Baltimore City, MD 1800 Federal Census (INDEX - File 2 of 3) This Census was transcribed by Norman Corkran and proofread by Charlotte Corkran for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2006 by Norman Corkran ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ========================================================================== HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE-NAME ========================================================================== 233 6 Hackerman H H pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 10 Hadams Noles pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 2 Haden Zibah pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 12 Hadsel James pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 9 Hadskin James pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 2 Haffer Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 8 Hagan Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 4 Hagel Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 13 Hager Catharine pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 4 Hager Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 10 Hager John pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 6 Hager Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 12 Haggerty John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 15 Haggirty Barney pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 4 Haggirty John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 3 Haiffer Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 1 Hair David pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 16 Hair Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 1 Hairings Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 14 Haley John pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 3 Haley John pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 15 Halfpenny Pat pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 7 Halfpenny W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 10 Halker W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 10 Hall Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 9 Hall Betsey pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 16 Hall David pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 14 Hall Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 13 Hall Esekel pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 8 Hall Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 9 Hall Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 17 Hall George pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 1 Hall Isaac pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 3 Hall Isaac Ju'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 5 Hall Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 15 Hall Rachel pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 1 Hall W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 14 Hallen John C pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 9 Hallock Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 3 Hamilton Doct'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 12 Hamlin Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 13 Hamm John pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 17 Hammer Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 6 Hammer Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 13 Hammett Jesse pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 3 Hammilton James pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 4 Hammilton John pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 14 Hammilton John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 13 Hammilton W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 5 Hammitt Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 13 Hammond A G pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 3 Hammond Harriott pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 12 Hammond John pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 4 Hammond Rebecca pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 1 Hanahwalt John pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 4 Hand Ephraim pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 9 Handey James pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 5 Hanes Hetty pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 9 Haney Joshua pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 11 Hanker Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 5 Hannah Caleb pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 11 Hannah Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 14 Hannah Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 15 Hannah John pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 5 Hannah Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 17 Hannah Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 7 Hannah W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 6 Hanniman John pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 6 Hanson Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 11 Hanson Cristian pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 10 Hanson Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 10 Hapfield Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 6 Harden Christin pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 9 Harden Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 1 Harden Phenas pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 3 Harder Ann pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 16 Hardesty Benjamin pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 1 Hardesty Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 8 Hardivile Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 11 Hardley Ann pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 4 Hargrove John pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 2 Hargrove Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 18 Harhood Ch's pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 7 Harklass Betsey pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 6 Harkman Shadireck pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 8 Harlin Susana pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 15 Harman Nat pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 14 Harman Philip pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 5 Harn Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 9 Harnage Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 8 Harner John pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 13 Harpert Fred pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 10 Harpert India pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 2 Harren Ludwell pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 15 Harrison Ann pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 14 Harrison Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 11 Harrison John pgs-194-to-264.txt 257 2 Harrison Rob't pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 4 Harrison Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 9 Harriss David pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 3 Harriss Edw'd Esq'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 12 Harriss Eliza pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 13 Harriss James pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 5 Harriss Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 11 Harriss Joe pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 7 Harriss John pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 8 Harriss John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 5 Harriss Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 12 Harriss Nancy pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 6 Harriss Susana pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 6 Harriss W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 10 Harrisson Alexander pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 1 Harrisson Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 1 Harrisson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 13 Harrson Hall pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 14 Harry John pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 2 Harry John pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 13 Hart Aleh pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 7 Harten Sarah pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 8 Harter James pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 2 Harter Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 8 Hartle Charles pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 3 Hartman Christian pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 11 Hartman Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 11 Harvey Josh'a pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 6 Harvey Joshua pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 15 Harvey Marg't pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 15 Harvy Jonathan pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 15 Harwood Barberry pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 3 Harwood Marg't pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 8 Harwood Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 4 Haselton Hu pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 13 Hasilfrock Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 9 Haskins Govert pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 14 Haskins John H pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 9 Hasles Alexander pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 7 Haslip John pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 5 Hass John pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 13 Hassen John pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 7 Hasskins Rachel pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 2 Hasten Denis pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 12 Hastever And'w pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 14 Hatten James pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 7 Hatten Zack pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 10 Hatter Ignatius pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 3 Haulk John pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 10 Haun Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 6 Haupman Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 11 Haupman John pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 6 Haw Cap't Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 5 Hawkings James L pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 8 Hawkins John pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 12 Hawkins W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 13 Hawkins W'm B pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 8 Hay Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 16 Hays Alex pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 5 Hays Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 1 Hays George pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 14 Hays James pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 11 Hays John pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 7 Hays John pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 5 Hays Martha pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 2 Hays W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 1 Hays W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 2 Hays W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 14 Hayse Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 15 Hayward John pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 6 Haywood W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 1 Heard Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 2 Heath David pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 11 Heath James pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 16 Heaton Jeremiah pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 10 Heigh James pgs-194-to-264.txt 291 9 Hellann Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 231 14 Heller John pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 1 Helman Alexander pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 9 Helmes James pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 15 Helms Joshua pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 2 Helms Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 14 Hemey Solomon pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 4 Hemler Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 15 Hen Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 17 Henderson Abraham pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 13 Henderson Eliza pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 8 Henderson John pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 12 Henley Robert pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 8 Henniss Josiah pgs-194-to-264.txt 257 1 Henry Alexander pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 1 Henry Benjamin pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 8 Henry Catherine pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 16 Henry Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 11 Henry Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 13 Henry John pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 6 Henry Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 3 Henry Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 7 Henry Nancy pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 2 Henry Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 15 Henry Susana pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 5 Henwick Alca pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 12 Heppert Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 7 Hepwell Humphrey pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 2 Hernsly Providence pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 6 Herring Mich'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 8 Herrington James pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 10 Herwegg Doct'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 4 Hess Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 11 Hessington W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 16 Hewitt Caleb pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 15 Hewitt Eli pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 10 Hews Ab'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 9 Hews Christopher pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 7 Hews James pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 16 Hews John L pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 7 Hews Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 5 Hickery W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 3 Hickley Boston pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 3 Hicks David pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 12 Hicks Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 9 Hicks James pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 10 Hicks Jesse pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 5 Hicks Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 5 Hicks Tamer pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 4 Hiddington Philip pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 14 Hidey Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 5 Hidey Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 6 Higgins Pat pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 16 Higgs L pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 14 High Mich'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 17 High W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 4 Hignett John pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 1 Hilborn John pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 11 Hilderbrand Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 12 Hill Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 6 Hill Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 12 Hill John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 6 Hill John H pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 2 Hill Stephen pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 10 Hill Stephen pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 13 Hillman Alex pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 12 Himes W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 1 Hines Patrick pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 7 Hinton Luke pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 2 Hinton Rose pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 5 Hitch John pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 7 Hobash Sophy pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 5 Hobbitt John M pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 1 Hobbs Sarah pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 14 Hodskin Tho's B pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 3 Hoffman And'w pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 6 Hoffman George pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 10 Hoffman Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 9 Hoffman Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 13 Hoffman Peter 2nd pgs-194-to-264.txt 226 8 Hogan Anne pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 8 Hogan Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 13 Hogan John pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 7 Hogermaster Fred pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 13 Hoisler Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 9 Holbrook Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 7 Holland John pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 2 Holland John T pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 2 Holland Rebecca pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 12 Holland W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 8 Holliday Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 9 Hollinbough W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 2 Hollingsworth & Sullivary pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 16 Hollingsworth John pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 11 Hollingsworth Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 14 Hollingsworth Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 17 Hollingsworth Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 8 Hollins John pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 3 Hollins W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 2 Hollinsworth Jesse pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 12 Holmer John pgs-194-to-264.txt 225 9 Holsey Ch's pgs-194-to-264.txt 231 3 Holton John pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 11 Honeycomb John pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 12 Honn John pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 9 Hoofman Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 3 Hook Barneby pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 10 Hook Ferdinand pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 13 Hook John pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 4 Hook Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 232 8 Hooker James pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 5 Hooker James pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 6 Hookley Amelia pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 6 Hooper John pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 7 Hoover Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 2 Hoover Ignatious pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 11 Hopkey John F pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 3 Hopkins Fanny pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 12 Hopkins Ger't pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 4 Hopkins Sisly pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 8 Hopper Minah pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 1 Horn James pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 12 Horn John pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 12 Horn John A pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 4 Hornby Walter pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 12 Hornby W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 237 1 Horner Nathan pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 4 Hornston David pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 2 Horsman John pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 10 Hosilbough John pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 10 Hosmey John pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 7 Hoss Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 10 Hostteitter David pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 4 Hostutter Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 11 Hough Rob't pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 1 Houston John pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 5 Howard Doct'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 11 Howard Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 11 Howard Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 4 Howard Jam's G pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 11 Howard John pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 7 Howard John pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 8 Howard Philip pgs-194-to-264.txt 256 3 Howele James pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 7 Howlin David pgs-194-to-264.txt 228 4 Hoyle Lawrance pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 6 Hubbard W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 238 12 Hudson John pgs-194-to-264.txt 233 7 Humpherys James pgs-194-to-264.txt 254 10 Humphreys Carr pgs-194-to-264.txt 252 9 Hunderwood Abraham pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 4 Hunt James pgs-194-to-264.txt 230 3 Hunter John pgs-194-to-264.txt 234 2 Husband Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 239 3 Hussey Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 224 1 Hussy Nathan pgs-194-to-264.txt 236 11 Hutchinson Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 240 14 Hutchison Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 255 10 Huttin James pgs-194-to-264.txt 227 4 Hyatt W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 229 5 Hyland John pgs-194-to-264.txt 235 13 Hyser Mich'l pgs-194-to-264.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 245 9 Iaemity Joe pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 13 Iaga Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 13 Iago Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 2 Iallads Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 9 Iller Nicholas pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 13 Indy Martin pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 2 Ingles John pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 1 Inloes Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 15 Inloes James pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 1 Inloes John pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 16 Inloes Joshua pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 2 Insor Shiles pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 5 Ireland Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 6 Ireland John pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 10 Isaac Isaac S pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 16 Iselin Cap't pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 16 Ishady Nicholas pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 5 Itchburger Woolfden pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 15 Itchkin Philip pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 10 Ives Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 246 8 Jack John pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 6 Jackson Adam pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 5 Jackson Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 5 Jackson Minty pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 12 Jackson Nancy pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 7 Jackson Nathaniel pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 12 Jackson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 7 Jackson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 9 Jackson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 15 Jackson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 8 Jacobe George pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 7 Jacobs Bartholmew pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 14 Jacobs Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 9 Jacobs Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 9 Jacobs Moses pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 2 Jacobs Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 12 Jacobs W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 13 Jacobs W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 4 Jainer Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 3 James Abraham pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 12 James Amos pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 18 James Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 10 James George pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 10 James Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 6 James John pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 4 James John pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 8 James Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 17 James Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 1 James Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 7 James W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 9 Janney Cap't pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 8 Japaner August pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 8 Jaquett Cap't pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 13 Jarvy Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 5 Jefferson Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 15 Jeffrey James pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 1 Jemec Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 1 Jenkins Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 6 Jenkins Walter pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 4 Jenkins W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 11 Jenna Rebecca pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 11 Jennings James pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 6 Jennings John pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 10 Jennings W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 4 Jero Doct'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 11 Jerrott John pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 11 Jessop W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 8 Jester John pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 14 Jimison Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 8 Jimmison Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 17 Jinnerby Frank pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 8 Jinney Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 11 Jirnan Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 7 Jobe Moses pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 14 John Madam pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 11 Johns Isaac L pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 6 Johnson Ann pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 12 Johnson Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 7 Johnson Gir'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 1 Johnson Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 10 Johnson James pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 9 Johnson John pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 7 Johnson Joshua pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 3 Johnson Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 10 Johnson Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 11 Johnson Nicholas pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 7 Johnson Polly pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 2 Johnson Rob't pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 9 Johnson Sarah pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 3 Johnson Susanna pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 14 Johnson Susanna pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 6 Johnson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 5 Johnston Chris'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 12 Johnston Eliza pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 4 Johnston Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 13 Johnston Holmes pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 3 Johnston James pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 14 Johnston Rob't pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 8 Joiner Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 6 Joiner Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 8 Jolly Claudies pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 14 Jolly James pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 2 Jolly John pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 13 Jolly John A pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 14 Jolly W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 12 Jones Auberry pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 13 Jones Ben pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 16 Jones Caleb pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 10 Jones Ch's pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 9 Jones Clenor pgs-194-to-264.txt 251 2 Jones Clindith pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 6 Jones Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 3 Jones Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 15 Jones Ellis pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 9 Jones Isaac pgs-194-to-264.txt 250 5 Jones Jane pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 1 Jones John pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 6 Jones Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 1 Jones Nathan pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 15 Jones Ralph pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 11 Jones Rich'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 3 Jones Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 12 Jones Susanna pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 17 Jones Talbott pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 2 Jones Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 11 Jones Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 2 Jones W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 246 7 Jones W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 12 Jones W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 14 Jones W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 244 7 Jordon James pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 1 Jordon Rhoderic pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 3 Jourdon Elizabeth pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 3 Jsaac Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 4 Juden John pgs-194-to-264.txt 243 1 Juling Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 5 Junco John pgs-194-to-264.txt 242 5 Junica Birnard pgs-194-to-264.txt 245 13 Justice Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 258 6 Kane Sam'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 9 Karson W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 17 Kast Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 17 Katar Madam pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 3 Keal Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 11 Kearn Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 7 Keart Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 14 Keating George pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 12 Keener Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 12 Keeporty Geo' S pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 6 Kehally Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 8 Keiffel Nich'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 7 Kelch Peter pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 1 Kell John pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 15 Kell Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 5 Keller Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 1 Kellinburger Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 4 Kelly Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 2 Kelly John pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 5 Kelsa Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 11 Kelsa Naney pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 7 Kemeskey Alex pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 2 Kemp Adam pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 11 Kennedy Biddy pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 4 Kennedy James pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 16 Kennedy John pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 18 Kennedy John pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 9 Kennedy John pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 7 Kennedy Rob't pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 10 Kennen Lawrance pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 5 Kenny John pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 13 Kensel Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 5 Kent Cezar pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 11 Kent Emanuel pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 1 Kent Robert pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 3 Kepp John Sen'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 3 Keppler John pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 12 Kerkman Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 8 Kermiller John pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 10 Kern W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 10 Kerr John pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 2 Kerr Thomas pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 13 Ketter John pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 13 Key Abner pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 14 Key George pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 4 Kidd Barneby pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 4 Kierstead Luke pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 2 Kiggler Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 6 Kilder John pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 9 Killear Edw'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 3 Killy John pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 4 Kilty John pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 1 Kimbel Anthony pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 14 Kime Fred'k pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 2 Kimmelmyer Fred pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 1 King Benj'n pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 6 King Ch's pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 3 King Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 5 King John pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 8 King Marg't pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 13 King Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 10 King Rich'd pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 9 King Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 5 Kinsey Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 6 Kirby Cap't W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 7 Kirby Tho's pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 9 Kirby Tolly pgs-194-to-264.txt 263 3 Kirk Felix pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 1 Kirkly Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 15 Kirkpatrick Jeremiah pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 8 Kirts Mary pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 4 Kisendaffer Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 8 Kitten John pgs-194-to-264.txt 261 14 Kitten Olfley pgs-194-to-264.txt 262 12 Kline Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 12 Kline Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 6 Knott James pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 15 Konegg Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 16 Konegg Mrs pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 2 Konig C S pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 13 Koocher Casper pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 11 Koogery Adam pgs-194-to-264.txt 259 14 Kremps Joseph pgs-194-to-264.txt 260 10 Krouse Chris pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 15 Krouse John pgs-194-to-264.txt 258 7 Kyser Dedrick pgs-194-to-264.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 6 Lacause Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 12 Lachar Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 5 Laclear Mon'r pgs-194-to-264.txt 265 1 Lacomb Jonathan pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 14 Lacombs Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 6 Lacook John pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 13 Lafearour Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 7 Lafferty Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 13 Laforgeway Madam pgs-194-to-264.txt 271 3 Lagan Neal pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 6 Lagan Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 8 Lainhard Adam pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 2 Lainhart Frederick pgs-194-to-264.txt 265 6 Lainhart Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 7 Lainhart Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 7 Lamain Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 5 Lamatt Vincent pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 4 Lamb Pear pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 6 Lambart Madam pgs-194-to-264.txt 273 6 Lamey Lewis pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 15 Laming Elenor pgs-194-to-264.txt 268 7 Lamson Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 5 Lamy Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 10 Lanaburger Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 9 Lanaway Maryan pgs-265-to-335.txt 275 2 Landorson Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 15 Landreys James pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 13 Landry Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 2 Lane Mondy pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 11 Langworthy Edw'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 6 Lapold Fre'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 2 Lapold John pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 8 Lappin Biddy pgs-194-to-264.txt 266 8 Lapradd John pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 3 Larett Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 9 Laribee Dan'l pgs-194-to-264.txt 264 11 Larientree Roy pgs-194-to-264.txt 275 1 Larkins Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 11 Larwood Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 12 Lata Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 6 Latay John pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 2 Latmore John pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 10 Latonia Francis pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 11 Latouch John W pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 13 Latrough Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 7 Latweiat W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 5 Laudeman Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 16 Lauder Alex pgs-194-to-264.txt 274 6 Laudernum Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 5 Laudman John pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 14 Laudman Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 8 Launius W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 4 Lavely Cath'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 3 Lavely Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 14 Lavett Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 14 Law James pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 16 Lawlass John pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 11 Lawrance Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 13 Lawrance Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 6 Lawrance Violet pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 14 Lawrance W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 10 Lawson Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 3 Leakins Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 9 Lebo Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 16 Lee Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 10 Lee John pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 2 Lee John pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 12 Lee Lydia pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 10 Lee Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 4 Lee Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 2 Lee Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 3 Leggatt Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 2 Leggatt John pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 4 Leggett John pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 12 Lemmon Hanah pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 1 Lemmon Joshua pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 8 Leo Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 1 Leott Francis pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 5 Leremboux Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 7 Lerger Ruben pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 13 Lessferry John pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 14 Lethmart Christopher pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 4 Lettiga Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 5 Lettigg Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 8 Levering Enoch pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 13 Levining Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 14 Levy And'w pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 11 Levy Hetty pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 10 Lewellin Ruth pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 5 Lewis Ann Maryer pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 7 Lewis Cate pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 13 Lewis Doct'r Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 5 Lewis Jane pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 4 Lewis Jesse pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 5 Lewis Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 9 Lewis Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 3 Lewis Sarah pgs-194-to-264.txt 269 4 Lewis W'm Y pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 9 Libarbin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 3 Libburn John pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 17 Libert Joseph B pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 1 Liegue John pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 15 Liggett George pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 14 Lightner Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 12 Lightnir John pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 3 Ligrand Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 7 Lillison James pgs-194-to-264.txt 271 2 Limmon John pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 7 Limmon John pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 8 Linard Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 275 6 Linch Joshua pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 16 Lindenburger George pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 3 Lindinburger Susan pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 5 Lines W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 9 Linew Francis pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 13 Linew W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 4 Linicum John E pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 12 Linthicum Henry pgs-194-to-264.txt 273 15 Linton Ruben pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 2 Linvill John pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 8 Liquardu Stephen pgs-265-to-335.txt 275 3 Lites Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 12 Littlejohn Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 9 Littlejohn Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 1 Livercy W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 10 Livers Arnold pgs-194-to-264.txt 264 4 Livers Arnold K pgs-194-to-264.txt 270 7 Livorly Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 10 Livy Andrew pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 4 Llnew James pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 12 Lloyd Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 6 Lltter Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 11 Lock Nath'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 15 Lock Susanna pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 7 Lock W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 268 3 Logan John pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 12 Logan Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 12 Logan Patrick pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 11 Logstone Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 11 Lomandy Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 4 Londay Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 10 Long Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 1 Long James pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 1 Long Kennedy pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 10 Long Lewil pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 9 Long Nat pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 2 Long Robert Cary pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 1 Long Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 8 Long Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 1 Looking Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 266 2 Lorman W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 1 Lorough Abraham pgs-194-to-264.txt 273 1 Lottin Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 15 Love Eliza pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 13 Lowery Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 11 Lowry Charles pgs-265-to-335.txt 264 14 Lowry W'm pgs-194-to-264.txt 266 9 Lucan Mons pgs-265-to-335.txt 275 4 Luceghten Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 273 3 Ludluck Lawrance pgs-265-to-335.txt 274 8 Luk Nelly pgs-265-to-335.txt 275 5 Lusher Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 270 12 Lynes Cate pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 10 Lyon Bartholomew pgs-265-to-335.txt 265 14 Lyon Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 269 9 Lyon Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 291 2 M..a Mons pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 8 Macey Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 18 Mack Madam pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 10 Mackerel Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 16 Mackey Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 17 Madary Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 2 Madax Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 10 Madewell John pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 3 Maenstor Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 2 Maffitt John pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 6 Maffott John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 6 Magan Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 1 Magarman Robert pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 15 Magaur Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 4 Maggon John pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 7 Maggs Jane pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 10 Magis John pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 10 Magoun John pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 9 Magraw Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 13 Magruder W'm B pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 12 Mague James pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 7 Magwinn W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 7 Mainer John pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 8 Maker Benj'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 11 Males Kisfry pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 4 Malicar Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 12 Malley Leon'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 13 Malon Alex pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 14 Mandal W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 10 Mandivill James pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 2 Mane Susana pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 1 Manen Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 3 Manes James pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 3 Mang Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 7 Mangea Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 10 Maniear Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 9 Manley Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 4 Manly John pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 13 Mann Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 2 Mann Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 16 Mann Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 10 Mansfield Jimmima pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 2 Manson W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 2 March Peregrine pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 2 Marchland Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 11 Marinks David pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 15 Mariss Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 12 Mariss Jonathan pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 12 Markes Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 2 Marlow Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 11 Marrow Cath'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 12 Marrow Jonathan pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 5 Marsden Cornelius pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 13 Marsh John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 13 Marsh John pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 2 Marsh Joshua pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 5 Marsh W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 10 Marshal John pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 9 Marshall Francis pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 4 Marshall John pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 5 Marsland Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 2 Martin Alexander pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 16 Martin Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 10 Martin James pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 9 Martin James pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 4 Martin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 6 Martin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 9 Martin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 9 Martin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 3 