Baltimore MD 1810 Federal Census (INDEX - File 11 of 13) This Census was transcribed by Norman Corkran and proofread by Charlotte Corkran for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2007 by Norman Corkran ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================== HW- Head of Household PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE-NAME ============================================================================== 34 18 Sables Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 268 8 Sack Dederick pgs-226-to-278.txt 586 19 Sacks John pgs-578-to-623.txt 133 17 Saddles Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 665 4 Sadler Ezabeth pgs-626-to-672.txt 315 10 Sadler Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 710 21 Salby Nicholas pgs-673-to-714.txt 709 21 Salby Rowcer pgs-673-to-714.txt 167 6 Sales Rebecca pgs-124-to-174.txt 507 20 Sallis Rabet pgs-480-to-531.txt 510 10 Salnave Ja's pgs-480-to-531.txt 187 7 Salsbury Matthew pgs-175-to-225.txt 133 4 Samington Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 541 9 Sampson Abraham pgs-534-to-572.txt 617 2 Sampson Byard pgs-578-to-623.txt 537 15 Sampson David pgs-534-to-572.txt 541 13 Sampson Eliza pgs-534-to-572.txt 541 12 Sampson Isaac pgs-534-to-572.txt 54 12 Sampson Ja's pgs-038-to-078.txt 47 5 Sampson Jos' pgs-038-to-078.txt 556 15 Sampson Richard pgs-534-to-572.txt 595 14 Sampson Richard pgs-578-to-623.txt 698 23 Samuel John pgs-673-to-714.txt 472 1 Sanders Edward pgs-412-to-479.txt 429 3 Sanders Geo' pgs-412-to-479.txt 420 9 Sanders H pgs-412-to-479.txt 337 15 Sanders J pgs-282-to-340.txt 420 10 Sanders J pgs-412-to-479.txt 33 1 Sanders Taby pgs-003-to-037.txt 513 23 Sanders V pgs-480-to-531.txt 460 10 Sanders William pgs-412-to-479.txt 488 10 Sanders William pgs-480-to-531.txt 57 7 Sanderson Eliz'h pgs-038-to-078.txt 128 9 Sanderson Michael pgs-124-to-174.txt 365 10 Sandok W'm pgs-350-to-407.txt 282 14 Sands Benj'n pgs-282-to-340.txt 308 9 Sands Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 209 13 Sands John pgs-175-to-225.txt 308 5 Sands Kelly pgs-282-to-340.txt 207 6 Sands Rob't pgs-175-to-225.txt 32 14 Sanford Jo's pgs-003-to-037.txt 116 7 Sanher Jos' pgs-079-to-120.txt 130 15 Sanky W'm pgs-124-to-174.txt 477 1 Sansbury John pgs-412-to-479.txt 308 15 Sants L pgs-282-to-340.txt 467 14 Sapp Daniel pgs-412-to-479.txt 469 17 Sapp Frederick pgs-412-to-479.txt 469 14 Sapp Henry pgs-412-to-479.txt 87 2 Sapp Jn'o pgs-079-to-120.txt 475 11 Sarah Joshua pgs-412-to-479.txt 145 15 Sargent Sam'l pgs-124-to-174.txt 294 2 Sarsh Mary pgs-282-to-340.txt 276 14 Sarver John pgs-226-to-278.txt 699 9 Sater Henry pgs-673-to-714.txt 699 7 Sater Joseph pgs-673-to-714.txt 34 1 Saucer Peter pgs-003-to-037.txt 299 12 Saul Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 183 14 Savage Dennis pgs-175-to-225.txt 206 1 Savage P pgs-175-to-225.txt 126 5 Savage Peter pgs-124-to-174.txt 321 13 Savale Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 328 6 Savervine P pgs-282-to-340.txt 372 6 Savoy Eashi pgs-350-to-407.txt 537 4 Sawers John pgs-534-to-572.txt 528 3 Sawesvine M pgs-480-to-531.txt 307 13 Say Heny pgs-282-to-340.txt 227 6 Say Mrs' pgs-226-to-278.txt 693 10 Saych Danice pgs-673-to-714.txt 94 11 Sayse John C pgs-079-to-120.txt 29 10 Scapponel Nick pgs-003-to-037.txt 115 13 Scarlett Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 316 10 Scaup W'm pgs-282-to-340.txt 41 15 Schacleford L pgs-038-to-078.txt 162 2 Schaeffer Lewis pgs-124-to-174.txt 151 3 Schaeffer P pgs-124-to-174.txt 83 3 Schaer A pgs-079-to-120.txt 500 15 Schaihack J pgs-480-to-531.txt 450 9 Scharfe William pgs-412-to-479.txt 90 16 Scheffield Fd'k pgs-079-to-120.txt 190 9 Schell Nich's pgs-175-to-225.txt 519 7 Schienk J pgs-480-to-531.txt 695 9 Schmuh Solomon pgs-673-to-714.txt 35 5 Schock Geo' pgs-003-to-037.txt 85 19 Schoeffer Fred'k pgs-079-to-120.txt 191 13 Schoemack Ig'n pgs-175-to-225.txt 673 13 Scholis John pgs-673-to-714.txt 640 12 Schorph Conrod pgs-626-to-672.txt 543 20 Schraden James pgs-534-to-572.txt 335 12 Schraeder H pgs-282-to-340.txt 174 18 Schrarber Geo' pgs-124-to-174.txt 142 12 Schriber Mary pgs-124-to-174.txt 386 1 Schrier Geo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 261 8 Schroader Geo' pgs-226-to-278.txt 405 16 Schroder H Ju'r pgs-350-to-407.txt 198 6 Schroeder H'y pgs-175-to-225.txt 211 2 Schroeder Mr' pgs-175-to-225.txt 59 12 Schroeder W'm pgs-038-to-078.txt 14 1 Schully Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 296 7 Schultz C pgs-282-to-340.txt 169 10 Schultz Fred'k E pgs-124-to-174.txt 295 15 Schultz Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 656 9 Schuts John D pgs-626-to-672.txt 163 8 Schwartze A J pgs-124-to-174.txt 166 16 Schwartze J F pgs-124-to-174.txt 502 13 Scipper Th's pgs-480-to-531.txt 339 4 Scisnoss Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 282 5 Scoggel James pgs-282-to-340.txt 629 4 Scoggins John pgs-626-to-672.txt 300 14 Scot Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 529 14 Scott A pgs-480-to-531.txt 615 2 Scott Amos pgs-578-to-623.txt 628 16 Scott Burage pgs-626-to-672.txt 412 13 Scott Cloe pgs-412-to-479.txt 484 8 Scott Isaac pgs-480-to-531.txt 190 16 Scott Jane pgs-175-to-225.txt 500 8 Scott Ja's pgs-480-to-531.txt 623 2 Scott Jesse pgs-578-to-623.txt 326 14 Scott Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 428 3 Scott Jn'o pgs-412-to-479.txt 4 1 Scott Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 486 9 Scott John pgs-480-to-531.txt 