Aroostook, ME 1850 Federal Census (INDEX - File 1 of 13) This Census was transcribed by Carol Glidden and proofread by C. Gagnon and submitted to the USGenWeb Census Project, Copyright 2002 by Carol Glidden ============================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber or the legal representative of the transcriber and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ============================================================================= All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ============================================================================= More online information for the 1850 US Census of Aroostook County, Maine, including online links to particular individuals and places, township names then and now, an online index of names in the census and other background, and information about French names in the census is available at ============================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE NAME FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 123b 42 * M** 16 Canada pg0122b.txt 142a 42 ******l J***** 50 Canada pg0140b.txt 128a 6 **orong Batteus 28 Can. pg0122b.txt 64b 28 Abernethy Eliza Ann 7 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 23 Abernethy James 35 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 29 Abernethy John 4 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 27 Abernethy Margaret 8 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 24 Abernethy Mary 36 Ireland pg0057b.txt 64b 26 Abernethy Mary Jane 11 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 31 Abernethy Phoebe 9/12 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 30 Abernethy Robert 2 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 64b 25 Abernethy William 9 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 68b 15 Acker John 50 Province of NB pg0066a.txt 43b 17 Adams Aaron 14 Me. pg0035b.txt 39a 40 Adams Andrew 4/12 Me. pg0035b.txt 34a 15 Adams Ann J. 1/12 Me. pg0026b.txt 43b 6 Adams Catherine A. 18 Me. pg0035b.txt 99b 25 Adams Charity 9 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 39a 37 Adams Charles 9 N.B. pg0035b.txt 43b 18 Adams Charlotte 13 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 15 Adams Clarisa 45 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 20 Adams Clarisa A. 5 Me. pg0035b.txt 82b 34 Adams David 5 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 43b 21 Adams David 4 Me. pg0035b.txt 111b 10 Adams David 37 Maine pg0103b.txt 111b 12 Adams David W. 15 Maine pg0103b.txt 43b 5 Adams Deborah 30 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 10 Adams Deborah A. 9 Me. pg0035b.txt 99b 27 Adams Dilla 2 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 111b 11 Adams Dorcus B. 39 Maine pg0103b.txt 43b 23 Adams Edward 26 N.B. pg0035b.txt 39a 35 Adams Elisibeth 32 Ireland pg0035b.txt 127b 2 Adams Elz'th 4 Me. pg0122b.txt 99b 26 Adams Fransis 5 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 43b 25 Adams Fredrick 1/12 Me. pg0035b.txt 82b 35 Adams George 4 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 43b 19 Adams Hannah 10 Me. pg0035b.txt 34a 9 Adams Henry 12 N.B. pg0026b.txt 55a 40 Adams Hewitt 30 Ireland pg0049a.txt 34a 8 Adams Isaac 14 N.B. pg0026b.txt 34a 6 Adams Isaac B. 50 N.B. pg0026b.txt 34a 10 Adams Isabell 15 N.B. pg0026b.txt 43b 9 Adams James A. 11 Me. pg0035b.txt 82b 31 Adams Jane 38 Ireland pg0080a.txt 99b 23 Adams Jane 26 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 82b 37 Adams Jane 1 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 34a 12 Adams John 8 Me. pg0026b.txt 39a 38 Adams John 7 N.B. pg0035b.txt 82b 38 Adams John 40 Ireland pg0080a.txt 99b 22 Adams John 28 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 43b 16 Adams John 16 Me. pg0035b.txt 127a 42 Adams Joram 25 N.B. pg0122b.txt 39a 39 Adams Justus 4 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 11 Adams Loisa J. 7 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 12 Adams Marada 4 Me. pg0035b.txt 34a 7 Adams Margaret E. 35 N.B. pg0026b.txt 111b 13 Adams Mariah G. 