STEPHENSON, IL 1860 Federal Census INDEX (File 14 of 19) This Census was transcribed by Judith Mooney Lindgren and proofread by not yet for the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright (c) 2009 by Judith Mooney Lindgren ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 301 25 Pacht Amanda M 17 Ohio pg00288.txt 301 24 Pacht John 29 Pa pg00288.txt 301 26 Pacht Martha J 12 Pa pg00288.txt 301 23 Pacht Mrs 49 Pa pg00288.txt 110 37 Packard Hellen 14 NH pg00105.txt 178 5 Packard Mary E 41 NH pg00174.txt 512 12 Packer D 52 NY pg00511.txt 512 11 Packer DB 58 NH pg00511.txt 512 13 Packer G 15 Ohio pg00511.txt 473 3 Palace E 39 Ind pg00465.txt 473 6 Palace J 5 Ill pg00465.txt 473 5 Palace M 14 Ill pg00465.txt 473 4 Palace R 16 Ill pg00465.txt 522 23 Pan JA 15 Ill pg00511.txt 208 38 Papp Christene 30 Prussia pg00208.txt 208 37 Papp Christian 31 Prussia pg00208.txt 208 39 Papp Mary 4 Ill pg00208.txt 208 40 Papp Mena 2 Ill pg00208.txt 496 39 Parin Frank 3 Ill pg00482.txt 496 37 Parin Noah 30 NY pg00482.txt 496 38 Parin R 30 Canada pg00482.txt 472 18 Paris Fred 24 Eng pg00465.txt 472 16 Paris Louisa 24 Eng pg00465.txt 472 17 Paris RJ 2 Ill pg00465.txt 472 15 Paris William 27 Eng pg00465.txt 491 1 Parker Alace 1 Ill pg00482.txt 490 39 Parker GH 8 Ill pg00482.txt 490 38 Parker HE 33 Vt pg00482.txt 490 37 Parker JM 34 Vt pg00482.txt 490 40 Parker JM 3 Ill pg00482.txt 155 4 Parker Josiah P 36 Maine pg00139.txt 205 10 Parker Margret 22 NY pg00191.txt 155 5 Parker Mary 20 Ohio pg00139.txt 205 9 Parker Samuel 36 NY pg00191.txt 196 13 Parker Susanna 40 England pg00191.txt 196 12 Parker WD 35 England pg00191.txt 20 7 Parks Amy 13 Mass pg00018.txt 92 14 Parks BH 40 Penn pg00088.txt 20 6 Parks Celestia 32 Mass pg00018.txt 20 8 Parks Charles 7 Mass pg00018.txt 20 5 Parks Chas 35 Mass pg00018.txt 20 9 Parks DeForist 5 Mass pg00018.txt 20 11 Parks Elsa 2 Wisconsin pg00018.txt 92 17 Parks Eurana 13 Penn pg00088.txt 20 10 Parks Flora 4 Mass pg00018.txt 92 19 Parks George 3 Illinois pg00088.txt 92 20 Parks Hollis 10/12 Illinois pg00088.txt 92 15 Parks Louisa 36 Penn pg00088.txt 92 16 Parks Mary 15 Penn pg00088.txt 92 18 Parks Wilbert 11 Penn pg00088.txt 131 35 Parmer Christien 23 Prussia pg00122.txt 131 34 Parmer Henry 37 Prussia pg00122.txt 131 36 Parmer William 4/365 Illinois pg00122.txt 489 9 Parris Elizabeth 61 Eng pg00482.txt 489 8 Parris Robert 63 Eng pg00482.txt 489 10 Parris SJ 17 Pa pg00482.txt 572 14 Parrott Betsey 32 Ohio pg00565.txt 572 9 Parrott Cleantha 6 Ill pg00565.txt 572 16 Parrott Deborah 6 Ill pg00565.txt 572 15 Parrott Geo N 9 Ill pg00565.txt 572 8 Parrott Joshua 8 Ill pg00565.txt 572 13 Parrott Manerly 41 Va pg00565.txt 572 10 Parrott Mary J 4 Ill pg00565.txt 572 7 Parrott Minerva 10 Ill pg00565.txt 572 11 Parrott Nancy 1 Ill pg00565.txt 572 19 Parrott Owen 25 Ind pg00565.txt 572 6 Parrott Perditia 31 Ill pg00565.txt 572 5 Parrott Richard 42 Va pg00565.txt 572 12 Parrott Richard Jr 8/12 Ill pg00565.txt 572 17 Parrott WM 3 Ill pg00565.txt 322 23 Parson August 9 Penn pg00319.txt 413 11 Parsons Ann J 16 Pa pg00405.txt 468 6 Parsons C 18 Ill pg00465.txt 503 5 Parsons David 11 Pa pg00499.txt 413 10 Parsons Margret 36 Pa pg00405.txt 485 21 Parsons MB 43 NY pg00482.txt 139 8 Parsons Rufus 15 Ireland pg00139.txt 413 14 Parsons WE 2 Ill pg00405.txt 91 33 Parthon Asa 7 Illinois pg00088.txt 368 7 Pate E 40 Germany pg00368.txt 368 8 Pate Eve 10 Ill pg00368.txt 11 3 Pate Mirerie 17 New York pg00001.txt 368 6 Pate W 42 Germany pg00368.txt 174 33 Patrick A 24 Unknown pg00174.txt 497 37 Patt DG 29 NY pg00482.txt 503 16 Patte WP 20 Pa pg00499.txt 