Arlington County, VA 1930 U.S. Federal Census (File 1 of 1 for ED:13) Stamped page 180A, Sheet 1A This Census was transcribed by Linda Talbott and proofread by J. Talbott for the USGenWeb Census Project®, Copyright (c) 2011 by Linda Talbott ========================================================================== USGENWEB (US-CENSUS) NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. Individuals desiring to use this material in their own research may do so. ========================================================================== Formatted by USGenWeb Census Project File Manager, Linda Talbott All of the above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ========================================================================== CENSUS-YEAR 1930 CENSUS-DAY: April 1, 1930 MICROFILM ROLL #T626-2436 STATE VIRGINIA COUNTY ARLINGTON ---------------------Begin Actual Transcription--------------------------- ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== CENSUS YEAR: 1930 STATE: VA COUNTY: Arlington TOWNSHIP: Arlington District INSTITUTION: Arlington Wireless Station MICROFILM#: T626-2436 SUPV/DISTR: 2 ENUM/DISTR: 13 ENUMERATOR: Roger L. Daniels ENUM/DATE-RANGE: April 8, 1930 CENSUS-DAY: April 1, 1930 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== STR HOME $VALUE RADIO S-M AGE ATTD CAN FATHER'S MOTHER'S MOTHER YEAR SPEAK CLASS AT WORK LN# or WHAT Transcriber's PG# LN# ED# SH# STR NBM DW# FM# LAST NAME FIRST NAME RELATION O-R $RENT SET SEX RACE AGE Wd-D 1st M SCH RD/WR BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE BIRTHPLACE TONGUE IMMI NATL ENGL? OCCUPATION INDUSTRY WORKER YES'DAY UNEMP-S VET WAR? REMARKS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== 180A 1 13 1A . . 1 1 McKay Warren C. Head Un Un R M W 38 M ** No Yes Massachusetts New Hampshire New Hampshire . . . Yes Naval Officer U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 2 13 1A . . 1 1 McKay Elna L. Wife-H . . . F W 37 M ** No Yes Iowa Michigan Michigan . . . Yes None . . . . . . . 180A 3 13 1A . . 1 1 McKay Elna L. Daughter . . . F W 8/12 S . No No Dist. Of Columbia Massachusetts Iowa . . . . None . . . . . . . 180A 4 13 1A . . 1 2 Newberry Loyce A. Head Un Un R M W 29 M 27 No Yes Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Yes Yeoman U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 5 13 1A . . 1 2 Newberry Alice C. Wife-H . . . F W 27 M 25 No Yes Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . Yes None . . . . . . . 180A 6 13 1A . . 1 3 Cook August B. Head Un Un R M W 31 M 29 No Yes Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . Yes Radioman U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 7 13 1A . . 1 3 Cook Katherine E. Wife-H . . . F W 27 M 23 No Yes Maryland Maryland Maryland . . . Yes None . . . . . . . 180A 8 13 1A . . 1 3 Cook Edward G. Son . . . M W 6/12 S . No No Virginia Maryland Maryland . . . . None . . . . . . . 180A 9 13 1A . . 1 4 McDougal Wayne Lodger . . . M W 33 S . No Yes Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee . . . Yes Radioman U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 10 13 1A . . 1 1 Enos Jennie J. Mother-in-law-to McKay . . . F W 6* ** ** No Yes Michigan Michigan New York . . . Yes None . . . . . . Arrow from her name up to McKay family 180A 11 13 1A . . 1 5 Dube Alphonse Lodger . . . M W 27 S . No Yes Massachusetts French Canada French Canada . . . Yes Radioman U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes Unk . 180A 12 13 1A . . 1 6 Thomas Russell E. Lodger . . . M W 28 S . No Yes Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska . . . Yes Radio Operator U.S. Navy W Yes . No . . 180A 13 13 1A . . 1 7 Gans Harold L. Lodger . . . M W 33 S . No Yes Illinois Illinois Illinois . . . Yes Yeoman U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 14 13 1A . . 1 8 Sam*s George O. Lodger . . . M W 29 S . No Yes Ohio Michigan Ohio . . . Yes Radio Operator U.S. Navy W Yes . No . . 180A 15 13 1A . . 1 9 Morris Samuel A. Lodger . . . M W ** M 26 No Yes Illinois Kentucky Kentucky . . . Yes Mariner U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes W.W. . 180A 16 13 1A . . 1 10 Shumaker Clifton Lodger . . . M W 24 S . No Yes Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi . . . Yes Radio man U.S. Navy W Yes . Yes Unk . 180A 17 13 1A . . 1 11 Howard Vernon Lodger . . . M W 22 S . No Yes Massachusetts England Scotland . . . Yes Radio Operator U.S. Navy W Yes . No . .