Cass, ND 1900 Federal Census (Mapleton Township) This Census was transcribed by Yvonne Muchmore and proofread by Sandy Sterling for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2001 by Yvonne Muchmore ========================================================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the written consent of the transcriber or the legal representative of the transcriber and contact the USGenWeb Census Project File Manager via the email address with proof of this consent. ========================================================================= Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================= Census Year 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-1227 State ND County Cass ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 130A 1 29 1A . . 1 1 Russell Joseph Head W M Nov 1860 39 M 1 . . Massachusetts UN UN . . . Laborer 4 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village 1 June 1900 . 130A 2 29 1A . . 1 1 Russell Maud Wife W F Mar 1879 21 M 1 1 1 Massachusetts Massachusetts Massachusetts . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 3 29 1A . . 1 1 Russell Maria Daughter W F Jan 1899 1 S . . . Minnesota UN Massachusetts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 4 29 1A . . 2 2 Duff William S. Head W M May 1862 38 M 12 . . Canada E Canada En Canada 1880 20 N A Merchant 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 5 29 1A . . 2 2 Duff Mary G. Wife W F Nov 1863 36 M 12 2 2 Canada E Canada En England 1882 18 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 6 29 1A . . 2 2 Duff Amy H. Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . 9 Mapleton Village . . 130A 7 29 1A . . 2 2 Duff Glenn A. Son W M Jul 1897 3 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 8 29 1A . . 3 3 Backus David Head W M Dec 1837 62 M 26 . . New York England England . . . Carpenter 5 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 9 29 1A . . 3 3 Backus Mary J. Wife W F Apr 1846 54 M 26 1 1 Canada New York Vermont 1856 44 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 10 29 1A . . 3 3 Yerden Jinnie Daughter W F Jul 1860 39 S . . . New York New York Canada . . . . . . N N Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 11 29 1A . . 4 4 Small James Sr. Head W M June 1826 74 M 35 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1874 26 N A R R agent . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 12 29 1A . . 4 4 Small Ellen Wife W F Aug 1838 61 M 35 4 3 Canada E Scotland Scotland 1874 26 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 13 29 1A . . 4 4 Small James Jr. Son W M May 1854 46 S . . . Canada E Scotland Scotland . 26 N A Laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 14 29 1A . . 4 4 Small John Son W M Nov 1877 22 S . . . North Dakota Scotland Canada E . . . Laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . Two children with same birth date 130A 15 29 1A . . 4 4 Small Annie Daughter W F Nov 1877 22 S . . . North Dakota Scotland Canada E . . . School teacher 1 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 16 29 1A . . 5 5 Hanson Charles Head W M Jul 1863 36 M 10 . . Norway Norway Norway 1879 21 PA Blacksmith 4 . Y Y Y O M H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 17 29 1A . . 5 5 Hanson Julia Wife W F Apr 1852 48 M 10 3 3 Norway Norway Norway 1878 22 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 18 29 1A . . 5 5 Hanson Millie Daughter W F Jan 1891 9 S . . . North Dakota Norway Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 19 29 1A . . 5 5 Hanson Sarah Daughter W F Mar 1893 7 S . . . North Dakota Norway Norway . . . Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . It appears Laborer should have been recorded on the next line 130A 20 29 1A . . 6 6 Whitmarsh Wm Head W M Nov 1869 30 M 1 . . England England England 1889 11 N A . . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 21 29 1A . . 6 6 Whitmarsh Rowena Wife W F Aug 1870 30 M 1 0 0 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 22 29 1A . . 7 7 Howz Aaron Head W M Mar 1825 75 M 53 . . Canada Eng England England 1882 18 N A Plasterer 6 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 23 29 1A . . 7 7 Howz Mary A. Wife W F Aug 1823 76 M 53 8 6 * Vermont Vermont . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . *illegible 130A 24 29 1A . . 7 7 Schafer Hattie Granddaughter W F Feb 1882 18 S . . . Michigan Canada Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . 9 Mapleton Village . . 130A 25 29 1A . . 7 7 Regan Lillian Daughter W F May 1867 33 M 1 0 0 Canada E Canada E Austria 1882 18 . Seamstress . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 26 29 1A . . 8 8 Brownlee Arthur Head W M Apr 1869 31 M 5 . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Barber 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 27 29 1A . . 8 8 Brownlee Laura Wife W F Nov 1877 22 M 5 3 2 Minnesota Norway Norway . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . 1 Mapleton Village . Two females with same birth date 130A 28 29 1A . . 8 8 Brownlee Maud Sister W F Jun 1877 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Seamstress 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 29 29 1A . . 8 8 Brownlee Leo M. Son W M Jul 1897 2 S . . . North Dakota Missouri Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 30 29 1A . . 8 8 Brownlee Aurthur E. Son W M Oct 1899 9/12 S . . . North Dakota Missouri Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 31 29 1A . . 9 9 Mann James Head W M Aug 1840 59 M 34 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1852 48 N A Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 32 29 1A . . 9 9 Mann Mary Wife W F Jan 1848 52 M 34 3 3 New York New York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 33 29 1A . . 9 9 Mann Ross Son W M Sep 1883 16 S . . . North Dakota Scotland New York . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 34 29 1A . . 9 9 Lester John Father in law W M Nov 1824 75 W . . . New York New York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 35 29 1A . . 9 9 Bernly Rev E. S. Boarder W M . . UN UN . . . Native N. S. UN UN . . . Clergyman 0 . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 36 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Gust Head W M Oct 1858 41 M 13 . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1882 18 N A Section boss 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 37 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Elma Wife W F May 1864 36 M 13 4 4 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1886 14 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 38 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Elsie Daughter W F Dec 1887 12 S . . . North Dakota Sweden Sweden . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 39 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Minnie Daughter W F Jul 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota Sweden Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 40 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Walter Son W M Jul 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Sweden Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 41 29 1A . . 10 10 Carlson Olive Daughter W F May 1898 2 S . . . North Dakota Sweden Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 42 29 1A . . 10 10 Anderson John Father in law W M Nov 1832 67 W . . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1894 6 PA . . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 43 29 1A . . 10 10 Johnson Charlie Brother in law W M Jul 1869 30 S . . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1890 10 PA Laborer 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 44 29 1A . . 10 10 Erixson Edwin Boarder W M May 1864 36 S . . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1891 9 PA Laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 45 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Wm Head W M May 1863 37 M 15 . . Minnesota Scotland Ohio . . . Salesman 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130A 46 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Mary C. Wife W F Apr 1864 36 M 15 4 4 Canada E Scotland Canada 1882 18 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 47 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Thelma Daughter W F Oct 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 48 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Clayton Son W M Apr 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 49 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Bessie F. Daughter W F Jan 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . at school . 9 . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130A 50 29 1A . . 11 11 Cross Sherwood S. Son W M Oct 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Minnesota Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 130B 51 29 1B . . 12 12 Conant Charles Head W M Mar 1854 46 M 7 . . Maine Maine Maine . . . Blacksmith 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village 1 June 1900 . 130B 52 29 1B . . 12 12 Conant Elizabeth Wife W F Aug 1860 39 M 7 6 5 Pennsylvania England England . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 53 29 1B . . 12 12 Conant Lucenia M. Daughter W F May 1894 6 S . . . North Dakota Maine Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 54 29 1B . . 12 12 Conant Elmer D. Son W M Jan 1899 1 S . . . North Dakota Maine Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 55 29 1B . . 12 12 Laurence Belle Stepdaughter W F Feb 1888 12 S . . . North Dakota Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 56 29 1B . . 13 13 Ettiman John Head W M Dec 1861 38 M 10 . . Illinois Germany New York . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 57 29 1B . . 13 13 Ettiman Hattie Wife W F Apr 1862 38 M 10 2 1 Michigan New York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 58 29 1B . . 13 13 Ettiman Karl Son W M Jul 1892 7 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 59 29 1B . . 14 14 Cross Elizabeth Head W F Mar 1848 52 W . 0 0 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer . . Y Y Y R . H 2 Mapleton Village . . 130B 60 29 1B . . 15 15 Mitchell Dr. Saml Head W M Mar 1861 31 M 13 . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1882 18 N A Physician 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . Age and birth year do not match 130B 61 29 1B . . 15 15 Mitchell Mary E. Wife W F Apr 1864 36 M 13 0 0 Canada E Canada E Canada E 1887 13 . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 62 29 1B . . 16 16 Byfield John Head W M Jan 1841 59 M 36 . . Massachusetts Massachusetts England . . . Elevator agt 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 63 29 1B . . 16 16 Byfield Laura Wife W F Nov 1847 52 M 36 5 5 New York New York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 64 29 1B . . 17 17 Torgerson Oscar Head W M Apr 1864 36 M 8 . . Wisconsin Norway Norway . . . Blacksmith 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 65 29 1B . . 17 17 Torgerson Ellen C. Wife W F Jun 1874 25 M 8 3 2 Canada E Ireland Canada UN UN . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 66 29 1B . . 17 17 Torgerson John H. Son W M Aug 1893 6 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 67 29 1B . . 17 17 Torgerson Roma A. Daughter W F Aug 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 68 29 1B . . 17 17 Etzell Frank Boarder W M May 1864 36 S . . . Minnesota UN UN . . . Blacksmith 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 69 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Joseph A. Head W M Feb 1861 39 M 14 . . Illinois Ireland Scotland . . . Elevator agt 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 70 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Mate Wife W F Jun 1867 32 M 14 4 3 Minnesota UN New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 71 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Sarah C. Daughter W F Feb 1887 13 S . . . Minnesota Wisconsin Minnesota . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 72 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Floyd A. Son W M May 1889 11 S . . . Minnesota Illinois Minnesota . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 73 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Florence E.? Daughter W F Jan 1892 8 S . . . Minnesota Illinois Minnesota . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 74 29 1B . . 18 18 Slortey Joseph Sr. Father W M . 1825 75 W . . . Ireland Ireland Ireland 1847 53 N A . . . N N . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 75 29 1B . . 18 18 Gunderson Thomas Boarder W M Jan 1861 39 S . . . Norway Norway Norway 1878 22 N A Blacksmith 8 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 76 29 1B . . 