Martin, IN 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 11 of 12) This Census was transcribed by Robert Lane and proofread by Lana Magiera for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright 2007 by Robert Lane ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 365B 35 Tachet Emisley 2 IN pg0365a.txt 365B 34 Tachet John H. 6 IN pg0365a.txt 365B 33 Tachet Manda 22 TN pg0365a.txt 365B 32 Tachet William 34 NC pg0365a.txt 365B 36 Tachet Willie 5/12 IN pg0365a.txt 308A 18 Tailor Benjamin 40 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 20 Tailor Isaac 12 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 21 Tailor Loid 10 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 19 Tailor Mary 40 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 24 Tailor Susan 3 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 22 Tailor William 8 KY pg0307a.txt 308A 23 Tailor William 6 KY pg0307a.txt 341B 27 Tar Harriet 11 IN pg0339a.txt 341B 26 Tar Henrietta 62 OH pg0339a.txt 341B 25 Tar James P. 29 IN pg0339a.txt 341B 28 Tar Samuel B. 9 IN pg0339a.txt 335A 16 Taridle (?) Alice 3 IN pg0331a.txt 335A 14 Taridle (?) Catharine 12 IN pg0331a.txt 335A 13 Taridle (?) Elizabeth 37 TN pg0331a.txt 335A 15 Taridle (?) Robert 5 IN pg0331a.txt 335A 12 Taridle (?) Thomas C. 49 IN pg0331a.txt 294A 4 Tarner Peter 58 Ireland pg0291a.txt 294A 5 Tarner Sarah 46 Ireland pg0291a.txt 394B 24 Tate Andrew J. 53 KY pg0392a.txt 394B 32 Tate Dordianah 10 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 30 Tate Harriet 12 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 29 Tate Jane 14 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 33 Tate Lindorf 3 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 34 Tate Maggie 1 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 28 Tate Margaret 17 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 26 Tate Mary E. 24 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 27 Tate Sarah M. 17 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 31 Tate Susan 12 IN pg0392a.txt 394B 25 Tate Synthann 53 KY pg0392a.txt 271B 7 Tatt Mariah 35 IN pg0263a.txt 408A 3 Taylor Abraham S. 2 IN pg0402a.txt 375A 37 Taylor Artenace 42 IN pg0365a.txt 263B 13 Taylor Caroline M. 41 IN pg0263a.txt 299A 12 Taylor Charles F. 7/12 IN pg0291a.txt 408A 2 Taylor Daniel R. B. 4 IN pg0402a.txt 335A 10 Taylor Eliza 28 IN pg0331a.txt 407B 35 Taylor Elizabeth 63 IN pg0402a.txt 264A 7 Taylor Ezra 14 IN pg0263a.txt 287B 20 Taylor Fielden F. 23 IN pg0277a.txt 263B 21 Taylor Francis 23 IN pg0263a.txt 264B 15 Taylor Green T. 31 KY pg0263a.txt 263B 18 Taylor Henry E. 10 IN pg0263a.txt 263B 14 Taylor Isaac W. 20 IN pg0263a.txt 375A 36 Taylor James 40 KY pg0365a.txt 335A 9 Taylor James 28 IN pg0331a.txt 407B 40 Taylor Jennetta 7 IN pg0402a.txt 263B 15 Taylor Joseph A. 19 IN pg0263a.txt 299A 9 Taylor Joseph M. 8 IN pg0291a.txt 407B 34 Taylor Josiah 63 IN pg0402a.txt 408A 1 Taylor Josiah 5 IN pg0402a.txt 299A 8 Taylor Laura B. 12 IN pg0291a.txt 