Cayuga, NY 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 7 of 22) This Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and Kenneth J. Brooks and proofread by a Team of Volunteers for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2008 by Linda Talbott and Kenneth J. Brooks ========================================================================= USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================= Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================= THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================= Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================= 432b 34 G*** Chas. 8 NY pg0431a.txt 432b 31 G*** Chas. 36 NY pg0431a.txt 432b 33 G*** H*b*** 11 NY pg0431a.txt 432b 36 G*** Hattie 3 NY pg0431a.txt 432b 32 G*** Mary 34 NY pg0431a.txt 432b 35 G*** Sara 7 NY pg0431a.txt 41A 9 G***er Charles 30 Germany pg0037a.txt 141b 26 G**bin James 9 New York pg0139a.txt 141b 25 G**bin Joseph 15 New York pg0139a.txt 141b 23 G**bin Michael 45 Ireland pg0139a.txt 141b 24 G**bin Rhoda 40 Ireland pg0139a.txt 48B 8 G**ckian Frances 58 Ireland pg0047a.txt 48B 7 G**ckian Math** 60 Ireland pg0047a.txt 48B 9 G**ckian Thomas 17 Ireland pg0047a.txt 48B 10 G**ckian William 16 Ireland pg0047a.txt 92b 26 G*yoth John 17 New York pg0089a.txt 92b 25 G*yoth Maria 57 New York pg0089a.txt 21A 13 Ga*kill Elizabeth 52 New York pg0019a.txt 21A 14 Ga*kill Frances 20 New York pg0019a.txt 21A 12 Ga*kill Isaac P. 53 New York pg0019a.txt 21A 11 Ga*kill Louise *. 49 New York pg0019a.txt 21A 10 Ga*kill Samuel 52 New York pg0019a.txt 158a 3 Gab**** Raymond 40 Spain pg0157a.txt 162b 37 Gabriel Spencer 35 New York pg0157a.txt 390a 29 Gadfrey Alice 17 NY pg0387a.txt 75B 13 Gafiny Mary 41 Ireland pg0071a.txt 102b 2 Gaines Georgiana 20 New York pg0101a.txt 162b 31 Gaines James 30 New York pg0157a.txt 62A 1 Galbraith Evaline 2 New York pg0059a.txt 61B 39 Galbraith Mary 30 England pg0059a.txt 61B 40 Galbraith Mary L 3 New York pg0059a.txt 61B 38 Galbraith Robert 29 England pg0059a.txt 240b 5 Gale Charles 35 New York pg0238a.txt 240b 6 Gale Gertie 18 New York pg0238a.txt 107b 20 Galegher Henry 17 New York pg0107a.txt 55B 37 Gali Egbert 23 New York pg0053a.txt 55B 35 Gali James 60 New York pg0053a.txt 55B 36 Gali Jane 56 New York pg0053a.txt 245b 7 Galigan Ellen 35 Ireland pg0244a.txt 566a 36 Gallaham Patrick 22 Ireland pg0566a.txt 391b 14 Gallant Alfred 9 Mass pg0387a.txt 391b 13 Gallant Alice M 14 Mass pg0387a.txt 396b 27 Gallant Amelia 32 NY pg0393a.txt 396b 26 Gallant Asher 34 NY pg0393a.txt 396b 30 Gallant Cora 2 NY pg0393a.txt 396b 29 Gallant David 6 NY pg0393a.txt 391b 16 Gallant Frank 1 Mass pg0387a.txt 391b 12 Gallant Jane 32 Mass pg0387a.txt 396b 28 Gallant Mary E 9 NY pg0393a.txt 391b 11 Gallant Warren 38 Mass pg0387a.txt 391b 15 Gallant William 3 Mass pg0387a.txt 584b 13 Gallery Charles 32 Ireland pg0584a.txt 584b 12 Gallery James 1/12 NY pg0584a.txt 584b 7 Gallery John 36 Ireland pg0584a.txt 584b 8 Gallery Margaret 34 Ireland pg0584a.txt 584b 11 Gallery Rosa 1 NY pg0584a.txt 584b 14 Gallery Thomas 28 Ireland pg0584a.txt 584b 15 Gallery William 22 Ireland pg0584a.txt 142b 7 Galligher Anna 18 New York pg0139a.txt 175a 9 Gallishant Francis 22 Canada pg0172a.txt 146a 1 Gallup Eli 56 New York pg0145a.txt 146a 2 Gallup Eliza 57 New York pg0145a.txt 573b 14 Gallup Phebe D 39 NY pg0572a.txt 573b 13 Gallup Wayne 51 NY pg0572a.txt 184b 9 Galvin Edward 8 New York pg0184a.txt 184b 3 Galvin Elizabeth 21 New York pg0184a.txt 184a 8 Galvin Henry 12 New York pg0184a.txt 184b 1 Galvin James 52 Ireland pg0184a.txt 141a 8 Galvin James 17 New York pg0139a.txt 184b 7 Galvin James 13 New York pg0184a.txt 141a 7 Galvin John 23 New York pg0139a.txt 184b 4 Galvin John 19 New York pg0184a.txt 184a 7 Galvin Margaret 40 Ireland pg0184a.txt 77B 9 Galvin Mary 19 New York pg0077a.txt 184b 2 Galvin Sarah 49 Ireland pg0184a.txt 184b 6 Galvin Sarah 15 New York pg0184a.txt 184b 8 Galvin Theressa 10 New York pg0184a.txt 184b 5 Galvin Thomas 17 New York pg0184a.txt 358a 14 Gamel Carrie belle 1 NY pg0358a.txt 358a 12 Gamel Charlie 11 NY pg0358a.txt 358a 10 Gamel Eliza J 37 NY pg0358a.txt 358a 13 Gamel Frank 7 NY pg0358a.txt 358a 9 Gamel Joseph 45 NY pg0358a.txt 358a 11 Gamel William 13 NY pg0358a.txt 571a 17 Gamlen John 24 Eng pg0566a.txt 214a 34 Gammon Henry 3 New York pg0210a.txt 214a 31 Gammon Katy 12 New York pg0210a.txt 214a 30 Gammon Mary 30 Ireland pg0210a.txt 214a 32 Gammon Mary 10 New York pg0210a.txt 214a 29 Gammon Michael 35 Ireland pg0210a.txt 214a 33 Gammon Thomas 7 New York pg0210a.txt 339b 16 Ganey Bridget 35 Ireland pg0336a.txt 339b 17 Ganey Dennis 12 N.Y pg0336a.txt 340b 27 Ganey Ellen 35 Ireland pg0336a.txt 15B 5 Ganey Ellen 20 Ireland pg0013a.txt 340b 26 Ganey Jerome 44 Ireland pg0336a.txt 156a 10 Ganey John 25 Ireland pg0151a.txt 340b 28 Ganey Kate 5 N.Y pg0336a.txt 339b 18 Ganey Kate 10 N.Y pg0336a.txt 340b 29 Ganey Wm 1 N.Y pg0336a.txt 97b 4 Gardiner Allen 36 New York pg0095a.txt 301b 40 Gardiner Amarantha 44 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 131b 17 Gardiner Elizabeth 28 France pg0127a.txt 97b 7 Gardiner Eugenia 13 New York pg0095a.txt 131b 18 Gardiner Frank 2 New York pg0127a.txt 9A 12 Gardiner Harmon 49 New York pg0007a.txt 300a 2 Gardiner Hattie A. 6 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 301b 39 Gardiner Isaac 50 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 97b 5 Gardiner Jane 33 New York pg0095a.txt 97b 6 Gardiner Jannie 13 New York pg0095a.txt 163a 11 Gardiner John 32 New York pg0157a.txt 131b 19 Gardiner Kate 9/12 New York pg0127a.txt 97b 8 Gardiner Louis 4 New York pg0095a.txt 73B 25 Gardiner Mary 28 Ireland pg0071a.txt 300a 1 Gardiner Mary 13 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 9A 13 Gardiner Mary L 28 New York pg0007a.txt 305b 35 Gardiner Mattie 16 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 139b 29 Gardiner Robert 30 New York pg0139a.txt 139b 30 Gardiner Sarah E 28 New York pg0139a.txt 9A 15 Gardiner Sidney 12 New York pg0007a.txt 131b 16 Gardiner Thomas 45 New York pg0127a.txt 9A 14 Gardiner Warner 13 New York pg0007a.txt 74B 25 Gardiner William 22 New York pg0071a.txt 9A 16 Gardiner William 1/12 New York pg0007a.txt 252b 29 Gardner Catherine 64 Ireland pg0251a.txt 410b 2 Gardner Estie 47 NY pg0407a.txt 262b 39 Gardner Isaac 30 New York pg0262b.txt 252b 28 Gardner Patrick 61 Ireland pg0251a.txt 410b 1 Gardner Wm 48 England pg0407a.txt 143a 25 Garey Elisha W 67 New York pg0139a.txt 68A 8 Garley Mary 40 Ireland pg0065a.txt 68A 7 Garley Timothy 40 Ireland pg0065a.txt 304a 28 Garlin Francis 21 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 304a 29 Garlin Willard 19 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 2A 37 Garlock C. H. 52 Connecticut pg0001a.txt 2A 38 Garlock Ruth P. 49 New York pg0001a.txt 296a 8 Garmon Margarett 60 Ireland pg0292a.txt 296a 7 Garmon Pat. 63 Ireland pg0292a.txt 38A 1 Garner Jeremiah 3 Ireland pg0037a.txt 71B 16 Garner John 7 New York pg0071a.txt 71B 11 Garner John 55 Ireland pg0071a.txt 71B 13 Garner John 25 Ireland pg0071a.txt 71B 18 Garner Kate 2 New York pg0071a.txt 71B 17 Garner Maggie 5 New York pg0071a.txt 71B 15 Garner Margaret 25 Ireland pg0071a.txt 37B 40 Garner Margaret 12 Ireland pg0037a.txt 71B 12 Garner Mary 50 Ireland pg0071a.txt 71B 14 Garner Michael 30 Ireland pg0071a.txt 37B 37 Garner Nora 35 Ireland pg0037a.txt 37B 39 Garner Samuel 14 Ireland pg0037a.txt 37B 38 Garner Thomas 19 Ireland pg0037a.txt 74A 9 Garney James 18 Ireland pg0071a.txt 382b 29 Garrett Andrew 7 New York pg0381a.txt 382b 28 Garrett Eliza 25 New York pg0381a.txt 382b 27 Garrett Stephen 32 New York pg0381a.txt 327a 39 Garrety Frank 26 Ireland pg0325a.txt 327a 40 Garrety Louisa 24 Conn. pg0325a.txt 17A 5 Garrigan Carrie 3 New York pg0013a.txt 17A 3 Garrigan Catharine 27 Ireland pg0013a.txt 17A 6 Garrigan James 1/12 New York pg0013a.txt 17A 4 Garrigan Mary 9 Ireland pg0013a.txt 17A 2 Garrigan Michael 29 Ireland pg0013a.txt 39A 24 Garrison Catherine 5/12 New York pg0037a.txt 39A 23 Garrison Hattie 2 New York pg0037a.txt 39A 21 Garrison John W 29 New York pg0037a.txt 39A 22 Garrison Lizzie 25 New York pg0037a.txt 172a 24 Garritt Albert 45 New York pg0172a.txt 172a 28 Garritt Howard 3 New York pg0172a.txt 172a 27 Garritt Ida 13 New York pg0172a.txt 172a 25 Garritt Mary A 32 New York pg0172a.txt 172a 26 Garritt Polly 81 New York pg0172a.txt 374a 34 Garry Charles 42 NY pg0370a.txt 374a 35 Garry Mary L 36 NY pg0370a.txt 43A 38 Gascon Richard 29 New York pg0043a.txt 43A 39 Gascon Sarah 29 England pg0043a.txt 413a 21 Gasken Delia 4 Virginia pg0413a.txt 413a 18 Gasken Eliza 19 Virginia pg0413a.txt 413a 20 Gasken Emma 6 Virginia pg0413a.txt 413a 17 Gasken Mary 45 Virginia pg0413a.txt 413a 22 Gasken Mary 4/12 NY pg0413a.txt 413a 19 Gasken Philip 12 Virginia pg0413a.txt 413a 16 Gasken Richard 45 Virginia pg0413a.txt 414b 40 Gaskin Rosa 17 Virginia pg0413a.txt 420a 8 Gaslin J**. 