Gonzales, TX 1900 Federal Census ftp://ftp.us-census.org/pub/usgenweb/census/tx/gonzales/1900/ (File 10 of 10 for ED:60) This Census was transcribed by Richard C. Baker, Jr. and is NOT YET proofread for the USGenWeb Census Project http://www.us-census.org/ Copyright (c) 2003 by Richard C. Baker, Jr. If you would like to proofread an Enumeration District for this census, please fill-out and submit a Proofreader Volunteer Form at: http://www.us-census.org/proof/vol-form.htm ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Connie Burkett All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== Census Year 1900 Microfilm Roll #T623-1639 State TEXAS County GONZALES ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 272A 1 60 27A . . 461 461 Lamkin E. J. Head W M Jan 1861 39 M 11 . . Texas Georgia Florida . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 390 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 2 60 27A . . Lamkin Bell Wife W F Aprl 1867 33 M 11 3 2 Texas Kentucky Missisippi . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 3 60 27A . . Lamkin John Son W M Aprl 1890 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 4 60 27A . . Lamkin Mary Daughter W F Aug 1893 6 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 5 60 27A . . 462 462 Turner Prior Head B M Nov 1844 55 M . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes R . F 391 30th day of June 1900 Prir Turner and Mirney Hysaw on Marriage License Index. License issued 16 Nov. 1898. Occupation is not recorded. 272A 6 60 27A . . Turner Minie Wife B F Dec 1849 50 M . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 7 60 27A . . Turner Dora Daughter B F May 1886 14 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 8 60 27A . . Turner Lillie Daughter B F Mar 1884 16 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 9 60 27A . . Lamkin Mathis S-Son B M Oct 1877 22 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Day Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 10 60 27A . . Totterson William S-Son B M Dec 1879 20 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Day Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 11 60 27A . . 463 463 Lamkin Jorden Head B M May 1849 51 M 30 . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer . . No No Yes O M F 392 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 12 60 27A . . Lamkin Annie Wife B F Dec 1849 50 M 30 2 2 Missisippi Missisippi Missisippi . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 13 60 27A . . Washinton Monroe G-Son B M Nov 1880 19 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Last name is recorded as Washinton. 272A 14 60 27A . . 464 464 Nuels Williams Head B M May 1855 45 M 20 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer . . No No Yes O M F 393 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 15 60 27A . . Nuels Fannie Wife B F Nov 1854 45 M 20 13 9 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 16 60 27A . . Nuels Nelson Son B M Nov 1875 24 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 17 60 27A . . Nuels Julia Daughter B F Sep 1878 21 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 18 60 27A . . Nuels Lena Daughter B F Aug 1884 15 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 1/2 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 19 60 27A . . Nuels Inie Daughter B F Oct 1885 14 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 1/2 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 20 60 27A . . Nuels Otis Son B M Nov 1888 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 1/2 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 21 60 27A . . Nuels Day C. Son B M Dec 1889 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 1/2 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 22 60 27A . . Nuels Edgar Son B M Feb 1892 8 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 23 60 27A . . Nuels Edner Daughter B F Feb 1894 6 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 24 60 27A . . Nuels Alonia Daughter B F Feb 1898 2 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 25 60 27A . . 465 465 Freeman Charity Head B F Dec 1858 41 Wd . 7 7 Texas Texas Texas . . . Wash Woman . . No No Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 Charity Weeks and Step Freeman on Marriage License Index. License issued 7 March 1876. 272A 26 60 27A . . Freeman Hays Son B M Aug 1888 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 27 60 27A . . Freeman Elmiry Daughter B F July 1892 7 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 28 60 27A . . Freeman Mosouria Daughter B F Aug 1894 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 29 60 27A . . 466 466 Greenwood Henry Head B M Mar 1846 54 Wd . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 394 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 30 60 27A . . Greenwood Mary Daughter B F Feb 1886 14 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 31 60 27A . . Greenwood Tommie Son B M Aug 1891 8 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 32 60 27A . . 467 467 Evans Lena Head B F Nov 1872 27 Wd . 3 2 Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer . . No No Yes R . F 395 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 33 60 27A . . Evans Rosa Daughter B F Mar 1890 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 34 60 27A . . Evans Seretta Daughter B F Jan 1896 4 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 35 60 27A . . 468 468 Batemon John Head B M Aprl 1868 32 M 1 . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 396 30th day of June 1900 John Bateman and Penny Lord on Marriage License Index. License issued 8 July 1898. 272A 36 60 27A . . Batemon Pennie Wife B F May 1878 22 M 1 1 1 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 37 60 27A . . Batemon Burdo Son B M Sep 1899 8/12 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 38 60 27A . . 469 469 Wohlfahrt R. G. Head W M Jan 1862 38 M 12 . . Germany Germany Germany 1881 19 Na Saloon Keeper 0 . Yes Yes Yes O . H . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 39 60 27A . . Wohlfahrt Annie Wife W F Aug 1868 31 M 12 3 1 Texas Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 40 60 27A . . Wohlfahrt Alma Daughter W F Dec 1891 8 S . . . Texas Germany Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 41 60 27A . . 470 470 Z*ller B. Head W M Jan 1865 35 M 13 . . Mexico Germany Germany 1865 35 un Gin. Man. 0 . Yes Yes Yes O . H . 30th day of June 1900 Last name is hard to read. It is either Zuller or Zesller. 272A 42 60 27A . . Z*ller Mary Wife W F Oct 1861 38 M 13 3 3 Germany Germany Germany 1871 28 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 43 60 27A . . Z*ller Delia Daughter W F Nov 1891 8 S . . . Texas Mexico Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 44 60 27A . . Z*ller Antonettie Daughter W F Dec 1893 6 S . . . Texas Mexico Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 45 60 27A . . Z*ller Otto Son W M May 1896 4 S . . . Texas Mexico Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 46 60 27A . . Alex Jane Boarder W F Dec 1886 13 S . . . Texas Germany Germany . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 47 60 27A . . 471 471 Hendershot S. Z. Head W M June 1846 53 M 23 . . Ohio Ohio Pennsylvania . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 397 30th day of June 1900 S. Z. Hendershot and Agnes Daman on Marriage License Index. License issued 22 March 1878. 272A 48 60 27A . . Hendershot Agnes Wife W F Aprl 1858 42 M 23 9 9 Texas Ohio New York . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Agnes and S. Z are buried in the Harwood Masonic Cemetery- Gonzales County, TX 272A 49 60 27A . . Hendershot Chancy Son W M Sep 1882 17 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . Farm Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272A 50 60 27A . . Hendershot Harmon Son W M July 1883 16 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 272B 51 60 27B . . Hendershot James Son W M Mar 1886 14 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 52 60 27B . . Hendershot Ellen Daughter W F Aprl 1888 12 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 53 60 27B . . Hendershot Amos Son W M Feb 1890 10 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 54 60 27B . . Hendershot Lida Daughter W F May 1893 7 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 55 60 27B . . Hendershot Cecil Son W M Feb 1896 4 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 56 60 27B . . Hendershot William Son W M May 1898 2 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 57 60 27B . . Hendershot Infant Son W M Mar 1899 1 S . . . Texas Ohio Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 58 60 27B . . 472 472 Steward Lem Head B M Feb 1873 27 M 0 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Day Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 Lem Stewart and Melissa Jones on marriage License Index. License issued 7 Aug. 1899. 272B 59 60 27B . . Steward Malissie Wife B F Dec 1873 26 M 0 0 0 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 60 60 27B . . 473 473 Baehring Theo Dr. Head W M Feb 1874 26 M . . . Germany Germany Germany 1897 1 pa Physition . . Yes Yes Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 61 60 27B . . 474 474 Lane J. S. Head W M Mar 1870 30 M 7 . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . Black Smith . . Yes Yes Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 J. S. Lane and Mary Ann Harvey on Marriage License Index. License issued 17 Jan. 1893. 