Greene County, MS 1820 Federal Census This Census was transcribed by Lynda J. Balch and proofread by Scott Roman for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 1999 by Lynda J. Balch ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Thanks to S-K Publications for providing the census page photocopies from which this transcription was made. The complete original, handwritten census of this county is available in book form (including a typed index) from S-K Publications, PO Box 8173, Wichita KS 67208 ( ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY LAST NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION, OPEN THE FILE pg0049.txt ============================================================= PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME ================================================= 55 167 Ashley Josiah 54 155 Atkinson John 54 135 Austin Nathaniel 51 55 Avery Powell 51 58 Avery Thomas 50 13 Barker Elisha 55 173 Bateman Thomas 51 38 Baxter Israel 52 69 Bishop John 50 32 Blakely Alford 51 45 Blankinship W. 54 132 Bradley Thomas [Sherod] 52 66 Brannam [Brainnan] Henry [Hurry] 52 68 Brannan Richd. 54 126 Breland Elisha 54 128 Breland Hiram 54 129 Breland Saml. 50 9 Brewer Leguua 51 43 Brunner John 52 80 Buckalew Zebulon 50 29 Bunch George 49 4 Byrd Ira 55 177 Cassity Allen 52 83 Champensy [Champenoy] John 55 176 Chatham Darias 52 82 Chatham Spencer 52 84 Chatham Thomas 53 116 Christmas Henry 53 107 Clark Archbl. 53 108 Clark Saml. 50 12 Clary Milly 54 156 Cleaton William 51 64 Cochran Margaret 52 95 Cooksey Wm. E. 54 153 Cowart Elisha 52 87 Crawford Archd. 54 123 Crawley William 53 97 Curry Rodr. 54 154 Dantzler John L. 51 50 Davis Edward 51 51 Davis James 54 148 Dearman [Deannan] Solomon 53 105 Dickson Matthew 54 130 Doddle James 54 131 Doddle John 55 168 Dove Alexdr. 52 86 Evans John 52 90 Evans John [Wid. son] 52 85 Evans Wm. 53 111 Felps Wm. D. 51 62 Finlay John 49 2 Flemmine Robert 53 117 Futch John 54 144 Gaffin Bethia 50 24 Gardner John 50 22 Gardner John T. [S.] 50 26 Gardner William 53 106 George John 54 157 Gilmer R. H. [Robert] 55 183 Gresham Benjamin 52 76 Griffin James 52 73 Griffin John 54 136 Haddin Thomas 50 23 Hardy Elijah 52 71 Harkins William 49 3 Harrell [Hanell] Isaac 52 67 Henderson Zachariah 55 180 Hogan Cordill 55 181 Hogan Lemuel 55 182 Hogan Shads. 54 142 Horger Absalom 51 60 James Philip 53 114 Johnson Bailey 50 27 Jones Alexd. 51 54 Kitrill David 55 184 Landrum Meridith 51 41 Lewis Stephen 50 7 Lewis Waldin? 55 187 Lile Mahir 52 70 Loper Joseph 52 74 MacCaskill Peter 52 77 Mallard Wm. 52 79 Malone Ivy 50 35 Martin Daniel 54 127 Matheny **bioca [Rebecca] 51 47 McCane James 54 137 McCarty Robt. [Wid. son] 55 166 McDaniel John 53 101 McDonald Hugh 53 112 McDonald John W. 52 89 McDuffie Norman 51 39 McDuffie Roderick 55 172 McHlester Archibald 50 17 McInnis John 50 31 McIntosh Alexdr. 53 115 McIntosh Daniel 51 57 McIntosh James 53 110 McIntosh John 52 75 McIntosh Neil 50 30 McIntosh Serine? [Quine] 55 188 McKay Laughlin 53 120 McLaurin Hugh 53 121 McLaurin Laughlin 55 160 McLendon Danl. 52 93 McLeod John 52 91 McLeod Kenneth 54 150 McLeod Junr. John 54 149 McLeod Senr. John 55 164 McRae Christopher 50 36 McRae [McKae] John 51 44 Meeker [Mucker] Joseph G. 54 133 Merrit Chars. 54 147 Merritt Robt. 55 165 Michael Araby? [Aroby] 52 72 Monk Richd. 55 185 Moore Alexd. 50 15 Morgan Elisha 52 94 Morgan Niel 50 16 Morgan William 53 100 Morrison Alexd. 55 158 Morrison John D. 50 18 Murril [Murrell] Zachariah 53 103 Neely Jacob 53 102 Neely Thomas 50 8 Norris Notty [Mottes] 54 143 Overstreet James 50 10 Palmer John 50 11 Palmer Sally 54 139 Parish John G. 52 88 Perkins [Jerkins] John 52 96 Pierson Randal 55 186 Pipkin Moses 53 122 Platt John 53 109 Pritchard John 55 189 Ragland John 51 61 Railey Abraham 49 1 Rainey William 55 161 Reid Amos I. [J.] 52 78 Reighley Charles 55 169 Roberts Axiom 53 98 Roberts Henry 55 171 Roberts John 53 99 Roberts Millie 55 170 Roberts junr. Isaac 53 104 Roberts. Senr. Isaac 50 6 Robertson Berry 51 53 Robinson Berry 51 56 Robinson George 54 141 Rodgers Thomas 51 42 Rouncifer Robt. 55 163 Seals Jacob 54 124 Simpson Thomas 49 5 Skinner Isiah [Josiah] 50 14 Smith Clayton 54 146 Smith Ebinizar 50 37 Smith James 50 34 Smith Little John 55 159 Smith Nimrod 51 46 Snelgrove Henry [Amy] 51 49 Spradley William 54 145 Stafford **ron [John] 54 152 Stafford Abram 55 190 Stafford Elbert 55 179 Tally Willis 54 138 Tapley [New]***whampton 54 125 Tapley Ephrain 53 118 Taylor James 53 119 Taylor Wm. 54 134 Thompson James C. 54 151 Treble Andrew 50 25 Wally [Wools]Goolesbury 50 21 Wally James 50 28 Wally John 50 20 Wally Mary 50 19 Wally Thomas 55 174 Watson John 50 33 Weathington Micajah 52 92 Wells James 51 59 West John 51 63 West Thomas 54 140 Wheeler Silas 51 52 White William 55 178 Whitford Jesse 55 175 Williams Benjamin 51 40 Williams Herrin 51 48 Williams Wm. D. 53 113 Willson James 52 65 Windham Willis 52 81 Woodward Elisha 55 162 Wootan Hardy