127 17 Scott John pgs-124-to-174.txt 403 16 Scott Jo's pgs-350-to-407.txt 228 5 Scott Mary pgs-226-to-278.txt 148 14 Scott Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 433 12 Scott Rob pgs-412-to-479.txt 93 5 Scott Rob'a pgs-079-to-120.txt 462 2 Scott Roseter pgs-412-to-479.txt 514 15 Scott S pgs-480-to-531.txt 623 1 Scott Thomas pgs-578-to-623.txt 627 5 Scott Tho's pgs-626-to-672.txt 72 9 Scott Tim pgs-038-to-078.txt 708 3 Scriviner John pgs-673-to-714.txt 245 16 Scroggs Ann pgs-226-to-278.txt 165 5 Scroggs Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 83 2 Seakin F'k pgs-079-to-120.txt 362 10 Seaman Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 28 1 Seamore Jene pgs-003-to-037.txt 374 13 Seantterig Mrs' pgs-350-to-407.txt 99 3 Searff Hea'th pgs-079-to-120.txt 511 2 Sears G pgs-480-to-531.txt 512 10 Sears M pgs-480-to-531.txt 509 5 Sears W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 258 1 Seaton Rob' pgs-226-to-278.txt 486 4 Sebastian Lewis Sedoin pgs-480-to-531.txt 392 7 Sebert Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 688 14 Sebough Laraann pgs-673-to-714.txt 639 1 Sebrooks Ann pgs-626-to-672.txt 159 7 Sechler W'm pgs-124-to-174.txt 165 9 Seers Mr' pgs-124-to-174.txt 391 2 Seffert Mack pgs-350-to-407.txt 389 12 Seif Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 252 16 Seifitrige Jacob pgs-226-to-278.txt 710 2 Selby John pgs-673-to-714.txt 713 8 Selby Lloyd pgs-673-to-714.txt 322 9 Selby Mary pgs-282-to-340.txt 588 11 Sellars George pgs-578-to-623.txt 588 12 Sellars Jacob pgs-578-to-623.txt 587 18 Sellars John pgs-578-to-623.txt 74 9 Seller W'm pgs-038-to-078.txt 204 8 Sellers A pgs-175-to-225.txt 293 6 Sellers Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 588 10 Sellers Peter pgs-578-to-623.txt 177 10 Selman Peter pgs-175-to-225.txt 79 8 Semain Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 457 5 Semmon Elexis pgs-412-to-479.txt 588 15 Sence Adam pgs-578-to-623.txt 587 7 Sence Christiain Jun'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 552 14 Sence Michael pgs-534-to-572.txt 552 9 Sence Peter pgs-534-to-572.txt 552 8 Sence Peter Sen'r pgs-534-to-572.txt 552 10 Sence Phillip pgs-534-to-572.txt 388 1 Senegar J pgs-350-to-407.txt 295 14 Senhart H pgs-282-to-340.txt 199 16 Senson Joshua pgs-175-to-225.txt 589 15 Sepp Leonard pgs-578-to-623.txt 589 17 Sepp Widdow of Peter pgs-578-to-623.txt 471 9 Sequin Laurance pgs-412-to-479.txt 504 10 Seriventer P pgs-480-to-531.txt 489 4 Serkamp Albert pgs-480-to-531.txt 15 8 Server H'y pgs-003-to-037.txt 77 12 Server Ja's pgs-038-to-078.txt 151 17 Seuza Mr' pgs-124-to-174.txt 88 16 Sever Ann pgs-079-to-120.txt 229 1 Seward Elisha pgs-226-to-278.txt 26 4 Sewel no first name pgs-003-to-037.txt 304 8 Sewell R pgs-282-to-340.txt 56 10 Sewell R pgs-038-to-078.txt 26 11 Sewell Tho's pgs-003-to-037.txt 476 4 Sezer McKnight El' pgs-412-to-479.txt 359 10 Shab Law's pgs-350-to-407.txt 582 17 Shade John pgs-578-to-623.txt 51 14 Shadwell Rob't pgs-038-to-078.txt 553 16 Shafer Andrew pgs-534-to-572.txt 597 12 Shafer Fredrick pgs-578-to-623.txt 597 11 Shafer John pgs-578-to-623.txt 587 22 Shafer John Jun'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 590 4 Shafer John Sen'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 590 3 Shafer Uliam and Michael pgs-578-to-623.txt 339 16 Shaffer A pgs-282-to-340.txt 337 6 Shaffer C pgs-282-to-340.txt 6 16 Shaffer Jacob pgs-003-to-037.txt 102 2 Shaffer Jephi pgs-079-to-120.txt 490 9 Shaffler George pgs-480-to-531.txt 479 7 Shafford Samuel pgs-412-to-479.txt 31 6 Shaker Geo' pgs-003-to-037.txt 314 9 Shalby Adam pgs-282-to-340.txt 519 20 Shall B pgs-480-to-531.txt 206 9 Shane D'l pgs-175-to-225.txt 293 4 Shane Joseph pgs-282-to-340.txt 168 18 Shaney Eliz'h pgs-124-to-174.txt 470 2 Shappy Samuel pgs-412-to-479.txt 272 4 Share Abram pgs-226-to-278.txt 588 20 Sharer Jacob of John pgs-578-to-623.txt 387 7 Shark J pgs-350-to-407.txt 387 10 Sharkey Hugh pgs-350-to-407.txt 592 18 Sharkness Patrick pgs-578-to-623.txt 8 10 Sharp Ann pgs-003-to-037.txt 218 5 Sharp H'y pgs-175-to-225.txt 380 1 Sharp Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 77 2 Sharpe Ja's pgs-038-to-078.txt 550 13 Sharrar Dan'l pgs-534-to-572.txt 178 7 Shartle Cath'ne pgs-175-to-225.txt 372 9 Shartle Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 502 12 Shary Jane pgs-480-to-531.txt 505 21 Shary W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 603 17 Shauk Capt'n Peter pgs-578-to-623.txt 551 3 Shauk John pgs-534-to-572.txt 602 14 Shauk Peter pgs-578-to-623.txt 579 18 Shaul Joseph pgs-578-to-623.txt 594 1 Shaul Joseph pgs-578-to-623.txt 550 3 Shaver Ab'm pgs-534-to-572.txt 582 20 Shaver Fredrick pgs-578-to-623.txt 583 2 Shaver George pgs-578-to-623.txt 552 2 Shaver Mickel Jun'r pgs-534-to-572.txt 582 19 Shaver Mickel Sen'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 599 13 Shavier John pgs-578-to-623.txt 516 4 Shaw A pgs-480-to-531.txt 214 13 Shaw Alex'r pgs-175-to-225.txt 471 2 Shaw Archabald pgs-412-to-479.txt 253 3 Shaw Cath'n pgs-226-to-278.txt 225 2 Shaw Cath'ne pgs-175-to-225.txt 522 3 Shaw David pgs-480-to-531.txt 537 3 Shaw Elizabeth pgs-534-to-572.txt 353 12 Shaw Fred' pgs-350-to-407.txt 91 6 Shaw Jn'o pgs-079-to-120.txt 257 2 Shaw John pgs-226-to-278.txt 539 15 Shaw Joshua pgs-534-to-572.txt 469 4 Shaw Richard pgs-412-to-479.txt 290 13 Shaw Sam'l pgs-282-to-340.txt 374 11 Shaw Sam'l pgs-350-to-407.txt 491 11 Shaw Samuel pgs-480-to-531.txt 201 12 Shaw Tempy pgs-175-to-225.txt 467 