Montgomery County, TN 1870 Federal Census (INDEX - File 4 of 7) This Census was transcribed by Tim McGhee and proofread by a Team of volunteers for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2013 by Tim McGhee ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== THIS IS AN INDEX SORTED BY NAME. FOR THE COMPLETE CENSUS INFORMATION IN PAGE NUMBER SEQUENCE, OPEN THE FILE IN THE FILE-NAME COLUMN FOR THAT LINE. ============================================================================ Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name Age Birth Place Filename ============================================================================ 251a 8 Jackson Ellin O 10 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 7 Jackson Jane 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 6 Jackson M Elizabeth 17 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 4 Jackson Malissa 47 South Carolina pg0249a.txt 251a 9 Jackson Sarah 70 North Carolina pg0249a.txt 251a 3 Jackson Solomon 48 North Carolina pg0249a.txt 251a 5 Jackson William J 20 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 228b 4 James H R 17 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 6 James John 10 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 5 James William 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 201a 18 Jarman Albert W 42 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 20 Jarman John 16 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 19 Jarman Malvina 37 N. York pg0197a.txt 201a 22 Jarman Mary S 11 Ky pg0197a.txt 201a 21 Jarman Walter C 13 Ky pg0197a.txt 185b 13 Jefferson Alice 12 Tenn pg0185a.txt 185b 12 Jefferson Jesse 18 Tenn pg0185a.txt 212a 24 Jenkins Jno 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 251a 10 Jenkins John J 60 North Carolina pg0249a.txt 212a 27 Jenkins Lottie 2 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 25 Jenkins Mary E 24 Tenn pg0207a.txt 212a 26 Jenkins William 3 Tenn pg0207a.txt 194a 30 Jester Elizabeth 73 Ky pg0191a.txt 194a 29 Jester Henry 88 Va pg0191a.txt 240a 10 Jiles Eunice 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 9 Jiles John 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 8 Jiles Mary 7 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 7 Jiles Sarah 24 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 229b 25 John Green 12 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 176b 27 Johns Charles 4 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 26 Johns Dixie 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 24 Johns Fanny 32 Ky pg0173a.txt 176b 28 Johns Isaac S 2 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 25 Johns John 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178a 36 Johns Sallie 20 Ky pg0173a.txt 173a 10 Johnson Addie 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 207a 20 Johnson Alba 3 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 220a 7 Johnson Albert 12 tenn pg0219b.txt 175b 12 Johnson Alexander B 67 Va pg0173a.txt 175b 16 Johnson Alexander S 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206b 17 Johnson Alice 4 Tenn pg0203a.txt 207a 19 Johnson Almeta 23 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 197b 10 Johnson America 69 Ky pg0197a.txt 175a 38 Johnson America 43 Tenn pg0173a.txt 236b 33 Johnson Andrew 10 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 242a 10 Johnson Ann 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 252b 19 Johnson Aquilla M 61 Virginia pg0249a.txt 197a 30 Johnson Augustus 44 Tenn pg0197a.txt 220a 9 Johnson Avers 8 tenn pg0219b.txt 225b 14 Johnson B 36 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 207a 21 Johnson Baby 6/12 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 204a 38 Johnson Banks 14 Tenn pg0203a.txt 223a 9 Johnson Ben 21 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 175a 10 Johnson Benjamin 34 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206a 22 Johnson Betsy A 9 Tenn pg0203a.txt 175a 39 Johnson Boyd 18 Tenn pg0173a.txt 183b 22 Johnson Captola 9 Tenn pg0179a.txt 175a 40 Johnson Charles 16 Tenn pg0173a.txt 182b 15 Johnson Charles 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 176b 5 Johnson Charles L 16 Tenn pg0173a.txt 221b 40 Johnson Charlie 5 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 173a 8 Johnson Charlotte 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178a 3 Johnson Chesterfield 9 Tenn pg0173a.txt 215b 20 Johnson Cornelia 15 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 175a 37 Johnson Daniel 50 Tenn pg0173a.txt 175b 13 Johnson Dianna C W 55 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206b 10 Johnson Dora 12 Tenn pg0203a.txt 197a 32 Johnson Dryden 19 Tenn pg0197a.txt 207a 18 Johnson Ed 30 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 206b 14 Johnson Edie 50 Ky pg0203a.txt 192a 25 Johnson Edward 37 Tenn pg0191a.txt 204a 36 Johnson Eliza 50 Ky pg0203a.txt 242a 9 Johnson Elizabeth 22 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 198b 27 Johnson Ellen 38 Ky pg0197a.txt 197b 11 Johnson Emely T 39 Tenn pg0197a.txt 225b 15 Johnson Emily 30 