263B 16 Taylor Louiza E. 16 IN pg0263a.txt 369B 12 Taylor Mahala 40 KY pg0365a.txt 287B 21 Taylor Malinda 24 IN pg0277a.txt 385B 30 Taylor Mariah L. 12 IN pg0379a.txt 299A 6 Taylor Marks L. 38 IN pg0291a.txt 335A 11 Taylor Mary E. 3 IN pg0331a.txt 263B 17 Taylor Mary E. 11 IN pg0263a.txt 385B 31 Taylor Mary E. 10 IN pg0379a.txt 375A 38 Taylor Maud A. 19 IN pg0365a.txt 264B 16 Taylor Nancy 21 KY pg0263a.txt 407B 38 Taylor Napolian B. 13 IN pg0402a.txt 407B 36 Taylor Nathaniel F. 18 IN pg0402a.txt 299A 10 Taylor Polly A. 6 IN pg0291a.txt 407B 37 Taylor Rebecca 15 IN pg0402a.txt 299A 7 Taylor Rebecca E. 29 IN pg0291a.txt 263B 19 Taylor Rebecca S. 8 IN pg0263a.txt 264B 18 Taylor Saleda E. 6/12 IN pg0263a.txt 407B 39 Taylor Sarah E. 9 IN pg0402a.txt 385B 29 Taylor Sarah M. 14 IN pg0379a.txt 369B 11 Taylor Susan 65 KY pg0365a.txt 264B 17 Taylor Ualaza W. 2 KY pg0263a.txt 287B 22 Taylor William B. 1 IN pg0277a.txt 299A 11 Taylor William E. 3 IN pg0291a.txt 263B 20 Taylor William G. 21 IN pg0263a.txt 375A 39 Taylor William T. 17 IN pg0365a.txt 346B 17 Tedrow Elizabeth 5 IN pg0339a.txt 346B 15 Tedrow Enoch 30 OH pg0339a.txt 345B 34 Tedrow George 1 IN pg0339a.txt 346B 19 Tedrow Isabelle 1 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 32 Tedrow John E. 24 OH pg0339a.txt 346B 16 Tedrow Margaret 27 England pg0339a.txt 345B 33 Tedrow Mary E. 23 PA pg0339a.txt 346B 18 Tedrow Thomas 2 IN pg0339a.txt 377A 26 Tempe Clifford 2 IN pg0365a.txt 377A 24 Tempe George 33 IN pg0365a.txt 377A 25 Tempe Margaret 22 OH pg0365a.txt 377A 27 Tempe Nora 1 IN pg0365a.txt 377A 21 Tempe Pernelia 24 IN pg0365a.txt 377A 29 Tempe Priscilla 65 PA pg0365a.txt 300B 4 Terrell Alvin 1 IN pg0291a.txt 366B 3 Terrell James 23 IN pg0365a.txt 300B 2 Terrell John 24 IN pg0291a.txt 327B 25 Terrell Joseph 21 IN pg0319a.txt 327B 26 Terrell Kittie 24 IN pg0319a.txt 327B 27 Terrell Mary A. 2 IN pg0319a.txt 321B 3 Terrell Nancy 30 IN pg0319a.txt 326B 20 Terrell Rachel 5 IN pg0319a.txt 366B 4 Terrell Sarah 17 IN pg0365a.txt 300B 3 Terrell Sarah C. 19 IN pg0291a.txt 321B 2 Terrell William 33 IN pg0319a.txt 294A 17 Terry Adam 35 IN pg0291a.txt 294A 20 Terry Clara E. 8 IN pg0291a.txt 326A 14 Terry Elias A. 4 IN pg0319a.txt 294A 21 Terry Eliza R. 7 IN pg0291a.txt 326B 9 Terry Ellcanney 30 KY pg0319a.txt 325B 13 Terry James 70 KY pg0319a.txt 294A 22 Terry James E. 4 IN pg0291a.txt 326A 12 Terry John 25 IN pg0319a.txt 326B 12 Terry John C. 6 IN pg0319a.txt 294A 18 Terry Julianna 30 IN pg0291a.txt 326B 14 Terry Manervy 2 IN pg0319a.txt 326A 13 Terry Martha A. 25 IN pg0319a.txt 326B 10 Terry Rebecca M. 25 KY pg0319a.txt 326A 15 Terry Rebecca T. 1 IN pg0319a.txt 325B 14 Terry Stacia 70 KY pg0319a.txt 326B 13 Terry Stacia D. 5 IN pg0319a.txt 326B 11 Terry Susan L. 9 IN pg0319a.txt 294A 19 Terry Thomas 9 IN pg0291a.txt 412A 22 Teverbaugh Margaret A. 17 IN pg0402a.txt 405A 10 Teverbaugh Thomas 9 IN pg0402a.txt 381A 27 Tewell Benedic J. 26 IN pg0379a.txt 392B 19 Tewell Catherine 16 IN pg0392a.txt 391A 40 Tewell