Cass, ND 1900 Federal Census (Eldred Township) This Census was transcribed by Yvonne Muchmore and proofread by Stephanie Leveene for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2001 by Yvonne Muchmore ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber or the legal representative of the transcriber and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ========================================================================= Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================= Census Year 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-1227 State ND County Cass ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Eldred MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:28 ENUMERATOR: Perry L. Hodge ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 3-10? July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED# SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 127A 1 28 11A . . 139 139 Kemmer Jake Head W M Sep 1861 38 M 4 . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 141 Eldred 3 July 1900 . 127A 2 28 11A . . 139 139 Kemmer Lydia C. Wife W F Nov 1874 26 M 4 3 3 Minnesota Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 3 28 11A . . 139 139 Kemmer Clarence E. Son W M Aug 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Minnesota . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 4 28 11A . . 139 139 Kemmer Lester V. Son W M Aug 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 5 28 11A . . 139 139 Kemmer Lyod E. Son W M Nov 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 6 28 11A . . 139 139 Frederick George Brother W M Dec 1876 23 S . . . Minnesota Ohio Ohio . . . Farm laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 7 28 11A . . 140 140 Kemmer Fred Head W M Sep 1871 28 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 142 Eldred . . 127A 8 28 11A . . 140 140 Kemmer Jacob Father W M Aug 1823 76 M 50 . . Germany Germany Germany 1859 41 N A . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 9 28 11A . . 140 140 Kemmer Sophia Mother W F Sep 1836 63 M 50 9 7 Germany Germany Germany 1859 41 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 10 28 11A . . 140 140 B**ing Charles Servant W M Apr 1877 23 S . . . Minnesota Sweden Sweden . . . Farm laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 11 28 11A . . 141 141 Kemmer Gustave Head W M Sep 1864 35 M 8 . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 143 Eldred . . 127A 12 28 11A . . 141 141 Kemmer Ida A. Wife W F Jun 1872 28 M 8 3 2 Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 13 28 11A . . 141 141 Kemmer Reuben E. Son W M Dec 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Minnesota . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 14 28 11A . . 141 141 Kemmer Myrtle Son W F Oct 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . Daughter listed as son. 127A 15 28 11A . . 142 142 Dalzner Christian F. Head W M Apr 1826 74 M 30 . . Germany Germany Germany 1855 45 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 145 Eldred . . 127A 16 28 11A . . 142 142 Dalzner Elizabeth Wife W F Dec 1842 57 M 30 4 3 Germany Germany Germany 1849 51 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 17 28 11A . . 142 142 Dalzner Mable Daughter W F . 1888 12 S . . . North Dakota Pennsylvania Indiana . . . at school . 7 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 18 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Andrew Head W M Jul 1862 38 M 14 . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1883 17 PA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 145 Eldred . . 127A 19 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Augusta Wife W F Sep 1860 39 M 14 6 5 Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 20 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Albert Son W M Jul 1882 18 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 21 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Herman Son W M Feb 1885 15 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 22 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Frantz Son W M Jan 1888 12 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 23 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson Amelia Daughter W F Jan 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 24 28 11A . . 143 143 Olson George Son W M Nov 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Sweden Germany . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . Only child where father's birthplace is correctly given as Sweden 127A 25 28 11A . . 143 143 Salzwedd Walter Brother W M Jul 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . I'm not sure "brother" is right, since he's so young 127A 26 28 11A . . 144 144 Hayesty Henry Head W M Aug 1871 28 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1874 16 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 146 Eldred . Either he came in 1874 or have been here 16 yrs, but not both since that would make it the 1890 census 127A 27 28 11A . . 144 144 Ohlmann Maggie A. Sister W F Feb 1870 30 M 11 2 2 Germany Germany Germany 1874 16 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . Either she came in 1874 or have been here 16 yrs, but not both since that would make it the 1890 census 127A 28 28 11A . . 144 144 Ohlmann Jerome H. Nephew W M Nov 1891 8 S . . . Montana Germany Germany . . . at school . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 29 28 11A . . 144 144 Ohlmann Tillie M. Niece W F Nov 1897 2 S . . . Montana Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 30 28 11A . . 144 144 Slaugter Frank Servant W M Dec 1873 26 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farm laborer 0 . N N Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 31 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine John Head W M . 