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 204a 15 Johnson Emily 25 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206b 8 Johnson Emily J 40 Tenn pg0203a.txt 175a 35 Johnson Emmarine 2 Tenn pg0173a.txt 175b 6 Johnson Ernest 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 11 Johnson Eveline E 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 198b 29 Johnson Ewin 9 Tenn pg0197a.txt 204a 16 Johnson Fannie 6 Tenn pg0203a.txt 175b 1 Johnson Fannie 14 Tenn pg0173a.txt 175a 2 Johnson Frances E 44 Ky pg0173a.txt 197a 33 Johnson Frank 17 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200a 14 Johnson Frank 12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 198b 8 Johnson Friday 22 Tenn pg0197a.txt 215b 24 Johnson Gedena 8 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 242a 8 Johnson Geo 27 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 220a 8 Johnson George 10 tenn pg0219b.txt 197b 14 Johnson Gergiann 4 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200a 11 Johnson Gracy 45 Virginia pg0197a.txt 175b 10 Johnson Harry 50 Tenn pg0173a.txt 221b 37 Johnson Hart 12 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225b 16 Johnson Hattie 5 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 200a 13 Johnson Hayward 15 Tenn pg0197a.txt 178b 25 Johnson Henry 34 Ohio pg0173a.txt 175b 9 Johnson Henry 28 Tenn pg0173a.txt 252b 21 Johnson Henry 13 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 204a 39 Johnson Hervy 12 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206b 11 Johnson Hervy W 10 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206b 13 Johnson Horace 50 Virginia pg0203a.txt 200a 10 Johnson Isaac 42 Virginia pg0197a.txt 175b 5 Johnson Ishman 3 Tenn pg0173a.txt 215b 18 Johnson J G 44 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 176b 1 Johnson J**ry 69 Va pg0173a.txt 198b 26 Johnson James 44 Tenn pg0197a.txt 175a 1 Johnson James C 59 Tenn pg0173a.txt 228b 7 Johnson Jane 80 N. Carolina pg0227a.txt 215b 19 Johnson Jane 34 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 227b 28 Johnson Jane 15 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 204b 1 Johnson Jane 10 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204b 2 Johnson Jeff 7 Tenn pg0203a.txt 215b 25 Johnson Jennie 5 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 185a 13 Johnson Jesse 12 Tenn pg0185a.txt 204a 14 Johnson Jo 30 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206b 9 Johnson John 14 Tenn pg0203a.txt 215b 22 Johnson John 11 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 204b 3 Johnson John 1 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206a 23 Johnson Joshua 6 Tenn pg0203a.txt 173a 7 Johnson July 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 220a 10 Johnson Kate 6 tenn pg0219b.txt 216b 30 Johnson L H 73 Virginia pg0213b.txt 221b 34 Johnson L St Jr 44 N. Carolina pg0221a.txt 175a 4 Johnson Lade 17 Tenn pg0173a.txt 222a 2 Johnson Len 1 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 197a 37 Johnson Lena M 1 Tenn pg0197a.txt 204a 35 Johnson Lewis 56 Virginia pg0203a.txt 204a 40 Johnson Lewis 13 Tenn pg0203a.txt 175b 3 Johnson Lille 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 227a 25 Johnson Lillie 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 178a 2 Johnson Lucy 40 Tenn pg0173a.txt 198b 31 Johnson Luella 3 Tenn pg0197a.txt 222a 1 Johnson Lula 2 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 178b 27 Johnson Manerva J 12 Tenn pg0173a.txt 252b 23 Johnson Maria 38 Virginia pg0249a.txt 176b 2 Johnson Martha 58 Tenn pg0173a.txt 221b 35 Johnson Martha 36 Tenn pg0221a.txt 173a 11 Johnson Martha 20 Tenn pg0173a.txt 220a 11 Johnson Martha 2 tenn pg0219b.txt 175a 33 Johnson Martin C 29 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197b 12 Johnson Mary 34 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200a 15 Johnson Mary 10 Tenn pg0197a.txt 178b 29 Johnson Mary A 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197a 36 Johnson Mary E 6 Tenn pg0197a.txt 216b 31 Johnson Mary E 48 N. carolina pg0213b.txt 221b 36 Johnson Mary E 15 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 175a 34 Johnson Mary J 28 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174b 9 Johnson Mary M 60 Ky pg0173a.txt 175b 2 Johnson Maryland 12 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197a 35 Johnson Matilda 9 Tenn pg0197a.txt 204a 18 Johnson Mattie 1 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 2 Johnson Mildred 35 Virginia pg0203a.txt 206a 20 Johnson Mildred 30 Ky pg0203a.txt 200a 12 Johnson Mildred 18 Tenn pg0197a.txt 198b 32 Johnson Molly 5/12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 215b 21 Johnson Montgomery 13 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 227a 22 Johnson Mose 25 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 220a 5 Johnson N T 40 tenn pg0219b.txt 215b 23 Johnson Nannie 9 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 206a 24 Johnson Nora 3 Tenn pg0203a.txt 197b 15 Johnson Nora Anthony 2 Tenn pg0197a.txt 175b 15 Johnson Ophelia J 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 252b 20 Johnson Palace 68 