Indian Territory, OK 1900 Federal Census (File 3 of 5 for ED:13) Stamped pages 10A-14A, Sheets 10A-14A This Census was transcribed by Brian Milligan and is not yet proofread for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2006 by Brian Milligan ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-1843 State INDIAN TERRITORY County Cherokee Nation ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription--------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 10A 1 13 10A . . 149 149 Goodman Mamie Head W F Mch 1858 42 W . 2 2 Ohio Iowa Ohio . . . Manager of Farm 0 . yes yes yes R . F 81 Township 25 NR 18 E June 13/14 1900 10A 2 13 10A . . 149 149 Peterson Scott W Hired Hand W M Oct 1852 47 Div . . . Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 3 13 10A . . 150 150 Steele Harry Head B M June 1848 51 W . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 83 . . 10A 4 13 10A . . 150 150 Steele Mary Daughter B F Oct 1884 15 S . . . Indian Territory Kentucky Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 5 13 10A . . 151 151 Robertson Wesley Head B M . 1863 37 M 18 . . Indian Territory Georgia Un . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 84 . . 10A 6 13 10A . . 151 151 Robertson Betsy Wife B F Jany 1860 40 M 18 4 2 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 7 13 10A . . 151 151 Foster Lewis Grand Son B M Apr 1889 11 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 8 13 10A . . 151 151 Foster John Grand Son B M June 1891 9 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 9 13 10A . . 152 152 Corbin Felix Head B M Mch 1850 50 M 25 . . Mexico Un Mexico 1870 30 . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 85 . . 10A 10 13 10A . . 152 152 Corbin Melvina Wife B F . 1851 49 M 25 11 8 Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 11 13 10A . . 152 152 Corbin Alexander Son B M Feby 1886 14 S . . . Indian Territory Mexico Indian Territory . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 12 13 10A . . 152 152 Corbin Irvin Son B M May 1890 10 S . . . Indian Territory Mexico Indian Territory . . . Farmer . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 13 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin John Head B M May 1865 35 M 12 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 86 . . 10A 14 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin Jennie Wife B F July 1871 28 M 12 6 4 Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 15 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin Jerome Son B M Jan 1889 11 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 16 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin Susie Daughter B F Dec 1892 7 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 17 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin Catherine Daughter B F Sept 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 18 13 10A . . 153 153 Martin Frankie Daughter B F Feby 1900 3/12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 10A 19 13 10A . . 154 154 Denumber John Head B M Oct 18** 28 M 4 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 4 . no no yes . . H . . Last name difficult to read. 10A 20 13 10A . . 154 154 Denumber Patay Wife B F June 1873 26 M 4 3 1 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . Last name difficult to read. 10A 21 13 10A . . 154 154 Martin John Jr Step Son B M Mch 1886 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 8 . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 22 13 10A . . 154 154 Foster William Nephew B M May 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Un Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 10A 23 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin John Head B M Jany 1850 50 M 20 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 87 . . 10A 24 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Elizabeth Wife B F Dec 1862 37 M 20 7 6 Indian Territory Georgia Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 25 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Henrietta Daughter B F Aug 1880 19 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 26 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin William H Son B M Aug 1886 13 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 27 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Eunice C Daughter B F Mch 1889 11 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 28 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Helen F Daughter B F July 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . At School . 4 yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 29 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Doda C Daughter B F June 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . At School . 4 yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 30 13 10A . . 155 155 Briolin Lenord E Son B M May 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 10A 31 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Aaron Head B M Oct 1865 34 M 15 . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes O . H . . . 10A 32 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Cora Wife B F . 1845 55 M 15 11 8 Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 33 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Joshua Son B M Apr 1882 18 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 6 . yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 34 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Francis Daughter B F . 1889 11 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . 6 . yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 35 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Nela Son B M . 1893 7 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 36 13 10A . . 156 156 Martin Phoebe Daughter B F . 1896 4 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 37 13 10A . . 156 156 McNair Morris Step Son B M . 1884 16 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 8 . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 38 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Luther Head W M Feb 1853 47 M 23 . . Indiana Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 88 . . 10A 39 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Eliza J Wife W F May 1869 31 M 23 9 8 Iowa Ohio Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 40 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Lora Daughter W F Dec 1879 20 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 41 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Ida M Daughter W F Mch 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 42 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Hubert W Son W M Dec 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 43 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker James L Son W M Mch 1889 11 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10A 44 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Rosetta Daughter W F Sept 1890 9 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10A 45 13 10A . . 157 157 Baker Rebecca Daughter W F Feby 1893 7 S . . . Kansas Indiana Iowa . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 46 13 10A . . 158 158 Lynch John Head B M Mch 1862 38 W . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . Farm Laborer 8 . no no yes O . H . . . 10A 47 13 10A . . 158 158 Martin Sarah A Mother in Law B F . 1840 60 W . 13 9 Indian Territory Georgia Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 48 13 10A . . 159 159 Martin July Head B M . 1862 38 M 18 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 8 . no no yes O . H . . . 10A 49 13 10A . . 159 159 Martin Josephine Wife B F . 1864 36 M 18 10 5 Indian Territory Georgia Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10A 50 13 10A . . 159 159 Martin Queen Victoria Daughter B F June 1882 17 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 10B 51 13 10B . . 