272B 62 60 27B . . Lane Mollie Wife W F Jan 1873 27 M 7 3 3 Texas Louisiana Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 63 60 27B . . Lane James Son W M Mar 1894 6 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 64 60 27B . . Lane Lelia Daughter W F Aprl 1896 4 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 65 60 27B . . Lane Morgan Son W M Aprl 1899 1 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 66 60 27B . . 475 475 Steen Charley Head B M Sep 1873 26 M 6 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Miller 0 . Yes Yes Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 Charley Steen and Rhoda Lampkin on Marriage License Index. License issued 23 Dec. 1893. 272B 67 60 27B . . Steen Rhoda Wife B F Mar 1877 23 M 6 3 3 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 68 60 27B . . Steen Willie Daughter B F Oct 1894 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 69 60 27B . . Steen Alonia Daughter B F Oct 1896 3 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 70 60 27B . . Steen Tommie D. Son B M May 1898 2 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 71 60 27B . . 476 476 Bunde C. H. Head W M May 1870 30 M 5 . . Texas Germany Texas . . . Salesman 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F H . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 72 60 27B . . Bunde Jane Wife W F Aprl 1870 30 M 5 1 1 Texas Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 73 60 27B . . Bunde Fred Son W M Mar 1900 2/12 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 74 60 27B . . Ladner Fritz Boarder W M Dec 1875 24 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Clerk 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 75 60 27B . . 477 477 Ellis W. T. Head W M Mar 1852 48 M 29 . . Texas Kentucky Mosouria . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes O M H . 30th day of June 1900 W. T. Ellis and Kate Hannah on Marriage License Index. License issued 30 Dec. 1872. Occupation is not recorded. 272B 76 60 27B . . Ellis Katie Wife W F Feb 1847 53 M 29 2 2 Louisiana . . . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Father and mother's birtplaces are not recorded. 272B 77 60 27B . . Ellis J. B. Son W M Jan 1876 24 S . . . Texas Texas Louisiana . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 78 60 27B . . Ellis A. T. Son W M Mar 1877 23 S . . . Texas Texas Louisiana . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 79 60 27B . . Barrow Winnie . . F Dec 1886 13 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 8 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Relationship nor Race are recorded. 272B 80 60 27B . . 478 478 Rays Bell Head Mx M Jan 1877 23 S . . . Mexico Mexico Tex. 1894 6 pa Wood Choper . . No No Yes . . H tent . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 81 60 27B . . 479 479 Silina Joe Head Mx M Mar 1874 26 M 4 . . Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . H . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 82 60 27B . . Silina Patia Wife Mx F May 1873 27 M 4 1 1 Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 83 60 27B . . Silina Tella Daughter Mx F Jan 1891 9 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 7 . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 84 60 27B . . 480 480 Rinosa Peter Head Mx M Dec 1869 30 M 10 . . Mexico Mexico Mexico 1888 12 pa . . . Yes Yes Yes . . H . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 85 60 27B . . Rinosa Elmenio Wife Mx F Aug 1873 26 M 10 4 4 Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . No No No . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 86 60 27B . . Rinosa Moneca Daughter Mx F May 1890 10 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . 0 No No No . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 87 60 27B . . Rinosa Thoma Son Mx M Sep 1894 5 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 88 60 27B . . Rinosa Peter Son Mx M Oct 1896 3 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 89 60 27B . . Rinosa Ecedro Son Mx M Sep 1899 8/12 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 90 60 27B . . 481 481 Hernandez Ben Head Mx M Mar 1852 48 M 9 . . Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No Yes . H tent . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 91 60 27B . . Hernandez Lena Wife Mx F Sep 1871 28 M 9 4 4 Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 92 60 27B . . Hernandez Louisesa Daughter Mx F June 1891 8 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 93 60 27B . . Hernandez Ardela Daughter Mx F May 1894 6 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 94 60 27B . . Hernandez Ocedro Son Mx M Feb 1897 3 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 95 60 27B . . Hernandez Maggie Daughter Mx F Feb 1899 1 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 96 60 27B . . 482 482 Arredondo B****** Head Mx M May 1876 24 M 1 . . Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No Yes . H tent . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 272B 97 60 27B . . Arredondo Marthia Wife Mx F Dec 1881 18 M 1 1 1 Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 98 60 27B . . Arredondo Rafela Daughter Mx F Oct 1899 7/12 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 272B 99 60 27B . . 483 483 Sammeguel C***** Head Mx M Mar 1877 23 S . . . Mexico Mexico Mexico 1879 21 Al . . . Yes Yes Yes . H tent . . 30th day of June 1900 The last name Sammeguel may be a misspelling of the name San Miguel. 272B 100 60 27B . . Domingo Blus Pardner Mx Mx Nov 1875 24 S . . . Mexico Mexico Mexico 1893 7 Al . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 273A 1 60 28A . . 484 484 Duke J. R. Head W M June 1859 40 M 1 . . Alabama Alabama Missisippi . . . Black Smith . . Yes Yes Yes O F H . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 2 60 28A . . Duke Laten Wife W F May 1879 21 M 1 0 0 Louisiana Louisiana Louisiana . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 3 60 28A . . 485 485 Otto J. A. Head W M Aprl 1859 41 M 8 . . Texas Germany Germany . . . Grocries . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 398 30th day of June 1900 John August and Christine Otto are buried in the Ottine Cemetery, Gonzales County, Texas 273A 4 60 28A . . Otto Christina Wife W F June 1863 36 M 8 2 2 Germany Germany Germany 1882 18 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 5 60 28A . . Otto John Son W M July 1895 4 S . . . Texas Texas Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 6 60 28A . . Otto Hellen Daughter W F Feb 1898 2 S . . . Texas Texas Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 7 60 28A . . Otto Albert Brother W M July 1874 25 S . . . Texas Germany Germany . . . Farm Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 8 60 28A . . Hodge Mary Servant B F May 1884 16 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Cook . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 9 60 28A . . 486 486 Otto Therasa Head W F Aprl 1837 63 Wd . 11 11 Germany Germany Germany 1846 54 . . . . Yes Yes Yes O F H . 30th day of June 1900 Theresia Otto is burnied in the Ottine Cemetery, Gonzales County, Texas 273A 10 60 28A . . 487 487 Janszen A. G. Head W M May 1878 22 S . . . Texas Germany Germany . . . School Teacher 2 . Yes Yes Yes R . H . 30th day of June 1900 Janszen, A.G., Prof., married Hilda Schnabel, p3 Daily Inquirer 30 Sep 1905 273A 11 60 28A . . 488 488 Maner T. A. Head W M Aug 1844 55 M 34 . . Florida S-Carolinia S-Carolinia . . . Carpenter 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M H . 30th day of June 1900 T. A. Manor and J. P. Minter on Marriage License Index. License issued 28 Dec. 1866. First name is recorded as M. P. 273A 12 60 28A . . Maner M. P. Wife W F May 1847 53 M 34 4 2 Missisippi Missisippi Missisippi . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 13 60 28A . . Maner Mary D. G-Daughter W F Aug 1895 4 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 14 60 28A . . Maner S. L. Son W M June 1878 21 S . . . Texas Florida Missisippi . . . Cow boy 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 15 60 28A . . McKinney Idella Servant B F Feb 1880 20 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 273A 16 60 28A . . 489 489 Garhed V. Head W M Aug 1862 37 M 7 . . Germany Germany Germany 1884 16 pa Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 399 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 17 60 28A . . Garhed Annie Wife W F Mar 1852 48 M 7 1 1 Germany Germany Germany 1885 15 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 18 60 28A . . Garhed Mary S-Daughter W F July 1884 16 S . . . Germany Germany Germany un un . At . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 19 60 28A . . Garhed Mattie S-Daughter W F Jan 1886 14 S . . . Texas Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Education is not recorded. 273A 20 60 28A . . Garhed Alford Son W M Jan 1893 7 S . . . Texas Germany Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 21 60 28A . . Reichelt Paul C. S-Son W M Dec 1875 24 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1885 14 pa Farm Laborer . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Reichelt, Paul C., married Miss Hattie Turner, P3 Daily Inq. 8 June 1904. 273A 22 60 28A . . 490 490 Karnstadt L. T. Head W M Jan 1866 34 M 8 . . Germany Germany Germany 1873 27 un Merchant Grocries 0 . Yes Yes Yes O F F 400 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 23 60 28A . . Karnstadt Ida Wife W F Aug 1866 33 M 8 1 0 Texas Missisippi Missisippi . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 24 60 28A . . Karnstadt Louis Partner W M Feb 1838 62 Wd . . . Germany Germany Germany 1872 28 un . 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 273A 25 60 28A . . Mcfarland Tom Cousin W M May 1881 19 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Day Laborer 0 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 26 60 28A . . 