18 NY pg0419a.txt 420a 7 Gaslin James 19 NY pg0419a.txt 420a 10 Gaslin Margaret 9 NY pg0419a.txt 420a 6 Gaslin Mary 47 Ireland pg0419a.txt 420a 9 Gaslin Thomas 13 NY pg0419a.txt 337a 39 Gaston Ann 72 Mass pg0336a.txt 60B 36 Gaston Anna 21 New York pg0059a.txt 339b 39 Gaston Emma 23 Wisconsin pg0336a.txt 60B 35 Gaston Harriet 42 New York pg0059a.txt 339b 37 Gaston Horace 49 N.Y pg0336a.txt 60B 34 Gaston Ira 43 New York pg0059a.txt 60B 37 Gaston Martha 17 New York pg0059a.txt 339b 38 Gaston Mary 44 N.Y pg0336a.txt 337a 37 Gaston Oren 57 N.Y pg0336a.txt 337a 38 Gaston Sally 57 N.Y pg0336a.txt 60B 38 Gaston Wallace 15 New York pg0059a.txt 29A 33 Gates Charles 10/12 New York pg0025a.txt 154b 18 Gates Darinda 80 New York pg0151a.txt 29A 31 Gates Eliza 22 Germany pg0025a.txt 29A 32 Gates William 3 New York pg0025a.txt 29A 30 Gates William 23 Canada pg0025a.txt 163a 7 Gates Zenas A 27 New York pg0157a.txt 315b 35 Gault Alexander 42 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 315b 37 Gault Charles 7/12 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 278a 17 Gault Charles 36 New York pg0275a.txt 288b 1 Gault Charles 12 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 297b 29 Gault Clifford 18 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 297b 28 Gault Dorcas 48 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 288a 39 Gault Eliza 42 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 288b 4 Gault Frances 4 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 252a 8 Gault Genett 26 New York pg0251a.txt 288a 40 Gault Hannah 14 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 288b 3 Gault James 8 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 278a 18 Gault Jane 37 New York pg0275a.txt 288b 2 Gault John 10 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 297b 27 Gault Joseph 49 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 252a 6 Gault O K 54 New York pg0251a.txt 288a 38 Gault Peter 52 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 315b 36 Gault Phebe 36 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 252a 7 Gault Sarah 50 New York pg0251a.txt 410a 5 Gavelin Geo 25 England pg0407a.txt 413b 27 Gaven Be**** 50 NY pg0413a.txt 588b 21 Gaven Eliza 30 Ireland pg0584a.txt 588b 22 Gaven Henry 7 NY pg0584a.txt 588b 23 Gaven Margaret 6 NY pg0584a.txt 22B 38 Gaven Margaret 50 Ireland pg0019a.txt 413b 26 Gaven Sam'l 51 Penn pg0413a.txt 588b 24 Gaven William 8/12 NY pg0584a.txt 588b 20 Gaven William 31 Ireland pg0584a.txt 175b 15 Gavigan Frank 16 New York pg0172a.txt 175b 14 Gavigan Hugh 18 New York pg0172a.txt 175b 12 Gavigan Mary 40 Ireland pg0172a.txt 175b 13 Gavigan Mary 20 New York pg0172a.txt 175b 11 Gavigan Owen 45 Ireland pg0172a.txt 429a 18 Gay Dan'l 5 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 19 Gay Isabel 3 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 14 Gay James 12 NY pg0425a.txt 162b 34 Gay James W 31 New York pg0157a.txt 429a 10 Gay John 48 Ireland pg0425a.txt 429a 12 Gay John 20 Ireland pg0425a.txt 429a 15 Gay Kate 11 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 20 Gay Margaret 1 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 17 Gay Mary 8 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 11 Gay Mary 38 Ireland pg0425a.txt 429a 13 Gay Pat. 14 NY pg0425a.txt 429a 16 Gay Wm. 10 NY pg0425a.txt 6A 22 Gaylor Mary 36 New York pg0001a.txt 208a 35 Gaylord Arthur 35 New York pg0204a.txt 117b 40 Gaylord Caroline 47 New York pg0113a.txt 11A 18 Gaylord Charles 30 New York pg0007a.txt 208a 36 Gaylord Eleanor 30 New York pg0204a.txt 117b 39 Gaylord John 60 New York pg0113a.txt 11A 20 Gaylord Lucy 1/12 New York pg0007a.txt 11A 19 Gaylord Mary 25 New York pg0007a.txt 157a 29 Gaynes John 33 Ireland pg0157a.txt 187a 27 Gaynor Ann 40 Ireland pg0184a.txt 57A 14 Gaynor Bridget 24 Ireland pg0053a.txt 57A 13 Gaynor Dennis 28 Ireland pg0053a.txt 187a 28 Gaynor Edward 7 New York pg0184a.txt 62B 31 Gaynor James 9 New York pg0059a.txt 62B 29 Gaynor John 45 Ireland pg0059a.txt 62B 33 Gaynor Josephine 5 New York pg0059a.txt 57A 15 Gaynor Lawrence 8/12 New York pg0053a.txt 62B 32 Gaynor Lawrence 7 New York pg0059a.txt 187a 29 Gaynor Lucy 12 New York pg0184a.txt 57A 16 Gaynor Margaret 70 Ireland pg0053a.txt 62B 30 Gaynor Mary 42 Ireland pg0059a.txt 14B 19 Ge**** Emma 1* New York pg0013a.txt 35B 17 Ge**e* Anna 31 Reisenberg Ger pg0031a.txt 35B 20 Ge**e* Annie 3 New York pg0031a.txt 35B 19 Ge**e* Henry 5 New York pg0031a.txt 35B 16 Ge**e* Julius 32 Reisenberg Ger pg0031a.txt 35B 18 Ge**e* Julius Jr 7 Reisenberg Ger pg0031a.txt 35B 21 Ge**e* Minnie 1/12 New York pg0031a.txt 163a 17 Geary Patrick 19 New York pg0157a.txt 47A 19 Geer E. Roman** 12 New York pg0047a.txt 581b 18 Geer Francis 25 NY pg0578a.txt 581b 16 Geer Henry 48 NY pg0578a.txt 581b 17 Geer Jane 47 NY pg0578a.txt 118a 7 Geer Jane 30 New York pg0113a.txt 47A 17 Geer John W. 39 Connecticut pg0047a.txt 581b 20 Geer Mary 19 NY pg0578a.txt 341a 5 Geer Mary 18 N.Y pg0336a.txt 47A 18 Geer Mary L 38 New York pg0047a.txt 581b 21 Geer Sarah 16 NY pg0578a.txt 581b 19 Geer William 23 NY pg0578a.txt 123b 29 Genung Sarah 74 New York pg0119a.txt 111a 5 George Charles 40 New York pg0107a.txt 111a 8 George Charles Jr 18 New York pg0107a.txt 243a 15 George Halstead 19 New York pg0238a.txt 111a 6 George Hattie 37 New York pg0107a.txt 111a 7 George Norris 20 New York pg0107a.txt 191b 9 Gerald Canfield 65 New York pg0190a.txt 191b 10 Gerald Theresa 60 New York pg0190a.txt 162b 38 Gerard Eugene 45 France pg0157a.txt 584b 17 Gerbeck Elizabeth 18 NY pg0584a.txt 584b 16 Gerbeck James 25 NY pg0584a.txt 37A 2 Gerdher Jacob 26 Saxony Ger pg0037a.txt 95b 23 Gere Edson 40 New York pg0095a.txt 95b 25 Gere Henry 17 New York pg0095a.txt 95b 26 Gere James 14 New York pg0095a.txt 95b 24 Gere Samantha 42 New York pg0095a.txt 76B 31 Gerherty Alice 21 Ireland pg0071a.txt 344a 35 Gernett Geo. 27 Prussa pg0342b.txt 338a 22 Gernett John 35 Prussia pg0336a.txt 583b 14 Gharity Edward 23 Ireland pg0578a.txt 341a 14 Gherety Catherine 28 Ireland pg0336a.txt 341a 15 Gherety Edwin 3 N.Y pg0336a.txt 341a 16 Gherety James 1 N.Y pg0336a.txt 341a 13 Gherety Richard 30 Ireland pg0336a.txt 251b 19 Gibb Benjamin 31 New York pg0251a.txt 251b 20 Gibb Betsey 26 New York pg0251a.txt 251b 21 Gibb Fred 2 New York pg0251a.txt 261a 37 Gibb Hannah 56 New York pg0257a.txt 52B 10 Gibb Jane 7 New York pg0047a.txt 52B 8 Gibb Jane 55 New York pg0047a.txt 261a 36 Gibb John 61 Scottland pg0257a.txt 52B 7 Gibb Noah 60 New York pg0047a.txt 52B 9 Gibb Richard 13 New York pg0047a.txt 120b 15 Gibbard Christopher 38 England pg0119a.txt 120b 17 Gibbard Ida 10 New York pg0119a.txt 120b 16 Gibbard Zoritta 36 New York pg0119a.txt 153b 40 Gibben Agnes 8/12 New York pg0151a.txt 153b 38 Gibben Anna 8 New York pg0151a.txt 153b 39 Gibben Bernard 3 New York pg0151a.txt 153b 36 Gibben Catherine 35 Ireland pg0151a.txt 153b 37 Gibben Patrick 10 New York pg0151a.txt 153b 35 Gibben Thomas 35 Ireland pg0151a.txt 37A 10 Gibbhardt Anna 23 Germany pg0037a.txt 37A 9 Gibbhardt Lewis 26 Germany pg0037a.txt 115b 37 Gibbons Mary 45 Ireland pg0113a.txt 115b 39 Gibbons Mary 17 New York pg0113a.txt 115b 38 Gibbons William 23 New York pg0113a.txt 191b 2 Gibbs Amelia 24 England pg0190a.txt 14A 36 Gibbs Angeline 55 New York pg0013a.txt 321b 26 Gibbs Carrie 13 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 14A 38 Gibbs Charles M 20 New York pg0013a.txt 307b 5 Gibbs Charles W. 15 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 191b 3 Gibbs E*hetta 4 New York pg0190a.txt 307b 3 Gibbs Elias 48 England pg0304a.txt 14A 40 Gibbs Ellen 27 Scotland pg0013a.txt 14A 39 Gibbs Frances M 37 New York pg0013a.txt 301a 14 Gibbs George 17 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 14A 37 Gibbs George E. 30 New York pg0013a.txt 321b 27 Gibbs Harold 11 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 375b 1 Gibbs Issabelle T 9 NY pg0370a.txt 321b 24 Gibbs Joseph 45 England pg0319a.txt 321b 29 Gibbs Josephine 9/12 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 375a 40 Gibbs Martha 59 Mass pg0370a.txt 191b 1 Gibbs Mathew 30 England pg0190a.txt 321b 25 Gibbs Nancy I. 35 England pg0319a.txt 191b 4 Gibbs Philon 2 New York pg0190a.txt 375a 39 Gibbs Rowland 59 Mass pg0370a.txt 307b 4 Gibbs Sarah F 39 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 321b 28 Gibbs Serena 9 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 14B 2 Gibbs Thomas A 3 New York pg0013a.txt 375b 2 Gibbs Welth** 82 Mass pg0370a.txt 14A 35 Gibbs William F 62 England pg0013a.txt 14B 1 Gibbs William F 5 Pennsylvania pg0013a.txt 113a 24 Gibson Frank 17 New York pg0113a.txt 162b 30 Gibson James 21 New York pg0157a.txt 162b 29 Gibson John 31 New York pg0157a.txt 220b 19 Gibson Phebe 31 N York pg0216a.txt 142b 19 Gibson Thomas 30 Canada pg0139a.txt 220b 20 Gibson William 4 N York pg0216a.txt 220b 18 Gibson William 38 Ireland pg0216a.txt 118b 14 Giddy John 22 Canada pg0113a.txt 332b 29 Giffey Michael 30 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 66B 8 Giffin Jane 54 Vermont pg0065a.txt 66B 10 Giffin John 11 New York pg0065a.txt 66B 9 Giffin Louisa 30 New York pg0065a.txt 66B 7 Giffin William 55 New York pg0065a.txt 421b 23 Gifford Abner 50 NY pg0419a.txt 429b 21 Gifford Addie 8 NY pg0425a.txt 423a 12 Gifford Amanda 33 NY pg0419a.txt 423a 15 Gifford Anna 9 NY pg0419a.txt 425a 11 Gifford Anna 39 NY pg0425a.txt 410a 24 Gifford Anna 27 NY pg0407a.txt 429b 26 Gifford B 26 NY pg0425a.txt 423a 11 Gifford Cha's 34 NY pg0419a.txt 421b 25 Gifford Charles 7 NY pg0419a.txt 429b 36 Gifford Charles 16 NY pg0425a.txt 425a 13 Gifford Chas' 2 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 19 Gifford Coral 13 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 31 Gifford Dan'l 73 NY pg0425a.txt 403a 15 Gifford Darius 28 NY pg0399a.txt 421b 