159 159 Martin Carrie Daughter B F Feby 1885 15 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . June 14/15 1900 10B 52 13 10B . . 159 159 Martin Annie Daughter B F Mch 1887 13 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 53 13 10B . . 159 159 Martin Wesley J Son B M June 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 54 13 10B . . 159 159 Martin Betsy Daughter B F Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 10B 55 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Robert Head W M Dec 1855 44 M 25 . . Arkansas Un Arkansas . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 89 . . 10B 56 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Sarah J Wife W F Aug 1854 45 M 25 8 7 Arkansas Mississippi Mississippi . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 57 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Viola Daughter W F Sept 1883 16 S . . . Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 58 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Hester L Daughter W F Sept 1887 12 S . . . Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 59 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Benjamin P Son W M Mch 1891 9 S . . . Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 60 13 10B . . 160 160 Chance Effie E Daughter W F June 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 61 13 10B . . 161 161 Williams Charles M Head W M Mch 1870 30 M 4 . . Arkansas Mississippi Mississippi . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 90 . . 10B 62 13 10B . . 161 161 Williams Ella S Wife W F Nov 1874 25 M 4 5 2 Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 63 13 10B . . 161 161 Williams James P Son W M Dec 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 64 13 10B . . 161 161 Williams Barney I Son W M May 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Arkansas Arkansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 65 13 10B . . 162 162 Martin Jake Head B M June 1876 23 M 1 . . Indian Territory Un Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 0 . no no yes O . H . . . 10B 66 13 10B . . 162 162 Martin Bertha Wife B F . 1882 18 M 1 1 0 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 67 13 10B . . 162 162 Thompson William Un B M . 1872 28 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 3 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 68 13 10B . . 163 163 Corbin James Head B M Oct 1875 24 M 5 . . Indian Territory Mexico Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 6 . no no yes O . H . . . 10B 69 13 10B . . 163 163 Corbin Partheny Wife B F Jany 1875 25 M 5 2 2 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 70 13 10B . . 163 163 Rogers Susie Step Daughter B F Sept 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 71 13 10B . . 163 163 Corbin Clarence Son B M Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 72 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Mike Head B M . 1868 32 M 8 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory un . . . Farm Laborer 4 . no no yes O . H . . . 10B 73 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Ida Wife B F . 1876 24 M 8 5 4 Indian Territory Un Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 74 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Veda Daughter B F Oct 1885 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 75 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Lou Daughter B F June 1892 7 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 76 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Henrietta Daughter B F July 1894 5 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 77 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Ray Son B M Apr 1897 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 78 13 10B . . 164 164 Martin Needam Son B M Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no no . . . . . . 10B 79 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Charles Head B M May 1852 48 M 24 . . Missouri Kentucky Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 3 0 no no yes O . H . . . 10B 80 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Chaney Wife B F . 1853 47 M 24 11 10 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 81 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Edward Son B M Feby 1878 22 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 82 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Nellie Daughter B F . 1894 06 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 83 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Harry Son B M . 1882 16 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 84 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Andy Son B M Feby 1886 14 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 10B 85 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Lillie Daughter B F . 1887 13 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 10B 86 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Fred Son B M . 1890 10 S . . . Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 87 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Martha Daughter B F . 1894 6 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 88 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Georgia Daughter B F Apr 1896 4 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 89 13 10B . . 165 165 Grey Bud Grand Son B M Oct 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory Un Kansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 90 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin George Head B M . 1860 40 M 7 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Georgia . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes O . H . . . 10B 91 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin Alice Wife B F Apr 1875 25 M 7 4 4 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 92 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin Eva Daughter B F Jany 1894 6 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 93 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin Clifton Son B M Aug 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 94 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin Ethel Daughter B F Feby 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 10B 95 13 10B . . 166 166 Martin Celia Daughter B F May 1900 0/12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 10B 96 13 10B . . 167 167 Riggs Loretta Head W F Oct 1836 63 W . 3 2 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes O . H . . . 10B 97 13 10B . . 168 168 Allen Albert Head W M . 1865 35 M 4 . . Missouri Un Un . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes O . H . . . 10B 98 13 10B . . 168 168 Allen Ruth A Wife B F . 1861 39 M 4 5 5 Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 99 13 10B . . 168 168 Vann Carrie M Step Daughter B F . 1887 13 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 10B 100 13 10B . . 168 168 Vann Callie Step Daughter B F . 1888 12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: There seems to be some confusion with dwelling/family numbers. On Sheet 10B, the last dwelling and family number is 168. But on the follwing sheet (11A), the first dwelling and family number is 69, not the to be expected 169. Later, on Sheet 12B, the first dwelling and family number is 98 and it is then followed by number 199. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 11A 1 13 11A . . 69 69 Brown Charles Head W M . 1852 48 M 9 . . Ohio New York New York . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 93 . June 15/16 1900 11A 2 13 11A . . 69 69 Brown Kate Wife W F July 1872 27 M 9 0 0 North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 3 13 11A . . 69 69 Howel Harriett Mother in Law W F Oct 1855 44 W . 