19 19 Dayan Con Head W M May 1869 31 M 4 . . New York UN Hotelkeeper . . . Landlord of hotel . . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 77 29 1B . . 19 19 Dayan Emma J. Wife W F Nov 1870 31 M 4 2 2 Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . Age and birth year do not match 130B 78 29 1B . . 19 19 Dayan Maggie I. Daughter W F Dec 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota New York Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 79 29 1B . . 19 19 Dayan Krathrine W.* Daughter W F Dec 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota New York Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . *illegible 130B 80 29 1B . . 19 19 Lange Ida C. Sister in law W F Jul 1873 26 S . . . Wisconsin Germany Germany . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 81 29 1B . . 19 19 Lange Katie D. Sister in law W F Apr 1883 17 S . . . North Dakota North Dakota North Dakota . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 82 29 1B . . 19 19 Knaak Arthur O. Boarder W M Nov 1851 48 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1853 46 N A Carpenter 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 83 29 1B . . 19 19 Pugh John Boarder W M Jun 1869 29 S . . . New Jersey Ireland Ireland . . . Laborer 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 84 29 1B . . 19 19 Otis Henry H. Boarder W M Feb 1876 24 S . . . Minnesota Norway Norway . . . Confectionary . . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 85 29 1B . . 19 19 Lavalle Thomas Boarder W M Jun 1856 44 S . . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Laborer 2 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 86 29 1B . . 19 19 Tibbet Steward Boarder W M Mar 1852 48 S . . . Wisconsin New York New York . . . Laborer 3 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 87 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Mike Head W M Apr 1858 42 M 13 . . Wisconsin Ireland Ireland . . . Merchant 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 130B 88 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Penelope C. Wife W F Apr 1864 35 M 13 4 4 Canada E Ireland Canada E 1881 18 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 89 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Irine A. Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . 9 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 90 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Mildred Daughter W F Sep 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 91 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Thomas L. Son W M Jan 1893 7 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 92 29 1B . . 20 20 Denig Ethel C. Daughter W F Aug 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 93 29 1B . . 21 21 Matsen Sidney Head W M Feb 1858 42 M 22 . . Wisconsin Connecticut Connecticut . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y O F H 1 Mapleton Village . . 130B 94 29 1B . . 21 21 Matsen Laura M. Wife W F Jun 1860 39 M 22 2 2 Minnesota Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . . . . Y Y Y O . F 3 Mapleton Village . . 130B 95 29 1B . . 21 21 Matsen Ora J. Daughter W F Oct 1879 20 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Minnesota . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 96 29 1B . . 21 21 Matsen William A. Son W M Oct 1881 18 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Minnesota . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 97 29 1B . . 21 21 Brown John . W M Aug 1869 30 S . . . Austria Austria Austria UN UN UN Laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 98 29 1B . . 21 21 Lange Henry . W M May 1881 19 S . . . North Dakota Germany Germany . . . Laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 99 29 1B . . 21 21 Haugen Ella Domestic W F Mar 1880 20 S . . . Minnesota Norway Norway . . . Domestic 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 130B 100 29 1B . . 21 21 Silvernail William* . W F Feb 1880 2 S . . . Michigan Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . Male listed female. Age and dates do not match. *illegible ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 131A 1 29 2A . . 22 22 Cadd James Head W M Sep 1865 34 M 11 . . Wisconsin Kentucky Illinois . . . Horseman . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village 4 June 1900 The enumerator filled in 3 Twp names on this page, Mapleton, Durbin and Raymond. 131A 2 29 2A . . 22 22 Cadd Elizebeth I. Wife W F Jan 1870 30 M 11 2 2 Wisconsin Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 3 29 2A . . 22 22 Cadd Minnie E. Daughter W F Jul 1895 4 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 4 29 2A . . 22 22 Cadd Lennie E. Daughter W F Dec 1898 1 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 5 29 2A . . 22 22 Cadd Guy Son W M Jan 1886 14 S . . . Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 6 29 2A . . 23 23 McLaren William Head W M Jun 1827 72 W . . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1828 19 N A Farmer . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . immigration dates do not match 131A 7 29 2A . . 23 23 Ames Viola M Housekeeper W F Jul 1854 45 W . 1 1 Maine Maine Maine . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 8 29 2A . . 23 23 Ames Ida M. . W F May 1881 19 S . . . Maine Maine Maine . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 9 29 2A . . 24 24 Connell Mary J. Head W F Apr 1853 47 W . 8 8 Canada Ireland Canada 1882 18 . . . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 10 29 2A . . 24 24 Connell Winnfred D. Daughter W F Mar 1881 19 S . . . Canada Ireland Canada 1882 18 . . . 4 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 11 29 2A . . 24 24 Johnson Alfred . W M Sep 1873 26 S . . . Sweden Sweden Sweden 1893 7 PA Laborer 2 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 12 29 2A . . 25 25 Hank Matt Head W M Jul 1833 66 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1856 44 N A Pumper AP R R 0 . Y Y Y . . H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 13 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen John Head W M . . 35? M 14 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland . 17 AL R R Foreman 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 14 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Katie T. Wife W F Jun 1866 33 M 14 7 7 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 15 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Timothy M. Son W M Jul 1887 12 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . 8 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 16 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Mary Ellen Daughter W F Jul 1889 10 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 17 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Maggie M. Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 18 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Katie T. Daughter W F Sep 1893 6 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 19 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Annie Daughter W F Sep 1895 4 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland 1896 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 20 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Johnnie Son W M Dec 1897 2 S . . . North Dakota Ireland Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 21 29 2A . . 26 26 Keohen Lizzie Daughter W F Jan 1900 4/12 S . . . North Dakota Ireland Ireland . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 22 29 2A . . 26 26 Corbett Ellen Sister in law W F Jul 1864 35 W . 2 2 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1888 UN . Domestic 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 23 29 2A . . 26 26 Corbett Michel . W M Nov 1890 9 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland . UN UN . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 24 29 2A . . 26 26 Corbett Annie . W F Jan 1891 8 S . . . Canada E Ireland Ireland UN UN UN . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 25 29 2A . . 26 26 Shea James Boarder W M Jan 1871 29 S . . . Massachusetts Ireland Ireland . . . R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 26 29 2A . . 26 26 Heath Walter Boarder W M Aug 1877 22 S . . . Minnesota Maine Canada . . . R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 27 29 2A . . 26 26 Kelley Pat Boarder W M Oct 1866 33 S . . . Minnesota Ireland Ireland . . . R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 28 29 2A . . 26 26 Lauger Frank Boarder W M Aug 1878 21 S . . . Prussia Gr Prussia Gr Prussia Gr 1888 12 AL R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 29 29 2A . . 26 26 Kehor Con Boarder W M Jan 1857 43 M 26 . . New York Ireland Ireland . . . R R Foreman 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 30 29 2A . . 26 26 Garvey John H. Boarder W M Dec 1859 40 S . . . Iowa Illegible Ireland Ireland . . . R R Foreman 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 31 29 2A . . 26 26 Lesit John Boarder W M Feb 1858 42 S . . . Massachusetts Ireland Ireland . . . R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 32 29 2A . . 26 26 Kelley John Boarder W M Jan 1866 34 S . . . Wisconsin Ireland Wisconsin . . . R R Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 33 29 2A . . 27 27 Small Walter W. Head W M Sep 1868 31 M 12 . . North Dakota Scotland Canada . . . Agent 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 34 29 2A . . 27 27 Small Hermina A. Wife W F Feb 1869 31 M 12 3 3 South Dakota Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 35 29 2A . . 27 27 Small William C. Son W M Oct 1890 9 S . . . North Dakota North Dakota South Dakota . . . at school . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 36 29 2A . . 27 27 Small Leah E. Daughter W F Apr 1898 2 S . . . North Dakota US US . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 37 29 2A . . 28 28 Hart Charles Head W M Feb 1838 62 W . . . England England England 1880 20 AL Drayman . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 38 29 2A . . 28 28 Russell Mattie C. Granddaughter W F Feb 1883 17 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . Domestic 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 39 29 2A . . 29 29 Lindsy Harcort Head W M Mar 1860 40 W . . . Canada E Ireland Scotland 1878 22 NA Farmer . . N N Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 40 29 2A . . 29 29 Lindsy Annie M. Daughter W F Jul 1881 18 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 0 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 41 29 2A . . 29 29 Lindsy John Son W M Apr 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 2 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 42 29 2A . . 29 29 Lindsy Maud E Daughter W F Feb 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 43 29 2A . . 29 29 Lindsy Albert M. Son W M Nov 1888 11 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 44 29 2A . . 29 29 Collins Mike . W M Jan 1865 35 S . . . Michigan Ireland Ireland . . . Laborer . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 45 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell John Head W M Jan 1860 40 M 21 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1881 19 N A Laborer 4 . N N Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131A 46 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell Bertha A. Wife W F Nov 1864 36 M 21 . 8 England England England 1881 19 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 47 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell Jim C. Son W M Mar 1881 19 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . Laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 48 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell John Son W M Feb 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . 3 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 49 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell Lillian Daughter W F Mar 1885 15 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . 2 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131A 50 29 2A . . 30 30 Russell Jennie Daughter W F Apr 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 131B 51 29 2B . . 30 30 Russell Freddie Son W M Feb 1892 8 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . Mapleton Village 4 June 1900 . 131B 52 29 2B . . 30 30 Russell Maggie Daughter W F Nov 1894 5 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 53 29 2B . . 30 30 Russell Bessie Daughter W F Sep 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Scotland England . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 54 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Charles Head W M Aug 1862 37 M 18 . . Canada Germany Germany 1878 22 NA Butcher 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131B 55 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Eliza E. Wife W F Sep 1864 35 M 18 6 6 Maine Maine Maine . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 56 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Harry H. Son W M Feb 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . 6 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 57 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Estella A. Daughter W F Dec 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 58 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Olive Daughter W F Jan 1889 11 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 59 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Sadie Daughter W F Sep 1890 10 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 60 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Vera G. Daughter W F Sep 1892 8 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 61 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster William Son W M Jun 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Canada Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 62 29 2B . . 31 31 Foster Henry Father W M Nov 1829 70 W . . . Germany Germany Germany 1878 21 NA . . Y Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 63 29 2B . . 32 32 Conant Marcus Head W M Aug 1820 79 M 55 . . Maine Maine Maine . . . . . . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131B 64 29 2B . . 32 32 Conant Lucen* Wife W F Feb 1824 76 M 55 0 0 Maine Maine Maine . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 65 29 2B . . 32 32 Turner William . W M Oct 1860 39 S . . . New York Ireland Ireland . . . Laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 66 29 2B . . 33 33 Waldruff John Head W M Dec 1867 32 M 7 . . Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1885 15 NA Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . H 1 Mapleton Village . . 131B 67 29 2B . . 33 33 Waldruff Flora Wife W F Jun 1871 29 M 7 0 0 Minnesota York New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 68 29 2B . . 33 33 Waldruff Dan Brother W M Mar 1877 23 S . . . Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1900 0 AL Laborer 1 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 69 29 2B . . 33 33 Langley George F. Boarder W M Mar 1855 45 S . . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 70 29 2B . . 33 33 Haarman Antonio Boarder W M . UN UN . . . . Native N. S. UN UN . . . Harnessmaker 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 71 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Charles Head W M Aug 1856 43 M 17 . . Illinois England New York . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y . . F . Mapleton Village . . 131B 72 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Nettie Wife W F Jul 1861 38 M 17 8 7 Wisconsin Pennsylvania New York . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 73 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Mary L. Daughter W F Apr 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . 8 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 74 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop George H. Son W M Oct 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 75 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Ray C. Son W M Dec 1888 11 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 76 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Clinton A. Son W M Sep 1891 8 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 77 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Edna P. Daughter W F Jun 1894 3 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 78 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Floyd L. Son W M Apr 1896 4 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 79 29 2B . . 34 34 Bishop Horace Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . North Dakota Illinois Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 80 29 2B . . 35 35 Brownlee Andrew J. Head W M Apr 1855 45 S . . . Missouri Scotland Missouri . . . Merchant 0 0 Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131B 81 29 2B . . 35 35 Brownlee David C. Father W M Feb 1815 85 M 59 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1832 * NA . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 82 29 2B . . 35 35 Brownlee Elizeth C. Mother W F Aug 1825 74 M 59 2 2 Missouri Virginia Kentucky . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 83 29 2B . . 35 35 Lester Mary M. Sister W F Jul 1864 35 M 15 1 1 Missouri Scotland Missouri . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 84 29 2B . . 35 35 Lester Clyde W. Nephew W M Feb 1886 13 S . . . North Dakota New York Missouri . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 85 29 2B . . 35 35 Ager Adam W. Clerk W M Feb 1869 31 S . . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Druggist 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 86 29 2B . . 36 36 Robinson Alonzo Head W M Apr 1857 43 M 23 . . Canada Eng Ireland England 1879 21 NA Butcher 0 0 Y Y Y O M H . Mapleton Village . . 131B 87 29 2B . . 36 36 Robinson Carry Wife W F Mar 1856 44 M 23 3 3 Canada Eng Germany Germany 1879 21 . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 88 29 2B . . 36 36 Robinson Edwin Son W M Mar 1879 21 S . . . Canada Canada Canada . 21 NA Laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 89 29 2B . . 36 36 Robinson Florence B. Daughter W F Oct 1880 19 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . Seamstress . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 90 29 2B . . 36 36 Robinson Ethel M. Daughter W F Nov 1886 13 S . . . Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng UN UN UN . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 91 29 2B . . 37 37 Conant Abhram Head W M Jan 1861 39 M 15 . . Maine Maine Maine . . . Merchant 0 . Y Y Y O F H . Mapleton Village . . 131B 92 29 2B . . 37 37 Conant Roselle Wife W F Nov 1866 36 M 15 3 3 Canada Eng Germany Germany UN UN UN . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 93 29 2B . . 37 37 Conant Bessie M. Daughter W F Jan 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Maine Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 94 29 2B . . 37 37 Conant Ivy G. Daughter W F Nov 1887 12 S . . . North Dakota Maine Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 95 29 2B . . 37 37 Conant Violet E. Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . North Dakota Maine Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 96 29 2B . . 37 37 Lawrence Edna . W F Jan 1882 18 S . . . Wisconsin Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Domestic 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 97 29 2B . . 37 37 Shepard Freddie Nephew W M Jun 1882 18 S . . . North Dakota Maine Maine . . . Clerk 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 98 29 2B . . 37 37 Robinson William . W M Jan 1877 23 S . . . Canada Eng Canada Eng Canada Eng 1881 19 AL Painter 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 99 29 2B . . 37 37 Brownlee Harry . W M Nov 1884 15 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Barber trade . 8 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 131B 100 29 2B . . 37 37 Johnson Peter . W M Apr 1873 27 S . . . Minnesota Sweden Sweden . . . Laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 132A 1 29 3A . Car 38 38 Ruggier Anontio Head W M May 1866 34 M 8 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 Al Laborer 0 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village 3 June 1900 . 132A 2 29 3A . . 38 38 Ruggier Guisseppe Brother W M Jan 1872 28 M 2 . . Italy Italy Italy 1889 11 PA Laborer 0 . N N Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 3 29 3A . . 38 38 Gresso Gennard . W M Apr 1863 37 M 12 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 . AL Laborer . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 4 29 3A . . 38 38 Gresso Liberato A. Brother W M Jun 1869 30 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 N A Interpreter 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 5 29 3A . . 38 38 Delucia Antonio . W M Dec 1874 25 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1895 5 NA Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 6 29 3A . . 38 38 Delucia Arcangelo . W M . 1869 30 M 4 . . Italy Italy Italy 1894 6 NA Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 7 29 3A . . 39 39 Lipama Salvatore Head W M Jun 1870 29 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 8 29 3A . . 39 39 Jirdlo Nicola . W M Oct 1866 33 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 9 29 3A . . 39 39 Suoalle Guiseppe . W M May 1866 34 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 10 29 3A . . 39 39 Bansone Domenico . W M May 1871 29 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 11 29 3A . . 39 39 Dimarco Salvatorz . W M Jan 1872 28 M 7 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 12 29 3A . . 39 39 Ruffino Francisco . W M Oct 1878 21 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 13 29 3A . . 39 39 Mazzone Domencio . W M Oct 1850 49 M 24 . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 AL Laborer 6 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 14 29 3A . . 39 39 Mazzone Antonio . W M Jun 1882 17 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 6 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 15 29 3A . . 40 40 Papa Michele Head W M Nov 1852 47 M 25 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 16 29 3A . . 40 40 Palozzola Antonio . W M Jul 1872 27 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 17 29 3A . . 40 40 Gentele Pietro . W M Dec 1859 40 M 16 . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 AL Laborer 6 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 18 29 3A . . 40 40 Boffa Emilio . W M Jan 1858 42 M 16 . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 4 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 19 29 3A . . 40 40 Gaspano Michele . W M May 1864 36 M 11 . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 20 29 3A . . 40 40 Calogero Scareno . W M Feb 1837 63 M 9 . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 5 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 21 29 3A . . 41 41 Degiorgio Domenico Head W M May 1863 37 M 10 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 . AL Laborer . . Y Y N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 22 29 3A . . 41 41 Mazzola Antonio . W M Mar 1874 26 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1897 3 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 23 29 3A . . 41 41 Peresini Guiseppe . W M Mar 1869 31 M 4 . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 AL Laborer 0 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 24 29 3A . . 42 42 Benera Lorenzo Head W M Apr 1870 30 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1897 3 AL Laborer 5 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 25 29 3A . . 42 42 Silva Fredo . W M Jan 1874 26 M 5 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 26 29 3A . . 42 42 Scimcow Giorgio . W M Nov 1874 25 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 27 29 3A . . 42 42 Boffe Michele . W M Jan 1856 44 M 20 . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 28 29 3A . . 42 42 Boffe Pietro . W M Aug 1847 52 M 30 . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 AL Laborer 3 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 29 29 3A . . 42 42 Boffe Luca . W M Apr 1848 52 M 27 . . Italy Italy Italy 1894 6 AL Laborer 3 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 30 29 3A . . 43 43 Lambaro Frank Head W M Jun 1854 46 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 AL Laborer 6 . Y Y N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 31 29 3A . . 43 43 Jenna Pietro . W M Jul 1860 39 M 8 . . Italy Italy Italy 1895 5 NA Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 32 29 3A . . 43 43 Trimario Rosario . W M Sep 1857 42 M 14 . . Italy Italy Italy 1895 5 NA Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 33 29 3A . . 44 44 Sabatino Pietro Head W M May 1872 28 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 NA Laborer 5 . Y Y N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 34 29 3A . . 44 44 Jenna Guiseppe . W M Nov 1876 23 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 35 29 3A . . 44 44 Cerangelo Gelerino . W M Jan 1878 21 M 4 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 36 29 3A . . 44 44 Anncolara Frances . W M Apr 1852 48 M 14 . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 37 29 3A . . 44 44 Bracco Vilo . W M Jul 1877 22 M 4 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 38 29 3A . . 45 45 Trimaco Lorenzo Head W M May 1864 36 M 13 . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 39 29 3A . . 