Noble County, IN 1850 Federal Census (Index File 3 of 5) This Census was transcribed by Judith Newland and proofread by Brenda G. McMillen for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 1999 by Judith Newland ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ========================================================================== PAGE# LINE# LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME AGE BIRTH_PLACE FILE_NAME ========================================================================== 278a 11 Ibickson Mary Ann 43 Germany pg0271a.txt 284b 40 Iddings Florance 4 Ind pg0284a.txt 283b 41 Iddings Henry 60 Penn pg0271a.txt 284b 38 Iddings Lewis 29 Ohio pg0284a.txt 284a 1 Iddings Mary 26 Ohio pg0284a.txt 284b 39 Iddings Rebecca 25 Ohio pg0284a.txt 283b 42 Iddings Sarah 60 Penn pg0271a.txt 284b 41 Iddings Virginia 2 Ind pg0284a.txt 284a 2 Iddings Warran 24 Ohio pg0284a.txt 242b 29 Idings Adam L 6/12 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 26 Idings Asa J 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 22 Idings Barbara 31 Ohio pg0233b.txt 242b 25 Idings Frances A 7 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 24 Idings Hiram B 10 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 21 Idings Jackson 34 Ohio pg0233b.txt 242b 23 Idings James H 12 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 27 Idings Sarah J 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 28 Idings Sylva 3 Ind pg0233b.txt 202a 36 Ingraham Angeline 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 202a 34 Ingraham Marshall D. 7 Ind pg0197a.txt 202a 35 Ingraham Martin 4 Ind pg0197a.txt 202a 30 Ingraham Nathan 38 Vt pg0197a.txt 202a 31 Ingraham Sarah 36 NY pg0197a.txt 202a 37 Ingraham Virgil 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 209b 32 Inks Andrew 4 Ind pg0197a.txt 233a 1 Inks Charles 13 Ind pg0221b.txt 209b 30 Inks George 8 Ohio pg0197a.txt 233a 2 Inks John 11 Ind pg0221b.txt 232b 41 Inks Joseph 37 Ohio pg0221b.txt 232b 42 Inks Louisa 33 Ohio pg0221b.txt 209b 29 Inks Lydia 30 Penn pg0197a.txt 209b 33 Inks Mary E 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 209b 31 Inks Sarah Ann 7 Ind pg0197a.txt 209b 28 Inks Thomas 37 Penn pg0197a.txt 247a 16 Inser Ann 5 Ind pg0246b.txt 247a 14 Inser George W 19 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247a 15 Inser Hugh A C 14 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247a 40 Inser Joseph 36 Unknown pg0246b.txt 247a 41 Inser Matilda 25 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247a 13 Inser Rebecca 40 Md pg0246b.txt 247a 12 Inser William 47 NJ pg0246b.txt 275a 11 Irvin Samuel 25 K.y pg0271a.txt 285a 13 Isbell Adah 50 N.Y pg0284a.txt 284b 28 Isbell Alonzo 6 Ind pg0284a.txt 277b 40 Isbell Charles 14 N.Y pg0271a.txt 285a 12 Isbell Charles 55 N.Y pg0284a.txt 284b 26 Isbell Elias 11 Mich pg0284a.txt 284b 25 Isbell Elizabeth 11 Mich pg0284a.txt 285a 17 Isbell Emily 7 Ind pg0284a.txt 284b 27 Isbell Frances M 9 Ind pg0284a.txt 278a 1 Isbell Francis 6 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277b 34 Isbell H. S. 48 N.Y pg0271a.txt 285a 14 Isbell Hannah 15 Ohio pg0284a.txt 277b 42 Isbell Hannah J 10 N.Y pg0271a.txt 277b 37 Isbell Herman 19 N.Y pg0271a.txt 278a 2 Isbell Isaac 3 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277b 35 Isbell Jane 43 Penn pg0271a.txt 277b 38 Isbell Jobe R 18 N.Y pg0271a.txt 277b 39 Isbell Joel P 17 N.Y pg0271a.txt 277b 41 Isbell John W 12 N.Y pg0271a.txt 285a 18 Isbell Louisa 6 Ind pg0284a.txt 284b 24 Isbell Maria 29 Ohio pg0284a.txt 285a 15 Isbell Martha 13 Mich pg0284a.txt 268a 2 Isbell Mary 76 Conn pg0258b.txt 285a 16 Isbell Naoma 11 Ind pg0284a.txt 284b 23 Isbell Philander 31 Ohio pg0284a.txt 277b 36 Isbell Stephen 21 N.Y pg0271a.txt 284b 29 Isbell William 2 Ind pg0284a.txt 272a 6 Jackman Hudson 23 Mass pg0271a.txt 258b 26 Jacob Aaron 2 Ind pg0258b.txt 258b 22 Jacob Caroline 18 Ny pg0258b.txt 258b 21 Jacob George 42 M.d pg0258b.txt 258b 24 Jacob Harriet 10 Ohio pg0258b.txt 258b 23 Jacob Lucy Ann 12 Ind pg0258b.txt 258b 28 Jacob Stephen 1 Ind pg0258b.txt 258b 25 Jacob Susan 4 Ohio pg0258b.txt 203a 16 Jacquay Daniel 12 Ohio pg0197a.txt 203b 25 Jacquay George 2 Ind pg0197a.txt 203b 24 Jacquay Polly 29 NY pg0197a.txt 203b 23 Jacquay Samuel 32 NY pg0197a.txt 236b 26 James James 23 Penn pg0233b.txt 201a 35 James John 46 Penn pg0197a.txt 201a 36 James Margaret 40 Penn pg0197a.txt 201a 37 James Martha Ann 20 Ohio pg0197a.txt 236b 28 James Owen 12 Penn pg0233b.txt 236b 25 James Sarah 46 Penn pg0233b.txt 201a 38 James Sarah Ann 16 Ohio pg0197a.txt 236b 27 James Theodore 14 Penn pg0233b.txt 236b 24 James Thomas 58 Penn pg0233b.txt 203a 11 Jaquay Martha 17 Ohio pg0197a.txt 203a 8 Jaquay Norris 51 RI pg0197a.txt 203a 9 Jaquay Polly 52 NY pg0197a.txt 203a 10 Jaquay Washington 20 Ohio pg0197a.txt 250a 21 Jaquays Alphus 34 Ohio pg0246b.txt 250a 22 Jaquays Delia 31 N.Y pg0246b.txt 250a 23 Jaquays William H 10/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 258b 5 Jennings A. C. 29 N.y pg0258b.txt 258b 9 Jennings Brayton 13 N.y pg0258b.txt 258b 4 Jennings Clarisa 52 V.t pg0258b.txt 258b 8 Jennings David 15 N.y pg0258b.txt 258b 10 Jennings Dressa 9 N.y pg0258b.txt 258b 6 Jennings Elizabeth 24 N.y pg0258b.txt 258b 3 Jennings Ephraim 52 Mass pg0258b.txt 258b 7 Jennings Leonidus 18 N.y pg0258b.txt 260a 37 Jennings Mary 24 N.y pg0258b.txt 260a 36 Jennings Orville 23 N.y pg0258b.txt 260a 38 Jennings Seymour 6/12 Ind pg0258b.txt 202a 14 Jewell Hannah 5 Ind pg0197a.txt 202a 4 Jewell Jonathan 54 Penn pg0197a.txt 202a 5 Jewell Sarah 45 NY pg0197a.txt 202b 34 Johnson Alvin R. 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 216a 9 Johnson Anderson 5 Ind pg0210a.txt 283a 41 Johnson Andrew 37 N.Y pg0271a.txt 285b 2 Johnson Angeline 3 Ind pg0284a.txt 219a 19 Johnson Charles W 2 Ind pg0210a.txt 249b 25 Johnson Cornelia 17 V.a pg0246b.txt 219a 15 Johnson Eliza 34 NY pg0210a.txt 271a 30 Johnson Eliza P 11 Penn pg0271a.txt 202b 32 Johnson Emily 35 Ind pg0197a.txt 285a 41 Johnson Emly A 16 V.t pg0284a.txt 249b 24 Johnson Enoch 19 V.a pg0246b.txt 285b 3 Johnson Flarilla 6/12 Ind pg0284a.txt 285a 42 Johnson Franklin 12 Ohio pg0284a.txt 283a 42 Johnson Hannah 38 N.Y pg0271a.txt 285a 39 Johnson Hose 45 V.t pg0284a.txt 271a 31 Johnson James 19 Penn pg0271a.txt 217b 30 Johnson John 55 Va pg0210a.txt 219a 14 Johnson John C 34 NY pg0210a.txt 216a 8 Johnson John P 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 202b 33 Johnson Josephine 6 Ind pg0197a.txt 202b 31 Johnson Levi 56 Conn pg0197a.txt 249b 26 Johnson Mary A 9 Ohio pg0246b.txt 219a 16 Johnson Milo 9 Ind pg0210a.txt 216a 4 Johnson Oliver 45 NJ pg0210a.txt 285b 1 Johnson Otis F 9 Ohio pg0284a.txt 219a 17 Johnson Perry 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 249b 23 Johnson Phebe 49 V.a pg0246b.txt 285a 40 Johnson Rachel 39 V.t pg0284a.txt 266b 40 Johnson Samuel 20 Ohio pg0258b.txt 217b 31 Johnson Sarah 51 Va pg0210a.txt 216a 6 Johnson Sarah Jane 15 Ind pg0210a.txt 216a 5 Johnson Sophia 34 Ohio pg0210a.txt 216a 7 Johnson William 10 Ind pg0210a.txt 217b 32 Johnson William 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 249b 22 Johnson William 57 V.a pg0246b.txt 271a 29 Johnson William 55 Penn pg0271a.txt 219a 18 Johnson William P 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 228a 37 Jones Ama 28 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 40 Jones Anne C 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 24 Jones Catherine 27 Ind pg0221b.txt 257b 30 Jones Catherine 39 Ohio pg0246b.txt 233b 28 Jones Charles E 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 14 Jones David 38 Va pg0233b.txt 228a 41 Jones Edna 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 36 Jones Eli R 32 Ind pg0221b.txt 233b 26 Jones Elias 30 Ohio pg0233b.txt 187b 26 Jones Elizabeth 3 Ohio pgo186a.txt 242b 20 Jones Elizabeth 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 286b 18 Jones Evan 44 England pg0284a.txt 187b 27 Jones Frank 1 Ohio pgo186a.txt 257b 31 Jones George R 17 N.y pg0246b.txt 228a 26 Jones Hannah 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 38 Jones Helen 8 Ind pg0221b.txt 257b 32 Jones Ichabod 16 N.y pg0246b.txt 242b 16 Jones James 12 Ten pg0233b.txt 242b 18 Jones Joseph 6 Ind pg0233b.txt 242b 19 Jones Lewis J 3 Ind pg0233b.txt 187b 25 Jones Margaret 23 Ohio pgo186a.txt 242b 15 Jones Margaret 33 Ten pg0233b.txt 286b 19 Jones Mary 54 N.H. pg0284a.txt 225b 7 Jones Mary Ann 14 Ohio pg0221b.txt 228a 25 Jones Mary Jane 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 39 Jones Mary Jane 6 Ind pg0221b.txt 257b 29 Jones Milo 40 Mass pg0246b.txt 228a 42 Jones NN 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 233b 27 Jones Rachel 25 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234a 2 Jones Samuel 23 Ohio pg0233b.txt 228a 23 Jones Washington 34 Ind pg0221b.txt 242b 17 Jones Wells 10 Ind pg0233b.txt 266a 21 