26 Gifford David 6 NY pg0419a.txt 114b 16 Gifford Eliza 37 New York pg0113a.txt 423b 8 Gifford Elizabeth 2 NY pg0419a.txt 402a 24 Gifford Ellen A 24 NY pg0399a.txt 429b 20 Gifford Emma 11 NY pg0425a.txt 402a 25 Gifford Fernando 5 NY pg0399a.txt 418a 26 Gifford Francis 6/12 NY pg0413a.txt 425a 10 Gifford Gardiner 44 NY pg0425a.txt 428b 1 Gifford Geo. 31 NY pg0425a.txt 114b 15 Gifford George 35 New York pg0113a.txt 402a 23 Gifford George 31 NY pg0399a.txt 403a 14 Gifford Harriet 54 NY pg0399a.txt 428b 4 Gifford Henry 4 NY pg0425a.txt 418a 24 Gifford Henry 26 NY pg0413a.txt 423a 14 Gifford Ida 10 NY pg0419a.txt 387b 11 Gifford J 62 NY pg0387a.txt 429b 17 Gifford Jackson 39 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 33 Gifford James 35 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 29 Gifford James 2 NY pg0425a.txt 114b 17 Gifford John 19 New York pg0113a.txt 429b 22 Gifford Lillian 3 NY pg0425a.txt 418a 25 Gifford Margaret 23 NY pg0413a.txt 425a 12 Gifford Mary 9 NY pg0425a.txt 421b 24 Gifford Mary 30 England pg0419a.txt 423a 13 Gifford Mary 12 NY pg0419a.txt 429b 23 Gifford Millie 3 NY pg0425a.txt 418a 28 Gifford Phebe 18 NY pg0413a.txt 429b 28 Gifford Rachel 6 NY pg0425a.txt 403a 13 Gifford Reuben 59 NY pg0399a.txt 410a 23 Gifford Salia 53 NY pg0407a.txt 410a 22 Gifford Sanford 58 NY pg0407a.txt 429b 32 Gifford Sara 73 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 34 Gifford Sara 30 NY pg0425a.txt 423a 17 Gifford Sara 3 NY pg0419a.txt 423b 7 Gifford Sara 26 NY pg0419a.txt 429b 27 Gifford Sara 24 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 35 Gifford Sara 23 NY pg0425a.txt 419a 5 Gifford Simon 21 NY pg0419a.txt 428b 2 Gifford Sophia 36 NY pg0425a.txt 429b 18 Gifford Susan 35 NY pg0425a.txt 423a 18 Gifford Susan 2/12 NY pg0419a.txt 428b 5 Gifford Tabitha 67 NY pg0425a.txt 421b 27 Gifford Viola 4 NY pg0419a.txt 428b 3 Gifford Virginia 7 NY pg0425a.txt 423b 6 Gifford W. 29 NY pg0419a.txt 418a 27 Gifford Wm 9 NY pg0413a.txt 423a 16 Gifford Wm 6 NY pg0419a.txt 140b 8 Gilbert Abigail 36 New York pg0139a.txt 136b 34 Gilbert Adelia 27 New York pg0133a.txt 136b 33 Gilbert Albert * 40 New York pg0133a.txt 140b 9 Gilbert Amanda 30 New York pg0139a.txt 294b 18 Gilbert Anise 20 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 394b 32 Gilbert Anna 85 NY pg0393a.txt 136b 37 Gilbert Arthur 3 New York pg0133a.txt 294b 24 Gilbert Atalona 82 Conn pg0292a.txt 128b 32 Gilbert Charles 25 New York pg0127a.txt 294b 20 Gilbert Charles 17 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 79B 40 Gilbert Clara 9 New York pg0077a.txt 56A 32 Gilbert Cornelia 28 New York pg0053a.txt 294b 25 Gilbert Cyrus 5 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 339a 33 Gilbert Ebnr 60 N.Y pg0336a.txt 140b 6 Gilbert Edgar 28 New York pg0139a.txt 56A 31 Gilbert Edwin 30 New York pg0053a.txt 61A 27 Gilbert Electra 53 New York pg0059a.txt 294b 22 Gilbert Eliza 12 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 298b 28 Gilbert Elsie 19 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 80A 1 Gilbert Emma 9 New York pg0077a.txt 140b 5 Gilbert Ezekiel 60 New York pg0139a.txt 260a 24 Gilbert Frank 19 New York pg0257a.txt 136b 36 Gilbert Grace 5 New York pg0133a.txt 128b 34 Gilbert Hattie 3 New York pg0127a.txt 79B 37 Gilbert Horace 45 New York pg0077a.txt 294a 8 Gilbert Ida 15 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 136b 35 Gilbert Ida M 7 New York pg0133a.txt 339a 34 Gilbert Jane 5* N.Y pg0336a.txt 79B 38 Gilbert Jane 42 New York pg0077a.txt 208a 4 Gilbert John 48 Ohio pg0204a.txt 294b 23 Gilbert Lewis 10 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 128b 33 Gilbert Libbie 26 New York pg0127a.txt 208a 5 Gilbert Maria 37 New York pg0204a.txt 339a 35 Gilbert Marion 27 N.Y pg0336a.txt 294b 17 Gilbert Martha 44 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 61A 28 Gilbert Mary 26 New York pg0059a.txt 294b 16 Gilbert Moses 52 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 298b 27 Gilbert Robert 23 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 294b 19 Gilbert Rose 19 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 140b 7 Gilbert Sarah 42 New York pg0139a.txt 79B 39 Gilbert Sarah 24 New York pg0077a.txt 61A 26 Gilbert William 55 New York pg0059a.txt 294b 21 Gilbert Willis 14 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 214b 20 Gilbert Zilpha 68 Connecticut pg0210a.txt 373b 31 Gilbertson Margaret 26 NY pg0370a.txt 162b 36 Gilbrath Wm 35 New York pg0157a.txt 70A 26 Gilder*l**** James 23 New York pg0065a.txt 70A 28 Gilder*l**** James Jr 5 New York pg0065a.txt 70A 27 Gilder*l**** Mary 22 New York pg0065a.txt 70A 29 Gilder*l**** Minnie 3 New York pg0065a.txt 70A 30 Gilder*l**** Theodore 23 New York pg0065a.txt 255a 18 Gildersleeve Catherine 67 Conneticutte pg0251a.txt 255a 16 Gildersleeve Charles 10 New York pg0251a.txt 344a 11 Gildersleeve Eliza 42 N.Y pg0342b.txt 255a 15 Gildersleeve Francis 33 New York pg0251a.txt 344a 13 Gildersleeve Frank 1 N.Y pg0342b.txt 280b 31 Gildersleeve George 5 New York pg0275a.txt 344a 10 Gildersleeve John 46 N.Y pg0342b.txt 280b 30 Gildersleeve Josephine 27 New York pg0275a.txt 344a 12 Gildersleeve Mina 9 N.Y pg0342b.txt 255a 17 Gildersleeve Neddie 7 New York pg0251a.txt 280b 29 Gildersleeve Oliver 28 New York pg0275a.txt 255a 14 Gildersleeve S B 42 New York pg0251a.txt 244b 22 Gildersleeve Sarah 44 New York pg0244a.txt 412b 35 Giles Amelia 26 NY pg0407a.txt 412b 33 Giles Amos 53 NY pg0407a.txt 254a 15 Giles C. *. 45 New York pg0251a.txt 254a 17 Giles Charles 11 New York pg0251a.txt 412b 34 Giles Elizabeth 56 NY pg0407a.txt 412b 36 Giles Florena 24 NY pg0407a.txt 254a 16 Giles Mary 13 New York pg0251a.txt 210a 30 Gilfus Carrie 9 New York pg0210a.txt 210a 31 Gilfus Cora 4 New York pg0210a.txt 210a 26 Gilfus Eliza 27 New York pg0210a.txt 210a 28 Gilfus Frances 2 New York pg0210a.txt 210a 25 Gilfus George 30 New York pg0210a.txt 59B 6 Gilfus Georgia 18 New York pg0059a.txt 210a 27 Gilfus Martha 6 New York pg0210a.txt 210a 29 Gilfus Rosa 4/12 New York pg0210a.txt 59B 5 Gilfus William 22 New York pg0059a.txt 103a 22 Gill Alfred 26 England pg0101a.txt 97a 30 Gill Alfred 25 New York pg0095a.txt 252b 5 Gill James 34 Vermont pg0251a.txt 319a 30 Gillaly Charles 13 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 327a 37 Gillaly Frank 12 N.Y. pg0325a.txt 319a 28 Gillaly James 54 Ireland pg0319a.txt 319a 33 Gillaly James 5 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 327a 35 Gillaly James 42 Ireland pg0325a.txt 327a 38 Gillaly Jane A 5 N.Y. pg0325a.txt 319a 29 Gillaly Mary 42 Ireland pg0319a.txt 327a 36 Gillaly Mary 32 Ireland pg0325a.txt 319a 31 Gillaly Mary J 10 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319a 32 Gillaly Sarah A 7 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 82B 30 Gillam Charles 22 New York pg0077a.txt 82B 29 Gillam Dulcie 60 New York pg0077a.txt 82B 28 Gillam Henry 60 New York pg0077a.txt 56A 21 Gillam Mary 32 New York pg0053a.txt 177a 23 Gillam Mary J. 45 New York pg0172a.txt 56A 20 Gillam Orman 34 New York pg0053a.txt 177a 22 Gillam Sheldon 55 New York pg0172a.txt 141a 28 Gillem James 18 New York pg0139a.txt 141a 27 Gillem John 22 Ireland pg0139a.txt 141a 25 Gillem Julia 50 Ireland pg0139a.txt 141a 29 Gillem Julia 13 New York pg0139a.txt 141a 26 Gillem Margaret 24 Ireland pg0139a.txt 174b 37 Gillem Mary 19 New York pg0172a.txt 195a 19 Gillenn Robert 25 England pg0192a.txt 393a 1 Gillet Carrie 2 NY pg0393a.txt 87B 6 Gillet Clara 66 New York pg0083a.txt 132a 28 Gillet Daniel 56 New York pg0127a.txt 132a 30 Gillet David * 15 New York pg0127a.txt 222b 32 Gillet Edward 8 N York pg0222a.txt 222b 33 Gillet Elizabeth 4 N York pg0222a.txt 392b 40 Gillet George 8 NY pg0387a.txt 222b 30 Gillet Isaac 32 N York pg0222a.txt 392b 35 Gillet John B. 19 NY pg0387a.txt 392b 39 Gillet Lewis 11 NY pg0387a.txt 222b 31 Gillet Mary 33 Scotland pg0222a.txt 392b 36 Gillet Mary 17 NY pg0387a.txt 392b 37 Gillet Melvina 15 NY pg0387a.txt 222b 34 Gillet Robert 7/12 N York pg0222a.txt 132a 29 Gillet Sallie A 54 New York pg0127a.txt 392b 34 Gillet Sarah J 43 NY pg0387a.txt 392b 33 Gillet William 45 NY pg0387a.txt 392b 38 Gillet Willis 13 NY pg0387a.txt 153b 7 Gillett Berta 2 New York pg0151a.txt 305a 32 Gillett Carrie 6 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 305a 31 Gillett Charles 8 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 308a 12 Gillett Francis 18 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 305a 29 Gillett George 34 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 305a 34 Gillett Hattie 3/12 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 153b 6 Gillett John H 23 Ireland pg0151a.txt 305a 33 Gillett Minnie 2 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 305a 30 Gillett Sarah 29 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 162b 40 Gilligan John 26 New York pg0157a.txt 571a 30 Gilligen Daniel 43 Ireland pg0566a.txt 571a 31 Gilligen Margaret 42 Ireland pg0566a.txt 12B 1 Gillispie Elizabeth 55 Scotland pg0007a.txt 137b 12 Gillispie Elta J 10 New York pg0133a.txt 137b 10 Gillispie Ernest A 17 New York pg0133a.txt 137b 11 Gillispie Ettna A 16 New York pg0133a.txt 12B 3 Gillispie Isabella 24 Scotland pg0007a.txt 137b 8 Gillispie James K 43 New York pg0133a.txt 137b 9 Gillispie Lucy A 40 New York pg0133a.txt 137b 13 Gillispie Sarah L 3 New York pg0133a.txt 12A 40 