45 45 Colangelo Nicolo . W M Mar 1876 24 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 40 29 3A . . 45 45 Bauseni Guisseppe . W M Apr 1863 37 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 41 29 3A . . 46 46 Antriorille Gittano Head W M Jun 1854 45 M 10 . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer . . Y Y N . . H . Mapleton Village . . 132A 42 29 3A . . 46 46 Ruggusi Lia . W M May 1872 28 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1894 6 NA Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 43 29 3A . . 47 47 Delacele D* Head W F Jun 1871 39 M 8 3 3 Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . N N N . . H . Mapleton Village . . 132A 44 29 3A . . 47 47 Delacele Clara Daughter W F Oct 1896 3 S . . . Illinois? Italy Italy 1900 0 . . . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 45 29 3A . . 47 47 Delacele Andre Son W M Mar * * . . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 . . . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 46 29 3A . . 48 48 * Antonio? . W M Oct 1899 1 . . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 47 29 3A . . 48 48 Angelo * . W M Mar 1846 54 M 28 . . Italy Italy Italy 1896 4 AL Laborer . . Un Un Un . . H . Mapleton Village . . 132A 48 29 3A . . 48 48 Dono? Pietro . W M Dec 1882 18 . . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 49 29 3A . . 48 48 Elinino Pietro . W M June 1842 57 M 22 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL Laborer . . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132A 50 29 3A . . 48 48 Denertte Frank . W M Dec 1881 18 . . . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 AL Laborer . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 132B 51 29 3B . . 48 48 Savinano Nicolo . W M Dec 1864 35 M 5 . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 NA Foreman 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village 3 June 1900 . 132B 52 29 3B . . 48 48 DeMintta Frank . W M Dec 1836 63 M 36 . . Italy Italy Italy 1882 18 NA RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 53 29 3B . . 49 49 Petrilla Ann* Student W M Dec 1873 26 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer . . . . . . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 54 29 3B . . 49 49 Geordino Canea . W M Mar 1849 51 M * . . Italy Italy Italy 1880 20 NA RR laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 55 29 3B . . 49 49 Capece Dominco . W M Oct 1845 54 M 27 . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 56 29 3B . . 50 50 Capece Nicola Head W M Aug 1876 23 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 1 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 57 29 3B . . 50 50 Calobarro Dore . W M May 1874 26 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1897 3 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 58 29 3B . . 50 50 Luccrellio Gregorio . W M Nov 1855 44 M 18 . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 59 29 3B . . 51 51 Lassone Guiseppe Head W M Jan 1873 27 M 4 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 60 29 3B . . 51 51 Nardi Guiseppe . W M Aug 1850 49 M 26 . . Italy Italy Italy 1887 13 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 61 29 3B . . 51 51 Sontino Porqule . W M Mar 1864 36 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1894 6 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 62 29 3B . . 52 52 Guinlosi * Head W M Oct 1847 52 M 26 . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 NA RR laborer 4 . N Y N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 63 29 3B . . 52 52 Gresso Guiseppi . W M Jul 1876 23 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 64 29 3B . . 52 52 Stetla Fort . W M Feb 1872 28 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 NA RR cook 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 65 29 3B . . 53 53 Parantes Marc Head W M Mar 1856 44 M 10 . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 66 29 3B . . 53 53 Russo Franco . W M Mar 1873 27 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 67 29 3B . . 53 53 Capese Fran . W M Mar 1857 43 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 68 29 3B . . 54 54 Pucci Gui Head W M Mar 1871 29 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . Car? . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 69 29 3B . . 54 54 Stetla Luigi . W M Jul 1870 29 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 70 29 3B . . 54 54 Iachevetto Gesini . W M Oct 1866 33 M 10 . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 NA RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 71 29 3B . . 55 55 Lanatore * Head W M Jan 1862 38 M 15 . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 72 29 3B . . 55 55 Stetla Luigi . W M Jan 1880 20 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 NA RR laborer 4 . Y Y Y . H . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 73 29 3B . . 55 55 Delletto Raf . W M Nov 1867 32 M 6 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 AL IL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 74 29 3B . . 55 55 Lariatea Gessne . W M Apr 1858 42 M 18 . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 . RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 75 29 3B . . 55 55 Parenta Dui . W M Feb 1847 53 M 23 . . Italy Italy Italy 1895 5 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 76 29 3B . . 55 55 Pisaro Vic. . W M Sep 1845 54 M 20 . . Italy Italy Italy 1880 20 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . Lines 76-100 have 'CARS' wrtten sideways down columns 25-28 132B 77 29 3B . . 55 55 Iachevitti Ant . W M Mar 1873 27 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 78 29 3B . . 55 55 Iandrea Antono . W M Feb 1852 48 M 21 . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 79 29 3B . . 55 55 Iandrea Don . W M Jun 1879 19 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 80 29 3B . . 55 55 Scily Antoni . W M Jan 1853 47 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1880 20 NA RR laborer 4 . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 81 29 3B . . 55 55 Dira Joseph . W M Oct 1869 30 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1883 17 NA Interpreter 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 82 29 3B . . 55 55 Mancini Fran . W M Sep 1875 24 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1897 3 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 83 29 3B . . 