1845 55 M 27 . . Germany Germany Germany 1867 33 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O . F 147 Eldred . . 127A 32 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine Grace Wife W F Sep 1848 51 M 27 6 4 Germany Germany Germany 1868 32 . . . . N N N . . . . Eldred . . 127A 33 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine Joseph Son W M Mar 24 23 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . Birth year just says "24" 127A 34 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine Emil Son W M Sep 22 21 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . age & birthdate do not match/birth year just says "22" 127A 35 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine Julius Son W M Aug 1880 19 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 36 28 11A . . 145 145 Valitine Emma Daughter W F Oct 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 37 28 11A . . 146 146 Hagen Edward Head W M Mar 1859 41 M 18 . . Germany Germany Germany 1899 . . Farm laborer . . N N N R . F 148 Eldred . . 127A 38 28 11A . . 146 146 Hagen Amelia Wife W F Feb 1861 39 M 18 4 4 Germany Germany Germany 1900 . . . . . N N N . . . . Eldred . . 127A 39 28 11A . . 146 146 Hagen Mary Daughter W F May 1888 12 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1900 . . . . 0 Y Y N . . . . Eldred . . 127A 40 28 11A . . 146 146 Hagen Mollie Daughter W F Nov 1872 17 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1899 . . Domestic servant . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 41 28 11A . . 146 146 Hagen Edward Son W M Jun 1886 14 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1900 . . Farm laborer . . Y Y N . . . . Eldred . . 127A 42 28 11A . . 146 146 Unger Martin Servant W M Apr 1880 20 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 . Farm laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 43 28 11A . . 147 147 Stengler Frank Head W M Dec 1852 47 M 1 . . Germany Germany Germany 1884 16 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 149 Eldred . . 127A 44 28 11A . . 147 147 Stengler Annie J. Wife W F Aug 1878 21 M 1 1 1 Germany Germany Germany 1898 2 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 45 28 11A . . 147 147 Stengler Frantz J. Son W M Jan 1900 5/12 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127A 46 28 11A . . 148 148 Blosl Edward Head W M Mar 1870 30 M 1 . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 150 Eldred . . 127A 47 28 11A . . 148 148 Blosl Mary Wife W F Jul 1876 24 M 1 0 0 Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 48 28 11A . . 149 149 Anderson Robert Head W M Jan 1832 68 M 46 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1880 20 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 151 Eldred . . 127A 49 28 11A . . 149 149 Anderson Susan Wife W F Jun 1836 64 M 46 10 10 England England England 1880 20 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127A 50 28 11A . . 149 149 Anderson Joseph A. Son W M Nov 1873 26 S . . . Canada Eng Scotland England 1880 20 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Eldred MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:28 ENUMERATOR: Perry L. Hodge ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 3-10? July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED# SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 127B 51 28 11B . . 149 149 Anderson Martha Daughter W F May 1872 28 S . . . Canada Eng Scotland England 1880 20 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred 5 July 1900 . 127B 52 28 11B . . 149 149 Anderson Bessie Daughter W F May 1887 13 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . At school . 7 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 53 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson James Head W M Jun 1864 36 M 11 . . Canada Eng Scotland England 1880 20 PA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 152 Eldred . . 127B 54 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson Isabella Wife W F Jun 1864 36 M 11 5 4 Canada Ireland Canada 1887 13 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 55 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson Arnold J. Son W M Dec 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 56 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson Willie R. Son W M Dec 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 57 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson Susan I. Daughter W F Nov 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 58 28 11B . . 150 150 Anderson Eliza J. Daughter W F Oct 1897 2 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 59 28 11B . . 150 150 Mitchell Charles Servant W M Nov 1863 36 S . . . * * * . . . Farm laborer . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 60 28 11B . . 151 151 Novey Frank Head W M Aug 1853 46 M 18 . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1881 19 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 153 Eldred . . 127B 61 28 11B . . 151 151 Novey Mary Wife W F Jan 1860 40 M 18 3 3 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1883 17 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 62 28 11B . . 151 151 Novey Frank A. Son W M Mar 1879 21 S . . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1883 17 . Farm laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 63 28 11B . . 151 151 Novey John Son W M May 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . . . 0 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 64 28 11B . . 151 151 Novey Lizzie Daughter W F Jan 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . at school . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 65 28 11B . . 152 152 Novey Wlucel Head W M Sep 1851 49 M 10 . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1882 18 PA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 154 Eldred . . 127B 66 28 11B . . 152 152 Novey Rosi Wife W F Dec 1864 36 M 10 3 3 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1888 12 . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 67 28 11B . . 152 152 Novey Edward Son W M Oct 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . at school . 4 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 68 28 11B . . 152 152 Novey Otto Son W M May 1894 6 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 69 28 11B . . 152 152 Novey Mary Daughter W F Oct 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 70 28 11B . . 153 153 Fleischfresse Heatha Head W F Feb 1845 55 W . 3 3 Germany Germany Germany 1879 21 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 155 Eldred . . 127B 71 28 11B . . 153 153 Fleischfresse Frederick Son W M May 1880 20 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 72 28 11B . . 153 153 Fleischfresse Hans Son W M Jun 1885 15 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 73 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Charles H. Head W M Jul 1868 31 M 9 . . Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 156 Eldred . . 127B 74 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Ida I. Wife W F Jan 1868 32 M 9 7 5 Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 75 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Mary M. Daughter W F Aug 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 76 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Otto George Son W M Sep 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 77 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Louis A. H. Son W M Dec 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 78 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Olga A. Daughter W F Aug 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 79 28 11B . . 154 154 Probst Ewold R. Son W M Apr 1899 1 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 80 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath Gustave A. Head W M Apr 1857 43 M 18 . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 157 Eldred . . 127B 81 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath Paulina E. Wife W F Oct 1869 40 M 18 4 4 Germany Germany Germany 1866 33 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 82 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath George A. Son W M Jun 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Germany . . . at school . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 83 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath Emanual F. Son W M Sep 1885 14 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 84 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath Meta L. Daughter W F Dec 1887 12 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 85 28 11B . . 155 155 Flath Arnold W. Son W M Aug 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Germany . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 86 28 11B . . 155 155 Biske Bertha E. Servant W F Mar 1878 22 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . Domestic servant 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 87 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Richard Head W M Dec 1855 44 M 14 . . Minnesota New York England . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . F 158 Eldred . . 127B 88 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Sarah Wife W F Oct 1861 39 M 14 6 6 Canada Eng Ireland Ireland 1881 19 . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 89 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Francis I. Daughter W F Sep 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 90 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Ray S. Son W M Mar 1888 12 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 91 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Harold E. Son W M May 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 92 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Mamie G. Daughter W F Jul 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . 9 . . Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 93 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Guy A. Son W M Mar 1897 3 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . 0 . . Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 94 28 11B . . 156 156 Co**** Russell S. Son W M Aug 1899 11/12 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 127B 95 28 11B . . 157 157 Colby John W. Head W M Jul 1874 25 M 3 . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farm laborer 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Eldred . . 127B 96 28 11B . . 157 157 Colby Emma L. Wife W F May 1879 21 M 3 0 0 Germany Germany Germany 1880 20 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 97 28 11B . . 158 158 Zilke William Head W M May 1841 59 M 34 . . Germany Germany Germany 1873 27 PA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 159 Eldred . . 127B 98 28 11B . . 158 158 Zilke Caroline Wife W F Dec 1849 50 M 34 11 11 Germany Germany Germany 1873 27 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 99 28 11B . . 158 158 Zilke William Son W M Jan 1875 25 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 127B 100 28 11B . . 158 158 Zilke Bertha Daughter W F Mar 1880 20 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Eldred MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:28 ENUMERATOR: Perry L. Hodge ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 3-10? July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED# SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 128A 1 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Albert Son W M Jul 1881 18 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred 6 July 1900 . 