18 Shaw Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 457 10 Shaw W'm pgs-412-to-479.txt 553 4 Sheakle Richard pgs-534-to-572.txt 255 4 Shealy Christ'n pgs-226-to-278.txt 55 10 Shears Jos' pgs-038-to-078.txt 551 17 Sheaver Jacob pgs-534-to-572.txt 147 9 Shedden John pgs-124-to-174.txt 190 11 Sheethowars H'y pgs-175-to-225.txt 481 12 Sheitts William pgs-480-to-531.txt 586 18 Sheklefort Edw'd pgs-578-to-623.txt 528 4 Shelling J pgs-480-to-531.txt 83 10 Shelton Ann pgs-079-to-120.txt 630 8 Shemaker Christopher pgs-626-to-672.txt 81 3 Shemian Jn'o pgs-079-to-120.txt 24 15 Shenow Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 630 5 Sheperd John pgs-626-to-672.txt 27 15 Shephard Ch's pgs-003-to-037.txt 5 17 Shepherd Tho's pgs-003-to-037.txt 412 5 Shepley W pgs-412-to-479.txt 472 16 Sheppard Emorey pgs-412-to-479.txt 155 13 Sheppard Tho' S pgs-124-to-174.txt 262 14 Sherdin Mr' pgs-226-to-278.txt 88 4 Shered J pgs-079-to-120.txt 85 8 Shereland M pgs-079-to-120.txt 362 6 Sherey Mr' pgs-350-to-407.txt 29 12 Sheriss Susana pgs-003-to-037.txt 695 15 Sherley George pgs-673-to-714.txt 404 7 Sherlock J pgs-350-to-407.txt 211 13 Sherlock John pgs-175-to-225.txt 563 24 Sherlock Richard pgs-534-to-572.txt 429 4 Shern Jn'o pgs-412-to-479.txt 35 4 Sherpberd W'm pgs-003-to-037.txt 62 10 Sherwod F'k pgs-038-to-078.txt 25 14 Sherwood P pgs-003-to-037.txt 75 16 Shields A pgs-038-to-078.txt 147 16 Shields David pgs-124-to-174.txt 378 5 Shields Ja's pgs-350-to-407.txt 13 1 Shields Soloman pgs-003-to-037.txt 508 16 Shields W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 115 9 Shields W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 173 15 Shieling Ann pgs-124-to-174.txt 599 1 Shiew Henry pgs-578-to-623.txt 598 2 Shiew Jacob pgs-578-to-623.txt 77 14 Shilling C pgs-038-to-078.txt 105 13 Shilling Eliza pgs-079-to-120.txt 234 12 Shilling Mr' pgs-226-to-278.txt 113 2 Shilling Phillip pgs-079-to-120.txt 513 16 Shilling W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 278 10 Shin Mr pgs-226-to-278.txt 415 12 Shineman Ab pgs-412-to-479.txt 695 6 Shinen Jacob pgs-673-to-714.txt 210 13 Shingle Jacob pgs-175-to-225.txt 46 2 Shiningburg C pgs-038-to-078.txt 535 15 Shipard Nathan pgs-534-to-572.txt 706 9 Shipley Absalom pgs-673-to-714.txt 681 19 Shipley Absolom of Rob't pgs-673-to-714.txt 682 6 Shipley Adam pgs-673-to-714.txt 706 13 Shipley Adam J'r pgs-673-to-714.txt 706 8 Shipley Adam S'r pgs-673-to-714.txt 708 15 Shipley Ankord pgs-673-to-714.txt 542 20 Shipley Benjaman pgs-534-to-572.txt 707 10 Shipley Brice pgs-673-to-714.txt 711 15 Shipley Caleb pgs-673-to-714.txt 681 17 Shipley Charles pgs-673-to-714.txt 710 3 Shipley Duncan pgs-673-to-714.txt 681 2 Shipley Ezikel pgs-673-to-714.txt 682 7 Shipley George pgs-673-to-714.txt 709 24 Shipley George pgs-673-to-714.txt 678 22 Shipley Grace pgs-673-to-714.txt 421 18 Shipley J pgs-412-to-479.txt 709 11 Shipley John of ? pgs-673-to-714.txt 680 20 Shipley Peter pgs-673-to-714.txt 158 16 Shipley Rich'd pgs-124-to-174.txt 681 18 Shipley Robert pgs-673-to-714.txt 421 14 Shipley Vachel pgs-412-to-479.txt 678 16 Shipley W'm pgs-673-to-714.txt 642 2 Shiply Benjamin pgs-626-to-672.txt 710 10 Shiply Greenbury pgs-673-to-714.txt 535 16 Shippard Josias pgs-534-to-572.txt 537 21 Shippard Mary pgs-534-to-572.txt 169 4 Shippard Polly pgs-124-to-174.txt 161 3 Shirac Francis pgs-124-to-174.txt 238 3 Shoat Henry pgs-226-to-278.txt 192 13 Shock Hanah pgs-175-to-225.txt 479 23 Shockell W'm pgs-412-to-479.txt 605 13 Shoeman George pgs-578-to-623.txt 365 2 Shomaker Geo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 51 10 Shons Julia pgs-038-to-078.txt 505 19 Shorbridg John pgs-480-to-531.txt 149 5 Short Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 195 16 Shortery John pgs-175-to-225.txt 551 4 Shoseman George pgs-534-to-572.txt 263 3 Shot Augustus pgs-226-to-278.txt 554 16 Shotts Henry pgs-534-to-572.txt 595 7 Shotts Phillip pgs-578-to-623.txt 553 9 Showers Adam pgs-534-to-572.txt 553 10 Showers Mary pgs-534-to-572.txt 305 1 Shrade H pgs-282-to-340.txt 315 11 Shrever Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 156 11 Shrier Sarah pgs-124-to-174.txt 570 30 Shrieves Joseph pgs-534-to-572.txt 150 14 Shriver John pgs-124-to-174.txt 361 14 Shriver Mrs' pgs-350-to-407.txt 553 8 Shroat Coonrod pgs-534-to-572.txt 554 10 Shroat Henry pgs-534-to-572.txt 393 10 Shrot M pgs-350-to-407.txt 645 5 Shryer W'm pgs-626-to-672.txt 370 14 Shryock Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 102 3 Shumpheris Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 336 1 Shutal S pgs-282-to-340.txt 466 1 Siddon Geo' & Moses pgs-412-to-479.txt 539 20 Sids Andrew pgs-534-to-572.txt 328 8 Sig Peter pgs-282-to-340.txt 655 17 Sight John pgs-626-to-672.txt 584 18 Sigler Peter pgs-578-to-623.txt 396 5 Sike Elizabeth pgs-350-to-407.txt 223 12 Silback Mr' pgs-175-to-225.txt 229 18 Sillman Jon'a pgs-226-to-278.txt 71 6 Silman Mary pgs-038-to-078.txt 680 12 Silman Vachel pgs-673-to-714.txt 396 4 Silser Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 396 3 Silser M pgs-350-to-407.txt 87 12 Silvia M pgs-079-to-120.txt 190 3 Simenure John pgs-175-to-225.txt 517 13 Simes M pgs-480-to-531.txt 191 18 Simiter Doney pgs-175-to-225.txt 196 8 Simiter Hager pgs-175-to-225.txt 587 8 Simmamon Christiain pgs-578-to-623.txt 707 17 Simmins William pgs-673-to-714.txt 550 12 Simmomon Henry pgs-534-to-572.txt 599 10 Simmomon John pgs-578-to-623.txt 376 7 Simneck H pgs-350-to-407.txt 80 15 Simon Evan pgs-079-to-120.txt 