Montgomery County, TN 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 3 of 7) This Census was transcribed by Tim McGhee and proofread by a Team of volunteers for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2013 by Tim McGhee ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 253a 31 Farmen George 22 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 10 Farmer Forrest 7 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 6 Farmer Jack 63 North Carolina pg0249a.txt 251b 8 Farmer Joe R 16 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 7 Farmer Margarett 40 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 11 Farmer Martha F 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 190a 34 Farmer Nancy 40 Tenn pg0185a.txt 251b 9 Farmer Sarah 12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 190a 35 Farmer Thomas 14 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190a 33 Farmer Wiley 52 Tenn pg0185a.txt 199a 22 Farrat Bell 44 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199a 28 Farrat Bettie 11 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 35 Farrat David 50 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 24 Farrat Edmond 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199a 34 Farrat Elsie 5 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199a 33 Farrat Gemima 12 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 23 Farrat Geo 19 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199a 26 Farrat Harriet 13 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 29 Farrat Jane 9 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 30 Farrat Latitia 7 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 32 Farrat Milly 15 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 27 Farrat Robert 12 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 31 Farrat Rose 21 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 25 Farrat Scott 14 Ky pg0197a.txt 249a 5 Farvour Angeline 38 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 4 Farvour James 30 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 208a 8 Fauntleroy B 2 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 7 Fauntleroy Maggie 5 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 4 Fauntleroy Rose 18 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 2 Fauntleroy S 55 Virginia pg0207a.txt 208a 6 Fauntleroy Sallie 8 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 3 Fauntleroy Tillie 45 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 5 Fauntleroy Walker 11 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 201a 27 Ferguson Betsy 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 30 Ferguson Charity 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 29 Ferguson Daniel 13 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 32 Ferguson John 7 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 26 Ferguson Lewis 23 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 31 Ferguson Louisa 8 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 28 Ferguson Minervy 15 Tenn pg0197a.txt 213b 7 Fields Bell 40 Virginia pg0213b.txt 213b 8 Fields Eliza 30 Virginia pg0213b.txt 200b 1 Fields Emma 20 Tenn pg0197a.txt 213b 9 Fields Gilbert 4 Virginia pg0213b.txt 199b 37 Fields John 66 Virginia pg0197a.txt 199b 38 Fields Maria 55 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 40 Fields R F 23 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 39 Fields Robert E 30 Tenn pg0197a.txt 185b 23 Finch Albert 30 Tenn pg0185a.txt 232b 5 Finch C 30 Virginia pg0227a.txt 185b 24 Finch Mary 35 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185b 25 Finch Sally 7 Tenn pg0185a.txt 254b 22 Fizer Nelly 60 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 211b 35 Fletcher Alley 35 Tenn pg0207a.txt 223b 32 Fletcher Annie 17 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223b 36 Fletcher Baby 1 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223b 29 Fletcher C 48 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 234b 26 Fletcher Catherine 23 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 239a 17 Fletcher Elizabeth 39 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 211b 38 Fletcher Gold 4 Tenn pg0207a.txt 234b 25 Fletcher Henry 55 Virginia pg0233a.txt 223b 33 Fletcher Jennie 15 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 211b 39 Fletcher M 28 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211b 36 Fletcher Malissa 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 234b 27 Fletcher Mary 18 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 211b 37 Fletcher Mat 6 Tenn pg0207a.txt 223b 35 Fletcher Mildred 3 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223b 34 Fletcher Sallie 8 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223b 31 Fletcher Scot 19 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223b 30 Fletcher Susan 40 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 234b 28 Fletcher T 15 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 239a 16 Fletcher Wm 48 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 182a 29 Flowers Henry 4 Tenn pg0179a.txt 182a 28 Flowers Malinda 26 Tenn pg0179a.txt 201a 4 Fontleroy Lucy 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 248b 38 Ford Amanda 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 186b 16 Ford Cyrus M 9 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 6 Ford Franklin 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248b 40 Ford George 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248b 36 Ford George W 45 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 249a 16 Ford Halton 1 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 14 Ford Henry 7 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 186b 19 Ford James 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 14 Ford James F 35 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 8 Ford Joshua 9 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 12 Ford Mary 41 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248b 37 Ford Mary 36 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 186b 18 Ford Nettie W 4 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 9 Ford Nora C 3 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 13 Ford Susan 9 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 186b 17 Ford Thomas F 5 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 7 Ford Thomas J 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 186b 15 Ford Virginia E 26 Ky pg0185a.txt 248b 39 Ford William 8 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 249a 15 Ford William M 5 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 11 Ford William T 41 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 220a 21 Forkner Dave 4 tenn pg0219b.txt 220a 22 Forkner Mat 4 tenn pg0219b.txt 220a 20 Forkner Nelly 30 tenn pg0219b.txt 235b 29 Forrest E 36 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 235b 31 Forrest Green 12 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 235b 32 Forrest O 10 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 235b 30 Forrest Wm 14 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 193b 1 Fort Ada 15 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 26 Fort Adam 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 189a 34 Fort Amanda 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 241b 3 Fort Anderson 9 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 193b 14 Fort Ann 30 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193a 38 Fort Bellriah 50 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 35 Fort Bob 30 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 184b 18 Fort Buckner 24 Tenn pg0179a.txt 189a 31 Fort Caroline 40 Tenn pg0185a.txt 247a 21 Fort Caroline 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 243b 12 Fort Charlotte 50 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193b 15 Fort Columbus 7 Tenn pg0191a.txt 246a 18 Fort Daniel 49 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 182b 39 Fort Dicy 65 Va pg0179a.txt 193b 3 Fort Dirks 6 Tenn pg0191a.txt 189a 35 Fort Dorthula 5 Tenn pg0185a.txt 192b 5 Fort Edwin 3 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 37 Fort Eliza 6/12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247a 14 Fort Elizabeth 52 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 192b 2 Fort Ephraim 30 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 22 Fort Eve 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 243b 34 Fort Forest 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 192b 6 Fort George 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 23 Fort Harris 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 189a 37 Fort Haywood 2 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 32 Fort Henry 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 36 Fort Horace 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 247a 29 Fort Jim 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247a 24 Fort John 51 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 190a 18 Fort Joseph E . Tenn pg0185a.txt 190a 16 Fort Joseph W 55 Tenn pg0185a.txt 247a 33 Fort Juda 67 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193a 40 Fort Lavinia 16 Tenn pg0191a.txt 192b 3 Fort Lucy 20 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 36 Fort Lydia 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247a 25 Fort Margrett 45 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 182b 19 Fort Mary A 60 Va pg0179a.txt 247a 16 Fort Mary F 8/12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 19 Fort Mary J 30 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 190a 17 Fort Matt B 24 Tenn pg0185a.txt 246a 27 Fort Monroe 19 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247a 30 Fort Monroe 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193a 37 Fort Nelson 50 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 27 Fort Nelson 4 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247a 