128A 2 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Robert Son W M Oct 1882 17 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 3 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Annie Daughter W F Aug 1884 15 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 4 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Charles Son W M Dec 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 5 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Lizzie Daughter W F Apr 1889 11 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 6 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Otto Son W M Jul 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 . . Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 7 28 12A . . 158 158 Zilke Frederick Son W M Jul 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 0 . . Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 8 28 12A . . 159 159 T**er Matt Head W M Dec 1873 26 M 3 . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 160 Eldred . . 128A 9 28 12A . . 159 159 T**er Elizabeth M. Wife W F Mar 1880 20 M 3 1 1 Minnesota Michigan Canada . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 10 28 12A . . 159 159 T**er Florence M. Daughter W F Jun 1900 1 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . age & birth date do not match. 128A 11 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Conrad Head W M Apr 1850 50 M 13 . . Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1880 20 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . F 161 Eldred . . 128A 12 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Minnie Wife W F Jun 1870 29 M 13 9 7 Germany Germany Germany 1871 29 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 13 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Lizzie Daughter W F Jun 1890 11 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 14 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Herman Son W M Oct 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 15 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Walter Son W M May 1893 7 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 16 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Hans Son W M Jul 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . . Y Y . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 17 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Henry Son W M Mar 1897 3 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 18 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Teodore Son W M Jun 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 19 28 12A . . 160 160 Schobinger Bertha Daughter W F Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . North Dakota Switzerland Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 20 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin John Head W M May 1858 42 M 14 . . England Ireland Ireland 1868 32 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 162 Eldred . . 128A 21 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin Annie Wife W F Nov 1867 32 M 14 4 4 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 22 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin Mary Daughter W F May 1887 13 S . . . North Dakota England Ohio . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 23 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin Gertrude Daughter W F Feb 1889 11 S . . . North Dakota England Ohio . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 24 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin Josie Daughter W F Aug 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota England Ohio . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . Two children with same birth date (twins?) 128A 25 28 12A . . 161 161 Durkin Marle Daughter W F Aug 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota England Ohio . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 26 28 12A . . 162 162 Spovull Robert F. Head W M Mar 1840 60 M 40 . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 163 Eldred . . 128A 27 28 12A . . 162 162 Spovull Eliza Wife W F Apr 1841 59 M 40 7 4 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 28 28 12A . . 162 162 Spovull Ernest Son W M May 1871 29 S . . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 29 28 12A . . 162 162 Spovull Robert F. Son W M Aug 1873 16 S . . . North Dakota Ohio Ohio . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 30 28 12A . . 162 162 Spovull L. C***** Brother W M Nov 1845 54 S . . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Broker . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 31 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Louis Head W M Jul 1873 26 M 8 . . South Dakota Iowa South Dakota . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . F 164 Eldred . . 128A 32 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Mary Wife W F Mar 1874 26 M 8 5 5 South Dakota New York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 33 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Jennie Daughter W F May 1892 8 S . . . South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 34 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Myrtle Daughter W F Dec 1893 6 S . . . South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 35 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Earl Son W M Sep 1895 4 S . . . South Dakota South Dakota New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 36 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Floyd Son W M Jan 1897 3 S . . . Iowa South Dakota New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 37 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Robert Son W M Sep 1899 9/12 S . . . Iowa South Dakota South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 38 28 12A . . 