611 1 Simon John pgs-578-to-623.txt 521 9 Simons A pgs-480-to-531.txt 311 8 Simpson Agnes pgs-282-to-340.txt 51 12 Simpson Andrew pgs-038-to-078.txt 72 11 Simpson Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 642 14 Simpson Joseph pgs-626-to-672.txt 370 9 Simpson Molly pgs-350-to-407.txt 370 8 Simpson Mr' pgs-350-to-407.txt 711 13 Simpson Walter pgs-673-to-714.txt 615 14 Simson John pgs-578-to-623.txt 699 15 Sinard Ab'm pgs-673-to-714.txt 320 12 Sinclair Ja's pgs-282-to-340.txt 75 15 Sinclair Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 448 15 Sindal Elizabeth pgs-412-to-479.txt 449 17 Sindal Philip pgs-412-to-479.txt 448 17 Sindal Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 450 6 Sindal William pgs-412-to-479.txt 335 4 Sinduff Jesse pgs-282-to-340.txt 325 1 Siner M pgs-282-to-340.txt 254 5 Sines Christ'n pgs-226-to-278.txt 448 11 Singenfetter Peter pgs-412-to-479.txt 100 2 Singes Ch's pgs-079-to-120.txt 143 13 Singleton Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 610 1 Singory Christain Jun'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 551 16 Singrey Christian Sen'r pgs-534-to-572.txt 551 15 Singrey Jacob pgs-534-to-572.txt 527 17 Sinnard J pgs-480-to-531.txt 517 1 Sinsey W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 373 6 Sinsner F pgs-350-to-407.txt 172 2 Sipple Rich'd pgs-124-to-174.txt 29 11 Sisco Dan'l pgs-003-to-037.txt 244 14 Sisenstrager Eliz'h pgs-226-to-278.txt 201 18 Sitchell Lydia pgs-175-to-225.txt 430 9 Sitler Adam pgs-412-to-479.txt 327 13 Sitter Dan'l pgs-282-to-340.txt 511 10 Sitter Jacob pgs-480-to-531.txt 150 7 Sitter John pgs-124-to-174.txt 256 4 Sitter Mathias pgs-226-to-278.txt 507 22 Sittles C pgs-480-to-531.txt 688 9 Sivers Conrad pgs-673-to-714.txt 152 3 Skelton John pgs-124-to-174.txt 33 8 Skerett Glen pgs-003-to-037.txt 426 15 Skerrett Mrs' Elyane pgs-412-to-479.txt 235 8 Skiller John pgs-226-to-278.txt 222 17 Skilman Rob't pgs-175-to-225.txt 152 10 Skinner R'd pgs-124-to-174.txt 511 14 Skinnick J pgs-480-to-531.txt 556 5 Skipper Charles pgs-534-to-572.txt 594 3 Skipper Elisha pgs-578-to-623.txt 556 12 Skipper John pgs-534-to-572.txt 710 15 Skipton John pgs-673-to-714.txt 542 26 Slade Abraham pgs-534-to-572.txt 539 8 Slade Tho's pgs-534-to-572.txt 534 17 Slade W'm pgs-534-to-572.txt 456 9 Slater Johnathan pgs-412-to-479.txt 472 5 Slater Richard pgs-412-to-479.txt 28 11 Slater W'm pgs-003-to-037.txt 74 8 Slater W'm pgs-038-to-078.txt 140 8 Slater W'm pgs-124-to-174.txt 318 5 Slaterback T pgs-282-to-340.txt 315 2 Slaymake Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 259 8 Slee John pgs-226-to-278.txt 663 7 Slee Joseph pgs-626-to-672.txt 244 6 Sleesman Mich'l pgs-226-to-278.txt 526 10 Slevy Jacob pgs-480-to-531.txt 10 1 Sloan Anth'y pgs-003-to-037.txt 139 4 Sloan Ja's pgs-124-to-174.txt 257 3 Sloan Nancy pgs-226-to-278.txt 688 17 Sloop Michael pgs-673-to-714.txt 454 7 Slye Adam pgs-412-to-479.txt 45 9 Small David pgs-038-to-078.txt 48 13 Small Grace pgs-038-to-078.txt 531 11 Small Jacob pgs-480-to-531.txt 164 14 Small Jacob pgs-124-to-174.txt 222 1 Small Jane pgs-175-to-225.txt 195 3 Small Jerry pgs-175-to-225.txt 213 13 Small John pgs-175-to-225.txt 304 3 Small Mich'l pgs-282-to-340.txt 211 9 Small Rich'd pgs-175-to-225.txt 642 12 Small W'm pgs-626-to-672.txt 125 13 Smalley E J pgs-124-to-174.txt 80 1 Smallwood Lewis pgs-079-to-120.txt 589 9 Smeeke George pgs-578-to-623.txt 522 1 Smiley Isaac pgs-480-to-531.txt 103 12 Smith A pgs-079-to-120.txt 146 3 Smith A pgs-124-to-174.txt 420 11 Smith Adam pgs-412-to-479.txt 632 5 Smith Adam pgs-626-to-672.txt 64 13 Smith Adam pgs-038-to-078.txt 61 6 Smith Alex pgs-038-to-078.txt 620 17 Smith And'w pgs-578-to-623.txt 75 4 Smith Ann pgs-038-to-078.txt 100 16 Smith Ann pgs-079-to-120.txt 483 15 Smith Arther pgs-480-to-531.txt 36 4 Smith Bazel pgs-003-to-037.txt 516 10 Smith C pgs-480-to-531.txt 97 7 Smith Cal'b E pgs-079-to-120.txt 516 5 Smith Charles pgs-480-to-531.txt 221 13 Smith Cha's pgs-175-to-225.txt 74 5 Smith Christian pgs-038-to-078.txt 41 11 Smith Ch's pgs-038-to-078.txt 136 6 Smith D R pgs-124-to-174.txt 421 12 Smith Dan'l pgs-412-to-479.txt 67 11 Smith Dan'l pgs-038-to-078.txt 136 11 Smith Dar'd pgs-124-to-174.txt 622 9 Smith Dennis pgs-578-to-623.txt 565 8 Smith Doct'r William K pgs-534-to-572.txt 482 10 Smith Elenor pgs-480-to-531.txt 54 15 Smith Eliza pgs-038-to-078.txt 367 3 Smith Eliz'h pgs-350-to-407.txt 75 13 Smith Ephram pgs-038-to-078.txt 626 2 Smith Ferdenand pgs-626-to-672.txt 478 11 Smith General Samuel pgs-412-to-479.txt 217 10 Smith Geo' pgs-175-to-225.txt 134 13 Smith Geo' pgs-124-to-174.txt 475 14 Smith George pgs-412-to-479.txt 626 4 Smith George pgs-626-to-672.txt 143 1 Smith Harry pgs-124-to-174.txt 351 13 Smith Henry pgs-350-to-407.txt 426 5 Smith Jacob pgs-412-to-479.txt 426 6 Smith Jacob pgs-412-to-479.txt 386 13 Smith Jacob Ju'r pgs-350-to-407.txt 452 7 Smith James pgs-412-to-479.txt 569 27 Smith James pgs-534-to-572.txt 273 9 Smith Ja's pgs-226-to-278.txt 312 4 Smith Jenny pgs-282-to-340.txt 275 7 Smith Jn'o pgs-226-to-278.txt 306 4 Smith Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 387 6 Smith Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 396 2 Smith Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 401 2 Smith Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 49 3 Smith Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 6 10 Smith Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 17 3 Smith Job pgs-003-to-037.txt 494 12 Smith Job