28 Fort Onawa 2 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193b 8 Fort Sally 20 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 13 Fort Sampson L 68 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 189a 30 Fort Samuel 45 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 33 Fort Samuel 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 193b 2 Fort Samuel 12 Tenn pg0191a.txt 246a 28 Fort Sarah 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193b 7 Fort Spencer 21 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193a 39 Fort Susan 20 Tenn pg0191a.txt 247a 34 Fort Thomas 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193b 13 Fort Wiley 32 Tenn pg0191a.txt 182b 40 Fort William 70 Va pg0179a.txt 247a 15 Fort William D 27 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 192b 4 Fort Wilson 5 Tenn pg0191a.txt 192a 10 Fortson Ella 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 192a 8 Fortson James 25 Tenn pg0191a.txt 192a 9 Fortson Lucy 21 Tenn pg0191a.txt 190a 26 Fortson Mariah 65 Tenn pg0185a.txt 176b 21 Fortson Marina 38 Tenn pg0173a.txt 190a 27 Fortson Sallie 15 Tenn pg0185a.txt 176b 23 Fortson Taylor 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 190a 25 Fortson Thomas 68 Tenn pg0185a.txt 225b 40 Fosson Agnes 40 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 226a 2 Fosson Emily 16 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 226a 1 Fosson Luck 18 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 225b 39 Fosson Poll 40 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 198b 25 Fotson Amanda 60 Ky pg0197a.txt 198b 24 Fotson Charles 75 Virginia pg0197a.txt 193b 24 Foulks Frank 2 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193b 23 Foulks Geraldine F 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193b 22 Foulks Mildred J 26 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193b 21 Foulks Walter A 29 Ky pg0191a.txt 198b 23 Fox Joseph 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 227a 31 France Adaline 22 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 28 France J W 24 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 30 France John 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 29 France Susan 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 248b 30 Francis Matilda 30 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248b 31 Francis Sue 1 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 197a 13 Freeman Hend 17 Ky pg0197a.txt 238a 31 Freeman Henderson 13 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 30 Freeman Martha 33 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 32 Freeman S*l****s 10 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 33 Freeman Thomas 1 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 29 Freeman W A 25 Alabama pg0233a.txt 212a 4 French Henry 70 Virginia pg0207a.txt 249b 32 Frey Cornelius 22 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 17 Frey Divina C 24 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250a 1 Frey Ida E 2 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 31 Frey Jane 49 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 35 Frey Lizzie A 17 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 18 Frey Mary A 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 36 Frey Mary E 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 40 Frey Matilda 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 37 Frey Richard 12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 33 Frey Richmond 18 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 34 Frey Silas D 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 38 Frey Theodora E 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 30 Frey Thomas J 49 Virginia pg0249a.txt 250a 2 Frey Waller I 9/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 39 Frey William H 27 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 2 Frizis Charles 40 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 183b 36 Fryer Adaline 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183b 35 Fryer Alice 18 Tenn pg0179a.txt 184a 2 Fryer Hannah 43 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183b 34 Fryer Nancy 50 Tenn pg0179a.txt 226b 33 Furgeson Bill 25 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 226b 34 Furgeson Harriett 25 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 201b 13 Furguson Barbra W 16 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 10 Furguson Chiles 5 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 8 Furguson David 10 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 9 Furguson Edward 8 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 9 Furguson Ellen M 23 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 12 Furguson Jessie 18 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 16 Furguson John W B 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 36 Furguson Lewis 25 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 4 Furguson Lucy 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 11 Furguson Lucy A 20 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 15 Furguson Margaret D 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 8 Furguson Mary M 26 Ky pg0197a.txt 201b 7 Furguson Nancy M 50 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 7 Furguson Nickolas 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 6 Furguson Peter 1 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 11 Furguson Robert 4 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 6 Furguson Robert F 55 Massachusetts pg0197a.txt 201b 14 Furguson Robert F 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202a 5 Furguson Susan 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 10 Furguson Thomas D 22 Tenn pg0197a.txt 245a 20 Gaines Adeline 27 Virginia pg0243a.txt 187a 33 Gaines Bettie 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187a 32 Gaines Charles 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 245a 25 Gaines Edward 6/12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245a 23 Gaines Ella 4 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 187a 34 Gaines Fannie 6 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187a 30 Gaines Foster 19 Tenn pg0185a.txt 245a 22 Gaines Georgie 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 187a 35 Gaines Jane 4 Tenn pg0185a.txt 245a 21 Gaines Maggie 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 187a 29 Gaines Mariah 45 Tenn pg0185a.txt 245a 24 Gaines Mattie 2 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 187a 28 Gaines Philip 50 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187a 31 Gaines Sarah 17 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187a 36 Gaines Susan 2 Tenn pg0185a.txt 245a 19 Gaines Wallace 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 34 Gains Baker 10 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 31 Gains Edmond 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 257a 32 Gains Eliza 7/12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 246a 30 Gains Eliza 40 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247b 1 Gains Jacob 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 257a 30 Gains Jerry 24 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 246a 35 Gains John 1 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 32 Gains Louisa 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247b 2 Gains Lydia 23 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 257a 31 Gains Rosanna 22 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 246a 33 Gains Tom 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 29 Gains Wiley 45 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 203b 32 Galbraith Betsy 45 Tenn pg0203a.txt 221a 13 Galbraith Chas 12 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 203b 33 Galbraith Fannie 14 Tenn pg0203a.txt 221a 17 Galbraith Henry 3 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 221a 16 Galbraith Rose 70 Virginia pg0221a.txt 221a 32 Galbraith Sam 10 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 203b 31 Galbraith Wm 47 Tenn pg0203a.txt 210b 5 Galbreath Jeno 21 Tenn pg0207a.txt 246a 24 Ganis Charlie 11 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 37 Ganis Clarissa 42 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 25 Ganis Fannie 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 22 Ganis Foster 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 28 Ganis John E 51 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 21 Ganis Maria 45 Virginia pg0243a.txt 246a 38 Ganis Maria 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 36 Ganis Marion 53 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 23 Ganis Pettie 9 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 20 Ganis Phillip 53 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 29 Ganis Sallie J 42 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 39 Ganis Sam 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 31 Ganis Tavie A 15 Kentucky pg0243a.txt 245b 30 Ganis Virginius 18 Kentucky pg0243a.txt 252b 40 Gant Ike 17 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 246b 11 Gardner Aaron 20 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 256b 20 Gardner Alfred 3 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 19 Gardner Almora 6 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 32 Gardner Bauregward 9 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 253a 13 Gardner Ben 3/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256b 14 Gardner Cullen 22 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 253a 12 Gardner Fanny 21 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256b 18 Gardner James 10 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 12 Gardner John M 48 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 16 Gardner Lallie 15 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 15 Gardner Lurar 19 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 