Erie County, PA 1830 Federal Census (INDEX) This Census was transcribed by Cheryl Bills and proofread by John Bills for the USGenWeb Census Project® Copyright (c) 2005 by Cheryl Bills ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Marsha Thompson All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ========================================================================== STMd HW- Name of Head of Family PG# PG# LN# LAST NAME FIRST NAME FILE-NAME ========================================================================== 323 161 25 Acres Daniel elk-creek.txt 324 163 7 Adgerton Horace elk-creek.txt 349 213 25 Agnew Samuel fairview.txt 332 179 19 Alderman Elisha conneaut.txt 332 179 16 Alderman Michael conneaut.txt 321 157 20 Alford Daniel elk-creek.txt 327 169 9 Allen Abner conneaut.txt 344 203 11 Allen Clothier B. fairview.txt 353 221 12 Allen Eliphalet fairview.txt 353 221 5 Allen Henry fairview.txt 327 169 8 Allen Linden conneaut.txt 344 203 22 Allen Samuel B fairview.txt 344 203 20 Allen Stephen B fairview.txt 326 167 11 Amey Isaac conneaut.txt 345 205 13 Anderson Allen fairview.txt 346 207 23 Anderson Asa fairview.txt 321 157 4 Anderson George elk-creek.txt 345 205 14 Anderson Ginger fairview.txt 353 221 9 Anderson James fairview.txt 351 217 11 Anderson Samuel fairview.txt 327 169 14 Andrews Hiram conneaut.txt 349 213 11 Andrews Joshua fairview.txt 350 215 23 Arbuckle William fairview.txt 347 209 4 Armstrong Andrew fairview.txt 353 221 7 Armstrong James P. fairview.txt 350 215 4 Armstrong John fairview.txt 326 167 3 Ayers Samuel conneaut.txt 348 211 11 Badger Giles fairview.txt 348 211 13 Badger Giles, Junr fairview.txt 348 211 10 Badger Jeremiah fairview.txt 346 207 3 Badger Wilbert fairview.txt 345 205 9 Baker Levi fairview.txt 347 209 16 Baldwin Remo fairview.txt 325 165 19 Ball Abram conneaut.txt 325 165 20 Ball Henry conneaut.txt 325 165 4 Ball Noah conneaut.txt 350 215 14 Banter Jacob fairview.txt 347 209 6 Barker John fairview.txt 348 211 7 Barker Lloyd fairview.txt 349 213 1 Barker Philo fairview.txt 350 215 6 Barnett Moses fairview.txt 326 167 15 Barns Abijah conneaut.txt 330 175 18 Barns Daniel conneaut.txt 330 175 16 Barns Stephen conneaut.txt 323 161 6 Barrett Lott elk-creek.txt 324 163 6 Bateman Calvin elk-creek.txt 345 205 15 Battles Asa fairview.txt 333 181 4 Battles Nathaniel W. conneaut.txt 351 217 18 Beal Levi fairview.txt 323 161 19 Bennett Selden elk-creek.txt 321 157 2 Bickle Betsey elk-creek.txt 351 217 14 Bird Anne fairview.txt 351 217 13 Bird John fairview.txt 333 181 9 Black Maria conneaut.txt 324 163 12 Blair James elk-creek.txt 352 219 8 Boyds Archibald fairview.txt 350 215 21 Brace Daniel fairview.txt 333 181 2 Bradish Artemas conneaut.txt 352 219 9 Bradish Joel fairview.txt 333 181 1 Bradish Samuel conneaut.txt 346 207 22 Braley David fairview.txt 349 213 16 Brecht Elizabeth fairview.txt 349 213 15 Brecht John fairview.txt 349 213 14 Brecht Samuel fairview.txt 348 211 3 Bringolf Melcur fairview.txt 330 175 21 Brooks Benjamin conneaut.txt 347 209 24 Brown Mary fairview.txt 350 215 22 Brown Nathan fairview.txt 346 207 16 Bushnell Daniel fairview.txt 348 211 15 Butler Walter fairview.txt 329 