pgs-480-to-531.txt 227 4 Smith John pgs-226-to-278.txt 237 5 Smith John pgs-226-to-278.txt 255 14 Smith John pgs-226-to-278.txt 276 17 Smith John pgs-226-to-278.txt 477 6 Smith John pgs-412-to-479.txt 502 11 Smith John pgs-480-to-531.txt 567 20 Smith John pgs-534-to-572.txt 680 10 Smith John pgs-673-to-714.txt 36 10 Smith Jos' pgs-003-to-037.txt 206 10 Smith Joseph pgs-175-to-225.txt 242 2 Smith Joseph pgs-226-to-278.txt 284 10 Smith Joseph pgs-282-to-340.txt 167 13 Smith Joseph pgs-124-to-174.txt 647 11 Smith Joshua pgs-626-to-672.txt 687 8 Smith Joshua pgs-673-to-714.txt 186 12 Smith Josius pgs-175-to-225.txt 263 4 Smith June pgs-226-to-278.txt 508 6 Smith K pgs-480-to-531.txt 628 13 Smith Lake pgs-626-to-672.txt 657 10 Smith Larken H pgs-626-to-672.txt 182 14 Smith Letty pgs-175-to-225.txt 325 8 Smith Levi pgs-282-to-340.txt 292 7 Smith Mary pgs-282-to-340.txt 73 18 Smith Mary pgs-038-to-078.txt 114 2 Smith Mary pgs-079-to-120.txt 286 6 Smith Matthew pgs-282-to-340.txt 431 4 Smith Moses pgs-412-to-479.txt 358 9 Smith Mr' pgs-350-to-407.txt 230 9 Smith Mrs' pgs-226-to-278.txt 356 2 Smith Mrs' pgs-350-to-407.txt 129 9 Smith Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 183 3 Smith Mrs' pgs-175-to-225.txt 501 3 Smith N pgs-480-to-531.txt 250 5 Smith Nace pgs-226-to-278.txt 627 6 Smith Nathan pgs-626-to-672.txt 481 19 Smith Nicholas pgs-480-to-531.txt 262 8 Smith Nich's pgs-226-to-278.txt 331 12 Smith Nich's pgs-282-to-340.txt 14 6 Smith Par'l pgs-003-to-037.txt 219 14 Smith Ralph pgs-175-to-225.txt 405 15 Smith Ralph pgs-350-to-407.txt 60 1 Smith R'd pgs-038-to-078.txt 42 8 Smith Rich'd pgs-038-to-078.txt 228 11 Smith Rob pgs-226-to-278.txt 237 1 Smith Rob pgs-226-to-278.txt 534 12 Smith Robert pgs-534-to-572.txt 354 13 Smith Rob't H pgs-350-to-407.txt 699 17 Smith Rodney pgs-673-to-714.txt 136 3 Smith S pgs-124-to-174.txt 214 7 Smith Sam'l pgs-175-to-225.txt 415 6 Smith Sam'l pgs-412-to-479.txt 641 9 Smith Sam'l pgs-626-to-672.txt 98 15 Smith Sam'l pgs-079-to-120.txt 340 14 Smith Sam'l R pgs-282-to-340.txt 466 17 Smith Samuel pgs-412-to-479.txt 257 6 Smith Sarah pgs-226-to-278.txt 667 11 Smith Sarah H pgs-626-to-672.txt 189 14 Smith Tho' pgs-175-to-225.txt 251 11 Smith Tho' pgs-226-to-278.txt 289 6 Smith Tho' pgs-282-to-340.txt 133 9 Smith Thor'd pgs-124-to-174.txt 203 15 Smith W'm pgs-175-to-225.txt 260 10 Smith W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 283 1 Smith W'm pgs-282-to-340.txt 28 6 Smith W'm pgs-003-to-037.txt 647 7 Smith W'm pgs-626-to-672.txt 60 14 Smith W'm pgs-038-to-078.txt 78 16 Smith W'm pgs-038-to-078.txt 92 12 Smith W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 101 1 Smith W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 246 7 Smith W'm L pgs-226-to-278.txt 380 6 Smith W'm R pgs-350-to-407.txt 266 10 Smithson D'l pgs-226-to-278.txt 654 6 Smitson Aley pgs-626-to-672.txt 169 18 Smother Diaman pgs-124-to-174.txt 52 7 Smothers David pgs-038-to-078.txt 201 10 Smylee Rob't pgs-175-to-225.txt 580 12 Smyth Ander pgs-578-to-623.txt 551 6 Smyth Fredrick pgs-534-to-572.txt 150 16 Smyth Ja's pgs-124-to-174.txt 594 2 Smyth John pgs-578-to-623.txt 602 13 Smyth Josua pgs-578-to-623.txt 320 14 Sneigpaper Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 167 12 Snell Airy pgs-124-to-174.txt 407 3 Snick Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 110 4 Snider Joe'l pgs-079-to-120.txt 616 11 Snider John pgs-578-to-623.txt 110 8 Snior Luke pgs-079-to-120.txt 380 2 Snow Sam'l pgs-350-to-407.txt 295 8 Snow Zed'k pgs-282-to-340.txt 516 22 Snowden D pgs-480-to-531.txt 708 19 Snowden Francis pgs-673-to-714.txt 678 15 Snowden John B pgs-673-to-714.txt 479 1 Snowden Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 490 3 Snuggrass William pgs-480-to-531.txt 323 2 Snuk Dorman pgs-282-to-340.txt 291 12 Snyder And'w pgs-282-to-340.txt 645 13 Snyder And'w pgs-626-to-672.txt 291 14 Snyder Cha's pgs-282-to-340.txt 589 21 Snyder Christain pgs-578-to-623.txt 552 12 Snyder Christian pgs-534-to-572.txt 116 8 Snyder E pgs-079-to-120.txt 581 19 Snyder Elisabeth pgs-578-to-623.txt 598 10 Snyder Fredrick pgs-578-to-623.txt 586 12 Snyder Fritz pgs-578-to-623.txt 586 10 Snyder George pgs-578-to-623.txt 589 22 Snyder George pgs-578-to-623.txt 310 9 Snyder Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 5 15 Snyder Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 163 12 Snyder John pgs-124-to-174.txt 308 3 Snyder Lewis pgs-282-to-340.txt 235 7 Snyder Mr' pgs-226-to-278.txt 564 2 Snyder Nicholas pgs-534-to-572.txt 390 5 Snyder Peter pgs-350-to-407.txt 586 11 Snyder Phillip pgs-578-to-623.txt 400 4 Snyder R pgs-350-to-407.txt 713 15 Socks Dennis pgs-673-to-714.txt 308 12 Sody Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 325 12 Sohas Jo' pgs-282-to-340.txt 611 17 Solbohen Henry pgs-578-to-623.txt 397 2 Sollars Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 151 11 Sollers P pgs-124-to-174.txt 258 4 Solomon Ben pgs-226-to-278.txt 147 3 Solomon E pgs-124-to-174.txt 139 8 Solomon L pgs-124-to-174.txt 359 6 Somer Charity pgs-350-to-407.txt 563 27 Somers Ann pgs-534-to-572.txt 71 5 Somervell Ann pgs-038-to-078.txt 82 6 Somewell A pgs-079-to-120.txt 513 4 Somill Jacob pgs-480-to-531.txt 81 9 Somwell M pgs-079-to-120.txt 372 2 Soner Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 467 16 Soney Amos pgs-412-to-479.txt 216 3 Soniers Ma'm pgs-175-to-225.txt 170 4 Sooter Jacob pgs-124-to-174.txt 40 14 Sorenson Peter pgs-038-to-078.txt 255 12 Soron Jam pgs-226-to-278.txt 128 17 