Shelby County, TX 1850 Mortality Census This Mortality Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by Karen D. Foster for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2024 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project® File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1850 MICROFILM-ROLL#: T1134-54 STATE TX COUNTY SHELBY SCHEDULE 3.--Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1850 The 1850 Mortality census year begins June 1, 1849 and ends May 31, 1850 ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription---------------------------- ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Shelby DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: J. H. Lister FILE PAGE: 1 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 Morris Henry 13 M . . . Texas June Stud't Sun Stroke 8 . 2 Hinton Margret 10 F . . . Texas Oct . Scarlet fever 4 . 3 Hinton Susan 8 F . . . Texas Oct . Scarlet fever 7 . 4 Snider William 18 M . . . Alab Oct Farmer Fever 15 . 5 . Slave of M. Brinson 1 M M S . Alab Decemb'r . Drownd Instanty . 6 . Slave of M. Brinson 1 F B S . Alab May . Worms 4 . 7 Stotts Mary 45 F . . W Ten's Ap'r . Congestive Chill 4 . 8 Choat Wade M. 22 M . . . Texas Oct Stock keeper Shot himself Instantly . 9 Hooper Thomas 1 M . . . Texas June . Colary morbus 5 . 10 Wendham Elizabeth 6/12 F . . . Texas March . Croup 5 . 11 Cozart Mary A. 21 F . . M Alab March . Typhus fever 22 . 12 . Slave of H. Cozart 5 F B S . Alab Sept . Infla' Brain 15 . 13 . Slave of H. Cozart 1/12 F B S . Texas Arp'l . Hives 3 . 14 English Susan J. 4 F . . . Texas Nov'm . Fever 3 . 15 Landrum John T. 4 M . . . Texas May . Stricture of the bowels 30 . 16 Farres James - slave 46 M B S . * Oct . Conges. Fever 15 . 17 Hooper Isabella 5 F . . . Texas Oct . Infla' Brain 10 . 18 McKee Wm 1 M . . . Texas Oct . Scalded accidental 4 . 19 Pittsman E. W. 2/12 M . . . Texas May . Yellow Gum 2 . 20 Carroll John 45 M . . M SC Jan'y Farmer Unknown 8 . 21 Carroll James 14 M . . . Alab March . Fever 4 . 22 McCoy John 27 M . . M Texas Sept Farmer Liver Compt. 6 . 23 Marlin E. L. 58 M . . M ** March Meth. E. Clergy Bronkites Protec'd . 24 Goodwin Texanna 6 F . . . Texas Oct . Influensy 31 . 25 Smith Lucy 69 F . . W NC Decemb'r . Consumption Chronic . 26 Jordon Wm H. 7 M . . . Ten's March . Absses Liver Protracted . 27 . John 1 M B S . Tex December . Red Gum 10 . 28 Haly Richard, Sr. 66 M . . W NC Apl Farmer Fall from an upper door Lingered some 6 weeks . 29 West Drury A. 45 M . . M Va Feby Farmer Dyspepsy Chronic . 30 . Tom 18 M B S . VA March . Palsey 35 Slave of B. Willson 31 Cannady James 50 M . . W Pennsyl Feby Carpenter Consumption Protracted . 32 Crawford James 38 M . . M Ten's Sept Carpenter Dropsey Chronic . 33 Walls Jane 5 . . . . Texas Oct . Cong Chill 2 . 34 . infant of M full** 2dys M B S . Texas June . Croop 15 . 35 Tamplin James T. 1 M . . . Tex Apl . Fevr & Worms 21 . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Shelby DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: J. H. Lister FILE PAGE: 2 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Blank page ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1850 STATE: TX COUNTY: Shelby DISTRICT: All ENUMERATOR: J. H. Lister FILE PAGE: 3 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== LINE LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME/MI/title AGE SEX COLOR F/S M/W BIRTH-PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== 1 . Negro boy 21 M B S . * March . Drownd Int**** Instantly Edmond Tomplins negro boy 2 . Negro boy 7 M B S . * Apl . Neumonia 8 Edmond Tomplins negro boy 3 Farres Henderson 2/12 M . . . Texas Oct . Croup 11 . 4 . Nero 11 M B S . * Oct . Fitts Protracted . 5 Williams H. 1/12 F . . . Texas Oct . Fever 5 . 6 Williams Jar***h R. 1 M . . . Ten's Jany . Hives Sudden . 7 Truitt Marcus A. 13 M . . . NC Sept . Fever 11 . 8 Carr Anton** 15 M . . . Texas Apl Farmer Inflamation of the Liver Lingering . 9 Fowler Lettleton 7/12 M . . . Texas Apl . Chronic diarra Lingering . 10 Oliver Wm. A. 9/12 M . . . Texas Sept . Bel. Fever 14 . 11 Collins Sam'l 43 M . . M Ken'y Sept Farmer Bel. Fever 4 . 12 Smith Mary D. 40 F . . M Ten** Nov . Typh Fever 16 . 13 Strickland Mary 50 F . . W M'* Sept . Bel's Fever 10 . 14 Williams Sary E. 1 F . . . Texas Jany . Hives Sudden . 15 Morris J. Infant M . . . Texas June . Colary infantum 1 . 16 Hamelton Oby E. 1 M . . . Texas July . Fever & Diarrah 15 . 17 Iley Sary E. 1/12 F . . . Texas Sept . Diareah 8 . 18 . child un named 1/12 M B S . Texas Oct . Unknown Sudden . 19 Carroll Joseph 77 M . . M Pensy'l March Farmer Chills & Fever 22 . 20 Wilson Nancy A. 2 F . . . Tens Oct . Choaked 17 . 21 Parker M. 45 M . . M Unknown Faby Farmer Pleuresy 8 . 22 Burdett Luseanna 5/12 F . . . Texas July . Lingering Imbisility Protracted . 23 Barge Joseph 6 M . . . Tens Sept . Unknown 8 . 24 Griffith Robt 17 M . . . NC Oct Farmer Inf'l Liver 15 . 25 Windham Mrs 34 F . . . Tens Au't . Child Bed Sudden . 26 Bell Mary 14 F . . . * Nov . Fem'l Comp't Lingering . ======================================================================================================================================================================================================== If you've reached this file through a SEARCH, you can access the rest of our growing collection of FREE online census transcriptions by going to the following URL: ========================================================================================================================================================================================================