4 3 North Carolina Virginia North Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 4 13 11A . . 69 69 Hart Edward J Brother in Law W M Jan 1874 26 M 5 . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 5 13 11A . . 69 69 Hart Mamie M Sister in Law W F Jan 1874 26 M 5 1 1 Illinois Pennsylvania Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 6 13 11A . . 69 69 Hart Eva Un W F Aug 1897 2 S . . . Arkansas North Carolina Illinois . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 7 13 11A . . 69 69 Scott David P Hired Hand W M Jan 1877 23 S . . . Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas . . . Farm Laborer 6 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 8 13 11A . . 69 69 Davis Garnett Hired Hand W M Dec 1876 23 S . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 9 13 11A . . 69 69 Cunningham Jack Hired Hand W M . 1879 21 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 10 13 11A . . 70 70 Martin Joshua Head B M . 1875 25 M 3 . . Indian Territory Un Un . . . Farm Laborer 6 . yes yes yes O F H . . . 11A 11 13 11A . . 70 70 Martin Ella Wife B F . 1879 21 M 3 2 2 Indian Territory Un Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 12 13 11A . . 70 70 Martin Julia Daughter B F Mch 1897 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 13 13 11A . . 70 70 Martin Herman Son B M Mch 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 14 13 11A . . 71 71 Robertson James Head B M Aug 1873 26 M 5 . . Kansas Kansas Kansas . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes O F H . . . 11A 15 13 11A . . 71 71 Robertson Annie Wife B F Jany 1871 29 M 5 2 2 Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 11A 16 13 11A . . 71 71 Robertson Thomas Son B M Feby 1897 3 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 17 13 11A . . 71 71 Robertson William Daughter B F Jany 1899 1 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 11A 18 13 11A . . 72 72 Martin Charles Head B M Dec 1841 59 M 28 . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 94 . . 11A 19 13 11A . . 72 72 Martin Eliza Wife B F . 1852 48 M 28 11 5 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 20 13 11A . . 72 72 Martin James Son B M Oct 1883 16 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 21 13 11A . . 72 72 Martin Joseph Son B M Jany 1887 13 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 22 13 11A . . 72 72 Martin Jennie Daughter B F Apr 1891 9 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 23 13 11A . . 72 72 Brown Pearl L Grand Son B M Mch 1893 7 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 24 13 11A . . 73 73 Hayden Judson L Head W M Dec 1869 30 M 7 . . Nebraska Ohio Canada (Fr) . . . Farm Laborer 7 . yes yes yes R . H . . . 11A 25 13 11A . . 73 73 Hayden Lena Wife W F July 1873 26 M 7 3 3 Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 26 13 11A . . 73 73 Hayden Ethel M Daughter W F Mch 1894 6 S . . . Missouri Nebraska Ohio . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 11A 27 13 11A . . 73 73 Hayden Leland F Son W M Jany 1896 4 S . . . Missouri Nebraska Ohio . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 11A 28 13 11A . . 73 73 Hayden David E Son W M Nov 1898 1 S . . . Missouri Nebraska Ohio . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 11A 29 13 11A . . 74 74 Hunt George M Head W M Apr 1862 38 S . . . Wisconsin New York Norway . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 95 . . 11A 30 13 11A . . 74 74 Hunt Seymour Brother W M July 1883 16 S . . . Kansas New York Norway . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 31 13 11A . . 75 75 White Andrew W Head W M Feby 1859 41 M 12 . . Illinois Illinois Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 96 . . 11A 32 13 11A . . 75 75 White Eliza Wife W F Oct 1871 28 M 12 3 3 Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 33 13 11A . . 75 75 White Alva Son W M Oct 1892 7 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 34 13 11A . . 75 75 White Ethel Daughter W F Oct 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 35 13 11A . . 75 75 White Roxie Daughter W F Oct 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 36 13 11A . . 75 75 Bridges William Brother in Law W M . 1874 26 S . . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 37 13 11A . . 76 76 Kidd Felix Head W M Mch 1874 26 M 5 . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 97 . . 11A 38 13 11A . . 76 76 Kidd Julia Wife W F Aug 1871 28 M 5 3 3 North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 39 13 11A . . 76 76 Kidd Oscar Son W M May 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 11A 40 13 11A . . 76 76 Kidd Richard Son W M Nov 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 41 13 11A . . 76 76 Kidd Blanche Daughter W F Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11A 42 13 11A . . 77 77 Goddard Henry M Head W M Oct 1876 23 S . . . Indian Territory Un Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 98 . . 11A 43 13 11A . . 77 77 Goddard James N Brother W M Dec 1882 17 S . . . Indian Territory Un Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 44 13 11A . . 77 77 Goddard Phoebe Mother W F June 1845 54 W . 4 3 Indiana Ohio Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 45 13 11A . . 77 77 Pithoud Charles Hired Hand W M Dec 1878 21 S . . . Iowa Indiana Iowa . . . Farm Laborer 4 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 46 13 11A . . 78 78 Estes Sherman Head W M Apr 1866 34 M 11 . . Missouri Arkansas Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 99 . . 11A 47 13 11A . . 78 78 Estes Pearl Wife W F Oct 1871 28 M 11 6 5 Illinois Pennsylvania Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 48 13 11A . . 78 78 Estes Bessie Daughter W F June 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11A 49 13 11A . . 78 78 Estes Daisy Daughter W F Nov 1894 5 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 11A 50 13 11A . . 78 78 Estes Clinton Son W M Mch 1896 4 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 11B 51 13 11B . . 78 78 Estes Walsie Daughter W F Oct 1898 1 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . . . . no no no . . . . . June 16/18 1900 11B 52 13 11B . . 78 78 Estes Goldie Daughter W F Sept 1899 8/12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 11B 53 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack William G Head W M Feby 1864 36 M 13 . . Missouri Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 100 . . 11B 54 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack Berea Wife W F Oct 1871 28 M 13 6 4 Missouri Un Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 55 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack Ethel Daughter W F Oct 1889 10 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 56 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack Alma L Daughter W F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 57 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack Alvin Son W M Oct 1894 5 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 58 13 11B . . 79 79 Frack Beulah Daughter W F Sept 1899 8/12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Missouri . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 11B 59 13 11B . . 79 79 Gamble Samuel J Hired Hand W M Oct 1873 26 S . . . Missouri Kentucky Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 60 13 11B . . 79 79 Gaws Robert Hired Hand W M Jan 1877 23 S . . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 61 13 11B . . 80 80 Groover Raford Head W M Apr 1838 62 M 40 . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . . 11B 62 13 11B . . 80 80 Groover Mary J Wife W F . 1840 60 M 40 11 9 Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 63 13 11B . . 80 80 Groover Bailey Son W M June 1882 17 S . . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 64 13 11B . . 81 81 Groover Dennis D Head W M Sept 1867 32 M 10 . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 102 . . 11B 65 13 11B . . 81 81 Groover Treacy A Wife W F Jany 1875 25 M 10 3 3 Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 66 13 11B . . 81 81 Groover Julia L Daughter W F Nov 1891 8 S . . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . At School . 1 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 67 13 11B . . 81 81 Groover Etna M Daughter W F Feby 1894 6 S . . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 68 13 11B . . 81 81 Groover Roy T Son W M June 1898 1 S . . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 69 13 11B . . 82 82 Buckner George B Head B M Mch 1848 52 M 26 . . Canada (Eng) Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 103 . . 11B 70 13 11B . . 82 82 Buckner Sarah E Wife B F Sept 1856 43 M 26 5 4 Indian Territory Georgia Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 71 13 11B . . 82 82 Buckner Arthur J Son B M Nov 1881 18 S . . . Indian Territory Canada (Eng) Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 72 13 11B . . 82 82 Buckner Bessie L Daughter B F Sept 1885 14 S . . . Indian Territory Canada (Eng) Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 73 13 11B . . 82 82 Buckner George W Son B M Oct 1888 11 S . . . Indian Territory Canada (Eng) Indian Territory . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 74 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis William M Head B M . 1854 45 M 22 . . Indian Territory Un Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 104 . . 11B 75 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Emma Wife B F . 1858 41 M 22 12 10 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 76 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Joseph Son B M Apr 1882 18 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 77 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis William Son B M July 1883 17 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 11B 78 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Bertie Daughter B F Jan 1885 15 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 79 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Chester Son B M Mch 1886 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . At School . 5 no no yes . . . . . . 11B 80 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Julia Daughter B F Oct 1887 12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . At School . 5 yes no yes . . . . . . 11B 81 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Jeanette Daughter B F Dec 1889 10 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 11B 82 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Henry Son B M Jan 1892 8 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 11B 83 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Oscar Son B M Apr 1894 6 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 84 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Fredrick Son B M Nov 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 11B 85 13 11B . . 83 83 Davis Carrie Daughter B F Jan 1899 1 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no no . . . . . . 11B 86 13 11B . . 84 84 Sanders Pauline Head B F Mch 1866 34 W . 1 1 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes * . H . . . 11B 87 13 11B . . 84 84 Sanders Etta Daughter B F June 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . At School . 5 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 88 13 11B . . 85 85 Henry Richard Head B M Sept 1863 36 M 8 . . Oregon Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 0 yes yes yes O F F 105 . . 11B 89 13 11B . . 85 85 Henry Lottie Wife B F Oct 1860 39 M 8 2 0 Indian Territory Georgia Arkansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 90 13 11B . . 85 85 Miller Mary E Sister in Law B F Dec 1856 43 W . 0 0 Indian Territory Georgia Arkansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 91 13 11B . . 86 86 Wright Nathan Head B M Feby 1862 38 M 12 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 106 . . 11B 92 13 11B . . 86 86 Wright Sallie Wife B F . 1871 29 M 12 5 1 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 93 13 11B . . 86 86 Wright Nancy Daughter B F Sept 1889 10 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . At School . 4 yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 94 13 11B . . 86 86 Wright James Brother B M Jany 1872 28 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 95 13 11B . . 87 87 Mosier John A Head W M July 1872 27 M 5 . . Missouri Indiana Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 107 . . 11B 96 13 11B . . 87 87 Mosier Neva Wife W F Feby 1874 26 M 5 3 3 Indian Territory Un Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 11B 97 13 11B . . 87 87 Mosier Grace Daughter W F Nov 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 98 13 11B . . 87 87 Mosier Ivah Daughter W F Sept 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 11B 99 13 11B . . 87 87 Mosier Chester Son W M Apr 1900 1/12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 11B 100 13 11B . . 88 88 Davis John D Head B M Mch 1851 49 M 17 . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 108 . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 12A 1 13 12A . . 88 88 Davis Catherine Wife B F Feby 1860 40 M 17 0 0 Tennessee Un Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . June 18/19 1900 12A 2 13 12A . . 88 88 Ward Howard Hired Hand B M Mch 1865 35 W . . . Missouri Virginia Un . . . Farm Laborer 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 3 13 12A . . 88 88 Matthews Benjamin Hired Hand B M Nov 1880 19 S . . . Kansas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania . . . Farm Laborer 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 4 13 12A . . 88 88 Hyatt Benjamin S Hired Hand W M Apr 1865 35 M 15 . . Kansas North Carolina Tennessee . . . Machinist 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 5 13 12A . . 88 88 Hyatt Benjamin K Hired Hand W M Nov 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Kansas Kentucky . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 6 13 12A . . 88 88 Brown George Hired Hand B M May 1855 45 W . . . Missouri Ohio Kentucky . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 7 13 12A . . 89 89 Davis Anthony Head B M . 1869 30 M 5 . . Sth Carolina Sth Carolina Sth Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 109 . . 12A 8 13 12A . . 89 89 Davis Annie Wife B F . 1869 30 M 5 3 1 Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 9 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Charles Head B M July 1856 43 M 17 . . Indian Territory Un Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 110 . . 12A 10 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Martha Wife B F Sept 1866 33 M 17 11 7 Kansas Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 11 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Arthur Son B M Aug 1884 15 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 12 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Walter Son B M Jany 1881 19 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 13 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Lee Son B M Dec 1885 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 14 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes John Son B M Dec 1887 12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 15 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Louella Daughter B F Sept 1889 10 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . At School . 3 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 16 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Lola Daughter B F June 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . . . 0 no no no . . . . . . 12A 17 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Emmett Son B M Jan 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 18 13 12A . . 