Jordon Jacob S 6 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266a 20 Jordon John D 8 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266a 19 Jordon Mary C 32 Germany pg0258b.txt 266a 22 Jordon Mary M 3 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266a 23 Jordon Sarah A 6/12 Ind pg0258b.txt 266a 18 Jordon William 32 Germany pg0258b.txt 254a 19 Joslin George W 12 Ohio pg0246b.txt 201a 25 Joslin James 11 Ind pg0197a.txt 201a 26 Joslin Ora 9 Ind pg0197a.txt 201a 27 Joslin Rodby 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 258a 7 Judy Benjamin 28 Ohio pg0246b.txt 258a 9 Judy Isabella 3 Ill pg0246b.txt 258a 8 Judy Nancy 25 Ohio pg0246b.txt 234a 22 Juks Beecher 9 Ind pg0233b.txt 234a 17 Juks E*iel*** 39 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234a 19 Juks Elizabeth 19 Ind pg0233b.txt 234a 24 Juks James P 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 234a 20 Juks Jonah 15 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234a 21 Juks Joseph 13 Ind pg0233b.txt 234a 18 Juks Mahela 38 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234a 23 Juks Sarah E 7 Ind pg0233b.txt 213b 23 Kabrick Ann 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 18 Kabrick Catherine 23 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 21 Kabrick George 17 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 20 Kabrick John 19 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 19 Kabrick Joshua 21 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 17 Kabrick Mary 41 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 16 Kabrick Peter 52 Va. pg0210a.txt 213b 22 Kabrick Rebecca 15 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213b 26 Kabrick Sarah Jane 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 213b 24 Kabrick Simon Peter 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 213b 25 Kabrick Susan 5 Ind pg0210a.txt 261a 23 Kaufman Benjamin 37 Penn pg0258b.txt 261a 29 Kaufman Caroline 7 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 26 Kaufman Elizabeth 13 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 30 Kaufman Emma 5 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 27 Kaufman Leah 10 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 31 Kaufman Mary 3 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 25 Kaufman Noah 14 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 28 Kaufman Sarah 9 Ohio pg0258b.txt 261a 24 Kaufman Susanah 33 Penn pg0258b.txt 206a 7 Kedzie Margaret 60 NY pg0197a.txt 229a 40 Keeney Almyra 18 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229b 1 Keeney Benton 24 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 39 Keeney Fanny 47 Mass pg0221b.txt 229b 2 Keeney Laura 17 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 38 Keeney Rufus D 48 Penn pg0221b.txt 186a 29 Keesy Mary 23 Ohio pgo186a.txt 186a 28 Keesy William 26 Md pgo186a.txt 243a 14 Keister Amanda 26 Penn pg0233b.txt 224b 12 Keister Ambrose 3 Ind pg0221b.txt 243a 13 Keister Ann 47 Penn pg0233b.txt 224b 7 Keister Catherine 28 Penn pg0221b.txt 243a 17 Keister Catherine 13 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243a 12 Keister David A 48 Penn pg0233b.txt 224b 13 Keister Goram 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 243a 18 Keister Harrison 9 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243a 16 Keister Jacob 17 Penn pg0233b.txt 224b 9 Keister John 9 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224b 6 Keister Levi 32 Penn pg0221b.txt 224b 10 Keister Mary 7 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224b 11 Keister Miles 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 224b 8 Keister Nancy J. 10 Ohio pg0221b.txt 243a 21 Keister Rebecca Ann 16 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 20 Keister Samuel 22 Penn pg0233b.txt 243a 19 Keister Sarah 6 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243a 15 Keister Soloman 19 Penn pg0233b.txt 224b 14 Keister Susanah 66 Penn pg0221b.txt 278a 16 Kelly Adda Ann 22 N.Y pg0271a.txt 278a 15 Kelly Jefferson 29 N.Y pg0271a.txt 188b 42 Kerns John W 13 Penn pgo186a.txt 263a 7 Kestler John 38 Penn pg0258b.txt 263a 10 Kestler Julia Ann 10 Ohio pg0258b.txt 263a 8 Kestler Rebecca 34 Md pg0258b.txt 263a 11 Kestler Sarah Ann 5 Ohio pg0258b.txt 263a 9 Kestler William 14 Ohio pg0258b.txt 244a 33 Kifford Catherine 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 244a 32 Kifford Charles 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 25 Kifford David 44 Penn pg0233b.txt 244a 29 Kifford David 14 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 30 Kifford Fredrick 12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 34 Kifford Ira W.A. 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 244a 28 Kifford John 17 Penn pg0233b.txt 244a 26 Kifford Mary 39 Penn pg0233b.txt 244a 31 Kifford Mary Jane 7 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 27 Kifford Sarah 18 Penn pg0233b.txt 242a 11 Kile Barbara Ann 9 Ohio pg0233b.txt 227a 36 Kile David 7 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227a 39 Kile David 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 242a 9 Kile Ephraim 35 Penn pg0233b.txt 227a 37 Kile Henry 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 227a 33 Kile Jacob 47 Penn pg0221b.txt 242a 12 Kile John W 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 227a 38 Kile Lavina 3 Ind pg0221b.txt 242a 13 Kile Rebecca 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 227a 34 Kile Susan 36 Ohio pg0221b.txt 242a 10 Kile Susan 45 Penn pg0233b.txt 227a 35 Kile William 16 Ohio pg0221b.txt 236a 13 Kilt Elizabeth 24 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 14 Kilt George 60 Penn pg0233b.txt 236a 16 Kilt Jacob 28 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 17 Kilt John P 25 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 12 Kilt Nicholas 31 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 15 Kilt Rachel 50 Ohio pg0233b.txt 246b 19 Kimmill Cyrus 40 Penn pg0246b.txt 205b 21 Kimmill Eliza 2 Ohio pg0197a.txt 205b 22 Kimmill Elizabeth 2/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 268a 26 Kimmill George 24 N.Y pg0258b.txt 246b 23 Kimmill George W 4 Ind pg0246b.txt 246b 24 Kimmill Hellen A 2 Ind pg0246b.txt 246b 21 Kimmill Henry 8 Ohio pg0246b.txt 268a 28 Kimmill Henry 6 N.Y pg0258b.txt 205b 20 Kimmill Jane 20 Ohio pg0197a.txt 205b 19 Kimmill Joseph 25 Ohio pg0197a.txt 246b 22 Kimmill Oliver P 5 Ind pg0246b.txt 268a 27 Kimmill Phebe 25 Ind pg0258b.txt 246b 20 Kimmill Rebecca A 30 Penn pg0246b.txt 192b 25 King Austin 12 Mich pgo186a.txt 281a 17 King Barbara 18 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277b 26 King Catherine 48 NY pg0271a.txt 192b 28 King Dulcena 2/12 Ind pgo186a.txt 277b 29 King Eliza J 17 Ohio pg0271a.txt 281a 21 King Francis S 7 Ohio pg0271a.txt 251a 13 King H 30 Ohio pg0246b.txt 277b 25 King Hiram 51 NY pg0271a.txt 277b 27 King Hiram L 24 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277b 28 King Ira 22 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277b 30 King John C 12 Ind pg0271a.txt 281a 20 King Joseph 9 Ohio pg0271a.txt 261a 10 King Josephus 26 Penn pg0258b.txt 281a 23 King Martin 1 Ohio pg0271a.txt 192b 24 King Mary M. 34 Penn pgo186a.txt 281a 15 King Michael 45 Ohio pg0271a.txt 281a 18 King Michael 13 Ohio pg0271a.txt 192b 23 King Michael D. 38 Penn pgo186a.txt 281a 16 King Rachel 28 Ohio pg0271a.txt 192b 26 King Sarah 8 Ind pgo186a.txt 261a 11 King Sarah 37 Penn pg0258b.txt 281a 19 King Soloman 11 Ohio pg0271a.txt 192b 27 King William 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 281a 22 King William 6 Ohio pg0271a.txt 238a 41 Kinney John 18 Penn pg0233b.txt 243a 31 Kinsey Christian 35 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243a 33 Kinsey Elizabeth 13 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 37 Kinsey Henry 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 38 Kinsey Jacob 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 34 Kinsey Lersusa 11 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 35 Kinsey Margaret 10 Ind pg0233b.txt 243a 32 Kinsey Mary 35 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243a 36 Kinsey Mary Ann 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 219b 18 Kiser Ann 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219b 16 Kiser Jacob 35 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219b 17 Kiser Jane 34 Penn pg0210a.txt 204b 31 Kiser John 20 Germany pg0197a.txt 219b 20 Kiser Maria 9 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219b 19 Kiser Moses 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219b 21 Kiser Perry 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 219b 22 Kiser William S. 8/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 211a 28 Kistler Austin J. 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 26 Kistler Christian G. 