163 163 Walters Jane Mother W F Jan 1852 48 M 29 10 5 New York Scotland England . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 39 28 12A . . 163 163 Akins Jessie Brother W M Mar 1880 20 S . . . South Dakota Iowa South Dakota . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 40 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick William Head W M Mar 1856 44 M 1 . . Germany Germany Germany 1870 30 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 165 Eldred . . 128A 41 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Amelia Wife W F Nov 1867 32 M 1 1 1 Germany Germany Germany 1888 12 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 42 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Johana Daughter W F Feb 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 43 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Wilber E. Son W M Sep 1885 14 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 44 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Willie W. Son W M Mar 1888 12 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 45 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Glover S. Son W M Mar 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 46 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Corni M. Daughter W F May 1891 9 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128A 47 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Mildon Son W M Aug 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 48 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Hazel Daughter W F Dec 1893 7 S . . . Minnesota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 49 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Albert Son W M Jan 1895 5 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128A 50 28 12A . . 164 164 Strick Thelie Daughter W F Feb 1896 4 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Eldred MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:28 ENUMERATOR: Perry L. Hodge ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 3-10? July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED# SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 128B 51 28 12B . . 164 164 Strick Eva Mother W F Mar 1834 66 W . 4 3 Germany Germany Germany 1870 30 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred 7 June 1900 This date should probably read 7 July 1900 128B 52 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Fre* Head W M Jul 1844 56 M 28 . . Germany Germany Germany 1849 51 . Farmer . . Y Y Y O F F 166 Eldred . . 128B 53 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Augusta Wife W F Nov 1851 48 M 28 9 9 Germany Germany Germany 1870 30 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 54 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Theodore Son W M Apr 1880 20 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 55 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Edward Son W M Jan 1822 18 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . Age and birth date do not match 128B 56 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Ella Daughter W F Jul 1883 16 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 57 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Clara Daughter W F Apr 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 58 28 12B . . 165 165 Eckelberg Frederick Son W M Sep 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Eldred . Line 59 blank 128B 60 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Edward M. Head W M Mar 1861 39 M 17 . . Canada Eng Ireland Canada 1880 20 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 167 Eldred . . 128B 61 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Bertha Wife W F Oct 1862 37 M 17 8 8 Germany Germany Germany 1874 26 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 62 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock George E. Son W M Jul 1884 15 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . at school . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 63 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Myrtle A. Daughter W F Dec 1885 14 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 64 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock William H. Son W M Sep 1887 12 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 65 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Sarah M. Daughter W F Dec 1889 10 S . . . Minnesota Canada Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 66 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Eva M. Daughter W F Feb 1892 8 S . . . Minnesota Canada Germany . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 67 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Grace R. Daughter W F Jun 1894 6 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 68 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock Mary E. Daughter W F May 1897 3 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 69 28 12B . . 166 166 Pollock John M. Son W M Nov 1899 6/12 S . . . North Dakota Canada Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 70 28 12B . . 167 167 Kemmer August Head W M Aug 1857 42 M 16 . . Germany Germany Germany 1859 41 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 168 Eldred . . 128B 71 28 12B . . 167 167 Kemmer Lena Wife W F Apr 1860 40 M 16 3 . Germany Germany Germany 1881 19 . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 72 28 12B . . 167 167 Kemmer Paul Son W M Jun 1885 14 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 73 28 12B . . 167 167 Kemmer Willie Son W M Jul 1887 12 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 74 28 12B . . 