Sorrell Jane pgs-124-to-174.txt 553 15 Souter John pgs-534-to-572.txt 210 9 Southward Mrs' pgs-175-to-225.txt 165 15 Southwood Mary pgs-124-to-174.txt 291 10 Spangler Isaac pgs-282-to-340.txt 477 14 Spaniard Peter pgs-412-to-479.txt 510 2 Spankes A pgs-480-to-531.txt 541 14 Sparks Casandre pgs-534-to-572.txt 536 7 Sparks Eliza pgs-534-to-572.txt 540 13 Sparks Josias pgs-534-to-572.txt 539 13 Sparks Tho's pgs-534-to-572.txt 544 3 Sparks Tho's pgs-534-to-572.txt 541 10 Sparks Wright pgs-534-to-572.txt 431 14 Speaks Mrs' pgs-412-to-479.txt 217 7 Spear Joseph pgs-175-to-225.txt 378 6 Spear Mich'l pgs-350-to-407.txt 484 13 Spear Samuel pgs-480-to-531.txt 456 6 Spears Mary pgs-412-to-479.txt 566 19 Spears William pgs-534-to-572.txt 17 12 Spedding Sur pgs-003-to-037.txt 388 11 Speersun Beal pgs-350-to-407.txt 178 6 Spence R pgs-175-to-225.txt 485 19 Spencer James pgs-480-to-531.txt 237 7 Spencer R pgs-226-to-278.txt 186 18 Spencer Sam'l pgs-175-to-225.txt 297 16 Spere Dan'l pgs-282-to-340.txt 215 10 Spilman Ja's pgs-175-to-225.txt 556 6 Spindle George pgs-534-to-572.txt 556 7 Spindle John pgs-534-to-572.txt 401 7 Spinger Geo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 662 8 Spireisban Abraham pgs-626-to-672.txt 290 5 Spires Jn'o P pgs-282-to-340.txt 476 8 Spires Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 503 8 Spotwood D pgs-480-to-531.txt 3 12 Sprague Ch's pgs-003-to-037.txt 18 7 Sprague Fos'l pgs-003-to-037.txt 68 3 Spraque H'y pgs-038-to-078.txt 220 13 Sprigg Tho' pgs-175-to-225.txt 527 6 Sprinkle D pgs-480-to-531.txt 146 5 Sprole Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 225 7 Sprole W'm pgs-175-to-225.txt 240 9 Spruce Eliz'h pgs-226-to-278.txt 224 5 Sprung Geo' pgs-175-to-225.txt 642 7 Spur Tho's pgs-626-to-672.txt 714 9 Spurrex Benj'n pgs-673-to-714.txt 714 4 Spurrier Alpheus pgs-673-to-714.txt 680 9 Squire Jacob pgs-673-to-714.txt 226 13 Squires Sophy pgs-226-to-278.txt 542 28 Staffer Christian pgs-534-to-572.txt 3 6 Stafford P pgs-003-to-037.txt 519 1 Stageman D pgs-480-to-531.txt 117 7 Stahles H C pgs-079-to-120.txt 525 5 Stall Ann pgs-480-to-531.txt 526 19 Stall Edward pgs-480-to-531.txt 527 7 Stall Jacob pgs-480-to-531.txt 331 2 Stall Jo' pgs-282-to-340.txt 331 5 Stall Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 453 13 Stallion Henry pgs-412-to-479.txt 413 1 Stamer Jn'o pgs-412-to-479.txt 698 17 Stanbury John pgs-673-to-714.txt 535 4 Standaford John of W'm pgs-534-to-572.txt 665 6 Standerford Abraham pgs-626-to-672.txt 534 5 Standiford John pgs-534-to-572.txt 538 8 Standiford John of Aincene pgs-534-to-572.txt 538 9 Standiford Rincent pgs-534-to-572.txt 536 4 Standiford Skelton pgs-534-to-572.txt 538 20 Standiford Vincent pgs-534-to-572.txt 39 8 Stane Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 569 17 Stanfield Benjamin pgs-534-to-572.txt 569 16 Stanfield Elizabeth pgs-534-to-572.txt 56 7 Stanley Ann pgs-038-to-078.txt 51 1 Stanleys Ch's pgs-038-to-078.txt 272 7 Stansberry W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 534 1 Stansburg Dixon pgs-534-to-572.txt 534 2 Stansburg Dixon Junier pgs-534-to-572.txt 589 7 Stansburry Abraham pgs-578-to-623.txt 592 6 Stansburry Caleb pgs-578-to-623.txt 650 12 Stansbury Abraham pgs-626-to-672.txt 512 24 Stansbury B pgs-480-to-531.txt 570 19 Stansbury Caleb pgs-534-to-572.txt 595 2 Stansbury Caleb Jun'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 595 3 Stansbury Caleb Sen'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 110 14 Stansbury Ch'r pgs-079-to-120.txt 453 17 Stansbury Daniel pgs-412-to-479.txt 470 7 Stansbury Daniel pgs-412-to-479.txt 474 15 Stansbury Daniel pgs-412-to-479.txt 251 12 Stansbury Durias pgs-226-to-278.txt 466 4 Stansbury Elizabeth pgs-412-to-479.txt 459 2 Stansbury Ephraim pgs-412-to-479.txt 457 16 Stansbury Isaac pgs-412-to-479.txt 253 17 Stansbury Jacob pgs-226-to-278.txt 114 3 Stansbury Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 622 6 Stansbury Jesse pgs-578-to-623.txt 570 18 Stansbury John pgs-534-to-572.txt 457 9 Stansbury John D pgs-412-to-479.txt 451 7 Stansbury John E pgs-412-to-479.txt 595 4 Stansbury John of Caleb pgs-578-to-623.txt 581 5 Stansbury Joseph pgs-578-to-623.txt 474 14 Stansbury Josias pgs-412-to-479.txt 621 1 Stansbury Lisha pgs-578-to-623.txt 555 17 Stansbury McKeagy pgs-534-to-572.txt 9 4 Stansbury Nic's pgs-003-to-037.txt 622 5 Stansbury Rachal pgs-578-to-623.txt 650 4 Stansbury Richardson pgs-626-to-672.txt 236 1 Stansbury Tho' pgs-226-to-278.txt 693 17 Stansbury Tho's pgs-673-to-714.txt 465 19 Stansbury Tobias pgs-412-to-479.txt 452 9 Stansbury Tobias E pgs-412-to-479.txt 570 17 Stansbury William pgs-534-to-572.txt 258 15 Stansbury W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 466 7 Stansbury W'm pgs-412-to-479.txt 614 13 Stansbury W'm pgs-578-to-623.txt 595 5 Stansbury W'm of Caleb pgs-578-to-623.txt 567 6 Stansbury Zachariah pgs-534-to-572.txt 243 8 Staples John pgs-226-to-278.txt 469 19 Stapleton Edward pgs-412-to-479.txt 203 13 Stapleton Mary pgs-175-to-225.txt 134 10 Stapleton S K pgs-124-to-174.txt 187 15 Starr Geo' pgs-175-to-225.txt 474 10 Starr Henry pgs-412-to-479.txt 245 8 Starr Hez' pgs-226-to-278.txt 167 16 Starr Isaac pgs-124-to-174.txt 507 5 Starr Ja's pgs-480-to-531.txt 33 12 Starr Jos' pgs-003-to-037.txt 18 16 Starr Will'm pgs-003-to-037.txt 249 10 Starr W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 319 14 Stations Mr' pgs-282-to-340.txt 95 5 Statore Benj' pgs-079-to-120.txt 566 24 Stchudy John pgs-534-to-572.txt 471 