 Pa pg00319.txt 472 12 Hind John 25 Germany pg00465.txt 321 23 Hind May E 18 Pa pg00319.txt 321 21 Hind Moses 14 Pa pg00319.txt 103 40 Hineline Anna 8 Penn pg00088.txt 103 1 Hineline CM 30 Penn pg00088.txt 103 2 Hineline Emma 29 Penn pg00088.txt 103 4 Hineline James 7/12 Illinois pg00088.txt 103 3 Hineline Sarah 7 Penn pg00088.txt 256 20 Hinger Ben 61 Pa pg00242.txt 256 28 Hinger Chas 8 Ill pg00242.txt 256 24 Hinger David 31 Pa pg00242.txt 256 21 Hinger Elizbeth 62 Pa pg00242.txt 256 22 Hinger Elizbeth Jane 19 Pa pg00242.txt 256 27 Hinger Geo 11 Ill pg00242.txt 256 25 Hinger Jane 26 NY pg00242.txt 256 29 Hinger Mary 11/12 Ill pg00242.txt 256 26 Hinger Pheoba 12 Ill pg00242.txt 256 23 Hinger Wm H 14 Pa pg00242.txt 128 9 Hinkamyor Augustus 18 Lepa pg00122.txt 128 8 Hinkamyor Henrietta 21 Lepa pg00122.txt 128 7 Hinkamyor Henry 30 Lepa pg00122.txt 137 1 Hinkemyre B 4 Illinois pg00122.txt 136 38 Hinkemyre Bernard 36 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 39 Hinkemyre Mary 36 Lepa pg00122.txt 136 40 Hinkemyre Mean 9 Illinois pg00122.txt 137 2 Hinkemyre William 2 Illinois pg00122.txt 495 3 Hinkley CB 4 Ill pg00482.txt 495 40 Hinkley CE 10 Ill pg00482.txt 324 8 Hinkley Charlotte 7 Ill pg00319.txt 495 2 Hinkley FE 6 Ill pg00482.txt 495 38 Hinkley James B 36 Vt pg00482.txt 324 7 Hinkley Mary 28 Pa pg00319.txt 495 39 Hinkley ME 24 NY pg00482.txt 495 1 Hinkley OM 8 Ill pg00482.txt 324 9 Hinkley Pheoba 4 Ill pg00319.txt 324 10 Hinkley Sarah M 2 Ill pg00319.txt 492 10 Hinkmyer A 17 Germany pg00482.txt 516 17 Hinney R 42 NY pg00511.txt 207 32 Hint Frederick 7 Prussia pg00191.txt 207 34 Hint Infant 1/365 Ill pg00191.txt 207 33 Hint John 2 Ill pg00191.txt 207 31 Hint Sophia 33 Lepa pg00191.txt 207 30 Hint William 33 Prussia pg00191.txt 395 19 Hints Mary 50 Ireland pg00385.txt 269 21 Hirams Mary 1 Ill pg00264.txt 269 20 Hirams Susan 26 Germany pg00264.txt 269 19 Hirams Wm 30 Germany pg00264.txt 16 25 Hirt Mary 15 Baden pg00001.txt 2 6 Hirth Ann M 48 Germany pg00001.txt 2 8 Hirth Barbara 8 Germany pg00001.txt 2 7 Hirth Christene 13 Germany pg00001.txt 2 5 Hirth Conrad 48 Germany pg00001.txt 528 36 Hise A 13 Pa pg00528.txt 359 25 Hisey Lizzy 18 Ohio pg00351.txt 163 27 Histel George 25 Germany pg00157.txt 151 32 Hitchkock Alace 10 NY pg00139.txt 151 29 Hitchkock Catharine 30 NY pg00139.txt 151 31 Hitchkock Frederick 13 NY pg00139.txt 151 28 Hitchkock Jerard 52 Vt pg00139.txt 151 30 Hitchkock Julia 15 NY pg00139.txt 549 22 Hixon CW 6 Pa pg00548.txt 549 21 Hixon Margret 25 Pa pg00548.txt 549 23 Hixon ML 1 Ill pg00548.txt 549 20 Hixon Soloman 35 Pa pg00548.txt 79 5 HM Henry 21 Germany pg00070.txt 354 24 Hoag Alma 8 Ill pg00351.txt 354 22 Hoag Charles 16 Ill pg00351.txt 355 26 Hoag D 20 Ill pg00351.txt 354 25 Hoag Daniel 6 Ill pg00351.txt 354 20 Hoag John 45 Pa pg00351.txt 354 21 Hoag Margret 42 NY pg00351.txt 354 23 Hoag Olive 12 Ill pg00351.txt 426 18 Hoar Betsey 33 England pg00422.txt 426 19 Hoar CA 5 Ill pg00422.txt 424 1 Hoar Florance 1 Ill pg00422.txt 426 20 Hoar Henry F 2 Ill pg00422.txt 426 17 Hoar James 30 England pg00422.txt 628 37 Hoas Elizabeth 59 Pa pg00617.txt 628 38 Hoas Mary 25 Pa pg00617.txt 628 36 Hoas Solman 59 Pa pg00617.txt 628 39 Hoas Willie E 23 Pa pg00617.txt 96 11 Hobel Anna 1/12 Illinois pg00088.txt 155 34 Hobel Caroline 2 Ill pg00139.txt 156 4 Hobel Caroline 11 Ill pg00139.txt 156 5 Hobel Catharine 8 Ill pg00139.txt 45 40 Hobel Catharine 4 Illinois pg00043.txt 156 3 Hobel Catharine 32 Bavaria pg00139.txt 96 10 Hobel Charles 2 Illinois pg00088.txt 45 37 Hobel Elizabeth 32 Renfatts Ger pg00043.txt 155 33 Hobel Elizabeth 22 Wertemberg pg00139.txt 