167 167 Kemmer Reuben Son W M Aug 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 75 28 12B . . 168 168 Blosel Joseph Head W M Nov 1842 47 M 35 . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1868 32 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 169 Eldred . . 128B 76 28 12B . . 168 168 Blosel Losa Wife W F Apr 1840 60 M 35 6 4 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1868 32 . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 77 28 12B . . 168 168 Blosel Emil Son W M Mar 1871 26 S . . . Minnesota Bohemia Bohemia . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 78 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Anton Head W M Dec 1856 43 M 15 . . Germany Germany Germany . . . Farmer . . . . . O . F 170 Eldred . . 128B 79 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Amelia Wife W F Apr 1861 39 M 15 9 6 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 80 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Mary Daughter W F Feb 1889 11 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 81 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Tena Daughter W F Feb 1891 9 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 4 Y . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 82 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Annie Daughter W F Jul 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 83 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Katie Daughter W F Jan 1896 4 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 84 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Gustave Son W M Jan 1895 5 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 85 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Maggie Daughter W F Feb 1898 2 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 86 28 12B . . 169 169 Hayesty Louis Son W M Mar 1887 13 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 87 28 12B . . 170 170 Becker Carl Head W M Nov 1857 42 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1882 18 PA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 171 Eldred . . 128B 88 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Thomas Head W M Oct 1840 59 M 32 . . New York New York New York . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F F 172 Eldred . . 128B 89 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Eliza Wife W F Apr 1847 53 M 32 4 4 Canada Eng Canada Canada 1880 20 . . 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 90 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Mary Daughter W F Jan 1872 28 S . . . Canada Eng Canada x Canada 1880 20 . School teacher 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 91 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Winnifred Daughter W F Jul 1873 26 S . . . Canada Eng Canada x Canada 1880 20 . School teacher 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 92 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Eleanor Daughter W F Oct 1875 24 S . . . Canada Eng New York New York 1880 20 . School teacher 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 93 28 12B . . 171 171 Odonnell Nina Daughter W F Jan 1878 22 S . . . Canada New York Canada 1880 20 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 94 28 12B . . 172 172 Kaupon Frank Head W M Aug 1873 76 M 4 . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1890 10 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 173 Eldred . . 128B 95 28 12B . . 172 172 Kaupon Matilda Wife W F Mar 1874 26 M 4 1 1 North Dakota Bohemia Bohemia . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 96 28 12B . . 172 172 Kaupon Allice Daughter W F Sep 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Bohemia North Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 128B 97 28 12B . . 173 173 Wallf* Anton Head W M Aug 1860 39 M 12 . . Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 174 Eldred . . 128B 98 28 12B . . 173 173 Wallf* Augusta Wife W F Nov 1864 35 M 12 5 5 Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 . . . . N N Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 99 28 12B . . 173 173 Wallf* Arthur Son W M Mar 1889 11 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 128B 100 28 12B . . 173 173 Wallf* Mary Daughter W F Apr 1891 9 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Eldred MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:28 ENUMERATOR: Perry L. Hodge ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 3-10? July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED# SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 129A 1 28 13A . . 173 173 Wallf* Walter Son W M Jun 1893 7 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 6 . . . . . . . Eldred 10 June 1900 . 129A 2 28 13A . . 173 173 Wallf* Henry Son W M Sep 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 3 28 13A . . 173 173 Wallf* Annie Daughter W F Dec 1897 2 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 4 28 13A . . 174 174 Scharpow August Head W M Jan 1859 41 M 11 . . Germany Germany Germany 1881 19 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 175 Eldred . . 129A 5 28 13A . . 174 174 Scharpow Emma A. Wife W F Apr 1866 34 M 11 3 2 Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 6 28 13A . . 174 174 Scharpow Alma M. Daughter W F Feb 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Germany Wisconsin . . . at school . 8 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 7 28 13A . . 174 174 Scharpow Lydia H. Daughter W F Dec 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Germany Wisconsin . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 8 28 13A . . 175 175 Tertz William Head W M Jun 1862 38 M 0 . . Germany Germany Germany 1886 14 PA Farmer . . Y Y Y O M F 176 Eldred . . 129A 9 28 13A . . 