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  Surry County, NC 1810 Federal Census Index  
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names enumerated in the Surry NC 1810 census.









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Kanady           Aaron                  180  32
Kanady           Kiziah                 180  34
Kanady           Samuel                 180  30
Kee              Achillis               187  36
Kee              Rice                   184  17
Kee              William                187  37
Kell             Thomas                 195  25
Keller           Rosanna                164  13
Kelly            John                   178  21
Kelly            Peter                  164  20
Kelly            Thomas                 185  33
Kemp             Benjamin               191  40
Kerby            Jesse                  184  25
Kerby            John                   177  10
Kerby            Peter                  193  30
Kerby            William  Ico           193  12
Kerr             Absolem                182  13
Kerr             Alexander              182  35
Kerr             Alexander Sr.          188  21
Kerr             Reuben                 182  27
Kersey           Drury                  179  26
Ketian           John                   182  30
Keys             John                   177  40
Keys             Joseph                 173  40
Kid              Benjamin               181  28
Kimbro           George                 183  30
Kimbro           Ormon                  183  29
Kincanon         Andrew                 174  45
King             Jeremiah               187  30
King             Nathaniel              185   7
King             Polly                  192  35
King             William                190   7
Kirby            Phillip                180  15
Kirby            William                173  26
Laffoon          Dennis                 163  10
Laffoon          James                  163  38
Lakey            Anna                   192   6
Lakey            Francis                177  16
Lakey            James                  182  25
Lakey            Susanna                191  34
Lamb             Henry                  187  14
Lamb             Henry Sr.              187  13
Lane             David                  176  43
Lane             Talor                  193  11
Lane             William                182   7
Larance          Samuel                 161   3
Lash             George                 183  36
Lash             George Jr.             189  25
Lash             Harmon                 189  27
Lawless          Presly                 170  36
Lawson           Thomas                 181   6
Leach            James                  182  21
Leach            William                176  37
Lester           Jesse                  164  38
Lewis            Mary                   180  38
Lewis            Worner                 185  16
Libertine        Daniel                 175  10
Linsey           Anderson               195  15
Linsey           Labon                  166  33
Linvill          Brace                  186  25
Linvill          John                   187  19
Linvill          Moses                  186  21
Lockhart         William                185  34
Logan            Hugh                   188  39
Logan            James                  183  14
Logan            John                   177   2
Logan            Mary                   188  40
London           Amos                   170  38
Long             Fredrick               165  22
Long             Fredrick Jr.           165  26
Long             George                 165  16
Long             George                 195  14
Long             Henry                  165  15
Long             John                   165  18
Love             David                  185  24
Love             Jonathan               185  29
Love             Thomas                 185  22
Love             William                185  23
Love             William Jr.            185   5
Lovill           Edward                 177   8
Lovill           James                  174   2
Lovlass          James                  197   2
Loyd             Stephen                182  42
Lynch            John                   188  43
Lyon             William                161   2
Lyons            Robert                 182  11
Lyons            William                191  33
Macemore         Mary                   197   7
Mackey           John                   168   8
Macy             Reubin                 195  22
Mankins          Stephen                196  29
Marion           Bartholomew            171   4
Marsh            Clabon                 170  34
Marsh            Daniel                 178   1
Marsh            John                   174   1
Marsh            Mary                   164  33
Marsh            Miner                  164  15
Marsh            Samuel                 168  37
Marsh            Thomas                 164  31
Marsh            William                164  34
Marshal          William                173  28
Marshall         Aaron                  174  42
Marshall         Ruth                   192   9
Martin           Barrol L.              176  26
Martin           Burrel                 171   8
Martin           George                 176  19
Martin           John                   168  24
Martin           John                   184  11
Martin           John                   195  31
Martin           John Jr.               192   5
Martin           Lidda                  181  35
Martin           Obediah                176   3
Martin           Robert                 188  24
Martin           Samuel                 182  24
Martin           Valentine              178  10