58 10 Patten Jesee 8 Illinois pg00043.txt 58 11 Patten Kezia 6 Illinois pg00043.txt 58 8 Patten Lydia 45 Penn pg00043.txt 28 38 Patten Robert 23 Penn pg00018.txt 58 12 Patten Sarah 4 Illinois pg00043.txt 58 7 Patten Thos 61 Penn pg00043.txt 58 9 Patten William 10 Illinois pg00043.txt 584 24 Pattent Henry 16 Hanover pg00582.txt 579 36 Pattern John 18 Ohio pg00565.txt 547 21 Pattern L 27 Ireland pg00531.txt 579 35 Pattern Martha 21 Ohio pg00565.txt 579 37 Pattern Mary 16 Ohio pg00565.txt 579 34 Pattern Robert 52 Ohio pg00565.txt 579 38 Pattern Samuel 12 Ill pg00565.txt 213 28 Patterson Anna 9 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 213 32 Patterson Arthur 30 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 213 29 Patterson Arthur D 7 Ohio pg00213.txt 219 32 Patterson Charlie 8 Ill pg00213.txt 505 14 Patterson E 5 Ill pg00499.txt 213 27 Patterson Elisabeth 30 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 190 30 Patterson Eliza 30 NY pg00174.txt 213 30 Patterson Frank A 4 Illinois pg00213.txt 190 33 Patterson Jane 6 Ill pg00174.txt 190 29 Patterson Jeramiah 38 Md pg00174.txt 174 31 Patterson JH 25 Pa pg00174.txt 505 11 Patterson M 27 Ill pg00499.txt 190 32 Patterson Mary 8 Ill pg00174.txt 219 31 Patterson May E 10 Wis pg00213.txt 505 12 Patterson ME 11 Ill pg00499.txt 190 35 Patterson No Name 2 Ill pg00174.txt 190 34 Patterson Pells 4 Ill pg00174.txt 505 10 Patterson R 45 Md pg00499.txt 219 30 Patterson Rebecca 33 Penn pg00213.txt 190 31 Patterson Sarah 10 Ill pg00174.txt 417 30 Patterson Thomas 70 Ireland pg00405.txt 219 29 Patterson Wheyton 38 N York pg00213.txt 505 13 Patterson William 10 Ill pg00499.txt 213 26 Patterson Wm 49 Pennsylvania pg00213.txt 213 31 Patterson Wm S 2 Illinois pg00213.txt 322 18 Pattin Anna M 59 Penn pg00319.txt 322 17 Pattin Geo 65 Penn pg00319.txt 322 20 Pattin John 21 Penn pg00319.txt 322 21 Pattin Maria L 18 Penn pg00319.txt 322 19 Pattin Rosana 27 Penn pg00319.txt 322 22 Pattin Soloman 16 Penn pg00319.txt 193 1 Patworth Rabecca 34 England pg00191.txt 192 40 Patworth Robert 31 England pg00191.txt 362 35 Paul Barbara 48 Pa pg00351.txt 339 19 Paul Caroline 1 Ill pg00336.txt 339 18 Paul David 4 Ill pg00336.txt 339 13 Paul David 35 Pa pg00336.txt 362 34 Paul Geo 63 Pa pg00351.txt 362 36 Paul John 21 Pa pg00351.txt 339 16 Paul John 11 Ill pg00336.txt 339 14 Paul Mary 37 Pa pg00336.txt 339 17 Paul Moses J 9 Ill pg00336.txt 339 15 Paul Susan 14 Pa pg00336.txt 362 37 Paul William 17 Pa pg00351.txt 604 29 Pawberg Michael 24 Prussia pg00591.txt 604 30 Pawberg Sarah A 17 Mich pg00591.txt 604 31 Pawberg SW 9/12 Ill pg00591.txt 155 11 Payne Besey 2 Ill pg00139.txt 155 12 Payne Lula 10/12 Ill pg00139.txt 155 10 Payne ML 24 Nova Scotia pg00139.txt 155 9 Payne RW 26 Nova Scotia pg00139.txt 247 7 Pearsol Geo D 33 Pa pg00242.txt 247 10 Pearsol Ida E 1 Ill pg00242.txt 247 9 Pearsol Luther R 4 Ill pg00242.txt 247 8 Pearsol Mary A 33 Ill pg00242.txt 417 23 Pease Henry 25 Hesia pg00405.txt 480 24 Peck B 4 Ill pg00465.txt 504 32 Peck BA 59 NY pg00499.txt 480 23 Peck C 6 NY pg00465.txt 348 26 Peck Ederelin A 3 Minnesota pg00336.txt 480 25 Peck F 1 Ill pg00465.txt 414 37 Peck Fener 78 Mass pg00405.txt 348 27 Peck Fred A 1 Ill pg00336.txt 348 24 Peck H 29 Ohio pg00336.txt 480 22 Peck H 23 NY pg00465.txt 415 25 Peck Jekial 9 NY pg00405.txt 480 21 Peck John 26 NY pg00465.txt 125 12 Peck Marian 30 NY pg00122.txt 415 22 Peck MD 35 NY pg00405.txt 414 38 Peck Polly 72 Mass pg00405.txt 415 23 Peck Sally 35 NY pg00405.txt 414 39 Peck Sarah 18 NY pg00405.txt 415 24 Peck Sarah 13 NY pg00405.txt 348 25 Peck Sarah B 27 