The USGenWeb Census Project®  
  Augusta County, VA 1810 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Augusta, VA 1810 census.







The microfilmed pages of this 1810 census (except for the first two pages) have two pages with one above the other. The stamped PAGE number is on the bottom-left of the bottom page. The Hand-Written PAGE number is written vertically on the right side of the pages.

The LINE# after the PAGE#s represents the sequence of the enumerated name on the page. The LINE sequence number for the bottom page starts over with 1.


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Head of Household
Gabriel         Salley             401  7
Gains           A                  345 16
Galbart         Jacob              346  6
Galbart         Peter              346  2
Galbreath       Tho's              346  4
Gales           Joseph             345  5
Galhart         Jacob Jr           346  5
Gallady         David              345  6
Gallady         John               344  8
Gambile         John               341 13
Garber          Abram              345  8
Garber          Henry              345 11
Garber          M                  401  6
Garber          Mich'l             342  2
Gardner         Francis            341 15
Gardner         Sam'l              343  4
Gardner         Solomon            341 16
Garten          Sam'l              342  1
Garvin          John               345  3
Gentry          Ja's               343  3
Gerhart         John               343  6
Gibbins         Abel               410 18
Gibson          D & Jno            342 11
Gibson          Sam'l              344  6
Gibson          Sam'l Jr           344  7
Gibson          Stephen            344 19
Gilbert         Nat'l              342  6
Giles           John               345 14
Gilkerson       David              344  2
Gilkerson       David              401  8
Gilkerson       Francis            344 14
Gilkerson       Henry              342  7
Gilkerson       John               344  4
Gilkerson       Wm                 344  3
Gilliat         John               342  4
Given           James              345  1
Given           Joseph             345  2
Given           Martin             345 15
Givens          James              346  7
Givens          John               345  7
Givens          Tho's              345 12
Glendy          Wm                 343 19
Glenn           Hugh               342 12
Glenn           John               401  9
Goad            Wm                 343 16
Good            Jacob              343  7
Goodnight       John               344  5
Goodwin         Henry              343 13
Goodwin         John               343 12
Goodwin         Joseph             343 10
Goodwin         Septimus           345 13
Gordon          Alex'r             401  4
Gordon          Geo                401  2
Gordon          Jno                401  3
Graham          James              344 17
Graham          John               344 15
Graham          John               344 18
Graham          Robt               344 16
Graham          Tho's              342 10
Grass           Fred:              346  3
Grave           G                  401  5
Graves          Philip             343 11
Graves          Rich'd             342  5
Greaver         John               409 16
Greaves         Wm                 343  5
Green           Sam'l              344 13
Gregory         Ch                 343 14
Gregory         Jacob              344  9
Gregory         John               407 14
Gregory         Philip             343 17
Gregory         Sam'l              343 15
Griffith        Abel               344 11
Griffith        Arch'd             342  3
Griffith        Wm                 344 12
Grim            Christian          410 17
Grim            Philip             343  1
Grimbacker      Peter              345  9
Grimes          Bosey              342 18
Grimes          Wm                 342  9
Griner          George             345 10
Griner          John               341 14
Grinham         Sarah              343  2
Grinsted        Wm                 346  1
Grisham         Moses              342  8
Grooms          H M                407 15
Grove           Benj'm             342 16
Grove           Benj'm Jr          345 17
Grove           David              345 20
Grove           Simon              342 17
Grove           Windal             343  8
Grove           Windal Jr          343  9
Gruner          J D                401  1
Guin            Tho's              345 19
Gunning         David              345 21
Guthrie         John               342 13
Guthrie         John Jr            342 15
Guthrie         John Jr            345 18
Guy             Arch'd             342 14
Guy             Isaac              344 10
Guy             John               345  4
Guy             Joseph             344  1
Guy             Robt               343 18
Hack            Jeremiah           347 14
Haddix          David              351  3
Haddix          Mark               348 15
Hafford         Henry              351 19
Hagerly         John               401 19