Martin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 12 Martin Luther pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 10 Martin Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 276 2 Martin Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 11 Martin Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 346 1 Martin Mrs pgs-336-to-409.txt 293 3 Martin Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 276 1 Martin Simon pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 11 Martin W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 6 Martley Cap't John pgs-265-to-335.txt 177 15 Mary Cathe pgs-121-to-193.txt 295 12 Maryhall Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 9 Mason David pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 14 Mason George pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 10 Mass John pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 7 Mass John pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 1 Massey Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 9 Master Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 7 Mather Rev'd Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 11 Mathews Ann pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 10 Mathews Christ'n H pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 6 Mathews Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 8 Mathews John pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 3 Mathews John pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 15 Mathews John pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 11 Mathews Patrick pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 1 Mathews W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 3 Mathews W'm of Oliver pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 5 Mathews W'm P pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 5 Maton John pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 12 Mats John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 8 Matterson Aaron pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 13 Mauberry James pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 1 May Christian pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 4 Mayfield Zachariah pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 15 McAvoy John pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 8 McBride Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 15 McCackey Doct'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 5 McCafferty Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 12 McCall Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 11 McCanlass Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 7 McCannon James pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 6 McCarper John pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 4 McCarty Cap't pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 14 McCaskey Benj'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 7 McCauslen Marcus pgs-265-to-335.txt 404 5 McCharls Mr pgs-336-to-409.txt 303 12 McClackey John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 11 McClain John pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 15 McClenshey Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 14 McClittan Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 6 McClure John pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 9 McColaug John pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 8 McColin Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 4 McCollister Alex pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 11 McCollister John pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 4 McCollister Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 2 McComac W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 13 McConkey James pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 7 McConkey W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 7 McConnell Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 8 McConnell Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 9 McConnell John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 4 McCook James pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 5 McCormac James pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 8 McCormack James pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 2 McCormack Stephen pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 6 McCormiel James pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 13 McCoy Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 8 McCray Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 16 McCronemiller Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 13 McCubbins Moses pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 14 McCullon James H pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 1 McCunn James pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 5 McCurdy Hugh pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 5 McDaniel Barneby pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 8 McDaniel John pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 6 McDaniel Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 7 McDermott James pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 5 McDonald Alex pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 8 McDonell Hugh pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 9 McDonneel W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 8 McDonnell Hammilton pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 14 McDowel W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 12 McDowell Catharine pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 10 McDowell Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 14 McFadion John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 3 McFadion Rebecca pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 15 McFadion W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 18 McGill John pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 8 McGill Patrick pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 11 McGilton Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 12 McGoregia Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 5 McGowlin Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 10 McGreggery Arther pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 11 McGuy John pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 8 Mchaley James pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 1 McHearn John pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 14 McHenry Denniss pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 13 McHenry James Esq'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 14 McIlhanny James pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 3 McIllhaney Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 5 McIllwain And'w pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 2 McInhammer John pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 6 McInhammer Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 13 McInhammer Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 5 McIntire Pat pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 2 McInvoy Francis pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 8 McKain James pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 1 McKain Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 8 McKean John pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 8 McKemm Alexander pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 12 McKemm John J'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 16 McKemm Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 3 McKey Adam pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 10 McKey James pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 4 McKimm John pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 10 McKimm Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 3 McKindley W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 12 McKinley John pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 12 McKinley Neal pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 4 McKinsey Dunean pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 5 McKinzer Calvin pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 2 McKoy And'w pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 1 McKoy Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 3 McLain Adam pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 5 McLain Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 5 McLarey Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 6 McLatherry Nancy pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 16 McLaughlin And'w pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 4 McLaughlin Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 16 McLaughlin Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 2 McLensey Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 15 McLett Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 15 McLosen James pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 17 McLosher W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 15 McMahan Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 12 McManus Owen pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 3 McMaris Cap't pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 15 McMarns Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 14 McMckin David pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 10 McMillon Elenor pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 13 McMulleon Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 11 McNeal Dolly pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 14 McNeal Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 14 McNeal John B pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 9 McNear W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 14 McNelly John pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 4 McNight Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 10 McQuavirn Emanuel pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 16 McSherry W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 5 McTargon W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 16 McTicar Alexander pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 11 Mead Benj'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 16 Mead Lucy pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 1 Mead Mathew pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 