173 12 Butterfield Ebenezer conneaut.txt 344 203 3 Button Palmer fairview.txt 327 169 3 Campbell Calvin conneaut.txt 327 169 16 Carpenter John R. conneaut.txt 347 209 3 Catlin Charles fairview.txt 321 157 19 Cauffman Jacob elk-creek.txt 352 219 23 Caughey John fairview.txt 327 169 4 Ceiley Austin conneaut.txt 327 169 6 Ceiley Daniel conneaut.txt 327 169 5 Ceiley David conneaut.txt 347 209 19 Chaffin John C. fairview.txt 332 179 3 Chaffin Moses conneaut.txt 348 211 19 Chapman David H. fairview.txt 345 205 20 Chapman Elizabeth fairview.txt 348 211 4 Chapman Moses W. fairview.txt 348 211 16 Chase Ambrose fairview.txt 344 203 16 Chilson Levi fairview.txt 344 203 4 Clark Abner fairview.txt 348 211 1 Clark Henry fairview.txt 323 161 13 Clark Jabez elk-creek.txt 329 173 3 Clark John W. conneaut.txt 346 207 13 Clark Joseph fairview.txt 344 203 25 Clark Mercena fairview.txt 323 161 4 Clark Pearson elk-creek.txt 323 161 12 Clark Samuel elk-creek.txt 349 213 21 Cline John fairview.txt 321 157 16 Clothier Ira elk-creek.txt 321 157 17 Clothier Jesse elk-creek.txt 352 219 10 Coats Asa fairview.txt 331 177 5 Cole Alpheus conneaut.txt 331 177 6 Cole Alworth conneaut.txt 331 177 7 Cole Andrew conneaut.txt 331 177 10 Cole Barnabas conneaut.txt 347 209 9 Cole Seth fairview.txt 328 171 9 Cole Sylvanus conneaut.txt 324 163 9 Colton Eli elk-creek.txt 328 171 19 Colton Ethemar conneaut.txt 346 207 15 Cook Elisha M fairview.txt 323 161 16 Coon Phillip A. elk-creek.txt 322 159 19 Crain Ephraim H. elk-creek.txt 322 159 22 Crain Fowler elk-creek.txt 331 177 21 Crane Abel H. conneaut.txt 333 181 3 Crane Elijah conneaut.txt 333 181 5 Crane Elijah, Jr. conneaut.txt 348 211 17 Crooks David fairview.txt 353 221 6 Daggett Austin fairview.txt 348 211 21 Daggett John fairview.txt 348 211 23 Daggett John fairview.txt 353 221 19 Davidson George W. fairview.txt 325 165 5 Davis Alexander conneaut.txt 325 165 6 Davis Samuel conneaut.txt 328 171 1 Day Harry conneaut.txt 322 159 13 Deets Samuel elk-creek.txt 329 173 8 DeJane Thomas conneaut.txt 326 167 17 DeWoolf Edward conneaut.txt 327 169 2 DeWoolf Hiram conneaut.txt 329 173 13 DeWoolf John conneaut.txt 329 173 16 DeWoolf Joseph conneaut.txt 329 173 14 DeWoolf Stephen conneaut.txt 323 161 23 Dighton Henry elk-creek.txt 350 215 1 Dimpsey John fairview.txt 350 215 2 Dimpsey Robert W. fairview.txt 322 159 10 Drewry Edward L. elk-creek.txt 347 209 17 Drewry Elijah fairview.txt 345 205 25 Drewry Hiram fairview.txt 346 207 7 Drewry Sherman fairview.txt 346 207 11 Dunbar William fairview.txt 346 207 20 Dunn Joseph J fairview.txt 326 167 25 Durham Brice R. conneaut.txt 328 171 11 Eaton Benjamin conneaut.txt 350 215 24 Eaton Johnston fairview.txt 321 157 27 Eaton Roderick elk-creek.txt 321 157 26 Eaton Squire elk-creek.txt 322 159 11 Endfield Hanson B. elk-creek.txt 330 175 7 Ervin Andrew conneaut.txt 330 175 6 Ervin William conneaut.txt 351 217 3 Fargo Robert fairview.txt 351 217 4 Fargo Thomas fairview.txt 333 181 8 Fergersen George, Jr. conneaut.txt 329 173 15 Fergerson George conneaut.txt 321 157 15 Fisk Alford elk-creek.txt 352 219 14 Fisk Ransom fairview.txt 327 169 23 Flagg Noah conneaut.txt 332 179 2 Fleming Daniel