Virginia pg0249a.txt 227a 23 Johnson Priscilla 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 198b 28 Johnson Pully 13 Tenn pg0197a.txt 218b 13 Johnson R 36 Virginia pg0213b.txt 222b 23 Johnson Rachel 65 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 178a 1 Johnson Randle 35 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206b 18 Johnson Rhoda 70 Virginia pg0203a.txt 175b 14 Johnson Roberson Y 33 Tenn pg0173a.txt 198b 30 Johnson Robert 6 Tenn pg0197a.txt 204a 37 Johnson Robert 15 Tenn pg0203a.txt 197a 34 Johnson Robert G 14 Ky pg0197a.txt 252b 22 Johnson Rollin 51 Virginia pg0249a.txt 176b 3 Johnson Roxanna 27 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206b 15 Johnson Rueben 18 Tenn pg0203a.txt 220a 6 Johnson Sallie 31 tenn pg0219b.txt 227a 24 Johnson Sallie 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 206b 7 Johnson Sam 45 Tenn pg0203a.txt 206b 12 Johnson Sam V 8 Tenn pg0203a.txt 175b 11 Johnson Sandy 21 Tenn pg0173a.txt 206b 16 Johnson Sarah 8 Tenn pg0203a.txt 236b 32 Johnson Sarah 42 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240a 39 Johnson Sarah 17 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 176b 4 Johnson Sarah B 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 225b 18 Johnson Sidney 8/12 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 221b 39 Johnson Sidney 8 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225b 17 Johnson St Edmons 2 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 175b 4 Johnson Stonewall 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 197a 31 Johnson Susan D 40 Ky pg0197a.txt 178b 30 Johnson Susan E 2 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 26 Johnson Susan P 31 Tenn pg0173a.txt 227b 26 Johnson T 38 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 240a 38 Johnson T 25 Kentucky pg0239b.txt 204a 17 Johnson Thomas 3 Tenn pg0203a.txt 174b 10 Johnson Thomas W 39 Tenn pg0173a.txt 204b 4 Johnson Thornton 18 Tenn pg0203a.txt 227b 29 Johnson Warren 11 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 206a 21 Johnson Webster 12 Tenn pg0203a.txt 252b 24 Johnson William 9 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 227b 27 Johnson William 19 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 173a 9 Johnson William 11 Tenn pg0173a.txt 240a 40 Johnson William 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 178b 28 Johnson William H 9 Tenn pg0173a.txt 175a 3 Johnson William P 21 Tenn pg0173a.txt 221b 38 Johnson Willie 11 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 197b 13 Johnson Wm 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202b 24 Johnston Anna L 8 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202b 23 Johnston Lucy A 35 Ky pg0197a.txt 202b 22 Johnston Wm F 41 Ky pg0197a.txt 211b 25 Jones Albert 5 Tenn pg0207a.txt 227a 10 Jones Albert 25 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 211a 18 Jones Alice 6/12 Tenn pg0207a.txt 183b 8 Jones America 6/12 Tenn pg0179a.txt 193a 22 Jones America 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 183b 4 Jones Araminta 27 Tenn pg0179a.txt 246b 24 Jones Arne 24 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 230a 1 Jones Bella 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 183b 7 Jones Caroline 11 Tenn pg0179a.txt 246b 25 Jones Charles 8 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246b 19 Jones Charles 60 Virginia pg0243a.txt 220a 2 Jones David 22 tenn pg0219b.txt 210b 10 Jones Dick 54 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 15 Jones Drew 5/12 Tenn pg0207a.txt 216a 31 Jones Ed 27 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 246b 20 Jones Emily 50 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 216b 27 Jones Eva 11 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 230a 2 Jones Fannie 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 218b 17 Jones George 10 Tenn pg0213b.txt 182b 13 Jones Harry 17 Tenn pg0179a.txt 196a 5 Jones Henry 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193a 20 Jones Henry 28 Tenn pg0191a.txt 246b 21 Jones Henry 20 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 192b 39 Jones Jacob 14 Tenn pg0191a.txt 210b 12 Jones James 13 Tenn pg0207a.txt 196a 3 Jones James W 7 Tenn pg0191a.txt 211b 23 Jones Jane 66 Kentucky pg0207a.txt 211b 24 Jones Jane 26 Va pg0207a.txt 187a 26 Jones Jane 23 Tenn pg0185a.txt 192a 26 Jones John 40 Tenn pg0191a.txt 183a 6 Jones John 17 Tenn pg0179a.txt 229a 2 Jones Jordan 6 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 192a 28 Jones Joseph 30 Tenn pg0191a.txt 183b 9 Jones Joseph 20 Tenn pg0179a.txt 183a 7 Jones Joseph 15 Tenn pg0179a.txt 182b 12 Jones Kate 3 Tenn pg0179a.txt 220a 3 Jones Laura 14 tenn pg0219b.txt 183b 6 Jones Li**y 28 Tenn pg0179a.txt 229b 40 Jones Louisa 5 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 220a 4 Jones Lucy 45 tenn pg0219b.txt 241a 17 Jones M 49 Kentucky pg0239b.txt 183b 5 Jones Maggie 2 Tenn pg0179a.txt 182b 11 Jones Maggie 1 Tenn pg0179a.txt 193a 21 Jones Martha 25 Tenn pg0191a.txt 196a 2 Jones Mary 25 Tenn pg0191a.txt 235a 21 Jones Millie 19 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 