Morgan County, OH 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Pamela Myers-Grewell and proofread by Polly Eckles for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2005 Pamela Myers-Grewell ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census-Year 1850 SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the State OHIO Year ending May 31, 1850 County MORGAN MICROFILM-#T1159-15 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District No. 109, Morgan Co., OH. Enumerated by John Timms ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 1 . 1 Bundy Millicent 68 F . . M NC June . Chronic 6 months District 109 Handwritten pg: 857 1 . 2 Dyke Cynthia 31 F . . M O. June . Unknown 21 days District 109 . 1 . 3 Porter Milton 31 M . . M O. Oct Blacksmith Fever 10 days District 109 . 1 . 4 Beck George 5 M . . . O. Augt . Dysentary 15 days District 109 . 1 . 5 Cadwalader Sarah 25 F . . M Va Jany . L. Fever 21 days District 109 . 1 . 6 McCullough Martha 15 F . . . O. Nov . L. Fever 21 days District 109 . 1 . 7 Lawson Amos S* 1 M . . . O. July . Canker 10 days District 109 Middle initial could be L. 1 . 8 Morris Noah 1 M . . . O. Nov . Inflamation 15 days District 109 . 1 . 9 Lambert Abner 61 M . . M O. Feby Farmer L. Fever 12 days District 109 . 1 . 10 King Rebecca 55 F . . M Pa. April . Consumption 2 years District 109 . 1 . 11 Rogers James 19 M . . . O. March Cooper T. Fever 11 days District 109 . 1 . 12 Matson Lucinda 24 F . . M O. March . Consumption 30 days District 109 . 1 . 13 Matson John W. 10/12 M . . . O. April . Unknown 20 days District 109 . 1 . 14 Springer California 1 F . . . O. July . Diarrhea 4 days District 109 Surname could be Spranger, Sprenger 1 . 15 Henry Obadiah 6 M . . . O. March . T. Fever 40 days District 109 . 1 . 16 Mulrian Francis 6 M . . . O. April . L. Fever 90 days District 109 . 1 . 17 Scott Obadiah 29 M . . . O. Oct Carpenter Consumption 1 year District 109 . 1 . 18 Keen Albert 6/12 M . . . O. Augt . Dysentary 1 day District 109 . 1 . 19 Luther James 6/12 M . . . O. Sept . C. Fever 10 days District 109 . 1 . 20 Rainy Rebecca 23 F . . M Pa. July . Unknown 30 days District 109 . 1 . 21 Newton Emery 44 M . . M Mass March Farmer Consumption 1 year District 109 . 1 . 22 McKnight Margaret 1 F . . . O. Oct . Inflamation 21 days District 109 . 1 . 23 Pennel Margaret 32 F . . . Pa. April . Consumption 4 years District 109 Surname could be Rennell 1 . 24 Leaman James H. 3 M . . . O. Sept . Dysentary 5 days District 109 . 1 . 25 Lynn Permelia E. 5 F . . . O. Nov . Croup 4 days District 109 . 1 . 26 Warner Hester A. 22 F . . M O. July . Consumption 6 months District 109 . 1 . 27 Sands Margaret A. 2 F . . . O. April . L. Fever 21 days District 109 . 1 . 28 Anthony John 13 M . . . O. July . B. Fever 30 days District 109 . 1 . 29 Anthony James 2 M . . . O. Dec . L. Fever 21 days District 109 . 1 . 30 Purdy Levi 38 M . . . Pa. May Laborer L. Fever 8 days District 109 . Enumerator Remarks: There is a salt well in Malta Township from which the water is raised some 700 feet by the gap in the wells. A gap is conveyed by pipes to the furnace which supply the place of fuel in boiling the water to make salt. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District No. 109, Morgan Co., OH. Enumerated by John Timms ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 2 . 1 Blunden James 44 M . . M Va March Farmer Inflamation 15 days District 109 . 2 . 2 Thomas Ann 19 F . . M O April . Unknown 12 days District 109 . 2 . 3 Dover Hiram H. 45 M . . M O May Doctor Unknown 60 days District 109 . 2 . 4 Tinker Lydia 77 F . . W - Feb . Unknown 5 days District 109 Birthplace left blank 2 . 