46 1 Hobel George 1 Illinois pg00043.txt 156 8 Hobel Isabell 1 Ill pg00139.txt 96 9 Hobel Jacob 8/3 Illinois pg00088.txt 45 39 Hobel Jacob 6 Illinois pg00043.txt 46 3 Hobel Jacob 59 Reinfatts Ger pg00043.txt 45 36 Hobel Jacob 38 Renfatts Ger pg00043.txt 155 36 Hobel Jacob 27 Bavaria pg00139.txt 156 2 Hobel John 34 Bavaria pg00139.txt 45 38 Hobel John 10 Illinois pg00043.txt 156 9 Hobel Lewis 17 Ill pg00139.txt 96 8 Hobel Margret 26 Berrin pg00088.txt 156 7 Hobel Mary 4 Ill pg00139.txt 96 7 Hobel Peter 29 Berrin pg00088.txt 156 6 Hobel Phillip 6 Ill pg00139.txt 155 32 Hobel Phillip 32 Bavaria pg00139.txt 155 35 Hobel William 1 Ill pg00139.txt 173 24 Hobelman Henry 38 Hanover pg00157.txt 173 27 Hobelman John 10 NY pg00157.txt 173 25 Hobelman Mary 40 Hanover pg00157.txt 173 26 Hobelman Mary 13 NY pg00157.txt 481 40 Hockett Daniel 25 Ind pg00465.txt 482 2 Hockett Henry C 2 Ill pg00482.txt 482 1 Hockett Mary 20 Ill pg00482.txt 482 3 Hockett RH 8/12 Ill pg00482.txt 58 23 Hodass Lutz 25 Baden pg00043.txt 607 12 Hodgson Alma A 11 Ill pg00591.txt 607 20 Hodgson AS 9 Ill pg00591.txt 607 17 Hodgson Geo 71 Eng pg00591.txt 607 14 Hodgson Geo 4 Ill pg00591.txt 607 18 Hodgson Hannah 75 NY pg00591.txt 607 19 Hodgson Hannah 16 Wis pg00591.txt 607 10 Hodgson John 36 NY pg00591.txt 607 15 Hodgson Orin 2 Ill pg00591.txt 607 16 Hodgson Otis J 3/12 Ill pg00591.txt 607 11 Hodgson Pheoba 31 NY pg00591.txt 607 13 Hodgson Viola 6 Ill pg00591.txt 54 1 Hodos Bernhard 27 Baden pg00043.txt 353 34 Hoeg D 20 Ill pg00351.txt 10 21 Hoff David 26 Maryland pg00001.txt 10 22 Hoff Mary 20 Pennsylvania pg00001.txt 633 8 Hofferman Mathias 17 Germany pg00617.txt 614 10 Hoffma*t* Austena 40 Lepidetmold pg00608.txt 614 17 Hoffma*t* Chas 2 Ill pg00608.txt 614 12 Hoffma*t* Fred 15 Lepidetmold pg00608.txt 614 13 Hoffma*t* Geo 10 Ill pg00608.txt 614 15 Hoffma*t* Hannah 6 Ill pg00608.txt 614 16 Hoffma*t* Harmon 4 Ill pg00608.txt 614 14 Hoffma*t* Henry 8 Ill pg00608.txt 614 9 Hoffma*t* Henry 52 Lepidetmold pg00608.txt 614 11 Hoffma*t* Marls 17 Lepidetmold pg00608.txt 51 19 Hoffman Anna W 2/12 Illinois pg00043.txt 160 38 Hoffman B 33 Baden pg00157.txt 51 17 Hoffman Barbara 34 Baden pg00043.txt 534 28 Hoffman BD 31 Pa pg00531.txt 523 36 Hoffman Calvin 43 NY pg00511.txt 375 25 Hoffman Daniel 28 Pa pg00368.txt 534 27 Hoffman David 32 Pa pg00531.txt 523 39 Hoffman E 12 Ill pg00511.txt 51 18 Hoffman Elizabeth 7 Baden pg00043.txt 523 37 Hoffman Elizabeth 27 Ill pg00511.txt 160 37 Hoffman F 31 Baden pg00157.txt 160 40 Hoffman F 3 Ill pg00157.txt 534 32 Hoffman F 1 Ohio pg00531.txt 524 1 Hoffman G 5 Ill pg00511.txt 517 10 Hoffman H 5 Ill pg00511.txt 523 38 Hoffman H 18 Wis pg00511.txt 51 16 Hoffman Jacob 34 Baden pg00043.txt 160 1 Hoffman John 45 Germany pg00157.txt 339 31 Hoffman JW 37 Pa pg00336.txt 517 9 Hoffman M 65 NY pg00511.txt 375 26 Hoffman M 26 Pa pg00368.txt 160 39 Hoffman Mary 5 Ill pg00157.txt 375 28 Hoffman Mary 1 Pa pg00368.txt 534 31 Hoffman ME 2 Ohio pg00531.txt 161 1 Hoffman Mina 2/12 Ill pg00157.txt 311 33 Hoffman Risly 60 NY pg00305.txt 523 40 Hoffman SA 7 Ill pg00511.txt 534 30 Hoffman Sarah 4 Pa pg00531.txt 375 27 Hoffman Sarah 3 Pa pg00368.txt 534 29 Hoffman SL 6 Pa pg00531.txt 285 19 Hogan Anne 62 Ireland pg00281.txt 111 39 Hogan James 3 NY pg00105.txt 111 38 Hogan Margret 56 Ireland pg00105.txt 285 20 Hogan Mary 38 N Canada pg00281.txt 285 18 Hogan Philip 49 Ireland pg00281.txt 83 29 Hohenfals W 18 Penn pg00070.txt 499 19 Hoilranch Catharine 30 Germany pg00499.txt 499 20 Hoilranch L 11 Germany pg00499.txt 499 18 Hoilranch Pete 32 Germany pg00499.txt 289 34 Hoimen Catherine 30 Ireland pg00288.txt 