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 30 Kistler Elizabeth C. 7 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 27 Kistler Geroge R. 13 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 31 Kistler Harriet E. 5 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 24 Kistler Jacob 40 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 29 Kistler Louisa R. 9 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211a 25 Kistler Mary 33 Va. pg0210a.txt 211a 32 Kistler Sarah J. 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 277a 21 Kittle John 24 Penn pg0271a.txt 246a 34 Kline Caroline 13 Ohio pg0233b.txt 246a 31 Kline Catherine 60 M.d pg0233b.txt 246a 33 Kline Christian 26 Penn pg0233b.txt 196b 21 Kline Daniel 15 Ohio pgo186a.txt 246a 32 Kline Eliza A 28 Penn pg0233b.txt 246a 36 Kline Elizabeth 19 Ohio pg0233b.txt 196b 23 Kline He*ter 11 Ind pgo186a.txt 196b 16 Kline Henry 50 Penn pgo186a.txt 246a 30 Kline Henry 62 Penn pg0233b.txt 246a 35 Kline John 29 Penn pg0233b.txt 196b 22 Kline Leah 13 Ind pgo186a.txt 196b 24 Kline Louisa 6 Ind pgo186a.txt 196b 18 Kline Mary 21 Ohio pgo186a.txt 196b 20 Kline Phebe 17 Ohio pgo186a.txt 196b 19 Kline Rebecca 19 Ohio pgo186a.txt 196b 17 Kline Sophia 45 Penn pgo186a.txt 212a 36 Knight Almyra 4/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 211b 11 Knight Benjamin 23 Ohio pg0210a.txt 284a 5 Knight Catherine 16 Ohio pg0284a.txt 211b 10 Knight Debora 54 N.Y. pg0210a.txt 284a 7 Knight Elizabeth 17 Ohio pg0284a.txt 211b 12 Knight Fredrick 18 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211b 14 Knight Henry 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 284a 3 Knight Isaac 40 Ohio pg0284a.txt 212a 34 Knight Isabella 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 212a 32 Knight Joseph 26 Ohio pg0210a.txt 211b 15 Knight Lewis 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 212a 33 Knight Lucy Ann 28 Ohio pg0210a.txt 212a 35 Knight Manerva 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 284a 4 Knight Maria 41 V.a pg0284a.txt 211b 13 Knight Martha 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 284a 6 Knight Mary 14 Ohio pg0284a.txt 284a 8 Knight Sarah J 6 Ind pg0284a.txt 211b 9 Knight William 67 Md. pg0210a.txt 211a 17 Knight William W 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 213a 40 Kniss Gabinel 2 Ind pg0210a.txt 213a 38 Kniss Michael 28 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213a 39 Kniss Sarah 22 Ohio pg0210a.txt 224a 1 Knowles Hannah 37 Penn pg0221b.txt 224a 3 Knowles Hugh A 13 Ind pg0221b.txt 224a 4 Knowles James 2 Ill pg0221b.txt 187a 41 Knowles John 21 Ohio pgo186a.txt 224a 2 Knowles Thomas B. 18 Ohio pg0221b.txt 240b 39 Knows Andrew 36 Ger pg0233b.txt 240b 41 Knows Ann F 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 221b 11 Knows Cisera 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 221b 5 Knows Elizabeth 39 V.a pg0221b.txt 240b 40 Knows Elizabeth 26 N.J pg0233b.txt 221b 6 Knows Henry 16 Ohio pg0221b.txt 221b 4 Knows Jacob 40 Penn pg0221b.txt 221b 14 Knows Jacob 3/12 Ind pg0221b.txt 221b 7 Knows Lucinda 14 Ohio pg0221b.txt 240b 42 Knows Lucy 10 Ohio pg0233b.txt 221b 9 Knows Mary 9 Ohio pg0221b.txt 221b 12 Knows Samuel 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 221b 8 Knows Sarah 12 Ohio pg0221b.txt 221b 13 Knows Simon P 3/12 Ind pg0221b.txt 221b 10 Knows Susanah 7 Ohio pg0221b.txt 241a 1 Knows Witford 3 Ohio pg0233b.txt 221a 30 Knowse Ann E 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 221a 26 Knowse Henry 31 Penn pg0210a.txt 221a 28 Knowse Levi M 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 221a 27 Knowse Rachel 27 Ohio pg0210a.txt 221a 29 Knowse Sarah E 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 290b 6 Koons Ann R 10 Penn pg0284a.txt 290b 4 Koons David 35 Penn pg0284a.txt 254a 38 Koons Elizabeth 57 M.d pg0246b.txt 254a 41 Koons Elizabeth 14 Ohio pg0246b.txt 290b 9 Koons Elizabeth 5 Ohio pg0284a.txt 253b 5 Koons Jacob 33 Penn pg0246b.txt 253b 9 Koons John 4 Ind pg0246b.txt 254a 40 Koons John 18 Ohio pg0246b.txt 253b 8 Koons Josiah 6 Ohio pg0246b.txt 254a 39 Koons Margaret 20 Ohio pg0246b.txt 253b 6 Koons Mary 35 Penn pg0246b.txt 290b 7 Koons Mary 9 Penn pg0284a.txt 253b 7 Koons Mary A 8 Penn pg0246b.txt 290b 10 Koons Oliver T 2/12 Ind pg0284a.txt 290b 5 Koons Ruth A 29 Penn pg0284a.txt 290b 8 Koons Sarah 6 Penn pg0284a.txt 254a 42 Koons Uriah 10 Ohio pg0246b.txt 253b 10 Koons William H 2 Ind pg0246b.txt 194b 36 Koonse George 15 Ohio pgo186a.txt 194b 35 Koonse Hester 23 Va pgo186a.txt 194b 34 Koonse Michael 60 Va pgo186a.txt 205a 21 Kramer Jacob 43 Penn pg0197a.txt 247a 21 Kromer Caroline 12 Penn pg0246b.txt 247a 22 Kromer Eli 9 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247a 19 Kromer Elizabeth 16 Penn pg0246b.txt 247a 25 Kromer Ephraim 2 Ind pg0246b.txt 247a 20 Kromer Henry 14 Penn pg0246b.txt 247a 17 Kromer John 39 Penn pg0246b.txt 247a 18 Kromer Martha 39 Penn pg0246b.txt 247a 24 Kromer Moses 4 Ind pg0246b.txt 247a 23 Kromer Sarah A 6 Ohio pg0246b.txt 205a 39 Kuhns David 34 Penn pg0197a.txt 205a 41 Kuhns Maria 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 205a 40 Kuhns Mary 46 Va pg0197a.txt 205a 42 Kuhns Milis 7 Ind pg0197a.txt 205b 1 Kuhns Samuel 32 Ohio pg0197a.txt 288b 2 Kurr Anna 38 Ohio pg0284a.txt 288b 4 Kurr Emely J 13 Ohio pg0284a.txt 288b 3 Kurr James 15 Ohio pg0284a.txt 288b 1 Kurr John C 39 Penn pg0284a.txt 288b 5 Kurr Margaret A 10 Ohio pg0284a.txt 288b 7 Kurr Mary 4 Ohio pg0284a.txt 288b 6 Kurr Sarah 8 Ohio pg0284a.txt 269b 9 Kurrle Catherine 43 Germany pg0258b.txt 269b 12 Kurrle Catherine 12 N.Y pg0258b.txt 269b 13 Kurrle Fredrick 10 N.Y pg0258b.txt 269b 15 Kurrle George 4 Ohio pg0258b.txt 269b 16 Kurrle Jacob 2 Ohio pg0258b.txt 269b 10 Kurrle Joan* 16 N.Y pg0258b.txt 269b 11 Kurrle John 14 N.Y pg0258b.txt 269b 8 Kurrle John C 43 Germany pg0258b.txt 269b 14 Kurrle Jonithan 8 Ohio pg0258b.txt 204b 18 Lair Daniel 15 Ind pg0197a.txt 282a 24 Laman George 25 Ohio pg0271a.txt 259a 14 Laman Joseph 24 Penn pg0258b.txt 282a 26 Laman Joseph 2 Ohio pg0271a.txt 282a 25 Laman Leah 26 Penn pg0271a.txt 282a 27 Laman Malissa 1 Ohio pg0271a.txt 275b 30 Laman Mary Ann 23 Penn pg0271a.txt 282a 28 Laman Samuel 28 Ohio pg0271a.txt 236b 23 Laman William 21 Ohio pg0233b.txt 282a 29 Laman William 22 Ohio pg0271a.txt 230a 41 Lamb Angeline 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 252b 22 Lamb Charles W 11 Mich pg0246b.txt 252b 24 Lamb Delora 6 Ind pg0246b.txt 252b 19 Lamb Henry W 37 N.Y pg0246b.txt 252b 20 Lamb Mary 33 N.Y pg0246b.txt 252b 25 Lamb Mary S 3/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 252b 21 Lamb Phebe A 17 N.Y pg0246b.txt 230a 39 Lamb Seltices 26 Ohio pg0221b.txt 252b 23 Lamb Trephena 8 Ohio pg0246b.txt 230a 40 Lamb William N. 7 Ind pg0221b.txt 188b 6 Lamiger Catherine 3 Ind pgo186a.txt 188b 4 Lamiger Posiah 30 Ohio pgo186a.txt 188b 5 Lamiger Rosana 25 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 7 Lamiger Sarah Ann 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 229b 13 Lamkins Alicia 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 241a 9 Lamkins Fredrick 50 England pg0233b.txt 229b 11 Lamkins Lafaett 28 Ohio pg0221b.txt 241a 10 Lamkins Manerva 30 N.Y pg0233b.txt 229b 12 Lamkins Phebe 24 Ohio pg0221b.txt 236a 29 Lamon Edwin 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 236a 27 Lamon Elizabeth 27 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 26 Lamon James 32 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 28 Lamon Sheldon 3 Ind pg0233b.txt 252a 28 Lampkins Alfred 10 Ohio pg0246b.txt 286b 20 Lampkins George J 6 Ind pg0284a.txt 187b 5 Lane Anna 1 Ohio pgo186a.txt 202b 12 Lane Charity 6 Ind pg0197a.txt 187b 3 Lane Cory 7 Ohio pgo186a.txt 235b 39 Lane Daniel M 9/12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 187b 4 Lane Eliza 5 Ohio pgo186a.txt 202b 8 Lane Eliza 15 Ohio pg0197a.txt 202b 7 Lane Elloner 16 Ohio pg0197a.txt 202b 14 Lane Evan 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 202b 9 Lane George 13 Ohio pg0197a.txt 235b 35 Lane Hooper 36 Ohio pg0233b.txt 202b 11 Lane John 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 202b 10 Lane Josiah 10 Ind pg0197a.txt 202b 6 Lane Lewis 17 Ohio pg0197a.txt 235b 36 Lane Margaret 26 Ohio pg0233b.txt 235b 38 Lane Margaret J 2 Ohio pg0233b.txt 202b 13 Lane Mary 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 187b 2 Lane Orinda 29 NY pgo186a.txt 202b 5 Lane Sarah 39 Ohio pg0197a.txt 235b 37 Lane Thomas 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 187b 1 Lane Thomas C. 27 Va pgo186a.txt 225a 32 Langhirdge Susan 49 N.J. pg0221b.txt 192b 4 Laramore Catherine 5 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 41 Laramore Cyrus 17 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 40 Laramore Eli C. 22 Penn pgo186a.txt 192b 2 Laramore Eliza 11 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 31 