Ohio pg00336.txt 491 11 Peckard CL 4 Ill pg00482.txt 491 6 Peckard H 44 NY pg00482.txt 491 10 Peckard JA 11 Ohio pg00482.txt 491 8 Peckard JC 19 Ohio pg00482.txt 491 9 Peckard JS 17 Ohio pg00482.txt 491 7 Peckard MJ 21 Ohio pg00482.txt 491 5 Peckard NC 47 NY pg00482.txt 524 20 Peckard WM 30 NY pg00511.txt 564 38 Peitzell Chas 23 Pa pg00548.txt 564 36 Peitzell Frank 35 Pa pg00548.txt 564 37 Peitzell HR 33 Pa pg00548.txt 564 35 Peitzell Mary 60 Pa pg00548.txt 164 33 Pelack Rudolph 30 Prussia pg00157.txt 115 3 Pells Jacob 30 Vermont pg00105.txt 606 1 Penicoff Daniel 65 Pa pg00591.txt 90 12 Penniman Drinda 37 NY pg00088.txt 90 11 Penniman HH 43 Mass pg00088.txt 90 14 Penniman John C 7 Illinois pg00088.txt 90 13 Penniman Sarah 13 Penn pg00088.txt 38 10 Penning Weart 25 Hanover pg00035.txt 162 36 Penrington EE 5 Ill pg00157.txt 162 35 Penrington EJ 7 Ill pg00157.txt 162 38 Penrington Geo L 27 Maine pg00157.txt 162 33 Penrington George 49 Maine pg00157.txt 162 34 Penrington MS 39 Penn pg00157.txt 352 32 Penter John 20 NY pg00351.txt 352 33 Penter M 60 Germany pg00351.txt 552 3 Pepperman Amanda 39 Pa pg00548.txt 552 4 Pepperman Arvella 14 Pa pg00548.txt 347 19 Pepperman B 32 Pa pg00336.txt 347 23 Pepperman Geo 1 Ill pg00336.txt 552 2 Pepperman I 44 Pa pg00548.txt 347 20 Pepperman Isabell 30 Pa pg00336.txt 552 5 Pepperman John 10 Pa pg00548.txt 347 22 Pepperman John C 3 Ill pg00336.txt 552 6 Pepperman MA 6 Ill pg00548.txt 347 21 Pepperman Margarett E 6 Ill pg00336.txt 552 7 Pepperman ME 1 Ill pg00548.txt 303 24 Perclet Amanda 18 Ohio pg00288.txt 303 23 Perclet JC 30 Pa pg00288.txt 303 26 Perclet MG 12 Pa pg00288.txt 303 25 Perclet Rachal 50 Pa pg00288.txt 303 27 Perclet Susan 10 Pa pg00288.txt 144 29 Perkins CE 2 Ill pg00139.txt 253 15 Perkins Chas 2 Ill pg00242.txt 144 26 Perkins Elias 30 England pg00139.txt 151 12 Perkins Elizabeth 32 Penn pg00139.txt 253 11 Perkins H 32 N York pg00242.txt 144 30 Perkins John 62 England pg00139.txt 253 14 Perkins John 3 Ill pg00242.txt 144 28 Perkins John J 10 Ill pg00139.txt 144 27 Perkins Mary 30 England pg00139.txt 253 16 Perkins Melvina 1/12 Ill pg00242.txt 151 13 Perkins Sarah 14 Ill pg00139.txt 253 12 Perkins Susan 26 N York pg00242.txt 253 13 Perkins Wm 9 Ill pg00242.txt 423 35 Perrington Anna 19 Maine pg00422.txt 423 33 Perrington CH 25 Maine pg00422.txt 423 34 Perrington HD 23 Maine pg00422.txt 469 31 Perry C 4 Ill pg00465.txt 471 38 Perry DP 50 NY pg00465.txt 472 2 Perry Duglas 3 Ill pg00465.txt 469 27 Perry E 42 NY pg00465.txt 472 5 Perry Harriet 23 NY pg00465.txt 471 40 Perry Howard 7 Ill pg00465.txt 469 30 Perry J 14 Ill pg00465.txt 469 29 Perry Lavina 17 Ill pg00465.txt 469 28 Perry M 35 NY pg00465.txt 472 3 Perry ME 11/12 Ill pg00465.txt 471 39 Perry Polly 47 NY pg00465.txt 472 1 Perry UE 5 Ill pg00465.txt 375 37 Perthaurat W 30 Germany pg00368.txt 309 9 Petabone E 25 Connecticut pg00305.txt 309 10 Petabone Mary 21 Pa pg00305.txt 302 35 Petabons Ed 28 Ohio pg00288.txt 302 36 Petabons Mary 20 Ohio pg00288.txt 3 26 Peter Margaret 78 Baden pg00001.txt 5 11 Peter Margaret 3 Illinois pg00001.txt 76 14 Peterman Henry 21 Lepa pg00070.txt 521 7 Peters C 66 Vt pg00511.txt 618 40 Peters EH 4 Ill pg00617.txt 520 31 Peters F 4 Ohio pg00511.txt 520 32 Peters Flora 1 Ill pg00511.txt 618 39 Peters Henry E 6 Ill pg00617.txt 498 2 Peters HH 38 Ind pg00482.txt 618 36 Peters Isabell 38 Pa pg00617.txt 618 37 Peters Laura F 15 Ohio pg00617.txt 618 38 Peters Lilla A 7 Ind pg00617.txt 520 29 Peters OC 28 Pa pg00511.txt 520 30 Peters SD 22 Ohio pg00511.txt 618 35 Peters William 42 Pa pg00617.txt 42 9 Peters William 25 