31 Gardner Mary 56 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 251a 2 Gardner Morea 100 Virginia pg0249a.txt 253a 11 Gardner Polk 22 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 246b 10 Gardner Quincy 65 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 256b 13 Gardner Salina 42 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 17 Gardner Walter 12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 223b 20 Garrett Catherine 2 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 240b 4 Garrett Chas 40 Virginia pg0239b.txt 223b 16 Garrett Dallas 32 Alabama pg0221a.txt 190b 9 Garrett George 5 Tenn pg0185a.txt 240b 6 Garrett George 10 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 223b 18 Garrett Henrietta 27 Alabama pg0221a.txt 190b 13 Garrett Isabell 60 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 6 Garrett James 35 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188b 14 Garrett James 21 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188b 32 Garrett Kasa 30 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 8 Garrett Martha 13 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 11 Garrett Mary 6/12 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 7 Garrett Mary 30 Tenn pg0185a.txt 240b 5 Garrett Medora 30 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 188b 33 Garrett Rose 2 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 10 Garrett Susan 3 Tenn pg0185a.txt 223b 17 Garrett Taylor 22 Alabama pg0221a.txt 190b 14 Garrett Titus 13 Tenn pg0185a.txt 223b 19 Garrett William 6 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 245b 35 Garries Alex 10 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 34 Garries Bill 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 37 Garries Dick 3 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 36 Garries Heon 8 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 33 Garries Jeany 35 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245b 32 Garries Joe 33 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246b 13 Garris William 20 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 218a 2 Garth Catherine 16 Tenn pg0213b.txt 203b 18 Garth Clay 4 Ky pg0203a.txt 203b 16 Garth Emily 28 Ky pg0203a.txt 217b 39 Garth Isaac 50 Tenn pg0213b.txt 203b 15 Garth Lee 40 Ky pg0203a.txt 203b 17 Garth Lewis 10 Ky pg0203a.txt 218a 3 Garth Martha 12 Tenn pg0213b.txt 217b 40 Garth Mary 47 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 1 Garth Sallie 21 Tenn pg0213b.txt 203b 19 Garth Sally 1 Ky pg0203a.txt 209b 40 Garvin Robt 28 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 219b 9 Gibbs America 38 tenn pg0219b.txt 219b 8 Gibbs B J 50 tenn pg0219b.txt 219b 10 Gibbs Frank 16 tenn pg0219b.txt 236b 4 Gibbs Geo P 2 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 236b 3 Gibbs Jas H 4 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 219b 11 Gibbs Lucinda 12 tenn pg0219b.txt 236b 1 Gibbs M P 29 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 213b 30 Gibbs M R 20 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 219b 6 Gibbs Margaret 18 tenn pg0219b.txt 236b 5 Gibbs Martha 9/12 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 219b 13 Gibbs Mary 8 tenn pg0219b.txt 236b 2 Gibbs Mary C 22 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 219b 5 Gibbs P S 22 tenn pg0219b.txt 219b 12 Gibbs Radford 5 tenn pg0219b.txt 219b 7 Gibbs Yula 6/12 tenn pg0219b.txt 184a 22 Gill Benjamin F 28 Ky pg0179a.txt 188b 25 Gill Charles H 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 252b 33 Gill Clara 18 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252b 34 Gill Ella 15 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 216a 29 Gill Emma 4 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 252b 30 Gill George A 23 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 188b 22 Gill Henry 36 Tenn pg0185a.txt 252b 32 Gill Isabella E 52 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 216a 30 Gill John 1 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 216a 27 Gill M 23 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 216a 28 Gill Martha 23 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 184a 23 Gill Mary * 18 Tenn pg0179a.txt 188b 24 Gill Matilda 3 Tenn pg0185a.txt 178a 16 Gill Morgan 50 Ky pg0173a.txt 252b 31 Gill Rachel M 26 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 188b 23 Gill Rhoda 23 Tenn pg0185a.txt 252b 35 Gill Robert 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 220b 36 Gilliam Ed 40 Tenn pg0219b.txt 225a 17 Gilliam Ed 22 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 220b 37 Gilliam Eliza 30 Tenn pg0219b.txt 225a 18 Gilliam Eliza 18 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 216b 26 Gillinone Harry 10 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 216b 25 Gillinone J 13 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217b 13 Gillmore A 48 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217b 14 Gillmore Ann 30 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 242b 16 Gillmore Jno 75 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 216b 17 Gilmore Alice 4 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 216b 15 Gilmore H 40 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 216b 16 Gilmore Metta 18 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 180b 33 Glascoe John 30 Tenn pg0179a.txt 204a 26 Glenn Daniel 60 Virginia pg0203a.txt 204a 27 Glenn Harriet 55 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204a 29 Glenn Henry 2 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204a 28 Glenn Julia 25 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204a 30 Glenn Wm 7/12 Tenn pg0203a.txt 231b 24 Gold Andrew 53 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 25 Gold Ann 37 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 241b 14 Gold Ann 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231b 30 Gold Baby 6/12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 222a 35 Gold Becky 20 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 231a 11 Gold Ben 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 39 Gold Bill 15 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 33 Gold Blair 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 213a 19 Gold C 7 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 241b 13 Gold Celia 3 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 222a 34 Gold Charley 40 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 231b 29 Gold Clarence 4 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 216b 28 Gold Dan 36 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 232a 3 Gold E 8 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 11 Gold E 64 Virginia pg0227a.txt 232a 2 Gold Eliza 27 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 213a 20 Gold Florence 4/12 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 227a 33 Gold Frances 36 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 222a 36 Gold George 14 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 241b 11 Gold George 13 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231b 37 Gold Hally 8 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 35 Gold Henry 37 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231a 26 Gold J A 33 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 32 Gold J C 43 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 241b 12 Gold James 5 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 232a 6 Gold Jane 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232a 1 Gold Jno 30 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 222a 39 Gold Jno 3 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 232a 5 Gold John 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 213a 22 Gold Julia 18 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 227a 36 Gold Lewis 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 12 Gold Lizzie A 22 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231a 27 Gold Lucy 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232a 4 Gold Maria 5 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 38 Gold Mary 2 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 241b 10 Gold Minerva 38 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 222a 33 Gold Ned 40 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 213a 21 Gold Patsy 45 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 231b 36 Gold Pheby 35 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 213a 17 Gold Phil 40 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 231a 10 Gold Rachel 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 241b 9 Gold Reuben 40 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 222a 38 Gold Rush 8 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 222a 37 Gold Sallie 12 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 231b 28 Gold Sandy 6 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 34 Gold Sarah 7 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 216b 29 Gold Sarah 30 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 231b 32 Gold Tennessee 37 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 34 Gold Thomas 14 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 26 Gold Toddy 14 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 31 Gold Tom 45 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 27 Gold Tom 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 213a 18 Gold Vine 30 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 227a 35 Gold William 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 203b 1 Goodlett Caroline 36 Ky pg0203a.txt 203b 2 Goodlett Charles H 18 Missouri pg0203a.txt 203b 4 Goodlett Georgia 10 Missouri pg0203a.txt 203a 40 Goodlett M C 50 Tenn pg0203a.txt 203b 3 Goodlett Phanuel 13 Missouri pg0203a.txt 203b 5 Goodlett Rebecca 3 Tenn pg0203a.txt 209a 30 Gordan D 19 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 209a 32 Gordan Dan 14 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 