241b 29 Jones N 18 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 219b 24 Jones Nancy 50 tenn pg0219b.txt 218b 16 Jones Nanine 12 Tenn pg0213b.txt 183b 3 Jones Nathaniel 24 Tenn pg0179a.txt 241a 18 Jones Nellie 30 Kentucky pg0239b.txt 210b 11 Jones Nettie 16 Tenn pg0207a.txt 210b 13 Jones Newey 10 Tenn pg0207a.txt 182b 10 Jones Ophelia 22 Tenn pg0179a.txt 235a 20 Jones Patsy 60 Virginia pg0233a.txt 182b 14 Jones Robert 19 Tenn pg0179a.txt 241a 19 Jones Robert 14 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 211a 16 Jones S 22 Tenn pg0207a.txt 192b 40 Jones Samuel 12 Tenn pg0191a.txt 229b 39 Jones Sarah 26 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 216a 32 Jones Sarah 20 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 196a 37 Jones Sinclair 14 Ky pg0191a.txt 210b 14 Jones Susan 7 Tenn pg0207a.txt 193a 23 Jones Susan 2 Tenn pg0191a.txt 196a 7 Jones Susan 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 217b 25 Jones T 70 N. Carolina pg0213b.txt 211a 17 Jones T 25 Tenn pg0207a.txt 229a 1 Jones Taby 3 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 196a 1 Jones Thomas 30 Tenn pg0191a.txt 196a 6 Jones Thomas D 3 Tenn pg0191a.txt 211a 14 Jones Tillia 28 Tenn pg0207a.txt 211a 13 Jones Tom 36 Tenn pg0207a.txt 246b 22 Jones Wash 17 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246b 27 Jones Washington 2 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246b 26 Jones Wiley 6 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246b 23 Jones Wiley 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 196a 4 Jones William 5 Tenn pg0191a.txt 187a 25 Jones William 24 Tenn pg0185a.txt 182b 9 Jones Williams 35 Tenn pg0179a.txt 200b 27 Jorden Alice 3 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200b 22 Jorden Charlotte 32 Indiana pg0197a.txt 200b 23 Jorden Douglass 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200b 24 Jorden Margaret 11 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200b 26 Jorden Mary 5 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200b 25 Jorden Sarah 9 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200b 21 Jorden W T 45 N. Carolina pg0197a.txt 201b 19 Jordon Abby 56 Tenn pg0197a.txt 252b 16 Jordon Albertine 2 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 254b 20 Jordon Bartholome 55 Ireland pg0249a.txt 201b 21 Jordon Isaac 16 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 20 Jordon Paul 18 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 18 Jordon Sim 68 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201b 22 Jordon Wm 14 Tenn pg0197a.txt 181a 24 Kelly Charlotte 60 Tenn pg0179a.txt 233a 23 Kendrick A 28 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 226a 18 Kendrick Amanda 36 Virginia pg0221a.txt 234b 6 Kendrick Austin 17 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 232b 12 Kendrick C 46 Kentucky pg0227a.txt 240a 14 Kendrick Carrie 5 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241b 24 Kendrick Catherine 20 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 22 Kendrick Dick 6 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 232b 11 kendrick Dilson 19 Kentucky pg0227a.txt 240a 18 Kendrick Dinah 14 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 26 Kendrick E 1 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 21 Kendrick Ella 8 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 30 Kendrick Evaline 31 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 234b 32 Kendrick Evaline 10 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 241b 25 Kendrick Fannie 4 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 34 Kendrick Frank 6 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 226a 17 Kendrick Geo 40 Virginia pg0221a.txt 226a 22 Kendrick George 8 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 240a 23 Kendrick George 8 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 19 Kendrick Grace 12 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 36 Kendrick H 76 Virginia pg0233a.txt 232b 5 Kendrick Hallie 22 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 234b 14 Kendrick Ike 55 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 232b 6 Kendrick India 28 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 228b 40 Kendrick Irida 5 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 240a 16 Kendrick J 44 N. Carolina pg0239b.txt 240a 12 Kendrick J D 47 N. Carolina pg0239b.txt 240a 13 Kendrick Jane 33 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 34 Kendrick Jennie 16 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 241b 23 Kendrick Jerry 35 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 232b 10 Kendrick Jno 26 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 240a 33 Kendrick Jno 25 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 35 Kendrick Joe 3 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 226a 23 Kendrick Joe 2 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 241b 26 Kendrick Joe 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 228b 39 Kendrick Louisa 25 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 226b 35 Kendrick M 50 