conneaut.txt 328 171 12 Fleming James conneaut.txt 324 163 15 Fletcher Joseph elk-creek.txt 332 179 24 Forbes John conneaut.txt 331 177 18 Fosket Simeon J conneaut.txt 347 209 22 Foster Frederick L fairview.txt 353 221 4 Foster James fairview.txt 348 211 12 Frantz Samuel fairview.txt 329 173 5 Fuller Joshua conneaut.txt 353 221 18 Fulsom John G. fairview.txt 327 169 17 Furgerson Hance conneaut.txt 327 169 22 Furgerson Hance, 2nd conneaut.txt 327 169 19 Furgerson James conneaut.txt 327 169 18 Furgerson James, 2nd conneaut.txt 327 169 21 Furgerson James, 3rd conneaut.txt 327 169 20 Furgerson John conneaut.txt 348 211 5 Gallagher George fairview.txt 350 215 20 Gallsand Charles fairview.txt 346 207 8 Garlick Rudolphus fairview.txt 332 179 26 Gillett John conneaut.txt 349 213 20 Gimber Michael fairview.txt 322 159 21 Gold Amos elk-creek.txt 328 171 5 Gould David A. conneaut.txt 328 171 4 Gould Nathaniel conneaut.txt 328 171 3 Gould William conneaut.txt 324 163 8 Green Job elk-creek.txt 329 173 6 Griffey George conneaut.txt 329 173 7 Griffey Matthew conneaut.txt 347 209 20 Haggarty Cornelius fairview.txt 344 203 15 Haggerty William fairview.txt 329 173 9 Hagle William conneaut.txt 344 203 10 Hall Eliphalet fairview.txt 327 169 25 Hall Isaac conneaut.txt 329 173 10 Hall Samuel conneaut.txt 347 209 18 Hammond William fairview.txt 322 159 7 Harman Alpheas elk-creek.txt 329 173 20 Harman Jesse B. conneaut.txt 329 173 21 Harman Martin conneaut.txt 322 159 6 Harman Oliver elk-creek.txt 331 177 14 Harring Silas conneaut.txt 349 213 10 Harris Daniel fairview.txt 345 205 6 Harrison Ira fairview.txt 344 203 1 Harroune David fairview.txt 325 165 17 Hart Abner conneaut.txt 325 165 18 Hart Humphrey conneaut.txt 329 173 11 Hase Edmond B. conneaut.txt 350 215 15 Haselet Archibald fairview.txt 325 165 7 Haskall James conneaut.txt 347 209 8 Hatch Luther D. fairview.txt 349 213 9 Hay James fairview.txt 351 217 15 Hay John, Junr. fairview.txt 350 215 5 Haybargher John fairview.txt 353 221 8 Heald Thomas fairview.txt 352 219 25 Heif William fairview.txt 352 219 20 Henderson Thomas fairview.txt 332 179 15 Hendricks Isiah conneaut.txt 345 205 17 Herrington Elisha fairview.txt 329 173 23 Herrington Matthew conneaut.txt 321 157 11 Herrington Samuel W. elk-creek.txt 329 173 19 Herrington William conneaut.txt 331 177 3 Hewit Asa conneaut.txt 331 177 13 Hewit Daniel conneaut.txt 331 177 12 Hewit Parley conneaut.txt 351 217 25 Hickson Jeremy fairview.txt 322 159 20 Hicox John J. elk-creek.txt 349 213 24 Hidler Curtis fairview.txt 323 161 10 Hill Nelson elk-creek.txt 323 161 9 Hills Ira elk-creek.txt 350 215 8 Hinkle Andrew fairview.txt 324 163 4 Holmes Christian elk-creek.txt 324 163 5 Holts David A. elk-creek.txt 344 203 23 Hopkins Samuel fairview.txt 321 157 12 Howard Daniel C. elk-creek.txt 346 207 17 Hubbard Hezekiah fairview.txt 352 219 2 Hulbert George fairview.txt 323 161 21 Hulbert John elk-creek.txt 346 207 18 Hulbert Nancy fairview.txt 323 161 5 Hulbert Timothy elk-creek.txt 330 175 3 Huntley Ebby conneaut.txt 329 173 27 Huntley Harlow conneaut.txt 330 175 4 Huntley Oran conneaut.txt 330 175 11 Jackson Abner conneaut.txt 332 179 18 Jackson David B. conneaut.txt 