The USGenWeb Census Project®  
  Worcester County, MD 1800 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Worcester, MD 1800 census.









The microfilmed images of this 1800 census have two pages with one above the other. In the PAGE‑LINE link below, the page# for the top half has an "A" added, and the page# for the bottom page has a "B" added. The LINE# after the PAGE# signifies the sequence of the name on the two-page image file.


If you find a name of interest, click the PAGE-LINE link to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.

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(no surname)  Amos            196B 28
(no surname)  Ben             180A 16
(no surname)  Ben             184A  7
(no surname)  Betty           184A  8
(no surname)  Betty           187B 24
(no surname)  Bolb            181A 12
(no surname)  Bott            181A 13
(no surname)  Caleb           185A  3
(no surname)  Daniel          184B 26
(no surname)  Dolby           183B 27
(no surname)  Elisha          184B 29
(no surname)  Esau            183A 18
(no surname)  Grace           179B 35
(no surname)  Harman          180A 12
(no surname)  Isaac           196B 25
(no surname)  Jacob           183B 28
(no surname)  Jesse           181B 24
(no surname)  Job             183A 17
(no surname)  John            185B 18
(no surname)  John            185B 30
(no surname)  Jude            184B 27
(no surname)  Lid             178A  4
(no surname)  Lige            189A  1
(no surname)  Major           182B 21
(no surname)  Malbutt         185A  4
(no surname)  Patience        181B 32
(no surname)  Peter           182A 15
(no surname)  Saborah         184B 33
(no surname)  Silby           184B 30
(no surname)  Stephen         220A 10
Adams         Joseph          205A  9
Adams         Sophiah         232B 26
Adams         Stephen         196B 21
Adams         Stephen         197B 20
Adams         William F.      179A 14
Adkins        Barzilla        235B 24
Adkins        David           227B 20
Adkins        Hanah           231A  4
Adkins        John            232B 27
Adkins        Middleton       206B 36
Adkins        Middleton       235A 11
Adkins        Milby           230A 20
Adkins        Nimrod          230A 16
Adkins        Stephen         195B 22
Adson         John            216A 15
Ake           William         202B 35
Akes          Mary            217A  2
Allen         John, Jr.       186B 24
Allen         John, Sr.       184A 13
Allen         Joseph          214A 10
Allen         Solomon         201B 26
Allen         Stephen         188A  8
Allephen      Ann             228A 16
America       George          179A 10
America       George          187B 33
Anderson      Pennewell       206A  4
Anderson      Stephen         207B 34
Armstrong     Jacob           237A  6
Armstrong     Nanny           187B 20
Armstrong     Rhoda           237A 13
Armwood       Daniel          219A  8
Armwood       James           201A 17
Armwood       Mima            186B 25
Atkins        Stephen         212A 17
Atkins        William         232A  1
Atkinson      Angelo          219A  2
Atkinson      James           221A 17
Atkinson      John            219A  3
Atkinson      Milby           221A 14
Atkinson      Thomas          222B 29
Auston        John            228B 29
Aydelott      Benjamin        184B 23
Aydelott      John            208B 23
Aydelott      William         182B 22
Ayre          Jonny           229A  3
Ayres         Isaac           214B 28
Ayres         John            190B 32
Bacon         Archabald       208B 20
Bacon         James           218A 10
Baker         Ana             204A  7
Baker         Arch            208A  5
Baker         Elijah          209B 22
Baker         Isaac           208A  3
Baker         Margarett       209B 25
Baker         Salathiel       209B 23
Baker         William         209B 24
Bal           William         221A 13
Ball          David           200A  2
Ball          Levi            182A  9
Ballard       Daniel          184A 17
Ballard       Jeffrey         186B 22
Ballard       John            185A  9
Banks         John            189A 18
Banks         Samuel          218B 40
Barnes        Asher           202A  5
Barnes        Thomas          219A 16
Bassett       Ayres           230A 18
Bassett       William         212A 12
Batts         Henry           221A  4
Bayley        Moses           234B 20
Bayly         Aaron           209A 12
Baynum        Elisha          204B 23
Baynum        William         205B 32
Baynum        William         206A  7
Baynum        William, Sr.    204B 22
Beachboard    Joshua          185B 32
Beachboard    William         189B 20
Beagland      John            225B 37
Beagland      William         225B 38
Beathard      James           195B 20
Beathards     James           212A 15
Beauchamp     Rodah           204A  2
Beavins       Elisha          219A 11