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 240a 36 Kendrick M 13 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 226a 19 Kendrick Margaret 15 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 240a 20 Kendrick Mary 9 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 15 Kendrick Mary 50 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 233a 24 Kendrick Millie 12 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240a 17 Kendrick Minerva 23 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 15 Kendrick Morris D 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 8 Kendrick Mose 7 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 234b 4 Kendrick N 45 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 234b 31 Kendrick Nancy 16 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 226a 21 Kendrick Nap 10 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 234b 7 Kendrick Ott 8 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240a 25 Kendrick Petter 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 228b 38 Kendrick Rachel 70 District Columbia pg0227a.txt 234b 16 Kendrick S 75 Virginia pg0233a.txt 232b 4 Kendrick S 59 N. Carolina pg0227a.txt 234b 29 Kendrick S 40 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 234b 33 Kendrick Sallie 8 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 234b 5 Kendrick Sallie 40 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 226b 36 Kendrick Sam 14 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 226a 20 Kendrick Sarah 13 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 240a 27 Kendrick Susan 25 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 234b 9 Kendrick T 4 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 240a 24 Kendrick William 4 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 240a 28 Kendrick Willie 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 204b 37 Kennedy James L 27 Ky pg0203a.txt 204b 39 Kennedy Mary Jane 1 Tenn pg0203a.txt 204b 40 Kennedy Patifield 25 Ky pg0203a.txt 204b 38 Kennedy Sally M 21 Tenn pg0203a.txt 185b 11 Kennel Edgar 42 Tenn pg0185a.txt 174a 22 Keno Dandridge 2 Tenn pg0173a.txt 174a 17 Keno Ephraim 38 Ky pg0173a.txt 174a 20 Keno Lucy 8 Ky pg0173a.txt 174a 19 Keno Mary W 10 Ky pg0173a.txt 174a 18 Keno Sarah 34 Ky pg0173a.txt 174a 21 Keno Solomon 4 Tenn pg0173a.txt 238a 11 Key B F 49 Georgia pg0233a.txt 238a 15 Key Cornelia 12 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 14 Key Crawford 16 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 238a 13 Key John B 20 Georgia pg0233a.txt 238a 12 Key Margaret 50 Georgia pg0233a.txt 238a 16 Key William 9 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 191a 17 Keys Mahala 65 Va pg0191a.txt 188b 29 Killebrew Alexander 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188a 36 Killebrew Alfred B 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 227b 3 Killebrew Alice 6 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 188b 9 Killebrew Amanda 17 Tenn pg0185a.txt 227b 2 Killebrew Ann 23 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 220a 39 Killebrew David 8 tenn pg0219b.txt 191b 31 Killebrew Dicy 50 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188b 13 Killebrew Elen 24 Tenn pg0185a.txt 227a 40 Killebrew Fannie 1 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 38 Killebrew G 26 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 227a 37 Killebrew Geo 28 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 188a 34 Killebrew George W 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188b 27 Killebrew Georgianna 30 Tenn pg0185a.txt 191b 32 Killebrew Green 35 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188b 30 Killebrew Harrison 7 Tenn pg0185a.txt 220a 35 Killebrew Henry 9 tenn pg0219b.txt 212a 33 Killebrew J 50 Tenn pg0207a.txt 195a 38 Killebrew James 6 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188b 26 Killebrew James 39 Tenn pg0185a.txt 220a 34 Killebrew Jas 45 tenn pg0219b.txt 191b 34 Killebrew Jesse 8 Tenn pg0191a.txt 220a 38 Killebrew Jno 15 tenn pg0219b.txt 195a 40 Killebrew John 2 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188a 35 Killebrew Joseph 6 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188a 30 Killebrew Joseph B 39 Tenn pg0185a.txt 227b 1 Killebrew K 27 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 220a 36 Killebrew Louisa 5 tenn pg0219b.txt 188a 33 Killebrew Louisa 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 212a 34 Killebrew Mahada 50 Tenn pg0207a.txt 213b 22 Killebrew Martha 35 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 213b 21 Killebrew Mary 77 N. Carolina pg0213b.txt 195a 36 Killebrew Mary 28 Tenn pg0191a.txt 220a 37 Killebrew Mary 25 tenn pg0219b.txt 188a 31 Killebrew Mary C 32 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188a 32 Killebrew Mattie M 11 Tenn pg0185a.txt 215a 17 Killebrew May 21 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 195a 37 Killebrew Nancy 8 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188b 31 Killebrew Nannie 2 Tenn pg0185a.txt 227a 39 Killebrew Nick 2 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 