289 37 Hoimen Edward 2 Ill pg00288.txt 289 35 Hoimen James 6 NY pg00288.txt 289 36 Hoimen John 3 Ill pg00288.txt 289 33 Hoimen Wm 50 Ireland pg00288.txt 289 38 Hoimen Wm 3/12 Ill pg00288.txt 3 2 Hoit William 16 Indiana pg00001.txt 92 3 Hoka Augusta 3 Illinois pg00088.txt 92 1 Hoka John 30 Prussia pg00088.txt 92 2 Hoka Thresa 25 Prussia pg00088.txt 92 4 Hoka Thresa 1 Illinois pg00088.txt 27 40 Holcomb Albert 23 Penn pg00018.txt 28 1 Holcomb Catharine 18 Md pg00018.txt 28 3 Holcomb James 24 Penn pg00018.txt 28 2 Holcomb Oscar 10/12 Illinois pg00018.txt 139 36 Holderman Ann H 31 Penn pg00139.txt 139 37 Holderman HW 12 Ill pg00139.txt 139 35 Holderman W 36 Penn pg00139.txt 303 10 Holinger Barbara 60 Germany pg00288.txt 303 11 Holinger Harriett 14 Ill pg00288.txt 585 11 Holins AE 7 Pa pg00582.txt 123 27 Holl Christian 54 Wertemberg pg00122.txt 123 33 Holl Cornelia 5 Illinois pg00122.txt 123 29 Holl George 16 Penn pg00122.txt 123 30 Holl Mary 10 Illinois pg00122.txt 123 31 Holl Rabecca 8 Illinois pg00122.txt 123 28 Holl Susannah 43 Penn pg00122.txt 123 32 Holl William 6 Illinois pg00122.txt 286 32 Holland J 30 Ireland pg00281.txt 286 28 Holland James 21 Ireland pg00281.txt 286 35 Holland James 2 Ill pg00281.txt 286 34 Holland John 10 Connecticut pg00281.txt 286 33 Holland July 36 Ireland pg00281.txt 286 27 Holland M 50 Ireland pg00281.txt 286 29 Holland Margrett 16 Connecticut pg00281.txt 466 30 Hollbock D 52 NY pg00465.txt 530 25 Hollenbeck C 21 NY pg00528.txt 118 14 Hollenstihn Cecilia 20 Penn pg00105.txt 118 18 Hollenstihn Emila 11 Penn pg00105.txt 118 13 Hollenstihn Hannah 49 Penn pg00105.txt 118 16 Hollenstihn Henry 15 Penn pg00105.txt 118 17 Hollenstihn John 13 Penn pg00105.txt 118 12 Hollenstihn NE 52 Prussia pg00105.txt 118 15 Hollenstihn Williamina 18 Penn pg00105.txt 71 4 Holler Ambrose 14 NY pg00070.txt 71 3 Holler John 19 France pg00070.txt 71 1 Holler Joseph 54 NY pg00070.txt 356 31 Hollibaugh Herman 9 Pa pg00351.txt 356 32 Hollibaugh Martha 8 Pa pg00351.txt 356 30 Hollibaugh Saloma 32 Pa pg00351.txt 356 29 Hollibaugh Thos 36 Pa pg00351.txt 356 33 Hollibaugh Ugene 3 Ill pg00351.txt 543 12 Holman William 23 Pa pg00531.txt 317 28 Holmes John 1 Pa pg00305.txt 317 27 Holmes Matilda 3 Pa pg00305.txt 317 26 Holmes Rachell 33 Pa pg00305.txt 317 25 Holmes Wm 33 Pa pg00305.txt 338 1 Holms Adeline 2 Ill pg00336.txt 338 2 Holms Frank 8/12 Ill pg00336.txt 337 40 Holms Sarah 22 Ill pg00336.txt 337 39 Holms Wm H 24 Ohio pg00336.txt 586 15 Holocke Daniel 8 Ill pg00582.txt 586 10 Holocke David 37 Pa pg00582.txt 586 16 Holocke Diana 6 Ill pg00582.txt 586 18 Holocke Elizabeth 69 Pa pg00582.txt 586 11 Holocke Elizabeth 38 Pa pg00582.txt 586 14 Holocke Mary A 10 Ill pg00582.txt 586 17 Holocke Merton W 4 Ill pg00582.txt 586 12 Holocke Robert 15 Pa pg00582.txt 586 13 Holocke Susan 14 Ill pg00582.txt 410 2 Holsinger Catharine 60 Germany pg00405.txt 410 3 Holsinger George 39 Germany pg00405.txt 410 5 Holsinger Henry 14 Germany pg00405.txt 410 1 Holsinger John 70 Germany pg00405.txt 410 4 Holsinger Willie 17 Germany pg00405.txt 536 23 Holsople Daniel C 25 NY pg00531.txt 536 24 Holsople ME 18 Pa pg00531.txt 600 34 Holsta Caroline 8 Ill pg00591.txt 600 32 Holsta Caroline 30 Prussia pg00591.txt 600 36 Holsta Fred 6/12 Ill pg00591.txt 600 35 Holsta Henry 5 Ill pg00591.txt 600 33 Holsta Louisa 9 Ill pg00591.txt 600 31 Holsta Phillip 43 Prussia pg00591.txt 368 17 Holts F 20 Germany pg00368.txt 603 9 Holverson T 29 Norway pg00591.txt 60 38 Homer Chester 9 Vermont pg00060.txt 89 19 Homes Helena 45 Germany pg00088.txt 89 20 Homes Henry 10 Germany pg00088.txt 89 18 Homes Theadore 37 