Matagorda County, TX 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by J. Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2010 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MICROFILM-ROLL#: T1134-54 STATE TX COUNTY MATAGORDA SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ========================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Matagorda DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: A. Waxsmith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FILE-PG PAGE LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ========================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 *** 1 (not written) Jerry 56 M B S . Virginia July Brick Layer Shot Sudden . 1 *** 2 (not written) Peter 28 M B S . North Carolina August . Drowned Sudden . 1 *** 3 Thorp Child of J. L. 4/12 F . . . Texas April . Ty Fever 2 months . 1 *** 4 (not written) Henry 1 M B S . Texas February . Typhus Fever 3 days . 1 *** 5 (not written) Wallace 1 M B S . Texas April . Typhus Fever 3 days . 1 *** 6 (not written) Harrisson 15 M B S . Virginia April . Dropsy 4 months . 1 *** 7 (not written) Cudge 2 M B S . Texas April . Typhus Fever 3 days . 1 *** 8 (not written) Solomon 8/12 M B S . Texas April . Typhus Fever 3 days . 1 *** 9 Smith Ann 40 F . . . England Sept . Child birth 7 days . 1 *** 10 McCansly Ellen C. 2 F . . . Texas August . Worms 15 days . 1 *** 11 (not written) Neomy 50 F B S . S. Carolina May . Cancer 2 years . 1 *** 12 (not written) Dennis 2 M B S . Texas August . Fever 6 weeks . 1 *** 13 (not written) Sally 6/12 F B S . Texas August . Fever 1 day . 1 *** 14 (not written) Jacob 30 M B S . N. Carolina August Brick Mason Appoplexy 4 days . 1 *** 15 (not written) Elizabeth 35 F B S . S. Carolina August . Dropsy 6 weeks . 1 *** 16 Alexander Mildred 38 F . . . Georgia Jan'y . Child birth 1 day . 1 *** 17 Alexander Angelica 2/12 F . . . Texas March . Fever 3 days . 1 *** 18 Burkhart George 56 M . . . Germany Feb'y . Drowned Sudden . 1 *** 19 (not written) Julia 6/12 F B S . Texas Dec'r . Croop 3 days . 1 *** 20 (not written) Lucy 26 F B S . Virginia May . Consumption 2 months . 1 *** 21 (not written) Tom 2/12 M B S . Texas Dec'r . Dysentary 2 weeks . 1 *** 22 Braman George 4 M . . . Texas Dec'r . Fever 3 months . 1 *** 23 Hill Mary 9 F . . . Georgia June . Neuralge 7 weeks . 1 *** 24 Wooffendale William 32 M . . . Canada April Ship Carpenter Snake bite 4 days . 1 *** 25 Seaborn John H. 7 M . . . Virginia September . Fever 3 weeks . 1 *** 26 (not written) Primus 30 M B S . N. Carolina May Carpenter Drowned Sudden . 1 *** 27 (not written) Harry 50 M B S . N. Carolina August . Dropsy Chronic . 1 *** 28 (not written) Jerry 45 M B S . N. Carolina October . Fever 3 days . 1 *** 29 (not written) Mary 20 F B S . N. Carolina November . Fever 4 days . 1 *** 30 (not written) Tom 4/12 M B S . Texas . . Overlaid Sudden No death month written 1 *** 31 (not written) Dick 6/12 M B S . Texas . . Overlaid . No death month written 1 *** 32 (not written) Nancy 1 F B S . Texas March . Croup 2 days . 1 *** 33 (not written) Polly 1 F B S . Texas March . Croup 2 days . 1 *** 34 (not written) Dick 6 M B S . Texas March . Worms 10 days . 1 *** 35 Stone John H. 64 M . . . Tennessee October . Fever 2 weeks .