491 492 Gips C. Head W M Aprl 1872 28 M 3 . . Texas Germany Germany . . . Lumber Dealer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M H . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 27 60 28A . . Gips Louisa Wife W F Feb 1872 28 M 3 1 1 Texas Germany Germany . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 Gips, Louise died 23-Jan-1970 F Widowed. 273A 28 60 28A . . Gips Paulinia Daughter W F July 1897 2 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 29 60 28A . . 492 492 Carr Alic Head B M Nov 1857 42 M 17 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer . . Yes No Yes O M F 401 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 30 60 28A . . Carr Mattie Wife B F Mar 1869 31 M 17 7 7 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 31 60 28A . . Carr Pinkney Son B M Oct 1884 15 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 32 60 28A . . Carr Andrew Son B M Feb 1886 14 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 33 60 28A . . Carr Prince Son B M Feb 1889 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 34 60 28A . . Carr Della Daughter B F Mar 1887 13 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 35 60 28A . . Carr Elder Son B M Mar 1887 13 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 6 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 36 60 28A . . Carr Minnie Daughter B F Aug 1897 2 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 37 60 28A . . Carr Otho Son B M Oct 1898 1 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 38 60 28A . . 493 493 Ellis R. J. Refused to Answer . . . . . . . . . Refused to Answer un un . . . Refused to Answer . . . . . . . H . 30th day of June 1900 Except for the name "Refused to Answer" is recorded ascross all columns except the H in the next to last column. 273A 39 60 28A . . 494 494 Lightning Prince Head B M May 1876 24 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 402 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 40 60 28A . . 495 495 Randle George Head B M Dec 1852 47 M 18 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 403 30th day of June 1900 George Randle and Jennie Thompson on Marriage License Index. License issued 26 Sept. 1896? 273A 41 60 28A . . Randle Jennie Wife B F May 1856 44 M 18 7 5 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 42 60 28A . . Randle Phenie Daughter B F Feb 1885 15 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 43 60 28A . . Randle Albert Son B M Feb 1887 13 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 44 60 28A . . Randle Mary Daughter B F Jan 1889 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 45 60 28A . . Randle D. C. Son B M Feb 1891 9 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 46 60 28A . . Randle Judia Daughter B F May 1895 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th day of June 1900 . 273A 47 60 28A . . The rest of this page was blank 30th day of June 1900 This line is blank ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 273B 51 60 28B . . 496 496 Fry J. A. Head W M Sep 1857 42 M 15 . . Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R . F 404 2th day of July 1900 J. A. Fry and Kettie R. Pain on Marriage License Index. License issued 27 July 1885. 273B 52 60 28B . . Fry Katie Wife W F Aug 1867 32 M 15 5 5 Texas Scotland . . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Mother's birthplace is not recorded. 273B 53 60 28B . . Fry Homer Son W M May 1888 12 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Education is not recorded. 273B 54 60 28B . . Fry Florer Daughter W F Sep 1890 9 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 55 60 28B . . Fry Cordenia Daughter W F Feb 1893 7 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 56 60 28B . . Fry Maggie Daughter W F Feb 1893 3 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Month, year and age are as recorded. 273B 57 60 28B . . Fry . Daughter W F Feb 1900 3/12 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 First name is not recorded. 273B 58 60 28B . . Glen Tack Laborer B M Sep 1877 22 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer 4 . Yes No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 59 60 28B . . McGowan Jack Laborer W M Aug 1852 47 S . . . Ireland Ireland Ireland 1874 26 Al Day Laborer 6 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 60 60 28B . . 497 497 Harris Charley Head B M Mar 1851 49 M 2 . . N-Carolinia S-Carolinia S-Carolinia . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 405 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 61 60 28B . . Harris Julia Wife B F Aug 1865 34 M 2 8 8 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 62 60 28B . . Harris Randolf S Son B M Sep 1888 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 63 60 28B . . Harris Nivestel S-Son B M Nov 1889 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farm Laborer . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 64 60 28B . . Harris Arcesta Son B M Dec 1894 5 S . . . Texas N-Carolina Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 65 60 28B . . Harris Louticia Daughter B F Mar 1898 2 S . . . Texas N-Carolina Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 66 60 28B . . Harris Ida Daughter B F Jan 1900 4/12 S . . . Texas N-Carolina Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 67 60 28B . . 498 498 Mears W. J. Head W M Feb 1881 19 S . . . Texas Missisippi Alabama . . . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes R . F 406 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 68 60 28B . . Mears Hannah Mother W F May 1850 50 Wd . 4 4 Alabama Alabama Alabama . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 69 60 28B . . Mears Georgia Sister W F Nov 1883 16 S . . . Texas Missisippi Alabama . . . . . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 70 60 28B . . Mears Minnie Sister W F May 1886 14 S . . . Texas Missisippi Alabama . . . . . 0 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 71 60 28B . . 499 499 Armstrong J. C. Head W M Dec 1871 28 M 6 . . Missisippi Missisippi Missisippi . . . Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R . F 407 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 72 60 28B . . Armstrong Onie Wife W F Aug 1877 22 M 6 3 3 Texas Missisippi Alabama . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 73 60 28B . . Armstrong Roy Son W M Sep 1894 5 S . . . Texas Missisippi Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 74 60 28B . . Armstrong Ray Son W M Aug 1896 3 S . . . Texas Missisippi Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 75 60 28B . . Armstrong Ethel Daughter W F Mar 1900 2/12 S . . . Texas Missisippi Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 76 60 28B . . 500 500 Friedl F. Head W M Sep 1846 53 M 32 . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 Na Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes O M F 408 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 77 60 28B . . Friedl Mary Wife W F Dec 1847 52 M 32 5 5 Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 78 60 28B . . Friedl Chancy Son W M Dec 1874 2* S . . . Louisiang Germany Germany . . . Music Teacher 6 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Birthplace is recorded as Louisiang. 273B 79 60 28B . . Friedl Charley Son W M Dec 1877 22 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 un Farmer 0 . Yes Yes Yes R . F 409 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 80 60 28B . . Friedl R*dolph Son W M Aprl 1883 16 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 . At School . 1 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 81 60 28B . . Friedl Mary Daughter W F Mar 1886 14 S . . . Germany Germany Germany 1890 10 . At School . 2 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 82 60 28B . . 501 501 Lee Sallie Head B F Dec 1853 46 Wd . 4 1 Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes O F F 410 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 83 60 28B . . Lee Henry Son B M Nov 1890 9 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 84 60 28B . . 502 502 Lamkin Boston Head B M Mar 1865 35 M 11 . . Texas Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 411 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 85 60 28B . . Lamkin Hailey Wife B F Aprl 1874 26 M 11 7 4 Texas Missisippi Missisippi . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 86 60 28B . . Lamkin Ollie Son B M May 1892 8 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 87 60 28B . . Lamkin Steller Daughter B F Nov 1894 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 88 60 28B . . Lamkin Rosa Daughter B F May 1897 3 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 89 60 28B . . Lamkin Infant Daughter B F Feb 1900 3/12 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 90 60 28B . . 503 503 Lamkin Dan Head B M Dec 1846 53 M 26 . . Georgia Georgia Georgia . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes O M F 412 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 91 60 28B . . Lamkin Silye Wife B F May 1853 47 M 26 9 9 Texas Georgia Georgia . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 92 60 28B . . Lamkin John Son B M May 1877 23 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 413 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 93 60 28B . . Lamkin Babe Son B M May 1880 20 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 94 60 28B . . Lamkin Gus Son B M Mar 1882 18 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 95 60 28B . . Lamkin Sallie Daughter B F Mar 1884 16 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 96 60 28B . . Lamkin Lee Son B M Mar 1886 14 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . At School . 