Laramore Hugh 32 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 37 Laramore Hugh Sr. 70 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 34 Laramore Isabella 7 Penn pgo186a.txt 192b 1 Laramore Joseph 13 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 35 Laramore Martha 5 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 33 Laramore Mary 9 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 32 Laramore Nancy 32 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 38 Laramore Nancy 50 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 42 Laramore Nancy 15 Penn pgo186a.txt 192b 3 Laramore Noah 9 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 36 Laramore William 3 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 39 Laramore William M.D. 24 Penn pgo186a.txt 218a 36 Larimore Aldine 1 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 37 Larimore Caroline 1/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 218a 42 Larimore Hannah 56 Ind pg0210a.txt 218a 34 Larimore John 29 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 35 Larimore Mary Ann 29 M.d pg0210a.txt 218b 1 Larimore William 19 Ohio pg0210a.txt 222a 9 Larken Herman 38 Germany pg0221b.txt 222a 10 Larken Mary 24 Ohio pg0221b.txt 291a 9 Lash David 38 Ohio pg0284a.txt 269a 35 Lash Elijah 5 Ohio pg0258b.txt 291a 12 Lash Emily J 3 Ind pg0284a.txt 269a 33 Lash James 9 Ohio pg0258b.txt 269a 36 Lash Joanis 2 Ohio pg0258b.txt 269a 34 Lash John 7 Ohio pg0258b.txt 269a 32 Lash Joseph 12 Penn pg0258b.txt 269a 31 Lash Mary 35 Penn pg0258b.txt 291a 10 Lash Miranda 25 Ohio pg0284a.txt 269a 30 Lash William 37 Penn pg0258b.txt 291a 11 Lash William D 4 Ohio pg0284a.txt 189a 42 Latta Eliza 42 Ohio pgo186a.txt 189a 41 Latta James 54 Penn pgo186a.txt 276a 41 Latta John 43 Penn pg0271a.txt 190a 2 Latta John S. 12 Ind pgo186a.txt 276b 1 Latta Joseph 16 Ohio pg0271a.txt 276b 2 Latta Phebe 14 Ind pg0271a.txt 276b 3 Latta Rhuhamah 9 Ind pg0271a.txt 276a 42 Latta Riziah 26 Penn pg0271a.txt 190a 1 Latta Samuel 19 Ill pgo186a.txt 262a 21 Law Mary 11 Ohio pg0258b.txt 248b 22 Lawsan Alfred 26 Ohio pg0246b.txt 248b 23 Lawsan Sarah 25 Ohio pg0246b.txt 194a 7 Lay David 26 Ohio pgo186a.txt 194a 8 Lay May J. 21 Ohio pgo186a.txt 218b 34 Lecount Hilinda Jane 22 N Y pg0210a.txt 218b 33 Lecount William 26 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218b 35 Lecount Zacriah 2 Ind pg0210a.txt 187b 32 Lee Amanda 22 Va pgo186a.txt 203a 25 Lee Ann M. 7 NY pg0197a.txt 220a 12 Lee Eliza 32 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220a 15 Lee Laura 8 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220a 16 Lee Lucinda 5 Ind pg0210a.txt 220a 13 Lee Marth 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 187b 29 Lee Martin 60 Va pgo186a.txt 187b 33 Lee Martin 13 Ohio pgo186a.txt 220a 14 Lee Mary E 10 Ohio pg0210a.txt 187b 30 Lee Perry 28 Va pgo186a.txt 220a 17 Lee Samantha 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 203a 26 Lee Sarah 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 187b 31 Lee Simon 20 Va pgo186a.txt 220a 18 Lee William H. 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 286b 34 Leiser Frances 7 Ind pg0284a.txt 286b 30 Leiser John 38 Germany pg0284a.txt 286b 35 Leiser John 4 Ind pg0284a.txt 286b 36 Leiser Marshall 2 Ind pg0284a.txt 286b 31 Leiser Mary 35 Germany pg0284a.txt 286b 32 Leiser Mary 13 Ind pg0284a.txt 286b 33 Leiser Samuel 9 Ind pg0284a.txt 253b 16 Lent Matilda 14 Mich pg0246b.txt 266b 37 Leonard Abigal 35 N.H pg0258b.txt 266b 39 Leonard Alamina C 4 Ind pg0258b.txt 266b 36 Leonard Jonithan V 41 N.H pg0258b.txt 266b 38 Leonard Olive C 11 Ind pg0258b.txt 228b 25 Lester John 27 N.C. pg0221b.txt 228b 28 Lester John 3 Ind pg0221b.txt 228b 26 Lester Lucinda 25 V.a. pg0221b.txt 228b 27 Lester Martha 6 Ind pg0221b.txt 228b 29 Lester William 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 200a 15 Levering Martha 27 Ohio pg0197a.txt 200a 14 Levering William 27 Ohio pg0197a.txt 290b 33 Lewis Caroline W 19 Ohio pg0284a.txt 290b 32 Lewis Enoch 23 NY pg0284a.txt 289b 41 Lewis Jalard F 1 Ind pg0284a.txt 289b 39 Lewis Levina 23 Ohio pg0284a.txt 289b 40 Lewis Richard 3 Ind pg0284a.txt 235b 1 Leymonse Alta 36 NY pg0233b.txt 235b 3 Leymonse Amos W 9 Ind pg0233b.txt 235b 5 Leymonse Calvin A 3 Ind pg0233b.txt 235b 6 Leymonse George C 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 235b 4 Leymonse James M 6 Ind pg0233b.txt 235b 2 Leymonse Jonathan 11 Ind pg0233b.txt 235a 42 Leymonse McJutine 47 N.Y pg0233b.txt 269a 37 Lightner Silas 19 Penn pg0258b.txt 288b 22 Lilley Ann 27 England pg0284a.txt 288b 21 Lilley David A 28 V.t pg0284a.txt 288b 25 Lilley David A 1 Ind pg0284a.txt 288b 23 Lilley Malinda M 5 Ind pg0284a.txt 288b 24 Lilley William E 3 Ind pg0284a.txt 281a 38 Lillie Janet S 24 V.t pg0271a.txt 281a 37 Lillie R D 23 V.t pg0271a.txt 243b 31 Lindsey Elizabeth 18 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243b 30 Lindsey Hiram 25 Ohio pg0233b.txt 243b 29 Lindsey Sarah 45 N.J pg0233b.txt 282a 23 Linn Amanda J 4 Ind pg0271a.txt 282a 22 Linn Malissa M 23 N.y pg0271a.txt 288b 8 Linn Martin 35 N.y pg0284a.txt 248b 17 Lisle Harriet 21 Ohio pg0246b.txt 211a 39 Lobdell Albury T. 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 211a 38 Lobdell Asbury C. 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 211a 33 Lobdell Emeline 37 N.Y. pg0210a.txt 211a 37 Lobdell John W. 10 Ind pg0210a.txt 211a 34 Lobdell Luman 16 N.Y. pg0210a.txt 211a 36 Lobdell Mary Jane 11 N.Y. pg0210a.txt 211a 35 Lobdell Nancy Ann 13 N.Y. pg0210a.txt 244a 8 Lock Barbary 10 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 10 Lock Benjamin F 7 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 11 Lock Eliza 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 6 Lock Elizabeth 35 V.a pg0233b.txt 244a 13 Lock Elizabeth 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 244a 12 Lock Jesse A 3 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 5 Lock John H. 42 M.d pg0233b.txt 244a 7 Lock John T 14 Ohio pg0233b.txt 244a 9 Lock Mary 9 Ohio pg0233b.txt 186a 3 Lockart Arthur D. 6 Ind pgo186a.txt 186a 2 Lockart Harriet 23 OH pgo186a.txt 186a 4 Lockart Horace 2 Ind pgo186a.txt 186a 1 Lockart James S. 28 Penn pgo186a.txt 242a 5 Logan Cordila 43 M.d pg0233b.txt 242a 8 Logan Orange A 4 Ohio pg0233b.txt 242a 6 Logan Wetely A 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 242a 4 Logan William A. 33 N.Y pg0233b.txt 242a 7 Logan William N 7 Ohio pg0233b.txt 219a 10 Long Aaron C F 1/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 219a 4 Long Abel 34 V.a pg0210a.txt 260a 41 Long Adaline 13 Ohio pg0258b.txt 228b 7 Long Agness 10 Ind pg0221b.txt 209a 2 Long Alexander 36 Penn pg0197a.txt 256a 40 Long Amos 1 Ind pg0246b.txt 209a 6 Long Catherine 7 Ohio pg0197a.txt 228b 4 Long Catherine 46 Penn pg0221b.txt 240b 6 Long Daniel 41 Ohio pg0233b.txt 260a 39 Long David 36 Conn pg0258b.txt 228a 15 Long Elizabeth 40 Ind pg0221b.txt 219a 6 Long Elizabeth Jane12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 209a 8 Long Emily * 8/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 256a 38 Long Hannah 23 Ohio pg0246b.txt 228b 2 Long Harriet 20 N.Y. pg0221b.txt 219a 8 Long Henry H 5 Ohio pg0210a.txt 260a 42 Long Homer 11 Ohio pg0258b.txt 256a 37 Long Jacob 28 Penn pg0246b.txt 228b 3 Long James 46 Penn pg0221b.txt 209a 5 Long James A. 9 Ohio pg0197a.txt 219a 9 Long James F 3 Ohio pg0210a.txt 228b 1 Long John 23 Va pg0221b.txt 256a 39 Long John 3 Ind pg0246b.txt 228b 5 Long John Jr. 23 Ohio pg0221b.txt 219a 7 Long John P 7 Ohio pg0210a.txt 228a 17 Long John W 13 Ind pg0221b.txt 209a 4 Long Julia Ann 11 Ohio pg0197a.txt 228b 8 Long Lucinda 7 Ind pg0221b.txt 260a 40 Long Lucritia 32 Ny pg0258b.txt 260b 1 Long Lueritia 3 Ind pg0258b.txt 228b 6 Long Margaret E 16 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 18 Long Margaret M 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 228a 16 Long Martha Jane 15 Ind pg0221b.txt 240b 7 Long Mary Ann 51 N.Y pg0233b.txt 209a 7 Long Mary C. 5 Ohio pg0197a.txt 209a 3 Long Nancy 33 Va pg0197a.txt 219a 5 Long Sarah Ann 31 Ohio pg0210a.txt 253b 29 Long Susan 10 Ohio pg0246b.txt 228a 14 Long Thomas B 46 Ind pg0221b.txt 228b 9 Long William 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 270b 39 Longyear Ann Eliza 32 NY pg0258b.txt 270b 42 Longyear Bradford 5 Ind pg0258b.txt 271a 1 Longyear Catherine 3 Ind pg0271a.txt 271a 2 Longyear Charles 3/12 Ind pg0271a.txt 270b 38 Longyear John 35 NY pg0258b.txt 270b 41 Longyear Malissa 8 NY pg0258b.txt 270b 40 Longyear William 14 NY pg0258b.txt 257a 11 Lord James J 7 Ohio pg0246b.txt 257a 9 Lord Loron 36 N.y pg0246b.txt 257a 10 Lord Mary Ann 25 N.y pg0246b.txt 257a 12 Lord Rosy Ann 6/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 289a 4 Losier Elizabeth 66 Penn pg0284a.txt 289a 3 Losier Henry 68 Penn pg0284a.txt 206a 31 Lough Jeremiah 32 Penn pg0197a.txt 206a 32 Lough