Bebe          James           182B 35
Beezey        John            229B 34
Bell          Elijah          206A 15
Bell          George          206A 18
Bell          Henry           207B 32
Bell          William         209B 29
Bennett       Charles         187A 16
Bennett       Charles         220A 16
Bennett       James           183A  1
Bennitt       William         189A  6
Benson        John, Jr.       208A 14
Benson        John, Sr.       216A 13
Benston       Zephaniah       181A  7
Bethard       Wm.             235A 12
Bethards      Ebenezer        224B 40
Betherds      Benjamin        211A  1
Betherds      Richard         211B 27
Bethers       Abijah          210B 31
Bevans        Brittingham     183A  2
Bevans        James           189B 24
Bevans        Mills           189B 25
Bevans        Rolin           186A 12
Bevans        Thomas          189A  7
Bevans        William M.      201A  5
Bishop        Charles         192A  8
Bishop        Hanah           234A  2
Bishop        John            201B 20
Bishop        Joseph          192A  7
Bishop        Joseph          197B 30
Bishop        Joseph          215A 13
Bishop        Lemuel          194A  1
Bishop        Martha          208A  6
Bishop        Samuel          193A  4
Bishop        William         194A  2
Bivans        Barsheba        218B 32
Bivans        Benjamin        218A  9
Bivans        Rowland         218B 33
Blacks        Betty           188B 23
Blades        Ballard         178B 39
Blades        Huldy           203B 29
Blades        James           178A 21
Blades        James, Sen.     178A 12
Blades        Jehu            178A 16
Blades        Samuel          178A 19
Blades        Samuel, Sr.     178A  3
Blades        Selby           178A 18
Blake         Charles         203B 20
Blake         George          186A  1
Blake         Hannah          192A  5
Blake         Harman          188A  6
Blake         Henry           185B 34
Blake         James           185B 33
Blake         James           190A 13
Blake         Levin           216A  7
Blake         Mary            182A 11
Blake         Rachell         185B 35
Blake         William         186A 16
Blake         Worner          182A  8
Blare         John            213A 12
Blizzard      John            197B 23
Bonnawell     Benjamin        184A 15
Bonnawell     Edward          184A 16
Boston        Elizabeth       180A  9
Boston        Esau            180A  8
Boston        Sarah           179B 33
Bouds         Rodah           181A 16
Bounds        John            228A  6
Bouzey        Joseph          178B 27
Bowden        Betty           228B 26
Bowden        Isaac           205A  5
Bowden        Jesse           194B 22
Bowden        John            205A  6
Bowden        Stephen         205B 25
Bowdin        Jacob           186B 31
Bowen         Attalanta       195A 14
Bowen         Elihu           195B 24
Bowen         Elihu           197B 21
Bowen         Isaac           198B 24
Bowen         James           195A 13
Bowen         James           199B 19
Bowen         John            190B 22
Bowen         Mrs.            196A  2
Bowen         Salathiel       198A 15
Bowen         Sally           196B 18
Bowen         Whittington     215B 28
Bowen         William         195B 26
Bowin         John            231B 34
Bowls         Saml.           206A  9
Bradford      Amanias         213A  3
Bradford      Anna            205A 11
Bradford      Avery           195A  9
Bradford      Avery           212B 25
Bradford      Elisha          210B 18
Bradford      John            206A  8
Bradford      Ledekiah        195A 11
Bradford      Purnell         224B 38
Bradford      Samuel          189A  5
Bradford      Solomon         195A  8
Bradford      Solomon         212B 24
Bradford      Zedekiah        212B 32
Bradshaw      Morgan          188B 27
Brasure       John            188A 15
Brasure       John            189B 32
Bratten       Adam            202A  7
Bratten       Adam            211A  3
Bratten       James           192B 28
Bratten       James           209A  2
Bratten       James           233B 26
Bratten       Jesse           236B 30
Bratten       John            228B 33
Bratten       John            233B 32
Bratten       Josiah          193B 34
Bratten       Samuel          193B 35
Bratten       Sarah           208A  4
Brevard       Adam            204A  6
Brevard       John            204A  9
Brewington    Geo.            229A  4
Brewington    Jno.            228A 12
Brewington    Sarah           228A 15
Brewington    Tho.            228A 13
Brewington    Wm.             228A 18
Brewiston     Smith           225B 29
Bridall       Edward          204A 11
Briddle       Benjm.          230B 31
Briddle       David           234B 34
Briddle       David, Sen.     234B 33
Briddle       John            235B 37
Brimer        Levi            208B 18
Brisbley      Jabez           182B 30
Britt         Esther          221B 34