Germany pg00088.txt 541 39 Homley E 25 Pa pg00531.txt 599 4 Honckman Lavina 18 Pa pg00591.txt 327 31 Hone Cyrus 37 Ohio pg00319.txt 327 33 Hone Enery 7 Ill pg00319.txt 327 36 Hone Frank 45 . pg00319.txt 327 35 Hone Herman 6/12 Ill pg00319.txt 327 34 Hone Joseph F 3 Ill pg00319.txt 327 32 Hone Percilla 32 Ohio pg00319.txt 571 10 Honnie Caroline 6 Ill pg00565.txt 571 8 Honnie Catharine 10 Ill pg00565.txt 571 7 Honnie Frank 13 Pa pg00565.txt 571 5 Honnie Isaac 45 Pa pg00565.txt 571 12 Honnie L 4 Ill pg00565.txt 571 6 Honnie Mary 36 Pa pg00565.txt 571 11 Honnie Mary E 5 Ill pg00565.txt 571 9 Honnie Susan 8 Ill pg00565.txt 120 24 Honsel Ada M 5/12 Illinois pg00105.txt 120 23 Honsel CM 3 Illinois pg00105.txt 120 20 Honsel EA 23 Penn pg00105.txt 120 22 Honsel EC 5 Illinois pg00105.txt 120 21 Honsel Nancy 23 Ohio pg00105.txt 617 13 Hood Ann E 11 Pa pg00617.txt 617 17 Hood Jessie 2 Ill pg00617.txt 617 16 Hood Josephine 2 Ill pg00617.txt 617 12 Hood Mary 30 Pa pg00617.txt 617 15 Hood Sarah M 4 Pa pg00617.txt 617 14 Hood Thos J 6 Pa pg00617.txt 617 11 Hood William 47 Pa pg00617.txt 585 12 Hoofnagle Henry 23 Pa pg00582.txt 256 39 Hooker *ooman 9 Pa pg00242.txt 256 40 Hooker Alla 7 Pa pg00242.txt 196 27 Hooker B 29 Bavaria pg00191.txt 196 29 Hooker Barbara 2 Ill pg00191.txt 256 38 Hooker Chas 13 Eng pg00242.txt 257 2 Hooker Cora 4 Ill pg00242.txt 256 37 Hooker Emily 18 Eng pg00242.txt 257 3 Hooker Henry 5/12 Ill pg00242.txt 256 36 Hooker Jane 43 Eng pg00242.txt 256 35 Hooker John 43 Eng pg00242.txt 196 28 Hooker Lena 4 Ohio pg00191.txt 196 30 Hooker Margret 1 Ill pg00191.txt 257 1 Hooker Wm 6 Ill pg00242.txt 196 26 Hooker Z 36 Bavaria pg00191.txt 175 2 Hooper F 15 England pg00174.txt 566 16 Hoot Amanda 6 Ill pg00565.txt 566 12 Hoot Amos 14 Pa pg00565.txt 566 18 Hoot DD 2 Ill pg00565.txt 566 10 Hoot Ira 18 Pa pg00565.txt 574 35 Hoot Ira 17 Pa pg00565.txt 566 14 Hoot Isaac 11 Pa pg00565.txt 566 13 Hoot Jarrett 12 Pa pg00565.txt 566 15 Hoot Joana 8 Pa pg00565.txt 566 11 Hoot John 16 Pa pg00565.txt 566 8 Hoot Joseph 42 Pa pg00565.txt 566 9 Hoot Lydia 41 Pa pg00565.txt 566 17 Hoot Mary 4 Ill pg00565.txt 626 33 Hooter Martha 24 Ill pg00617.txt 284 5 Hopkins Amanda 22 NY pg00281.txt 156 36 Hopkins Caroline 27 Ohio pg00139.txt 156 37 Hopkins George 3 Ill pg00139.txt 284 4 Hopkins H 25 NY pg00281.txt 97 12 Hopkins Orlando 29 NY pg00088.txt 97 13 Hopkins Sarah 28 Germany pg00088.txt 354 18 Hord Margret 3 Ill pg00351.txt 354 17 Hord Sarah 22 Pa pg00351.txt 354 16 Hord Walter 23 Pa pg00351.txt 100 6 Horden Alace S 13 NY pg00088.txt 100 5 Horden George 25 England pg00088.txt 100 3 Horden James W 53 England pg00088.txt 100 4 Horden Mary E 50 England pg00088.txt 18 17 Horm Wilson 22 New York pg00018.txt 522 3 Horn Catharine 55 Pa pg00511.txt 194 27 Horning Mary 35 Germany pg00191.txt 80 7 Horning S 30 Germany pg00070.txt 424 8 Horntiny Ambrose 17 Mass pg00422.txt 424 9 Horntiny Carrie N 16 Mass pg00422.txt 424 5 Horntiny Chas H 22 Mass pg00422.txt 424 4 Horntiny Condors 25 Mass pg00422.txt 424 13 Horntiny Ernest 5 Mass pg00422.txt 424 10 Horntiny Geo H 14 Mass pg00422.txt 424 12 Horntiny Lyman 9 Mass pg00422.txt 424 11 Horntiny Martha 10 Mass pg00422.txt 424 2 Horntiny Rhuben 52 Mass pg00422.txt 424 3 Horntiny Sarah 45 NH pg00422.txt 424 6 Horntiny Sarah E 20 Mass pg00422.txt 424 7 Horntiny William 19 Mass pg00422.txt 315 11 Hoser Abram 21 Pa pg00305.txt 315 14 Hoser Christopher 14 Pa pg00305.txt 315 13 Hoser Francis 16 Pa pg00305.txt 315 15 Hoser Hannah 12 Pa pg00305.txt 315 7 Hoser Joseph 45 Pa pg00305.txt 315 18 Hoser Lila 4 Ill pg00305.txt 315 8 Hoser Martha 42 Pa pg00305.txt 315 