England pg00035.txt 392 31 Peterson Arther 2 Ill pg00385.txt 392 28 Peterson Elias 31 Vt pg00385.txt 392 29 Peterson Jennett 35 Canada pg00385.txt 392 30 Peterson Louisa 7 Ill pg00385.txt 624 37 Petrie Catharine 56 Germany pg00617.txt 624 36 Petrie Jacob 59 Germany pg00617.txt 624 40 Petrie Jacob 14 Germany pg00617.txt 624 38 Petrie John 22 Germany pg00617.txt 624 39 Petrie Margret 17 Germany pg00617.txt 23 10 Pettebom S 60 Ct pg00018.txt 70 40 Pflugmochert Thorpa 18 France pg00070.txt 400 8 Phal Dora 38 Germany pg00385.txt 400 11 Phal H 6 Germany pg00385.txt 400 7 Phal H 40 Germany pg00385.txt 400 10 Phal Hannah 10 Germany pg00385.txt 118 34 Phal Louisa 20 Germany pg00105.txt 400 12 Phal Louisa 20 Germany pg00385.txt 400 9 Phal Mena 14 Germany pg00385.txt 360 25 Phelps Almeda 6/12 Ill pg00351.txt 360 24 Phelps Alonzo 3 Ill pg00351.txt 360 17 Phelps Barbara 36 Ohio pg00351.txt 362 6 Phelps Barton 16 Ill pg00351.txt 359 33 Phelps Charlotte 17 Ill pg00351.txt 362 9 Phelps Daniel 4 Ill pg00351.txt 362 8 Phelps David 10 Ill pg00351.txt 362 4 Phelps Electa 20 Ohio pg00351.txt 187 14 Phelps Frances 24 Pa pg00174.txt 360 15 Phelps Hannah 65 NY pg00351.txt 362 3 Phelps Hannah 22 Ohio pg00351.txt 362 2 Phelps Harriet 42 NY pg00351.txt 359 30 Phelps Harriet 42 Ohio pg00351.txt 362 1 Phelps Horace 45 Ohio pg00351.txt 359 34 Phelps Horace 13 Ill pg00351.txt 360 14 Phelps Ira 77 Ct pg00351.txt 359 31 Phelps Ira 20 Ohio pg00351.txt 360 16 Phelps Ira Jr 39 Ohio pg00351.txt 360 20 Phelps Jane 11 Ill pg00351.txt 360 21 Phelps John 9 Ill pg00351.txt 187 13 Phelps John 28 NY pg00174.txt 360 18 Phelps Joseph 15 Ill pg00351.txt 362 5 Phelps Lydia 18 Ohio pg00351.txt 359 36 Phelps Milo 5 Ill pg00351.txt 359 35 Phelps Prudence 9 Ill pg00351.txt 360 22 Phelps Reeves 7 Ill pg00351.txt 360 19 Phelps Richard 13 Ill pg00351.txt 362 7 Phelps Sarah 14 Ill pg00351.txt 359 29 Phelps Simon 43 Ohio pg00351.txt 360 23 Phelps Thomas 5 Ill pg00351.txt 359 32 Phelps Thos 19 Ohio pg00351.txt 388 25 Phensch Balinda 1 Ill pg00385.txt 388 21 Phensch Charles 13 Pa pg00385.txt 388 23 Phensch David 9 Pa pg00385.txt 388 20 Phensch James 15 Pa pg00385.txt 388 24 Phensch John 6 Pa pg00385.txt 388 17 Phensch Julia A 42 Pa pg00385.txt 388 19 Phensch Mary 17 Pa pg00385.txt 388 16 Phensch PH 42 Pa pg00385.txt 388 22 Phensch SJ 11 Pa pg00385.txt 388 18 Phensch William 18 Pa pg00385.txt 317 35 Philip Elesebeth 50 Wis pg00305.txt 317 38 Philip Elesebeth 17 Ill pg00305.txt 303 4 Philip Jacob 6 Pa pg00288.txt 303 2 Philip Jacob 28 Pa pg00288.txt 317 36 Philip James 23 Ill pg00305.txt 303 5 Philip Kata 2 Ill pg00288.txt 317 39 Philip Mary 14 Ill pg00305.txt 317 34 Philip N 59 NY pg00305.txt 317 37 Philip Porley M 20 Ill pg00305.txt 303 3 Philip Rachel 30 Pa pg00288.txt 306 39 Philips Adam 14 Ill pg00305.txt 246 32 Philips Ann 2 N York pg00242.txt 246 33 Philips Carry 11/12 N York pg00242.txt 327 38 Philips Cath 24 Pa pg00319.txt 283 25 Philips Emma 8 Wis pg00281.txt 283 26 Philips Geo 5 Wis pg00281.txt 327 40 Philips Geo A 4 Pa pg00319.txt 246 29 Philips Hannah 35 N York pg00242.txt 246 31 Philips Hellne 9 N York pg00242.txt 246 28 Philips Henry 33 N York pg00242.txt 327 37 Philips Henry 27 Germany pg00319.txt 268 4 Philips Hugh 21 Vermont pg00264.txt 306 36 Philips John 53 Pa pg00305.txt 327 39 Philips John W 7 Pa pg00319.txt 306 38 Philips Kate 18 Pa pg00305.txt 283 27 Philips LS 1 Wis pg00281.txt 246 30 Philips Martha B 14 N York pg00242.txt 283 24 Philips Mary 28 Pa pg00281.txt 283 23 Philips OH 30 Vt pg00281.txt 306 40 Philips Susan 7 Ill pg00305.txt 306 37 Philips Susan 50 Pa pg00305.txt 328 