Sophia 30 Ohio pg0197a.txt 210a 31 Lourer Daniel 41 Germany pg0210a.txt 210a 32 Lourer Elizabeth 33 Va. pg0210a.txt 210a 33 Lourer Elizabeth 21 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 35 Lourer Jacob 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 36 Lourer Margaret 7 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 37 Lourer Mary 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 34 Lourer William 10 Ind pg0210a.txt 186a 31 Lovely Maria 43 Penn pgo186a.txt 186a 30 Lovely William E. 45 Va pgo186a.txt 265b 6 Loveridge Cyntha 5 Ohio pg0258b.txt 265b 5 Loveridge Jefferson 8 Ohio pg0258b.txt 265b 4 Loveridge John 10 Ohio pg0258b.txt 265b 2 Loveridge Margaret 32 Va pg0258b.txt 265b 3 Loveridge Maria 12 Ohio pg0258b.txt 265b 1 Loveridge Morris S 34 Ohio pg0258b.txt 187b 6 Lublinger John 18 Switzerland pgo186a.txt 256a 15 Lucus Alemenetta 6 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 13 Lucus Ann Eliza 12 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 14 Lucus Clarinda 9 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 9 Lucus George 53 N.Y pg0246b.txt 256a 16 Lucus Joseph 19 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 12 Lucus Mary 15 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 11 Lucus Nancy Ann 17 Ohio pg0246b.txt 256a 10 Lucus Sylvina 42 Ohio pg0246b.txt 283b 18 Lyon Cardilea 1 Ind pg0271a.txt 283b 17 Lyon Catherine 20 Ohio pg0271a.txt 283b 16 Lyon Daniel 26 Ohio pg0271a.txt 196b 15 Lyons Alvira A. 2/12 Ind pgo186a.txt 206b 2 Lyons Charles T. 24 NY pg0197a.txt 196b 14 Lyons Edith 18 Ohio pgo186a.txt 203b 38 Lyons Mary Ann 13 Ohio pg0197a.txt 203b 37 Lyons Newton 16 Ohio pg0197a.txt 196b 13 Lyons Salas 28 NY pgo186a.txt 206b 3 Lyons Tinsley 27 Ohio pg0197a.txt 187a 24 Macy Francis A 2 Ind pgo186a.txt 187a 21 Macy George 26 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 22 Macy Julia Ann 27 Penn pgo186a.txt 187a 23 Macy Mary A 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 262a 37 Madison Charlott 14 Mich pg0258b.txt 262a 39 Madison Frances 2 Ind pg0258b.txt 262a 35 Madison James 39 M.d pg0258b.txt 262a 38 Madison Lowrin 10 Ind pg0258b.txt 262a 36 Madison Stella 35 Ohio pg0258b.txt 191a 34 Maffete Christian 17 UK pgo186a.txt 188a 32 Magner Samuel 21 Ohio pgo186a.txt 214a 11 Mahorter Anna E. 12 Ind pg0210a.txt 214a 12 Mahorter Claresa 9 Ind pg0210a.txt 214a 14 Mahorter Frances M 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 209b 36 Mahorter Mahala 8 Ohio pg0197a.txt 209b 37 Mahorter Margaret 4 Ind pg0197a.txt 209b 38 Mahorter Michael 26 Va pg0197a.txt 209b 35 Mahorter Nancy 31 Ohio pg0197a.txt 214a 10 Mahorter Prudence 33 Ohio pg0210a.txt 209b 34 Mahorter Thomas 29 Va pg0197a.txt 214a 9 Mahorter William 37 Penn pg0210a.txt 214a 13 Mahorter William H. 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 227a 5 Makemson Alexander 10 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227a 8 Makemson Charles 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 227a 6 Makemson John 8 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227a 7 Makemson Ordl Armmi 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 227a 9 Makemson Samuel 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 227a 3 Makemson Sidney 34 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227a 4 Makemson Susan 30 Va pg0221b.txt 229a 14 Manell Anderson 9 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 10 Manell John 16 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 13 Manell Joseph 11 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 9 Manell Nancy 48 V.a pg0221b.txt 229a 12 Manell Rachel 14 Ohio pg0221b.txt 229a 15 Manell Samuel C 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 229a 11 Manell Stephen 15 Ohio pg0221b.txt 275a 2 Marden Caroline 18 V.a pg0271a.txt 275a 3 Marden Elizabeth 16 V.a pg0271a.txt 275a 5 Marden Henry 11 Ohio pg0271a.txt 275a 8 Marden Jacob 5 Ill pg0271a.txt 275a 10 Marden James 11/12 Ind pg0271a.txt 275a 7 Marden John 8 Ohio pg0271a.txt 274b 42 Marden Margaret 42 Va pg0271a.txt 275a 4 Marden Rebecca Ann 13 Ohio pg0271a.txt 275a 1 Marden Simon 20 V.a pg0271a.txt 274b 41 Marden William 42 Va pg0271a.txt 275a 6 Marden William 9 Ohio pg0271a.txt 275a 9 Marden Zachariah 4 Ill pg0271a.txt 243b 34 Mark Anna 17 Ger. pg0233b.txt 224a 11 Mark James A. 10 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224a 5 Mark John 46 Penn pg0221b.txt 243b 32 Mark John 40 Ger. pg0233b.txt 243b 35 Mark John 15 Ger. pg0233b.txt 224a 8 Mark John M. 16 Ohio pg0221b.txt 243b 36 Mark Lene 6 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 37 Mark Louisa 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 224a 12 Mark Maria 8 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224a 7 Mark Martha Ann 19 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224a 6 Mark Mary 25 Va pg0221b.txt 243b 33 Mark Mary 27 Ohio pg0233b.txt 224a 9 Mark Mary J. 14 Ohio pg0221b.txt 224a 10 Mark William A. 12 Ohio pg0221b.txt 192a 11 Marker Albert 2 Ind pgo186a.txt 238b 31 Marker Alexander 13 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 15 Marker Catherine 18 Penn pgo186a.txt 192b 15 Marker Celestia Jane 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 192a 8 Marker Denny 10 Penn pgo186a.txt 236a 25 Marker Elizabeth 18 Ohio pg0233b.txt 237a 8 Marker Elizabeth 20 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 29 Marker Elizabeth 38 Penn pg0233b.txt 236a 24 Marker Ephraim 23 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 10 Marker Fervis 6 Penn pgo186a.txt 238b 32 Marker Francis M 10 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 13 Marker George 24 Penn pgo186a.txt 236a 20 Marker Jacob 62 Penn pg0233b.txt 238b 34 Marker Jacob 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 192a 4 Marker James 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 192b 13 Marker James 24 Penn pgo186a.txt 238b 35 Marker James 2/12 Ind pg0233b.txt 192a 9 Marker John 8 Penn pgo186a.txt 238b 28 Marker Jonas 35 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 5 Marker Julia Ann 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 192a 12 Marker Lewis 26 Penn pgo186a.txt 236a 22 Marker Lucinda 21 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 6 Marker Mary 60 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 14 Marker Mary 20 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 3 Marker Mary Ann 23 Penn pgo186a.txt 192b 14 Marker Mary Ann 25 Penn pgo186a.txt 192a 7 Marker Mathias 29 Penn pgo186a.txt 237a 7 Marker Mathias 26 Penn pg0233b.txt 238b 33 Marker Mathias 8 Penn pg0233b.txt 238b 30 Marker Rachel Jane 15 Penn pg0233b.txt 236a 21 Marker Sarah 56 Penn pg0233b.txt 192a 2 Marker Seymore 28 Penn pgo186a.txt 273a 40 Marnning James 25 Ohio pg0271a.txt 273a 41 Marnning Margaret 17 Ohio pg0271a.txt 195a 8 Martin Ann L. 17 Ohio pgo186a.txt 203b 3 Martin Barbara 21 Ohio pg0197a.txt 195a 7 Martin Catherine 27 Ohio pgo186a.txt 195a 6 Martin James J. 40 Ohio pgo186a.txt 199a 1 Martin John 6 Ohio pg0197a.txt 199a 2 Martin Louisiana 4 Ind pg0197a.txt 195a 9 Martin Margaret M. 15 Ohio pgo186a.txt 258a 2 Martin Nancy 17 Ohio pg0246b.txt 195a 10 Martin Rebecca J. 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 203b 2 Martin Stephen 25 Penn pg0197a.txt 203b 5 Martin Stephen J. 7/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 203b 4 Martin Wesley B. 2 Ind pg0197a.txt 206b 17 Masters Elias 44 Penn pg0197a.txt 270a 28 Masters Harriet 4 Ohio pg0258b.txt 270a 24 Masters Henry H 33 Ind pg0258b.txt 204b 9 Masters Jefferson 21 Ohio pg0197a.txt 204b 11 Masters Jesiph Ohio pg0197a.txt 204b 10 Masters John 16 Ohio pg0197a.txt 204b 7 Masters Joseph 55 NY pg0197a.txt 270a 26 Masters Lucinda 8 N.Y pg0258b.txt 204b 8 Masters Mary 53 Penn pg0197a.txt 270a 25 Masters Mary 31 England pg0258b.txt 270a 27 Masters Mary Jane 6 Ohio pg0258b.txt 204b 13 Masters Nancy 12 Ohio pg0197a.txt 270a 29 Masters Orville M 10/12 Ohio pg0258b.txt 204b 12 Masters Philip 14 Ohio pg0197a.txt 234b 41 Maxwell Andrew 10 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234b 40 Maxwell Catherine 12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 203b 22 Maxwell Henry 11 NY pg0197a.txt 235a 3 Maxwell John 4 Ind pg0233b.txt 204b 1 Maxwell Joseph 7 Ind pg0197a.txt 234b 42 Maxwell Joseph 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234b 39 Maxwell Margaret A 37 Penn pg0233b.txt 235a 1 Maxwell Mary J 6 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234b 38 Maxwell Moses 39 Penn pg0233b.txt 235a 2 Maxwell Moses 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 235a 4 Maxwell Stephen A 8/12 Ind pg0233b.txt 217a 22 May Chaun A. 6/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 217a 23 May Elizabeth 67 Va pg0210a.txt 217a 20 May Elizabeth M 9 Ohio pg0210a.txt 217a 18 May Henry 36 Penn pg0210a.txt 217a 19 May Henryetta 37 Ohio pg0210a.txt 217a 17 May Lindaman 33 Penn