19 Hoser Mary 1 Ill pg00305.txt 315 17 Hoser Rebecca 8 Ill pg00305.txt 315 12 Hoser Sam 18 Pa pg00305.txt 315 16 Hoser Sarah 10 Pa pg00305.txt 315 10 Hoser Virginia 18 Pa pg00305.txt 315 9 Hoser Wm 24 Pa pg00305.txt 638 1 Hoskins Isaac 25 Ohio pg00634.txt 49 15 Hoskins Sarah J 26 Ohio pg00043.txt 476 13 Hoslett Eliza 29 NY pg00465.txt 476 17 Hoslett Ellen 3 Ill pg00465.txt 483 3 Hoslett Herd 31 Ireland pg00482.txt 476 15 Hoslett James 7 NY pg00465.txt 476 14 Hoslett John 8 NY pg00465.txt 483 2 Hoslett John 21 NY pg00482.txt 483 1 Hoslett P 22 NY pg00482.txt 476 16 Hoslett W 5 Ill pg00465.txt 482 40 Hoslett WG 28 Ireland pg00482.txt 122 28 Hostetter EF 25 Penn pg00122.txt 122 29 Hostetter LA 25 Penn pg00122.txt 268 25 Hothkis Albert O 2 Ill pg00264.txt 268 21 Hothkis Bertha 44 Vt pg00264.txt 268 24 Hothkis Ellen M 15 Vt pg00264.txt 268 20 Hothkis H 51 Vt pg00264.txt 268 22 Hothkis Madison 21 Vt pg00264.txt 268 23 Hothkis Walford N 18 Vt pg00264.txt 98 17 Houghton Mary 45 Vermont pg00088.txt 369 5 Houley Catharine 40 Ireland pg00368.txt 369 4 Houley T 51 Ireland pg00368.txt 371 32 Housa Ann 8 Ill pg00368.txt 371 33 Housa Elizabeth 7 Ill pg00368.txt 371 30 Housa Elizabeth 33 Germany pg00368.txt 371 29 Housa J 38 Germany pg00368.txt 371 31 Housa John 10 Ill pg00368.txt 371 34 Housa Mary 5 Ill pg00368.txt 371 35 Housa Phillip 2 Ill pg00368.txt 87 37 Houseman Armet 43 Lepa pg00070.txt 52 20 Houseman Catharine 29 Hesadonnstadt pg00043.txt 52 24 Houseman Clemens 5/12 Illinois pg00043.txt 52 19 Houseman Clemens 33 Baden pg00043.txt 52 23 Houseman George 2 Illinois pg00043.txt 52 22 Houseman Godfrey 5 Illinois pg00043.txt 87 39 Houseman Henrietta 15 Lepa pg00070.txt 52 21 Houseman Mary 6 NY pg00043.txt 87 38 Houseman Mary 36 Lepa pg00070.txt 87 40 Houseman Pauline 4 Illinois pg00070.txt 279 32 Houts Catherine 7 Pa pg00264.txt 279 28 Houts Elisebeth 18 Pa pg00264.txt 279 33 Houts Geo W 6 Pa pg00264.txt 279 30 Houts Henry 14 Pa pg00264.txt 279 29 Houts James 16 Pa pg00264.txt 279 26 Houts John 46 Pa pg00264.txt 279 31 Houts John 13 Pa pg00264.txt 279 27 Houts Nancy 44 Pa pg00264.txt 341 9 Houtzwell Wm 18 Pa pg00336.txt 328 12 How AC 11 Ill pg00319.txt 328 13 How Clonia 8 Ill pg00319.txt 328 14 How DN 6 Ill pg00319.txt 328 31 How Franklin 17 Ill pg00319.txt 328 29 How Geo 38 Ohio pg00319.txt 328 17 How Geo W 9/12 Wisconsin pg00319.txt 65 19 How George 26 England pg00060.txt 477 10 How Hannah 31 Pa pg00465.txt 328 9 How J 29 Ohio pg00319.txt 328 34 How James 5 Ill pg00319.txt 328 15 How JM 4 Wisconsin pg00319.txt 328 16 How John 2 Wisconsin pg00319.txt 328 36 How Liberty 8/12 Ill pg00319.txt 328 30 How Margarett 33 Ohio pg00319.txt 328 32 How Mary L 15 Ill pg00319.txt 328 10 How Melene 28 Ill pg00319.txt 328 33 How Scot 7 Ill pg00319.txt 328 35 How Virginia 3 Ill pg00319.txt 488 36 How WT 23 Pa pg00482.txt 328 11 How ZT 12 Ill pg00319.txt 476 5 Howard AC 2 Ill pg00465.txt 466 36 Howard Adeline 2 Ill pg00465.txt 466 39 Howard Alonzo 20 Ill pg00465.txt 467 15 Howard AM 1 Ill pg00465.txt 471 7 Howard C 2 Ill pg00465.txt 465 27 Howard C 12 Ill pg00465.txt 193 20 Howard Catharine 9 Pa pg00191.txt 466 35 Howard Catharine 20 Pa pg00465.txt 466 37 Howard Cornelia 11/12 Ill pg00465.txt 470 35 Howard DA 9 Ill pg00465.txt 471 3 Howard E 30 NY pg00465.txt 476 3 Howard Edwin 29 NY pg00465.txt 193 19 Howard Eliza 46 Pa pg00191.txt 471 4 Howard F 11 Ill pg00465.txt 465 25 Howard GL 38 NY pg00465.txt 471 5 Howard H 9 Ill pg00465.txt 465 26 Howard H 31 NY pg00465.txt 466 40 Howard Harriet 18 Pa pg00465.txt 471 18 Howard JM 12 NY pg00465.txt 193 18 Howard John 47 Pa pg00191.txt 467 13 Howard