209a 31 Gordan Pettie 16 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 199b 17 Gordon Alanzo A 20 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 15 Gordon James A 60 Virginia pg0197a.txt 199b 16 Gordon Joseph W 37 Ky pg0197a.txt 199b 18 Gordon Laura E 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 21 Gordon Minnie 2 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 19 Gordon Nannie B 8 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 20 Gordon Ora 5 Tenn pg0197a.txt 227b 36 Gorin Anna 14 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 38 Gorin Baby 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 37 Gorin Bud 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 34 Gorin Jordan 45 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 35 Gorin Lucy 40 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 210a 28 Gossett Abe 7 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 25 Gossett Abe 25 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 32 Gossett Albert 1 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 37 Gossett Ann 5 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 29 Gossett Bill 7 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 31 Gossett Charlie 3 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 26 Gossett Julia 28 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 30 Gossett Minos 5 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 27 Gossett Mose 9 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 35 Gossett Nancy 18 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 33 Gossett Sam 35 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 38 Gossett Sam 1 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 36 Gossett Vickie 7 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 210a 34 Gossett Vine 20 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 199a 5 Goulder Henrietta 19 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 1 Goulder J A 53 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 7 Goulder Joseph S 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199a 3 Goulder Kittie A 22 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 4 Goulder Lucy J 21 Ky pg0197a.txt 199a 2 Goulder Mildred 50 Virginia pg0197a.txt 199a 6 Goulder Wm C 16 Tenn pg0197a.txt 208a 17 Gowans Elizabeth 54 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 21 Gowans Elizabeth 15 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 19 Gowans Jno. 19 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 20 Gowans Peter 17 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 18 Gowans Sarah 20 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 16 Gowans Wm 60 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 177a 2 Gower Benjamin F 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 40 Gower James W 15 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 38 Gower Lavinia E 18 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 39 Gower Louisa 17 Tenn pg0173a.txt 177a 1 Gower Mary 17 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 37 Gower Rose A 45 Tenn pg0173a.txt 177a 3 Gower Sarah E 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 36 Gower William 45 Tenn pg0173a.txt 191b 20 Grace Elen 39 Ireland pg0191a.txt 191b 23 Grace Hannah 7 Tenn pg0191a.txt 191b 25 Grace John 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 191b 21 Grace Julia 18 Ky pg0191a.txt 191b 22 Grace Michael 14 Ky pg0191a.txt 191b 19 Grace Patrick 43 Ireland pg0191a.txt 191b 24 Grace Thomas 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 34 Grada Dinah 6 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 30 Grada James 18 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 33 Grada Jane 8 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 31 Grada John 15 Tenn pg0191a.txt 191b 36 Grada Martha 15 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 29 Grada Sarah 50 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 32 Grada Susan 10 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194b 28 Grada Thomas 60 Tenn pg0191a.txt 252a 24 Grady Adam 21 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 252a 20 Grady Cubit 56 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 252a 22 Grady Jane 17 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 252a 25 Grady Lizzie 17 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 23 Grady Sam 12 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 252a 21 Grady Vina 26 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 242a 7 Grafton F 25 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 176b 19 Grant Ada 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 251b 39 Grant Adaline 25 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 28 Grant Addie 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 7 Grant Alexander L 13 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 189b 8 Grant Alice 12 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 34 Grant Allice A 32 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 194b 37 Grant Amanda 24 Tenn pg0191a.txt 244b 13 Grant Ann 9 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247b 23 Grant Ann 16 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 189b 7 Grant Ann 14 Tenn pg0185a.txt 251a 30 Grant Ann 1/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 33 Grant Aquilla 45 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 8 Grant Arminda 9 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 253b 5 Grant Atis 40 Virginia pg0249a.txt 253b 4 Grant Boyd H 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 23 Grant Caroline 50 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 26 Grant Caroline 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 253b 16 Grant Caroline 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 26 Grant Charity 33 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 195a 11 Grant Charles B 15 Tenn pg0191a.txt 184b 5 Grant Charles J 17 Tenn pg0179a.txt 184b 3 Grant Charli*** 43 Tenn pg0179a.txt 244b 14 Grant Cora 5/12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 253b 3 Grant Davie 57 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 13 Grant Davie C 19 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 10 Grant Dena 21 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 14 Grant Dianna 50 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 2 Grant Elizabeth 7/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 176b 17 Grant Elizabeth 33 Tenn pg0173a.txt 252a 12 Grant Ella 7 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 35 Grant Ella N 1 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 254a 39 Grant Ellen 19 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 40 Grant Emma 5 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 244b 12 Grant Florence 13 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 249b 1 Grant Harriet 1/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 15 Grant Harriet L 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 7 Grant Harriett 5 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 38 Grant Harry 30 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 8 Grant Hartwell 55 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 10 Grant Hartwell W 25 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 6 Grant Henry 8 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 176b 16 Grant Henry 37 Tenn pg0173a.txt 195a 9 Grant James B 36 Tenn pg0191a.txt 252a 9 Grant James H 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 184b 6 Grant James W 15 Tenn pg0179a.txt 195a 12 Grant Jesse 11 Tenn pg0191a.txt 249b 3 Grant Jo 17 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 25 Grant John 30 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 252a 3 Grant John 25 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 39 Grant John 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 18 Grant John S 1/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 5 Grant John T 1 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 11 Grant Joseph 52 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 29 Grant Julia 3 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 29 Grant Lige 1 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 27 Grant Lizzie 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 253b 6 Grant Lucinda 3 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 17 Grant Lydia 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 5 Grant Manuel 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 6 Grant Marga 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 189b 6 Grant Margaret 4 Tenn pg0185a.txt 252a 10 Grant Margrett 50 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 14 Grant Margretta 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 40 Grant Maria 19 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 4 Grant Mark 16 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 189b 4 Grant Martha 45 Tenn pg0185a.txt 253b 13 Grant Martin 60 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 5 Grant Martin 20 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 252a 1 Grant Mary 3 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 194b 36 Grant Mary 25 Tenn pg0191a.txt 189b 5 Grant Mary 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 249a 38 Grant Mary 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 195a 13 Grant Mary E 9 Tenn pg0191a.txt 251a 12 Grant Mary J 45 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 5 Grant Mary J 38 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256a 10 Grant Merlia 1 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 184b 4 Grant Mildred * 41 Ky pg0179a.txt 253b 9 Grant Millie 51 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 28 Grant Millie 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 10 Grant Nelson 38 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 256a 6 Grant Nidlig W 16 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 251a 