Gillispie William 7* Ireland pg0007a.txt 12B 2 Gillispie William *. ** Scotland pg0007a.txt 350a 29 Gillmer Geo 25 N.Y pg0349a.txt 350a 30 Gillmer Julie 21 N.Y pg0349a.txt 350a 31 Gillmer Wm 2 N.Y pg0349a.txt 144a 25 Gillogly Bridget 11 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 26 Gillogly James 10 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 30 Gillogly Joseph 2 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 28 Gillogly Maggie 7 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 27 Gillogly May A 8 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 29 Gillogly Michael 5 New York pg0139a.txt 144a 23 Gillogly Terrance 53 Ireland pg0139a.txt 144a 24 Gillogly Thomas 13 New York pg0139a.txt 121a 30 Gillott Charles 20 New York pg0119a.txt 128b 31 Gillott Mary 31 New York pg0127a.txt 11A 24 Gillsepie Etta 10 New York pg0007a.txt 11A 22 Gillsepie Mary 30 Ireland pg0007a.txt 11A 23 Gillsepie William 8 New York pg0007a.txt 581a 20 Gilmore Betsey 26 NY pg0578a.txt 340b 15 Gilmore Caroline 22 N.Y pg0336a.txt 325a 14 Gilmore Dwight 35 Vermont pg0325a.txt 581a 21 Gilmore Frances 3/12 NY pg0578a.txt 325a 13 Gilmore Harriet 44 Vermont pg0325a.txt 581a 22 Gilmore John 16 NY pg0578a.txt 325a 12 Gilmore Levi 50 Vermont pg0325a.txt 340b 14 Gilmore Mariette 27 N.Y pg0336a.txt 581a 19 Gilmore Nelson 21 NY pg0578a.txt 340b 13 Gilmore Sam'l 66 N.Y pg0336a.txt 90b 25 Gilston Eliza 33 Ireland pg0089a.txt 90b 27 Gilston James 2 New York pg0089a.txt 90b 24 Gilston Samuel 40 Ireland pg0089a.txt 90b 26 Gilston William 5 New York pg0089a.txt 386a 13 Gilt Anna 10/12 NY pg0381a.txt 386a 11 Gilt Dora 37 Mecklingurg Germany pg0381a.txt 386a 10 Gilt Frederick 36 Mecklingurg Germany pg0381a.txt 386a 12 Gilt Henry 9 NY pg0381a.txt 87A 6 Giltraas John 25 Ireland pg0083a.txt 34A 5 Girven Joseph 24 New York pg0031a.txt 34A 7 Girven Josephine 2 New York pg0031a.txt 34A 6 Girven Mary 22 New York pg0031a.txt 163a 10 Gist Abner 27 New York pg0157a.txt 163a 8 Gist George 24 New York pg0157a.txt 163a 9 Gist Truman 29 New York pg0157a.txt 162b 23 Givens Levi 28 Connecticut pg0157a.txt 417b 38 Gl**** Ambrose 8 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 34 Gl**** Davis 16 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 32 Gl**** Eliza 49 England pg0413a.txt 417b 39 Gl**** J***** 4 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 31 Gl**** John 47 England pg0413a.txt 417b 35 Gl**** John 14 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 36 Gl**** Louiza 12 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 37 Gl**** Mary 10 NY pg0413a.txt 417b 33 Gl**** Sara 20 England pg0413a.txt 143a 5 Glaas John 30 Prussia pg0139a.txt 240a 12 Glancy Catharine 12 New York pg0238a.txt 240a 15 Glancy Eliza 3 New York pg0238a.txt 240a 13 Glancy Mary A 8 New York pg0238a.txt 240a 11 Glancy Mary A 38 Ireland pg0238a.txt 240a 14 Glancy Sarah 5 New York pg0238a.txt 240a 10 Glancy Wm 36 Ireland pg0238a.txt 240a 16 Glancy Wm 1 New York pg0238a.txt 239a 31 Glascom Fred 24 Wurtemberg G. pg0238a.txt 243a 8 Glassing Cha's F 2 New York pg0238a.txt 243a 9 Glassing Ferdinand 1 New York pg0238a.txt 243a 6 Glassing Jacob 31 Wertemburg G pg0238a.txt 243a 7 Glassing Sophia 26 Wertemburg G pg0238a.txt 135a 24 Glazier Anna 15 New York pg0133a.txt 135a 23 Glazier Augusta 41 Prussia pg0133a.txt 135a 22 Glazier Christian 41 Saxony pg0133a.txt 135a 25 Glazier E**** 13 Massachusetts pg0133a.txt 94a 7 Glazier Henry 46 Bavaria pg0089a.txt 135a 26 Glazier Lena 10 Massachusetts pg0133a.txt 94a 8 Glazier Louisa 26 Wirtemberg pg0089a.txt 94a 9 Glazier Matilda 2 New York pg0089a.txt 183b 33 Gleason Ann 40 Ireland pg0178a.txt 183b 34 Gleason Ann 16 New York pg0178a.txt 16B 3 Gleason Annie D 27 Ireland pg0013a.txt 172b 14 Gleason Bridget 60 Ireland pg0172a.txt 567b 35 Gleason Cata 2 NY pg0566a.txt 183b 36 Gleason Catherine 11 New York pg0178a.txt 567b 38 Gleason Cathrine 80 Ireland pg0566a.txt 16B 5 Gleason Daniel 6 Ireland pg0013a.txt 567b 31 Gleason Daniel 31 Ireland pg0566a.txt 172b 15 Gleason Dennis 18 New York pg0172a.txt 430a 32 Gleason Eliza 12 NY pg0425a.txt 567b 32 Gleason Ellen 28 Ireland pg0566a.txt 183b 37 Gleason Ester 9 New York pg0178a.txt 567b 36 Gleason George 8/12 NY pg0566a.txt 28B 23 Gleason George 21 New York pg0025a.txt 430a 30 Gleason Henry 36 Ireland pg0425a.txt 567b 37 Gleason James 90 Ireland pg0566a.txt 16B 11 Gleason James 50 Ireland pg0013a.txt 183b 32 Gleason James 40 Ireland pg0178a.txt 430a 33 Gleason James 12 NY pg0425a.txt 16B 4 Gleason Johana 8 Ireland pg0013a.txt 16B 13 Gleason Johana 1 New York pg0013a.txt 567b 34 Gleason John 5 NY pg0566a.txt 16B 2 Gleason John 40 Ireland pg0013a.txt 16B 6 Gleason John 3 Ireland pg0013a.txt 183b 38 Gleason Julia 5 New York pg0178a.txt 16B 12 Gleason Kate ** Ireland pg0013a.txt 172b 16 Gleason Maggie 13 New York pg0172a.txt 183b 35 Gleason Margaret 14 New York pg0178a.txt 430a 31 Gleason Mary 46 Ireland pg0425a.txt 183b 40 Gleason Mary 1 New York pg0178a.txt 16B 7 Gleason Mathew 7/12 New York pg0013a.txt 567b 33 Gleason Minnie 8 NY pg0566a.txt 183b 39 Gleason Patrick 7 New York pg0178a.txt 567a 3 Gleason Robert 24 Ireland pg0566a.txt 172b 13 Gleason William 67 Ireland pg0172a.txt 176b 24 Glendon Eliza 25 Ireland pg0172a.txt 1A 39 Glennon Catherine 40 Ireland pg0001a.txt 1B 1 Glennon Edward 15 New York pg0001a.txt 1B 3 Glennon Joseph J. 2 New York pg0001a.txt 1B 2 Glennon Mary Ann 13 New York pg0001a.txt 1A 38 Glennon Patrick 52 Ireland pg0001a.txt 1A 40 Glennon Sarah 17 New York pg0001a.txt 162b 24 Glock ***itz 28 Hungary pg0157a.txt 377a 40 Gloss Cinderilla 35 NY pg0376a.txt 377a 39 Gloss John W 33 O pg0376a.txt 364a 16 Glover Deloss 51 NY pg0364a.txt 364a 18 Glover Dewitt L 20 NY pg0364a.txt 364a 19 Glover Eugene 15 NY pg0364a.txt 16A 4 Glover Lorenzo D 38 New York pg0013a.txt 364a 17 Glover Lucy 46 NY pg0364a.txt 364a 20 Glover Mary 12 NY pg0364a.txt 291a 33 Goa** Thomas 19 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 134b 22 God**** Stephen 44 England pg0133a.txt 134b 23 God**** Sybil 45 England pg0133a.txt 136a 5 Goddard Edward 30 New York pg0133a.txt 178a 5 Goddard Edward 23 New York pg0178a.txt 98b 24 Goddard Frank 30 New York pg0095a.txt 178a 6 Goddard Janet 21 New York pg0178a.txt 178a 4 Goddard Margaret 45 New York pg0178a.txt 136a 6 Goddard Mary 25 New York pg0133a.txt 178a 7 Goddard Nellie 19 New York pg0178a.txt 98b 23 Goddard Otis 30 New York pg0095a.txt 178a 3 Goddard Robert C. 51 New York pg0178a.txt 59B 9 Godfrey Eliza 42 England pg0059a.txt 59B 12 Godfrey Elizabeth 10 New York pg0059a.txt 59B 10 Godfrey Frank 17 New York pg0059a.txt 59B 8 Godfrey John 47 New York pg0059a.txt 420b 7 Godfrey Sara 17 NY pg0419a.txt 59B 11 Godfrey William 13 New York pg0059a.txt 252b 6 Godfry Thomas 19 Pensylvania pg0251a.txt 269b 7 Goff Dina 64 New York pg0269a.txt 132b 34 Goff Ellen 24 Ireland pg0127a.txt 260a 7 Goff George 39 New York pg0257a.txt 260a 10 Goff George W 12 New York pg0257a.txt 260a 12 Goff Ida 7 New York pg0257a.txt 133a 3 Goff James 6/12 New York pg0133a.txt 260a 14 Goff John 11/12 New York pg0257a.txt 260a 9 Goff Kitty 15 New York pg0257a.txt 260a 11 Goff Lura 11 New York pg0257a.txt 133a 2 Goff Mary 27 Ireland pg0133a.txt 132b 35 Goff Mary 1 New York pg0127a.txt 133a 1 Goff Morris 26 Ireland pg0133a.txt 260a 8 Goff Nancy 34 New York pg0257a.txt 132b 33 Goff Patrick 24 Ireland pg0127a.txt 260a 13 Goff Sarah 3 New York pg0257a.txt 162b 32 Gold James Jr 31 Pennsylvania pg0157a.txt 571a 4 Golden Arthur 2 NY pg0566a.txt 571a 3 Golden Charles 4 NY pg0566a.txt 83A 24 Golden Frank 15 Wurtemberg pg0083a.txt 570b 40 Golden George 17 NY pg0566a.txt 570b 38 Golden Henry 54 England pg0566a.txt 571a 1 Golden Henry 14 NY pg0566a.txt 577a 38 Golden Henry 13 NY pg0572a.txt 571a 2 Golden Jennie 11 NY pg0566a.txt 163a 15 Golden Michael 20 Ireland pg0157a.txt 570b 39 Golden Permelia 35 NY pg0566a.txt 163a 16 Golden William 19 Ireland pg0157a.txt 61B 11 Golding Edward 7 Massachusetts pg0059a.txt 61B 8 Golding George 39 Massachusetts pg0059a.txt 61B 10 Golding George 12 Illinois pg0059a.txt 61B 12 Golding Gracie 2 New York pg0059a.txt 61B 9 Golding Sarah 34 Connecticut pg0059a.txt 61B 13 Golding Walter 6/12 New York pg0059a.txt 163a 14 Goldsmith Harrison 30 New York pg0157a.txt 579a 35 Gollalgher Alice 25 Ireland pg0578a.txt 4A 30 Golt Mary 70 England pg0001a.txt 4A 29 Golt Robert 74 England pg0001a.txt 295a 31 Gomore Adelaide 32 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 309b 21 Gomore Carrie M 33 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 295a 30 Gomore Daniel 32 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 309b 20 Gomore George 37 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 309b 23 Gomore George 1 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 295a 29 Gomore James 68 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 309b 22 Gomore Libbie 7 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 295a 32 Gomore Willis 2 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 11A 35 Gonzolas F Anna D 50 New York pg0007a.txt 11A 34 Gonzolas Lambert V 61 New York pg0007a.txt 324b 28 Goodell Adelbert 3 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 324b 26 Goodell Alsamand 36 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 405a 29 Goodell Ella Jane 4 NY pg0405a.txt 405a 26 Goodell Emily 47 NY pg0405a.txt 405a 25 Goodell James 51 