5 McBee William 1/12 M . . . O June . Unknown 10 days District 109 . 2 . 6 Pitt Charlotte 5 F . . . Pa Dec . S Fever 15 days District 109 . 2 . 7 Pitt Charles H. 1 M . . . O Dec . S Fever 12 days District 109 . 2 . 8 Newberry John 1 M . . . O June . Dropsy 30 days District 109 . 2 . 9 Davidson William 1 M . . . O Sept . Dysentary 14 days District 109 . 2 . 10 Davidson Mary A. 24 F . . M O July . Consumption 150 days District 109 . 2 . 11 Davidson Edward 18 M . . . O Nov Laborer Cholera 1 day District 109 . 2 . 12 Leverance Sophia A. 1 F . . . O Aug . Flux 4 days District 109 . 2 . 13 Cooke Emma 4 F . . . O Aug . Flux 6 days District 109 . 2 . 14 Price Nancy F. 5 F . . . O Jany . S Fever 4 days District 109 . 2 . 15 Price Rebecca 4 F . . . O March . S Fever 60 days District 109 . 2 . 16 Gillespie Nancy G. 6 F . . . O Sept . Flux 14 days District 109 . 2 . 17 Barrell Solomon A. 1 M . . . O May . Croup 3 days District 109 . 2 . 18 Newlon Susanna 3 F . . . O Nov . Infl Brain 2 days District 109 . 2 . 19 Pennel Lewis 62 M . . M Pa Feby Farmer Consumption 3 months District 109 . 2 . 20 Spurrier Eliza 15 F . . . O Nov . S Fever 5 days District 109 . 2 . 21 Spurrier John 1/12 M . . . O Jany . Unknown 2 days District 109 . 2 . 22 Ethell Lenah 3 M . . . O Dec . S Fever 4 days District 109 Sex entered as recorded 2 . 23 Haimer George 64 M . . M Md April Farmer Chronic 35 days District 109 . 2 . 24 Patten William 59 M . . W Georgia Oct Farmer B Fever 19 days District 109 . 2 . 25 Richardson Samuel W. 39 M . . M Pa Sept Farmer L Fever 18 days District 109 . 2 . 26 Pickett Jesse 3 M . . . O July . Unknown 7 days District 109 . 2 . 27 Riley Delina 18 F . . . O May . Unknown 7 days District 109 . 2 . 28 Dewey Samuel 66 M . . M Pa Feby Farmer Cancer 28 days District 109 . 2 . 29 Holtell William 1 M . . . O Nov . Unknown 5 days District 109 Surname could be Holtett 2 . 30 McNichols Rachel A. 2 F . . . O Aug . W. Cough 120 days District 109 . 2 . 31 McNichols Mary M. 4/12 F . . . O Feb . W. Cough 30 days District 109 . 2 . 32 Davis Isaac 14 M . . . O Dec . Unknown 2 days District 109 . 2 . 33 Davis Rhoda 23 F . . . O July . Chronic 6 days District 109 . 2 . 34 Plumer Rebecca 16 F . . . O Aug . Unknown 2 days District 109 . 2 . 35 McBee Sarah 24 F . . M O June . M Swelling 15 days District 109 . Enumerator remarks: District No. 9. Much broken well. Timbered well watered land. Limestone and fertile. Timber white oak, black oak, hickory, poplar, beach & sugar tree and walnut. Sandstone & Limestone. Stone coal in some places in a bundance. No prevailing disease. Season very unfavorable for crops. Wheat crop for 150 will be 5 to one over last year. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District 108, Morgan Co., OH - Enumerated by R. A. Thomas (handwritten page 865) ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 3 . 1 Maxwell Elizabeth 35 F . . M Ohio March . Consumption C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 3 . 2 Kahler Sarah 3/12 F . . . Ohio April . Unknown 60 District 108 . 3 . 3 Mummy Maria J. 7 F . . . Ohio Sept . Flux 5 District 108 Surname could be Murnney 3 . 4 Mummy John 2/12 9/12 M . . . Ohio Oct . Flux 3 District 108 Surname could be Murnney 3 . 5 Rich Sarah C. 40 F . . M Vt. April . Consumption 2 years District 108 . 3 . 6 Rush Samuel 4 M . . . Ohio April . Whooping Cough 9 District 108 . 3 . 7 Rush James 2 M . . . Ohio April . Whooping Cough 15 District 108 . 3 . 8 Ross Clarkson 47 M . . . Ohio Sept Teamster Flux 7 District 108 . 3 . 9 Wilson Elizabeth 1 F . . . Ohio June . Scarlet Fever 5 District 108 . 3 . 10 Mahugh Ann E. 4/12 F . . . Ohio Oct. . Unknown 1 District 108 . 3 . 11 Dana John W. 37 M . . M Ohio August Farmer Congestive Fever 8 District 108 . 3 . 12 Horsom Oliver P. 35 M . . M Maine March Farmer Lung Fever 8 District 108 . 3 . 13 Hatton Aaron 30 M . . M Ohio Sept Laborer Flux 9 District 108 . 3 . 14 Hatton Sarah E. 1 F . . . Ohio Sept . Flux 7 District 108 . 3 . 15 Wood Mary E. 8/12 F . . . Ohio Jan. . Unknown 20 District 108 . 3 . 16 Scott Ann M. 1 F . . . Ohio August . Whooping Cough 40 District 108 . 3 . 17 Allen Lucy 62 F . . M Conn July . Lung Fever C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 3 . 18 Bigler Emma 1/12 F . . . Ohio Oct . Croup 3 District 108 . 3 . 19 Heskett Sarah C. 4 F . . . Ohio Feb . Scarlet Fever 2 District 108 . 3 . 20 Savage Alonzo 1 M . . . Ohio July . Inflamation Brain 1 District 108 . 3 . 21 Harkless Elizabeth 55 F . . W Penn Aug . Typhoid Fever 50 District 108 . 3 . 22 Harkless William 27 M . . M Ohio Oct Farmer Typhoid Fever 25 District 108 . 3 . 23 Evans Patrick 60 M . . M Ireland May Farmer Consumption C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 3 . 24 Patterson Lewis K. 4 M . . . Ohio Nov . Scarlet Fever 9 District 108 . 3 . 25 Wellen George 1/12 M . . . Ohio June . Croup 1 District 108 . 3 . 26 Lansley Charlotte 82 F . . W Md Jan. . Lung Fever 14 District 108 . 3 . 27 Young Clarrence E. 5/12 M . . . Ohio Feb . Lung Fever 3 District 108 . 3 . 28 Till Harriet 1/12 F . . . Ohio July . Unknown 7 District 108 . 3 . 29 Whitsall Signora 2/12 F . . . Ohio May . Lung Fever 3 District 108 . 3 . 30 Cassidy Hugh 55 M . . M Penn April Tinner Consumption C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 3 . 31 Long Nancy 1 F . . . Ohio June . Measles 20 District 108 . 3 . 32 Paxton William A. 4 M . . . Ohio May . Croup 5 District 108 . 3 . 33 Glen Samuel A. 9 M . . . Ohio April . Unknown 2 District 108 . 3 . 34 Smoot Lewis 75 M . . W Va Jan. Farmer Lung Fever 7 District 108 . 3 . 35 Tapp Rebecca 79 F . . W Va Oct . Consumption C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic Enumerator's Remarks: The district is generally healthy; the diseases most prevalent are of a pulmonary or catarrhal nature, occassioned by exposure to the sudden change of climate. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 4 - 1 Detwiler Martha J. 19 F . . . Penna April . Consumption C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 4 - 2 Goodrich Levonia E. 4 F . . . Ohio Feb. . Inflam brain 14 District 108 . 4 - 3 Boyd Theodore 1 M . . . Ohio Dec. . Flux 35 District 108 . 4 - 4 Ross Clements 54 M . . M Penna April Farmer Dropsy C District 108 "C" may indicate Chronic 4 - 5 Dugan Margaret 5 F . . . Ohio May . Rupture of artery 2 District 108 . 4 - 6 Kelly Nathan 7/12 M . . . Ohio April . Fits 30 District 108 . 4 - 7 McKee Gilead 6/12 M . . . Ohio Dec. . Inflam of head 14 District 108 . 4 - 8 McKee Sophia N. 7/12 F . . . Ohio April . Whoop. Cough 3 District 108 . 4 - 9 Ogle Julia A. 1/12 F . . . Ohio March . Unknown 5 District 108 . 4 - 10 Weekly Evaline 3 F . . . Ohio Feb. . Inflam brain S District 108 "S" may indicate Sudden 4 - 11 James Emily 1 F . . . Ohio April . Lung fever 10 District 108 . 4 - 12 Boone Mary A. 2 F . . . Ohio Nov. . Whoop. Cough 14 District 108 . 4 - 13 Boone William S. 10/12 M . . . Ohio Nov. . - 21 District 108 Cause of death blank 4 - 14 Salmon Sarah 12 F . . . Ohio May . Unknown S District 108 "S" may indicate Sudden 4 - 15 Salyard Harriet 6 F . . . Ohio Nov. . Flux 21 District 108 . 4 - 16 Buchanan James W. 23 M . . . Maine April School Teacher Lung fever 7 District 108 . 4 - 17 Carrol James 34 M . . . Ohio Jan Laborer Billious fever 40 District 108 . 4 - 18 Fuller Mary A. 2 F . . . Ohio May . Whoop. Cough 14 District 108 . 4 - 19 Chapman Thomas 41 M . . M Penna August Farmer Wounds 5 weeks District 108 . 4 - 20 Taylor Willard 5 M . . . Ohio Nov. . Scarlet fever 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 21 Merritt William 2/12 M . . . Ohio June . Fits 1 week District 108 . 4 - 22 Wilson Margaret A. 2 F . . . Ohio April . Croup 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 23 Gessel Sarah 20 F . . . Ohio March . Consumption 2 yrs District 108 . 4 - 24 Dempster Emma 7/12 F . . . Ohio April . Whoop. Cough 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 25 Morris James F. 6/12 M . . . Ohio March . Whoop. Cough 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 26 Clark Mary I. 12 F . . . Penna Jan . Quinsey 5 weeks District 108 . 4 - 27 McKinly Ann M. 11/12 F . . . Ohio April . Whoop. Cough 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 28 Craig Anxious 70 F . . W Va April . Lung fever 1 week District 108 . 4 - 29 Buchanan Robert 24 M . . . Penna Oct Farmer Typhoid Fever 5 weeks District 108 . 4 - 30 Buchanan Lydia 50 M . . M Penna Oct . Typhoid Fever 3 weeks District 108 recorded as male 4 - 31 Buchanan Thomas 21 M . . . Penna Oct Farmer - 4 weeks District 108 Cause of death blank 4 - 32 Hart Charles W. 5 M . . . Ohio Dec. . Sore throat 1 week District 108 . 4 - 33 Neely Rebecca 3 F . . . Ohio August . Inflam bowels 2 weeks District 108 . 4 - 34 Oliver Martha E. 3/12 F . . . Ohio July . Inflam brain 1 week District 108 . 4 - 35 Oliver John 39 M . . M Ohio Nov. Farmer Ersepalas fever 1 week District 108 Probably means Erysipelas Enumerator Remarks: District No 108 is extremely rough, being broken by high ridges. The land is generally strong limestone soil, better adapted to the adhere of wheat than any other grain. The district abounds in springs of good limestone water. Bituminous coal is found in abundance in every portion of the district. Timber - Oak, Poplar, Beech, Maple, Hickory, Walnut, & Sycamore. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District 185, Morgan Co., OH. Enumerated by Matthew S*vell ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 5 . 1 Farris James 1 M . . . O. Feby . Measles 10 days District 185 . 5 . 2 Hamble Eliza 5 F . . . O. Feby . S Fever 8 days District 185 . 5 . 3 Thompson Eli 1 M . . . O. Feby . S Fever 6 days District 185 . 5 . 4 Greer Elizabeth A. 1 F . . . O. Feby . S Fever 5 days District 185 Surname could be Green 5 . 5 Stonebraker Samuel 46 M . . W O. April Farmer Consumption 6 days District 185 . 5 . 6 McMichael Kenny 4 M . . . O. August . S Fever 5 days District 185 . 5 . 7 Matthews Russell B. 4 M . . . O. June . S Fever 5 days District 185 . 5 . 8 Matthews Prudence C. 1 F . . . O. June . S Fever 12 days District 185 . 5 . 9 Patterson Mary J. 5 F . . . O. May . S Fever 9 days District 185 . 5 . 10 McPeak Philip 6 M . . . Pa. May . S Fever 4 days District 185 . 5 . 11 Johnston Ebenezer 1/24 M . . . O. Nov . Fits 1 y District 185 . 5 . 12 Hawkins John 5 M . . . O. Feby . - Sudden District 185 Cause of death blank 5 . 13 McNurlen John L. 3/12 M . . . O. Jany . - Sudden District 185 Cause of death blank 5 . 14 Lowers Mary C. 5 F . . . O. June . S Fever 13 days District 185 . 5 . 15 Jones Margaret 63 F . . W Pa. Feby . Cancer C District 185 "C" could indicate Chronic 5 . 16 Holland Catharine 12 F . . . O. July . S Fever 4 days District 185 . 5 . 17 Holland Sarah A. 10 F . . . O. July . S Fever 9 days District 185 . 5 . 18 Holland Mary E. 4 F . . . O. July . S Fever 7 days District 185 . 5 . 19 Tompkins Elisha 1/12 M . . . O. March . Unknown Sudden District 185 . 