90 90 Hughes Andy Son B M Nov 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 19 13 12A . . 91 91 Riley Richard Head B M Apr 1868 32 M 11 . . Kansas Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 5 . yes yes yes R . H . . . 12A 20 13 12A . . 91 91 Riley Sallie Wife B F June 1874 25 M 11 4 3 Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 21 13 12A . . 91 91 Riley Willretta Daughter B F May 1892 8 S . . . Kansas Kansas Illinois . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 22 13 12A . . 91 91 Riley Aleta Daughter B F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Kansas Kansas Illinois . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 23 13 12A . . 91 91 Riley John W Son B M Dec 1896 3 S . . . Kansas Kansas Illinois . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 24 13 12A . . 92 92 Tolliver Marsh Head B M Mch 1862 38 M 11 . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer . . yes yes yes R . F 111 . . 12A 25 13 12A . . 93 93 Riley Fredrick Head B M June 1875 24 M 2 . . Kansas Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer . 0 yes yes yes R F F 112 . . 12A 26 13 12A . . 93 93 Riley Maude Wife B F Oct 1878 21 M 2 0 0 Illinois Missouri Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 27 13 12A . . 93 93 Ward John Boarder B M . 1894 6 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 28 13 12A . . 93 93 Ward Joseph Boarder B M . 1897 3 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 29 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Harrison B Head W M Sept 1861 38 M 15 . . Iowa Missouri Un . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 113 . . 12A 30 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Alta Wife W F June 1868 31 M 15 5 5 Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 31 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Marion Son W M Nov 1886 13 S . . . Kansas Iowa Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 32 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Everett Son W M Aug 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Iowa Kansas . . . . . 0 yes no yes . . . . . . 12A 33 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Stella Daughter W F Oct 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Iowa Kansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 34 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Harry Son W M Jany 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Iowa Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 35 13 12A . . 94 94 Renfro Rosa Daughter W F Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Indian Territory Iowa Kansas . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12A 36 13 12A . . 95 95 Gerehart Adam Head W M Nov 1845 54 W . . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes O . F 114 . . 12A 37 13 12A . . 95 95 Glass Betsy Step Daughter B F May 1882 18 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 38 13 12A . . 95 95 Glass Johnson Step Son B M Oct 1885 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 39 13 12A . . 95 95 White Winnie Un B F Mch 1887 13 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 40 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Maude Head B F Jany 1868 32 W . 9 7 Indiana Indiana Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes O F F 115 . . 12A 41 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Etta Daughter B F Nov 1885 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12A 42 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Alonzo Son B M Dec 1887 12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . Farmer . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 43 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Harvey Son B M July 1889 10 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . Farmer . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 44 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Frederick Son B M Sept 1890 9 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 45 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Manard Son B M Apr 1893 7 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 46 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Howard Son B M Mch 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 47 13 12A . . 96 96 Manly Tessie Daughter B F June 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indiana . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12A 48 13 12A . . 96 96 *erner Adam Boarder W M June 1862 37 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1865 35 Na Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 116 . . 12A 49 13 12A . . 96 96 Booker Henry B Hired Hand B M Oct 1852 47 S . . . Indian Territory Virginia Virginia . . . Farm Laborer . . no no yes . . . . . . 12A 50 13 12A . . 97 97 Thompson Mary Head B F Mch 1878 22 M 4 2 2 Indian Territory Sth Carolina Indian Territory . . . Washer Woman 6 . yes yes yes O . H . . . TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: There seems to be some confusion with dwelling/family numbers. On Sheet 10B, the last dwelling and family number is 168. But on the follwing sheet (11A), the first dwelling and family number is 69, not the to be expected 169. Later, on Sheet 12B, the first dwelling and family number is 98 and it is then followed by number 199. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 12B 51 13 12B . . 97 97 Thompson Clarence Son B M Dec 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . June 19/20 1900 12B 52 13 12B . . 97 97 Thompson Ethel Daughter B F Apr 1899 1 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12B 53 13 12B . . 98 98 Wolfe Luther Head W M Mch 1876 24 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 117 . . 12B 54 13 12B . . 98 98 Wolfe Walter Brother W M . 1874 26 S . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 55 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Harley Head W M Aug 1848 51 M 24 . . Missouri Kentucky Virginia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 118 . . 12B 56 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Isa Wife W F Apr 1858 41 M 24 4 4 Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 57 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Minnie Daughter W F May 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 58 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Ethel Daughter W F June 1884 16 S . . . Missouri Missouri Kentucky . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 59 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Rollah Son W M July 1885 14 S . . . Missouri Missouri Kentucky . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 60 13 12B . . 199 199 Evans Claude Son W M Sept 1890 9 S . . . Missouri Missouri Kentucky . . . At School . 1 yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 61 13 12B . . 199 199 Bowman Fernando W Boarder W M Sept 1863 36 S . . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 119 . . 12B 62 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Joe S Head W M Nov 1863 36 M 1 . . Wisconsin New York Norway . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 120 . . 12B 63 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Daisy B Wife Ind F Apr 1882 18 M 1 1 1 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 12B 64 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Evan R Son Ind M Apr 1899 1/12 S . . . Indian Territory Wisconsin Texas . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12B 65 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Seymour F Father W M Nov 1828 71 M 44 . . New York New Jersey Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 66 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Anna P Mother W F Mch 1836 64 M 44 . . Norway Norway Norway . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 67 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Pearl Sister W F Apr 1882 18 S . . . Kansas New York Norway . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 68 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Harry P Brother W M Mch 1878 22 S . . . Kansas New York Norway . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 121 . . 12B 69 13 12B . . 200 200 Hart Walter Brother W M Oct 1865 34 S . . . Illinois New York Norway . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 122 . . 12B 70 13 12B . . 200 200 Patterson James Hired Hand W M Feby 1881 19 S . . . Nebraska Ireland Ireland . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 71 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas James A Head W M Apr 1866 34 M 13 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 123 . . 12B 72 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas Julia B Wife W F Oct 1873 26 M 13 5 5 Missouri Illinois Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 73 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas Sarah E Daughter W F July 1889 10 S . . . Arkansas Tennessee Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 74 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas Samuel J Son W M Sept 1891 8 S . . . Missouri Tennessee Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 75 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas Bessie J Daughter W F Jany 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 76 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas William M Son W M Sept 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 77 13 12B . . 201 201 Thomas George A Son W M Mch 1900 2/12 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Missouri . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12B 78 13 12B . . 202 202 Spears Willis D Head W M Oct 1867 32 M 2 . . Tennessee Un Un . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 124 . . 12B 79 13 12B . . 202 202 Spears Della Wife W F . 1877 22 M 2 2 2 Indiana Un Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 80 13 12B . . 202 202 Spears Earl Son W M Feby 1898 2 S . . . Arkansas Tennessee Indiana . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 81 13 12B . . 202 202 Spears Floyd Son W M Dec 1899 5/12 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indiana . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12B 82 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson William Head W M Apr 1866 34 M 12 . . North Carolina Tennessee North Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 125 . . 12B 83 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Mary P Wife W F Oct 1864 35 M 12 6 5 North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 12B 84 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Eva Daughter W F Sept 1887 12 S . . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . At School . 2 yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 85 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Frank Son W M . 1893 7 S . . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 86 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Ina Daughter W F Mch 1895 5 S . . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 87 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Jesse Son W M Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 88 13 12B . . 203 203 Gibson Rosa Daught W F July 1899 10/12 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 12B 89 13 12B . . 204 204 Reed Major Head B M Jan 1864 36 M 4 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 126 . . 12B 90 13 12B . . 204 204 Reed Millie Wife B F Jan 1877 23 M 4 0 0 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 91 13 12B . . 205 205 Ross Frank Head B M May 1846 54 M 2 . . Indian Territory Un Un . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 127 . . 12B 92 13 12B . . 205 205 Ross Jennie Wife B F Aug 1873 26 M 2 2 2 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 93 13 12B . . 205 205 Ross Henrietta Daughter B F Nov 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 94 13 12B . . 205 205 Ross James Son B M May 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 95 13 12B . . 206 206 Hicks Jesse Head B M . 1835 65 W . . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 128 . . 12B 96 13 12B . . 206 206 Hicks Matilda Daughter B F . 1880 20 S . . . Kansas Tennessee Kansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 12B 97 13 12B . . 206 206 Hicks William R Son B M Mch 1882 18 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 12B 98 13 12B . . 206 206 Warren Inez Grand daoghter B F Jan 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Un Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 12B 99 13 12B . . 207 207 Graves Eli Head B M Apr 1877 23 M 3 . . Kansas Un Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes O . H . . . 12B 100 13 12B . . 207 207 Graves Etna Wife B F Dec 1881 18 M 3 1 1 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 13A 1 13 13A . . 207 207 Graves Mabel Daughter M F May 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . June 20/21 1900 13A 2 13 13A . . 207 207 Graves Andy Brother M M Mch 1887 13 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . Farm Laborer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 3 13 13A . . 208 208 Fields Matthew Head W M June 1875 24 M 6 . . Kansas Kansas Kansas . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 129 . . 13A 4 13 13A . . 208 208 Fields Maggie Wife W F Sept 1877 22 M 6 3 3 Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 5 13 13A . . 208 208 Fields Ruby M Daughter W F Jan 1894 6 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 6 13 13A . . 208 208 Fields Thomas T Son W M Oct 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 7 13 13A . . 208 208 Fields Strancy L Daughter W F Feby 1900 3/12 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Missouri . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13A 8 13 13A . . 209 209 Trotter William Head W M Jan 1870 30 M 6 . . Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 130 . . 13A 9 13 13A . . 209 209 Trotter Minnie Wife W F Sept 1879 20 M 6 3 3 Kansas Kansas Indiana . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 10 13 13A . . 209 209 Trotter Lula B Daughter W F Mch 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 11 13 13A . . 209 209 Trotter Hardin H Son W M Dec 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 12 13 13A . . 209 209 Trotter Sarah M Daughter W F Mch 1900 2/12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13A 13 13 13A . . 210 210 Casto James R Head W M Nov 1869 30 M 10 . . Missouri Un Un . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 131 . . 13A 14 13 13A . . 210 210 Casto Eva Wife W F Sept 1875 24 M 10 2 2 Kansas Illinois Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 15 13 13A . . 210 210 Casto Sadie Daughter W F Aug 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 16 13 13A . . 210 210 Casto Leno Son W M Oct 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 17 13 13A . . 211 211 Sperry Frank Head W M Dec 1856 43 M 14 . . Ohio Ohio Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 132 . . 13A 18 13 13A . . 211 211 Sperry Clene Wife W F Dec 1866 33 M 14 2 2 Texas Mississippi Texas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 19 13 13A . . 211 211 Sperry Frank Jr Son W M Nov 1886 13 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 20 13 13A . . 211 211 Sperry Charles Son W M Sept 1889 10 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . At School . 3 yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 21 13 13A . . 212 212 Lively Julius P Head W M July 1850 49 M 19 . . Texas Virginia Alabama . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 133 . . 13A 22 13 13A . . 212 212 Lively Mary E Wife W F Feby 1853 47 M 19 7 6 Iowa Indiana Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 23 13 13A . . 