Masters          Nicholas               183   2
Masters          William                167  13
Mattcan          Andrew                 183   9
Matthews         Aaron                  188  10
Matthews         Berry                  189  26
Matthews         Hezekiah               176  12
Matthews         James                  167  20
Matthews         James                  176  11
Matthews         Reuben                 182  26
Mauk             Henry                  189   9
Mauk             Peter                  184   4
May              Fredrick               196  31
Mays             Jesse                  163  30
McBride          Daniel                 167  23
McBride          John                   191  24
McBride          Samuel                 167   1
McBride          William                194  22
McBride          Wokemon                183  40
McCoale          Benjamin               163  17
McCollum         Coty                   191  31
McCraw           Francis                179  18
McCraw           George                 161   5
McCraw           Jacob                  161   4
McCraw           James                  160  16
McCraw           Samuel                 160  18
McCraw           William                161  18
McDaniel         Henry                  196  10
McDaniel         James                  187  42
McDaniel         John                   170  11
McDaniel         Milly                  181  26
McDaniel         Reuben                 169   1
McGahey          John                   160  12
McGee            Drury                  174  11
McGehe           John A.                170  21
McGlemery        Edward                 188  29
McGlemery        John                   189  24
McGuire          John                   170   9
McHaffa          Thomas                 196  12
McHaffa          Thomas Sr.             196  14
McKamons         Isaac M.               177  14
McKaney          James                  186   1
McKaney          James Sr.              185  43
McKaney          Jesse                  177  21
McKaney          Matt'w                 174  44
McKey            William                168  18
McMicle          Doug C.                172  26
McMicle          Martha                 173   8
McMill           Stelain                197   4
Mehala           Garrot                 168  42
Melton           Anderson               172  47
Melton           Isham                  182  36
Merion           Daniel                 173  11
Messick          George                 196   3
Messick          Leonard                169  24
Messick          Richard                167  26
Mible            William                177  44
Michaels         Thomas                 182  10
Miller           Christian              166   7
Miller           Daniel                 169  43
Miller           Jacob                  166  36
Miller           John                   168  39
Miller           Stephen                187  23
Milrama          Joseph                 189   1
Milsted          William                174   3
Minnish          James                  169   8
Minnish          Thomas                 168   9
Modlin           William                194   3
Money            Isaac                  183   3
Money            Jacob                  194  33
Money            James                  166  20
Money            John                   178   6
Money            Morgan                 169  23
Money            Wm.                    166   1
Moody            John                   173  45
Mooningham       Shadrack               172  15
Moore            Daniel                 195   7
Moore            Edward                 162  29
Moore            James                  170  37
Moore            Joel                   178  32
Moore            John                   187  39
Moore            Rodham                 161  11
Moore            William                179   8
Morefield        Mary                   178  28
Moreland         James                  190  23
Moreland         Joseph                 183  44
Moreland         William                184   1
Morgan           James                  170  13
Morgan           James Sr.              188   6
Morgan           John                   190  28
Morison          Herimon                167  33
Morison          James                  167  11
Morison          Nathaniel              194  15
Morris           Lorance                172  21
Morton           Patrick                184  41
Morton           William                171  42
Mosby/Mosley     William                189   6
Mosley           Fortine                172  34
Mosley           Henry                  164  32
Mosley           West                   164  25
Moss             Samuel                 195  26
Moss             Thomas                 196  35
Mullis           Stephen                169  36
Munkurs          Eliza                  163  24
Munkurs          James                  162  15
Murphey          Joseph                 183  11
Murphy           Joseph                 183  18
Murphy           Patsey                 189  38
Murphy           Thomas                 196  33
Myers            Peter                  175  38
Myres            Coty                   191  28
Myres            James                  196  18
Myres            Joseph                 196  11
Nance            Peter                  173  35
Nelson           Polly                  186  17
Nichols          Benjamin               178  40
Nixon            Jacob                  170  14
Noble            Colmon                 196  38
Noland           Phillip                171  14
Normon           Anna                   180  36
Normon           Isbell                 192  13
Normon           Matthew                180  39