188b 12 Killebrew Philip 17 Tenn pg0185a.txt 191b 33 Killebrew Robert 10 Tenn pg0191a.txt 188b 28 Killebrew Shadrach 11 Tenn pg0185a.txt 212a 35 Killebrew Simone 30 Tenn pg0207a.txt 195a 39 Killebrew William 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 197b 8 Killibrew Emma T 2 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197b 9 Killibrew Fannie 1 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197b 7 Killibrew G Gillis 4 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197b 6 Killibrew Nora 29 Tenn pg0197a.txt 197b 5 Killibrew Wm H 32 Ky pg0197a.txt 175a 17 Kirk Missourie 29 Ga pg0173a.txt 175a 16 Kirk Richard 35 Ga pg0173a.txt 180a 4 Kisner Elizabeth 17 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 7 Kisner Indiana 9 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 8 Kisner Isaac W 8 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 1 Kisner James 45 Ky pg0179a.txt 180a 3 Kisner John W 31 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 2 Kisner Tabitha 49 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 6 Kisner Victoria T 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 180a 5 Kisner William S 16 Tenn pg0179a.txt 247b 3 Knight E Nathan 50 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247b 5 Knight Leah 4 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 247b 4 Knight Sallie 49 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 193b 4 Knott Adaline 28 Tenn pg0191a.txt 193b 6 Knott America 1 Tenn pg0191a.txt 192b 27 Knott Barbara H 74 Va pg0191a.txt 204b 24 Knott Clinton I 13 Ky pg0203a.txt 176b 7 Knott Eliza S 45 Ky pg0173a.txt 204b 23 Knott Geo T 16 Tenn pg0203a.txt 176b 8 Knott Luanna 18 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176b 9 Knott Mary B 16 Tenn pg0173a.txt 193b 5 Knott Robert 4 Tenn pg0191a.txt 214b 7 Knox Alice 16 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 4 Knox Ben 65 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 11 Knox Jim 12 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 6 Knox John 20 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 10 Knox Lucy 6 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 5 Knox Lucy 41 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 8 Knox Martha 14 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 214b 9 Knox Sam 12 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 18 Kogers Alice 7 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 17 Kogers Ed 9 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 14 Kogers J 30 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 19 Kogers Jarrett 1 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 15 Kogers Julia 27 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 217a 16 Kogers Martha 12 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 201a 13 Krese Cornelia 11 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 14 Krese Eudora 7 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 10 Krese Jacob 34 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 11 Krese Mahalah 38 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 12 Krese Mary 16 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 16 Krese Minnie 2/12 Tenn pg0197a.txt 201a 15 Krese Willie 4 Tenn pg0197a.txt 234a 20 Lacy Abram 50 Virginia pg0233a.txt 234a 23 Lacy Andrew 1 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 234a 21 Lacy Bettie 30 Kentucky pg0233a.txt 224b 19 Lacy Jessie 23 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 224b 17 Lacy Nancy 16 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 224b 18 Lacy Rose 6 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 224b 16 Lacy Thornton 66 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 234a 22 Lacy William 3 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 187a 27 Lair Sopha 50 Al pg0185a.txt 175b 22 Lamb Henry 19 Tenn pg0173a.txt 200a 18 Lampton Albert 7 Ky pg0197a.txt 200a 16 Lampton Frank 30 Ky pg0197a.txt 200a 17 Lampton Lucinda 26 Ky pg0197a.txt 200a 19 Lampton Sis 3 Tenn pg0197a.txt 200a 20 Lampton Susan 2 Tenn pg0197a.txt 224b 32 Lane Ann 26 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 255b 5 Langford Caroline C 12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 9 Langford Charles 4 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255a 40 Langford Charly 52 North Carolina pg0255a.txt 255b 18 Langford Corday 16 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 1 Langford Edathall 36 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 10 Langford Edith A 2 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 16 Langford Ellen 2 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 17 Langford Eve 45 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 15 Langford George Ann 23 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 7 Langford George W 8 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 6 Langford James O 10 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 2 Langford John W 17 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 4 Langford Jordan B 14 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 8 