NY pg0405a.txt 85B 11 Goodell Jennie 21 New York pg0083a.txt 324b 29 Goodell Justin 69 Vermont pg0319a.txt 324b 27 Goodell Levi J 13 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 405a 27 Goodell Nelson 18 NY pg0405a.txt 324b 25 Goodell Norman 43 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 324b 30 Goodell Olive 66 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 404b 8 Goodell Osceola 17 NY pg0399a.txt 405a 28 Goodell Oseala 16 NY pg0405a.txt 76A 7 Goodell Theresa 26 New York pg0071a.txt 396b 36 Goodfellow C. A. 22 NY pg0393a.txt 112b 4 Goodman Charles 18 New York pg0107a.txt 153a 34 Goodman Dumont 5 New York pg0151a.txt 112b 5 Goodman George 17 New York pg0107a.txt 112b 3 Goodman Julana 42 New York pg0107a.txt 223a 15 Goodman Levi 33 N York pg0222a.txt 153a 33 Goodman Phebe 20 New York pg0151a.txt 186a 28 Goodman William 29 New York pg0184a.txt 172a 29 Goodman William 23 New York pg0172a.txt 330a 33 Goodmote Eliza 61 N.Y. pg0325a.txt 330a 32 Goodmote Philip 64 N.Y. pg0325a.txt 128a 31 Goodrich Abram 87 Massachusetts pg0127a.txt 128a 34 Goodrich Abram Jr 36 New York pg0127a.txt 400a 31 Goodrich Adelbert J 19 NY pg0399a.txt 400b 3 Goodrich Affa 82 NY pg0399a.txt 344b 10 Goodrich Alice 34 N.Y pg0342b.txt 400a 32 Goodrich Alice 14 NY pg0399a.txt 344b 11 Goodrich Carrie 19 N.Y pg0342b.txt 344b 9 Goodrich Cha's 44 N.Y pg0342b.txt 218a 6 Goodrich Charles 19 N York pg0216a.txt 394b 8 Goodrich Charles 15 NY pg0393a.txt 152b 12 Goodrich Charlott 23 New York pg0151a.txt 387b 21 Goodrich Clara 78 NY pg0387a.txt 155b 24 Goodrich Clarence E 9 New York pg0151a.txt 152b 11 Goodrich Clarence O 22 Michigan pg0151a.txt 173a 36 Goodrich Dan'l C 59 New York pg0172a.txt 152b 10 Goodrich Ellen 50 New York pg0151a.txt 155b 23 Goodrich Ellen H 30 New York pg0151a.txt 173a 39 Goodrich Eugene 13 New York pg0172a.txt 152b 14 Goodrich Flora 15 New York pg0151a.txt 218a 7 Goodrich Frances 39 N York pg0216a.txt 85B 9 Goodrich Frank 62 New York pg0083a.txt 129a 10 Goodrich Hamilton 16 New York pg0127a.txt 173a 37 Goodrich Harriet 52 Vermont pg0172a.txt 128a 33 Goodrich Howard 2 New York pg0127a.txt 85B 10 Goodrich Jane 60 New York pg0083a.txt 129a 9 Goodrich Jerusha 48 New York pg0127a.txt 400a 29 Goodrich Joel 57 NY pg0399a.txt 152b 9 Goodrich Joshua C 52 New York pg0151a.txt 400a 27 Goodrich Julia A 38 NY pg0399a.txt 128a 32 Goodrich Laura *6 New York pg0127a.txt 129a 11 Goodrich Lillian 9 New York pg0127a.txt 80A 13 Goodrich Lucy 77 New York pg0077a.txt 155b 22 Goodrich Luther 35 New York pg0151a.txt 155b 25 Goodrich Mary 6 New York pg0151a.txt 152b 13 Goodrich Mary 18 New York pg0151a.txt 400a 40 Goodrich Mary 14 NY pg0399a.txt 400a 33 Goodrich Nettie 4 NY pg0399a.txt 205b 28 Goodrich Olivia 12 New York pg0204a.txt 344b 12 Goodrich Samuel 6 N.Y pg0342b.txt 400a 26 Goodrich Samuel 42 NY pg0399a.txt 400a 30 Goodrich Savilla 43 NY pg0399a.txt 173a 38 Goodrich Ursula 19 New York pg0172a.txt 152b 27 Goodrick Anna 25 New York pg0151a.txt 152b 28 Goodrick Edward 2 New York pg0151a.txt 152b 26 Goodrick James 32 New York pg0151a.txt 392a 29 Goodsell Arthur 18 NY pg0387a.txt 392a 27 Goodsell Carleton E 21 NY pg0387a.txt 134b 25 Goodsell Elizabeth 50 England pg0133a.txt 392a 26 Goodsell Emma 48 NY pg0387a.txt 388a 15 Goodsell Frank 15 NY pg0387a.txt 392a 31 Goodsell Frank 14 NY pg0387a.txt 134b 24 Goodsell George 52 England pg0133a.txt 392a 28 Goodsell George 20 NY pg0387a.txt 392a 30 Goodsell Judson 16 NY pg0387a.txt 392a 25 Goodsell Rufus 48 NY pg0387a.txt 392a 32 Goodsell William 12 NY pg0387a.txt 584b 6 Goodspead Charles 17 NY pg0584a.txt 304a 17 Goodspeed Eda 21 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 304a 16 Goodspeed Esther 50 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 162b 39 Goodspeed H. J. 19 New York pg0157a.txt 304a 15 Goodspeed W. L. 47 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 349b 20 Goodwin Archie 13 N.Y pg0349a.txt 349b 22 Goodwin Benjamin 6/12 N.Y pg0349a.txt 349b 19 Goodwin Clarence 20 N.Y pg0349a.txt 133b 15 Goodwin Daniel 65 New York pg0133a.txt 133b 16 Goodwin Eliza 58 New York pg0133a.txt 349b 18 Goodwin Elizabeth 42 N.Y pg0349a.txt 133b 17 Goodwin George 6 New York pg0133a.txt 349b 17 Goodwin James 49 N.Y pg0349a.txt 162b 33 Goodwin Thomas 41 New York pg0157a.txt 349b 21 Goodwin Willie 18 N.Y pg0349a.txt 376b 19 Goodyear Adelaid 25 NY pg0376a.txt 49A 38 Goodyear Albert 27 New York pg0047a.txt 49A 39 Goodyear Alice 17 New York pg0047a.txt 376a 7 Goodyear Asa 21 NY pg0376a.txt 361b 39 Goodyear Calista 60 NY pg0358a.txt 379a 39 Goodyear Edwin 45 NY pg0376a.txt 372b 18 Goodyear Elizabeth 52 NY pg0370a.txt 376b 20 Goodyear Ella 22 NY pg0376a.txt 377a 11 Goodyear Emeline 64 NY pg0376a.txt 378b 4 Goodyear Fanny 54 NY pg0376a.txt 376b 18 Goodyear Frances H 28 NY pg0376a.txt 379a 40 Goodyear Harriett 45 NY pg0376a.txt 376b 17 Goodyear Harrison 30 NY pg0376a.txt 378b 6 Goodyear Henry 16 NY pg0376a.txt 378b 5 Goodyear Horace 18 NY pg0376a.txt 361b 38 Goodyear Joseph 66 NY pg0358a.txt 376a 6 Goodyear Lavinia 50 Conn pg0376a.txt 376a 9 Goodyear Lilly J 14 NY pg0376a.txt 376b 13 Goodyear Lucas A 31 NY pg0376a.txt 376b 14 Goodyear Lydia 34 NY pg0376a.txt 376b 16 Goodyear Olive C 60 NY pg0376a.txt 372b 19 Goodyear Sarah A 30 NY pg0370a.txt 376a 8 Goodyear Sidney Jr 15 NY pg0376a.txt 376a 5 Goodyear Sidney S 56 NY pg0376a.txt 49A 37 Goodyear Soph*l* 45 Massachusetts pg0047a.txt 376b 15 Goodyear Tho's P 56 NY pg0376a.txt 319a 39 Goons Almena 25 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319a 40 Goons Manning 4/12 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319a 38 Goons Miles 39 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 335a 20 Gordon Ida T 16 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 204a 25 Gordon J. Ogden 24 Pennsylvania pg0204a.txt 232b 24 Gorham Amelia 33 New York pg0232a.txt 233a 24 Gorham Catharine 56 Connecticut pg0232a.txt 232b 26 Gorham Emma 7 New York pg0232a.txt 232b 27 Gorham Frank 2 New York pg0232a.txt 232b 23 Gorham Geo A 36 New York pg0232a.txt 566b 33 Gorham James 78 Penn pg0566a.txt 232b 25 Gorham Laura 13 New York pg0232a.txt 566b 34 Gorham Sarah J 41 Mass pg0566a.txt 566b 35 Gorham Susan C. 37 Mass pg0566a.txt 163a 13 Gorman Andrew 31 Ireland pg0157a.txt 354a 37 Gorman Ann J *3 England pg0352a.txt 238a 22 Gorman Catherine 42 Germany pg0238a.txt 354a 39 Gorman Charles T 8 NY pg0352a.txt 238a 23 Gorman George 11 New York pg0238a.txt 8A 24 Gorman James 45 Ireland pg0007a.txt 8A 27 Gorman James Jr 17 New York pg0007a.txt 219b 25 Gorman Julia 19 New York pg0216a.txt 8A 28 Gorman Mary 16 New York pg0007a.txt 8A 26 Gorman Michael 20 New York pg0007a.txt 219b 23 Gorman Owen 23 New York pg0216a.txt 8A 25 Gorman Rose 40 Ireland pg0007a.txt 354a 40 Gorman Sarah F 1 NY pg0352a.txt 354a 36 Gorman Thomas 41 Ireland pg0352a.txt 219b 24 Gorman Thomas 21 New York pg0216a.txt 354a 38 Gorman William J 10 NY pg0352a.txt 162b 35 Gorte* Christian 23 Germany pg0157a.txt 313a 24 Goss . 6/12 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 313a 19 Goss . 1 New York pg0313a.txt 238a 2 Goss Adeline 42 New York pg0238a.txt 73B 26 Goss Albert H 50 New Hampshire pg0071a.txt 256b 18 Goss Bridgett 20 Ireland pg0251a.txt 61A 36 Goss Charles 17 New York pg0059a.txt 238a 16 Goss Charles 10 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 4 Goss Daniel 7 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 17 Goss Edward 8 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 12 Goss Eliza 37 Ireland pg0238a.txt 73B 28 Goss Eva 16 New York pg0071a.txt 238a 6 Goss George L 1 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 1 Goss Hiram 46 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 18 Goss James 7 New York pg0238a.txt 313a 17 Goss John 40 Ireland pg0313a.txt 61A 35 Goss John 19 New York pg0059a.txt 238a 15 Goss John 12 New York pg0238a.txt 162b 26 Goss John F 34 Canada pg0157a.txt 313a 18 Goss Kate 39 Ireland pg0313a.txt 238a 21 Goss Kate 2/12 New York pg0238a.txt 61A 37 Goss Libbie 14 New York pg0059a.txt 238a 20 Goss Lizzy 2 New York pg0238a.txt 73B 27 Goss Mary 45 New York pg0071a.txt 61A 34 Goss Mary Mrs 44 New York pg0059a.txt 238a 11 Goss Michael 42 Ireland pg0238a.txt 313a 23 Goss Michael 22 Ireland pg0313a.txt 238a 13 Goss Michael 16 New York pg0238a.txt 73B 29 Goss Minnie 15 New York pg0071a.txt 238a 3 Goss Nathan 13 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 19 Goss Peter 5 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 5 Goss Re**a 3 New York pg0238a.txt 238a 14 Goss Willey 13 New York pg0238a.txt 101b 34 Gough Bridget 50 Ireland pg0101a.txt 96b 30 Gough Bridget 44 Ireland pg0095a.txt 96b 32 Gough Catherine 20 New York pg0095a.txt 96b 34 Gough Daniel 15 New York pg0095a.txt 96b 31 Gough Ellen 21 Ireland pg0095a.txt 96b 33 Gough Mary 18 New York pg0095a.txt 96b 29 Gough Michael 50 Ireland pg0095a.txt 96b 36 Gough Philip 8 New York pg0095a.txt 96b 35 Gough Thomas 14 New York pg0095a.txt 430b 36 Gould Anna 10 NY pg0425a.txt 177b 2 Gould Antinette 24 New York pg0172a.txt 419b 12 Gould August 7 NY pg0419a.txt 431a 2 Gould Benj. 66 NY pg0431a.txt 566a 9 Gould Benj. F. 26 NY pg0566a.txt 430b 33 Gould Bernice 17 NY pg0425a.txt 427a 34 Gould Charles 29 NY pg0425a.txt 192a 36 Gould Charles 24 New York pg0192a.txt 237a 17 Gould Charles 23 New York pg0232a.txt 431a 4 Gould Chas. 28 NY pg0431a.txt 566a 1 Gould D. C. 50 NY pg0566a.txt 