Charles 15 IN pg0379a.txt 391A 38 Tewell Charley 56 IN pg0379a.txt 293B 36 Tewell Delila A. 49 KY pg0291a.txt 296A 16 Tewell Diantha 26 IN pg0291a.txt 293B 38 Tewell Eliza A. 26 IN pg0291a.txt 412A 8 Tewell Elizabeth 31 IN pg0402a.txt 386A 25 Tewell Emily A. 3 IN pg0379a.txt 296A 15 Tewell Francis R. 33 IN pg0291a.txt 391A 39 Tewell Heneretta 36 IN pg0379a.txt 391B 1 Tewell James 12 IN pg0379a.txt 412A 9 Tewell John A. S. 6 IN pg0402a.txt 386A 22 Tewell John P. 31 IN pg0379a.txt 296A 17 Tewell John T. 5 IN pg0291a.txt 293B 39 Tewell John T. 16 IN pg0291a.txt 293B 40 Tewell Manervy 8 IN pg0291a.txt 386A 24 Tewell Mary A. 5 IN pg0379a.txt 381A 26 Tewell Morris 32 IN pg0379a.txt 293B 35 Tewell Richard 51 IN pg0291a.txt 294A 1 Tewell Richard M. 2 IN pg0291a.txt 296A 18 Tewell Samuel M. 2 IN pg0291a.txt 381A 25 Tewell Sarah 67 KY pg0379a.txt 386A 23 Tewell Sarah F. 31 IN pg0379a.txt 412A 10 Tewell Squire T. 1 IN pg0402a.txt 293B 37 Tewell Thomas J. 17 IN pg0291a.txt 412A 7 Tewell William 51 IN pg0402a.txt 324B 24 Tharp Caroline C. 19 OH pg0319a.txt 324B 23 Tharp Voluna 22 IN pg0319a.txt 370B 39 Thomas Alice 4 IN pg0365a.txt 370B 33 Thomas Clellan P. 54 KY pg0365a.txt 370B 34 Thomas Eliza 51 IN pg0365a.txt 370B 35 Thomas James 12 IN pg0365a.txt 278B 22 Thomas John 29 IN pg0277a.txt 370B 37 Thomas Margaret 4 IN pg0365a.txt 370B 40 Thomas Perry 5/12 IN pg0365a.txt 370B 38 Thomas Walter 3 IN pg0365a.txt 370B 36 Thomas William 30 IN pg0365a.txt 387B 23 Thompson Alexander 29 IL pg0379a.txt 396A 36 Thompson Ally 20 KY pg0392a.txt 334B 35 Thompson Brutus E. 9 IN pg0331a.txt 334B 36 Thompson Calvin H. 7 IN pg0331a.txt 334B 32 Thompson Calvin H. 37 IN pg0331a.txt 334B 33 Thompson Elizabeth 30 IN pg0331a.txt 334B 37 Thompson George W. 4 IN pg0331a.txt 334B 34 Thompson John N. 14 IN pg0331a.txt 387B 25 Thompson John S. 4 KY pg0379a.txt 334B 38 Thompson Margaret A. 1 IN pg0331a.txt 387B 24 Thompson Nancy 33 KY pg0379a.txt 381A 8 Thomson Elizabeth 11 KY pg0379a.txt 408B 2 Thomson Lydia A. 11 IN pg0402a.txt 408B 1 Thomson Margaret A. 32 IN pg0402a.txt 408B 5 Thomson Mary J. 2 IN pg0402a.txt 408B 3 Thomson Sarah E. 8 IN pg0402a.txt 408A 40 Thomson William 40 OH pg0402a.txt 408B 4 Thomson William A. 5 IN pg0402a.txt 400B 14 Tincher James W. 7 IN pg0392a.txt 400B 13 Tincher Mary A. 30 OH pg0392a.txt 327A 36 Tindale James H. 13 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 35 Tindale Jeremiah 15 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 34 Tindale John 17 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 33 Tindale Manervy E. 35 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 37 Tindale Nancy E. 10 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 39 Tindale Samuel 1 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 38 Tindale Sarah M. 7 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 32 Tindale William F. 39 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 27 Tindall Emerine 38 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 