4 Yes No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 97 60 28B . . Lamkin Lizer Daughter B F Feb 1888 12 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . At School . 4 No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 98 60 28B . . Lamkin Mary Daughter B F May 1889 11 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . At School . 4 No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 99 60 28B . . Lamkin Owen Son B M Aprl 1891 9 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 273B 100 60 28B . . Lamkin Lizzie Daughter B F Agu 1893 6 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 274A 1 60 29A . . Washington Lucy G-Daughter B F Aprl 1895 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 2 60 29A . . 504 504 Lamkin Willis Head B M May 1873 27 S . . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . Farmer . . No No Yes R . F 414 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 3 60 29A . . 505 505 Cruez Leon Jr Head Mx M May 1876 24 M 1 . . Texas Mexico Mexico . . pa Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 415 2th day of July 1900 Leon Cruz, Jr. and Jennie? DeLaGarza on Marriage License Index. License issued 19 June 1899. Naturalization is recorded as pa. 274A 4 60 29A . . Cruez Maggie Wife Mx F Nov 1877 22 M 1 1 1 Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 5 60 29A . . Cruez Mary Daughter Mx F May 1900 0/12 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 6 60 29A . . Cruez Leon Sr. Father Mx M Nov 1837 62 M . . . Mexico Texas Mexico . un un Farm Laborer . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 7 60 29A . . 506 506 Warhardo Rosil**** Head Mx M Sep 1871 28 M 6 . . Mexico Mexico Mexico 1893 7 Al . . . Yes Yes No . . H . 2th day of July 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 274A 8 60 29A . . Warhardo Nativada Wife Mx F Dec 1881 18 M 6 3 3 Texas Mexico Mexico . . . . . . No No No . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Month, year and age are as recorded. 274A 9 60 29A . . Warhardo Esavelll Daughter Mx F July 1895 4 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 10 60 29A . . Warhardo Ay**la Daughter Mx F Sep 1896 3 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 11 60 29A . . Warhardo Lounso Son Mx M Sep 1899 8/12 S . . . Texas Mexico Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 12 60 29A . . 507 507 Lamkin Green Head B M Dec 1875 24 M 0 . . Texas Georgia Texas . . . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes R . F 416 2th day of July 1900 Green Lamkin and Mary Dukes on Marriage License Index. License issued 8 Nov. 1899. 274A 13 60 29A . . Lamkin Mary Wife B F Mar 1881 19 M 0 0 0 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 14 60 29A . . 508 508 Perkins James Head W M June 1844 55 M 32 . . England England England 1883 17 pa Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 417 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 15 60 29A . . Perkins Mary Wife W F Dec 1844 55 M 32 2 2 England England England 1883 17 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 16 60 29A . . Perkins Edith Daughter W F Aug 1874 25 S . . . England England England 1883 17 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 17 60 29A . . Perkins Ethel Daughter W F Mar 1888 12 S . . . Texas England England . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Education is not recorded. 274A 18 60 29A . . 509 509 Davis Ellen Mrs. Head W F May 1836 46 Wd . 3 3 England England England 1881 19 . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 418 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 19 60 29A . . Davis Edith Daughter W F July 1872 27 S . . . England England England 1881 19 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 20 60 29A . . Davis Elizabeth Daughter W F Feb 1876 24 S . . . England England England 1881 19 . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 21 60 29A . . Avery Albert Laborer W M Feb 1878 22 S . . . England England England 1889 11 un Farm Laborer . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 22 60 29A . . 510 510 Duke Jim Head B M May 1856 44 M 23 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes O M F 419 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 23 60 29A . . Duke Sallie Wife B F Dec 1860 39 M 23 11 10 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 24 60 29A . . Duke L*an Daughter B F Sep 1885 14 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 25 60 29A . . Duke John Son B M Jan 1882 17 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . Yes No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Occupation is not recorded. 274A 26 60 29A . . Duke Nee Son B M Mar 1889 11 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 27 60 29A . . Duke Louisa Daughter B F Dec 1889 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School . 