pg0210a.txt 217a 21 May William 7 Ohio pg0210a.txt 235b 27 Mayfield Abraham 8 Ind pg0233b.txt 220b 27 Mayfield Almira 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 37 Mayfield Almira 9 Ind pg0210a.txt 220b 33 Mayfield Elisha 35 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 28 Mayfield Emeline 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 38 Mayfield George W 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 220b 36 Mayfield Hanah 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 30 Mayfield Hester 6 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 29 Mayfield Hezekiah 8 Ohio pg0210a.txt 235b 28 Mayfield Jane 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 235b 22 Mayfield John 44 V.a pg0233b.txt 235b 24 Mayfield Jonah E 16 Ohio pg0233b.txt 235b 29 Mayfield Juliet 2 Ind pg0233b.txt 220b 39 Mayfield Leander 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 220b 34 Mayfield Louisa 31 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 32 Mayfield Lucy E 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 220b 31 Mayfield Maria J 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 220b 26 Mayfield Mary 35 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 35 Mayfield Mary 13 Ohio pg0210a.txt 235b 23 Mayfield Rhurama 35 Ohio pg0233b.txt 220b 25 Mayfield Richard 37 Ohio pg0210a.txt 235b 26 Mayfield Robert 12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 235b 25 Mayfield Sarah 15 Ohio pg0233b.txt 220b 40 Mayfield Silas T 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 282b 20 McBarns Delilah 37 Ny pg0271a.txt 282b 23 McBarns Francis 6 Ind pg0271a.txt 282b 24 McBarns Harriet 4 Ind pg0271a.txt 282b 25 McBarns Hurbert 3/12 Ind pg0271a.txt 282b 19 McBarns John 39 Ohio pg0271a.txt 282b 22 McBarns Lewis 9 Ohio pg0271a.txt 282b 21 McBarns Stephen 12 Ohio pg0271a.txt 278b 3 McBee Allen 24 V.a pg0271a.txt 275b 39 McBee Caroline 13 V.a pg0271a.txt 275b 37 McBee Charles 18 V.a pg0271a.txt 275b 36 McBee Elizabeth 27 Ohio pg0271a.txt 278b 4 McBee Sarah 23 Ohio pg0271a.txt 275b 35 McBee William 62 M.d pg0271a.txt 275b 38 McBee William 11 V.a pg0271a.txt 278b 5 McBee William H 2 Ohio pg0271a.txt 222b 38 McCaskey Anna 21 Ohio pg0221b.txt 222b 40 McCaskey David L 4/12 Ind pg0221b.txt 222b 39 McCaskey James L 2 Ind pg0221b.txt 222b 37 McCaskey John 30 Penn pg0221b.txt 187a 36 McClean Emiline 4 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 32 McClean George 41 Penn pgo186a.txt 187a 35 McClean George 6 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 37 McClean Harriet 2 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 34 McClean Malissa 8 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 33 McClean Mary A. 36 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187a 25 McClintick Elizabeth 24 Penn pgo186a.txt 204b 6 McCloskey Agness J. 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 204b 23 McCloskey Harrison A. 16 Ohio pg0197a.txt 204b 5 McCloskey Harvey V. 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 204b 21 McCloskey John 60 Penn pg0197a.txt 204b 20 McCloskey John R. 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 204b 3 McCloskey Martha 31 Penn pg0197a.txt 204b 24 McCloskey Martha M. 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 204b 22 McCloskey Nancy 53 Penn pg0197a.txt 204b 19 McCloskey Sarah 25 Ohio pg0197a.txt 204b 4 McCloskey Sarah E. 8 Penn pg0197a.txt 204b 2 McCloskey William E. 31 Penn pg0197a.txt 260b 3 McCollum Amy 33 Ohio pg0258b.txt 260b 5 McCollum Hellen 8 Ind pg0258b.txt 260b 4 McCollum Henry 11 Ind pg0258b.txt 260b 6 McCollum Infant 3/12 Ind pg0258b.txt 260b 2 McCollum James 36 Ohio pg0258b.txt 232a 42 McConnell Ada, 20 Ohio pg0221b.txt 186a 42 McConnell James 28 NJ pgo186a.txt 191a 36 McCoy Samuel 28 UK pgo186a.txt 243b 2 McDaniel Amelia 37 N.C. pg0233b.txt 243b 3 McDaniel Elizabeth 12 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 7 McDaniel James 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 4 McDaniel Jane 8 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 5 McDaniel John 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 6 McDaniel Robert 3 Ind pg0233b.txt 243b 1 McDaniel William 38 S.C. pg0233b.txt 189a 40 McDevit Henryetta 9 Ind pgo186a.txt 189a 34 McDevit Isaac 54 Md pgo186a.txt 189a 39 McDevit Martha 12 Ind pgo186a.txt 189a 36 McDevit Mary Jane 24 Ohio pgo186a.txt 189a 35 McDevit Nancy 45 Ohio pgo186a.txt 189a 38 McDevit Rebecca 12 Ind pgo186a.txt 189a 37 McDevit Reuben 16 Ind pgo186a.txt 205b 2 McDivitt Eliza 43 NY pg0197a.txt 266b 2 McDonald David H 7 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266a 42 McDonald Jackson 11 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266b 4 McDonald James P 3 Ind pg0258b.txt 266b 1 McDonald John * 9 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266b 5 McDonald Joseph T 1 Ind pg0258b.txt 266a 41 McDonald Martha 38 Va pg0258b.txt 266b 3 McDonald Nathan S 5 Ohio pg0258b.txt 266a 40 McDonald Nathan T 39 Va pg0258b.txt 273b 36 McDuffey James 36 Vt. pg0271a.txt 225b 11 McEachram Edwin X 7 Ind pg0221b.txt 225b 8 McEachram James 47 Ind pg0221b.txt 225b 9 McEachram Mary 30 Ohio pg0221b.txt 225b 10 McEachram Robert 10 Ohio pg0221b.txt 190a 24 McFarren William 21 Penn pgo186a.txt 213b 33 McHenry Henry 8 Ind pg0210a.txt 213b 32 McHenry Samuel 13 Ind pg0210a.txt 213b 34 McHenry Sarilda 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 259a 36 McKay Ann 4 Mich pg0258b.txt 259a 32 McKay Eliza 36 Ireland pg0258b.txt 259a 35 McKay Henry 6 Mich pg0258b.txt 259a 31 McKay Joseph 44 Ireland pg0258b.txt 259a 37 McKay Margaret 2 Mich pg0258b.txt 259a 34 McKay Mary 10 Mich pg0258b.txt 259a 33 McKay Thomas 8 Mich pg0258b.txt 188a 1 McKenzie Creolina 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 187b 41 McKenzie Martha 6 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187b 42 McKenzie Mary 4 Ohio pgo186a.txt 187b 40 McKenzie Sarah J. 26 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 10 McKern Abraham 15 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 12 McKern Isaac 8 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 8 McKern Isaac C. 39 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 13 McKern Jacob 5 Ohio pgo186a.txt 188b 9 McKern Margaret 22 Ohio pgo186a.txt 188b 11 McKern Mary 13 Penn pgo186a.txt 188b 14 McKern William A. 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 19 McKinney Daniel 7 Ind pgo186a.txt 226a 36 McKinney Isaac 10 Ind pg0221b.txt 194a 16 McKinney James 31 Ohio pgo186a.txt 194a 22 McKinney James M. 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 18 McKinney Julia Ann 9 Ind pgo186a.txt 233b 8 McKinney Lydia A 38 Penn pg0233b.txt 194a 20 McKinney Mary E. 5 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 17 McKinney Sarah 36 Va pgo186a.txt 209b 27 McKinney Sarah 18 N.Y pg0197a.txt 194a 21 McKinney Thomas J. 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 233b 9 McKinney Willard H 2 Ind pg0233b.txt 186b 27 McLane Anna 65 Va pgo186a.txt 262a 15 McLod Charles 19 Penn pg0258b.txt 252a 23 McLow Daniel 20 Ohio pg0246b.txt 252a 25 McLow David A 5/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 252a 24 McLow Mary 18 Penn pg0246b.txt 219a 23 McMan Isaac 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219a 20 McMan James 53 V.a pg0210a.txt 219a 21 McMan Mary 48 V.a pg0210a.txt 219a 22 McMan Spaulding 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 219a 24 McMan William 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 186a 26 McMann Honor 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 186a 24 McMann Maria 25 Penn pgo186a.txt 186a 25 McMann Mary 3 Ind pgo186a.txt 186a 23 McMann Perry 28 Va pgo186a.txt 250b 16 McMeans Caleb W 9 Ind pg0246b.txt 250b 17 McMeans David 6 Ind pg0246b.txt 250b 11 McMeans Eliza 40 Penn pg0246b.txt 250b 18 McMeans Eliza A 3 Ind pg0246b.txt 250b 10 McMeans John 43 Ohio pg0246b.txt 250b 13 McMeans John 17 Ohio pg0246b.txt 250b 15 McMeans Mary J 12 Ind pg0246b.txt 250b 12 McMeans Peter 20 Ohio pg0246b.txt 250b 19 McMeans Warren B 8/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 250b 14 McMeans William 15 Ohio pg0246b.txt 268a 9 McMillins James 3 N.Y pg0258b.txt 191a 1 McNeal John 50 NY pgo186a.txt 191a 2 McNeal Sarah 30 Ohio pgo186a.txt 258a 40 McQueen Clarisa 13 Ny pg0246b.txt 258a 41 McQueen Edward 10 Ind pg0246b.txt 258a 39 McQueen George 16 Ny pg0246b.txt 258a 37 McQueen James A 45 Ny pg0246b.txt 258b 2 McQueen Joseph 44 pg0258b.txt 258b 1 McQueen Leland 3 Ind pg0258b.txt 258a 42 McQueen Marinda 8 Ind pg0246b.txt 258a 38 McQueen Statira 45 Ny pg0246b.txt 210b 6 McWherter Aaron 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 10 McWherter Adam 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 210b 3 McWherter Charlotte 33 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 7 McWherter Elizabeth 9 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 4 McWherter Henry 19 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 2 McWherter John 52 Va. pg0210a.txt 210b 8 McWherter Margaret 9 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 9 McWherter Mary Jane 6 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 5 McWherter Nancy 13 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210b 11 McWherter William T. 