5 . 20 Tompkins Phil 1/12 M . . . O. March . Unknown Sudden District 185 . 5 . 21 Thrush Alfred 1 M . . . O. Feby . S Fever 6 days District 185 . 5 . 22 Pletcher John F. 1/12 M . . . O. August . W. Cough 2 days District 185 . 5 . 23 Trout Mary A. 82 F . . W Va Augt . Unknown 7 days District 185 . 5 . 24 Kirby Anna 3 F . . . O. July . S Fever 2 days District 185 . 5 . 25 Kirby John 1 M . . . O. July . S Fever 3 days District 185 . 5 . 26 Stoneburner Anna C. 6 F . . . O. Feby . S Fever 4 days District 185 . 5 . 27 Scank Elizabeth 22 F . . . Germany May . Dropsy 42 days District 185 . 5 . 28 Fosgrove Caroline 2 F . . . O. Augt . Croup 1 day District 185 . 5 . 29 Williams Margaret M. 3/12 F . . . O. Dec . Diarreah C District 185 "C" could indicate Chronic 5 . 30 Smith Elizabeth 11 F . . . O. Augt . Flux 14 days District 185 . 5 . 31 Smith George 5 M . . . O. Augt . Flux 7 days District 185 . 5 . 32 Eveland Smith 36 M . . . O. March Farmer Unknown 1 year District 185 . 5 . 33 Eveland Frederick 2 M . . . O. Sept . Flux 12 days District 185 . 5 . 34 Miller Benjamin W. 6/12 M . . . O. June . W. Cough 15 days District 185 . 5 . 35 Tuttle Sarah 71 F . . W Va March . Cancer 2 years District 185 . ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District 185, Morgan Co., OH. Enumerated by Matthew S*vell ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 6 . 1 Christman Jacob 11/12 M . . . O. Augt . Infl Brain 4 months District 185 Handwritten pg 861 6 . 2 Winchell Charles 8 M . . . O. June . Accident Sudden District 185 . 6 . 3 Winchell Andrew J. 1 M . . . O. June . W. Cough 6 weeks District 185 . 6 . 4 Jones Rosetta 41 F . . M Va Dec . Child Birth 4 weeks District 185 . 6 . 5 Zinsmeister Peter 27 M . . M Germany March Saltmaker Drowned - District 185 Cause of death blank 6 . 6 Dunnington Lydia A. 13 F . . . O. Jan . Fever 10 days District 185 . 6 . 7 McCord Mary 1 F . . . O. Sept . Flux 6 days District 185 . 6 . 8 Lee Sarah 40 F . . M Va Oct . Flux 6 weeks District 185 . 6 . 9 Lee Valentine 15 M . . . O. Sept . Flux 11 days District 185 . 6 . 10 Haines Mary 33 F . . M O. July . Infl Fever 4 weeks District 185 . 6 . 11 Briggs William 28 M . . M O. Augt Farmer Consumption 2 years District 185 . 6 . 12 Roberts Catharine 18 F . . . Va Unknown . Unknown 7 days District 185 . 6 . 13 Lawrence John D. 4 M . . . O. Augt . Bronchitis 6 weeks District 185 . 6 . 14 Lawrence Mary F. 1 F . . . O. July . Cholera Infantism 5 days District 185 . 6 . 15 Osborne Urith 82 F . . W Md Dec . L Fever 14 days District 185 . 6 . 16 Harris George W. 11 M . . . O. October . Flux 9 days District 185 . 6 . 17 Harris Melissa 7 F . . . O. Nov . Flux 9 days District 185 . 6 . 18 Harris Rebecca E. 1 F . . . O. Nov . Flux 9 days District 185 . 6 . 19 Fulton William 4/12 M . . . O. Augt . W. Cough 3 weeks District 185 . 6 . 20 McCrary Nancy 3 F . . . O. July . L Fever 3 weeks District 185 . 6 . 21 Walker Anna 1 F . . . O. Sept . Flux 4 days District 185 . 6 . 22 Hutchison Sarah 51 F . . . Pa. October . Flux 10 days District 185 . 6 . 23 Robinson Margaret E. 2 F . . . O. August . Flux 4 days District 185 . 6 . 24 Robinson Winfield L. 5/12 M . . . O. August . Flux 1 day District 185 . 6 . 25 Barker Caroline 2 F . . . O. Sept . Flux 4 days District 185 . 6 . 26 Crow Marry 30 F . . M Va August . Flux 14 days District 185 . 6 . 27 Crow Stephen H. 3 M . . . O. August . Flux 4 days District 185 . 6 . 28 Crow Sarah A. 1 F . . . O. August . Flux 3 days District 185 . 6 . 