26 Tindall John 43 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 31 Tindall John 1 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 29 Tindall Johnathan 8 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 30 Tindall Nancy E. 6 IN pg0319a.txt 327A 28 Tindall William A. 10 IN pg0319a.txt 336B 7 Tindle Fariba 17 IN pg0331a.txt 336B 6 Tindle George 22 IN pg0331a.txt 336B 24 Tindle James 19 IN pg0331a.txt 327B 18 Tindle Margreta 64 KY pg0319a.txt 311A 29 Tinkle Andrew J. 25 OH pg0307a.txt 311A 30 Tinkle Creena A. 20 IN pg0307a.txt 348B 5 Tinkle Daniel B. 24 KY pg0339a.txt 311A 26 Tinkle Jeremiah 64 OH pg0307a.txt 311A 27 Tinkle Mary 67 PA pg0307a.txt 348B 6 Tinkle Mary 24 IN pg0339a.txt 311A 31 Tinkle Mary E. 2/12 IN pg0307a.txt 348B 7 Tinkle Mary S. 2 IN pg0339a.txt 311A 32 Tinkle Rachael 11/12 IN pg0307a.txt 348B 8 Tinkle Thomas 5/12 IN pg0339a.txt 353A 25 Titus Anna 4 IN pg0351a.txt 353A 24 Titus Barbara 8 IN pg0351a.txt 353A 23 Titus Francis 35 IN pg0351a.txt 353A 27 Titus Mary F. 3/12 IN pg0351a.txt 353A 22 Titus William 35 TN pg0351a.txt 353A 26 Titus William F. 3/12 IN pg0351a.txt 287B 39 Todd Catharine 18 IN pg0277a.txt 287B 38 Todd James S. 24 OH pg0277a.txt 359B 35 Todd John A. 32 OH pg0351a.txt 359B 32 Todd Mary 6 IN pg0351a.txt 359B 33 Todd Nancy 5 IN pg0351a.txt 359B 31 Todd Rebecca 8 IN pg0351a.txt 359B 34 Todd Tillman 3 IN pg0351a.txt 287B 40 Todd William 1 IN pg0277a.txt 334A 31 Tolbert John 24 VA pg0331a.txt 292A 26 Toliver Ann E. 25 IN pg0291a.txt 292A 28 Toliver Ennis H. 3 IN pg0291a.txt 292A 27 Toliver Evert 4 IN pg0291a.txt 292A 25 Toliver John N. 32 IN pg0291a.txt 365B 30 Toliver Lidia 8 IN pg0365a.txt 301A 4 Toney Mary A. 25 IN pg0291a.txt 301A 11 Toney Sarah A. 2 IN pg0291a.txt 280A 28 Toon Alhier D. 6/12 IN pg0277a.txt 356B 32 Toon Bethal 20 IN pg0351a.txt 280A 26 Toon Clarra A. 5 IN pg0277a.txt 280A 27 Toon Eliza J. 2 IN pg0277a.txt 280A 22 Toon Ellinor 30 IN pg0277a.txt 355A 8 Toon James A. 9 IN pg0351a.txt 362A 32 Toon John 3 IN pg0351a.txt 280A 23 Toon John G. 33 IN pg0277a.txt 362A 25 Toon Lucian 39 IN pg0351a.txt 362A 27 Toon Manervy 13 IN pg0351a.txt 356B 33 Toon Markus 16 IN pg0351a.txt 356B 31 Toon Mary 62 TN pg0351a.txt 362A 31 Toon Mary 5 IN pg0351a.txt 356B 34 Toon Mary A. 18 IN pg0351a.txt 280A 25 Toon Nancy 8 IN pg0277a.txt 362A 33 Toon Nancy 2 IN pg0351a.txt 362A 29 Toon Peter 9 IN pg0351a.txt 362A 26 Toon Roda 35 IN pg0351a.txt 280A 24 Toon Sarah E. 10 IN pg0277a.txt 362A 30 Toon Susan 7 IN pg0351a.txt 362A 28 Toon Thomas 11 IN pg0351a.txt 356B 30 Toon William 24 IN pg0351a.txt 336B 28 Town Harriet L. 14 IN pg0331a.txt 336B 26 Town Rosanna 47 IN pg0331a.txt 336B 27 Town William L. 22 IN pg0331a.txt 336B 25 Town Zalim P. 54 NY pg0331a.txt 333A 21 Trainer Elizabeth 23 IN pg0331a.txt 333A 20 Trainer Harrison 24 IN pg0331a.txt 333A 22 Trainer William 2 IN pg0331a.txt 381A 29 Traner Charles 18 IN pg0379a.txt 381A 28 Traner James J. 20 IN pg0379a.txt 292B 10 Tranter Eliza 23 IN pg0291a.txt 335B 18 Tranter