Galveston County, TX 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by J. Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2010 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MICROFILM-ROLL#: T1134-54 STATE TEXAS COUNTY GALVESTON SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Galveston DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: Jas H. Cleveland ================================================================================================================================================================= PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ================================================================================================================================================================= 85 1 Paschall Jn'o F. 2/12 M . . . Texas . . Unknown 10 . 85 2 Lepert Jn'o H. 3/12 M . . . Texas Sept . Affection Heart 7 . 85 3 . Fanny 2 F B S . La Dec . Cholera 1 . 85 4 McGean Sarah 2 F . . . Texas Augst . Teething 44 . 85 5 Armstrong G. E. 2 F . . . Texas May . Scarlet fever 40 . 85 6 Moffitt Ben 33 M . . S N.J. Oct Carpenter Brain fever 9 . 85 7 . Harriet 26 F B S . Unknown Feby . Liver Comp'l 160 . 85 8 Sherwood M. F. 1 F . . . Texas Sept . Convulsions 30 . 85 9 Hitchcock Mary Ann 2 F . . . Texas Oct . Convulsions 4 . 85 10 . Harriet 23 F B S . Ala March . Unknown 16 . 85 11 Wright Mary 46 F . . M Con March . Palsy Sudden . 85 12 . Ellen 9 F B S . Texas Augst . Scarlet fever 3 . 85 13 . Brasil 28 M B S . La July . Cholera 1 . 85 14 Thomas L. 22 M . . S Kenty Oct . Fever 30 . 85 15 Brown Wm 30 M . . M England March . Consumpt'n 150 . 85 16 Rhodes Cath 90 F . . W Mass Dec . Old age Sudden . 85 17 Seiling Ann B. 30 F . . M Germ'y Sept . Child bed 7 . 85 18 Gauterig Henrietta 23 F . . M Germ'y Oct . Fever 30 . 85 19 Beuchner H. 37 F . . M Germ'y Augst . Dropsy 250 . 85 20 Hall C. G. 33 M . . M Geo. Dec Carpenter Cholera 2 . 85 21 Schindler J. H. 41 M . . . Swizland Oct Shoe Mak'r Liver Comp 200 . 85 22 Forest John 39 M . . S Germ'y Nov Mechanic Fever 5 . 85 23 Mason Gen'l 60 M . . . . March . Fever 12 . 85 24 Murray Geo. 35 M . . . England March Seaman Fever 9 . 85 25 Mills T. F. 23 M . . S Md Sept Physician Shot Sudden . 85 26 Hagerman Louisa 24 F . . . Germ'y Augst . Fever 10 . 85 27 Newman Felix 35 M . . S La Augst . Shot 4 . 85 28 Baldwin H 50 M . . S Mne Augst . Cholera 2 . 85 29 Tucker Jn'o L. 34 M . . S Penn Oct . Fever 7 . 85 30 . Mary 26 F B S . U Nov . Child bed 4 . 85 31 Lang Frances 6/12 F . . . Texas Sept . Diah'r 6 . 85 32 Kellar M. 35 F . . M Germ'y May . Convulsions 8 . 85 33 Wolfson R. 38 M . . . Germ'y Apl . Chronic Diah. - . 85 34 Mason Jn'o 50 M . . . Ireland Apl . R*mit. Fever 16 . 85 35 Peros Mich'l 40 M . . . Germ'y Feby . Fever 11 . "There are 48 transient persons that died while names, ages etc not found nor kept of."