332 179 9 Jackson Lyman conneaut.txt 322 159 26 Jackson Lyman, Jr. elk-creek.txt 332 179 12 Jackson Michael conneaut.txt 333 181 7 Jackson Obediah conneaut.txt 332 179 10 Jackson Royal G. conneaut.txt 345 205 11 James Samuel fairview.txt 326 167 12 Jaules George conneaut.txt 321 157 21 Jaules Robert elk-creek.txt 330 175 19 Jaules Sylvester conneaut.txt 351 217 5 Johnson Samuel fairview.txt 323 161 7 Joiner Ithum elk-creek.txt 353 221 15 Jones Chester fairview.txt 349 213 5 Jonnes James fairview.txt 330 175 24 Keep Henry C. conneaut.txt 330 175 23 Keep Julius conneaut.txt 331 177 4 Keep Marsena conneaut.txt 331 177 15 Keep Marsena, Jr. conneaut.txt 330 175 22 Keep Matthew conneaut.txt 331 177 16 Keep Matthew, Jr. conneaut.txt 346 207 12 Keith Simeon fairview.txt 347 209 5 Keith Zepheniah fairview.txt 349 213 12 Kennady Robert fairview.txt 325 165 25 Kennady Royal conneaut.txt 349 213 13 Kennady Thomas fairview.txt 325 165 2 Kerr Benjamin conneaut.txt 325 165 1 Kerr Nathan conneaut.txt 331 177 11 Keyes Zenes conneaut.txt 326 167 10 Kidder Francis conneaut.txt 326 167 9 Kidder Noah conneaut.txt 330 175 13 King Amos conneaut.txt 321 157 10 King Anthony elk-creek.txt 325 165 10 King John conneaut.txt 332 179 1 King Robert conneaut.txt 332 179 21 Kingsberry James conneaut.txt 325 165 21 Lamonyan Asa conneaut.txt 353 221 11 Lane Hiram fairview.txt 350 215 9 Lantz Peter fairview.txt 346 207 25 Laughlin James fairview.txt 329 173 4 Law Allen conneaut.txt 328 171 22 Law John conneaut.txt 323 161 20 Lee Alexander J. elk-creek.txt 322 159 18 Lekins Mary elk-creek.txt 331 177 24 Lewis Jonas conneaut.txt 321 157 6 Lewis Ruben elk-creek.txt 353 221 20 Lewis Thomas fairview.txt 323 161 11 Lilley Benjamin elk-creek.txt 330 175 17 Lintz James conneaut.txt 345 205 12 Liverage Levi Ethan fairview.txt 345 205 19 Lloyd Aaron, Junr fairview.txt 347 209 23 Long Hannah fairview.txt 350 215 10 Long John fairview.txt 326 167 7 Loomas Rudolphus conneaut.txt 347 209 2 Lord Daniel D. fairview.txt 353 221 14 Lord Lynes fairview.txt 328 171 23 Lough Anson conneaut.txt 328 171 24 Lough Chancy conneaut.txt 332 179 23 Lough Isaac conneaut.txt 345 205 1 Luther Jabez fairview.txt 344 203 24 Luther William fairview.txt 351 217 10 Lytle Matthew S. fairview.txt 348 211 18 Mack John fairview.txt 327 169 15 Madison Christian conneaut.txt 345 205 16 Madison Stephen fairview.txt 346 207 19 Marshall John C. fairview.txt 327 169 24 Marshon Aaron conneaut.txt 327 169 27 Marshon John conneaut.txt 348 211 9 Martin Ann fairview.txt 352 219 4 Martin Ephriam fairview.txt 323 161 22 Martin William elk-creek.txt 352 219 5 Martin William fairview.txt 326 167 22 Martindale Stephen B. conneaut.txt 332 179 27 Martindale Truman conneaut.txt 323 161 2 Matthews David elk-creek.txt 346 207 14 McCall Preserved fairview.txt 345 205 8 McClellan Samuel fairview.txt 345 205 7 McClellan William fairview.txt 345 205 10 McClellan William, Jr fairview.txt 344 203 2 McCline Daniel fairview.txt 323 161 24 McCommon James elk-creek.txt 323 161 27 McCommon Robert elk-creek.txt 324 163 1 McCommon Samuel elk-creek.txt 345 205 18 McConnell Henry fairview.txt 346 207 4 McConnell Thomas fairview.txt 352 