James A. 7 IN pg0331a.txt 335B 19 Tranter John W. 4 IN pg0331a.txt 335B 17 Tranter Lamira A. 26 IN pg0331a.txt 335B 20 Tranter Senora 2 IN pg0331a.txt 292B 11 Tranter Ulysus G. 1 IN pg0291a.txt 335B 16 Tranter Wessley 37 IN pg0331a.txt 324B 1 Trantor Eud 7 IN pg0319a.txt 324A 36 Trantor Henry 37 IN pg0319a.txt 324B 2 Trantor Jessey E. 1 IN pg0319a.txt 324B 3 Trantor John 58 KY pg0319a.txt 324A 38 Trantor John T. 14 IN pg0319a.txt 324A 40 Trantor Leah 9 IN pg0319a.txt 324B 4 Trantor Ruey E. 52 OH pg0319a.txt 324A 39 Trantor Sarah A. 12 IN pg0319a.txt 324A 37 Trantor Susan 37 IN pg0319a.txt 345B 10 Treadaway Alfred 15 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 16 Treadaway Alfred P. 8/12 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 25 Treadaway Cutler 8 IN pg0339a.txt 344A 40 Treadaway Cutler 8 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 14 Treadaway Dicy 4 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 17 Treadaway Elizabeth 17 IN pg0339a.txt 344A 38 Treadaway Frank 13 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 23 Treadaway Frank 12 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 15 Treadaway George W. 3 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 13 Treadaway Harrison 27 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 24 Treadaway Harrison 10 IN pg0339a.txt 344A 39 Treadaway Harrison 10 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 22 Treadaway John T. 14 IN pg0339a.txt 344A 37 Treadaway John T. 14 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 16 Treadaway Mandy J. 4 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 14 Treadaway Mary A. 26 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 18 Treadaway Nora 2 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 13 Treadaway Richard 12 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 21 Treadaway Roda 47 KY pg0339a.txt 344A 34 Treadaway Roda A. 41 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 15 Treadaway Sarah 5 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 12 Treadaway Sarah 28 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 17 Treadaway Susan M. 3 IN pg0339a.txt 345B 11 Treadaway Thomas H. 25 IN pg0339a.txt 344A 33 Treadaway William 36 IN pg0339a.txt 339B 20 Treadaway William J. 37 IN pg0339a.txt 314B 9 Trimbleson Elizabeth 2 IN pg0307a.txt 314B 7 Trimbleson Miles 29 IN pg0307a.txt 314B 8 Trimbleson Sarah 25 IN pg0307a.txt 366A 28 Trout Daniel 33 IN pg0365a.txt 366A 29 Trout Mary 26 IN pg0365a.txt 396B 8 Trublood Alzonon ? 22 IN pg0392a.txt 396B 11 Trublood Hervy T. 14 IN pg0392a.txt 396B 6 Trublood Josiah 50 IN pg0392a.txt 396B 10 Trublood Martha M. 16 IN pg0392a.txt 396B 7 Trublood Mary J. 43 NC pg0392a.txt 396B 9 Trublood Sarah A. 20 IN pg0392a.txt 411B 31 Trulove Albert 9 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 11 Trulove Anney 4 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 9 Trulove Archa 9 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 10 Trulove