212 212 Dunkeson Richard L Step Son W M Feby 1871 29 S . . . Missouri Missouri Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 24 13 13A . . 212 212 Lively Harrett N Daughter W F May 1885 15 S . . . Texas Texas Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 25 13 13A . . 212 212 Lively Phillip H Son W M Apr 1887 13 S . . . Texas Texas Iowa . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 26 13 13A . . 212 212 Lively Hettie J Daughter W F Feby 1890 10 S . . . Indian Territory Texas Iowa . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13A 27 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Liberty Head W M May 1863 37 M 14 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 134 . . 13A 28 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Lydia Wife W F Feby 1877 23 M 14 7 6 Indian Territory Texas Texas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 29 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Josie Daughter W F July 1887 12 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 13A 30 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Mollie Daughter W F Oct 1888 11 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 31 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears William Son W M Jany 1892 8 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 32 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Calvin Son W M Nov 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 33 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Ada Daughter W F Mch 1896 4 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 34 13 13A . . 213 213 Spears Ollie Daughter W F Aug 1898 1 S . . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13A 35 13 13A . . 214 214 Jenkins Albert Head W M Nov 1865 34 M 5 . . Illinois Tennessee North Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 135 . . 13A 36 13 13A . . 214 214 Jenkins Amanda Wife W F Jany 1877 23 M 5 2 2 Arkansas Un Un . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 37 13 13A . . 214 214 Jenkins Audry Daughter W F May 1896 4 S . . . Oklahoma Illinois Arkansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13A 38 13 13A . . 214 214 Jenkins Orpha Daughter W F June 1899 11/12 S . . . Arkansas Illinois Arkansas . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13A 39 13 13A . . 214 214 Jenkins Delbert Son W M July 1892 7 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Arkansas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13A 40 13 13A . . 215 215 McGinnity Frank Head W M Sept 1863 36 M 6 . . Illinois Tennessee New York . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 136 . . 13A 41 13 13A . . 215 215 McGinnity Susan A Wife W F Sept 1873 26 M 6 2 2 Missouri Un Iowa . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 42 13 13A . . 215 215 McGinnity Blanche M Daughter W F Sept 1895 4 S . . . Oklahoma Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 43 13 13A . . 215 215 McGinnity Flora Daughter W F Mch 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 44 13 13A . . 216 216 Hayden Edward E Head W M Feby 1875 25 M 2 . . Missouri Ohio Canada (Eng) . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 137 . . 13A 45 13 13A . . 216 216 Hayden Ada Wife W F Sept 1877 22 M 2 1 1 Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 46 13 13A . . 217 217 Hendryx William J Head W M Apr 1866 34 M 10 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 138 . . 13A 47 13 13A . . 217 217 Hendryx Emma J Wife W F Mch 1873 27 M 10 5 5 Missouri Illinois Arkansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13A 48 13 13A . . 217 217 Hendryx Nettie E Daughter W F Nov 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 49 13 13A . . 217 217 Hendryx John Son W M July 1894 5 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13A 50 13 13A . . 217 217 Hendryx Edith Daughter W F Feby 1897 3 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 13B 51 13 13B . . 217 217 Hendryx Dewey Son W M Sept 1898 1 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no no . . . . . June 21 1900 13B 52 13 13B . . 217 217 Hendryx Mabel Daughter W F Mch 1900 2/12 S . . . Indian Territory Illinois Missouri . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13B 53 13 13B . . 217 217 Pattengill Benjamin Hired Hand W M Aug 1822 77 W . . . New York New York New York . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 54 13 13B . . 217 217 Hughes Alfred Hired Hand W M Oct 1883 16 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 55 13 13B . . 218 218 Hendryx William Head W M June 1844 55 M 35 . . Illinois New York Vermont . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes R . H . . . 13B 56 13 13B . . 218 218 Hendryx Melissa Wife W F Mch 1849 51 M 35 9 8 Illinois Pennsylvania Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 57 13 13B . . 218 218 Hendryx May Daughter W F May 1883 16 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 58 13 13B . . 218 218 Hendryx Maude Daughter W F June 1886 13 S . . . Kansas Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 59 13 13B . . 219 219 Hendryx George Head W M Jany 1878 21 M 2 . . Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Farm Laborer 0 . no no yes R . H . . . 13B 60 13 13B . . 219 219 Hendryx Ola Wife Ind F . 1879 20 M 2 0 0 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 61 13 13B . . 220 220 Reagan Charles C Head W M Jany 1843 57 M 12 . . Missouri Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 139 . . 13B 62 13 13B . . 220 220 Reagan Emily A Wife W F July 1869 30 M 12 2 1 Illinois Virginia Canada (Eng) . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 63 13 13B . . 220 220 Reagan Walter G Son W M Aug 1888 11 S . . . Missouri Missouri Illinois . . . At School . 2 yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 64 13 13B . . 220 220 Craven Albert Hired Hand W M Jan 1878 22 S . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 2 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 65 13 13B . . 221 221 Casto William Head W M Nov 1842 57 M 35 . . Indiana Maryland Ohio . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 140 . . 13B 66 13 13B . . 221 221 Casto Mary C Wife W F Sept 1848 51 M 35 11 8 Indiana Indiana Tennessee . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 67 13 13B . . 221 221 Casto William E Son W M June 1881 18 S . . . Missouri Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 68 13 13B . . 221 221 Casto Charles F Son W M May 1886 14 S . . . Missouri Indiana Indiana . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 69 13 13B . . 221 221 Casto Albert R Son W M Apr 1892 8 S . . . Indian Territory Indiana Indiana . . . At School . 3 yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 70 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Jack Head B M . 1864 36 W . . . Indian Territory Un Un . . . Farm Laborer 10 . yes no yes O . H . . . 13B 71 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Minnie Daughter B F . 1882 18 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 72 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Dick Son B M . 1884 16 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Kansas . . . Farm Laborer 9 . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 73 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige John Son B M . 1886 14 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Terr Un . . . Farm Laborer 9 . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 74 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Charles Son B M . 1890 10 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Terr Un . . . Farm Laborer 12 . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 75 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Phoebe Daughter B F . 1891 9 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Terr Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13B 76 13 13B . . 222 222 Baldrige Solomon Son B M . 