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 99b 24 Adams Martha 11 N. Brunswick pg0094a.txt 43b 22 Adams Martha M. 2 Me. pg0035b.txt 127b 1 Adams Mary 6 N.B. pg0122b.txt 82b 33 Adams Mary Ann 11 Ireland pg0080a.txt 34a 11 Adams Mary E. 10 Me. pg0026b.txt 43b 24 Adams Mary J. 20 N.B. pg0035b.txt 43b 13 Adams Orin T. 4/12 Me. pg0035b.txt 127a 41 Adams Peter 30 N.B. pg0122b.txt 82b 32 Adams Rebecca 13 Ireland pg0080a.txt 43b 4 Adams Richard 41 Ireland pg0035b.txt 43b 8 Adams Richard F. 12 Me. pg0035b.txt 43b 7 Adams Robert A. 14 Me. pg0035b.txt 34a 14 Adams Royal S. 3 Me. pg0026b.txt 82b 30 Adams Samuel 38 Ireland pg0080a.txt 39a 41 Adams Sarah 75 Coneticut pg0035b.txt 43b 27 Adams Sarah 18 N.B. pg0035b.txt 39a 36 Adams Sarah 14 N.B. pg0035b.txt 34a 13 Adams Sarah B. 5 Me. pg0026b.txt 43b 14 Adams Thomas 48 N.B. pg0035b.txt 43b 28 Adams Thomas M. 20 N.B. pg0035b.txt 127b 3 Adams W'm 2 Me. pg0122b.txt 39a 34 Adams William 40 N.B. pg0035b.txt 82b 36 Adams William 2 Wms. College Gt., Me. pg0080a.txt 43b 26 Adams William M. 22 N.B. pg0035b.txt 35a 17 Adington Harriet E.P. 27 N.B. pg0026b.txt 35a 18 Adington Henrietta 10 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 19 Adington Marada A. 8 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 20 Adington Theodore 2 Me. pg0026b.txt 35a 16 Adington William 49 N.Scotia pg0026b.txt 151b 33 Albert Alex 23 Me. pg0149a.txt 130b 6 Albert Ansalem 33 N.B. pg0122b.txt 130b 10 Albert Artimese 20 N.B. pg0122b.txt 159b 1 Albert Belony 7 Me. pg0157b.txt 151b 13 Albert Clarese 30 Me. pg0149a.txt 151b 14 Albert Davia 2 Me. pg0149a.txt 159b 4 Albert David 2 Me. pg0157b.txt 159b 2 Albert Ely 6 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 21 Albert Felix 6 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 24 Albert Gasper 1 Me. pg0157b.txt 130b 9 Albert Julia 25 N.B. pg0122b.txt 159a 20 Albert Lerena 26 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 19 Albert Lerona 31 Me. pg0157b.txt 130b 7 Albert Margarett 50 N.B. pg0122b.txt 159a 22 Albert Maxine 3 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 41 Albert Octava 32 Me. pg0157b.txt 147a 7 Albert Philemen 13 N.B. pg0140b.txt 130b 8 Albert Raffell 30 N.B. pg0122b.txt 159b 3 Albert Reme 4 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 42 Albert Sophia 34 Me. pg0157b.txt 159a 23 Albert Varant 4 Me. pg0157b.txt 151b 12 Albert Vasser 37 Me. pg0149a.txt 75a 42 Alderton Betsey A. 2 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 75a 37 Alderton Charles 29 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 75a 41 Alderton Charles F. 4 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 75a 38 Alderton Eunice 28 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 75a 39 Alderton Henrietta 9 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 75a 40 Alderton Reuben 6 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 40a 15 Alexander Arthur 18 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 16 Alexander Benjamin 16 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 13 Alexander Christiana 42 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 20 Alexander Christiana 2 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 14 Alexander Daniel 30 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 12 Alexander Hugh 48 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 18 Alexander Hugh 11 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 19 Alexander Leonard 6 Me. pg0035b.txt 40a 17 Alexander Mary 14 Me. pg0035b.txt 80b 20 Allan Geo. W. 2 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 80b 17 Allan George T. 35 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 80b 18 Allan Matilda J. 21 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 80b 19 Allan Sarah H. 4 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 80b 21 Allan Thomas W. 6/12 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 40b 3 Allen Abigail 31 Me. pg0035b.txt 40b 4 Allen Abisha 7 Me. pg0035b.txt 109b 29 Allen Benjamin F. 6 Maine pg0103b.txt 81a 10 Allen Caroline E 44 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 114b 26 Allen Cha's W. 11 Me. pg0113a.txt 81a 11 Allen Cordelia A. 16 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 77a 9 Allen Deborah 62 York, Me. pg0066a.txt 40b 5 Allen George 3 Me. pg0035b.txt 114b 23 Allen George 23 Me. pg0113a.txt 81a 13 Allen Hannah E. 12 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 124a 7 Allen Harper 24 Me. pg0122b.txt 77a 8 Allen Henry G. 57 Clinton, N.Y. pg0066a.txt 109b 27 Allen James A. 23 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 26 Allen Jeanna 