175 175 Tertz Annie Daughter W F Jan 1879 21 M 0 0 0 Germany Germany Germany 1895 5 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 10 28 13A . . 175 175 Tertz Frederick Father W M Mar 1829 71 M 49 . . Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y N . . . . Eldred . . 129A 11 28 13A . . 175 175 Tertz Minnie Mother W F May 1830 70 M 49 0 0 Germany Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y N . . . . Eldred . . 129A 12 28 13A . . 175 175 Salmon William Servant W M Apr 1872 28 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farm laborer 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 13 28 13A . . 176 176 Moss Joseph Head W M Mar 1854 46 M 12 . . Germany Germany Germany 1870 30 N A Farmer . . Y Y Y R . F 177 Eldred . . 129A 14 28 13A . . 176 176 Moss Mary Wife W F Dec 1849 50 M 12 0 0 Germany Germany Germany 1882 18 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 15 28 13A . . 176 176 Moss Minnie Daughter W F Sep 1878 21 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1882 18 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 16 28 13A . . 176 176 Moss Albert Son W M May 1885 15 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 17 28 13A . . 177 177 Huebl James Head W M Nov 1846 53 M 28 . . Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1861 39 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 178 Eldred . . 129A 18 28 13A . . 177 177 Huebl Amelia Wife W F Dec 1854 45 M 28 2 1 Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia 1897 3 . . . . Y Y N . . . . Eldred . . 129A 19 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Herman Head W M Jul 1855 44 M 21 . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 179 Eldred . . 129A 20 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Mary W. Wife W F Dec 1858 41 M 21 11 10 Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 21 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Edith S. Daughter W F Dec 1879 20 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 22 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Reinhart F. Son W M Mar 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 23 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Herman Son W M Feb 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . Two children with same birth date (twins?) 129A 24 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Emil Son W M Feb 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 25 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Arthur Son W M May 1887 13 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 26 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Albanos Son W M Aug 1889 10 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 27 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Bernhart Son W M Feb 1892 8 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 28 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Eugene Son W M Sep 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 29 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Adlina Daughter W F Feb 1896 4 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 30 28 13A . . 178 178 Flath Lily Daughter W F Apr 1898 2 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 31 28 13A . . 179 179 Luther August Head W M Mar 1872 28 M 8 . . Germany Germany Germany 1887 15 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F 180 Eldred . . 129A 32 28 13A . . 179 179 Luther Gust Brother W M Sep 1875 24 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1893 7 . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O M F . Eldred . . 129A 33 28 13A . . 179 179 Luther Emma H. Wife W F Jun 1873 27 M 8 5 2 Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 34 28 13A . . 179 179 Luther Frederick Son W M Sep 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Germany Wisconsin . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 35 28 13A . . 179 179 Luther Eleanor Daughter W F Nov 1899 8 S . . . North Dakota Germany Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . year and age do not match 129A 36 28 13A . . 180 180 Meat George Head W M Sep 1866 33 M 7 . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . R R Cook . . Y Y Y . . H . Eldred . . 129A 37 28 13A . . 180 180 Meat Cora Wife W F Jan 1866 34 M 7 3 1 Michigan Michigan Michigan . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 38 28 13A . . 180 180 Meat Galen Son W M Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Minnesota Pennsylvania Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 39 28 13A . . 180 180 Havlisch John Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 40 28 13A . . 180 180 Hauly James Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 41 28 13A . . 180 180 Jurick Charles Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 42 28 13A . . 180 180 Lynch John Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 43 28 13A . . 180 180 Collins Frank Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 44 28 13A . . 180 180 Cavanaugh Joseph Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 45 28 13A . . 180 180 Smith Fred Boarder W M . . . . . . . Left District but were here in June . . . R R grading . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 46 28 13A . . 181 181 Blosl Frank Head W M Aug 1866 34 M 6 . . Austria Austria Austria 1868 32 N A Farmer . . Y Y Y O M F 181 Eldred . . 129A 47 28 13A . . 181 181 Blosl Amelia Wife W F Jan 1867 33 M 6 2 2 Austria Austria Austria 1892 8 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Eldred . . 129A 48 28 13A . . 181 181 Blosl Gustave Son W M Aug 1896 4 S . . . North Dakota Austria Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . . 129A 49 28 13A . . 181 181 Blosl Henry Son W M Nov 1899 6/12 S . . . North Dakota Austria Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eldred . .