186a 9 Gould Daniel 52 New York pg0184a.txt 56B 17 Gould Della 18 New York pg0053a.txt 78B 27 Gould Eliza 7 New York pg0077a.txt 237a 14 Gould Eliza 55 New York pg0232a.txt 430b 38 Gould Eliza 1 NY pg0425a.txt 62A 19 Gould Ella 20 New York pg0059a.txt 566a 4 Gould Ellen 19 NY pg0566a.txt 566a 10 Gould Emeline A 21 New York pg0566a.txt 566a 3 Gould Emily 21 NY pg0566a.txt 237a 18 Gould Emma 19 New York pg0232a.txt 237a 19 Gould Frank D 17 New York pg0232a.txt 419b 13 Gould Geo 5 NY pg0419a.txt 78B 25 Gould Georgiana 31 New York pg0077a.txt 566a 2 Gould Hannah 49 NY pg0566a.txt 237a 16 Gould Harriet 26 New York pg0232a.txt 419b 10 Gould Helen 15 NY pg0419a.txt 430b 34 Gould Henry 16 NY pg0425a.txt 419b 8 Gould J. M 48 NY pg0419a.txt 56B 15 Gould Jabez 60 New York pg0053a.txt 430b 37 Gould James 7 NY pg0425a.txt 566a 5 Gould James 17 NY pg0566a.txt 427a 33 Gould Jane 68 NY pg0425a.txt 566a 7 Gould Jennie 8 NY pg0566a.txt 430b 32 Gould Jenny 40 NY pg0425a.txt 419b 16 Gould Jeremiah 90 NY pg0419a.txt 427a 35 Gould Lillie 25 NY pg0425a.txt 419b 9 Gould Lorana 38 NY pg0419a.txt 419b 14 Gould Louisa 2 NY pg0419a.txt 62A 18 Gould Lucy 57 New York pg0059a.txt 78B 26 Gould Margaret 9 New York pg0077a.txt 237a 15 Gould Mariana 28 New York pg0232a.txt 430b 35 Gould Mary 13 NY pg0425a.txt 566a 6 Gould Minnie 12 NY pg0566a.txt 186a 8 Gould Se**i*a 75 New York pg0184a.txt 56B 16 Gould Susan 55 New York pg0053a.txt 430b 31 Gould Tho's 40 NY pg0425a.txt 419b 11 Gould Thomas 13 NY pg0419a.txt 232a 39 Goutchins M 27 New York pg0232a.txt 84A 21 Goverty James 18 New York pg0083a.txt 84A 23 Goverty John 9 New York pg0083a.txt 84A 22 Goverty Maria 12 New York pg0083a.txt 84A 20 Goverty Mary 40 Ireland pg0083a.txt 84A 19 Goverty Patrick 40 Ireland pg0083a.txt 141b 5 Gowers Ada 7 New York pg0139a.txt 141b 2 Gowers Elizabeth 44 New York pg0139a.txt 141a 40 Gowers Jennie 17 New York pg0139a.txt 141a 39 Gowers John 22 New York pg0139a.txt 141b 3 Gowers Laura 20 New York pg0139a.txt 141b 4 Gowers Mary 17 New York pg0139a.txt 44B 23 Gowers Robert 10 New York pg0043a.txt 141b 1 Gowers William 52 New York pg0139a.txt 201b 16 Gowkin Bridget 36 Ireland pg0198a.txt 163a 1 Goyden James 22 New York pg0157a.txt 193b 5 Gr*oner Emma 16 New York pg0192a.txt 49A 28 Gra* Mary 13 New York pg0047a.txt 5B 18 Gra**t** George 19 New York pg0001a.txt 162b 28 Grady Cha's 22 Austria pg0157a.txt 81A 28 Grady Mary 21 Ireland pg0077a.txt 373b 4 Grady Patrick 19 Ireland pg0370a.txt 148b 32 Graf Anna 5/12 New York pg0145a.txt 148b 29 Graf Barbara 31 Hessedam Stadt pg0145a.txt 148b 30 Graf Bernard 9 New York pg0145a.txt 148b 31 Graf Charles 7 New York pg0145a.txt 148b 28 Graf Christian 37 Wirtemburg pg0145a.txt 79B 15 Graham Anna 24 New York pg0077a.txt 261b 5 Graham Betsey 75 New York pg0257a.txt 8A 34 Graham Charles 20 New York pg0007a.txt 79B 27 Graham Eliza 50 New York pg0077a.txt 79B 28 Graham Ella 16 New York pg0077a.txt 261b 1 Graham George 39 New York pg0257a.txt 157b 29 Graham James 27 Ireland pg0157a.txt 180a 21 Graham James 25 Ireland pg0178a.txt 261b 3 Graham Lawrence 11 New York pg0257a.txt 79B 16 Graham Maude 3 New York pg0077a.txt 261b 2 Graham Sylvia 37 New York pg0257a.txt 79B 14 Graham Thomas 30 New York pg0077a.txt 228b 17 Grahm T Allen 21 New York pg0226a.txt 188b 34 Grancy Anna 30 Ireland pg0184a.txt 188b 35 Grancy Catherine 3 New York pg0184a.txt 188b 36 Grancy Elizabeth 1 New York pg0184a.txt 188b 33 Grancy John 26 Ireland pg0184a.txt 284b 7 Grandy Lovinia 16 New York pg0281a.txt 218a 21 Graney Ann 28 Ireland pg0216a.txt 218a 23 Graney Anna 6 Ireland pg0216a.txt 89b 35 Graney Anna 10 New York pg0089a.txt 218a 22 Graney Hugh 4 Ireland pg0216a.txt 271b 35 Graney Jera Mira 20 New York pg0269a.txt 89b 34 Graney Jerry 12 New York pg0089a.txt 271b 34 Graney Johannah 50 Ireland pg0269a.txt 271b 33 Graney John 50 Ireland pg0269a.txt 271b 36 Graney John 18 New York pg0269a.txt 89b 30 Graney Mary 43 Ireland pg0089a.txt 89b 33 Graney Mary 15 New York pg0089a.txt 271b 38 Graney Mary 11 New York pg0269a.txt 218a 20 Graney Michael 30 Ireland pg0216a.txt 89b 32 Graney Michael 16 New York pg0089a.txt 89b 31 Graney Patrick 18 New York pg0089a.txt 271b 37 Graney Patrick 14 New York pg0269a.txt 218a 24 Graney William 2 Ireland pg0216a.txt 155b 26 Granger C***** 21 New York pg0151a.txt 192a 14 Graniey Margaret 27 England pg0192a.txt 290a 15 Grant Abijah 21 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 290a 17 Grant Abram 12 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 84B 27 Grant Albert 11 New York pg0083a.txt 216b 20 Grant Ann 66 England pg0216a.txt 290a 16 Grant Ann 14 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 182b 34 Grant Bridget 50 Ireland pg0178a.txt 150a 13 Grant Carrie 2/12 New York pg0145a.txt 150a 9 Grant Charles 5 New York pg0145a.txt 102a 37 Grant Cora 13 Canada pg0101a.txt 216b 21 Grant Daniel 27 England pg0216a.txt 214a 21 Grant Edmund 63 Ireland pg0210a.txt 270b 36 Grant Edwin 6/12 New York pg0269a.txt 423b 12 Grant Eliza 26 NY pg0419a.txt 41A 22 Grant Elizabeth 22 New York pg0037a.txt 214a 22 Grant Ellen 55 New York pg0210a.txt 182b 35 Grant Ellen 29 New York pg0178a.txt 102a 35 Grant Elliott 19 New York pg0101a.txt 290a 14 Grant Emma 23 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 270b 37 Grant Erwin 6/12 New York pg0269a.txt 150a 12 Grant Fanny 2 New York pg0145a.txt 216b 19 Grant George 68 England pg0216a.txt 150a 8 Grant Georgiane 23 New York pg0145a.txt 186a 31 Grant H. 35 New York pg0184a.txt 293b 22 Grant Hannah 28 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 218b 40 Grant Hannah 24 N York pg0216a.txt 218b 39 Grant Henry 28 England pg0216a.txt 84B 24 Grant Herbert 21 New York pg0083a.txt 293b 23 Grant Herbert 2 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 293b 19 Grant Isaac 52 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 217b 13 Grant Jane 53 Ireland pg0216a.txt 84B 23 Grant Janet 51 New York pg0083a.txt 293b 20 Grant Jemima 47 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 133b 19 Grant Julia 27 New York pg0133a.txt 119b 18 Grant Julia 17 New York pg0119a.txt 84B 22 Grant Lewis 51 New York pg0083a.txt 84B 26 Grant Lewis 12 New York pg0083a.txt 102a 34 Grant Lillian 21 New York pg0101a.txt 290a 13 Grant Manora 40 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 571b 18 Grant Margaret 46 Ireland pg0566a.txt 182b 38 Grant Margaret 21 New York pg0178a.txt 133b 21 Grant Mary 4 New York pg0133a.txt 216a 40 Grant Mary 29 N York pg0216a.txt 182b 37 Grant Mary 23 New York pg0178a.txt 224b 11 Grant Mary 19 N York pg0222a.txt 571b 19 Grant Mary 12 NY pg0566a.txt 217b 15 Grant Mary J 12 N York pg0216a.txt 150a 10 Grant Minnie 4 New York pg0145a.txt 300a 23 Grant Minnie 24 N.Y. pg0298a.txt 41A 23 Grant Minnie 2 New York pg0037a.txt 150a 7 Grant Moses 31 England pg0145a.txt 270b 35 Grant Nellie 22 New York pg0269a.txt 127b 12 Grant Oscar 48 New York pg0127a.txt 41A 24 Grant Phebe 6/12 New York pg0037a.txt 217b 12 Grant Robert 60 Ireland pg0216a.txt 224b 10 Grant Robert 30 England pg0222a.txt 216a 39 Grant Robert 30 England pg0216a.txt 217b 14 Grant Robert 16 N York pg0216a.txt 102a 36 Grant Rolla 16 New York pg0101a.txt 102a 33 Grant Sarah 48 England pg0101a.txt 133b 20 Grant Sarah 14 New York pg0133a.txt 133b 18 Grant Thomas 40 England pg0133a.txt 182b 36 Grant Thomas 24 New York pg0178a.txt 150a 11 Grant Ulyses 3 New York pg0145a.txt 84B 25 Grant Viola 15 New York pg0083a.txt 293b 21 Grant William 26 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 290a 18 Grant William 19 N.Y. pg0286a.txt 409a 25 Grant Wm 20 NY pg0407a.txt 264a 6 Graves A D 55 New York pg0262b.txt 38B 14 Graves Adelbert 24 New York pg0037a.txt 200b 18 Graves Elizabeth 28 New York pg0198a.txt 428a 38 Graves Emily 52 Penn pg0425a.txt 200b 19 Graves Frank 11 New York pg0198a.txt 195a 32 Graves Jenny 17 New York pg0192a.txt 262b 37 Graves John 37 New York pg0262b.txt 332b 30 Graves John 26 Virginia pg0331a.txt 38B 15 Graves Louise 22 New York pg0037a.txt 264a 7 Graves Margrett 45 New York pg0262b.txt 18A 28 Graves Mathew 28 England pg0013a.txt 400b 10 Graves William 6 NY pg0399a.txt 428a 36 Graves Wm. 54 Penn pg0425a.txt 254a 9 Gray Ada 12 New York pg0251a.txt 21B 16 Gray Agnes 18 Scotland pg0019a.txt 580b 24 Gray Alice C 21 NY pg0578a.txt 408a 31 Gray Anna 6 NY pg0407a.txt 431b 9 Gray Anne 21 NY pg0431a.txt 580b 26 Gray Carrie 8 NY pg0578a.txt 422b 37 Gray Cha's 18 NY pg0419a.txt 350b 19 Gray Charles 50 NY pg0349a.txt 41A 6 Gray Charles 45 New York pg0037a.txt 283b 5 Gray Charles 23 New York pg0281a.txt 10B 32 Gray Clara 5 New York pg0007a.txt 361a 20 Gray Cora 2 NY pg0358a.txt 191b 27 Gray Diana 40 New York pg0190a.txt 408a 30 Gray Eddie 12 NY pg0407a.txt 361a 18 Gray Edward 25 NY pg0358a.txt 424a 9 Gray Edward 15 NY pg0419a.txt 431b 10 Gray Ellen 19 NY pg0431a.txt 570b 20 Gray Ellen 15 NY pg0566a.txt 588a 32 Gray Ellen 14 NY pg0584a.txt 361a 19 Gray Ellen L 25 NY pg0358a.txt 10B 29 Gray Ester J 42 New York pg0007a.txt 191b 26 Gray George 40 New York pg0190a.txt 283b 29 Gray George 20 New York pg0281a.txt 345b 4 Gray Georgia 20 N.Y pg0342b.txt 85A 24 Gray Harriet 26 New York pg0083a.txt 41A 8 Gray Henrietta 14 New York pg0037a.txt 85A 25 Gray Henry 3 New York pg0083a.txt 254a 8 Gray Ida 12 New York pg0251a.txt 345b 3 Gray James 22 Md pg0342b.txt 424a 11 Gray Jane 11 NY pg0419a.txt 580b 25 Gray Jennie 13 NY pg0578a.txt 