47 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 31 Allen Jeanna 19 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 25 Allen John 49 Maine pg0103b.txt 109b 28 Allen John A. 13 Maine pg0103b.txt 81a 14 Allen John L. 9 Hallowell, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 9 Allen Josiah 42 Freeman, Me. pg0080a.txt 81a 12 Allen Josiah S. 14 Readfield, Me. pg0080a.txt 12b 34 Allen Mary A. 4 Me. pg0009b.txt 114b 21 Allen Moses 60 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 24 Allen Moses 19 Me. pg0113a.txt 12b 33 Allen Orville 9 Me. pg0009b.txt 12b 32 Allen Sarah 29 Me. pg0009b.txt 12b 31 Allen Seth 32 Me. pg0009b.txt 114b 25 Allen Theasia 17 Me. pg0113a.txt 114b 22 Allen Theora E. 52 Me. pg0113a.txt 40b 2 Allen William C. 38 Me. pg0035b.txt 148a 5 Amand Mary 18 N Brunswick pg0140b.txt 148a 4 Amand Sante 23 Canada pg0140b.txt 148a 6 Amand Vetal 2 Me. pg0140b.txt 36b 36 Ames Dority 52 Me. pg0035b.txt 36b 35 Ames Elaikim 58 N.H. pg0035b.txt 36b 38 Ames Nancy 17 Me. pg0035b.txt 101b 39 Amsden Emery 8 Me. pg0094a.txt 101b 41 Amsden Filena 4 Me. pg0094a.txt 101b 37 Amsden Hannah 33 N Brunswick pg0094a.txt 101b 40 Amsden Lanes 6 Me. pg0094a.txt 101b 42 Amsden Lucenda 2 Me. pg0094a.txt 101b 38 Amsden Sarah 10 Me. pg0094a.txt 101b 36 Amsden Thomas 50 Mass. pg0094a.txt 124a 1 Anai John 27 Can. pg0122b.txt 130a 26 Andebent Jos. 28 France pg0122b.txt 130a 28 Andebent Jos. 2 Me. pg0122b.txt 130a 27 Andebent Margarett 27 Me. pg0122b.txt 78a 30 Anderson Amarelles 2 Belfast A. Gt., Me. pg0066a.txt 78a 28 Anderson Charles 9 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 46b 31 Anderson Charles 16 N.B. pg0044b.txt 49a 42 Anderson Edgar 50 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 118a 17 Anderson Geo. 22 N.B. pg0113a.txt 46b 32 Anderson George 13 Me. pg0044b.txt 46b 26 Anderson Henry 55 England pg0044b.txt 46b 28 Anderson Isabell 27 N.B. pg0044b.txt 78a 26 Anderson James 13 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 78a 29 Anderson John 6 Houlton, Me. pg0066a.txt 46b 29 Anderson Joshua 29 N.B. pg0044b.txt 46b 27 Anderson Lydia 58 Me. pg0044b.txt 78a 25 Anderson Mary 36 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 112a 42 Anderson Nancy 21 Maine pg0103b.txt 46b 30 Anderson Nathan 16 N.B. pg0044b.txt 78a 24 Anderson William 43 Prince Edwards Is., N.S. pg0066a.txt 78a 27 Anderson William 11 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 115a 3 Annis Alfred 23 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 24 Annis Daniel 39 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 7 Annis Elza J. 11 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 4 Annis John S. 20 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 5 Annis Lydia 15 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 2 Annis Mary 49 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 8 Annis Moses C. 7 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 25 Annis Nancy R. 52 Me. pg0113a.txt 115a 6 Annis Ruel W. 13 Me. pg0113a.txt 25a 21 Applebee Angeline 4 N.B. pg0018a.txt 24b 38 Applebee Ann 50 Ireland pg0018a.txt 25a 18 Applebee Charles 13 N.B. pg0018a.txt 25a 17 Applebee Eliza 27 N.B. pg0018a.txt 25a 22 Applebee Fanny 3/12 N.B. pg0018a.txt 25a 19 Applebee George 11 N.B. pg0018a.txt 25a 16 Applebee Henry 36 N.B. pg0018a.txt 25a 20 Applebee Murry 8 N.B. pg0018a.txt 3a 1 Archer John 23 Ireland pg0001a.txt 95b 41 Argrave John 33 England pg0094a.txt 95b 42 Argrave Mary 8 Me. pg0094a.txt 155a 37 Armo Anthony 60 Canada pg0149a.txt 155a 38 Armo Fredack 21 Canada pg0149a.txt 155a 39 Armo Maleez 16 Canada pg0149a.txt 107a 37 Armstrong Allen W. 8 Maine pg0103b.txt 63a 30 Armstrong Ann 40 Scotland pg0057b.txt 63a 29 Armstrong David 40 Scotland pg0057b.txt 63a 34 Armstrong David, Jr. 10 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 107a 30 Armstrong Ferdinan 50 Nova Scotia pg0103b.txt 107a 33 Armstrong Ferdinan 17 Maine pg0103b.txt 107a 36 Armstrong Florance 11 Maine pg0103b.txt 63a 37 Armstrong George B. 4 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 107a 34 Armstrong Hiram 15 Maine pg0103b.txt 63a 38 Armstrong Isabel 1 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 63a 31 Armstrong James 16 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 63a 32 Armstrong John 14 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 107a 32 Armstrong