1 Philips Wm H 1 Ill pg00319.txt 632 4 Phillip Geo 1 Ill pg00617.txt 631 40 Phillip Hannah 44 NY pg00617.txt 632 3 Phillip Josaphine 8 Ill pg00617.txt 632 1 Phillip Malisa 15 Pa pg00617.txt 632 2 Phillip Wesley 13 Ill pg00617.txt 631 39 Phillip William 42 NY pg00617.txt 124 24 Phillips Ambrose 16 Illinois pg00122.txt 528 2 Phillips Jas 19 Ohio pg00528.txt 527 40 Phillips Julia 17 Ohio pg00511.txt 62 31 Phillips Mary 30 Ireland pg00060.txt 62 30 Phillips Nicholas 50 Ireland pg00060.txt 175 11 Phillips Thomas 21 Miss pg00174.txt 521 30 Philps Eliza 15 Ohio pg00511.txt 314 38 Phips Danl 6/12 Ill pg00305.txt 314 37 Phips Hannah 3 Ill pg00305.txt 314 36 Phips John 4 Ill pg00305.txt 314 34 Phips John 27 Pa pg00305.txt 314 35 Phips Sarah A 25 Pa pg00305.txt 491 27 Pickard A 24 NY pg00482.txt 252 35 Pickard Athey 63 N York pg00242.txt 246 19 Pickard Byron 15 Ill pg00242.txt 246 20 Pickard Cysilda G 14 Ill pg00242.txt 252 34 Pickard EL 1/12 Ill pg00242.txt 252 31 Pickard Elisabeth 30 Mass pg00242.txt 252 33 Pickard Frank 4 Ill pg00242.txt 246 22 Pickard Geo O 7 Ill pg00242.txt 252 30 Pickard JS 42 N York pg00242.txt 246 23 Pickard July 20 N York pg00242.txt 246 16 Pickard JW 40 N York pg00242.txt 252 32 Pickard Lorenzo 11 Ill pg00242.txt 246 17 Pickard Margrett 36 Canada pg00242.txt 246 21 Pickard Mary E 11 Ill pg00242.txt 261 23 Pickard Mrs 40 Pa pg00259.txt 246 18 Pickard Wm H 16 Ill pg00242.txt 6 24 Pickel Catharine 37 Pennsylvania pg00001.txt 6 30 Pickel Charlotte 1 Illinois pg00001.txt 6 29 Pickel Elizabeth 4 Illinois pg00001.txt 6 28 Pickel Hariet 6 Illinois pg00001.txt 6 26 Pickel Mahala 11 Pennsylvania pg00001.txt 6 25 Pickel Margaret 13 Pennsylvania pg00001.txt 6 27 Pickel Robert 8 Illinois pg00001.txt 6 23 Pickel Samuel 39 Pennsylvania pg00001.txt 166 30 Pickin Horatio 35 Vt pg00157.txt 553 31 Pickle Elizabeth 71 NJ pg00548.txt 488 7 Pickle Henry 24 Pa pg00482.txt 553 28 Pickle Martha 35 Pa pg00548.txt 553 27 Pickle Rott** 35 Pa pg00548.txt 639 12 Pierce Alexander 28 Pa pg00634.txt 423 4 Pierce Calvin 26 Pa pg00422.txt 639 5 Pierce Caroline 31 Ohio pg00634.txt 639 6 Pierce Catharine E 11 Ill pg00634.txt 423 2 Pierce Eva A 6 Ill pg00422.txt 515 4 Pierce J 21 NJ pg00511.txt 639 7 Pierce John B 9 Ill pg00634.txt 423 1 Pierce Joseph 29 Pa pg00422.txt 423 3 Pierce Larina 33 Pa pg00422.txt 639 10 Pierce Martha I 6/12 Ill pg00634.txt 639 11 Pierce Pete 73 NJ pg00634.txt 422 40 Pierce Peter 75 NJ pg00422.txt 639 4 Pierce Roberson 33 Pa pg00634.txt 639 8 Pierce Thos J 7 Ill pg00634.txt 639 9 Pierce Zachariah 3 Ill pg00634.txt 265 9 Pikes G 38 England pg00264.txt 265 10 Pikes Louis 21 England pg00264.txt 265 12 Pikes Nat 3 Ill pg00264.txt 265 11 Pikes Rhoda 5 Ill pg00264.txt 582 8 Pill David 27 Penn pg00582.txt 582 9 Pill Elizabeth 26 Pa pg00582.txt 582 13 Pill Jahne 57 Va pg00582.txt 582 11 Pill John 2 Ill pg00582.txt 582 17 Pill Martha 12 Ill pg00582.txt 582 18 Pill Mary 10 Ill pg00582.txt 32 7 Pill Otto 19 Hanover pg00018.txt 582 16 Pill Soloman 16 Ill pg00582.txt 582 14 Pill Susan G 49 NJ pg00582.txt 582 10 Pill Susan J 5 Ill pg00582.txt 582 15 Pill William H 19 Tenn pg00582.txt 28 32 Piper Elizabeth 3 Illinois pg00018.txt 28 29 Piper John 28 Md pg00018.txt 28 30 Piper Mary 27 Md pg00018.txt 28 31 Piper William 5 Illinois pg00018.txt 554 14 Pisely Elizabeth 71 Wertemburg pg00548.txt 554 13 Pisely John F 70 Wertemburg pg00548.txt 283 22 Pitcher FN 12 Ill pg00281.txt 283 19 Pitcher Harriett 38 NY pg00281.txt 283 20 Pitcher LS 17 Ill pg00281.txt 283 18 Pitcher LSS 47 NY pg00281.txt 283 21 Pitcher RG 15 Ill pg00281.txt 393 27 Placey James 1 Ill pg00385.txt 393 26 Placey Margret 4 Wis pg00385.txt 393 24 Placey Mary 23 Ireland pg00385.txt 393 23 Placey P 33 Ireland pg00385.txt 393 25 Placey Thos 6 Mass pg00385.txt 136 10 Platner Francis 12 Illinois pg00122.txt 136 9 Platner Henry 20 Penn pg00122.txt 136 8 Platner Jane A 38 Penn pg00122.txt 136 11 Platner Margret 10 Illinois pg00122.txt 314 39 Playford E 30 Ill pg00305.txt 314 40 Playford Elesebeth 27 Ill pg00305.txt 315 1 Playford Mandy 7 Ill pg00305.txt 315 2 Playford Mary 1 Ill pg00305.txt 121 13 Plenner Ferdinand 7 Illinois pg00105.txt 121 12 Plenner Gretin 9 Hanover pg00105.txt 121 7 Plenner John 43 Hanover pg00105.txt 121 9 Plenner John 16 Hanover pg00105.txt 121 14 Plenner Reinheart 2 Illinois pg00105.txt 121 11 Plenner Rina 12 Hanover pg00105.txt 121 8 Plenner Sophia 40 England pg00105.txt 121 10 Plenner Tina 14 Hanover pg00105.txt 542 36 Plotonop Ann 6 Ill pg00531.txt 188 17 Plowman Alfered 40 Pa pg00174.txt 188 22 Plowman Alfered 2 Ill pg00174.txt 188 19 Plowman Catharine 12 Pa pg00174.txt 563 16 Plowman CE 25 Pa pg00548.txt 188 20 Plowman Chas 10 Pa pg00174.txt 188 21 Plowman Julia 8 Pa pg00174.txt 563 15 Plowman Mary 64 Pa pg00548.txt 188 18 Plowman Sarah 40 Pa pg00174.txt 563 17 Plowman SF 23 Pa pg00548.txt 563 14 Plowman Thos 67 MD pg00548.txt 244 6 Pluget Catherine 40 Ireland pg00242.txt 244 9 Pluget Mancy 9 Ill pg00242.txt 244 7 Pluget Rick 23 Ireland pg00242.txt 244 5 Pluget Thos 60 Ireland pg00242.txt 244 8 Pluget Wm 18 Ireland pg00242.txt 154 37 Polk William 19 Ind pg00139.txt 575 5 Polluck Ann E 12 Ill pg00565.txt 575 13 Polluck Calvin 12 Ill pg00565.txt 575 6 Polluck David J 11 Ill pg00565.txt 575 12 Polluck Elizabeth 25 Ohio pg00565.txt 575 9 Polluck Jennie 5/12 Ill pg00565.txt 575 8 Polluck John 6 Ill pg00565.txt 575 1 Polluck John 46 Ohio pg00565.txt 575 3 Polluck LE 21 Ohio pg00565.txt 575 7 Polluck Mary 8 Ill pg00565.txt 575 14 Polluck Mary A 10 Ill pg00565.txt 575 15 Polluck Samuel 8 Ill pg00565.txt 575 2 Polluck Sarah 41 NY pg00565.txt 575 4 Polluck Sarah I 19 Ohio pg00565.txt 575 11 Polluck Thos 45 Ohio pg00565.txt 211 18 Polly William 30 NY pg00208.txt 198 5 Ponches Henry 12 Pa pg00191.txt 198 3 Ponches John 55 Hanover pg00191.txt 198 4 Ponches R 60 Switzerland pg00191.txt 78 24 Pond Horatio 2 Illinois pg00070.txt 78 22 Pond LS 28 New York pg00070.txt 78 21 Pond OM 32 Vermont pg00070.txt 78 25 Pond Orlando 1/12 Illinois pg00070.txt 78 23 Pond Winnie 6 Vermont pg00070.txt 219 38 Pope Amelia 10/12 Ill pg00213.txt 219 36 Pope Ann 4 Ill pg00213.txt 219 37 Pope Byron 2 Ill pg00213.txt 219 33 Pope John 45 Eng pg00213.txt 218 40 Pope John 2 Ill pg00213.txt 218 39 Pope Margret 4 Ill pg00213.txt 219 34 Pope Marrietta 37 Ohio pg00213.txt 219 35 Pope Sarah 9 Ill pg00213.txt 218 38 Pope Wm 16 Ohio pg00213.txt 71 20 Popp Fee 2 Illinois pg00070.txt 71 18 Popp Fredrick 6 Prussia pg00070.txt 71 16 Popp John 33 Prussia pg00070.txt 71 21 Popp John 1/12 Illinois pg00070.txt 71 19 Popp Mary 7 Prussia pg00070.txt 71 17 Popp May 32 Prussia pg00070.txt 35 2 Poppen G 58 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 5 Poppen Hilke 21 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 3 Poppen Martha 57 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 4 Poppen Poppey 23 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 8 Poppen Taalke 15 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 6 Poppen Trientge 19 Hanover pg00035.txt 35 7 Poppen Ulfest 17 Hanover pg00035.txt 205 19 Porter Benj 23 Vt pg00191.txt 309 35 Porter Henry 36 England pg00305.txt 69 27 Porter Ira 17 Illinois pg00060.txt 309 36 Porter Nancy 