Campbell County, TN 1880 Federal Census PARTIAL STATUS of the files on-line for this census in the following FTP directory: ================================================================================================================= ENUM ENUMERATION STAMPED SHEET# STATUS NBR DESCRIPTION PAGE#-RANGE RANGE TRANSCRIBER PROOFREADER ================================================================================================================= . 118 1st Civil District . . . . . 119 2nd Civil District . . . . . 120 3rd and 4th Civil Districts . . . . On-Line 121 4th Civil DIstrict 397A-411A 1-30 Misty Smith (needed) On-Line 122 5th and 6th Civil Districts 412A-424B 1-26 Misty Smith (needed) . 123 7th and 8th Civil Districts . . . . . 124 9th Civil District . . . . . 125 10th Civil District . . . . . 126 11th, 12th, & 13th Civil Districts . . . . ================================================================================================================= If you would like to proofread an Enumeration District for this census, please fill-out and submit a Proofreader Volunteer Form at: ================================================================================================================= This Census is being transcribed by Misty Smith and is NOT YET proofread Submitted to the USGenWeb Census Project® =================================================================================================================