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 240a 10 McWilliams Elizabeth 51 Penn pg0233b.txt 201a 17 McWilliams John 24 Penn pg0197a.txt 201a 13 McWilliams Josephine 17 Ohio pg0197a.txt 240a 11 McWilliams Margaret 23 Penn pg0233b.txt 240a 13 McWilliams Martha 8 Ind pg0233b.txt 240a 12 McWilliams Nancy 14 Ind pg0233b.txt 240a 9 McWilliams Oliver 51 Penn pg0233b.txt 236a 10 Mead Allen 15 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234b 14 Mead Annis 34 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 8 Mead Ephraim 21 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 7 Mead Sally 53 Vt pg0233b.txt 236a 11 Mead Sally 12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 236a 9 Mead Sophrona 19 Ohio pg0233b.txt 257a 4 Meeker Hiram D 33 Mass pg0246b.txt 257a 8 Meeker Jerome 8/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 257a 6 Meeker Lucena 5 Ohio pg0246b.txt 257a 5 Meeker Mary 27 Ohio pg0246b.txt 257a 7 Meeker Simeon 3 Wis pg0246b.txt 227b 6 Mehaffie Alfred Lee 20 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227b 7 Mehaffie Elizabeth 19 Ohio pg0221b.txt 227b 4 Mehaffie George 46 Penn pg0221b.txt 227b 5 Mehaffie Mary 46 Penn pg0221b.txt 253a 10 Melvin Burl B. 28 Ohio pg0246b.txt 286b 39 Melvin George W 14 Ohio pg0284a.txt 282b 2 Melvin Mary 9 Ind pg0271a.txt 253a 12 Melvin Melvina 2 Ohio pg0246b.txt 253a 13 Melvin Sarah P 3/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 253a 11 Melvin Tamara H. 30 V.t pg0246b.txt 277a 2 Mendenhall Dexter 2 Ind pg0271a.txt 276b 39 Mendenhall Elizabeth 15 Ohio pg0271a.txt 276b 40 Mendenhall Isaac 13 Ohio pg0271a.txt 276b 37 Mendenhall John 41 V.a. pg0271a.txt 276b 41 Mendenhall John 11 Ohio pg0271a.txt 277a 1 Mendenhall Joseph 5 Ind pg0271a.txt 276b 42 Mendenhall Marilla 7 Ohio pg0271a.txt 276b 38 Mendenhall Phianan 38 Ohio pg0271a.txt 258b 42 Menger Alfred 18 Ny pg0258b.txt 259a 5 Menger Allice 5/12 Ind pg0258b.txt 258b 41 Menger Amanda 23 Penn pg0258b.txt 259a 1 Menger Catherine 15 Ny pg0258b.txt 259a 4 Menger Cha*nis 3 Ind pg0258b.txt 258b 40 Menger David A 53 Ny pg0258b.txt 259a 3 Menger Edwin 6 Ind pg0258b.txt 259a 2 Menger Margaret 8 Ind pg0258b.txt 232b 4 Merridian Mary J 6 Ind pg0221b.txt 232b 2 Merridian Mason M 41 N.Y. pg0221b.txt 232b 3 Merridian Sophia 26 Ohio pg0221b.txt 240a 28 Mesmore Alvin 10 Ind pg0233b.txt 240a 30 Mesmore Hannah 5 Ind pg0233b.txt 240a 27 Mesmore Jacob 12 Ind pg0233b.txt 240a 29 Mesmore Susanah 7 Ind pg0233b.txt 247b 31 Michael Ann M 43 V.a pg0246b.txt 247b 34 Michael Ann M 11 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247b 30 Michael Daniel 46 Va pg0246b.txt 247b 35 Michael Laura A. 5 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247b 32 Michael Nancy 16 Ohio pg0246b.txt 247b 33 Michael Simon 13 Ohio pg0246b.txt 200b 38 Midleton Eliza Jane 10 Ind pg0197a.txt 200b 40 Midleton Elloner 1 Ind pg0197a.txt 200b 36 Midleton John 35 Ohio pg0197a.txt 200b 37 Midleton Lydia 27 NJ pg0197a.txt 200b 39 Midleton Mary E. 4 Ind pg0197a.txt 238b 25 Mikissell Andrew 6 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 26 Mikissell Catherine Ann 4 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 27 Mikissell David W 2 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 21 Mikissell John 30 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 24 Mikissell John W 7 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 23 Mikissell Sarah 10 Ohio pg0233b.txt 238b 22 Mikissell Susanah 28 Ohio pg0233b.txt 190b 17 Miller *lsa B 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 214a 15 Miller Aaron 29 Ohio pg0210a.txt 190b 15 Miller Abel T. 10 Ind pgo186a.txt 198b 5 Miller Alfred M. 5 Ind pg0197a.txt 193a 5 Miller Almana 7/12 Ind pgo186a.txt 193a 35 Miller Amanda 14 Ind pgo186a.txt 193b 2 Miller Amanda 6 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 9 Miller Ambrose 38 Va pgo186a.txt 193a 34 Miller Amos A 19 Va pgo186a.txt 186b 14 Miller Andrew 17 Ohio pgo186a.txt 250b 28 Miller Arthur 24 Ohio pg0246b.txt 186b 15 Miller Caroline 15 Ohio pgo186a.txt 186b 16 Miller Catherine 14 Ohio pgo186a.txt 231b 11 Miller Charles 6 Ind pg0221b.txt 253b 18 Miller Christan 24 Ohio pg0246b.txt 193a 4 Miller Creighton M 7/12 Ind pgo186a.txt 214a 17 Miller David 7 Ind pg0210a.txt 218a 29 Miller David 22 Ohio pg0210a.txt 193a 41 Miller Dickinson 43 NY pgo186a.txt 193b 1 Miller Drusilla 8 Ind pgo186a.txt 203b 34 Miller Edward 20 Ohio pg0197a.txt 193a 36 Miller Eliza A. 12 Ind pgo186a.txt 186b 13 Miller Elizabeth 40 Va pgo186a.txt 192b 42 Miller Elizabeth 26 Penn pgo186a.txt 198a 40 Miller Elizabeth 46 Ohio pg0197a.txt 246a 26 Miller Elizabeth 9 Ohio pg0233b.txt 193a 42 Miller Emily 26 Ohio pgo186a.txt 217b 29 Miller Ephraim D. 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 18 Miller Francis 7 Ohio pg0210a.txt 231b 8 Miller Francis A. 31 N.Y. pg0221b.txt 231b 13 Miller Frank H. 6/12 Ind pg0221b.txt 214a 20 Miller George 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 186b 19 Miller George W. 9 Ohio pgo186a.txt 218a 30 Miller Hanah 18 Ohio pg0210a.txt 186b 20 Miller Harriet 7 Ind pgo186a.txt 214a 19 Miller Harriet 3 Ind pg0210a.txt 218a 20 Miller Harriet 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 193a 1 Miller Harriet A. 10 Ind pgo186a.txt 205b 3 Miller Harriet F 9 Ind pg0197a.txt 198a 39 Miller Henry 46 Va pg0197a.txt 217b 24 Miller Henry 21 Ohio pg0210a.txt 246a 25 Miller Henry 10 Ohio pg0233b.txt 198b 6 Miller Homer A. 4/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 193a 2 Miller Ira 5 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 14 Miller Isaac 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 231b 12 Miller Isaac H. 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 193a 40 Miller Isabella 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 228a 2 Miller James H 9 Ind pg0221b.txt 198b 3 Miller James H. 10 Ind pg0197a.txt 218a 14 Miller Jane 25 Ohio pg0210a.txt 227b 42 Miller Jane 33 Ind pg0221b.txt 186b 18 Miller John 11 Ohio pgo186a.txt 193a 32 Miller John 47 Va pgo186a.txt 218a 16 Miller John 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 227b 41 Miller John A 33 Va pg0221b.txt 193a 37 Miller John J. 10 Ind pgo186a.txt 246a 29 Miller John P 1 Ind pg0233b.txt 217b 22 Miller Joseph 44 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 17 Miller Joseph 10 Ohio pg0210a.txt 198b 4 Miller Joseph J. 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 190b 18 Miller Joseph S 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 217b 27 Miller Joseph W. 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 253b 19 Miller Julia Ann 22 Ohio pg0246b.txt 195b 22 Miller Lavina 16 Ohio pgo186a.txt 218a 13 Miller Lawrence 39 Penn pg0210a.txt 228a 3 Miller Levi P 8 Ind pg0221b.txt 186b 17 Miller Louisa 12 Ohio pgo186a.txt 194a 12 Miller Louisa 8 Ind pgo186a.txt 228a 6 Miller Manerva 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 218a 21 Miller Margaret 4/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 217b 26 Miller Marth J. 17 Ohio pg0210a.txt 190b 16 Miller Martha E 8 Ind pgo186a.txt 193a 38 Miller Mary 9 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 10 Miller Mary 28 Ohio pgo186a.txt 194a 23 Miller Mary 68 Penn pgo186a.txt 214a 18 Miller Mary 5 Ind pg0210a.txt 217b 23 Miller Mary 42 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 19 Miller Mary 5 Ind pg0210a.txt 246a 27 Miller Mary A 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 253b 20 Miller Mary A 4/12 Ind pg0246b.txt 194a 15 Miller Mary Ann 2 Ind pgo186a.txt 210a 30 Miller Mary Ann 3 Ohio pg0210a.txt 228a 1 Miller Mary E 12 Ind pg0221b.txt 231b 10 Miller Mary E. 8 Ind pg0221b.txt 198b 1 Miller Mary Jane 15 Ind pg0197a.txt 193a 3 Miller Mary M. 3 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 13 Miller Matilda 6 Ind pgo186a.txt 218a 15 Miller Nancy 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 198a 41 Miller Pembrook 19 Ohio pg0197a.txt 186b 21 Miller Philip 1 Ind pgo186a.txt 190b 13 Miller Philip 30 Va pgo186a.txt 190b 14 Miller Rachel 18 Ohio pgo186a.txt 193a 33 Miller Rachel 35 Ohio pgo186a.txt 228a 4 Miller Rebecca J 5 Ind pg0221b.txt 214a 16 Miller Samantha 27 Ohio pg0210a.txt 217b 25 Miller Samuel 20 Ohio pg0210a.txt 217b 28 Miller Sanford P. 