Hagshead        Sally              351 17
Hailman         Salley             353 15
Hains           Culip              351 10
Halderman       Jacob              352 11
Haley           Cha's              350 17
Hall            Alex'r             351 14
Hall            James              410  1
Hall            John               354  7
Hall            Nat'l              347 17
Hall            Patrick            353  9
Hall            Wm                 353  4
Halls           John               353  5
Hamilton        David              353  2
Hamilton        James              352  9
Hamilton        James              353  1
Hamilton        John               351  8
Hamilton        John               352  6
Hamilton        John               353  3
Hamilton        Patrick            352 10
Handbarger      Ab                 352 17
Hanger          Eli                348 16
Hanger          John               353  8
Hanger          Martin             353 10
Hanger          Peter Jr           353 11
Hanna           Isaac              347  8
Hanna           Robt               349 11
Hanna           Wm                 354  8
Hansbarger      Robt               352  5
Hanson          Hanse              401 18
Happ            Henry              353  7
Happ            John               351 16
Hare            Fred               353 20
Harimakin       Dan'l              346 15
Harmen          Harry              346 16
Harmen          Henry Jr           346 19
Harmen          John               346 17
Harmon          Eliz't             401 16
Harmon          Geo H              352 14
Harner          Dan'l              346 11
Harner          Eliz't             408  3
Harner          Jacob              346 10
Harner          John               346 12
Harper          David              352 21
Harper          Peter              349 21
Harris          James              354  5
Harris          John               350 19
Harris          John               354  1
Harris          Tho's              354  6
Harris          Wiley              348 11
Harris          Wm                 353 21
Harrison        David              350 16
Harrison        Jo's               350 15
Harrow          John               401 15
Harshan         Buckey             352 13
Harshbarger     Jacob              354 10
Hart            David              349 22
Hart            Job                349 20
Hartigan        Tim                349 14
Hartman         H                  347 21
Hartman         Henry Jr           347 15
Hartman         John               354  9
Hartsook        Jacob              350  7
Hartsook        Peter              350 11
Hartsook        Wm                 350  8
Haruff          And'w              401 11
Harvey          Ann                351  5
Haslet          Robt               350  6
Haslet          Robt Jr            350  5
Haston          John               352  3
Hatchison       Geo                351  7
Hatchison       Geo Jr             351  6
Hatspiller      Abram              347 18
Hauf            Benj'n             350  1
Hauf            Eli                347 20
Hauf            Lewis              348  1
Hause           Chr'n              348  9
Hawk            John               348 12
Hawkins         Frank              352 12
Hawmaker        David              347  4
Haybarger       Abram              349  9
Haybarger       Conrad             349  7
Haybarger       Jacob              352 20
Hays            Jeremiah           353  6
Hays            Patrick            349  5
Hays            Sam'l              349  6
Hefner          Wm                 350 14
Heiskele        John               401 13
Heiskele        Peter              401 10
Heist           Peter              352  1
Helmick         John               354 11
Helms           Salley             351 13
Hemp            John               349 13
Hemp            Stophel            349 12
Henderson       David              346  8
Henderson       James              346  9
Henderson       James              352 19
Henderson       Joseph             347  9
Henderson       Robt               352 18
Henderson       Sam'l              351  1
Henderson       Tho's              347 13
Henderson       V                  351 11
Henry           James              349 17
Henry           John               349 16
Henry           John               408  2
Hephner         And'w              350  9
Hephner         Gasper             347  7
Hephner         Jacob              350 10
Hephner         Mich'l             346 18
Hephner         Philip             348 18
Hephner         Urbomus            347 19
Herden          Ed'w               348  6
Herren          Walter             354  3
Hess            Chris              353 16
Hess            Philip             354 12
Hickery         James              351 20
Hiden           Joshua             350  2
Hile            Alex'r B           353 19
Hill            James B            401 14
Hillis          Hugh               408  1
Hilt            Jacob              348 17
Hiltibrand      Henry              346 13