Arthur 7 IN pg0402a.txt 403B 16 Trulove Edman 27 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 27 Trulove Eliza J. 17 IN pg0402a.txt 403B 18 Trulove Erist E. 1 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 33 Trulove Franklin 3 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 29 Trulove Gemima 13 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 4 Trulove George 34 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 8 Trulove George 12 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 32 Trulove Isabell 7 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 6 Trulove John 15 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 30 Trulove John 11 IN pg0402a.txt 411A 37 Trulove Lavina E. 2 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 26 Trulove Margaret A. 18 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 5 Trulove Margaret J. 25 OH pg0402a.txt 411A 36 Trulove Martha E. 32 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 25 Trulove Mary 38 OH pg0402a.txt 411A 38 Trulove Micheal L. 1/12 IN pg0402a.txt 403B 17 Trulove Sarah E. 26 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 28 Trulove Sarah E. 15 IN pg0402a.txt 411B 24 Trulove William 42 IN pg0402a.txt 414A 7 Trulove William 14 IN pg0402a.txt 411A 35 Trulove William C. 28 IN pg0402a.txt 405B 15 Tualy Alvira 16 IN pg0402a.txt 405B 16 Tualy John M. D. 10 IN pg0402a.txt 405B 14 Tualy Sarah E. 37 IN pg0402a.txt 405B 17 Tualy Willis 8 IN pg0402a.txt 302B 11 Turner Annie 21 OH pg0291a.txt 374A 3 Turner Eliza A. 52 MD pg0365a.txt 396B 1 Turner Eva M. 5 IN pg0392a.txt 374A 2 Turner William 50 OH pg0365a.txt 281A 17 Turney Andrew J. 49 IL pg0277a.txt 281A 19 Turney Felix A. 15 IN pg0277a.txt 281A 20 Turney James W. 10 IN pg0277a.txt 281A 18 Turney Mary A. 35 KY pg0277a.txt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375B 40 Umphrey Caroline 8 IN pg0365a.txt 375B 37 Umphrey Clorinda 34 IN pg0365a.txt 375B 38 Umphrey Manervy 11 IN pg0365a.txt 376A 1 Umphrey Mary E. 6 IN pg0365a.txt 375B 39 Umphrey Sarah 9 IN pg0365a.txt 376A 36 Uppold Alice B. 3 IN pg0365a.txt 376A 34 Uppold Lewis 38 OH pg0365a.txt 376A 35 Uppold Mary A. 24 IN pg0365a.txt 345A 39 Urry Frances 3 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 37 Urry Mary J. 27 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 36 Urry Master J. 27 IN pg0339a.txt 345A 38 Urry Ruth P. 4 IN pg0339a.txt 373B 1 Utterback Catharine 20 OH pg0365a.txt 373A 37 Utterback Francis P. 52 VA pg0365a.txt 304A 33 Utterback Francis W. 7 IN pg0291a.txt 373A 38 Utterback Harriet J. 53 VA pg0365a.txt 373B 4 Utterback Harriet M. 12 OH pg0365a.txt 374B 21 Utterback Isaac 31 OH pg0365a.txt 304A 35 Utterback Isaac 3 IN pg0291a.txt 374B 24 Utterback Isaac 11 IN pg0365a.txt 374B 23 Utterback Isaac N. 13 OH pg0365a.txt 373A 39 Utterback John 21 OH pg0365a.txt 374B 26 Utterback Lucinda 16 OH pg0365a.txt 373A 40 Utterback Mariah J. 24 OH pg0365a.txt 373B 2 Utterback Mary E. 19 OH pg0365a.txt 304A 36 Utterback Minnie 1 IN