48 England pg00305.txt 603 22 Potter Ann 17 Ind pg00591.txt 603 23 Potter Ellen 15 Ill pg00591.txt 602 37 Potter Emma C 6 Ill pg00591.txt 603 21 Potter Francis 19 Ind pg00591.txt 602 38 Potter Hiram S 3 Ill pg00591.txt 603 19 Potter Isaac 53 Ohio pg00591.txt 603 26 Potter Jane 9 Ill pg00591.txt 560 39 Potter John 18 Ill pg00548.txt 602 35 Potter Johnson 19 Ill pg00591.txt 602 36 Potter Julius 15 Ill pg00591.txt 602 31 Potter Julius S 55 Va pg00591.txt 519 38 Potter LS 56 NY pg00511.txt 602 34 Potter M 28 Ind pg00591.txt 603 20 Potter Margret 46 Ohio pg00591.txt 603 24 Potter Margret 13 Ill pg00591.txt 603 25 Potter Olando 11 Ill pg00591.txt 603 27 Potter Roxey 6 Ill pg00591.txt 602 32 Potter Sally 55 Va pg00591.txt 603 28 Potter Saprona 3 Ill pg00591.txt 602 33 Potter Walace 25 Ind pg00591.txt 343 26 Potts Eliza 26 Pa pg00336.txt 116 35 Potts Morgan 28 Unknown pg00105.txt 343 27 Potts Sarah R 10/12 Ill pg00336.txt 343 25 Potts Wm 28 Pa pg00336.txt 102 12 Powell Daniel 30 Illinois pg00088.txt 102 15 Powell George 2 Illinois pg00088.txt 102 14 Powell Jinny 5 Illinois pg00088.txt 102 13 Powell Mary E 24 Ohio pg00088.txt 324 22 Power Cyntha 6 Ill pg00319.txt 324 21 Power Geo 8 Ill pg00319.txt 324 23 Power Jack 4 Ill pg00319.txt 324 19 Power John 34 Kentucky pg00319.txt 324 24 Power John 2 Ill pg00319.txt 324 20 Power Maria 32 Kentucky pg00319.txt 514 22 Powers J 24 NY pg00511.txt 514 21 Powers JA 14 Canada pg00511.txt 124 6 Powers Maggy 17 Unknown pg00122.txt 215 23 Powers Margrett 60 Ireland pg00213.txt 215 22 Powers Michel 60 Ireland pg00213.txt 514 20 Powers WJ 39 NY pg00511.txt 83 5 Pratt C 53 NY pg00070.txt 400 22 Pratt Charles 3 Ill pg00385.txt 105 12 Pratt Chas 51 Mass pg00105.txt 400 19 Pratt Edward 40 NY pg00385.txt 400 21 Pratt Mary 15 Ill pg00385.txt 400 20 Pratt Phoebe 40 NY pg00385.txt 501 30 Premate C 44 Germany pg00499.txt 501 31 Premate C 11 Germany pg00499.txt 501 32 Premate Caroline 8 Germany pg00499.txt 501 29 Premate Gerta 45 Germany pg00499.txt 501 34 Premate J 3 Ill pg00499.txt 501 33 Premate M 6 NY pg00499.txt 501 35 Premate S 11/12 Ill pg00499.txt 36 2 Premore Elizabeth 34 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 3 Premore Gloss 9 Hanover pg00035.txt 36 4 Premore Hilka 2 Illinois pg00035.txt 36 1 Premore Hillet 37 Hanover pg00035.txt 81 4 Prescott Catharine 29 NH pg00070.txt 81 5 Prescott FP 8 NH pg00070.txt 81 3 Prescott JH 32 NH pg00070.txt 81 6 Prescott WW 1 Illinois pg00070.txt 612 5 Preston Alace 11 Ill pg00608.txt 612 2 Preston Calvin 43 Pa pg00608.txt 86 8 Preston Catharine 8 Ireland pg00070.txt 612 3 Preston Catharine 34 Pa pg00608.txt 86 6 Preston Charlott 30 Ohio pg00070.txt 612 8 Preston Clara 6 Ill pg00608.txt 130 13 Preston Elizabeth 43 Ohio pg00122.txt 86 5 Preston Ellen 44 Ohio pg00070.txt 612 9 Preston Lizza 4 Ill pg00608.txt 612 4 Preston Luther 14 Ill pg00608.txt 612 7 Preston Mary 8 Ill pg00608.txt 612 13 Preston Mary 45 Ireland pg00608.txt 612 10 Preston Sarah 6/12 Ill pg00608.txt 92 34 Preston Sophia 30 NY pg00088.txt 86 4 Preston W 78 NY pg00070.txt 612 6 Preston Wilson 10 Ill pg00608.txt 218 30 Preston Wm F 41 Ohio pg00213.txt 322 36 Price Anna 37 Pa pg00319.txt 296 12 Price Catherine 19 Pa pg00288.txt 296 9 Price D 38 Pa pg00288.txt 322 35 Price Daniel 36 Pa pg00319.txt 323 1 Price David 7 Ill pg00319.txt 296 26 Price David 20 Pa pg00288.txt 296 14 Price Elesebeth 16 Pa pg00288.txt 322 40 Price Elesebeth 10 Pa pg00319.txt 296 27 Price Geo 14 Pa pg00288.txt 323 2 Price Henry 6 Ill pg00319.txt 296 24 Price Jacob 42 Pa pg00288.txt 296 29 Price Jacob 3 Ill pg00288.txt 322 37 Price