JW 5 Ill pg00465.txt 466 33 Howard Louisa 57 NY pg00465.txt 467 12 Howard Malina 25 Pa pg00465.txt 470 34 Howard Malinda 33 NY pg00465.txt 471 10 Howard Martin 68 NY pg00465.txt 471 2 Howard Martin 39 NY pg00465.txt 474 26 Howard ML 39 Vt pg00465.txt 465 28 Howard ML 10 Ill pg00465.txt 471 16 Howard Murry 54 NY pg00465.txt 471 8 Howard N 5/12 Ill pg00465.txt 467 11 Howard Newcomb 26 NY pg00465.txt 465 29 Howard Parker 5 Ill pg00465.txt 466 32 Howard Parks 66 NY pg00465.txt 476 6 Howard Pottle 25 NY pg00465.txt 474 27 Howard R 24 Pa pg00465.txt 470 36 Howard RD 6/12 Ill pg00465.txt 466 34 Howard Richard 23 NY pg00465.txt 471 11 Howard Ruth 58 NY pg00465.txt 476 4 Howard Sarah 20 Canada pg00465.txt 467 14 Howard SE 3 Ill pg00465.txt 471 17 Howard Susan 52 NY pg00465.txt 471 6 Howard W 5 Ill pg00465.txt 470 33 Howard Ward 37 NY pg00465.txt 572 1 Howell A 12 Pa pg00565.txt 571 39 Howell David 35 Pa pg00565.txt 571 40 Howell Elinor 32 Pa pg00565.txt 572 3 Howell Lydia 5 Ill pg00565.txt 572 4 Howell Perry 1 Ill pg00565.txt 572 2 Howell Richard 7 Pa pg00565.txt 481 35 Howorter E 12 Ohio pg00465.txt 481 33 Howorter Eliza 41 Va pg00465.txt 481 32 Howorter Henry 50 Pa pg00465.txt 481 34 Howorter Henry 14 Ohio pg00465.txt 481 37 Howorter L 3 Ohio pg00465.txt 481 36 Howorter W 9 Ohio pg00465.txt 172 7 Hoyman Mary 19 Pa pg00157.txt 139 14 Hoyman Susan 17 Penn pg00139.txt 319 21 Hoymeky Amelia 22 Pa pg00319.txt 581 1 Hras John M 3 Ill pg00565.txt 63 33 Hubb John 12 Ohio pg00060.txt 21 24 Hubbard James 25 New York pg00018.txt 344 16 Hubler Daniel 62 Pa pg00336.txt 564 28 Hubler Daniel 15 Ill pg00548.txt 344 17 Hubler Rebecca 58 Pa pg00336.txt 344 18 Hubler Sarah 15 Pa pg00336.txt 532 36 Huchenen H 2 Ohio pg00531.txt 532 35 Huchenen HW 8 Ohio pg00531.txt 532 33 Huchenen IP 55 Pa pg00531.txt 532 34 Huchenen MA 35 Ohio pg00531.txt 499 23 Hudson Agnes 32 Eng pg00499.txt 605 34 Hudson Ann 29 NY pg00591.txt 499 26 Hudson Edward 4 Ill pg00499.txt 499 28 Hudson Edward 26 Eng pg00499.txt 499 24 Hudson James 12 Ill pg00499.txt 499 25 Hudson John 6 Ill pg00499.txt 499 27 Hudson LE 2 Ill pg00499.txt 520 36 Hudson M 12 Ill pg00511.txt 84 14 Hudson Mary 45 England pg00070.txt 605 35 Hudson ML 10 NY pg00591.txt 499 34 Hudson Sarah 12 Ill pg00499.txt 499 22 Hudson William 38 Eng pg00499.txt 605 36 Hudson William A 7 Wis pg00591.txt 565 17 Huff JO 5 Pa pg00565.txt 565 18 Huff LJ 8 Ill pg00565.txt 565 16 Huff Rachael 26 Pa pg00565.txt 565 19 Huff WH 1 Ill pg00565.txt 565 15 Huff William 27 Pa pg00565.txt 121 17 Huffman Barbara 24 Wertemberg pg00105.txt 121 21 Huffman Christena 1 Wertemberg pg00105.txt 121 16 Huffman Fred 32 Wertemberg pg00105.txt 121 18 Huffman Frederick 3 Illinois pg00105.txt 121 20 Huffman Frederika 30 Wertemberg pg00105.txt 121 22 Huffman Magdalene 70 Wertemberg pg00105.txt 121 19 Huffman Margret 2 Illinois pg00105.txt 339 39 Huffmaster A 16 Germany pg00336.txt 339 40 Huffmaster Loran 1 Ill pg00336.txt 102 40 Hug John 20 Baden pg00088.txt 264 25 Hughes Fanny M 17 Ire pg00264.txt 288 32 Hughs Ann 8 Ill pg00288.txt 495 32 Hughs Anna 8 NY pg00482.txt 288 28 Hughs Anny 40 Ire pg00288.txt 288 33 Hughs Bridgett 6 Ill pg00288.txt 288 27 Hughs C 54 Ire pg00288.txt 495 35 Hughs C 2 Ill pg00482.txt 288 30 Hughs Catherine 12 Ill pg00288.txt 495 30 Hughs J 38 Ireland pg00482.txt 495 31 Hughs Jane 9 NY pg00482.txt 495 34 Hughs M 5 Ill pg00482.txt 288 31 Hughs Mary 10 Ill pg00288.txt 288 34 Hughs Morris 1 Ill pg00288.txt 495 29 Hughs R 50 Ireland pg00482.txt 495 33 Hughs R 5 Ill pg00482.txt 288 29 Hughs Thos 14 Ill pg00288.txt 392 25 Hugo Ann 26 Wales pg00385.txt 402 40 Hugo B 12 Mass