55 55 Gunesso Dom . W M Jan 1872 28 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 84 29 3B . . 55 55 Russini Ale . W M Apr 1864 36 M 15 . . Italy Italy Italy 1888 12 NA RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 85 29 3B . . 55 55 Defzig Antonio . W M Mar 1867 33 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 86 29 3B . . 55 55 Cirositi Nicolo . W M May 1860 40 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1893 7 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 87 29 3B . . 55 55 Ifrono Vinciro . W M Mar 1862 38 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1892 8 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 88 29 3B . . 55 55 Zenja Vincen . W M May 1869 31 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1890 10 NA RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 89 29 3B . . 55 55 Alberto Pasqule . W M Feb 1876 24 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1900 0 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 90 29 3B . . 55 55 Valentino Modesto . W M Jan 1855 44 M 1 . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 91 29 3B . . 55 55 Dandrea Nicola . W M Aug 1863 36 M 12 . . Italy Italy Italy 1899 1 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 92 29 3B . . 55 55 Dandrea Fran . W M Aug 1870 29 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1898 2 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 93 29 3B . . 55 55 Rabert Giovinnelli . W M Jan 1855 45 M 22 . . Italy Italy Italy 1880 20 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 94 29 3B . . 55 55 Pomsini Guiseppi . W M Sep 1849 50 M 27 . . Italy Italy Italy 1888 12 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 95 29 3B . . 55 55 Cortes Luigi . W M Apr 1870 30 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1891 9 AL RR laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 96 29 3B . . 55 55 Gilio Rocco . W M Feb 1867 33 M 13 . . Italy Italy Italy 1882 18 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 97 29 3B . . 55 55 Russini Rodo . W M Sep 1864 35 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1888 12 AL RR laborer 4 . N N N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 132B 98 29 3B . . 55 55 Desanto Fran . W M Apr 1884 16 S . . . Italy Italy Italy 1888 12 AL RR laborer . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . Lines 99 and 100 Blank ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: ND COUNTY: CASS TOWNSHIP: Mapleton MICROFILM#:T623-1227 SUPV/DISTR:199 ENUM/DISTR:29 ENUMERATOR: W. W. Bishop ENUM/DATE-RANGE: June 1 to 4, 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH TOWNSHIP DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ 133A 1 29 4A . . 56 56 Nick Robert Head W M Mar 1853 47 W . . . Canada Germany Germany 1880 20 AL Plasterer 4 . N N Y O F H . Mapleton Village no date . 133A 2 29 4A . . 56 56 Nick Robert Jr. Son W M Apr 1884 16 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 8 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 3 29 4A . . 56 56 Nick Rosa Daughter W F Dec 1886 14 S . . . North Dakota Canada Canada . . . . . 9 Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 4 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer William Head W M Feb 1859 41 M 14 . . Scotland Scotland Scotland 1861 39 N A R R laborer 4 . Y Y Y . . H . Mapleton Village . . 133A 5 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer Ladania V. Wife W F Jan 1866 34 M 14 6 6 Iowa Pennsylvania Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 6 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer Leona A. Daughter W F Jan 1889 11 S . . . Idaho Scotland Iowa . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 7 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer Ellen B. Daughter W F Jun 1893 7 S . . . Canada Scotland Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 8 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer George E. Son W M Jan 1894 6 S . . . Iowa Scotland Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 9 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer John A. Son W M Apr 1895 5 S . . . Iowa Scotland Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 10 29 4A . . 57 57 Mortimer Christina M. Daughter W F Dec 1897 2 S . . . Minnesota Scotland Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 11 29 4A . . 58 58 Bishop William Head W M Aug 1866 33 M 5 . . Wisconsin England New York . . . Farmer 0 . Y Y Y R . F 120 Mapleton Village . . 133A 12 29 4A . . 58 58 Bishop Mary C. Wife W F May 1873 27 M 5 3 3 Canada E Canada E Canada E . . . . . . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 13 29 4A . . 58 58 Bishop Alethia M. Daughter W F Jun 1896 3 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 14 29 4A . . 58 58 Bishop James W. Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 15 29 4A . . 58 58 Bishop Maggie Daughter W F Sep 1899 8/12 S . . . North Dakota Wisconsin Canada E . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 16 29 4A . . 58 58 Johnson Peter Laborer W M May 1874 26 S . . . Minnesota Norway Norway . . . Farm laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 17 29 4A . . 59 59 Knuttsen John A. Head W M Oct 1870 30 M 4 . . Norway Norway Norway 1899 1 PA R R laborer 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 133A 18 29 4A . . 59 59 Knuttsen Carrie Wife W F Apr 1875 25 M 4 1 1 Norway Norway Norway 1899 1 . . . . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 19 29 4A . . 59 59 Knuttsen Julia Daughter W F Apr 1897 3 S . . . Norway Norway Norway 1899 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 20 29 4A . . 59 59 Jackson Pete Boarder W M Mar 1873 27 S . . . Norway Norway Norway 1899 1 AL R R laborer 0 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 21 29 4A . . 59 59 Olsen John Boarder W M Sep 1871 28 S . . . Norway Norway Norway 1899 1 AL R R laborer 0 . Y Y N . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 22 29 4A . . 59 59 Koeheo John Boarder W M Dec 1876 23 S . . . New York New York New York . . . R R laborer 0 . Y Y Y R . H . Mapleton Village . . 133A 23 29 4A . . 59 59 Ford Ray Laborer W M Apr 1872 28 S . . . Iowa Iowa Iowa . . . R R laborer 0 . Y Y Y . . . . Mapleton Village . . 133A 24 29 4A . . 59 59 Mortimer Mable . W F May 1900 0/12 S . . . North Dakota Scotland Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mapleton Village . This child probably belongs with entry 57. Page 133B blank.