Jacob 15 Pa pg00319.txt 296 28 Price James 9 Pa pg00288.txt 296 13 Price James 18 Pa pg00288.txt 296 11 Price Jeramiah 21 Pa pg00288.txt 296 15 Price Johnathan 4 Ill pg00288.txt 322 39 Price Maria C 12 Pa pg00319.txt 296 25 Price May 35 Pa pg00288.txt 323 4 Price Nola 5/12 Ill pg00319.txt 296 10 Price Sarah 36 Pa pg00288.txt 323 3 Price Sarah 3 Ill pg00319.txt 322 38 Price Sopaia 14 Pa pg00319.txt 296 16 Price Wm 2 Ill pg00288.txt 546 40 Prier J 8 Pa pg00531.txt 546 39 Prier Mary 10 Pa pg00531.txt 131 14 Printier Lizzy 6 Illinois pg00122.txt 131 13 Printier MC 27 Canada pg00122.txt 131 12 Printier NF 33 NY pg00122.txt 199 38 Prinz Elizabeth 1 Ill pg00191.txt 199 36 Prinz Jacob 28 Hesia pg00191.txt 199 37 Prinz Sophia 27 Hanover pg00191.txt 292 33 Priseny Cath 25 Pa pg00288.txt 292 32 Priseny Jacob 30 Pa pg00288.txt 571 4 Proens Mary 65 Pa pg00565.txt 508 26 Prontey J 23 Pa pg00499.txt 121 29 Pronty JW 37 Vt pg00105.txt 121 30 Pronty LA 29 Mass pg00105.txt 211 8 Propp Arminda 5/12 Ill pg00208.txt 211 4 Propp Arvilla 13 Pa pg00208.txt 210 6 Propp Carl 31 Prussia pg00208.txt 211 3 Propp Charlotte 33 Pa pg00208.txt 209 29 Propp Frederick 10 Prussia pg00208.txt 211 5 Propp Geo 10 Pa pg00208.txt 210 12 Propp Henry 25 Prussia pg00208.txt 211 2 Propp HH 36 Pa pg00208.txt 211 7 Propp Horace 5 Ill pg00208.txt 210 9 Propp Infant 2/12 Ill pg00208.txt 210 14 Propp Infant 1/12 Ill pg00208.txt 209 31 Propp John 2 Ill pg00208.txt 209 27 Propp Ludwig 30 Prussia pg00208.txt 209 28 Propp Mary 37 Prussia pg00208.txt 210 13 Propp Mary 25 Prussia pg00208.txt 211 6 Propp Melvina 8 Ill pg00208.txt 210 7 Propp Mina 36 Prussia pg00208.txt 210 8 Propp Sophia 6 Prussia pg00208.txt 209 30 Propp Sophia 6 Prussia pg00208.txt 244 30 Prosen Connor 33 Germany pg00242.txt 244 31 Prosen Sophia 18 Germany pg00242.txt 149 2 Pross Dora 21 Prussia pg00139.txt 149 3 Pross John 6/12 Ill pg00139.txt 149 1 Pross John 33 Prussia pg00139.txt 168 2 Prulls C 30 Prussia pg00157.txt 168 1 Prulls W 34 Hanover pg00157.txt 532 37 Pullenford W 28 Pa pg00531.txt 418 39 Punlett GW 28 NH pg00405.txt 418 40 Punlett Lucy 20 Ill pg00405.txt 397 8 Pupes Caroline 35 Germany pg00385.txt 397 7 Pupes F 54 Germany pg00385.txt 397 10 Pupes Frank 12 Germany pg00385.txt 397 9 Pupes Henry 15 Germany pg00385.txt 79 1 Putnam CF 5 Illinois pg00070.txt 78 39 Putnam Holden 39 Vermont pg00070.txt 78 40 Putnam Leonora A 32 Vermont pg00070.txt 47 31 Quarts Gustof 30 Baden pg00043.txt 47 32 Quarts Susanna 41 Bevin pg00043.txt 382 34 Quest Chas 15 Germany pg00368.txt 382 36 Quest Eliza 11 Germany pg00368.txt 382 32 Quest H 59 Germany pg00368.txt 382 33 Quest Louisa 50 Germany pg00368.txt 382 35 Quest Louisa 11 Germany pg00368.txt 575 17 Quiggle John 22 Pa pg00565.txt 51 23 Quinn Ann 14 Ireland pg00043.txt 51 22 Quinn Catharine 25 Ireland pg00043.txt 162 15 Quinn E 19 Germany pg00157.txt 51 24 Quinn Ellen 3 Illinois pg00043.txt 144 31 Quinn Gustus 20 Germany pg00139.txt 243 40 Quinn Pat 23 Ireland pg00242.txt 274 12 Quinn Patrick 22 Ire pg00264.txt 51 21 Quinn Simon 40 Ireland pg00043.txt 59 29 Quinn William 22 Ireland pg00043.txt 159 1 Quist DC 12 Ill pg00157.txt 158 40 Quist Elizabeth 17 Mich pg00157.txt 158 38 Quist Joseph 37 Penn pg00157.txt 158 39 Quist Mary 36 NY pg00157.txt 214 21 Quntus Chas 3 Illinois pg00213.txt 214 22 Quntus Clementine 1/2 Illinois pg00213.txt 214 18 Quntus Francis 9 France pg00213.txt 214 16 Quntus Joseph 38 France pg00213.txt 214 24 Quntus Mary 45 France pg00213.txt 214 20 Quntus Mary 4 Illinois pg00213.txt 214 19 Quntus Parley 7 France pg00213.txt 214 17 Quntus Teresse 29 France pg00213.txt