pg00402.txt 402 38 Hugo D 50 Ireland pg00402.txt 402 39 Hugo D 44 Ireland pg00402.txt 403 2 Hugo Daniel 6 Ill pg00402.txt 392 27 Hugo Elias 1 Wis pg00385.txt 392 24 Hugo HM 27 Wales pg00385.txt 403 1 Hugo Jeramiah 11 Mass pg00402.txt 403 3 Hugo John 2 Ill pg00402.txt 631 33 Hugo John 12 Ill pg00617.txt 631 30 Hugo Joseph 47 Pa pg00617.txt 631 35 Hugo Joseph C 8 Ill pg00617.txt 631 34 Hugo Margret A 10 Ill pg00617.txt 631 31 Hugo Mary 42 Pa pg00617.txt 631 32 Hugo Mary C 14 Wis pg00617.txt 392 26 Hugo Morris 3 Wales pg00385.txt 631 36 Hugo Robert 4 Ill pg00617.txt 631 37 Hugo Sarah J 3 Ill pg00617.txt 170 24 Hulberstine W 25 NY pg00157.txt 7 14 Hulbert Alonso 60 New York pg00001.txt 8 8 Hulbert Elijah 23 New York pg00001.txt 8 21 Hulbert Emma 2 Illinois pg00001.txt 8 22 Hulbert George H 1 Illinois pg00001.txt 8 20 Hulbert Laura 23 Vermont pg00001.txt 8 19 Hulbert Shubert 27 Not Known pg00001.txt 298 16 Hulboert Ira 24 NY pg00288.txt 298 17 Hulboert Mary E 20 Ill pg00288.txt 298 18 Hulboert Sam 1/12 Ill pg00288.txt 320 31 Hulburt Adaline 34 NY pg00319.txt 320 26 Hulburt De**s 26 N York pg00319.txt 320 27 Hulburt Elesebeth 23 N York pg00319.txt 46 20 Hulburt Elisha 23 NY pg00043.txt 320 25 Hulburt Jane 44 N York pg00319.txt 320 29 Hulburt John 9 Ill pg00319.txt 320 28 Hulburt Lyman 17 Ill pg00319.txt 320 30 Hulburt N 44 NY pg00319.txt 320 24 Hulburt S 51 N York pg00319.txt 489 17 Hulett E 7/12 Ill pg00482.txt 489 15 Hulett JA 25 Vt pg00482.txt 489 16 Hulett SA 20 Ohio pg00482.txt 133 40 Hull Elizabeth 60 Md pg00122.txt 134 3 Hull Geo 40 Ohio pg00122.txt 134 2 Hull Josaphine 14 Ohio pg00122.txt 134 1 Hull Rachael 30 Ohio pg00122.txt 70 26 Hull Rachael 25 Ohio pg00070.txt 155 30 Hull Sarah 8 Ill pg00139.txt 202 10 Hullhorst Chas 13 Lepa pg00191.txt 202 6 Hullhorst D 50 Lepa pg00191.txt 202 8 Hullhorst Edwin 17 Lepa pg00191.txt 202 7 Hullhorst Fredrika 48 Hesia pg00191.txt 202 12 Hullhorst Gustus 6 Lepa pg00191.txt 202 9 Hullhorst Henry 15 Lepa pg00191.txt 202 11 Hullhorst Mary 10 Lepa pg00191.txt 361 40 Hultz Alace 2 Ill pg00351.txt 361 37 Hultz Ann 45 Pa pg00351.txt 361 36 Hultz B 50 Ohio pg00351.txt 361 38 Hultz Maoma 9 Ohio pg00351.txt 361 39 Hultz Mary 7 Ohio pg00351.txt 115 36 Humphrey JW 40 Ct pg00105.txt 115 37 Humphrey JW 39 Ct pg00105.txt 115 39 Humphrey Martha 11 Ct pg00105.txt 115 38 Humphrey Mary A 15 Ct pg00105.txt 115 40 Humphrey Willie 13 Ct pg00105.txt 327 29 Humphry Albert 8 Ill pg00319.txt 327 28 Humphry Chas C 12 Ill pg00319.txt 327 26 Humphry Emily 32 Ohio pg00319.txt 327 30 Humphry May 6 Ill pg00319.txt 327 27 Humphry Sarah E 15 Ill pg00319.txt 579 10 Humpley Frances 50 Pa pg00565.txt 579 9 Humpley John H 56 Pa pg00565.txt 579 11 Humpley John H 24 Pa pg00565.txt 579 12 Humpley Mary J 19 Pa pg00565.txt 579 13 Humpley Milton 7 Ill pg00565.txt 261 7 Hunke Hannon 36 Germany pg00259.txt 321 24 Hunlbe Cady 50 Pa pg00319.txt 324 2 Hunprey Cath 30 Ohio pg00319.txt 324 4 Hunprey Lena 14 Pa pg00319.txt 324 3 Hunprey Samantha G 17 Ohio pg00319.txt 324 1 Hunprey WG 39 Kentucky pg00319.txt 383 37 Huns C 16 Germany pg00368.txt 548 35 Hunse C 7 Ill pg00548.txt 548 38 Hunse C 3 Ill pg00548.txt 548 37 Hunse CA 5 Ill pg00548.txt 548 29 Hunse CA 25 Canada pg00548.txt 548 34 Hunse F 8 Ill pg00548.txt 548 30 Hunse GH 17 Pa pg00548.txt 548 28 Hunse Henry 38 Pa pg00548.txt 548 33 Hunse John 11 Pa pg00548.txt 548 31 Hunse MJ 15 Pa pg00548.txt 548 36 Hunse R 6 Ill pg00548.txt 548 39 Hunse S 1 Ill pg00548.txt 548 32 Hunse William 13 Pa pg00548.txt 133 20 Hunstryers BF 1 Illinois pg00122.txt 133 18 Hunstryers Chas 26 Prussia pg00122.txt 133 19 Hunstryers Sabina 20 Penn