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 231b 9 Miller Sarah 28 C.t pg0221b.txt 231b 14 Miller Sarah 31 Ind pg0221b.txt 198b 2 Miller Sarah E 12 Ind pg0197a.txt 193b 3 Miller Sarah E. 4 Ind pgo186a.txt 194a 11 Miller Sarah E. 11 Ind pgo186a.txt 246a 28 Miller Sarah J 5 Ohio pg0233b.txt 193a 39 Miller Silas 6 Ind pgo186a.txt 192b 41 Miller Solomon 32 Va pgo186a.txt 228a 5 Miller Susanah 3 Ind pg0221b.txt 195b 23 Miller William 13 Ohio pgo186a.txt 198a 42 Miller William W. 18 Ind pg0197a.txt 210b 1 Mills Effy Ann 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 40 Mills Fanny 27 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210a 42 Mills Harriet 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 41 Mills Jacob 11 Ind pg0210a.txt 210a 38 Mills Lewis 33 Ohio pg0210a.txt 210a 39 Mills Sarah 39 Penn pg0210a.txt 272a 17 Milton Eliza 17 Ohio pg0271a.txt 272a 16 Milton Mary 18 Ohio pg0271a.txt 272a 15 Milton William 50 D.E pg0271a.txt 213a 11 Minear Daniel 4 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213a 7 Minear Franklin 13 Penn pg0210a.txt 213a 6 Minear Issabella 34 Penn pg0210a.txt 213a 8 Minear Mary 10 Penn pg0210a.txt 213a 12 Minear Sarah 4 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213a 9 Minear Sylvester 8 Ohio pg0210a.txt 213a 13 Minear Tessa 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 213a 5 Minear William 32 Penn pg0210a.txt 213a 10 Minear William 6 Ohio pg0210a.txt 200b 28 Minor Catherine 29 Ohio pg0197a.txt 200b 32 Minor Catherine J. 2 Ind pg0197a.txt 252a 16 Minor Charles 6 Penn pg0246b.txt 200b 31 Minor Henrietta 2/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 252a 15 Minor Henry 9 Penn pg0246b.txt 200b 27 Minor Lewis D. 27 Ohio pg0197a.txt 252a 18 Minor Margaret 2 Ohio pg0246b.txt 252a 17 Minor Mary 5 Ohio pg0246b.txt 252a 14 Minor Mistin 10 Penn pg0246b.txt 265b 12 Minot Jane 20 N.Y pg0258b.txt 265b 13 Minot Mary 64 N.H. pg0258b.txt 235a 13 Minot Nancy Elizabet20 Ohio pg0233b.txt 265b 11 Minot Samuel 37 V.t pg0258b.txt 235a 12 Minot Warton G 22 Mass pg0233b.txt 270b 15 Mitchell Charles S 17 N.Y pg0258b.txt 271b 7 Mitchell Esther 39 Penn pg0271a.txt 270b 14 Mitchell John 19 N.Y pg0258b.txt 273a 30 Mitchell Joseph 34 Md pg0271a.txt 273a 31 Mitchell Mary 20 Ohio pg0271a.txt 273a 33 Mitchell Mary 2 Ind pg0271a.txt 270b 13 Mitchell Nancy 43 N.Y pg0258b.txt 271b 6 Mitchell Nathaniel 40 Ohio pg0271a.txt 270b 12 Mitchell William 44 N.Y pg0258b.txt 273a 32 Mitchell William 5 Ind pg0271a.txt 271b 8 Mitchell William H 5 Ohio pg0271a.txt 237b 8 Mohn Adaline 19 Ohio pg0233b.txt 237b 7 Mohn Catherine 55 Penn pg0233b.txt 237b 6 Mohn David 65 Penn pg0233b.txt 237b 11 Mohn David Jr. 29 Ohio pg0233b.txt 237b 12 Mohn Harriet 22 Ohio pg0233b.txt 237b 10 Mohn Jacob 12 Ohio pg0233b.txt 237b 9 Mohn Rebecca 15 Ohio pg0233b.txt 200b 35 Monroe Margaret 6 Ind pg0197a.txt 200b 34 Monroe Naomi 30 Ohio pg0197a.txt 200b 33 Monroe William F. 32 Ohio pg0197a.txt 191a 10 Moore Amanda 18 Ohio pgo186a.txt 214a 22 Moore Amelia 32. Penn pg0210a.txt 244a 36 Moore Barbara T 4/12 Ind pg0233b.txt 229a 7 Moore Elisha 53 V.a pg0221b.txt 214a 23 Moore Eliza 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 214a 27 Moore George 6 Ind pg0210a.txt 214a 21 Moore George W. 35 N. Y. pg0210a.txt 234a 15 Moore Harriet 24 Ohio pg0233b.txt 234a 16 Moore Henry 19 Ohio pg0233b.txt 218a 31 Moore Joseph 27 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218a 32 Moore Mary 20 Germany pg0210a.txt 214a 28 Moore Maryetta 1 Ind pg0210a.txt 229a 8 Moore Nancy 33 Ohio pg0221b.txt 234a 14 Moore Robert 22 Ohio pg0233b.txt 214a 25 Moore Sarah 8 Penn pg0210a.txt 218a 33 Moore Sarah E. 4/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 214a 26 Moore Sophia 8 C. pg0210a.txt 191a 9 Moore William 22 Ohio pgo186a.txt 244a 35 Moore William 31 Ohio pg0233b.txt 214a 24 Moore William W. 10 Ohio pg0210a.txt 252b 5 Morehour Eliza 50 England pg0246b.txt 252b 6 Morehour Eliza Ann 16 N.Y. pg0246b.txt 252b 4 Morehour John 50 England pg0246b.txt 252b 9 Morehour John W 4 Ind pg0246b.txt 252b 7 Morehour Joseph 11 N.Y pg0246b.txt 252b 8 Morehour Mary June 7 Ind pg0246b.txt 292a 7 Morel Amanda 5 Ohio pg0284a.txt 292a 5 Morel Benjamin 31 Switzerland pg0284a.txt 253b 22 Morel Eliza 24 Penn pg0246b.txt 292a 8 Morel Ellen 2 Ohio pg0284a.txt 253b 23 Morel John 1 Ohio pg0246b.txt 292a 6 Morel Lydia 28 Penn pg0284a.txt 292a 9 Morel Mary E 1/12 Ind pg0284a.txt 253b 21 Morel Randolph 32 Germany pg0246b.txt 252a 12 Morgan James 29 V.a pg0246b.txt 252a 13 Morgan Rebecca 30 Penn pg0246b.txt 195b 21 Morral Catherine 53 Va pgo186a.txt 195b 20 Morral John 50 Va pgo186a.txt 200a 8 Morris Isiah 22 Ohio pg0197a.txt 251b 23 Morris Jane 16 Ohio pg0246b.txt 200a 7 Morris Samuel 55 Va pg0197a.txt 200a 9 Morris Semantha 11 Ind pg0197a.txt 259b 19 Morrison Arthur 22 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 20 Morrison Daniel 17 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 21 Morrison Elizabeth 14 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 23 Morrison James J 29 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 15 Morrison James N 54 M.d pg0258b.txt 259b 18 Morrison Josiah 25 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 16 Morrison Lydia 59 NY pg0258b.txt 259b 22 Morrison Rossville 3 Ind pg0258b.txt 259b 24 Morrison Susan 29 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 17 Morrison William 39 Ohio pg0258b.txt 197b 36 Morrow Benjamin F. 7/12 Ind pg0197a.txt 197b 34 Morrow Elizabeth 8 Ind pg0197a.txt 197b 29 Morrow Jane 36 Ohio pg0197a.txt 197b 32 Morrow Lavina 13 Ind pg0197a.txt 197b 31 Morrow Mary 15 Ind pg0197a.txt 187b 36 Morrow Nancy 42 De pgo186a.txt 197b 33 Morrow Rebecca Jane 10 Ind pg0197a.txt 187b 35 Morrow Robert 50 Penn pgo186a.txt 197b 35 Morrow Samuel E 3 Ind pg0197a.txt 197b 30 Morrow William 17 Ohio pg0197a.txt 193a 31 Moses Alva 10 Ind pgo186a.txt 193a 30 Moses Mary Mc 15 Penn pgo186a.txt 193a 27 Moses Sarah 48 Penn pgo186a.txt 193a 29 Moses Seymour A. 17 Penn pgo186a.txt 193a 28 Moses William 20 Penn pgo186a.txt 289b 17 Mouts S S 23 Ohio pg0284a.txt 289b 18 Mouts Sarah 28 Penn pg0284a.txt 201a 31 Moyer Malissa 12 Va pg0197a.txt 260a 19 Mudick Amazilla 4/12 Ind pg0258b.txt 259b 32 Mudick Catherine 67 Mass pg0258b.txt 260a 17 Mudick Charles 29 N.Y pg0258b.txt 259b 33 Mudick Edmund 38 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 35 Mudick Maria 6 Ind pg0258b.txt 260a 18 Mudick Mary 22 Ohio pg0258b.txt 259b 34 Mudick Mary Ann 24 Ind pg0258b.txt 259b 36 Mudick William 4 Ind pg0258b.txt 218b 2 Mullen Abel 36 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218b 3 Mullen Ann 35 V.a pg0210a.txt 218b 9 Mullen Charity 76 Penn pg0210a.txt 218b 8 Mullen Charles W. 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 219b 12 Mullen Charlotte 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 42 Mullen Elizabeth M 19 Ohio pg0210a.txt 221a 2 Mullen Eunice 4 Ind pg0210a.txt 218b 4 Mullen James 12 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218b 7 Mullen John 6 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218b 6 Mullen Lafayette 8 Ohio pg0210a.txt 218b 5 Mullen Maria 10 Ohio pg0210a.txt 221a 3 Mullen Marinda 2 Ind pg0210a.txt 221a 1 Mullen Martin 14 Ohio pg0210a.txt 220b 41 Mullen Mary J 39 Ohio pg0210a.txt 221a 4 Mullen Nancy A 6/12 Ind pg0210a.txt 234a 39 Mullins Isaou 8 Ohio pg0233b.txt 292a 4 Munford Allice 5 Ind pg0284a.txt 292a 3 Munford Emely 9 Penn pg0284a.txt 291b 42 Munford Finch H 36 Penn pg0284a.txt 292a 2 Munford Frances 14 Penn pg0284a.txt 292a 1 Munford Rhoda 32 Penn pg0284a.txt 253b 30 Munger Oria 21 N.Y pg0246b.txt 226b 27 Myers Alpitina 1 Ind pg0221b.txt 219a 42 Myers Andrew 18 Penn pg0210a.txt 259b 5 Myers Benjamin 7 Ind pg0258b.txt 226b 25 Myers Calvin 4 Ind pg0221b.txt 191b 6 Myers Catherine 19 Ohio pgo186a.txt 247b 1 Myers Clarisa 50 Conn pg0246b.txt 290b 2 Myers Cornelus 4 Ohio pg0284a.txt 247b 2 Myers David 22 N.Y pg0246b.txt 290a 42 Myers Ephraim 24 Ohio pg0284a.txt 226b 24 Myers Flosetta 25 Ohio pg0221b.txt 206a 16 Myers George C. 42 Penn pg0197a.txt 259b 2 Myers Harriet 18 Ohio pg0258b.txt 206a 19 Myers Henry Ohio pg0197a.txt 226b 8 Myers Isabilla 33 Tenn pg0221b.txt 206a 20 Myers Jacob 12 Ohio pg0197a.txt 219a 40 Myers Jacob 51 N Y pg0210a.txt 290b 3 Myers Jacob 2 Ind pg0284a.txt 206a 18 Myers John 15 Ohio pg0197a.txt 226b 10 Myers John 19 Ohio pg0221b.txt 259a 42 Myers John 44 Penn pg0258b.txt 191b 5 Myers Jonathan 25 Ohio pgo186a.txt 247a 42 Myers Lennard 49 NY pg0246b.txt 226b 26 Myers Livona 3 Ind pg0221b.txt 290b 1 Myers Margaret 24 Penn pg0284a.txt 259b 1 Myers Mary 47 M.d pg0258b.txt 259b 4 Myers Mary 11 Ohio pg0258b.txt 226b 11 Myers Mary E 9 Ind pg0221b.txt 226b 9 Myers Maxim 21 Ohio pg0221b.txt 259b 6 Myers Nathan 2 Ind pg0258b.txt 226b 7 Myers Noah 51 Kentucky pg0221b.txt 226b 23 Myers Robert 26 Ohio pg0221b.txt 219b 1 Myers Samuel 16 Ohio pg0210a.txt 206a 17 Myers Susan 37 Penn pg0197a.txt 219a 41 Myers Susanah 50 Penn pg0210a.txt 191b 7 Myers William 8/12 Ind pgo186a.txt 219b 2 Myers William 11 Ohio pg0210a.txt 247b 3 Myers William 20 N.Y pg0246b.txt 259b 3 Myers William 16 Ohio pg0258b.txt 206a 21 Myers William A. 8 Ohio pg0197a.txt