Normon           Thomas                 189  33
Normon           William                191  35
Normon           Wm.                    162  19
North            Daniel                 174  20
North            John                   176   9
Norton           Nicholas               172  42
Nucom            William                196  40
Oglesby          Micajah                161  17
Oglesby          Ware                   163  32
Oglesby          William                185  19
Oliphant         Thomas                 186  23
Oliver           Thomas                 184  14
Olliver          Elijah                 183  26
Ozbon            Richard                196  22
Ozbon            William S.             195  39
Ozbon            William Sr.            196  23
Padgett          Ephriam                195  36
Pagett           John                   170   6
Pain             John                   171   1
Pain             John                   180  35
Pain             Moses                  180  22
Pain             Stephen                179  14
Parker           George                 186  13
Parker           John                   173  37
Parker           Samuel                 181  22
Parker           Squire                 195   9
Parks            James                  168  32
Parsons          Richard                166  17
Parsons          William                193  17
Paterson         Gilbert                165  17
Paterson         Jack                   169  17
Paterson         Jesse                  170   5
Paterson         John                   173  24
Paterson         John Jr.               165  39
Paterson         Rebeca                 165   6
Paterson         William                167  21
Paterson         William                173  38
Pau              Edmon                  164  19
Pau              John                   181  29
Pau              Reuben                 164  10
Paul             Thomas                 164  40
Pearce           Elizabeth              182  39
Pell             Jonathan               164   2
Pendry           John                   167   8
Penington        Joseph                 187  21
Penix            Overton                178   4
Penright         Jesse                  167  24
Penright         Jonathan               192  25
Perdew           Thomas                 196  36
Perdue           John                   195  23
Perkins          Thomas                 161  14
Person           Mason                  192  10
Pettit           Benjamin               181  39
Pettitt          Benjamin               193   8
Pettitt          George                 173  16
Pettitt          Thomas                 173  14
Pettitt          Thomas                 183  23
Petty            Zachariah              166  42
Pettyjohn        John                   169   4
Phillips         Abner                  193  24
Phillips         Abraham                171  28
Phillips         Edmon                  182   6
Phillips         Ephraim                163  31
Phillips         Phillip                193  25
Phillips         Richard                181  40
Phillips         Solomon                173   3
Phillips         Thomas                 192  30
Phillips         William                171  38
Phips            George                 166  41
Pigg             Clabon                 164  27
Pigg             Nathan                 164  29
Pigg             Paul                   177  24
Pike             Joseph                 185  11
Pilcher          Daniel                 176  18
Pilcher          James                  183   1
Pinion           William                187  35
Pinkert          Thomas                 188  35
Pinson           Abijah                 186   2
Pinson           Richard                173   7
Pippin           Arthur                 175  13
Plimer           David                  164  39
Plowmon          Mary                   190   9
Poe              Raleigh                178  33
Poindexter       Arcabold               182  32
Poindexter       David                  175  34
Poindexter       Elizabeth              177  43
Poindexter       Isaac                  184   5
Poindexter       John                   182   5
Poindexter       John G.                175  39
Poindexter       Robert                 188  25
Poindexter       Stro* John             188  18
Poindexter       Thomas W.              177  26
Poindexter       William                188  19
Poore            Robert                 181  24
Potter           Stephen                162  24
Preston          Winnifred              197   5
Price            John                   195  16
Prim             James                  182  38
Pritchard        Jesse                  163  11
Pritchard        Joseph                 192  20
Pritchard        Phillip                179  13
Pritchard        Zack                   163  13
Pruitt           Burrel                 190  31
Pruitt           Nancy                  189  13
Pruitt           William                189  29
Puckett          Daniel                 179  41
Puckett          Isham                  177  37
Puckett          Joseph                 186  36
Puckett          Richard                176  34
Puckett          Thomas                 186  35
Puckett          Zachariah              185   3
Purdom           Elisha                 183  42
Purdom           Mary                   183  38
Pyram            Charles                188  33
  The free display of the 1810 Surry County, NC census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Jean M. Hoff and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Paul Lester
and proofread by Elizabeth Lester
for the USGenWeb Census Project®

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