293a 33 Gray Joanna 26 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 580b 23 Gray Julia A 45 NY pg0578a.txt 10B 30 Gray Juliaetta 15 New York pg0007a.txt 431b 11 Gray Kate 7 NY pg0431a.txt 424a 10 Gray Kate 13 NY pg0419a.txt 10B 28 Gray Loring O 41 New York pg0007a.txt 424a 6 Gray Margaret 60 Ireland pg0419a.txt 424a 8 Gray Margaret 19 Ireland pg0419a.txt 434b 16 Gray Marie 36 Canada pg0431a.txt 424a 5 Gray Martin 60 Ireland pg0419a.txt 408a 29 Gray Martin 19 NY pg0407a.txt 49B 24 Gray Mary 49 New York pg0047a.txt 408a 27 Gray Mary 43 Ireland pg0407a.txt 283b 31 Gray Mary 23 New York pg0281a.txt 408a 28 Gray Mary 18 NY pg0407a.txt 254a 7 Gray Mary 16 New York pg0251a.txt 254a 6 Gray Nancy 44 New York pg0251a.txt 424a 7 Gray Patrick 20 Ireland pg0419a.txt 293a 34 Gray Raymond 5 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 41A 7 Gray Sarah 49 New York pg0037a.txt 21B 15 Gray Sarah 32 Scotland pg0019a.txt 254a 5 Gray Simon P. 43 New York pg0251a.txt 408a 26 Gray Thomas 56 Ireland pg0407a.txt 114b 13 Gray Thomas 20 New York pg0113a.txt 410b 3 Gray Thomas 19 NY pg0407a.txt 10B 31 Gray Williaid 13 New York pg0007a.txt 21B 14 Gray William 35 Scotland pg0019a.txt 293a 32 Gray William 30 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 588a 33 Gray William 25 NY pg0584a.txt 580b 22 Gray William C 48 NY pg0578a.txt 434b 28 Grayson Jerome 74 NY pg0431a.txt 266a 32 Grebbins Ann 46 Ireland pg0262b.txt 266a 31 Grebbins Patrick 51 Ireland pg0262b.txt 266a 34 Grebbins Peter 9 New York pg0262b.txt 266a 33 Grebbins Thomas 13 New York pg0262b.txt 236a 5 Green Abel 22 Virginia pg0232a.txt 231a 39 Green Adelia 3 New York pg0226a.txt 50A 7 Green Alice 8 New York pg0047a.txt 398a 25 Green Allen 2 NY pg0393a.txt 240b 15 Green Ann 23 England pg0238a.txt 567b 20 Green Anna 11 NY pg0566a.txt 98b 17 Green Benjamin 50 England pg0095a.txt 211a 22 Green Briget 24 Ireland pg0210a.txt 231a 36 Green Catharine 9 Canada pg0226a.txt 194b 19 Green Catherine 23 England pg0192a.txt 207b 19 Green Charles 25 Rhode Island pg0204a.txt 163a 5 Green Charles 24 New York pg0157a.txt 194b 18 Green Charles 24 England pg0192a.txt 393b 37 Green Charles 21 NY pg0393a.txt 398a 23 Green Charles 12 NY pg0393a.txt 354a 20 Green Clara L 21 NY pg0352a.txt 364b 24 Green Clarrissa 53 NY pg0364a.txt 398a 21 Green E. M. 55 NY pg0393a.txt 34A 39 Green Eliza 55 Massachusetts pg0031a.txt 270a 10 Green Elizbeth 51 Franc pg0269a.txt 231a 37 Green Ellen 7 Canada pg0226a.txt 50A 4 Green Ellen 45 Ireland pg0047a.txt 270b 34 Green Ellen 45 New York pg0269a.txt 354a 19 Green Emily 44 NY pg0352a.txt 567b 21 Green Emma 9 NY pg0566a.txt 99b 26 Green Emma 5 New York pg0095a.txt 99b 24 Green Frank 31 New York pg0095a.txt 354a 22 Green Fred G 7 NY pg0352a.txt 163a 12 Green Frederick 28 England pg0157a.txt 34B 1 Green Frederick 12 New York pg0031a.txt 194b 20 Green Frederick 1 England pg0192a.txt 80B 5 Green George 28 New York pg0077a.txt 28B 35 Green George 21 Massachusetts pg0025a.txt 567b 22 Green George W 7 NY pg0566a.txt 208b 5 Green Henry 36 New York pg0204a.txt 118a 11 Green Henry 29 New York pg0113a.txt 123a 36 Green Henry 25 New York pg0119a.txt 7A 6 Green Henry D 37 New York pg0007a.txt 208b 4 Green Isabella 23 New York pg0204a.txt 211a 23 Green James 8/12 New York pg0210a.txt 240b 14 Green James 29 England pg0238a.txt 354a 23 Green James B Jr 4 NY pg0352a.txt 354a 18 Green James F 48 NY pg0352a.txt 231a 35 Green Jane 12 Canada pg0226a.txt 398a 24 Green Jane 10 NY pg0393a.txt 208b 3 Green Jennie 30 New York pg0204a.txt 231a 38 Green Joanna 6 Canada pg0226a.txt 231a 34 Green Joanna 40 Ireland pg0226a.txt 157b 8 Green John 45 New York pg0157a.txt 50A 5 Green John 14 New York pg0047a.txt 163a 4 Green John C 27 England pg0157a.txt 354a 8 Green Le*eta 48 NY pg0352a.txt 28B 36 Green Libbie 20 New York pg0025a.txt 207b 20 Green Lizzie 23 Rhode Island pg0204a.txt 80B 6 Green Louisa 19 New York pg0077a.txt 50A 9 Green Margaret 20 New York pg0047a.txt 34A 40 Green Marshall 16 Massachusetts pg0031a.txt 393b 38 Green Martha 12 NY pg0393a.txt 567b 23 Green Mary 82 Penn pg0566a.txt 50A 8 Green Mary 6 New York pg0047a.txt 67B 15 Green Mary 50 Ireland pg0065a.txt 75B 2 Green Mary 38 Massachusetts pg0071a.txt 7A 7 Green Mary 33 New York pg0007a.txt 99b 25 Green Mary 28 New York pg0095a.txt 98b 18 Green Mary 26 England pg0095a.txt 67B 17 Green Mary 12 New York pg0065a.txt 567b 19 Green Mary A 43 NY pg0566a.txt 398a 22 Green Mary A 34 NY pg0393a.txt 50A 6 Green Michael 9 New York pg0047a.txt 50A 3 Green Michael 45 Ireland pg0047a.txt 231a 33 Green Patrick 45 Ireland pg0226a.txt 211a 21 Green Patrick 30 Ireland pg0210a.txt 67B 18 Green Patrick 11 New York pg0065a.txt 393b 36 Green Paulina 49 NY pg0393a.txt 232b 33 Green Polly 74 New York pg0232a.txt 270b 33 Green Robert 44 New York pg0269a.txt 67B 16 Green Rosana 14 New York pg0065a.txt 364b 23 Green Samuel 69 NY pg0364a.txt 567b 18 Green Samuel W. 47 NY pg0566a.txt 390a 24 Green Simon 14 NY pg0387a.txt 393b 35 Green Smith 50 NY pg0393a.txt 354a 5 Green Susanah 78 Mass pg0352a.txt 208b 2 Green Theron 65 New York pg0204a.txt 232b 32 Green Tho's S 78 New Jersey pg0232a.txt 67B 14 Green Thomas 49 Ireland pg0065a.txt 213a 7 Green Welthy 23 New York pg0210a.txt 354a 4 Green William 84 NY pg0352a.txt 34A 38 Green William 60 Connecticut pg0031a.txt 354a 21 Green William E 19 NY pg0352a.txt 15A 13 Greene Clarisa 59 New York pg0013a.txt 15A 12 Greene Jane W 4 New York pg0013a.txt 15A 14 Greene Lucius 61 Vermont pg0013a.txt 15A 11 Greene Mary 28 New York pg0013a.txt 15A 15 Greene Olive A 15 New York pg0013a.txt 15A 10 Greene Z. H. 26 New York pg0013a.txt 116b 36 Greenfield Bell 9 New York pg0113a.txt 590b 11 Greenfield Cyrenus 30 NY pg0590a.txt 116b 34 Greenfield Edward 51 England pg0113a.txt 244b 21 Greenfield Hannah 5 New York pg0244a.txt 259b 39 Greenfield Harry 21 New York pg0257a.txt 374a 16 Greenfield James *1 NY pg0370a.txt 374a 15 Greenfield Jenette E 33 NY pg0370a.txt 259b 40 Greenfield Joehannah 20 New York pg0257a.txt 201b 39 Greenfield John 30 England pg0198a.txt 259b 38 Greenfield Julia 49 New York pg0257a.txt 244b 19 Greenfield Martha 41 New York pg0244a.txt 202a 2 Greenfield Martha 1 New York pg0198a.txt 49B 25 Greenfield Mary 79 England pg0047a.txt 201b 40 Greenfield Mary A 24 England pg0198a.txt 590b 12 Greenfield Phebe J 25 NY pg0590a.txt 202a 1 Greenfield Robert 3 New York pg0198a.txt 590b 13 Greenfield Sarah J 1 NY pg0590a.txt 116b 35 Greenfield Theod** 51 New York pg0113a.txt 374a 14 Greenfield Titus S 46 NY pg0370a.txt 244b 20 Greenfield William H 10 New York pg0244a.txt 590b 14 Greenfield Willie 6/12 NY pg0590a.txt 244b 18 Greenfield Wm 41 New York pg0244a.txt 199b 30 Greenmacy John 9 New York pg0198a.txt 199b 29 Greenmacy Rachel 49 New York pg0198a.txt 199b 31 Greenmacy Sarah 5 New York pg0198a.txt 73A 26 Greenman Guy 7 New York pg0071a.txt 73A 25 Greenman Mary 33 New York pg0071a.txt 155a 17 Greenstone **muel 3 New York pg0151a.txt 38A 31 Greenwood John 17 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 28 Greenwood Mary A 45 England pg0037a.txt 38A 29 Greenwood Mary E 23 New Jersey pg0037a.txt 38A 30 Greenwood Sarah 20 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 32 Greenwood William 16 New York pg0037a.txt 213a 20 Greeves Catharine 79 New York pg0210a.txt 375a 2 Greger Dorcus A 26 NY pg0370a.txt 375a 3 Greger Hattie 3 NY pg0370a.txt 375a 1 Greger Sherburne 33 NY pg0370a.txt 162b 25 Gregg William 23 New York pg0157a.txt 216a 6 Gregory Adam 91 Ireland pg0216a.txt 349a 20 Gregory Addie 21 N.Y pg0349a.txt 349a 21 Gregory Charles 19 N.Y pg0349a.txt 216a 7 Gregory Deborah 60 N York pg0216a.txt 349a 22 Gregory Geo 15 N.Y pg0349a.txt 38B 12 Gregory Gilbert 29 New York pg0037a.txt 349b 1 Gregory Hedrick 71 N.Y pg0349a.txt 38B 13 Gregory Josephine 24 New York pg0037a.txt 431b 21 Gregory Josie 24 NY pg0431a.txt 349a 23 Gregory Lewis 8 N.Y pg0349a.txt 349a 19 Gregory Maria 49 Conn pg0349a.txt 349b 2 Gregory Marinda 69 Conn pg0349a.txt 64B 1 Gregory Mary 55 New York pg0059a.txt 349a 18 Gregory Richard 59 N.Y pg0349a.txt 64B 2 Gregory Samuel 17 Michigan pg0059a.txt 64B 3 Gregory Susan 15 Michigan pg0059a.txt 64A 40 Gregory William 56 New York pg0059a.txt 113b 15 Gregson Frank 26 New York pg0113a.txt 425a 20 Grenell Della 14 NY pg0425a.txt 425a 19 Grenell Fred 17 NY pg0425a.txt 425a 18 Grenell Jane 40 NY pg0425a.txt 425a 17 Grenell Jerome 44 NY pg0425a.txt 202b 3 Greno David P 56 New York pg0198a.txt 202b 4 Greno Mary J 33 Connecticut pg0198a.txt 294b 34 Grey Hulbert 19 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 314a 12 Grey Leonard 15 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 191a 33 Grey Martin 41 Ireland pg0190a.txt 191a 34 Grey Mary 35 Ireland pg0190a.txt 294b 26 Grey Samuel 55 England pg0292a.txt 294b 27 Grey Sarah A 50 N.Y. pg0292a.txt 433a 30 Gri*es Julie 15 NY pg0431a.txt 100b 28 Gribben Patrick 39 Ireland pg0095a.txt 256a 33 Gribbins Anna 16 New York pg0251a.txt 206b 18 Gridley Abram 19 New York pg0204a.txt 237b 17 Gridley Addie 27 New York pg0232a.txt 237b 16 Gridley Ann 69 New York pg0232a.txt 206b 17 Gridley Catherine 43 New York pg0204a.txt 113b 21 Gridley Edwin 53 New York pg0113a.txt 213a 1 Gridley Ella 16 New York pg0210a.txt 212b 39 Gridley Henry 43 New York pg0210a.txt 206b 19 Gridley Lillian 10 New York pg0204a.txt 212b 40 Gridley Loretta 39 New York pg0210a.txt 206b 14 Gridley