Brittingham   Catharine       216B 19
Brittingham   Catherine       204A 12
Brittingham   Elijah          205B 31
Brittingham   Elizabeth       184B 22
Brittingham   Isaac           218B 28
Brittingham   James           204A 13
Brittingham   James           209B 20
Brittingham   Jeremiah        203B 21
Brittingham   John            181B 26
Brittingham   John            236A  3
Brittingham   Joshua          201A  4
Brittingham   Nathaniel       215B 33
Brittingham   Obadiah         185B 23
Brittingham   Purnell         181B 23
Brittingham   Rachell         193B 27
Brittingham   Thomas          193B 23
Brittingham   William         193B 29
Brittingham   Wm.             235A 14
Broadwater    James           220A  1
Brown         Andrew          190B 35
Brown         Andrew          194A 11
Brown         Betsy           197A 14
Brown         David           224A 15
Brown         George          224A 14
Brown         Levi            225A 11
Brown         Rhoda           228B 20
Brown         William         226B 34
Bruff         Zipporah        210A 16
Brumble       Barshaba        236B 20
Brumble       Elisha          222B 33
Brumble       Mary            180A 15
Buckler       John            229B 35
Bull          Daniel          202A  4
Bull          Justice         216B 21
Bunton        Esmay           179A  2
Burbage       Edward          198B 20
Burbage       Hampton         197A 10
Burbage       Nehemiah        195A 17
Burbage       Nehemiah        198B 18
Burbage       Nehemiah        199B 25
Burbage       Sampson         212B 18
Burbage       Thomas, Sr.     198B 21
Burbage       William         212A 11
Burch         Coulbourn       205B 36
Burch         Daniel          194B 23
Burch         George          187A  9
Burnett       Elijah          182A  5
Burnett       James           182A  4
Burress       Asher           209A  3
Burroughs     Henry           204A 17
Butler        Catey           221A 11
Butler        Ezekial         218A 19
Butler        Solomon         220B 32
Butler        Wm.             232A 11
Cahoon        Benjamin        224B 25
Cahoon        Elisha          234A  4
Cambridge     Benjm.          227B 36
Cammel        John            179A 15
Campbel       William         216B 33
Campbell      Nancy           193B 26
Campbell      Rachell         197B 18
Campbell      William         204B 29
Campbell      Wm.             235B 20
Carey         Betty           221B 36
Carey         Daniel          234A  7
Carey         Dennis          219B 25
Carey         Dennis          221B 28
Carey         James           178A 20
Carey         John            184A  5
Carey         John            184A 12
Carey         Jonathan        207A  7
Carey         Jonathan        231B 26
Carey         Joshua          206A 16
Carey         Levi            183A 10
Carey         Levin           181B 33
Carey         Martha          227A 14
Carey         Sall G.         211A  7
Carey         Solomon         207A 12
Carey         Solomon         209A 15
Carey         Spicer          231B 31
Carey         Stephen         224A 16
Carey         Thomas          227B 35
Carey         William         178A 10
Carpenter     George          215B 38
Carter        Edward          190A 17
Cattheal      David           223A  4
Cattheal      John            222B 38
Cattheal      Levin           224B 31
Caudry        John            237A  3
Caudry        John, Jun.      237A  2
Caudry        William         196A  5
Caulley       John M.         193A  8
Caully        John M.         192B 23
Causey        Mary            222B 32
Causey        Patrick         220A  7
Causey        Patrick         227B 28
Chaille       Moses           195A  2
Chaille       Peter           187A  2
Chaills       John            189A  2
Chaney        Elijah          232B 34
Cherix        James           183B 22
Cherix        Jesse           183A 13
Christopher   Ebenezer        224B 30
Christopher   Eli             227B 32
Christopher   Elijah          224B 24
Christopher   John            216B 20
Christopher   Mary            215A 16
Christopher   Mary            228A  2
Christopher   Susannah        229A  9
Clagg         Sarah           189A 19
Clark         John            212B 22
Clark         Mary            216B 37
Clark         Roads           190A  2
Clark         William         203B 25
Claywell      Ezekiel         231A 18
Claywell      Thomas          190B 25
Claywell      Thomas          192A  1
Claywill      Major           231B 20
Clerk         James           222B 28
Coe           Sarah           203B 31
Coffen        Abner           203A  6
Coffen        Cornelius       203A  5
Coffen        Eli             203A  7
Coffen        Major           203A 12
Coffin        John            208B 28
Coffin        John            228B 30
Coffin        Richard         192A  6
Cog           Nancy           205A  7
Colbourn      Elijah          230B 34
Colbourn      Wm.             230B 33