3 No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 28 60 29A . . Duke Susie Daughter B F Oct 1890 9 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 29 60 29A . . Duke Jonah Son B M Nov 1892 7 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 30 60 29A . . Duke Jack Son B M Aug 1894 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 31 60 29A . . Duke Joseph Son B M Sep 1897 2 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 32 60 29A . . Duke James Son B M Oct 1879 20 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 Occupation nor education is recorded. 274A 33 60 29A . . 511 511 Nations Cal Head B M Jan 1859 44 M 5 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . Farmer 0 . No No Yes R . F 420 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 34 60 29A . . Nations Dora Wife B F Aprl 1862 38 M 5 4 4 Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 35 60 29A . . Nations Joe Son B M Aug 1895 4 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 36 60 29A . . Nations Frank Son B M Dec 1898 1 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 37 60 29A . . Johnson Mathes S-Son B M May 1890 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . 0 No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 38 60 29A . . Brown Howard S-Son B M July 1892 7 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 39 60 29A . . Nations Mollie Daughter B F Aug 1884 15 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 40 60 29A . . Nations Pennie Daughter B F July 1886 13 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 41 60 29A . . 512 512 Lawson Emma Head B F Nov 1857 42 Wd . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . No No Yes R . H . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 42 60 29A . . McNeal J. F. Boarder B M Dec 1876 23 S . . . Texas Tennessee Texas . . . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes R . F 421 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 43 60 29A . . 513 513 Beaty J. P. Head W M Jan 1845 55 M 25 . . Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky . . . Farmer . . Yes Yes Yes O F F 422 2th day of July 1900 J. P. Beaty and Mrs. M. A. Sevanton on Marriage License Index. License issued 3 April 1875. 274A 44 60 29A . . Beaty Annie Wife W F Sep 1843 56 M 25 0 0 Missisippi Tennessee Tennessee . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 45 60 29A . . 514 514 Porter W. J. Head B M Aug 1861 38 M 12 . . Texas Texas Texas . . . School Teacher * . Yes Yes Yes O F F 423 2th day of July 1900 William J. Porter and Virginia M. Cooper on Marriage License Index. License issued 10 March 1894? 274A 46 60 29A . . Porter Virginia Wife B F June 1865 34 M 12 4 4 Texas Texas Texas . . . School Teacher 6 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 47 60 29A . . Porter Douglas Son B M Nov 1889 10 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . At School 6 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 48 60 29A . . Porter Mary Daughter B F Sep 1892 7 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 49 60 29A . . Porter Henry Son B M Oct 1894 5 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274A 50 60 29A . . Porter Jennie Daughter B F Dec 1896 3 S . . . Texas Texas Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= CENSUS YEAR: 1900 STATE: TX COUNTY: Gonzales TOWNSHIP: Justice Precinct No. 7 MICROFILM#: T623-1639 SUPV/DISTR: 12 ENUM/DISTR: 60 ENUMERATOR: Thomas C. Munford ENUM/DATE-RANGE: 1 June - 2 July 1900 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= BIRTH BIRTH S-M #YRS # #CHILD BIRTH FATHER MOTHER YEAR #YRS NATUR- MONTHS #MO AT CAN CAN SPEAK O-R O-F FARM #FARM ENUMERATION Transcriber's PG# LN# ED SH# STR HS# DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION RACE SEX MONTH YEAR AGE W-D MAR CHILD LIVING PLACE BIRTHPL BIRTHPL IMMI US ALIZED OCCUPATION UNEMPL SCHOOL READ WRITE ENG? HOME MORT HOME SCH DATE REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= 274B 51 60 29B . . 515 515 Minear P. H. Head W M Oct 1830 69 M 3 . . Illinoise Illinoise Illinoise . . . Well Driller 8 . Yes Yes Yes O F H . 2th day of July 1900 . 274B 52 60 29B . . Minear Carry Wife W F Nov 1856 43 M 3 1 1 Texas Alabama Alabama . . . . . . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274B 53 60 29B . . Minear Pearl Daughter W F Mar 1888 12 S . . . Illinoise Illinoise Illinoise . . . At School . 7 Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274B 54 60 29B . . Minear Winnie Daughter W F July 1898 1 S . . . Texas Illinoise Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274B 55 60 29B . . Minear Andy E. Son W M Aprl 1871 29 S . . . Illinoise Illinoise Illinoise . . . Well driller 8 . Yes Yes Yes . . . . 2th day of July 1900 . 274B 56 60 29B . . Here ends the Enumeration of Justice Precinct - 7 "Here ends the Enumeration of Justice Precinct - 7" is recorded across this row.