17 Steaks Robert pgs-412-to-479.txt 430 10 Steaples Mr' pgs-412-to-479.txt 217 1 Steddycorr Sam'l pgs-175-to-225.txt 697 5 Steel John pgs-673-to-714.txt 168 15 Steel Mrs' pgs-124-to-174.txt 3 7 Steele Eliza pgs-003-to-037.txt 283 12 Steinback Jn'o G pgs-282-to-340.txt 336 5 Steinmetz M pgs-282-to-340.txt 259 12 Steiver Christ'n pgs-226-to-278.txt 272 14 Steiver D'l pgs-226-to-278.txt 272 15 Steiver Geo' pgs-226-to-278.txt 111 2 Stekeny H'y pgs-079-to-120.txt 453 12 Stemmon Mary pgs-412-to-479.txt 687 15 Stendale Nathan pgs-673-to-714.txt 99 6 Stenhouse H'y pgs-079-to-120.txt 481 6 Stenson William pgs-480-to-531.txt 515 16 Stepelton H pgs-480-to-531.txt 492 2 Stephel George pgs-480-to-531.txt 73 16 Stephen Lenord pgs-038-to-078.txt 191 14 Stephens A pgs-175-to-225.txt 712 4 Stephens Sarah pgs-673-to-714.txt 711 14 Stephens unreadable pgs-673-to-714.txt 87 8 Stephens W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 702 2 Stephenson Henry pgs-673-to-714.txt 584 1 Stephins Cathrine pgs-578-to-623.txt 610 17 Stephins John pgs-578-to-623.txt 288 12 Stephinson Ja's pgs-282-to-340.txt 327 2 Sterely Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 225 17 Sterling W'm pgs-175-to-225.txt 275 6 Sterm Peter pgs-226-to-278.txt 172 7 Sterrets Nancy pgs-124-to-174.txt 356 8 Sterrett B pgs-350-to-407.txt 216 18 Sterrett Ja's pgs-175-to-225.txt 214 4 Sterrett Joseph pgs-175-to-225.txt 245 6 Sterrett Lucy pgs-226-to-278.txt 214 3 Sterrett W'm pgs-175-to-225.txt 475 3 Sterrit Joseph pgs-412-to-479.txt 478 14 Sterritt Samuel pgs-412-to-479.txt 417 2 Steve George pgs-412-to-479.txt 565 18 Stevens Ambrose pgs-534-to-572.txt 134 2 Stevens Harry pgs-124-to-174.txt 26 7 Stevens Jn'o pgs-003-to-037.txt 218 15 Stevens Miss pgs-175-to-225.txt 64 1 Stevens R'd pgs-038-to-078.txt 259 3 Stevens Sam'l pgs-226-to-278.txt 143 10 Stevens T pgs-124-to-174.txt 97 11 Stevens W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 57 9 Stevenson Ann pgs-038-to-078.txt 154 4 Stevenson Cosner pgs-124-to-174.txt 530 8 Stevenson D H pgs-480-to-531.txt 680 3 Stevenson Edward pgs-673-to-714.txt 463 14 Stevenson George pgs-412-to-479.txt 239 17 Stevenson James pgs-226-to-278.txt 386 4 Stevenson Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 503 18 Stevenson Joshua pgs-480-to-531.txt 537 14 Stevenson Joshua pgs-534-to-572.txt 242 15 Stevenson Josius pgs-226-to-278.txt 331 11 Stevenson Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 515 9 Stevenson R pgs-480-to-531.txt 378 2 Stevenson Sam'l pgs-350-to-407.txt 523 19 Stevenson Samuel pgs-480-to-531.txt 680 11 Stevenson Samuel pgs-673-to-714.txt 478 9 Stevenson Sator pgs-412-to-479.txt 465 6 Stevenson W'm pgs-412-to-479.txt 481 14 Steward Archabald pgs-480-to-531.txt 302 2 Steward F pgs-282-to-340.txt 351 7 Stewart Alex'r pgs-350-to-407.txt 230 12 Stewart An'd pgs-226-to-278.txt 5 8 Stewart Ann pgs-003-to-037.txt 525 11 Stewart C pgs-480-to-531.txt 277 17 Stewart D pgs-226-to-278.txt 505 11 Stewart D pgs-480-to-531.txt 706 6 Stewart David pgs-673-to-714.txt 112 11 Stewart Hugh pgs-079-to-120.txt 616 16 Stewart James pgs-578-to-623.txt 114 4 Stewart Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 305 10 Stewart Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 314 11 Stewart Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 392 11 Stewart Jo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 258 2 Stewart John pgs-226-to-278.txt 258 7 Stewart John pgs-226-to-278.txt 534 13 Stewart John pgs-534-to-572.txt 472 14 Stewart no first name pgs-412-to-479.txt 249 3 Stewart Polly pgs-226-to-278.txt 129 16 Stewart Rachel pgs-124-to-174.txt 126 2 Stewart Richardson pgs-124-to-174.txt 112 16 Stewart Rob't pgs-079-to-120.txt 112 9 Stewart R't pgs-079-to-120.txt 89 9 Stewart Sam'l pgs-079-to-120.txt 239 11 Stewart Stephen pgs-226-to-278.txt 98 11 Stewart St'r pgs-079-to-120.txt 380 3 Stewart Tho' pgs-350-to-407.txt 531 7 Stewart Th's pgs-480-to-531.txt 243 5 Stewart W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 655 5 Stewart W'm pgs-626-to-672.txt 104 9 Stewart W'm pgs-079-to-120.txt 387 9 Stickely Harriot pgs-350-to-407.txt 426 17 Stickman W'm J pgs-412-to-479.txt 207 19 Stickney H'y pgs-175-to-225.txt 42 1 Stickney Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 554 3 Stiever Adam pgs-534-to-572.txt 215 3 Stiff Tho' pgs-175-to-225.txt 589 10 Stiffer John pgs-578-to-623.txt 581 10 Stifler Ann pgs-578-to-623.txt 368 12 Stigar Mr' pgs-350-to-407.txt 386 7 Stiger Jacob pgs-350-to-407.txt 133 5 Stigler John pgs-124-to-174.txt 84 15 Stiles E pgs-079-to-120.txt 246 8 Stiles Edw'd pgs-226-to-278.txt 103 2 Stiles Geo' pgs-079-to-120.txt 662 11 Still Gabril pgs-626-to-672.txt 457 6 Still James pgs-412-to-479.txt 141 10 Stilley Isaac pgs-124-to-174.txt 598 14 Stills Phillip Sen'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 252 8 Stilts W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 292 5 Stinbeck W'm pgs-282-to-340.txt 626 15 Stinchcomb Christopher pgs-626-to-672.txt 626 17 Stinchcomb Enoch pgs-626-to-672.txt 627 1 Stinchcomb Jn'o pgs-626-to-672.txt 626 14 Stinchcomb M Tisic pgs-626-to-672.txt 107 13 Stine Ch'r pgs-079-to-120.txt 528 7 Stiner G pgs-480-to-531.txt 222 16 Stinger Jacob pgs-175-to-225.txt 204 2 Stinicke Mrs' pgs-175-to-225.txt 198 11 St'Maccery J J pgs-175-to-225.txt 63 14 St'Martins Sophia pgs-038-to-078.txt 161 17 Stoacey John pgs-124-to-174.txt 98 6 Stocare Seth pgs-079-to-120.txt 16 5 Stockell Barbary pgs-003-to-037.txt 584 20 Stocksdale Ben & Aaron