31 Grant Rachal 55 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253a 24 Grant Rachel 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 9 Grant Robert J 5 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 253b 7 Grant Rose 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250b 25 Grant Sallie 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 11 Grant Sandy 9 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 14 Grant Sarah 55 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252a 4 Grant Sarah 25 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250b 26 Grant Simon 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 194b 35 Grant Sophia 64 Tenn pg0191a.txt 251b 27 Grant Syana 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 15 Grant Tenin 40 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 176b 18 Grant Thomas 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 254a 40 Grant Thomas 4 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 25 Grant Tobe Alex 45 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253b 11 Grant Victoria 12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 244b 11 Grant Vina 32 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 249b 2 Grant Violet 38 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 195a 10 Grant Virginia A 36 Tenn pg0191a.txt 253b 12 Grant Walton 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 27 Grant William 16 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 4 Grant William J 48 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 236b 31 Gray Elizabeth 18 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 3 Gray John 40 Virginia pg0239b.txt 240b 1 Gray K 50 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 2 Gray Lucinda 70 Virginia pg0239b.txt 236b 30 Gray Sam 24 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 245b 12 Grazzard Ruty 47 Kentucky pg0243a.txt 211a 29 Gree Phiby 18 Tenn pg0207a.txt 216a 21 Green Carrie 19 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 253a 36 Green Cora L 1 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253a 32 Green Davie T 34 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253a 33 Green Francis 34 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 216a 20 Green M H 29 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 253a 37 Green Martha N 4/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253a 35 Green Theodore 4 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 253a 34 Green William H 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 183a 39 Greenfield ***** 3 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 34 Greenfield Agnes W 40 Ky pg0179a.txt 183a 37 Greenfield Eugenia 7 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 36 Greenfield Mariah * 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 35 Greenfield Nannie * 37 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 40 Greenfield Sarah 6/12 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 38 Greenfield Thomas * 7 Tenn pg0179a.txt 241a 16 Greer John 17 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241a 35 Griffy Aaron 38 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 236b 26 Griffy Ada 11 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 236b 28 Griffy Anna 1 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 236b 22 Griffy D A 55 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 32 Griffy Fannie 7 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 30 Griffy G 22 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241a 37 Griffy George 5 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 24 Griffy Ida 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 31 Griffy India 24 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 37 Griffy Jake 21 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241a 26 Griffy James 14 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 236b 25 Griffy Jennie 13 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 17 Griffy Katie 5 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 23 Griffy L L 3 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 228b 28 Griffy L** 7 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 233a 5 Griffy Lou 8 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 236b 23 Griffy Louisa 36 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 21 Griffy Marcellus 24 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241a 36 Griffy Margarett 28 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 232b 1 Griffy Martin 62 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 233a 1 Griffy Martin 32 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 236b 27 Griffy Mary 9 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 232b 2 Griffy Mary 50 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 21 Griffy Mary 40 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 233a 2 Griffy Mary 30 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 15 Griffy Mary D 35 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 232b 3 Griffy Minerva 26 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 233a 3 Griffy Minerva 16 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 231b 22 Griffy Minerva 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231b 20 Griffy Morton 40 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 241a 38 Griffy Nannie 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 16 Griffy Nannie 11 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231b 23 Griffy Peter 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 233a 4 Griffy Peter 11 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 241a 25 Griffy Polly 40 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 228b 29 Griffy Richard 5 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 236b 24 Griffy Rives 15 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240b 22 Griffy Sarah 21 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 228b 27 Griffy V 55 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 240b 18 Griffy W B 22 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 14 Griffy Wm 57 Kentucky pg0239b.txt 188a 37 Grissard Charity 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 184b 20 Grubb Jane E 55 Ky pg0179a.txt 250b 17 Gunn Aquilla 18 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250b 19 Gunn Bell 16 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 250b 16 Gunn Henry 61 North Carolina pg0249a.txt 250b 18 Gunn Robert 21 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 242a 15 Gupton Harry 12 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 242a 14 Gupton Sarah 15 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 181b 31 Gwinn Andrew 12 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 28 Gwinn Jane 40 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 36 Gwinn John 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 35 Gwinn Lula 2 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 32 Gwinn Luther 10 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 33 Gwinn Martha 9 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 29 Gwinn Reuben 16 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 34 Gwinn Sallie 4 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 30 Gwinn William 14 Tenn pg0179a.txt 182a 14 Gwynn Joseph G 38 Tenn pg0179a.txt 182a 15 Gwynn Virginia A 34 Tenn pg0179a.txt 237b 13 Hablin Allen 69 N. Carolina pg0233a.txt 237b 14 Hablin Lucy 41 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 237b 15 Hablin Sarah 5 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 192a 27 Hacker Samuel 25 Tenn pg0191a.txt 179b 25 Hackney Amanda 41 Tenn pg0179a.txt 205a 38 Hackney B B 44 . pg0203a.txt 205a 39 Hackney Drucilla 33 . pg0203a.txt 179b 24 Hackney Lewis 42 Tenn pg0179a.txt 205a 40 Hackney Sarah A 12 . pg0203a.txt 257b 33 Hagood Agnes 88 Virginia pg0255a.txt 257b 38 Hagood Beda A 52 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 6 Hagood Blanche 5 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 11 Hagood Delitat 62 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 37 Hagood Elijah 53 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 18 Hagood Elizabeth 12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 16 Hagood Elizah T 31 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 5 Hagood Emma E 11 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 40 Hagood Ida A T 23 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 34 Hagood James 60 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 3 Hagood James P 41 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 21 Hagood Johnie W 8 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 4 Hagood Lucretia 44 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 19 Hagood Lucy 11 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 10 Hagood Mardica 62 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 23 Hagood Mardica 6/12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 39 Hagood Martha A F 24 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 35 Hagood Mary 49 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 12 Hagood Mary A 36 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 1 Hagood Mary E 19 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 14 Hagood Matitia 24 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 15 Hagood Mildred F 20 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257b 36 Hagood Rebecca 48 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 2 Hagood Sarah A 15 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 17 Hagood Sarah F 29 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 20 Hagood Sarah W 9 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 13 Hagood Susan 33 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 22 Hagood Thomas F 4 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 238a 5 Hall C 18 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 2 Hall Catherine 46 N. Carolina pg0233a.txt 238a 8 Hall