12 Meage Randolph pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 12 Medcalf Ab'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 3 Medcalf Leon'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 13 Mege Edw'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 276 5 Megg Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 10 Megr Cath' pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 11 Megres Roger pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 2 Megrin Patrick pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 1 Mei Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 1 Meist Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 6 Melhart Ann pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 8 Mensale Barberes pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 12 Ments Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 16 Merimack David pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 6 Mering Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 1 Merrick Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 4 Merryman John pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 9 Merryman W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 6 Messerly Shederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 10 Messersmith Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 9 Messersmith W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 11 Mestel Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 5 Meyer Lorman L pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 1 Mibium Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 2 Michael Lewis pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 3 Michael Wandal pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 3 Mickel John pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 1 Mickel Robert pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 4 Middleton Gilb't pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 9 Mifford Susan pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 7 Mijrieff Aarum pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 13 Miles Dan'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 2 Miles Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 3 Miles John pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 11 Miles John pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 15 Miles Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 4 Miles Zach pgs-265-to-335.txt 404 7 Milford Sally pgs-336-to-409.txt 306 14 Millard Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 7 Millard Joseph L pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 3 Miller Betsey pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 7 Miller Charles pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 6 Miller Christ'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 12 Miller Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 14 Miller Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 9 Miller Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 8 Miller Godfrey pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 14 Miller Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 12 Miller Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 7 Miller James pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 6 Miller John pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 2 Miller John pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 6 Miller John pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 1 Miller John pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 12 Miller Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 13 Miller Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 7 Miller Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 276 3 Miller Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 11 Miller Sarah pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 11 Miller Susanah pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 3 Miller W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 9 Millinger Elijah pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 10 Millinger Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 14 Millinger Hannah pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 9 Mills George pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 17 Milly John pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 1 Miltenburger Catharine pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 11 Mimmicks Benj'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 13 Mines Mark pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 2 Missinear Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 13 Mitchel Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 11 Mitchel John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 6 Mitchell Alexander pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 11 Mitchell Francis J pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 17 Mitchell John pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 13 Mitchell Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 9 Mitchell Lazarus pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 8 Mitchell Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 7 Mitchell Susan pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 14 Mith John pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 1 Miths Corina pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 16 Moab R H pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 12 Moab Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 9 Moab Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 14 Moale Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 13 Moales Ellen pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 15 Mocklet Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 5 Modimile Alex pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 15 Molder Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 4 Moller Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 2 Molluar Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 8 Momecar Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 4 Mommel John pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 2 Monday John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 7 Moneriett Archibald pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 4 Money Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 9 Monidy W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 16 Monnday W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 13 Monrow Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 13 Montaelabo G pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 3 Montalabough Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 10 Montgomery John pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 10 Montgomery Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 3 Moor Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 2 Moor James pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 2 Moor John pgs-265-to-335.txt 291 14 Moor John pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 4 Moor John pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 6 Moor Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 4 Moor Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 14 Moor W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 5 Moore Anthony pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 14 Moore Cap't Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 276 4 Moore Sally pgs-265-to-335.txt 288 11 Moore Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 5 Moore W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 9 Moore W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 5 Moore W'm S pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 6 Morancy Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 14 Morang Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 7 Morcey Eliza pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 7 Mordica Isaac pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 12 Mordica Mordica pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 3 Morean Jonas pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 13 Morendough Fred'k pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 13 Morgan James pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 4 Morgan Jesse pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 7 Morgan Joel pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 4 Morgan John pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 5 Morgan John Jun'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 7 Morgan Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 404 8 Morgan Mich'l pgs-336-to-409.txt 299 5 Morgan Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 6 Morgan Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 5 Morgan W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 404 6 Morgin John pgs-336-to-409.txt 305 10 Morgin W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 3 Morning Rich'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 14 Morrell Trustin pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 11 Morren James pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 9 Morrison James pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 6 Morrison James pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 6 Morrison Patrick pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 3 Morriss Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 13 Morrow James pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 8 Morrow John pgs-265-to-335.txt 307 12 Mors Abraham pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 9 Morsal Benj'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 8 Morse David pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 6 Morse Edw'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 11 Morse John pgs-265-to-335.txt 284 11 Morse Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 304 12 Morse Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 9 Mortimer Robert pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 3 Mortimer Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 2 Mortimer Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 299 4 Morton Cati pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 8 Morton Deb pgs-265-to-335.txt 300 15 Morton Deb pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 10 Morton John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 15 