pgs-578-to-623.txt 568 25 Stocksdale Eleanor pgs-534-to-572.txt 584 11 Stocksdale Ely pgs-578-to-623.txt 568 28 Stocksdale John pgs-534-to-572.txt 568 24 Stocksdale Thomas pgs-534-to-572.txt 230 13 Stockton John pgs-226-to-278.txt 476 16 Stofaes Aron pgs-412-to-479.txt 541 17 Stofer Phillip pgs-534-to-572.txt 156 6 Stokes Ezakel pgs-124-to-174.txt 82 8 Stokes Peg pgs-079-to-120.txt 685 15 Stondale Edward pgs-673-to-714.txt 296 6 Stone Adam pgs-282-to-340.txt 572 5 Stone Capt'n William pgs-534-to-572.txt 249 8 Stone Edw'd pgs-226-to-278.txt 458 10 Stone John pgs-412-to-479.txt 470 1 Stone John pgs-412-to-479.txt 480 1 Stone no first name pgs-480-to-531.txt 453 6 Stone Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 664 2 Stone Thomas pgs-626-to-672.txt 569 6 Stone William pgs-534-to-572.txt 693 11 Stone W'm pgs-673-to-714.txt 125 7 Stone W'm pgs-124-to-174.txt 467 9 Stope John pgs-412-to-479.txt 681 6 Stordale Edward H pgs-673-to-714.txt 103 6 Storey Rob't pgs-079-to-120.txt 157 4 Stork John pgs-124-to-174.txt 592 14 Storms Jacob Jun'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 592 13 Storms Jacob Sen'r pgs-578-to-623.txt 590 21 Storrap Mary pgs-578-to-623.txt 271 17 Stout Geo' pgs-226-to-278.txt 670 16 Stoven Delila pgs-626-to-672.txt 589 18 Stovie Adam pgs-578-to-623.txt 64 9 Stradley Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 247 11 Strang D'l pgs-226-to-278.txt 4 12 Strech Sam'l pgs-003-to-037.txt 278 2 Stricker John pgs-226-to-278.txt 189 17 Strike Nich's pgs-175-to-225.txt 16 6 Strobell Jno' P pgs-003-to-037.txt 525 12 Strouse S pgs-480-to-531.txt 152 14 Struthoff P pgs-124-to-174.txt 557 2 Stubbins Charles J pgs-534-to-572.txt 618 6 Stubings Charles pgs-578-to-623.txt 618 5 Stubings Henry pgs-578-to-623.txt 618 7 Stubings Samuel pgs-578-to-623.txt 470 10 Studs Richard pgs-412-to-479.txt 193 5 Study John pgs-175-to-225.txt 590 9 Stumf Mary pgs-578-to-623.txt 169 11 Stump Sam'l pgs-124-to-174.txt 418 10 Sturain Satu pgs-412-to-479.txt 515 2 Stutney D pgs-480-to-531.txt 516 12 Suddon W'm pgs-480-to-531.txt 135 3 Sudtler P pgs-124-to-174.txt 217 15 Suguson Marg't pgs-175-to-225.txt 405 7 Suing W pgs-350-to-407.txt 198 4 Sukamp Albert pgs-175-to-225.txt 273 10 Suke Fred'k pgs-226-to-278.txt 199 2 Sulge Conrad pgs-175-to-225.txt 314 12 Sulivan Jn'o pgs-282-to-340.txt 333 9 Sullivan J pgs-282-to-340.txt 75 6 Sulliven Owen pgs-038-to-078.txt 73 12 Sumaltze P pgs-038-to-078.txt 508 9 Sumers Ja's pgs-480-to-531.txt 519 9 Sumers W pgs-480-to-531.txt 514 6 Sumervil J pgs-480-to-531.txt 521 22 Sumervil W pgs-480-to-531.txt 53 10 Sumervill David pgs-038-to-078.txt 481 11 Sumerwell James pgs-480-to-531.txt 508 13 Sumirs A pgs-480-to-531.txt 225 4 Summers Martin pgs-175-to-225.txt 66 15 Summers no first name pgs-038-to-078.txt 165 6 Summerville Ann pgs-124-to-174.txt 263 16 Summerwill Rich'd pgs-226-to-278.txt 285 2 Sumwall Fred'k pgs-282-to-340.txt 159 17 Sumwall Geo' pgs-124-to-174.txt 159 1 Sumwall Mr' pgs-124-to-174.txt 269 16 Sumwalt Jacob pgs-226-to-278.txt 569 29 Sumwalt John pgs-534-to-572.txt 529 21 Sumwatt G pgs-480-to-531.txt 668 8 Sunderlin W'm pgs-626-to-672.txt 313 14 Sunery Mary pgs-282-to-340.txt 116 15 Supes Jn'o pgs-079-to-120.txt 129 1 Surere Mad'n pgs-124-to-174.txt 391 15 Surnson Nace pgs-350-to-407.txt 333 13 Surtzer Jacob pgs-282-to-340.txt 393 3 Suter Geo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 71 4 Suter Madam pgs-038-to-078.txt 222 10 Sutherland An'd pgs-175-to-225.txt 654 3 Sutting James pgs-626-to-672.txt 8 8 Sutton Isaac pgs-003-to-037.txt 268 11 Sutton Ja's pgs-226-to-278.txt 619 2 Sutton John pgs-578-to-623.txt 540 24 Sutton Joseph pgs-534-to-572.txt 544 7 Sutton Joshua pgs-534-to-572.txt 540 25 Sutton Mary pgs-534-to-572.txt 541 1 Sutton Mordicha pgs-534-to-572.txt 313 9 Sutton Philip pgs-282-to-340.txt 542 25 Sutton Tho's pgs-534-to-572.txt 51 16 Swain Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt 336 10 Swalks M pgs-282-to-340.txt 285 3 Swan Ann pgs-282-to-340.txt 80 9 Swan Jn'o pgs-079-to-120.txt 277 3 Swan John pgs-226-to-278.txt 642 1 Swan John pgs-626-to-672.txt 69 9 Swan Louisa pgs-038-to-078.txt 131 10 Swan Matthew pgs-124-to-174.txt 531 10 Swann A pgs-480-to-531.txt 515 17 Swann H pgs-480-to-531.txt 501 8 Swann J pgs-480-to-531.txt 301 9 Swann Mrs' pgs-282-to-340.txt 85 16 Swanstead Ja's pgs-079-to-120.txt 304 9 Swany Halber A pgs-282-to-340.txt 456 3 Swarth George pgs-412-to-479.txt 417 7 Swartzman Jo' pgs-412-to-479.txt 395 1 Swartzour Peter pgs-350-to-407.txt 354 11 Swatkaft A pgs-350-to-407.txt 598 1 Sweeney John pgs-578-to-623.txt 325 15 Sweeny H pgs-282-to-340.txt 699 16 Sweeper George pgs-673-to-714.txt 692 4 Sweeper Pompy pgs-673-to-714.txt 137 7 Sweeting T pgs-124-to-174.txt 478 16 Sweeting Thomas pgs-412-to-479.txt 245 11 Sweetnum W'm pgs-226-to-278.txt 14 10 Sweir M pgs-003-to-037.txt 286 13 Swelan John pgs-282-to-340.txt 52 2 Swift Jos' pgs-038-to-078.txt 275 3 Swingle Mrs' pgs-226-to-278.txt 231 4 Switzer Christ'r pgs-226-to-278.txt 570 9 Switzer Conrad pgs-534-to-572.txt 569 21 Switzer Frederick pgs-534-to-572.txt 370 10 Switzer Jn'o pgs-350-to-407.txt 567 17 Switzer John pgs-534-to-572.txt 631 12 Sworing Aaron R pgs-626-to-672.txt 440 15 Swouth Peter pgs-412-to-479.txt 486 8 Sybra William pgs-480-to-531.txt 253 10 Sykes John pgs-226-to-278.txt 699 8 Sykes Nathan pgs-673-to-714.txt 13 7 Sylva Frau pgs-003-to-037.txt 405 10 Sylvester Capt' pgs-350-to-407.txt 403 14 Sylvester Geo' pgs-350-to-407.txt 52 13 Sylvestor Jn'o pgs-038-to-078.txt