Cole          Joseph          216A 10
Coller        William, Sr.    204B 24
Collick       Charles         236A 16
Collick       Esther          228A  9
Collick       Esther          235A  3
Collier       Catherine       205B 20
Collier       Sarah           205A 19
Collier       William, Sr.    208A  9
Collins       Aaron           234A 15
Collins       Charles         196A 17
Collins       Charles         203B 37
Collins       Eli             217A  3
Collins       Isaac           207B 24
Collins       James           205A  8
Collins       James A.        214A  8
Collins       John            184B 24
Collins       John            205B 33
Collins       Lamberson       234B 19
Collins       Mary            216B 30
Collins       Mary            222A 13
Collins       Mary            229B 33
Collins       Molly           219B 31
Commick       Benjm.          229B 23
Conner        Abner           190B 23
Conner        James           201B 22
Conner        Revel           183B 26
Cooke         Whitby          228A  5
Corben        Peter           184B 36
Corbin        William         219A 12
Cord          Tabitha         202A 16
Cord          Tabitha         213A 14
Cornelius     Hayman          220B 23
Costen        Abel            194B 24
Costen        William         194B 25
Coston        Abel            193B 19
Coston        Ezekiel         182B 33
Cottingham    Daniel          218A 17
Cottingham    Henry           218A 16
Cottingham    Isaac           194B 28
Cottingham    James           218B 24
Cottingham    John            218B 35
Cottingham    John            231A  7
Cottingham    Nathan          194B 27
Cottingham    Thomas          219A  9
Cottingham    Thos.           231A  5
Cottingham    William         222A 14
Cottingham    Wm.             217B 28
Covington     William         214B 35
Cowley        Henman          188A 14
Crapper       Cornelius       198B 33
Crapper       Edmund          199B 21
Crapper       Edmund          221A  9
Crapper       Edmund          237A 10
Crapper       Henry           193B 28
Crapper       John            199A 18
Crapper       Josiah          199B 20
Crapper       Labin           237A  1
Crapper       Levi            217A 13
Crapper       Martha          192B 33
Crapper       Noble, Sr.      206A  5
Crapper       Rheuben, Sr.    206A  6
Crapper       Sophia          199A  4
Crapper       William         197B 25
Crol          John            232B 35
Crommel       Benjm.          229B 22
Culver        John            227B 30
Cutler        John            227B 38
Daily         William         222B 40
Dale          Amaias          206B 24
Dale          Campbell        208A  2
Dale          Eleazer         202A 14
Dale          Jacob           212A  5
Dale          James           205B 30
Dale          John            209A  9
Dale          Nancy           206B 30
Dale          Tabitha         206B 29
Dale          Thomas          209A 10
Dale          William         215B 27
Daniel        John W.         221A 15
Daniel        Rachell         182A 14
Darby         William         214A  3
Dashiell      George          225B 40
Dashiell      John            227A 12
Dashiell      Mary            227A 11
Davidson      Josiah          209B 28
Davinson      Rosannah        210A  7
Davis         Abijah          198A 14
Davis         Abisha          204A 10
Davis         Alexr.          189B 28
Davis         Ann.            235B 35
Davis         Benjamin        182A 10
Davis         Betsy           210B 33
Davis         Charles         185A 14
Davis         Clary           228A 10
Davis         Daniel          225B 33
Davis         Elijah          199A 12
Davis         Elisha          206B 27
Davis         Ezekiel         197B 27
Davis         Frederick       231B 23
Davis         George          226A  7
Davis         Henry           212A  2
Davis         Hezekiah        231A  3
Davis         James           180B 29
Davis         James           201B 30
Davis         Jerry           226A  5
Davis         Jesse           206B 31
Davis         Jesse           226A  6
Davis         John            180B 28
Davis         John            198A  7
Davis         John            204B 25
Davis         John            209A 13
Davis         John            209A 14
Davis         John            213A  7
Davis         John            235A  8
Davis         Joshua          231B 25
Davis         Joshua          235A 18
Davis         Littleton       180B 32
Davis         Littleton       210B 32
Davis         Martha          236A  1
Davis         Milby           236B 29
Davis         Nathaniel       195B 32
Davis         Nixon           195B 19
Davis         Nixon           212B 30
Davis         Philip          231B 24
Davis         Reuben          223A  3
Davis         Robt.           231B 36
Davis         Sampson         196B 24
Davis         Shadrach        195B 21
Davis         Shadrach        212A 13