219 22 McCoy John fairview.txt 353 221 1 McCreary Samuel fairview.txt 350 215 25 McCreary Samuel G. fairview.txt 322 159 2 McCumber Jesse elk-creek.txt 329 173 1 McEntire Benjamin conneaut.txt 345 205 5 McEntire John fairview.txt 329 173 17 McKee Robert conneaut.txt 332 179 14 McKinsey Alexander conneaut.txt 329 173 18 MeKee Robert, Jr. conneaut.txt 353 221 17 Melhorn John fairview.txt 351 217 19 Miles Samuel fairview.txt 330 175 10 Miles Sanford conneaut.txt 321 157 24 Miller Henry elk-creek.txt 350 215 13 Miller Jacob fairview.txt 321 157 23 Miller James elk-creek.txt 328 171 2 Miller John A. conneaut.txt 349 213 17 Moorehead James fairview.txt 328 171 13 Morgan James conneaut.txt 330 175 20 Morse James M. conneaut.txt 328 171 21 Morse Samuel conneaut.txt 328 171 15 Morse Silas M. conneaut.txt 352 219 21 Morton James fairview.txt 344 203 12 Nason Elisha fairview.txt 344 203 21 Nason Elisha, Junr fairview.txt 344 203 18 Nason Jesse fairview.txt 344 203 13 Nason William fairview.txt 351 217 16 Nelson James fairview.txt 332 179 25 Nichelson George conneaut.txt 350 215 12 Nicholson George fairview.txt 344 203 9 O Donnell Cornelius fairview.txt 331 177 23 Odel Gardner conneaut.txt 331 177 26 Odel Stephen conneaut.txt 331 177 19 Odle Gardner, 2nd conneaut.txt 331 177 17 Odle Jonas conneaut.txt 351 217 2 Onley Anthony fairview.txt 348 211 22 Osborn Joseph fairview.txt 348 211 20 Osborn Justus fairview.txt 324 163 3 Page Archelus elk-creek.txt 347 209 13 Page Homer fairview.txt 330 175 8 Parker Oran conneaut.txt 324 163 2 Pattison John elk-creek.txt 331 177 25 Paul William conneaut.txt 346 207 21 Peacher Thomas A fairview.txt 353 221 16 Pelton Roderick fairview.txt 321 157 5 Perkam Lemuel elk-creek.txt 333 181 6 Perry James D. conneaut.txt 321 157 22 Pettit Ezra elk-creek.txt 346 207 5 Pickel Selah fairview.txt 346 207 10 Picket Edmond fairview.txt 322 159 12 Pike Daniel elk-creek.txt 350 215 11 Pites John fairview.txt 326 167 4 Pomeroy Isaac conneaut.txt 322 159 9 Pomeroy James elk-creek.txt 326 167 1 Pomeroy John conneaut.txt 325 165 23 Pomeroy Medad conneaut.txt 325 165 24 Pomeroy Nathaniel conneaut.txt 326 167 19 Pond Nathaniel conneaut.txt 347 209 1 Porter Arunah B. fairview.txt 329 173 26 Porter Joseph conneaut.txt 345 205 3 Porter Joseph fairview.txt 347 209 21 Porter Robert fairview.txt 330 175 12 Potter Simeon conneaut.txt 332 179 7 Pratt Michael conneaut.txt 321 157 13 Preston Asa elk-creek.txt 322 159 5 Ramsey John elk-creek.txt 331 177 8 Randall Benjamin L. conneaut.txt 332 179 5 Randall Francis conneaut.txt 326 167 2 Randall John conneaut.txt 322 159 14 Randall John P. elk-creek.txt 322 159 15 Randall Maxon elk-creek.txt 322 159 16 Randall Maxon J. elk-creek.txt 325 165 26 Randall Maxon, Jr. conneaut.txt 330 175 26 Randall William conneaut.txt 330 175 27 Randall William S. conneaut.txt 352 219 15 Ransom Robert fairview.txt 347 209 15 Ray Johnson fairview.txt 328 171 6 Ray Margaret conneaut.txt 328 171 7 Ray Samuel conneaut.txt 325 165 3 Rayman Nehemiah conneaut.txt 327 169 13 Rea James conneaut.txt 332 179 20 Rice Erastus conneaut.txt 330 175 5 Robinson Gilman conneaut.txt 350 215 3 Robinson Thomas fairview.txt 350 215 7 Rodes