Fillmore 9 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 9 Hall Francis 6 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 4 Hall James 21 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 1 Hall L 54 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 6 Hall Margaret 16 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 179b 26 Hall Nathan 75 Tenn pg0179a.txt 238a 10 Hall Sallie C 5 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 3 Hall Susan 22 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 7 Hall Washington 14 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 227a 14 Halliburton Anna 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 16 Halliburton Edwin 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 32 Halliburton James 11 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 34 Halliburton John 2 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 13 Halliburton Mary 29 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 31 Halliburton Mary 27 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 12 Halliburton R R 32 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 33 Halliburton Richard 7 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 15 Halliburton Richard 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 30 Halliburton Rob 34 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 40 Hallyard Chick 27 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228a 4 Hallyard Jim 19 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228a 1 Hallyard Joe 15 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228a 3 Hallyard Peter 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228a 2 Hallyard Rachel 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227b 39 Hallyard Wm 32 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 185a 6 Halseille Amanda 28 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 7 Halseille Cave Ann 26 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 4 Halseille Charlotte 54 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 9 Halseille Julia 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 5 Halseille Leannah 40 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 8 Halseille Olive 18 Tenn pg0185a.txt 183a 17 Hamberger Elliott 54 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 20 Hamberger George E 26 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 18 Hamberger Jane 52 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 21 Hamberger Thomas E 22 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 19 Hamberger William H 30 Tenn pg0179a.txt 250b 34 Hamilton Barbara 74 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 244b 35 Hamlet Andrew J 37 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 40 Hamlet Emma L 8 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 245a 1 Hamlet Frank 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 38 Hamlet James H 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 39 Hamlet Jaquene 10 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 36 Hamlet Rachel 30 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 37 Hamlet Theodore 14 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 232b 31 Hamper Bruce 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 29 Hamper Elizabeth 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 28 Hamper R 27 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 178b 13 Hampton Aggie 21 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 29 Hampton Eliza 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 35 Hampton George H Thomas 5 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 21 Hampton George W 54 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 2 Hampton Hardel 9 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 40 Hampton Henderson 13 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 14 Hampton Henry 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 13 Hampton Isabella 43 Ky pg0173a.txt 173a 39 Hampton Isham 15 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 36 Hampton James 3 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 34 Hampton John 7 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 24 Hampton John 4 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 32 Hampton John 26 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 25 Hampton Lucy B 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 27 Hampton Mariah 53 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 23 Hampton Mary S 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 1 Hampton Nannie 12 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 37 Hampton Overton 42 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 38 Hampton Patience 35 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 28 Hampton Patience 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 12 Hampton Rily 19 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173a 22 Hampton Sarah W 30 Tenn pg0173a.txt 202a 32 Hampton Seaton 20 Ky pg0197a.txt 173a 33 Hampton Tennessee 24 Ky pg0173a.txt 187a 4 Hancock Terry H 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 240b 19 Handly C B 21 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 257a 21 Hardaman Malissa 17 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 194a 6 Hardin Cicely 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194a 7 Hardin Henry 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194a 5 Hardin Leroy 6 Tenn pg0191a.txt 194a 4 Hardin Sarah 26 Tenn pg0191a.txt 214b 20 Harrelson Edward 16 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214b 19 Harrelson Louisa 35 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214b 18 Harrelson W C 38 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214b 17 Harrelson Wm 65 Virginia pg0213b.txt 199b 6 Harris A 28 Tenn pg0197a.txt 249a 36 Harris Allen 22 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249a 37 Harris Betty 30 Virginia pg0249a.txt 215a 3 Harris C 37 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 209b 19 Harris Eliza 56 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 214a 16 Harris Frances 20 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 204a 23 Harris George 16 Tenn pg0203a.txt 215a 5 Harris Granville 10 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 215a 7 Harris James 8 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 15 Harris Jane 26 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 12 Harris Jno 59 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 173a 17 Harris John 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 209b 20 Harris Joseph 26 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 199b 7 Harris Laura 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 204a 22 Harris Lavina B 17 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204a 13 Harris Lucy 12 Tenn pg0203a.txt 215a 9 Harris Martha 3 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 204a 21 Harris Martha 25 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204a 19 Harris Mary 56 Virginia pg0203a.txt 215a 8 Harris Mary 3 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 14 Harris Mary 28 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 209b 21 Harris Mercer 23 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 215a 10 Harris Mildred 6/12 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 215a 11 Harris Nat 43 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214a 18 Harris Olney 14 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 215a 4 Harris Sallie 16 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214a 13 Harris Sarah 49 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 19 Harris Sarah 12 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 205a 1 Harris Selbie 22 Tenn pg0203a.txt 214a 17 Harris Susan 18 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 20 Harris Virginia 10 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 215a 6 Harris Wesley 9 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 204a 20 Harris Wm 30 Tenn pg0203a.txt 211a 35 Harrison Charity 11 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 34 Harrison Geo 26 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 36 Harrison Ike 18 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 23 Harrison Kitty 17 Tenn pg0207a.txt 228b 12 Hartman Ellen 18 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 14 Hartman Ester 14 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 16 Hartman Florence 11 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 17 Hartman George 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 15 Hartman John 15 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 11 Hartman Julian 47 N. Carolina pg0227a.txt 228b 13 Hartman Lucrecia 16 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 18 Hartman Lucy 7 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 10 Hartman M 64 Pennsylvania pg0227a.txt 189b 25 Haskins Albert 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 24 Haskins Elmitta 3 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 23 Haskins Louisa 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 26 Hatch Benjamin 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 23 Hatch Eliza A 45 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 24 Hatch Henry 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 25 Hatch Jane E 19 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 31 Hatcher China 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187b 32 Hatcher Coleman 20 Tenn pg0185a.txt 248b 9 Hatcher Dick 21 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 7 Hatcher Ellen 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 186b 29 Hatcher Fanny 13 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 37 Hatcher Harriet 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 33 Hatcher James 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 30 Hatcher Jesse 11 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 39 Hatcher John 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 27 Hatcher Lewis 50 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 36 Hatcher Patience 30 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 38 Hatcher Robert 5 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 28 Hatcher Sally 22 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 32 Hatcher Thomas 7 Tenn pg0185a.txt 186b 40 Hatcher Thomas 6 Tenn pg0185a.txt 212a 18 Hatchson B 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 21 Hatchson Jesse 11 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 22 Hatchson Jos 7 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 20 Hatchson Lucy 14 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 19 Hatchson Simon 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 251b 14 Hatt Elizabeth 52 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 178a 27 Hausly Clara 40 Ky pg0173a.txt 178a 26 Hausly Doctor 45 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178a 28 Hausly Elen 5 Ky pg0173a.txt 258b 16 Hawkins James 35 Kentucky pg0255a.txt 258b 17 Hawkins Jane 40 Kentucky pg0255a.txt 232b 39 Hay Becky 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 40 Hay Ella 4 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 38 Hay Jno 28 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 234a 1 Hay John 3 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 234a 2 Hay Mattie 1 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 193b 34 Hayden Joseph 22 Ky pg0191a.txt 193b 35 Hayden Mary 22 Ky pg0191a.txt 210b 2 Hays Ellen 16 Tenn pg0207a.txt 210b 1 Hays Harry 25 Tenn pg0207a.txt 202a 23 Hays J O 27 Tenn pg0197a.txt 210b 3 Hays Maria 61 Tenn pg0207a.txt 258a 37 Heathman Ellen A 11 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 38 Heathman Joseph T 9 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 36 Heathman Micheal 14 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 35 Heathman William 39 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 39 Heathman William H 5 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 240b 36 Helm Bettie 9 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 35 Helm F 101 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 202b 9 Hemenway Charles 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202b 7 Hemenway Gilbert D 40 Massachusetts pg0197a.txt 202b 8 Hemenway Mary C 42 Massachusetts pg0197a.txt 197b 1 Henderson Abi 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197a 40 Henderson Christina 60 Alabama pg0197a.txt 197b 3 Henderson Dan 8 Tenn pg0197a.txt 178b 38 Henderson Dirks 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197b 4 Henderson Hannie 1 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197a 38 Henderson Israel 57 Tenn pg0197a.txt 178b 37 Henderson James 14 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197a 39 Henderson Jemima 40 Alabama pg0197a.txt 178b 36 Henderson Laura 27 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 39 Henderson Samuel 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197b 2 Henderson Shep 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 178b 40 Henderson Susan 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 35 Henderson William 28 Tenn pg0173a.txt 246b 14 Henessee Mary 20 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 230b 8 Henning Ellen 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 230b 9 Henning John 9 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 230b 3 Henning John 50 Ireland pg0227a.txt 230b 4 Henning Margaret 46 Ireland pg0227a.txt 230b 7 Henning Margaret 14 Ireland pg0227a.txt 230b 6 Henning Mary 17 Ireland pg0227a.txt 230b 5 Henning Mike 19 Ireland pg0227a.txt 208a 33 Henny Ellen 1 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 32 Henny Louisa 24 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 208a 31 Henny T F 35 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 6 Henry Antonette 10 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 7 Henry Ella 7 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 251b 5 Henry Irwin 60 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 210a 2 Henry Jane 45 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 4 Henry Mildred 16 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 3 Henry Rachel 24 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 5 Henry Rose 12 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 1 Henry Sandy 59 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 210a 8 Henry Sarah 1 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 187b 9 Herald Julian 15 Tenn pg0185a.txt 250a 22 Herring Albert 65 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250a 28 Herring Alexander 30 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 14 Herring Charlie 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 250a 25 Herring David 28 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 13 Herring Fannie J 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 250a 24 Herring George 18 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 9 Herring Henretta 36 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 11 Herring James S 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 250a 26 Herring Jane 21 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 248a 16 Herring Jane Ann 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 15 Herring Jarucha 26 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 12 Herring John W 10 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 248a 8 Herring Joseph 38 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 203b 23 Herring Josephine 2 Tenn pg0203a.txt 248a 10 Herring Mary E 14 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 250a 23 Herring Nancy 58 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 250a 27 Herring Samuel 24 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 232b 32 Hester A P 60 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 20 Hester Bettie 5 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 21 Hester Bud 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 30 Hester C 33 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 17 Hester Dora 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 15 Hester Frank 40 Virginia pg0227a.txt 229a 16 Hester Hannah 37 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 18 Hester Mattie 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 35 Hester Mollie 20 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 229a 19 Hester Ned 7 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 246a 4 Hicks Robert 45 Ireland pg0243a.txt 219a 29 Hickson Alex 7 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 219a 25 Hickson H 40 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 219a 28 Hickson John 10 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 219a 26 Hickson Mary 30 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 219a 27 Hickson William 14 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 200b 35 Higbee James W 23 Ky pg0197a.txt 192b 28 Higgerson William . Va pg0191a.txt 211a 33 Hill Amanda 7 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 30 Hill Hannah 91 Va pg0207a.txt 211a 32 Hill Jordan 17 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 31 Hill Rody 50 Va pg0207a.txt 175b 7 Hiter Joshua 45 Tenn pg0173a.txt 175b 8 Hiter Willen 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 193b 25 Hiter William B 22 Tenn pg0191a.txt 175a 36 Hiter Wilmoth 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 233a 16 Ho**rton Della 22 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 233a 15 Ho**rton Mary 66 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 233a 14 Ho**rton R W 65 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 251a 39 Hobson Celia 33 Alabama pg0249a.txt 251b 3 Hobson Frances 5 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 4 Hobson Hattie 7/12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 38 Hobson James H 48 Virginia pg0249a.txt 251b 2 Hobson Martha 7 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251b 1 Hobson Mary 9 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 245b 6 Hobson Rose 8 Mississippi pg0243a.txt 251a 40 Hobson William 11 Arkansas pg0249a.txt 214a 10 Hofman Delia 30 Virginia pg0213b.txt 214a 11 Hofman Florence 2 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214a 9 Hofman Jno 36 Virginia pg0213b.txt 244a 12 Holl Albert 11 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 10 Holl James 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 11 Holl Margrett 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 8 Holl Martha 45 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 9 Holl Richard 19 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 14 Holl Rubin 4 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 13 Holl Sandor C 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 7 Holl Thomas 53 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244b 31 Holland Beaver 36 Kentucky pg0243a.txt 183a 29 Holland Betsy 5 Tenn pg0179a.txt 240b 27 Holland C 8 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240b 25 Holland Chas 27 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 183a 27 Holland Eda 11 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 4 Holland Harriet 7 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 5 Holland James 3 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 3 Holland Jennie 11 Tenn pg0179a.txt 244b 33 Holland Jim 4 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 240b 26 Holland Mary 21 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 183a 28 Holland Nancy 9 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 7 Holland Nancy 60 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 2 Holland Rebecca 30 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 24 Holland Robert 62 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 26 Holland Robert Jr 22 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 25 Holland Susan 