Langford Mary S 6 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 19 Langford Mildred 12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 3 Langford Sarah C 15 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 14 Langford William 28 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 252b 1 Langston Bob 25 Kentucky pg0249a.txt 252b 6 Langston Fanny 57 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252b 5 Langston James 1 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252b 3 Langston Laura 6 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252b 2 Langston Lizzie 25 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 252b 4 Langston Nelson 4 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 216b 1 Lasinby Charly 19 Tennessee pg0213b.txt 205a 28 Lawson Amanda 5 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 30 Lawson Edward 4/12 Kansas pg0203a.txt 205a 24 Lawson J L 56 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 29 Lawson Johnson 3 Kansas pg0203a.txt 205a 27 Lawson Martha 27 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 26 Lawson R L 22 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 23 Lawson S W 24 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 25 Lawson Sarah A 47 Ky pg0203a.txt 205a 32 Leavell Albert 10 Ky pg0203a.txt 212b 22 Leavell Ann 6 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 212b 38 Leavell Ben 35 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 212b 23 Leavell Bud 3 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 212b 40 Leavell Charles 2 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 212b 39 Leavell D 30 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 214b 26 Leavell Frank 8 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214b 24 Leavell George 12 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 214b 23 Leavell Henry 16 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 212b 21 Leavell Jane 8 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 212b 19 Leavell Jno 35 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 214b 25 Leavell Julius 10 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 199b 10 Leavell Kittie 12 Ky pg0197a.txt 205a 31 Leavell Laura 14 Ky pg0203a.txt 212b 20 Leavell Margaret 25 Tennessee pg0207a.txt 214b 21 Leavell Q 40 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 199b 9 Leavell Rachael 30 Ky pg0197a.txt 205a 33 Leavell Robert 21 Ky pg0203a.txt 199b 11 Leavell Sam 10 Ky pg0197a.txt 214b 22 Leavell Susan 40 Kentucky pg0213b.txt 199b 12 Leavell Walker 5 Tenn pg0197a.txt 199b 8 Leavell Warren 35 Ky pg0197a.txt 237b 18 Lee Mary 25 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 237b 17 Lee Thomas 72 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 237b 19 Lee Thomas 3 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 177a 27 Lemon Elizabeth 40 Tenn pg0173a.txt 225a 33 Leonard Dan 11 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225a 35 Leonard George 7 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225a 27 Leonard Gilbert 56 Virginia pg0221a.txt 225a 31 Leonard Gilbert 22 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225a 34 Leonard John 5 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 225a 26 Leonard M 56 Virginia pg0221a.txt 225a 32 Leonard Tom 19 Tennessee pg0221a.txt 242b 7 Levell Frank 7 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231a 5 Levell Green 24 Kentucky pg0227a.txt 231a 8 Levell Henry 4 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 242b 5 Levell Jack 3 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231a 7 Levell Lucy 6 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 242b 6 Levell Lucy 2 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 242b 4 Levell Martha 22 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 231a 6 Levell Matilda 21 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 231a 9 Levell Sarah 2 Tennessee pg0227a.txt 242b 3 Levell Wash 23 Tennessee pg0239b.txt 177a 37 Levie Crogus 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 8 Lewis Barbara 14 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 22 Lewis Bennet 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 7 Lewis Elenora 16 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 4 Lewis Eliza 43 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 16 Lewis Geraldine E 18 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 9 Lewis Harriet 9 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 3 Lewis James 54 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 5 Lewis James 25 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 17 Lewis James W 15 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 18 Lewis Laura 14 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 15 Lewis Mary 37 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 10 Lewis Nannie 7 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 21 Lewis Peyton 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 12 Lewis Reuben 2 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 20 Lewis Roscoe 10 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 11 