Jacob fairview.txt 350 215 16 Rodgers Arnold fairview.txt 347 209 7 Rodney John fairview.txt 352 219 19 Roe Peter fairview.txt 346 207 6 Rogers Chauncey fairview.txt 322 159 17 Ross Benjamin elk-creek.txt 330 175 1 Rossiter Daniel conneaut.txt 332 179 11 Rudd John conneaut.txt 325 165 15 Rumsey Amy conneaut.txt 344 203 5 Russell David fairview.txt 344 203 6 Russell William fairview.txt 344 203 7 Ryan James fairview.txt 353 221 13 Sabans William A. fairview.txt 326 167 14 Salsbury David conneaut.txt 326 167 13 Salsbury John conneaut.txt 327 169 7 Salsbury Nathan conneaut.txt 325 165 11 Salsbury Sanford conneaut.txt 322 159 4 Sanford William H. elk-creek.txt 325 165 14 Sawdey Benjamin conneaut.txt 325 165 16 Sawdey David conneaut.txt 321 157 9 Sawdey Hiram elk-creek.txt 321 157 8 Sawdey John elk-creek.txt 325 165 9 Sawdey Perry conneaut.txt 325 165 12 Sawdey Samuel conneaut.txt 325 165 13 Sawdey Sarah conneaut.txt 325 165 8 Sawdey William conneaut.txt 347 209 25 Schrivner John fairview.txt 323 161 8 Scott Charles elk-creek.txt 352 219 3 Scribner John S. fairview.txt 345 205 4 Seeley Austin H fairview.txt 321 157 14 Segar John elk-creek.txt 321 157 1 Sherad Michael elk-creek.txt 326 167 26 Sherman John S. conneaut.txt 344 203 26 Sherman Nathan fairview.txt 326 167 21 Sherman Richard W. conneaut.txt 326 167 20 Sherman Ware conneaut.txt 332 179 13 Sherman Weaver O. conneaut.txt 323 161 26 Shields Joshua elk-creek.txt 328 171 14 Sickles John conneaut.txt 346 207 24 Silsby Usebus fairview.txt 344 203 17 Silverthorn John fairview.txt 329 173 22 Simons Russell conneaut.txt 328 171 8 Simons Stephen conneaut.txt 351 217 7 Smith Benjamin fairview.txt 329 173 25 Smith Daniel conneaut.txt 321 157 18 Smith Garret elk-creek.txt 330 175 2 Smith Hezekiah conneaut.txt 352 219 18 Smith Isaac fairview.txt 351 217 20 Snow Jonathan fairview.txt 348 211 6 Southward John fairview.txt 327 169 12 Southworth William conneaut.txt 326 167 16 Sovens Luther conneaut.txt 331 177 2 Spalding David conneaut.txt 331 177 1 Spalding Jonathan conneaut.txt 351 217 23 Spangler George fairview.txt 345 205 24 Sparr Milton fairview.txt 349 213 22 Spencer John fairview.txt 325 165 22 Spicer James W. conneaut.txt 351 217 24 Spicer William fairview.txt 326 167 18 Sprague Daniel conneaut.txt 332 179 4 Sprague Seth conneaut.txt 353 221 10 Stanfield Thomas fairview.txt 349 213 18 Stark Cranmill fairview.txt 331 177 9 Staw Ira L. conneaut.txt 321 157 3 Sterard Daniel, Jr. elk-creek.txt 352 219 16 Sterns Shepherd fairview.txt 352 219 1 Sterrett Robert F. fairview.txt 345 205 23 Stone John fairview.txt 352 219 17 Stone Silas fairview.txt 348 211 26 Strong Daniel B. fairview.txt 348 211 25 Strong Rufus fairview.txt 332 179 6 Stuntz George conneaut.txt 349 213 4 Stuntz Stephen fairview.txt 332 179 17 Stuntz Unias conneaut.txt 351 217 8 Sturgeon Jane fairview.txt 349 213 8 Sturgeon John fairview.txt 351 217 9 Sturgeon Samuel fairview.txt 352 219 24 Sturgeon Thomas fairview.txt 351 217 12 Sturgeon William fairview.txt 344 203 19 Sumon John R fairview.txt 350 215 17 Swan John J. fairview.txt 350 215 18 Swan Richard fairview.txt 328 171 18 Swap John conneaut.txt 323 161 15 Taber Garner