46 Tenn pg0179a.txt 244b 32 Holland Susan 24 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 183a 30 Holland Susan 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 1 Holland William 40 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179b 6 Holland Willie 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 191b 16 Hollaway George 25 Ky pg0191a.txt 191b 18 Hollaway Maggie 6/12 Tenn pg0191a.txt 191b 17 Hollaway Mary 24 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193b 12 Hollins Celia 63 Ky pg0191a.txt 193b 11 Hollins Jacob 60 Va pg0191a.txt 195b 39 Hollis Agnes 19 Tenn pg0191a.txt 195b 38 Hollis James 22 Tenn pg0191a.txt 195b 40 Hollis Susan 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 255a 18 Holt Charles 5 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255a 14 Holt Daniel 79 North Carolina pg0255a.txt 256b 36 Holt Ederson G 46 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 6 Holt Eudosa L 7 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255a 20 Holt Eugene 11/12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 37 Holt Francis 56 Kentucky pg0255a.txt 256a 34 Holt George L 35 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 5 Holt Jane A 34 Virginia pg0255a.txt 255a 16 Holt John 34 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 251b 17 Holt John W 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 255a 19 Holt Joseph A 3 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256a 37 Holt Lutitia 1 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256a 35 Holt Martha J 19 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 7 Holt Mattie J 4 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255a 17 Holt Rebecca 30 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255a 15 Holt Sallie 36 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 251b 16 Holt Walter W 12 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 256a 36 Holt William F 2 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 39 Hooper Eliza C 59 North Carolina pg0255a.txt 244a 4 Hooper Elizabeth 54 North carolina pg0243a.txt 256b 38 Hooper James B 61 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 2 Hooper Larkin B 25 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 1 Hooper Virginia B 22 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 256b 40 Hooper William A 28 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 244a 5 Hooper William A 19 North carolina pg0243a.txt 244a 3 Hooper William J 59 Virginia pg0243a.txt 174b 13 Hooser Betsy 40 Ky pg0173a.txt 176a 14 Hooser Eliza 4 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 10 Hooser Eliza 30 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 16 Hooser Hart 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 13 Hooser Jennie 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 12 Hooser Jerry 45 Ky pg0173a.txt 176a 9 Hooser Lee 30 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 14 Hooser Mahala 12 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 15 Hooser Rose 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 11 Hooser William 13 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 12 Hooser Willie 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 240b 33 Hopkins A 61 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 221a 1 Hopkins Alec 35 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 2 Hopkins Elizabeth 27 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 240b 34 Hopkins Henrietta 40 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 221a 5 Hopkins St Louis 1 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 4 Hopkins William 3 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 3 Hopkins Wurston 6 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 222b 20 Hopson Eliza 50 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 222b 22 Hopson Ja*** 11 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 223a 5 Hopson Joe 17 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 222b 21 Hopson Sallie 13 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 189b 16 Hoskins Albert 9 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 15 Hoskins Charles 28 Tenn pg0185a.txt 257a 20 Hott Alice 19 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 257a 19 Hott Andrew J 25 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 236b 29 Howerton Wm 40 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 248b 29 Hudgins Henry 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 237b 10 Hudson Betsy 48 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 237b 12 Hudson D 6 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 237b 9 Hudson H 60 N. Carolina pg0233a.txt 237b 11 Hudson S 8 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 217b 8 Huffman Catherine 61 Virginia pg0213b.txt 217b 10 Huffman Lewis 15 Virginia pg0213b.txt 217b 11 Huffman Montgomery 11 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217b 7 Huffman P P 26 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217b 12 Huffman Sallie 21 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217b 9 Huffman Thomas 19 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 232b 14 Hull E D 28 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 15 Hull E T 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 205b 19 Hull Henery S. 26 N. York pg0203a.txt 232b 13 Hull J D 30 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 12 Hull Lucinda 58 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 232b 16 Hull Mary 23 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 210b 28 Hunt AL 3 Tenn pg0207a.txt 210b 27 Hunt Henry 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 202a 13 Hunt Manson 20 Ky pg0197a.txt 220b 8 Hutchinson Ben 5 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 3 Hutchinson Cornelia 20 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 5 Hutchinson Ellen 15 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 9 Hutchinson Fannie 3 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 2 Hutchinson Jane 40 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 7 Hutchinson Jin 14 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 4 Hutchinson Lizzie 17 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 6 Hutchinson Nettie 15 Tenn pg0219b.txt 220b 1 Hutchinson R 45 Tenn pg0219b.txt 218a 21 Hutchison Fannie 3 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 20 Hutchison Parthenia 30 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 19 Hutchison T 40 Tenn pg0213b.txt 249b 29 Hysmith Charlotte 2 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 20 Hysmith Emily 57 Virginia pg0249a.txt 249b 22 Hysmith Emily M 18 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 24 Hysmith Jack R 33 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 19 Hysmith James 64 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 21 Hysmith John S 21 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 27 Hysmith Lizzie N 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 26 Hysmith Mary E 8 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 28 Hysmith Mattie 5 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 249b 25 Hysmith Nancy G 29 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 179a 7 Ingram Alexander 11 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 2 Ingram America 40 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 12 Ingram America L 4 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 17 Ingram Amos 17 Tenn pg0185a.txt 181b 22 Ingram Anthony 45 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 20 Ingram Boyd 11 Tenn pg0185a.txt 179a 4 Ingram Catharine 20 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 19 Ingram Cave J 13 Tenn pg0185a.txt 181b 26 Ingram Charity 6 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 14 Ingram Charles 50 Tenn pg0185a.txt 181b 25 Ingram Cloe 7 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 21 Ingram Elen 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 179a 10 Ingram Henry 27 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 5 Ingram Henry 17 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 13 Ingram James 2 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 14 Ingram Jane 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 24 Ingram Jeremiah 9 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 27 Ingram Kesiah 3 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 1 Ingram Lewis 56 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 23 Ingram Lewis 5 Tenn pg0185a.txt 179a 3 Ingram Lewis 23 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 22 Ingram Lula 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 24 Ingram Maggie 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 179a 8 Ingram Margaret 3 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 23 Ingram Martha 40 Ky pg0179a.txt 179a 11 Ingram Martha 21 Tenn pg0179a.txt 185a 15 Ingram Mary 29 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 16 Ingram Munroe 18 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185a 18 Ingram Silvy 15 Tenn pg0185a.txt 179a 9 Ingram Susan 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 179a 6 Ingram Violet 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 232b 37 Ingrum C B 28 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 230b 33 Ingrum Susan 73 Virginia pg0227a.txt 230b 32 Ingrum T 13 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 202a 21 Isitt Levy 24 England pg0197a.txt 244a 30 Izer Arie 25 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 31 Izer Charly 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 34 Izer Dick 9 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 36 Izer Ella 3 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 35 Izer Emma 5 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 33 Izer Harriott 27 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 29 Izer Jane 55 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 244a 32 Izer Mark 32 Virginia pg0243a.txt