Sarah 77 New York pg0204a.txt 85A 23 Grief Caroline 35 Saxony Ger pg0083a.txt 9A 9 Grieggs Reliefe 74 Vermont pg0007a.txt 385b 9 Gries Clara 7 NY pg0381a.txt 385b 8 Gries Harmon 9 NY pg0381a.txt 385b 6 Gries Henry 34 Bavaria pg0381a.txt 385b 7 Gries Louisa 36 Bavaria pg0381a.txt 385b 13 Gries Margarett 66 Germany pg0381a.txt 385b 11 Gries Margarett 3 NY pg0381a.txt 385b 12 Gries Matilda 1 NY pg0381a.txt 385b 14 Gries Philip 20 Germany pg0381a.txt 385b 10 Gries William 5 NY pg0381a.txt 310b 27 Griffin Bett** 13 N.Y. pg0310a.txt 26A 29 Griffin Cor*** 45 Ireland pg0025a.txt 188b 38 Griffin Elizabeth 40 Ireland pg0184a.txt 411a 11 Griffin Elizabeth 20 NY pg0407a.txt 163a 6 Griffin Jeremiah 26 Ireland pg0157a.txt 108b 36 Griffin Johana 50 Ireland pg0107a.txt 310b 25 Griffin John 60 Ireland pg0310a.txt 116b 29 Griffin John 50 Ireland pg0113a.txt 163a 3 Griffin John 25 Ireland pg0157a.txt 188b 39 Griffin John 16 New York pg0184a.txt 116b 30 Griffin Margaret 50 Ireland pg0113a.txt 310b 26 Griffin Mary 58 Ireland pg0310a.txt 265b 28 Griffin Mary 22 New York pg0262b.txt 188b 37 Griffin Patrick 60 Ireland pg0184a.txt 188b 40 Griffin Patrick 14 New York pg0184a.txt 70B 14 Griffith Charles 48 Virginia pg0065a.txt 12A 13 Griffith Martha 48 Wales pg0007a.txt 70B 15 Griffith Mary 49 Maryland pg0065a.txt 12A 15 Griffith Thomas R. 16 New York pg0007a.txt 12A 12 Griffith William 53 Wales pg0007a.txt 12A 14 Griffith William G. 19 England pg0007a.txt 342b 2 Griffs Anna 73 N.Y pg0342b.txt 342b 1 Griffs Jonathan 68 N.Y pg0342b.txt 231b 38 Griggs Almina 46 Rhode Island pg0226a.txt 346b 7 Griggs Cornelia 54 N.Y pg0342b.txt 346b 9 Griggs Cornelia 11 N.Y pg0342b.txt 231b 40 Griggs Frances 13 New York pg0226a.txt 231b 37 Griggs Isaac B 60 New York pg0226a.txt 386b 31 Griggs John 30 NY pg0381a.txt 386b 32 Griggs Lydia 25 NY pg0381a.txt 231b 39 Griggs Lydia 16 New York pg0226a.txt 346b 8 Griggs Mary 16 N.Y pg0342b.txt 346b 6 Griggs Sam'l 53 Conn pg0342b.txt 434b 6 Grinell Charlotte 45 NY pg0431a.txt 434b 5 Grinell Wm. 51 Mass. pg0431a.txt 434b 7 Grinell Wm. J. 15 NY pg0431a.txt 229a 15 Grinnell Adeline R 41 New York pg0226a.txt 27A 8 Grinnell Alice 21 New York pg0025a.txt 27A 10 Grinnell Edgar 4/12 New York pg0025a.txt 229a 16 Grinnell Ella 15 New York pg0226a.txt 27A 9 Grinnell Rosa 10 New York pg0025a.txt 229a 14 Grinnell Thomas 42 New York pg0226a.txt 27A 7 Grinnell William 37 New York pg0025a.txt 138b 22 Griswold Adelbert 19 New York pg0133a.txt 138b 21 Griswold Betsey 51 New York pg0133a.txt 66A 30 Griswold Collin 51 Massachusetts pg0065a.txt 66A 33 Griswold Collin Jr 17 New York pg0065a.txt 591a 14 Griswold Cynthia 64 NY pg0590a.txt 157a 39 Griswold Daniel 38 New York pg0157a.txt 591a 15 Griswold Elizabeth 31 NY pg0590a.txt 66A 32 Griswold Ella 21 New York pg0065a.txt 66A 31 Griswold Ellen 40 New York pg0065a.txt 193b 2 Griswold Frank H 26 New York pg0192a.txt 193a 40 Griswold Franklin 53 New York pg0192a.txt 138b 23 Griswold Isabella 16 New York pg0133a.txt 207b 14 Griswold John 17 Michigan pg0204a.txt 111b 8 Griswold Lewis 22 New Hampshire pg0107a.txt 193b 1 Griswold Louisa 51 New York pg0192a.txt 66A 34 Griswold Mary 11 Wisconsin pg0065a.txt 239a 29 Griswold Polly 76 Connecticut pg0238a.txt 177b 25 Griswold Rosana 75 New York pg0172a.txt 138b 24 Griswold Ruth 11 New York pg0133a.txt 138b 20 Griswold Sylvester 53 New York pg0133a.txt 58A 34 Groff Charles 28 New York pg0053a.txt 58A 37 Groff Clara 13 New York pg0053a.txt 58A 33 Groff Jane 49 New York pg0053a.txt 58A 32 Groff Jerome 48 New York pg0053a.txt 58A 36 Groff Lizzie 25 New York pg0053a.txt 58A 35 Groff Martin 26 New York pg0053a.txt 570a 22 Groom Andrew 48 NY pg0566a.txt 570a 25 Groom Cory 11 NY pg0566a.txt 570a 23 Groom Emily 36 NY pg0566a.txt 571a 20 Groom Frances 3 NY pg0566a.txt 571a 18 Groom G. O. 40 NY pg0566a.txt 570a 26 Groom Jennie 9 NY pg0566a.txt 571a 19 Groom Julia A 33 NY pg0566a.txt 570a 27 Groom W**t 7 NY pg0566a.txt 570a 24 Groom Ward 14 NY pg0566a.txt 314a 37 Grooms Alice 17 N.Y. pg0313a.txt 276a 14 Grooms Alxander 34 New York pg0275a.txt 276a 15 Grooms Catherine 33 New York pg0275a.txt 276a 16 Grooms Fredrick 3 New York pg0275a.txt 211b 39 Grooner Caroline 60 Germany pg0210a.txt 212a 1 Grooner Lana 17 Germany pg0210a.txt 211b 40 Grooner William 12 Germany pg0210a.txt 319b 2 Groons Calvin 10 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319b 3 Groons Nettie 3 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319b 1 Groons William 15 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 15A 30 Groot A. C 50 New York pg0013a.txt 15A 31 Groot A. C. Mrs 50 New York pg0013a.txt 122b 25 Groot Allen 17 New York pg0119a.txt 114a 3 Groot Carrie 15 New York pg0113a.txt 122b 27 Groot Eddie 10 New York pg0119a.txt 122b 23 Groot Edward H 49 New York pg0119a.txt 114a 1 Groot Emma 38 New York pg0113a.txt 114a 2 Groot Emma 12 New York pg0113a.txt 122b 26 Groot Isabella 15 New York pg0119a.txt 56B 23 Groot Josephine 33 New York pg0053a.txt 122b 24 Groot Julia 30 New York pg0119a.txt 122b 28 Groot May 6 New York pg0119a.txt 56B 22 Groot Stephen Y. 46 New York pg0053a.txt 113b 25 Gross Jacob 18 Germany pg0113a.txt 336a 13 Grover Abram 43 N.Y pg0336a.txt 72A 25 Grover Amerilla 28 Michigan pg0071a.txt 72A 26 Grover Charles 4 New York pg0071a.txt 584a 23 Grover David Jr 45 NY pg0584a.txt 336a 16 Grover Florence 19 N.Y pg0336a.txt 584a 25 Grover Hattie 9 NY pg0584a.txt 72A 24 Grover John 32 New York pg0071a.txt 353a 38 Grover Josephin 12 NY pg0352a.txt 336a 15 Grover Laura 13 N.Y pg0336a.txt 336a 14 Grover Martha 42 N.Y pg0336a.txt 584a 24 Grover Rhoda M 42 NY pg0584a.txt 367a 1 Guard Cathrine 40 Ireland pg0364a.txt 367a 2 Guard John 11 NY pg0364a.txt 366b 40 Guard Thomas 38 Ireland pg0364a.txt 367a 3 Guard William 10 NY pg0364a.txt 187b 15 Gucieme Jane 20 Ireland pg0184a.txt 393a 12 Guernsay Albert 12 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 13 Guernsay Elizabeth 10 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 7 Guernsay Henry 40 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 15 Guernsay Irilla B 5 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 11 Guernsay James 15 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 10 Guernsay Jane 37 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 9 Guernsay Mary 62 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 8 Guernsay Silas 66 NY pg0393a.txt 393a 14 Guernsay William 7 NY pg0393a.txt 319b 20 Guibeford Elizabeth 20 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319b 19 Guibeford George 30 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 319b 21 Guibeford John 56 N.Y. pg0319a.txt 163a 2 Guild John 66 Massachusetts pg0157a.txt 249a 18 Guilderland Charles E 26 New York pg0244a.txt 249a 17 Guilderland Elizabeth 60 Ireland pg0244a.txt 44B 30 Guildersleve Luckey 10 New York pg0043a.txt 38A 5 Guilfels Catherine 36 Ireland pg0037a.txt 38A 9 Guilfels Daniel 9 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 4 Guilfels Frank 40 Ireland pg0037a.txt 38A 6 Guilfels John 17 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 10 Guilfels Susan 11 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 7 Guilfels Thomas 15 New York pg0037a.txt 38A 8 Guilfels William 13 New York pg0037a.txt 218b 18 Guion Augusta 26 N York pg0216a.txt 218b 17 Guion Charles F. 30 Conn pg0216a.txt 218b 20 Guion Ella 3/12 N York pg0216a.txt 218b 19 Guion Frances 4 N York pg0216a.txt 576a 9 Gulliver Sarah 50 Eng pg0572a.txt 576a 10 Gulliver Susan *. 7 NY pg0572a.txt 576a 8 Gulliver William 51 Eng pg0572a.txt 110b 21 Gulrie James 22 Ireland pg0107a.txt 274b 24 Gun Catherine 24 Canady pg0269a.txt 380b 2 Gun Josephine 18 NY pg0376a.txt 380b 1 Gun Lucrieti** 54 NY pg0376a.txt 378b 10 Gunel John 57 NY pg0376a.txt 378b 11 Gunel Lucinda 48 NY pg0376a.txt 425b 40 Gunn Alfred 16 NY pg0425a.txt 162b 27 Gunn Aug Wm 21 New York pg0157a.txt 425b 39 Gunn Francis 13 NY pg0425a.txt 428a 12 Gunn Frank 9 NY pg0425a.txt 428a 13 Gunn Fred 5 NY pg0425a.txt 428a 10 Gunn Henry 37 NY pg0425a.txt 425b 36 Gunn John 53 NY pg0425a.txt 428a 11 Gunn Samantha 26 NY pg0425a.txt 425b 37 Gunn Sara 48 NY pg0425a.txt 425b 38 Gunn Sara 19 NY pg0425a.txt 309a 14 Guppy Alice 10 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 309a 15 Guppy Carrie J 4 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 309a 13 Guppy Elmer 11 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 309a 11 Guppy Henry 41 England pg0304a.txt 309a 12 Guppy Lavina 28 England pg0304a.txt 227a 11 Gus James 36 New York pg0226a.txt 227a 12 Gus Sarah R 30 New York pg0226a.txt 306b 16 Gutge Charlotte 10 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 306b 15 Gutge Cortland 12 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 306b 17 Gutge Lavina 7 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 306b 18 Gutge Lucy 5 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 306b 14 Gutge Mary 33 N.Y. pg0304a.txt 331b 18 Gutherie Clark R 22 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 331b 16 Gutherie John 54 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 331b 19 Gutherie Mertie E 2 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 331b 17 Gutherie Susanna 44 N.Y. pg0331a.txt 433a 12 Guybard Miss 35 France pg0431a.txt 233a 21 Gwyer George 44 New York pg0232a.txt 233a 23 Gwyer George L. 10 New York pg0232a.txt 233a 22 Gwyer Mary L 37 New York pg0232a.txt