Davis         Spencer         226A  1
Davis         Spencer         227A 17
Davis         Stephen         225B 34
Davis         Thomas          183B 21
Davis         Thomas          196A 12
Davis         Thomas          230A 10
Davis         Turner          197A 16
Davis         Warrington      198A 10
Davis         William         185A  6
Davis         William         193B 21
Davis         Wm.             236A 13
Davis         Wm. F.          231B 22
Davis         Zepheniah       181B 29
Delastatious  Joseph          185B 25
Dennis        Benjamin        226A 18
Dennis        Benjm.          231A 10
Dennis        Geo.            235B 27
Dennis        George          193B 30
Dennis        Henry           235B 26
Dennis        James           231A 16
Dennis        James           232B 38
Dennis        James           235B 22
Dennis        John            181B 21
Dennis        John            208A 13
Dennis        John            230A 15
Dennis        Johnson         236A  8
Dennis        Joseph          231A  6
Dennis        Joshua          236B 19
Dennis        Thos.           232B 37
Dennis        Valentine       235A  1
Dennis        Wheatly         236A 11
Dennis        Wm.             232B 36
Denson        Adams           220A 18
Denston       Adam            229B 26
Denston       Isaac           222A 16
Denston       Isaac A.        220A  9
Denston       Levin           222A 15
Devereaux     John            192B 25
Devereaux     Samuel          194A 12
Devereaux     William         201A 15
Dickerson     Cornelius       218B 38
Dickerson     James           178A  1
Dickerson     Nancy           223B 25
Dickerson     Samuel          202B 31
Dickerson     Thomas          179A  4
Dickerson     Thomas          181B 22
Dickerson     William         179A 16
Dickerson     William         219B 38
Dickerson     William         222B 35
Dickerson     Wm              236A  5
Dickerson     Wm.             223B 28
Dikes         William         192B 18
Dixon         Ambross         226B 23
Dixon         Ambross         226B 24
Dixon         Nathaniel       224B 29
Dixon         Philis          228B 28
Dixon         Thomas          219A 14
Dixon         William         181B 19
Dixon         William         225B 39
Donaho        Teague          218B 37
Donneson      John            208B 27
Dorman        Henry           233A  9
Dorman        John            193A  6
Dorman        John            218B 21
Dorman        Joshua          225B 23
Dorman        Major           222B 41
Dorman        Matthew         221A  6
Dorman        Milby           183B 32
Dorman        Nehemiah        189B 37
Downes        Barnett         233A  8
Downes        Jacob           233B 24
Downes        James           233B 23
Downing       John            226A  2
Downing       Jonathan        226A  3
Downing       William         229A  5
Dreskiel      Moses           224B 32
Driskeill     Aaron           226B 27
Dryden        John            220B 26
Dryden        Nancy           192B 32
Dryden        Noble           178B 22
Dryden        Samuel          220B 28
Dryden        Sewell          219A  7
Dryden        Stephen         178A  8
Dryden        Stephen         201B 31
Dryden        Thomas          217B 36
Dryden        Thomas          219A 17
Dryden        Thos.           232A 10
Dryden        William         187A 12
Dryden        William         194B 34
Dryden        William         219B 21
Duer          James           201A  8
Duffy         Leah            235A  4
Duffy         Zeporah         235A  5
Dukes         Isaac           226A 14
Dukes         John            190B 30
Dukes         John            219B 28
Dukes         John            221B 29
Dukes         Melvin          222A 11
Dukes         Parker          190B 28
Dukes         Robert          194B 31
Dukes         Robert          219B 27
Dukes         Robert          220A  6
Dukes         Robert          221B 30
Dukes         Robert          227B 37
Dukes         Solomon         193B 31
Dukes         Thomas          187B 32
Dunaway       William         210A  8
Dunbar        John            204B 37
Duncan        John            230B 24
Duncan        Josiah          235B 34
Duncan        Levi            234B 24
Duncan        Thomas          195A 10
Duncan        Thomas          212B 28
Duncan        William         212B 29
Dunken        William         196A  8
Dunkin        Thomas          196A  9
Duor          Joshua          188A 12
Dyer          William         202B 29
Dykes         Daniel          225B 24
Dykes         Edward          225B 26
Dykes         Ephraim         224B 23
Dykes         George          218B 29
  The free display of the 1800 Worcester County, Maryland census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Joy Fisher and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Cynthia E. Lawson
and proofread by Kary Wild & Marta Diaz-Cantu

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