Jonathan 27 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 63a 33 Armstrong Margaret 12 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 107a 31 Armstrong Mary 51 New Brunswick pg0103b.txt 107a 35 Armstrong Moses 14 Maine pg0103b.txt 63a 36 Armstrong Robert H. 6 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 107a 38 Armstrong Warren 5 Maine pg0103b.txt 63a 35 Armstrong William 8 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 98a 7 Ashbie Cathrine 24 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 6 Ashbie James 28 England pg0094a.txt 49a 8 Atherton Amelia P. 49 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 61a 27 Atherton Augustus A. 1 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 49a 7 Atherton Benjamin 48 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 61a 25 Atherton Benjamin 26 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 32a 34 Atherton Benjamin B. 1 Me. pg0026b.txt 32a 32 Atherton Catherine 8 N.B. pg0026b.txt 61a 28 Atherton Catherine 5 Houlton, Me. pg0057b.txt 32a 27 Atherton Charles 22 N.B. pg0026b.txt 49a 10 Atherton Charlotte 18 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 9 Atherton Daniel 21 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 12 Atherton David 13 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 32a 33 Atherton Elbridge H. 4 Me. pg0026b.txt 49a 13 Atherton Elizabeth 10 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 49a 14 Atherton George 8 Houlton, Me. pg0049a.txt 32a 29 Atherton Isaac 19 N.B. pg0026b.txt 60a 3 Atherton Isaac 17 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 85b 3 Atherton James 33 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 32a 25 Atherton Joshua 45 N.B. pg0026b.txt 49a 11 Atherton Martha 16 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 32a 28 Atherton Mary N. 20 N.B. pg0026b.txt 32a 26 Atherton Phebe 42 N.B. pg0026b.txt 32a 30 Atherton Phebe 15 N.B. pg0026b.txt 61a 26 Atherton Sally 20 Hodgdon, Me. pg0057b.txt 32a 31 Atherton William 11 N.B. pg0026b.txt 64a 26 Atherton William 10 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 65a 13 Auber Ellen 25 Eastport, Me. pg0057b.txt 65a 14 Auber Isaiah 23 Eastport, Me. pg0057b.txt 65a 11 Auber John 57 France pg0057b.txt 65b 38 Auber Matilda 22 Lubec, Me. pg0057b.txt 65a 15 Auber Phoebe A. 8 Eastport, Me. pg0057b.txt 65a 12 Auber Sarah 60 Province of N.B. pg0057b.txt 91b 34 Auguste Charles 57 New Orleans, La. pg0091b.txt 91b 36 Auguste Charles L. 16 Norridgwock, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 38 Auguste Dorothy 11 Norridgwock, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 37 Auguste John 14 Norridgwock, Me. pg0091b.txt 91b 35 Auguste Sarah 18 Norridgwock, Me. pg0091b.txt 21b 27 Austin Alpheus 35 Me. pg0018a.txt 84b 8 Austin Augustus 15 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 84b 5 Austin Catherine 22 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 69a 10 Austin Catherine 19 Province of N.B. pg0066a.txt 21b 29 Austin Charles 4 Me. pg0018a.txt 84b 4 Austin Elinor 49 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 128a 31 Austin Hance 24 Me. pg0122b.txt 25a 11 Austin James 45 Me. pg0018a.txt 21b 28 Austin Jane 45 Ireland pg0018a.txt 25a 13 Austin Jerusha 5 Me. pg0018a.txt 25a 15 Austin Jonathan 1 Me. pg0018a.txt 84b 10 Austin Lydia 9 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 84b 3 Austin Moses 62 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 54a 28 Austin Moses 16 Province of N.B. pg0049a.txt 84b 7 Austin Moses, Jr. 18 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 84b 14 Austin Robert 8 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 84b 9 Austin Ruth 13 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 25a 14 Austin Sarah 4 Me. pg0018a.txt 25a 12 Austin Stelira 24 N.B. pg0018a.txt 84b 6 Austin William 20 Province of N.B. pg0080a.txt 98a 40 Averill Amanda 3 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 42 Averill Babe 3/12 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 41 Averill Dolly E. 2 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 39 Averill Emely 28 Me. pg0094a.txt 102a 19 Averill James E. 23 Me. pg0094a.txt 98a 38 Averill Jesse 29 Me. pg0094a.txt 107b 32 Ayer Caroline 40 Maine pg0103b.txt 107b 31 Ayer Elesha 40 Maine pg0103b.txt 165a 3 Ayres John 28 England pg0157b.txt