elk-creek.txt 348 211 24 Taggert Cardiff fairview.txt 322 159 24 Talman Stephen elk-creek.txt 323 161 18 Taylor Adenijah elk-creek.txt 327 169 1 Taylor Daniel conneaut.txt 331 177 27 Taylor Ira conneaut.txt 326 167 27 Taylor John conneaut.txt 324 163 11 Taylor Obediah elk-creek.txt 346 207 1 Thayer Alvin L fairview.txt 326 167 6 Thompson George conneaut.txt 327 169 26 Thompson Hiram conneaut.txt 328 171 20 Thornton Ezra conneaut.txt 332 179 8 Tiffney Avery C. conneaut.txt 324 163 13 Timplin Lorin elk-creek.txt 328 171 16 Todd Ferrington conneaut.txt 353 221 3 Travas Gilbert fairview.txt 353 221 2 Travas John J. fairview.txt 348 211 8 Trout Jacob fairview.txt 330 175 25 Tubbs Joseph conneaut.txt 331 177 22 Turner Charles conneaut.txt 321 157 25 Turner Marshal elk-creek.txt 352 219 13 Tuttle Abner fairview.txt 352 219 12 Tuttle Benjamin fairview.txt 352 219 11 Tuttle David fairview.txt 351 217 22 Tuttle Henry fairview.txt 352 219 6 Tuttle Joseph fairview.txt 352 219 7 Tuttle Stephen fairview.txt 330 175 9 Tuttle William W conneaut.txt 344 203 8 Vancamp Moses fairview.txt 348 211 14 Vance John fairview.txt 349 213 23 Vance Thomas fairview.txt 346 207 9 Vancoy Abraham fairview.txt 325 165 27 Vanderhoof Giles conneaut.txt 327 169 11 Vandeventer John conneaut.txt 324 163 14 Vandusen Lawrence elk-creek.txt 322 159 8 VanRanselaer David elk-creek.txt 324 163 10 Vaun Charles elk-creek.txt 345 205 22 Wadsworth Titus fairview.txt 326 167 8 Walker Jacob conneaut.txt 326 167 5 Walker Silas conneaut.txt 323 161 14 Wallace Rachael elk-creek.txt 322 159 25 Ward William elk-creek.txt 347 209 14 Ware Rebecca fairview.txt 347 209 11 Ware William fairview.txt 351 217 6 Warner Walter W. fairview.txt 349 213 7 Warren Joshua fairview.txt 349 213 6 Warren Levi fairview.txt 345 205 2 Washburn Isaac fairview.txt 332 179 22 Washburn Simeon conneaut.txt 349 213 3 Webster Isaac fairview.txt 349 213 2 Webster Joseph fairview.txt 326 167 23 Weed William conneaut.txt 351 217 21 Weeks Joshua fairview.txt 322 159 27 Weilman Benjamin elk-creek.txt 344 203 14 Welden Samuel fairview.txt 322 159 3 Wells Benjamin elk-creek.txt 323 161 1 Wells Franklin elk-creek.txt 345 205 21 Wells Joseph fairview.txt 323 161 3 Wells Otis elk-creek.txt 327 169 10 Welman John conneaut.txt 328 171 17 Welsh James conneaut.txt 328 171 26 Whealey Jeremiah conneaut.txt 328 171 25 Whealey John conneaut.txt 328 171 27 Whealey Thomas conneaut.txt 347 209 12 Wheeler Abel fairview.txt 347 209 10 Wheeler Silas M. fairview.txt 351 217 1 White Asa fairview.txt 351 217 17 White Seth fairview.txt 329 173 24 Whitington James conneaut.txt 331 177 20 Whitman Jesse conneaut.txt 328 171 10 Whittemus Arthamus conneaut.txt 321 157 7 Wilcox Benjamin elk-creek.txt 329 173 2 Williams Allen conneaut.txt 346 207 2 Williams John fairview.txt 350 215 19 Willson Isaac fairview.txt 323 161 17 Winchester Daniel elk-creek.txt 330 175 15 Wood Henry conneaut.txt 330 175 14 Wood Silas conneaut.txt 326 167 24 Wood Sylvanda conneaut.txt 348 211 2 Woodworth Samuel fairview.txt 349 213 19 Workman John fairview.txt 322 159 23 Yates Isaac elk-creek.txt 322 159 1 Yates James elk-creek.txt 345 205 26 Yerrington Alvah fairview.txt