Lewis Susan 6 Tenn pg0173a.txt 173b 6 Lewis Tobe 21 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 19 Lewis Walter 11 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 24 Lewis Wayland 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 178b 14 Lewis William 50 Ky pg0173a.txt 178b 23 Lewis Willis 4 Tenn pg0173a.txt 190b 21 Liggon Edward 7 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 39 Liggon Elen 40 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 22 Liggon Eliza 6 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 1 Liggon Emma 8 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188b 7 Liggon Jesse 35 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 38 Liggon Lewis 40 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 23 Liggon Lewis 4 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189a 40 Liggon Lucy 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 17 Liggon Martha 45 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 20 Liggon Melon 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 2 Liggon Peter 3 Tenn pg0185a.txt 188b 8 Liggon Rose 28 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 19 Liggon Sallie 15 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 18 Liggon Susan 17 Tenn pg0185a.txt 189b 3 Liggon Susan 1 Tenn pg0185a.txt 190b 16 Liggon Wright 55 Tenn pg0185a.txt 202b 28 Ligon Charles 2 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202b 27 Ligon Hannah 18 Tenn pg0197a.txt 202b 26 Ligon Westly 27 Tenn pg0197a.txt 176a 24 Lindsey Carrie 8 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 26 Lindsey Charles 1 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 22 Lindsey Charles A C 35 Va pg0173a.txt 176a 25 Lindsey Florence 9 Tenn pg0173a.txt 176a 23 Lindsey Marion 25 Md pg0173a.txt 181b 5 Linebaugh Irvine R 11 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 1 Linebaugh Joseph 47 Ky pg0179a.txt 181b 3 Linebaugh Joseph C 19 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 2 Linebaugh Mary J 40 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 4 Linebaugh Stanford O 13 Tenn pg0179a.txt 181b 6 Linebaugh Sterling 5 Tenn pg0179a.txt 251a 33 Lockhart Catherine 40 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 187b 12 Lockhart Charles 14 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187b 14 Lockhart Clayton 10 Tenn pg0185a.txt 187b 13 Lockhart Eli 12 Tenn pg0185a.txt 251a 34 Lockhart Flora 8 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 187b 10 Lockhart James 43 Tenn pg0185a.txt 251a 36 Lockhart Jinny 70 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 32 Lockhart Louis 47 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 251a 37 Lockhart Lucy 14 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 255b 12 Lockhart Mary 20 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 251a 35 Lockhart Mildred 4 Tennessee pg0249a.txt 187b 15 Lockhart Rebbel 3 Tenn pg0185a.txt 255b 11 Lockhart Steve 27 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 255b 13 Lockhart Thomas 5/12 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 187b 11 Lockhart William 16 Tenn pg0185a.txt 218a 4 Long Clay 27 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 8 Long Dora 10 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 5 Long Eliza 45 Tenn pg0213b.txt 218a 6 Long Ellen 30 Tenn pg0213b.txt 221a 30 Long Emma 2 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 218a 7 Long Emma 13 Tenn pg0213b.txt 221a 25 Long Fred 40 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 26 Long Harriett 27 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 218a 9 Long Johnie 6 Tenn pg0213b.txt 221a 28 Long Martha 8 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 29 Long Nelson 5 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 221a 31 Long Paralee 3 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 234b 37 Long Sam 6 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 221a 27 Long Silvie 30 Kentucky pg0221a.txt 203b 24 Lovelace Nat O 26 Tenn pg0203a.txt 203b 25 Lovelace Sarah C 25 Tenn pg0203a.txt 238a 20 Lowe Mary 38 Tennessee pg0233a.txt 180b 31 Lyden Thomas 35 Ireland pg0179a.txt 186a 25 Lyen Malinda 62 Tenn pg0185a.txt 246a 16 Lynn Aaron 2 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 11 Lynn Andrew 15 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 258a 32 Lynn Bettie T 24 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 258a 31 Lynn Charles R 22 Tennessee pg0255a.txt 246a 6 Lynn David A 46 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 12 Lynn James C 12 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 10 Lynn John W 18 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 9 Lynn Mary A 19 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 7 Lynn Mattie G 46 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 13 Lynn Nathena 13 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 14 Lynn Robert 9 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 15 Lynn Samuel 7 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 8 Lynn Sarah A 22 Tennessee pg0243a.txt 246a 17 Lynn Sophie 57 Virginia pg0243a.txt