pg0291a.txt 374B 22 Utterback Rachel M. 31 OH pg0365a.txt 373B 3 Utterback Richard B. 16 OH pg0365a.txt 374B 25 Utterback Sarah A. 19 OH pg0365a.txt 304A 34 Utterback Sarah J. 4 IN pg0291a.txt 304A 32 Utterback Sidney A. 27 IN pg0291a.txt 304A 31 Utterback William 35 OH pg0291a.txt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 403B 26 Vail Angeline 45 KY pg0402a.txt 403B 29 Vail Anthony 8 IN pg0402a.txt 403B 27 Vail Christopher 20 IL pg0402a.txt 403B 25 Vail George 99 OH pg0402a.txt 403B 28 Vail Jefferson 10 IN pg0402a.txt 266B 10 Vallou Catharine A. 16 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 19 Vallou Claracy A. 21 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 15 Vallou Elizabeth A. 6 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 13 Vallou Emmit A. 9 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 16 Vallou George H. 2 IN pg0263a.txt 266B 8 Vallou George W. 47 VA pg0263a.txt 266B 20 Vallou Idia 5/12 IN pg0263a.txt 266B 9 Vallou Jane 44 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 11 Vallou John L. 14 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 12 Vallou Mary L. 12 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 14 Vallou Matilda 7 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 18 Vallou Oliver P. 22 OH pg0263a.txt 266B 17 Vallou Sarah E. 17 OH pg0263a.txt 300B 6 Vandiver Aaron 28 IN pg0291a.txt 300B 8 Vandiver Lillian P. 17 IN pg0291a.txt 300B 5 Vandiver Mary 57 SC pg0291a.txt 300B 7 Vandiver Mary 20 IN pg0291a.txt 375A 24 Vanfossen Delilia J. 4 OH pg0365a.txt 375A 25 Vanfossen Emma M. 2 OH pg0365a.txt 375A 23 Vanfossen Lucinda 32 OH pg0365a.txt 375A 22 Vanfossen Smith 31 OH pg0365a.txt 386B 24 Vanhoy Adia 1 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 23 Vanhoy Ashmel F. 6 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 20 Vanhoy Charles A. 12 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 15 Vanhoy Charles B. 50 NC pg0379a.txt 386B 18 Vanhoy James 16 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 19 Vanhoy John D. 14 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 21 Vanhoy Layfette 10 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 22 Vanhoy Mary E. 8 IN pg0379a.txt 386B 16 Vanhoy Rebecca A. 46 KY pg0379a.txt 386B 17 Vanhoy William C. 18 IN pg0379a.txt 408B 38 Vanmeter Esther 34 IN pg0402a.txt 408B 39 Vanmeter Joseph 7 IN pg0402a.txt 408B 37 Vanmeter Joseph 34 IN pg0402a.txt 315B 17 Vest Andrew J. 25 IN pg0307a.txt 265A 37 Vest Fielding F. 53 KY pg0263a.txt 265A 40 Vest Isadore 14 IN pg0263a.txt 315B 20 Vest John 1 IN pg0307a.txt 315B 18 Vest Julia A. 22 IN pg0307a.txt 315B 19 Vest Mary E. 5 IN pg0307a.txt 265A 39 Vest Sarah E. 18 IN pg0263a.txt 265A 38 Vest Susan 49 KY pg0263a.txt 373A 29 Vicar Jenna ? 19 OH pg0365a.txt 373A 28 Vicar Lorenzo 21 OH pg0365a.txt 332B 2 Vogel Annie 21 Bavaria pg0331a.txt 332B 1 Vogel Fredrick 28 Bavaria pg0331a.txt 303B 26 Vogrus Lizzie 15 IN pg0291a.txt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -