Indian Territory, OK 1900 Federal Census (File 4 of 6 for ED: 4) Stamped pages 20A-27A, Sheets 20A-27A This Census was transcribed by Brian Milligan and proofread by Bernice Raymond for the USGenWeb Census Project Copyright (c) 2004 by Brian Milligan ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-1843 State INDIAN TERRITORY County Cherokee Nation ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 20 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 6 1900 - July 12 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 20A 1 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Geo. M. Head W M Oct 1837 62 M 31 . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 274 . 20A 2 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Sarah A. Wife W F Sep 1851 48 M 31 9 7 Iowa Alabama Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 3 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper William W. Son W M Oct 1871 28 S . . . Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 4 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Emma M. Daughter W F Dec 1874 25 S . . . Iowa Pennsylvania Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 5 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Geo. H. Son W M Nov 1877 22 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 6 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper John H. Son W M July 1880 19 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa . . . Farmer 0 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 7 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Eline F. Son W M Dec 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa . . . Farmer 4 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 8 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Alfred S. Son W M Jan 1886 14 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 9 4 20A . . 312 315 Cooper Davil L. Son W M Oct 1889 10 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 10 4 20A . . 313 316 Biddle John W. Head W M Mar 1838 62 M 27 . . Tennessee Tennessee Virginia . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes R . F 275 . 20A 11 4 20A . . 313 316 Biddle Mary J. Wife W F Jan 1849 51 M 27 4 2 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 12 4 20A . . 313 316 Biddle Lea Daughter W F June 1881 18 S . . . Kansas Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 13 4 20A . . 314 317 Funk Dock R. Head W M Sep 1860 39 Wd . . . Missouri Virginia Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 276 . 20A 14 4 20A . . 314 317 Funk Della E. Daughter W F Oct 1886 13 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 15 4 20A . . 314 317 Gilmore Nancy E. S-in Law W F Oct 1870 29 D . . . Missouri Kentucky Kentucky . . . House Keeper . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 16 4 20A . . 315 318 Dove Ewarl H. Head W M Nov 1837 62 M 40 . . Ohio Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 277 . 20A 17 4 20A . . 315 318 Dove Sarah N Wife W F Jan 1845 55 M 40 9 7 Illinois Georgia Georgia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 18 4 20A . . 315 318 Dove Lewie J. Son W M Nov 1875 24 S . . . Nebraska Ohio Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 19 4 20A . . 315 318 Dove Eva N. Daughter W F Mar 1884 16 S . . . Nebraska Ohio Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 20 4 20A . . 315 318 Kelly Alexander G. Boarder W M Apr 1857 43 Wd . . . Canada Canada Canada 1870 30 . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 21 4 20A . . 316 319 Hart Chas. F. Head W M Nov 1865 34 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 278 . 20A 22 4 20A . . 316 319 Hart Martha Mother W F Dec 1831 68 Wd . . . Kentucky Germany Ireland . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 20A 23 4 20A . . 316 319 Hart Nancy Sister W F Apr 1871 29 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 20A 24 4 20A . . 316 319 Hart Geo. W. Brother W M May 1873 27 S . . . Missouri Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farm hand 4 . no no yes . . . . . 20A 25 4 20A . . 317 320 Stewart John C. Head W M Aug 1864 35 M 10 . . Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 279 . 20A 26 4 20A . . 317 320 Stewart Minni Wife W F May 1869 31 M 10 3 2 Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 27 4 20A . . 317 320 Stewart Richard A. Son W M Oct 1893 7 S . . . Oklahoma Ohio Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 28 4 20A . . 317 320 Stewart Mary M. Daughter W F June 1895 4 S . . . Oklahoma Ohio Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 29 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Jefferson Head W M Jan 1864 36 M 12 . . Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 280 . 20A 30 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Esta Wife W F May 1866 34 M 12 4 4 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 31 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Sada J. Daughter W F Oct 1889 10 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 32 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Oren Son W M Feb 1892 8 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 33 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Lewis Son W M Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 34 4 20A . . 318 321 Davis Fountain H. Son W M Feb 1900 3/12 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 35 4 20A . . 318 321 Stout Richard Boarder W M July 1879 21 S . . . Missouri Illinois . . . . Farm hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 36 4 20A . . 318 321 Elder Chris Nephew W M Aug 1884 15 S . . . Indian Terr Michigan Michigan . . . Farm hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 37 4 20A . . 319 322 Clark Abner Head W M Oct 1873 26 M 5 . . Missouri Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 287 . 20A 38 4 20A . . 319 322 Clark Nora Wife W F Nov 1877 22 M 5 1 1 Indian Terr Missouri . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 39 4 20A . . 319 322 Clark Jessee Daughter W F Apr 1898 2 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Indian Terr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 40 4 20A . . 319 322 McDaniel Wm Nephew W M . 1880 19 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 41 4 20A . . 320 323 Cummings Dock W. Head W M May 1863 37 M 3 . . Kentucky Pennsylvania Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 252 . 20A 42 4 20A . . 320 323 Cummings Katy Wife W F Feb 1880 20 M 3 1 1 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 43 4 20A . . 320 323 Cummings Geo. D. H. Son W M Apr 1899 1 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 44 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Adam Head W M Jan 1859 41 M 20 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 254 . 20A 45 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Rachelle Wife W F July 1859 40 M 20 4 4 Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 46 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Katy Daughter W F Jan 1882 18 S . . . Arkansas Tennessee Arkansas . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 47 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Martha A Daughter W F Oct 1885 14 S . . . Arkansas Tennessee Arkansas . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 48 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Oscar A. Son W M Dec 1889 10 S . . . Kansas Tennessee Arkansas . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20A 49 4 20A . . 321 324 Morgan Frances Daughter W F Aug 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20A 50 4 20A . . 321 324 King George Boarder W M May 1883 17 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 20 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 6 1900 - July 12 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 20B 51 4 20B . . 321 324 Shaffer William Boarder B M Feb 1880 20 S . . . Indian Terr Mexico Kansas . . . Farm hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 52 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong James Head W M Apr 1865 35 M 16 . . Missouri No. Carolina No. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 285 . 20B 53 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong Xenegina Wife W F Feb 1865 35 M 16 5 4 Illinois Kentucky Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 54 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong Roy W. Son W M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . At School 2 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 55 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong Elwerle Son W M May 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 56 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong Bessie L. Daughter W F Jan 1894 6 S . . . Kansas Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 57 4 20B . . 322 325 Armstrong Harry A. Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 58 4 20B . . 323 326 Green John W. Head W M Sep 1861 38 M 16 . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 286 . 20B 59 4 20B . . 323 326 Green Flora E. Wife W F July 1869 30 M 16 4 3 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 60 4 20B . . 323 326 Green Herbert E. Son W M Oct 1886 13 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 61 4 20B . . 323 326 Green Erral E. Son W M Oct 1898 11 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . Note: Discrepancy between birth year and age. 20B 62 4 20B . . 323 326 Green Auroroe Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 63 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Chas. H. Head W M Nov 1874 25 M 4 . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 287 . 20B 64 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Lizzie Wife W F Jan 1880 20 M 4 3 2 Missouri Missouri No. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 65 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Coy F. Son W M Nov 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 66 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Clarence E. Son W M Sep 1899 8/12 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 67 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Ella M. Sister W F Jan 1880 20 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 68 4 20B . . 324 327 Stout Emery Cousin W M . 1883 17 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 69 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Marcelious Head W M June 1858 41 M 21 . . Illinois New York Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 288 . 20B 70 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Martha A. Wife W F Oct 1861 39 M 21 8 6 Missouri Tennessee Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 71 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Thomas J. Son W M July 1882 17 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 72 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Martin E. Son W M Nov 1884 15 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 73 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Ethel M. Daughter W F Feb 1887 13 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 74 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Lena M. Daughter W F Jun 1892 7 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 75 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Joseph E. Son W M Jan 1895 5 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 76 4 20B . . 325 328 Beebe Ervin W. Son W M Aug 1899 9/12 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 77 4 20B . . 326 329 Orern James Head W M Dec 1875 24 M 3 . . Missouri Indiana Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 289 . 20B 78 4 20B . . 326 329 Orern Luella Wife W F Mar 1880 20 M 3 1 1 Missouri Texas Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 79 4 20B . . 326 329 Orern Carl D. Son W M Jan 1898 2 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 80 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble Adam L. Head W M Dec 1861 38 M 7 . . Illinois Kentucky Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 290 . 20B 81 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble Cora E. Wife W F Dec 1872 27 M 7 4 4 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 82 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble Bulah M. Daughter W F Apr 1894 6 S . . . Missouri Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 83 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble Baird L. Son W M Jan 1896 4 S . . . Missouri Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 84 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble James W. Son W M May 1897 3 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 85 4 20B . . 327 330 Humble Ruby N. Daughter W F Nov 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 86 4 20B . . 327 330 Oliphant Carl Boarder W M . 1883 17 S . . . Missouri . . . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 87 4 20B . . 328 331 Murphy Andrew Head W M . 1845 55 M 31 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland 1855 45 Nal Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 291 . 20B 88 4 20B . . 328 331 Murphy Hayora Wife W F June 1844 56 M 31 9 3 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1864 36 . . 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 89 4 20B . . 328 331 Murphy Julia Daughter W F Oct 1872 27 S . . . Missouri Ireland Ireland . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 90 4 20B . . 328 331 Murphy Edward Son W M July 1877 22 S . . . Missouri Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 91 4 20B . . 329 332 Hanley James L. B. Head W M July 1872 27 M 6 . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 292 . 20B 92 4 20B . . 329 332 Hanley Allie Wife W F May 1876 26 M 6 2 2 Missouri Ohio . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . Note: Discrepancy between birth year and age. 20B 93 4 20B . . 329 332 Hanley Murl E. Son W M July 1894 5 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 94 4 20B . . 329 332 Hanley Geo. L. Son W M Feb 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20B 95 4 20B . . 330 333 Stephenson illegible Head W M Sep 1842 57 M 32 . . Ohio Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 294 . 20B 96 4 20B . . 330 333 Stephenson Mary Wife W F Jan 1857 43 M 32 6 5 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 97 4 20B . . 330 333 Stephenson Adolphe Daughter W F May 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 98 4 20B . . 330 333 Stephenson Washington Son W M Jan 1881 19 S . . . Missouri Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 99 4 20B . . 330 333 Stephenson Mable Daughter W F Oct 1884 15 S . . . Missouri Ohio Ohio . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 20B 100 4 20B . . 331 334 Rice John J. Head W M Apr 1869 31 M 9 . . Missouri Ohio Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 295 . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 20 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 6 1900 - July 12 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 21A 1 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Virginia Wife W F May 1874 26 M 9 5 5 Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 2 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Clarence H. Son W M Dec 1891 8 S . . . Missouri Missouri Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 3 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Roxie M. Daughter W F June 1893 6 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 4 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Stella L. Daughter W F Nov 1894 5 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 5 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Icy M. Daughter W F June 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 6 4 21A . . 331 334 Rice Goldie Daughter W F July 1899 10/12 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 7 4 21A . . 332 335 Stone Thomas N. Head W M Feb 1866 34 M 1 . . Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 297 Last name may be Stroupe. 21A 8 4 21A . . 332 335 Stone Emma Wife W F Mar 1863 37 M 1 6 2 Missouri Pennsylvania Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 9 4 21A . . 332 335 Brewer Wiley S-Son W M Mar 1884 16 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 10 4 21A . . 332 335 Stone Edna V. Adopt Daugh W F Apr 1900 1/12 S . . . Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 11 4 21A . . 333 336 Headly Sam'l J. Head W M Apr 1868 32 M 0 . . Iowa Ohio Kentucky . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . 21A 12 4 21A . . 333 336 Headly Pearl Wife W F Dec 1881 18 M 0 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 13 4 21A . . 334 337 Headly Benj C Head W M July 1858 41 M 16 . . Missouri Ohio Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 298 . 21A 14 4 21A . . 334 337 Headly Ester Wife W F Apr 1867 33 M 16 2 0 Missouri Kentucky Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 15 4 21A . . 334 337 Vanoy Walter B-in_law W M June 1873 26 Wd . . . Missouri Kentucky Missouri . . . Farm hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 16 4 21A . . 334 337 Stanley Loirie Boarder W F Mar 1892 8 S . . . Indian Terr . Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 17 4 21A . . 335 338 Irby Bailin Head W M Oct 1879 20 M 2 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 2 . yes yes yes R . F 299 First name may be Bailess. 21A 18 4 21A . . 335 338 Irby Grace Wife W F Aug 1879 20 M 2 2 1 Kansas Virginia Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 19 4 21A . . 335 338 Irby Essie Daughter W F July 1899 10/12 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 20 4 21A . . 336 339 Graves Robert J. Head W M Nov 1878 21 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . 21A 21 4 21A . . 336 339 Anderson John G. Boarder W M Feb 1874 26 S . . . Iowa Germany Germany . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 22 4 21A . . 337 340 Davis Chas. T. Head W M Dec 1871 28 M 5 . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 301 . 21A 23 4 21A . . 337 340 Davis Jenna C. Wife W F June 1878 21 M 5 2 2 Kansas Virginia Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 24 4 21A . . 337 340 Davis Eva M. Daughter W F Mar 1896 4 S . . . Kansas Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 25 4 21A . . 337 340 Davis Howard W. Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . Kansas Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 26 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer John B. Head W M May 1854 46 M 19 . . Tennessee . . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 302 . 21A 27 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Mattie B. Wife W F Jan 1857 43 M 19 8 8 Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 28 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Walter L. Son W M Dec 1881 18 S . . . Missouri Tennessee Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 29 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Harry S. Son W M Sep 1883 16 S . . . Missouri Tennessee Kentucky . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 30 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Ida L. Daughter W F Sep 1885 14 S . . . Missouri Tennessee Kentucky . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 31 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Wesley I. Son W M Mar 1888 12 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Kentucky . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 32 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Ethel Daughter W F Dec 1890 9 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Kentucky . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 33 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Bertha E. Daughter W F Nov 1893 6 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 34 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer John E. Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 35 4 21A . . 338 341 Greer Reginald R. Son W M July 1899 11/12 S . . . Indian Terr Tennessee Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 36 4 21A . . 339 342 Jones Allice Head W F Aug 1867 32 M 11 3 3 Missouri Arkansas Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 303 . 21A 37 4 21A . . 339 342 Jones Homer Son W M Apr 1892 8 S . . . Kansas Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 38 4 21A . . 339 342 Jones Rosa Daughter W F June 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 39 4 21A . . 339 342 Jones Maserie Son W M Feb 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 40 4 21A . . 339 342 Montgomery Floyd Boarder W M Dec 1879 20 S . . . Missouri Indiana Iowa . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 41 4 21A . . 340 343 Murphy James R. Head W M Mar 1872 28 M 2 . . Illinois Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 0 1 yes yes yes R . F 304 . 21A 42 4 21A . . 340 343 Murphy Della Wife W F Apr 1879 21 M 2 1 1 Kansas Indiana Michigan . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 43 4 21A . . 340 343 Murphy Mirore J. Son W M May 1898 2 S . . . Kansas Illinois Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21A 44 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Joseph Head W M Nov 1853 46 M 24 . . Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 305 . 21A 45 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Mary Wife W F Dec 1855 44 M 24 9 6 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 46 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Chas. R. Son W M Feb 1880 20 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 47 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Berty Joseph Daughter W F Mar 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 48 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Nora B. Daughter W F Apr 1889 11 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21A 49 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Richard L. Son W M Feb 1891 9 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . First name too dark to read 21A 50 4 21A . . 341 344 Hatfield Veddie M. Son W M Feb 1894 6 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . First name too dark to read ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 20 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 6 1900 - July 12 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 21B 51 4 21B . . 341 344 Hatfield Joseph Father W M July 1813 86 Wd . . . Tennessee Virginia Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 52 4 21B . . 342 345 Mohler Samuel Head W M Apr 1866 34 M 0 . . Ohio Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 306 . 21B 53 4 21B . . 342 345 Mohler Evie Wife W F May 1878 22 M 0 0 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 54 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Clinton Head W M May 1881 19 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 307 . 21B 55 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Callie Mother W F Mar 1858 42 Wd . 8 5 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 56 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Carl Brother W M Dec 1882 17 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 57 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Katy Sister W F Mar 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 58 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Bab Sister W F Mar 1892 8 S . . . Missouri Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 59 4 21B . . 343 346 Allphin Harrold Brother W M Mar 1895 5 S . . . Missouri Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 60 4 21B . . 243 249 Jones James H. Step Son W M Aug 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 61 4 21B . . 244 347 Wade Arthur W. Head W M Oct 1839 60 M 34 . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Maryland . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 309 Dwelling #'s become inconsistent at this point 21B 62 4 21B . . 244 347 Wade Harrett Wife W F May 1842 58 M 34 6 5 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 63 4 21B . . 244 347 Wade Rhoten J. Son W M July 1877 22 S . . . Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 64 4 21B . . 244 347 Wade Emerson B. Son W M Mar Mar 20 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 65 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Elbert S. Head W M Feb 1854 46 M 16 . . Illinois Tennessee Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 310 . 21B 66 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Mary Wife W F May 1865 35 M 16 7 5 Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 67 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Chauncy Son W M June 1885 14 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 68 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Adele Daughter W F Mar 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 69 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Stella Daughter W F Mar 1891 9 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 70 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Clyde Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 71 4 21B . . 245 348 Willis Leo Son W M May 1900 0 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 72 4 21B . . 246 349 Yaden Thomas A. Head W M Oct 1847 52 M 27 . . Missouri Tennessee Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 311 . 21B 73 4 21B . . 246 349 Yaden Maranda E. Wife W F Dec 1854 45 M 27 7 4 Missouri Kentucky Georgia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 74 4 21B . . 246 349 Jaden Frank E. Son W M May 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 75 4 21B . . 246 349 Jaden Gracie Daughter W F Oct 1880 19 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 76 4 21B . . 246 349 Jaden Mary E. Daughter W F July 1892 7 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 77 4 21B . . 246 349 Davis Chas A. Nephew W M Sep 1874 25 S . . . Missouri Kentucky Texas . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 78 4 21B . . 247 350 Flannery Jacob H. Head W M Nov 1871 28 S . . . Pennsylvania Massachusetts Pennsylvania . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . 21B 79 4 21B . . 248 351 Atterbury Joseph Head W M . 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes R . H . . 21B 80 4 21B . . 248 351 Wright Edward Boarder W M . 1877 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 81 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow James Head W M Apr 1863 37 M 19 . . Kansas Ireland Ireland . . . Farmer 2 . no no yes R . F 312 . 21B 82 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow Sarah Wife W F Apr 1864 36 M 19 5 5 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 21B 83 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow Katy Daughter W F June 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Kansas Missouri . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 21B 84 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow Thomas Son W M Sep 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Kansas Missouri . . . Farmer 0 0 no no yes . . . . . 21B 85 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow Edward Son W M Feb 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Kansas Missouri . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 21B 86 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow John Son W M Feb 1881 9 S . . . Kansas Kansas Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 87 4 21B . . 249 352 Barlow James Son W M Sep 1892 7 S . . . Kansas Kansas Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 88 4 21B . . 350 353 Moore William Head W M Apr 1861 39 M 3 . . Georgia . . . . . Farm hand 0 . no no yes R . F . Father/Mother birth place columns blank 21B 89 4 21B . . 350 353 Moore Ebbre Wife W F Mar 1878 22 M 3 2 0 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 90 4 21B . . 351 354 Smith John D. Head W M Feb 1861 39 M 17 . . Illinois Illinois . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 313 mothers birthplace blank 21B 91 4 21B . . 351 354 Smith Dora A. Wife W F Dec . . M 17 2 2 Illinois . . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . birth yr, age, father/mother birthplace all blank 21B 92 4 21B . . 351 354 Smith Minnie M. Daughter W F Nov 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 93 4 21B . . 351 354 Smith Stella A. Daughter W F Mar 1886 14 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 94 4 21B . . 352 355 Roser James M. Head W M July 1867 32 M 7 . . Missouri Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 2 or 5 . yes yes yes R . F 314 . 21B 95 4 21B . . 352 355 Roser Thadocia Wife W F Sep 1872 27 M 7 3 3 Missouri Arkansas . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . name fields in rows 95-100 21B 96 4 21B . . 352 355 Suttler Loya E. S. Daughter W F June 1892 7 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . very dark, hard to read 21B 97 4 21B . . 352 355 Roser John S. Son W M Apr 1895 5 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 98 4 21B . . 352 355 Roser Auther Son W M July 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21B 99 4 21B . . 352 355 Hugg John Boarder W M . 1836 64 Wd . . . Germany Germany Germany 1875 25 Nal Farm Hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 21B 100 4 21B . . 353 356 Anderson Minnie Head W F Dec 1869 30 S . . . Iowa Germany Germany . . . House Keeper 4 . yes yes yes R . H . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 20 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 6 1900 - July 12 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 22A 1 4 22A . . 353 356 Anderson Sophia Sister W F Sep 1877 22 S . . . Iowa Germany Germany . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 2 4 22A . . 353 356 Anderson Frank Brother W M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Germany Germany . . . Farm hand . 7 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 3 4 22A . . 354 357 Stoddard Chas. H. Head W M Mar 1848 52 Wd . . . Ohio New York New York . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O . F 316 . 22A 4 4 22A . . 354 357 Houd Josephine Servant W F . 1854 46 Wd . 0 0 Tennessee . . . . . House Keeper . 4 yes yes yes . . . . parents birthplaces not entered 22A 5 4 22A . . 355 358 Billington Earnest Head W M Mar 1872 28 M 5 . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 317 . 22A 6 4 22A . . 355 358 Billington Stella N. Wife W F July 1874 25 M 5 0 0 Indiana Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 7 4 22A . . 355 358 Silkhousoy Elmer Boarder W M May 1881 19 S . . . Kansas Indiana Kentucky . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 8 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington James Head W M Feb 1857 43 M 19 . . Illinois Missouri Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 319 . 22A 9 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington Sarah E. Wife W F July 1865 34 M 19 10 7 Nebraska Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 10 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington William P. Son W M Oct 1882 17 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . Farmer 0 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 11 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington Winnie P. Daughter W F Mar 1884 16 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 12 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington May Daughter W F Feb 1886 14 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 13 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington Anna R. Daughter W F Sep 1890 9 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 14 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington N. Ruthie Daughter W F Feb 1894 6 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 15 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington James N. Son W M Mar 1897 3 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 16 4 22A . . 356 359 Sappington Gennie Daughter W F Jan 1899 1 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 17 4 22A . . 356 359 Howell Luther A. Boarder W M July 1882 17 S . . . Arkansas . Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 18 4 22A . . 357 360 Williams James Head W M Sep 1849 50 M 10 . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 321 . 22A 19 4 22A . . 357 360 Williams Lena L. Wife W F Oct 1864 35 M 10 2 2 W. Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 20 4 22A . . 357 360 Williams James L. Son W M Oct 1890 9 S . . . Kansas Ohio W. Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 21 4 22A . . 357 360 Williams Leo C Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Kansas Ohio W. Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 22 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson Wm. Head W M Mar 1850 50 M 14 . . Ireland Ireland Ireland 1867 33 Nal Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 323 . 22A 23 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson Phebe Wife W F Jan 1861 39 M 14 4 4 New York New York New York . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 24 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson James H. Son W M Nov 1886 13 S . . . Kansas Ireland New York . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 25 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson Herbert L. Son W M July 1890 10 S . . . Kansas Ireland New York . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 22A 26 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson Emily J. Daughter W F Aug 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Ireland New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A 27 4 22A . . 358 361 Donaldson Ola Bessie Daughter W F Aug 1897 2 S . . . Kansas Ireland New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 21E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 23A 1 4 23A . . 359 362 Wright Alonzo Head W M Mar 1871 29 M 6 . . Indiana Illinois Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 324 . 23A 2 4 23A . . 359 362 Wright M. Ella WIfe W F Oct 1873 26 M 6 2 2 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 3 4 23A . . 359 362 Wright Eligia Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 4 4 23A . . 359 362 Wright Nellie G Daughter W F Sep 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 5 4 23A . . 359 362 Pennington William Br-in Law W M Sep 1876 23 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 6 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer John H Head W M Apr 1860 40 M 15 . . Missouri Tennessee No. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 325 . 23A 7 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Laura Wife W F Sep 1866 33 M 15 7 6 Missouri Missouri No. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 8 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Gertrude Daughter W F Mar 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 9 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Loyd Son W M Apr 1889 11 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 10 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Julia Daughter W F Nov 1891 8 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 11 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Orcy Son W M Aug 1894 5 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 12 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Hobert Son W M Sep 1896 3 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 13 4 23A . . 360 363 Bodenbauer Josephine Daughter W M Mar 1900 2/12 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 14 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Joseph P Head W M Nov 1844 55 M 18 . . Ohio Maryland Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 327 . 23A 15 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Catherine Wife W F Apr 1862 38 M 18 9 7 Illinois New York Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 16 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Bessie Daughter W F Sep 1883 16 S . . . Missouri Ohio Illinois . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 17 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Benj Earl Son W M July 1885 14 S . . . Missouri Ohio Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 18 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Joseph E. Son W M Jan 1889 11 S . . . Missouri Ohio Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 19 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Cora Daughter W F Aug 1893 6 S . . . Missouri Ohio Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 20 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Maggie Daughter W F Dec 1895 4 S . . . Arkansas Ohio Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 21 4 23A . . 361 364 Hunt Alpha Daughter W F Jan 1898 2 S . . . Kansas Ohio Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 22 4 23A . . 362 365 Miller Oscar Head W M Dec 1874 25 S . . . Indiana Indiana Illinois . . . Farmer 2 . yes yes yes R . F 328 . 23A 23 4 23A . . 362 365 Smith Sada Sister W F . 1859 41 Wd . 7 5 Indiana Indiana Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 24 4 23A . . 362 365 Smith William Nephew W M Sep 1882 17 S . . . Missouri Indiana Illinois . . . Farm hand 3 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 25 4 23A . . 362 365 Smith Ralph Nephew W M Mar 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Indiana Illinois . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 26 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Archie Head W M . 1843 57 M 30 . . Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes R . F 329 . 23A 27 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Ginnivieve Wife W F Sep 1849 50 M 30 9 8 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 28 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith William H. Son W M Dec 1875 24 M 0 . . Kansas Arkansas Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 29 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Florence D-in Law W F Nov 1880 19 M 0 0 0 Kansas Pennsylvania Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 30 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Luther Son W M July 1879 20 S . . . Kansas Arkansas Illinois . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 31 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Delbert Son W M May 1881 19 S . . . Kansas Arkansas Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 32 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Daisy Daughter W F Oct 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Arkansas Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 33 4 23A . . 363 366 Smith Arthur Son W M Nov 1886 13 S . . . Kansas Arkansas Illinois . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 34 4 23A . . 364 367 Smith Albert Head W M Aug 1873 26 M 3 . . Arkansas Arkansas Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 330 . 23A 35 4 23A . . 364 367 Smith Stella M. Wife W F Feb 1879 21 M 3 1 1 Missouri Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 36 4 23A . . 364 367 Smith William B. Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Arkansas Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23A 37 4 23A . . 364 367 Smith John A. Uncle W M Mar 1831 69 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 38 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn Aron Head W M July 1844 55 M 28 . . Ohio Kentucky Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 331 . 23A 39 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn Cartherine Wife W F Oct 1852 49 M 28 7 5 Iowa Ohio Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 40 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn Geo. M. Son W M Sep 1877 22 S . . . Kansas Ohio Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 41 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn William E. Son W M Aug 1880 19 S . . . Kansas Ohio Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 42 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn Florence E. Daughter W F Dec 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Ohio Iowa . . . At School 0 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 43 4 23A . . 365 368 Littlejohn Chas. E. Son W M Aug 1888 11 S . . . Kansas Ohio Iowa . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 44 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Hayes Head W M Oct 1848 51 M 25 . . Indiana Kentucky . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 332 . 23A 45 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Talley Wife W F Apr 1857 43 M 25 13 9 Iowa Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 46 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Lula Daughter W F July 1880 19 S . . . Missouri Indiana Iowa . . . Housekeeper 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 47 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Maud Daughter W F Aug 1882 17 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 48 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Dena W. Daughter W F Dec 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 49 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Earl Son W M Feb 1887 13 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 23A 50 4 23A . . 366 369 Montgurney Ruth Daughter W F Apr 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 21E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 23B 51 4 23B . . 366 369 Montgurney Grace Daughter W F Sep 1890 9 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 52 4 23B . . 367 370 Riddle Hiram A. Head W M Dec 1874 25 M 1 . . Kansas . . . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes R . H . parents birthplaces not entered 23B 53 4 23B . . 367 370 Riddle Hattie Wife W F Aug 1880 19 M 1 0 0 Missouri Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 54 4 23B . . 367 370 Brown Thernson Boarder In M Feb 1840 59 S . . . Canada Michigan Michigan 1843 56 0 Land Lord . . yes yes yes . . . . First name possibly Theruson. 23B 55 4 23B . . 368 371 Long Geo. W. Head W M Sep 1873 26 M 0 . . Iowa Missouri Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 333 . 23B 56 4 23B . . 368 371 Long Cora R Wife W F Nov 1880 19 M 0 0 0 Arkansas . No. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 57 4 23B . . 369 372 Morton Alexander Head W M Aug 1843 56 M 30 . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes R . F 334 . 23B 58 4 23B . . 369 372 Morton Martha J. Wife W F Apr 1848 52 M 30 9 8 Illinois England Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 59 4 23B . . 369 372 Morton Robert Son W M Nov 1879 20 S . . . Illinois Pennsylvania Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 60 4 23B . . 369 372 Morton Clarence Son W M Nov 1887 12 S . . . Nebraska Pennsylvania Illinois . . . At School . 8 yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 61 4 23B . . 369 372 Morton Roy Son W M Nov 1889 10 S . . . Nebraska Pennsylvania Illinois . . . At School . 8 yes yes yes R . . . . 23B 62 4 23B . . 370 373 Payton Jefferson Head W M Oct 1824 75 M 53 . . Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 335 . 23B 63 4 23B . . 370 373 Payton Emeline Wife W F Apr 1830 70 M 53 6 4 Ohio Ohio No. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 64 4 23B . . 370 373 Payton William U. Son W M July 1855 44 S . . . Illinois Virginia Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 65 4 23B . . 371 374 Long Thomas N. Head W M Aug 1868 31 M 9 . . Iowa Iowa Nebraska . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 338 . 23B 66 4 23B . . 371 374 Long Mary D. Wife W F Mar 1876 24 M 9 5 3 Kansas Nebraska Nebraska . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 67 4 23B . . 371 374 Long Ethen W. Son W M Apr 1892 8 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 68 4 23B . . 371 374 Long James A. Son W M Feb 1894 6 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 69 4 23B . . 371 374 Long Warren Son W M Nov 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 70 4 23B . . 372 375 Long James R. Head W M Apr 1871 29 M 3 . . Iowa Missouri Nebraska . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 339 . 23B 71 4 23B . . 372 375 Long Sarah E. Wife W F Dec 1880 19 M 3 2 2 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 23B 72 4 23B . . 372 375 Long Nora E. Daughter W F June 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 73 4 23B . . 372 375 Long Allice L. Daughter W F Feb 1900 3/12 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 74 4 23B . . 372 375 Long William J. Jr. Brother W M June 1875 24 S . . . Iowa Missouri Nebraska . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 75 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Alexander Head B M Jan 1836 64 M 27 . . Mississippi So. Carolina Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 340 . 23B 76 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Lizzie Wife B F Oct 1849 50 M 27 18 9 Texas Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 23B 77 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood William Son B M Mar 1875 25 S . . . Texas Mississippi Texas . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 78 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood John Son B M July 1883 16 S . . . Indian Terr Mississippi Texas . . . Farmer 0 0 no no yes . . . . . 23B 79 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Virginia E Daughter B F Mar 1887 13 S . . . Indian Terr Mississippi Texas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 23B 80 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Mattie Daughter B F Mar 1890 10 S . . . Indian Terr Mississippi Texas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 23B 81 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Gertrude Daughter B F Mar 1893 7 S . . . Indian Terr Mississippi Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 82 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Leona Daughter B F Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Mississippi Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 83 4 23B . . 373 376 Norwood Elsie Mother B F . 1790 110 Wd . 19 9 Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 23B 84 4 23B . . 373 376 Smith Philes Sister B F . 1820 80 Wd . 5 0 Alabama So. Carolina Virginia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 23B 85 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Jacob Head W M Mar 1845 55 Wd . . . Indiana . . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 341 . 23B 86 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Noseal C. Son W F Oct 1880 19 S . . . Indiana Indiana No. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 87 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Ruby I. Daughter W F Aug 1883 16 S . . . Indiana Indiana No. Carolina . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 88 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Harrold C. Son W M June 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Indiana No. Carolina . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 89 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Ralph L. Son W M July 1888 11 S . . . Kansas Indiana No. Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 23B 90 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Alfred R. Son W M Oct 1890 9 S . . . Kansas Indiana No. Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 91 4 23B . . 374 377 Davids Loren G. Son W M July 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana No. Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23B 92 4 23B . . 375 378 Long William J. Head W M Sep 1843 56 M 36 . . Missouri Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 342 . 23B 93 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Lucinia Wife W F Apr 1848 52 M 36 12 9 Iowa Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 94 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Jasper N. Son W M Mar 1877 23 S . . . Iowa Missouri Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 95 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Eligia V. Son W M Oct 1879 20 S . . . Kansas Missouri Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 96 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Mary C. Daughter W F Oct 1882 17 S . . . Iowa Missouri Iowa . . . Dressmaker 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 97 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Riserri J. Son W M July 1886 13 S . . . Iowa Missouri Iowa . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 23B 98 4 23B . . 375 378 Long Dora M. Daughter W F Dec 1889 10 S . . . Iowa Missouri Iowa . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 23B 99 4 23B . . 376 379 Harris Joseph L. Head W M June 1850 49 M 20 . . Missouri Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 343 . 23B 100 4 23B . . 376 379 Harris Martha Wife W F Nov 1859 40 M 20 8 8 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . NOTE: This page is stamped 25, but the Sheet Number is 24. It is in FM# sequence in this file to keep the Harris family together. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 21E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 25A 1 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Viola Daughter W F May 1881 19 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . This sheet appears to be out of order. 25A 2 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Geo E Son W M Dec 1882 17 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 3 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Eula G Daughter W F Mar 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 4 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Marie G Daughter W F Aug 1888 11 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 25A 5 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris J William Son W M Feb 1891 9 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 6 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Clarence W Son W M Nov 1893 6 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 7 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Bertha A. Daughter W F June 1896 3 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 8 4 24A . . 376 379 Harris Laura M. Daughter W F May 1900 0/12 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 9 4 24A . . 376 379 Brown Noah Boarder W M May 1883 17 S . . . Kansas . . . . . Farm hand 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 10 4 24A . . 376 379 Anderson Lewis Boarder W M June 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm hand 3 . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 11 4 24A . . 377 380 Murdock Chas. E. Head W M Apr 1852 48 M 14 . . New York New York New York . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 344 . 25A 12 4 24A . . 377 380 Murdock Mary Wife W F May 1848 52 M 14 2 2 Indiana Virginia Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 13 4 24A . . 378 381 Jackson David F. Head W M May 1843 57 M 23 . . Indiana Ohio Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 345 . 25A 14 4 24A . . 378 381 Jackson Malinda O. Wife W F July 1853 46 M 23 2 2 Indiana Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 15 4 24A . . 378 381 Straley Clem Step Son W M Dec 1878 21 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 16 4 24A . . 378 381 Jackson Leota Daughter W F May 1884 16 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 17 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson William Head W M Feb 1861 39 M 9 . . Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Ireland . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 346 . 25A 18 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson May Wife W F Apr 1873 27 M 9 5 4 Indiana Indiana Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 19 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson Lizzie Daughter W F Aug 1892 7 S . . . Missouri Pennsylvania Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 20 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson William Son W M Aug 1894 5 S . . . Indian Terr Pennsylvania Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 21 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson M. Ethel Daughter W F Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Pennsylvania Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 22 4 24A . . 379 382 Fulkerson Manly L. Son W M Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Indian Terr Pennsylvania Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 23 4 24A . . 379 382 Smith William T. B-in Law W M July 1881 18 S . . . Missouri Indiana Kentucky . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 24 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Matt L. Head W M Nov 1865 34 M 12 . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 347 . 25A 25 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Eva Wife W F Feb 1869 31 M 12 5 4 Missouri Missouri Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 26 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Herman O. Son W M Aug 1888 11 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 27 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Homer R Son W M June 1891 8 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 28 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Oreste D. Daughter W F Feb 1897 7 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 29 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Lenard B. Son W M Apr 1895 5 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 30 4 24A . . 380 383 Philips Dessie M. Daughter W F June 1897 2 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 31 4 24A . . 381 384 Benett Walter Head W M May 1871 29 M 3 . . Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 348 . 25A 32 4 24A . . 381 384 Benett Carrie Wife W F Nov 1877 22 M 3 2 2 Kansas Austria Arkansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 33 4 24A . . 381 384 Benett Ethel C. Daughter W F Jan 1898 2 S . . . Indian Terr Virginia Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 34 4 24A . . 381 384 Benett Albert L. Son W M Feb 1900 4/12 S . . . Indian Terr Virginia Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 35 4 24A . . 381 384 Benett Mary J. Mother W F June 1843 56 Wd . 0 0 Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 36 4 24A . . 381 384 Stubler John F. B-in Law W M Mar 1887 13 S . . . Kansas Austria Arkansas . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 37 4 24A . . 382 385 Humphrey J. *. Head W M Apr 1870 30 S . . . Iowa England Ireland . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . 25A 38 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer ***ra* Head W M Sep 1866 33 M 7 . . Wisconsin Germany Wisconsin . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 349 First name possibly Couras. 25A 39 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer Cora Wife W F June 1876 23 M 7 4 4 Maine Maine Maine . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 40 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer Mable Daughter W F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Kansas Wisconsin Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 41 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer Adolph Son W M Dec 1897 3 S . . . Kansas Wisconsin Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 42 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer Maud Daughter W F Aug 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Wisconsin Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 43 4 24A . . 383 386 Metzer Ollie *arnis Daughter W M Jan 1900 0/12 . . . . Indian Terr Wisconsin Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 44 4 24A . . 384 387 McKray Walter Head W M Dec 1872 27 M 6 . . Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 350 . 25A 45 4 24A . . 384 387 McKray Hattie Wife W F Dec 1873 26 M 6 1 1 Illinois Illinois Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 25A 46 4 24A . . 384 387 McKray Elmer Son W M Aug 1896 3 . . . . Kansas Kansas Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A 47 4 24A 25A 48 4 24A 25A 49 4 24A 25A 50 4 24A This concludes the enumeration of T.29 Range 21 E, Population #1 NOTE: This page is stamped 24, but the Sheet Number is 25. It is in FM# sequence in this file. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 22E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 24A 1 4 25A . . 384 388 Gunter Fred Head W M Apr 1869 31 M 6 . . Missouri Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 351 Page # (24) does not match Sheet # (25A) 24A 2 4 25A . . 384 388 Gunter Nettie A. Wife W F Sep 1869 30 M 6 1 1 Kansas Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . Sheet # (25A) 24A 3 4 25A . . 384 388 Gunter Dorothy Daughter W F May 1896 4 S . . . Kansas Missouri Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 4 4 25A . . 384 388 Gunter Byron A. Brother W M Oct 1875 24 S . . . Missouri Indiana Indiana . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 5 4 25A . . 385 389 Powell Robert S. Head W M Dec 1837 62 M 41 . . Kentucky Kentucky Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 352 . 24A 6 4 25A . . 385 389 Powell Elerine E. Wife W F Aug 1840 59 M 41 12 10 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 7 4 25A . . 385 389 Powell Chas D Son W M Nov 1874 25 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 8 4 25A . . 385 389 Powell Robert Jr. Son W M Nov 1867 32 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 9 4 25A . . 385 389 Powell Sarah C. Daughter W F Apr 1877 23 S . . . Arkansas Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 10 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Ewing C. D. Head W M May 1851 49 M 20 . . Missouri Kentucky Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 353 . 24A 11 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Lizzie Wife W F Jan 1861 39 M 20 7 7 Illinois Germany Germany . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 12 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Chas. C. Son W M June 1881 18 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 13 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Catherine Daughter W F June 1883 16 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 14 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks James M. Son W M June 1886 14 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 15 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Nancy A. Daughter W F Aug 1888 11 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 16 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Robert E Son W M Aug 1890 9 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 17 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Christopher Son W M July 1893 6 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 18 4 25A . . 386 390 Parks Siverdick Son W M Mar 1896 4 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 19 4 25A . . 387 391 Allen Lenard Head W M Mar 1858 42 M 2 . . Illinois Virginia Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 354 . 24A 20 4 25A . . 387 391 Allen Effie Wife W F Nov 1872 27 M 2 3 2 Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 21 4 25A . . 387 391 Wright James Stepson W M July 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Michigan Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 22 4 25A . . 387 391 Allen Joseph Son W M July 1899 10/12 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 23 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Johnathan Head W M Nov 1842 57 M 33 . . Indiana Indiana . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 355 . 24A 24 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Lizia L. Wife W F . 1845 55 M 33 12 9 Ohio Pennsylvania Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 25 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Henry S. Son W M Jan 1875 25 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 26 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Walter Son W M May 1880 20 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 27 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Arthur Son W M Mar 1882 18 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 28 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Edith I. Daughter W F Sep 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 29 4 25A . . 388 392 Duncan Daisy M. Daughter W F Jan 1886 14 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . At School . 1 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 30 4 25A . . 389 393 Michaell Fred E. Head W M Jan 1875 25 M 0 . . Missouri Illinois Iowa . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes R . H . . 24A 31 4 25A . . 380 393 Michael Ada Wife W F May 1882 18 M 0 0 0 Arkansas Missouri Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 32 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer John A Head W M Nov 1871 28 M 8 . . Kansas Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 356 . 24A 33 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer Lettie J Wife W F Jan 1873 27 M 8 4 4 Kansas Missouri Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 34 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer Cora A Daughter W F Aug 1892 7 S . . . Indian Terr Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 35 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer Mamie Daughter W F May 1895 5 S . . . Indian Terr Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 36 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer Nora B. Daughter W F Dec 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 37 4 25A . . 390 394 Summer Josephine Daughter W F May 1899 1 S . . . Indian Terr Kansas Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 38 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan William R. Head W M Feb 1860 40 M 14 . . Virginia Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 357 . 24A 39 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan Nora Wife W F Jan 1860 40 M 14 4 4 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Germany . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 40 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan Harry H. Son W M Feb 1887 13 S . . . Kansas Virginia Pennsylvania . . . Farmer . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 41 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan Vartia Daughter W F Nov 1888 11 S . . . Kansas Virginia Pennsylvania . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 42 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan Vallie Son W M June 1892 7 S . . . Kansas Virginia Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 43 4 25A . . 391 395 Morgan Ollie Daughter W F June 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Virginia Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 44 4 25A . . 392 396 Mickel Chas. H. Head W M Nov 1856 43 M 8 . . Illinois New Jersey Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 358 name columns 44-50 are 24A 45 4 25A . . 392 396 Mickel Sada A. Wife W F Nov 1874 25 M 8 2 2 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . very blackened are totally 24A 46 4 25A . . 392 396 Mickel Harry Son W M Dec 1892 7 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . unreadable 24A 47 4 25A . . 392 396 Mickel Lucile Daughter W F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24A 48 4 25A . . 393 397 Farmer William Head W M . 1850 50 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Cattle Raising 0 . yes yes yes R . F 359 . 24A 49 4 25A . . 393 397 Webb James W. Boarder W M Aug 1878 21 M 2 . . Arkansas Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24A 50 4 25A . . 393 397 Webb Amelia Boarder W F Sep 1882 17 M 2 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . NOTE: This page is PG# 24, but the Sheet Number is 25. It is in FM# sequence in this file. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 22E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 24B 51 4 25B . . 393 397 Webb Loyd N. Boarder W M Nov 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Arkansas Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 52 4 25B . . 393 397 Moss Samuel Boarder W M . 1875 25 S . . . Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 53 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Wm N Head W M Mar 1854 46 M 3 . . Illinois Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 362 . 24B 54 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Mary Wife W F May 1870 30 M 3 0 0 Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 55 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Arthur Son W M Feb 1875 25 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes no yes . . . . . 24B 56 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Amos Son W M Feb 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes no yes . . . . . 24B 57 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Samuel Son W M Oct 1880 19 S . . . Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 58 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett Annie Daughter W F Jan 1888 12 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Missouri . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 59 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett George Son W M Mar 1891 9 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 60 4 25B . . 394 398 Corbett William Father W M July 1816 83 Wd . . . Tennessee Tennessee No. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 61 4 25B . . 395 399 McGregor Francis C. Head W M Aug 1866 33 M 9 . . Indiana Indiana . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 363 . 24B 62 4 25B . . 395 399 McGregor Martha M. Wife W F Oct 1871 28 M 9 5 3 Missouri Illinois Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 63 4 25B . . 395 399 McGregor Ethel D. Daughter W F Dec 1890 9 S . . . Missouri Indiana Missouri . . . At School . 3 yes no yes . . . . . 24B 64 4 25B . . 395 399 McGregor Ople Daughter W F Jan 1893 7 S . . . Missouri Indiana Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 65 4 25B . . 395 399 McGregor William S. Son W M Nov 1898 1 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 66 4 25B . . 396 400 Fagan Andrew P. Head W M Apr 1855 45 M 20 . . Iowa Pennsylvania . . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 364 . 24B 67 4 25B . . 396 400 Fagan Allie C. Wife W F May 1868 38 M 20 3 2 Indiana Pennsylvania . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 68 4 25B . . 396 400 Fagan Earl H. Son W M Sep 1881 18 S . . . Kansas Iowa Indiana . . . Farm Hand 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 69 4 25B . . 396 400 Fagan Edmond L. Son W M Nov 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Iowa Indiana . . . Farm Hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 70 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Marion M. Head W M Mar 1846 54 M 37 . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 365 . 24B 71 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Mary E. Wife W F Dec 1856 43 M 37 9 8 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 24B 72 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Glen C. Son W M Dec 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 73 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Ruthie M. Daughter W F June 1899 10 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 74 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Fredie Son W M June 1891 8 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 75 4 25B . . 397 401 Craig Adr**ie Son W M Aug 1892 7 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 76 4 25B . . 397 401 Robenett Clarence G. Son W M Apr 1895 5 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 77 4 25B . . 398 402 Perew George W. Head W M Jan 1855 45 M 15 . . Indiana Canada Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 366 . 24B 78 4 25B . . 398 402 Perew Lydia Bell Wife W F May 1865 35 M 15 3 3 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 79 4 25B . . 398 402 Perew Elvie M Daughter W F Sep 1885 14 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 80 4 25B . . 398 402 Perew Elizia Daughter W F Mar 1888 12 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 81 4 25B . . 398 402 Perew Elsie M. Daughter W F Nov 1895 4 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 82 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew Richard Head W M Jan 1858 42 M 19 . . Indiana Canada Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 366 . 24B 83 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew Margrett Wife W F Apr 1862 38 M 19 6 4 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 84 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew Ida B Daughter W F Nov 1886 13 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . House Keeper 0 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 85 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew David A Son W M Jan 1889 11 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 86 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew Lula E Daughter W F Apr 1893 7 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 87 4 25B . . 399 403 Perew John W. Son W M Feb 1898 2 S . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 88 4 25B . . 400 404 Renolds Edward Head W M Dec 1864 35 M 8 . . Illinois Ohio Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 367 . 24B 89 4 25B . . 400 404 Renolds Adella J. Wife W F Oct 1868 31 M 8 3 1 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 90 4 25B . . 400 404 Renolds Bessie Daughter W F Nov 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Illinois Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 91 4 25B . . 400 404 Littleford William Boarder W M . 1877 23 S . . . Tennessee . . . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 92 4 25B . . 400 404 McGrew Geo B-in Law W M Mar 1882 18 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 93 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon Alzo** H. Head W M Mar 1842 58 M 35 . . Ohio New Jersey Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 368 . 24B 94 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon Elizia Wife W F July 1842 57 M 35 2 2 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 95 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon John Son W M Oct 1866 33 M 4 . . Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 96 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon Lula D-in Law W F Aug 1877 22 M 4 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 97 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon Elwood Son W M Mar 1899 1 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B 98 4 25B . . 401 405 Dillon Bry M. Son W M July 1873 26 S . . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 24B 99 4 25B . . 402 406 Whittin*** illegible Head W M Aug 1845 54 M 34 . . Illinois No. Carolina Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 370 Last Name is Whittington - carries over to pg 26A where it can be read in full 24B 100 4 25B . . 402 406 Whittin*** Ellen Wife W F *** **** *7 M 34 7 5 Illinois No. Carolina Georgia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . Last Name is Whittington - carries over to pg 26A where it can be read in full ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 22E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 26A 1 4 26A . . 402 406 Whittington John W. Son W M July 1867 32 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . LN carried from pg 25B 26A 2 4 26A . . 402 406 Whittington James W. Son W M Jan 1871 29 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Barber 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 3 4 26A . . 402 406 Whittington Maud T. Daughter W F Aug 1882 17 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 4 4 26A . . 402 406 Whittington Clyde E. Son W M Feb 1885 15 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 5 4 26A . . 402 406 McKiney Greg R. G. Son W M Sep 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 6 4 26A . . 403 407 Garrison James M. Head W M Aug 1871 28 S . . . Iowa Indiana W. Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 372 . 26A 7 4 26A . . 403 407 Garrison Elizibeth Mother W F July 1835 64 M 43 11 8 W. Virginia W. Virginia W. Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 8 4 26A . . 403 407 Garrison Nora B. Sister W F Aug 1873 26 S . . . Iowa Indiana W. Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 9 4 26A . . 403 407 Garrison Cora D. Sister W F Mar 1880 20 S . . . Missouri Indiana W. Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 10 4 26A . . 403 407 Garrison Milton A. Cousin W M Jan 1876 24 S . . . Missouri Indiana Iowa . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 11 4 26A . . 403 407 Smith James A. Nephew W M Aug 1886 13 S . . . Missouri Tennessee Iowa . . . At School . 1 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 12 4 26A . . 404 408 Garrison Garrit B. Head W M Jan 1866 34 M 5 . . Iowa Indiana W. Virginia . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes O . H . . 26A 13 4 26A . . 404 408 Garrison Mamie Wife W F Aug 1876 23 M 5 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 14 4 26A . . 404 408 Garrison Ross A. Son W M Dec 1897 2 S . . . Indian Terr Iowa Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 15 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris William Head B M Jan 1874 26 M 4 . . Texas Alabama Alabama . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O . F 373 . 26A 16 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Ida M. Wife B F July 1880 19 M 4 3 3 Kansas Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 17 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Ethel M. Daughter B F Sep 1896 3 S . . . Indian Terr Texas Indian Terr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 18 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Hallen I. Daughter B F Jan 1898 2 S . . . Indian Terr Texas Indian Terr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 19 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Stella L. Daughter B F Jan 1900 5/12 S . . . Indian Terr Texas Indian Terr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 20 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Rhuben Brother B M Jan 1883 17 S . . . Indian Terr Alabama Alabama . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 21 4 26A . . 405 409 Harris Rufus A. Brother B M Jan 1883 17 S . . . Indian Terr Alabama Alabama . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 22 4 26A . . 406 410 Looney Robert Head W M May 1870 30 M 0 . . Missouri Missouri Arkansas . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 374 . 26A 23 4 26A . . 406 410 Looney Arrona Wife W F July 1875 24 M 0 . . Arkansas Arkansas So. Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 24 4 26A . . 406 410 Looney Riley Brother W M June 1875 24 M 4 . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 25 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney James M. Head W M J** 1863 37 M 15 . . Virginia Pennsylvania Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 375 . 26A 26 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Emma Wife W F Sep 1866 33 M 15 8 7 Missouri Michigan Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 27 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Earnest G. Son W M Jan 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . At School . 6 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 28 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney E. Pearl Daughter W F Dec 1888 11 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 29 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney James C. Son W M Oct 1891 8 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 30 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Ada L. Daughter W F Aug 1892 7 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 31 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Anne R. Daughter W F June 1894 5 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 32 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Drucilla Daughter W F Mar 1896 4 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 33 4 26A . . 407 411 Courtney Ira W. Son W M Mar 1899 1 S . . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 34 4 26A . . 408 412 Miller Martie J. Head W F Mar 1845 55 Wd . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 377 . 26A 35 4 26A . . 408 412 Miller Rosa E Daughter W F Oct 1877 22 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 36 4 26A . . 408 412 Miller Jesse L. Daughter W F Mar 1884 16 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 37 4 26A . . 408 412 Miller Frances J. Daughter W F Aug 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 38 4 26A . . 408 412 Bien*casco Suilkeye Brother W M Aug 1854 45 S . . . Iowa Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 39 4 26A . . 408 412 Harrison Albert J. Boarder W M Mar 1887 13 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 40 4 26A . . 409 413 Danills Ray E. Head W M Dec 1876 23 S . . . Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 378 . 26A 41 4 26A . . 409 413 Danills Mary E. Mother W F Nov 1843 56 Wd . 6 5 Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 42 4 26A . . 409 413 Danills Fred Brother W M July 1879 20 S . . . Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 43 4 26A . . 409 413 Danills Ruby N. Sister W F July 1884 15 S . . . Iowa Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 44 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Lewis C. Head W M June 1856 43 M 17 . . Iowa Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 379 . 