1895 5 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Terr Un . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13B 77 13 13B . . 223 223 Martin Willis Head B M Sept 1868 31 M 4 . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Un . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes O F F 141 . . 13B 78 13 13B . . 223 223 Martin Gracie Wife B F Mch 1873 26 M 4 4 3 Indian Territory Un Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 79 13 13B . . 223 223 Martin Ada Daughter B F Feby 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 80 13 13B . . 223 223 Martin Claude Son B M Feby 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13B 81 13 13B . . 223 223 Martin Oscar Son B M Apr 1900 1/12 M . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . Has a value of 'M' in marital status! 13B 82 13 13B . . 224 224 Powell John Head B M Aug 1861 38 W . . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes R . F 142 . . 13B 83 13 13B . . 224 224 Powell William Son B M Nov 1885 14 S . . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina . . . Farmer 0 . no no yes . . . . . . 13B 84 13 13B . . 224 224 Powell Thomas Son B M Nov 1892 7 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 85 13 13B . . 224 224 Powell Isiah Son B M Sept 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 86 13 13B . . 224 224 Powell Lillie A Daughter B F Nov 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory North Carolina North Carolina . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 87 13 13B . . 225 225 Reagan Otis Head W M Sept 1876 23 M 1 . . Missouri Missouri Missouri . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 143 . . 13B 88 13 13B . . 225 225 Reagan Carrie Wife W F . 1876 24 M 1 1 1 Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 89 13 13B . . 225 225 Reagan Mabel Daughter W F May 1899 1 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Illinois . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 13B 90 13 13B . . 226 226 Wilson George E Head W M Oct 1859 40 S . . . Missouri Ohio Ohio . . . In the Army * . yes yes yes R . H . . . 13B 91 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell George Head B M Mch 1860 40 M 7 . . Indian Territory Arkansas Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 144 . Last name could be 'Bell' 13B 92 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell Margaret Wife B F May 1874 26 M 7 5 3 Texas Indian Territory Un . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 13B 93 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell Beatrice Daughter B F Sept 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 94 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell Ord O Son B M Oct 1895 4 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 95 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell George D Son B M Jany 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Texas . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 13B 96 13 13B . . 227 227 Bell James Cousin B M May 1880 20 S . . . Texas Un Un . . . Farm Laborer 6 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 97 13 13B . . 228 228 Lyon Ned Head B M Jany 1870 30 M 4 . . Indian Territory Tennessee Indian Territory . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes O F F 145 . . 13B 98 13 13B . . 228 228 Lyon Nancy Wife B F Mch 1880 20 M 4 4 3 Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 13B 99 13 13B . . 228 228 Lyon Delia M Daughter B F June 1891 8 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 13B 100 13 13B . . 228 228 Lyon James E Son B M July 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: Indian Territory COUNTY: Cherokee Nation TOWNSHIP: Township 25 NR 18 E MICROFILM#: T623-1843 SUPV/DISTR: 73 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Wiliam Nicholas ENUMERATION-DATE-RANGE: June 9th-29th, 1900 CENSUS-DAY: June 1, 1900 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R F-M FARM #FARM Twp/District, Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE Wd-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH Inst/Inc-Pl/Ward REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 14A 1 13 14A . . 228 228 Lyon Mahala L Daughter B F Oct 1897 2 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 14A 2 13 14A . . 228 228 Lyon Katie Daughter B F Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Indian Territory Indian Territory Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 14A 3 13 14A . . 228 228 Davis George Hired Hand B M . 1882 18 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer . . yes no yes . . . . . . 14A 4 13 14A . . 229 229 Geary James Head B M . 1848 52 Div . . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 146 . . 14A 5 13 14A . . 230 230 Chatman William Head B M . 1845 55 M 4 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer 6 . no no yes O . H . . . 14A 6 13 14A . . 230 230 Chatman Sarah Wife B F . 1876 24 M 4 4 4 Indian Territory Louisiana Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 14A 7 13 14A . . 230 230 Chatman Henry Son B M Aug 1893 6 S . . . Indian Territory Texas Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 14A 8 13 14A . . 230 230 Chatman James Son B M Aug 1896 3 S . . . Indian Territory Texas Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 14A 9 13 14A . . 230 230 Chatman Julia Daughter B F Aug 1898 1 S . . . Indian Territory Texas Indian Territory . . . . . 0 no no yes . . . . . . 14A 10 13 14A . . 230 230 Scott Sidna Mother in Law B F . 1841 59 W . . . Indian Territory Georgia Georgia . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 14A 11 13 14A . . 231 231 Matthews Samuel L Head B M Mch 1840 60 M 40 . . Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes R . F 147 . . 14A 12 13 14A . . 231 231 Matthews Elizabeth A Wife B F Nov 1843 56 M 40 9 7 Pennsylvania Maryland Pennsylvania . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 13 13 14A . . 231 231 Matthews John S Son B M Mch 1873 27 M . . . Pennsylvania Maryland Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 14 13 14A . . 231 231 Matthews Charles Son B M Aug 1885 14 S . . . Kansas Maryland Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 15 13 14A . . 232 232 Flynn Sarah Head B F Feby 1862 38 M 11 8 6 Indian Territory Virginia Indian Territory . . . Washer Woman 6 . no no yes O . H . . . 14A 16 13 14A . . 232 232 Flynn Fannie Daughter B F Aug 1888 11 S . . . Kansas Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 14A 17 13 14A . . 232 232 Flynn Cyrena Daughter B F June 1893 6 S . . . Kansas Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . yes no yes . . . . . . 14A 18 13 14A . . 232 232 Flynn Nettie Daughter B F Jany 1896 4 S . . . Kansas Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . no no yes . . . . . . 14A 19 13 14A . . 232 232 Flynn Castilla Daughter B F Mch 1898 2 S . . . Indian Territory Kansas Indian Territory . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 14A 20 13 14A . . 233 233 Williams Jesse Head B M Feby 1873 27 M 1 . . Missouri Virginia Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 7 . yes yes yes R . H . . . 14A 21 13 14A . . 233 233 Williams Abbie Wife B F Mch 1882 18 M 1 1 1 Kansas Missouri Indian Territory . . . . . . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 22 13 14A . . 233 233 Williams Dorothy Daughter B F Jany 1900 4/12 S . . . Indian Territory Missouri Kansas . . . . . . no no no . . . . . . 14A 23 13 14A . . 233 233 Williams Thomas Brother B M Nov 1880 19 S . . . Kansas Virginia Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 6 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 24 13 14A . . 233 233 Williams Shelton Brother B M Feby 1877 23 S . . . Kansas Virginia Missouri . . . Farm Laborer 0 . yes yes yes . . . . . . 14A 25 13 14A Page 14A Lines 25-50 are blank 14B 1 13 14B Page 14B Lines 51-100 are blank