pg00122.txt 10 11 Hunt Anna 5 Illinois pg00001.txt 87 26 Hunt Bell 4 Illinois pg00070.txt 10 13 Hunt Douglas 1 Illinois pg00001.txt 519 9 Hunt E 48 Mass pg00511.txt 123 4 Hunt Eliza 26 NY pg00122.txt 7 31 Hunt Frank 3 Minnesota pg00001.txt 10 14 Hunt Helen 72 England pg00001.txt 10 9 Hunt Helenor 9 Illinois pg00001.txt 87 24 Hunt Hellen 30 NY pg00070.txt 10 6 Hunt Jane 16 Illinois pg00001.txt 123 6 Hunt Jinny 16 NY pg00122.txt 7 30 Hunt John 4 Wisconsin pg00001.txt 10 7 Hunt Joseph 14 Illinois pg00001.txt 123 2 Hunt JR 62 Ct pg00122.txt 519 10 Hunt M 43 NY pg00511.txt 7 29 Hunt Margaret 23 Ireland pg00001.txt 7 32 Hunt Maria 1 Minnesota pg00001.txt 123 3 Hunt Mary 54 Vt pg00122.txt 10 5 Hunt Mary 38 England pg00001.txt 123 5 Hunt Mary 19 NY pg00122.txt 7 28 Hunt Patrick 27 Ireland pg00001.txt 129 18 Hunt Richard 73 Mass pg00122.txt 129 19 Hunt Sarah 69 Mass pg00122.txt 10 8 Hunt Susan 12 Illinois pg00001.txt 10 4 Hunt Thomas 41 England pg00001.txt 10 12 Hunt Thomas 3 Illinois pg00001.txt 10 10 Hunt William 7 Illinois pg00001.txt 87 25 Hunt Willie 6 Illinois pg00070.txt 87 23 Hunt WP 47 NY pg00070.txt 299 38 Hunter Agnes 1 Ill pg00288.txt 26 27 Hunter Amanda 6 Illinois pg00018.txt 77 39 Hunter Ann 9 Penn pg00070.txt 77 40 Hunter Catharine 4 Illinois pg00070.txt 77 38 Hunter Clarissa 13 Penn pg00070.txt 299 36 Hunter D 35 Pa pg00288.txt 26 26 Hunter Egburt 7 Illinois pg00018.txt 26 28 Hunter Franklin 2 Illinois pg00018.txt 77 36 Hunter Jesse 39 Penn pg00070.txt 26 23 Hunter LS 34 NY pg00018.txt 26 30 Hunter Lucretia 19 Indiana pg00018.txt 77 37 Hunter Mary 39 Penn pg00070.txt 26 29 Hunter Nameless 1/365 Illinois pg00018.txt 26 24 Hunter Sarah 44 Mass pg00018.txt 299 37 Hunter Susana 25 Pa pg00288.txt 26 25 Hunter Theadore 9 Illinois pg00018.txt 527 36 Huprey C 26 NH pg00511.txt 306 13 Hurch A 48 Pa pg00305.txt 306 14 Hurch Fredana 41 Pa pg00305.txt 306 15 Hurch Margerett 3 Ill pg00305.txt 306 16 Hurch Martin H 1 Ill pg00305.txt 21 18 Hurlburt E 54 Vermont pg00018.txt 163 40 Hurlbut Richard 19 NY pg00157.txt 114 34 Hurley Ann 27 Ireland pg00105.txt 114 35 Hurley Bridget 2 Illinois pg00105.txt 114 33 Hurley John 30 Ireland pg00105.txt 307 20 Hushberger David 25 Pa pg00305.txt 307 19 Hushberger John 27 Pa pg00305.txt 482 12 Hussy A 20 Germany pg00482.txt 373 2 Hutchenson Ella 2 Ohio pg00368.txt 373 1 Hutchenson Harvey 6 Ohio pg00368.txt 372 40 Hutchenson Nancy 16 Ohio pg00368.txt 372 39 Hutchenson Sarah 35 Ohio pg00368.txt 372 38 Hutchenson W 50 Pa pg00368.txt 557 4 Hutchinson Chas 26 Pa pg00548.txt 477 17 Hutchinson HS 28 Vt pg00465.txt 541 25 Hutchinson Isabell 55 Pa pg00531.txt 541 33 Hutchinson Isabell 17 Pa pg00531.txt 541 26 Hutchinson Jane 22 Pa pg00531.txt 371 25 Hutchinson John 18 Pa pg00368.txt 557 5 Hutchinson Margaret 25 Pa pg00548.txt 541 32 Hutchinson Martha 18 Pa pg00531.txt 371 24 Hutchinson Mary 54 Pa pg00368.txt 541 30 Hutchinson Mary 27 Pa pg00531.txt 477 18 Hutchinson ME 19 Ind pg00465.txt 477 19 Hutchinson ME 1 Ill pg00465.txt 371 28 Hutchinson Milton 11 Ill pg00368.txt 541 31 Hutchinson Robert 20 Pa pg00531.txt 371 23 Hutchinson Samuel 59 Pa pg00368.txt 541 28 Hutchinson Samuel 25 Pa pg00531.txt 371 26 Hutchinson Samuel 17 Pa pg00368.txt 541 29 Hutchinson Sarah 28 Pa pg00531.txt 541 24 Hutchinson Thos 60 Pa pg00531.txt 371 27 Hutchinson Thos 15 Ill pg00368.txt 541 27 Hutchinson Walan 30 Pa pg00531.txt 636 5 Hutchman John B 22 Ohio pg00634.txt 636 3 Hutchman John Q 66 Pa pg00634.txt 636 4 Hutchman Nancy 67 Md pg00634.txt 131 18 Hyattt Mary Q 17 Illinois pg00122.txt 41 32 Hyde Amelia 26 Canada pg00035.txt 41 33 Hyde Caroline 2 Illinois pg00035.txt