26A 45 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Margrett Wife W F Apr 1864 36 M 17 5 5 Indiana Indiana Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26A 46 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Lester C. Son W M June 1884 15 S . . . Missouri Iowa Indiana . . . Farmer 0 0 no no yes . . . . . 26A 47 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Dorcie F. Son W M Feb 1886 14 S . . . Arkansas Iowa Indiana . . . Farmer 0 0 no no yes . . . . . 26A 48 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Van V. Son W M Nov 1890 9 S . . . Missouri Iowa Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 49 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Adrow Son W M Mar 1892 8 S . . . Missouri Iowa Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26A 50 4 26A . . 410 414 Olds Ollie P. Son W M Nov 1894 5 S . . . Missouri Iowa Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 22E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 26B 51 4 26B . . 410 414 Olds Eligia L. Brother W M Oct 1864 35 Wd . . . Iowa Indiana Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 52 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Samuel C. Head W M . 1858 42 M 17 . . Illinois Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 380 . 26B 53 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Dorothy S. Wife W F Oct 1861 38 M 17 12 9 Illinois Germany Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 54 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Harvy E. Son W M Aug 1882 17 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 55 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Norman N. Son W M Nov 1883 16 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 56 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Ollie M. Daughter W F Dec 1885 14 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . . . 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 57 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Frank D. Son W M Mar 1886 14 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 58 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Carrie B. Daughter W F Oct 1887 12 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 26B 59 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Manda Daughter W F Apr 1890 10 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . 26B 60 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Malicia Daughter W F Apr 1892 8 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 61 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Hellen Daughter W F Sep 1893 6 S . . . Nebraska Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 62 4 26B . . 411 415 Hickel Ressie Daughter W F Mar 1898 2 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 63 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Abraham Head W M Dec 1862 37 M 11 . . Illinois Ohio Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 381 . 26B 64 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Clara Wife W F June 1868 31 M 11 4 4 Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 65 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Max A. Son W M Jan 1891 9 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 66 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Lourette Daughter W F May 1894 6 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 67 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Chas Son W M Oct 1895 4 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 68 4 26B . . 412 416 Barcus Glen A. Son W M Mar 1898 2 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 69 4 26B . . 413 417 Payne Jacob Head W M Nov 1839 60 M 31 . . Indiana No. Carolina Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 382 . 26B 70 4 26B . . 413 417 Payne Emma A. Wife W F Jan 1849 51 M 31 3 3 Ohio Ohio Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 71 4 26B . . 413 417 Payne Oscer S. Son W M Feb 1881 19 S . . . Kansas Indiana Ohio . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 72 4 26B . . 414 418 Ferris John A. Head W M Sep 1854 45 M 20 . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 383 . 26B 73 4 26B . . 414 418 Ferris Emma B. Wife W F Jan 1862 38 M 20 2 2 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 74 4 26B . . 414 418 Ferris Nellie Daughter W F Dec 1880 19 S . . . Illinois Indiana Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 75 4 26B . . 414 418 Ferris Arlly Son W M Apr 1883 17 S . . . Illinois Indiana Illinois . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 76 4 26B . . 414 418 King May Boarder W F Aug 1880 19 S . . . Arkansas Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 77 4 26B . . 414 418 Rader Chas Boarder W M Oct 1880 19 S . . . Michigan . . . . . Farm hand 0 1 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 78 4 26B . . 415 419 Black Geo. V. Head W M Jan 1867 33 M 13 . . Illinois . Michigan . . . Farmer 2 . yes yes yes R . F 384 . 26B 79 4 26B . . 415 419 Black Julia E. Wife W F July 1868 31 M 13 0 0 Missouri Maryland W. Virginia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 80 4 26B . . 415 419 Harrison Evan B. Boarder W M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 81 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Riley Head W M Oct 1851 48 M 26 . . Illinois Georgia Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 386 . 26B 82 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Hanah C. Wife W F Dec 1852 47 M 26 13 6 Illinois Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 83 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Oscar Son W M Mar 1878 22 S . . . Indian Terr Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . 26B 84 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Riley Jr. Son W M Nov 1888 11 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 85 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Howard Son W M Apr 1891 9 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 86 4 26B . . 416 420 Allen Cledith A. Son W M Aug 1894 5 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 87 4 26B . . 417 421 Paup Dallis Head W M . 1874 26 M 3 . . Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 387 . 26B 88 4 26B . . 417 421 Park Millie Wife W F July 1876 23 M 3 3 0 Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . 26B 89 4 26B . . 418 422 Dunn Frank M. Head W M Feb 1872 28 M 1 . . Kansas Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 388 . 26B 90 4 26B . . 418 422 Dunn Annie Wife W F Mar 1882 18 M 1 1 0 Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . 26B 91 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Blane C. Head W M Apr 1861 39 M 16 . . Tennessee Tennessee Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 392 . 26B 92 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Sarah C. Wife W F Mar 1865 35 M 16 9 7 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 93 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Reed J Son W M Apr 1886 14 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . 26B 94 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger John A Son W M Feb 1888 12 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . At School . 2 no no yes . . . . . 26B 95 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Geo. M. Son W M June 1890 9 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 96 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Shaucer L. Son W M Feb 1898 8 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 97 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Oddie L. Son W M Sep 1893 6 S . . . Indian Tery. Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 98 4 26B . . 419 423 Koger Earnest Son W M Feb 1885 5 S . . . Indian Tery. Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B 99 4 26B . . 419 423 Harris Anna Boarder B F Jan 1862 38 Wd . 2 0 Indian Tery. Georgia Georgia . . . Servant 0 . no no yes . . . . . 26B 100 4 26B . . 420 424 Koger Geo. W. Head W M Aug 1851 48 M 19 . . Missouri Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes R . F 393 . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 29 Range 22E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 4 ENUMERATOR: C. E. Holderman ENUM/DATE-RANGE: July 13 1900 - July 14 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBR DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 27A 1 4 27A . . 420 424 Koger Clara L Wife W F Feb 1863 37 M 19 2 2 Iowa Canada Wisconsin . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 2 4 27A . . 420 424 Koger Harvy E. Son W M Feb 1887 13 S . . . Indian Terr Missouri Iowa . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 3 4 27A . . 420 424 Koger John Father W M Oct 1822 77 Wd . . . Kentucky Virginia No. Carolina . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . 27A 4 4 27A . . 420 424 Hicks Alvin Boarder W M Mar 1881 19 S . . . Indian Terr Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farm hand 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 5 4 27A . . 421 425 Nichols Andrew Head W M Mar 1848 52 M 30 . . Indiana Indiana Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 394 . 27A 6 4 27A . . 421 425 Nichols Elizabeth Wife W F June 1849 50 M 30 8 5 Wisconsin Ohio Illinois . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 7 4 27A . . 421 425 Nichols William A. Son W M Nov 1871 28 S . . . Kansas Indiana Wisconsin . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 8 4 27A . . 421 425 Nichols Leroy L. Son W M Dec 1874 25 S . . . Kansas Indiana Wisconsin . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 9 4 27A . . 421 425 Wynne Grace B. Daughter W F Mar 1877 23 M 0 1 1 Kansas Indiana Wisconsin . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 10 4 27A . . 421 425 Wynne Bertha E. Daughter W F Sep 1883 16 S . . . Indian Terr Indiana Wisconsin . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 11 4 27A . . 421 425 Wynne Bessie T. Daughter W F Oct 1891 8 S . . . Kansas Indiana Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27A 12 4 27A . . 421 425 Wynne Chas L. S-in Law W M Oct 1864 35 M 0 . . Alabama . Alabama . . . Surgeon 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 13 4 27A . . 421 425 Wynne Chas B. G. Son W M Apr 1900 1/12 S . . . Indian Terr Alabama Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27A 14 4 27A . . 421 425 Hamilton John W. Boarder W M . 1884 15 S . . . Arkansas . . . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 15 4 27A . . 421 425 Bartholomew Jacob B-in Law W M May 1851 49 Wd . . . Wisconsin Ohio Illinois . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 16 4 27A . . 422 426 Bonwell Arthur Head W M Apr 1834 66 M 27 . . Kentucky Virginia Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 395 . 27A 17 4 27A . . 422 426 Bonwell Elizia D. Wife W F Jan 1859 41 M 27 2 2 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 18 4 27A . . 422 426 Bonwell William S. Son W M Oct 1882 17 S . . . Kansas Kentucky Kentucky . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . 27A 19 4 27A . . 422 426 Hickes John Boarder W M July 1879 21 S . . . Indian Terr Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farm hand 0 . yes yes yes . . . . .