29 Patterson John 71 M . . M Pa. August Farmer Flux 10 days District 185 Lines 30-35 Blank ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: OH COUNTY: Morgan DISTRICT: District No. 188, Morgan Co., OH. Enumerated by Charles Clymer ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FILE ENUMERATION PAGE PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TOWNSHIP/DIV TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 7 . 1 Baine Silas 10 M . . . Ohio March . Consumption C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 2 Fowler Eli 14 M . . . O. Feb . Wen C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 3 Buckey Elizebeth 19 F . . . Va May . Con. C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 4 Cole Mordica 27 M . . M O May Farmer Con. C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 5 Cole Marsellus 2 M . . . O May . Hooping Cough 18 District 188 . 7 . 6 Cole Emeline 5/12 F . . . O April . Fits 6 District 188 . 7 . 7 Miller Margaret 61 F . . W Pa Aug . Diaria C District 188 Entered as recorded. Probably means Diarrhea. 7 . 8 Davis Margaret 54 F . . M Pa Sept . Unknown 3 District 188 . 7 . 9 Noble Martha 87 F . . W Ireland Nov . Old age 1 District 188 . 7 . 10 Tresket Nathan 10/12 M . . . O Oct . Unknown 3 District 188 . 7 . 11 Morrison Daniel 27 M . . M O Feb Carpenter Con. C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 12 Davis Emily 1 F . . . O Jan . Inflamation of brain 8 District 188 . 7 . 13 Gibson Mary 1 F . . . O Sept . Diarie 60 District 188 Entered as recorded. Probably means Diarrhea. 7 . 14 Young Sarah 14 F . . . O May . Meesels 12 District 188 Entered as recorded. 7 . 15 Sephers Sarah 6 F . . . O July . Bil. Fever 28 District 188 . 7 . 16 Knox William 18 M . . . O Jan Laborer Affection of the spine C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 17 Chalk Joseph 69 M . . W NY Oct Blacksmith Plura 11 District 188 . 7 . 18 Tanyhill Thomas H. 43 M . . M Pa June Doctor Inflamation of stomac 2 District 188 Disease entered as recorded 7 . 19 Tanyhill William 4 M . . . O Oct . Scalded 2 District 188 . 7 . 20 Ault Mary 75 F . . W Va Aug . Feaver 28 District 188 Disease entered as recorded 7 . 21 Ault Jacob 26 M . . . Pa Aug Farmer Feaver 21 District 188 Disease entered as recorded 7 . 22 Fitzgerald Caroline 1 F M . . O Sept . Erisepolis 31 District 188 Probably means Erysipelas 7 . 23 Vandike Mary 35 F . . M O June . Cancer C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 24 Fisher Thomas 20 M . . M O Feb Farmer Con. C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 25 Kelley Patrick 60 M . . W Ireland Aug Farmer Bil. Fever 14 District 188 . 7 . 26 Hunt Molly 80 F . . W Ma Nov . Old age 365 District 188 Surname could be Hunth 7 . 27 Salkell Ezekel 1/12 M . . . O Sept . Inflam of brain 14 District 188 . 7 . 28 McGriger Elizebeth 34 F . . M O March . Con C District 188 "C" could indicate Chronic 7 . 29 Scott Hugh 71 M . . M O Dec Farmer Feaver Sore 42 District 188 Disease entered as recorded 7 . 30 Botts John 79 M . . M Va July Farmer Liver complaint 90 District 188 . 7 . 31 Strong Elizebeth 42 F . . M O Nov . Pthisis 14 District 188 Lines 32-35 Blank Enumerator Remarks: District No. 188 is situated on the dividing waters of Duck Creek and Wills Creek. The streams are small no water power for mills or factories, good springs of limestone water in abundance, limestone in abundance throughout the District, stone coal abounds in rather shallow veins for mining. No market for it. It is only used for home consumption. Timber, oak, walnut, hickory, ash, maple, & beech. Fruit was cheafly (sic) killed by frost in 1849. Wheat of 1849 looked well until 3 weeks before harvest when it was struck with rust consequently about one third of a crop was the result, the crops of grain