Morton John M pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 15 Morton Nath'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 1 Moses Chris'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 7 Mosher James pgs-265-to-335.txt 287 6 Moul James pgs-265-to-335.txt 295 9 Muckelwe Jane pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 9 Mulford John pgs-265-to-335.txt 281 15 Mulhorn Bernard pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 7 Mullin Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 13 Mullin John pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 1 Mummy Thomas pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 13 Mune John pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 5 Munekyser John pgs-265-to-335.txt 283 13 Munson Joel pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 3 Murphy James pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 1 Murphy James pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 15 Murphy John pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 1 Murphy John pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 3 Murphy John pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 14 Murphy W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 5 Murpjy Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 286 8 Murry Alex pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 6 Murry Cate pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 6 Murry Darkey pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 7 Murry John pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 8 Murry John pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 15 Murry Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 7 Murry Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 2 Murry Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 7 Murry Mathis pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 10 Murry Robert C pgs-265-to-335.txt 303 8 Musgrove Israel pgs-265-to-335.txt 280 17 Mushbarger David pgs-265-to-335.txt 306 4 Mushel Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 4 Muskerman Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 305 13 Muskey Catharine pgs-265-to-335.txt 294 5 Myers Chris'n pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 14 Myers Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 6 Myers Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 278 14 Myers Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 289 12 Myers Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 3 Myers Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 292 11 Myers Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 8 Myers Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 282 4 Myers Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 302 15 Myers Marg't pgs-265-to-335.txt 293 7 Myers Philip pgs-265-to-335.txt 279 11 Myers W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 277 15 Mysectt John pgs-265-to-335.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 296 15 Naggle Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 7 Nailor Isaac pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 4 Nantz Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 17 Napp Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 10 Nath Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 6 Nauberly Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 9 Naylor W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 4 Neal Abner pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 17 Neal Elizabeth pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 2 Neal Hannah pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 2 Neal Hew pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 6 Neal John pgs-265-to-335.txt 312 2 Neal Tho's pgs-265-to-335.txt 156 3 Negro Bick pgs-121-to-193.txt 156 5 Negro Bick pgs-121-to-193.txt 152 5 Negro Bobb pgs-121-to-193.txt 173 12 Negro Cassey pgs-121-to-193.txt 189 3 Negro Domins pgs-121-to-193.txt 297 2 Negro Fred pgs-265-to-335.txt 212 7 Negro Geo' pgs-194-to-264.txt 212 16 Negro Grace pgs-194-to-264.txt 221 4 Negro Grace pgs-194-to-264.txt 241 9 Negro Harman pgs-194-to-264.txt 399 15 Negro Hudson pgs-336-to-409.txt 249 2 Negro Isaac pgs-194-to-264.txt 247 4 Negro Jacob pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 4 Negro Jim pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 4 Negro Joe pgs-194-to-264.txt 248 5 Negro Joe pgs-194-to-264.txt 249 3 Negro Joe pgs-194-to-264.txt 272 8 Negro Lear pgs-265-to-335.txt 267 9 Negro Lewis pgs-265-to-335.txt 272 11 Negro Lindy pgs-265-to-335.txt 271 13 Negro Lyd pgs-265-to-335.txt 285 10 Negro Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 290 10 Negro Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 301 12 Negro Moses pgs-265-to-335.txt 323 10 Negro Pegg pgs-265-to-335.txt 335 9 Negro Rebecca pgs-265-to-335.txt 366 9 Negro Sally pgs-336-to-409.txt 364 10 Negro Sam pgs-336-to-409.txt 364 8 Negro Sherwood pgs-336-to-409.txt 362 1 Negro Sollers pgs-336-to-409.txt 373 9 Negro Tamer pgs-336-to-409.txt 374 10 Negro Tom pgs-336-to-409.txt 375 7 Negro Tom pgs-336-to-409.txt 296 3 Nell Lady pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 11 Nelson James C pgs-265-to-335.txt 312 3 Nelson Peter pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 11 Nelson Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 7 Nelson Valentine pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 11 Nepart John pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 8 Nesbatt Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 10 Neuiere Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 8 Nevins Joseph pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 14 Neweumer Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 9 Newsan George pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 15 Newton Sasa pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 12 Newton W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 13 Nicholas Littleton pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 12 Nicholson John pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 3 Nickel W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 6 Nicols David pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 3 Nicols Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 5 Night Caleb pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 14 Nindy James pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 1 Nippard Geo' pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 5 Nogree Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 13 Nolhanus Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 12 Nonan Pat pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 9 Norholt Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 7 Norphas Magness pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 15 Norriss Ab'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 13 Norriss James Jun'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 14 Norriss James Sen'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 10 Norriss Lloyd pgs-265-to-335.txt 298 16 Norriss Mary pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 5 Norriss Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 8 Norriss W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 312 1 North Morcan pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 16 Nowland Elias pgs-265-to-335.txt 297 1 Nuggie Catherine pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 4 Nurcer Jacob pgs-265-to-335.txt 296 1 Nurcer Sabastin pgs-265-to-335.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 310 1 OBrian Charles pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 4 OBrian Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 5 Obrine Mich'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 8 Obrinley Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 15 Obryan James pgs-265-to-335.txt 311 1 Oconner Nathen pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 4 Odonniel John pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 14 Odwaugh Mrs pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 12 Ofuller Betsey pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 13 Ogle W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 7 Oharrow Sam'l pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 5 Oldfathers Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 8 Oldham John pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 3 Oliver Robert pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 10 Oliver Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 11 Oliver Rob't pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 10 Ollerben P W pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 8 ONeal Alley pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 7 Oneal Henry pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 3 Orduch Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 11 Oriley Robert pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 4 Ormyear Mon'r pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 9 Orouch Mr pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 7 Orr W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 3 Orrick Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 9 Orrick Rebecca pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 10 Orrie John pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 12 Osburn Elenor pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 12 Osburn John pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 5 Osburn Joshua pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 11 Osburn W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 2 Oshea Ch's pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 14 Otis W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 2 Ott Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 311 2 Ott Frederick pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 6 Otto Ann pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 17 Otto George pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 9 Otto Ursula pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 6 Ovidear Fre'd pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 1 Owen W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 2 Owen W'm pgs-265-to-335.txt 309 6 Owens Doct'r John pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 1 Owings Beal pgs-265-to-335.txt 308 16 Owings Nicholas pgs-265-to-335.txt 310 13 Oyster John pgs-265-to-335.txt