Hiltibrand      Jacob              346 14
Hiltibrand      Mich'l             352  8
Hiser           John               351  9
Hiser           Sam'l              348 14
Hiser           Sam'l Jr           348 13
Hite            Anthony            353 18
Hite            Geo                349  8
Hodge           Tim                347 10
Hodgeson        James              354 13
Hogg            James              350 13
Hogshead        Cha's              352  2
Hogshead        David              347  1
Hogshead        David              347 12
Hogshead        Gorden             347 11
Hogshead        James              346 20
Hogshead        Jas                347  6
Hogshead        John               350 12
Hogshead        Mich'l             347  2
Hogshead        Tho's              347  5
Hogshead        Wm                 347  3
Hollis          Wm                 410 19
Holms           Wm                 348  5
Holt            Arch'd             352  4
Honiger         Ted                353 13
Hook            James              347 16
Hoop            Fred               350  4
Hoop            Jacob              350  3
Hoover          Mich               353 12
Hope            Rachel             410  2
Hopkins         Philip             401 17
Horn            Henry              354  4
Horner          Martin             349 15
Hott            Dan'l              348  8
Hott            Sami'l             348  7
Houchins        Jesse              349 18
Housholder      M                  352 16
Huddle          Christ'n           348 19
Hudson          Cha's              349  3
Hudson          George             349  2
Hudson          Rich               354  2
Huff            Francis            401 12
Huff            John               348 10
Hufford         Jack               351 18
Hughs           John               351 15
Hughs           Peter              351  4
Hull            David              353 14
Humber          Dan'l              348  2
Humber          Jacob              348  3
Humber          John               348  4
Humpheys        Mary               401 20
Humphreys       David              349 10
Hunter          And'w              351 12
Hunter          James              351  2
Hunter          John               349  1
Hunter          John               352 15
Hunter          Mathew             350 21
Hunter          Robt               350 18
Hunter          Sam'l              350 20
Hunter          Sam'l Jr           349  4
Huntsman        Peggy              352  7
Hupman          Gasper             349 19
Hupman          John               348 20
Huston          Joseph             410  3
Hutchins        Tho's              353 17
Impoden         Fred               408  4
Impoten         Catherine          355 20
Impoten         Jacob              356  1
Ingred          Wm                 356  2
Jackson         John               355  7
Jackson         Sam'l              355  8
Jackson         Tho's              410  4
James           Allen Jr           312  2
Jameson         And'w              354 19
Jameson         John               354 20
Jamison         James              355 12
Jamison         James              355 15
Jamison         Martha             355 13
Jarvis          Amos               355  1
Jenkins         Wm                 355 17
Jennings        John               355  9
Joe             Jacob              355  2
Johnson         G                  402  1
Johnson         G                  355 14
Johnson         Isham              355 18
Johnson         John               354 14
Johnson         John               355  5
Johnson         Margaret           354 16
Johnson         Mary               354 15
Johnson         Nath'l             355 16
Johnson         Stephen            355  3
Jones           Enoch              354 18
Jones           Isaiah             354 17
Jones           Nancy              355 10
Jones           Peter              355  6
Jones           Robt               355  4
Jones           Salley             355 19
Joseph          John               402  2
Jucks           Enos               355 11
Kale            John               357  1
Kale            Peter              356 10
Kale            Peter Jr           357  4
Kale            Wm                 356  9
Kayser          Joseph D           357 20
Keller          Fred               358 12
Keller          Geo                358 13
Keller          John               358  3
Kenady          And'w              357  3
Kenady          John               357 22
Kenady          John               402  3
Kenady          Stuart             402  5
Kennedy         James              357 21
Kennedy         Reuben             358  1
Kennedy         Wm                 356  3
Kerr            Alex               358  5
Kerr            James              356  5
Kerr            John               358  6
Kessler         Henry              358 11
Kesterson       Hayzard            356  6
Kesterson       Silvester          357  5
Kesterson       Wm                 408  6
Kiger           Benj'n             357 10
Kiger           Geo                358  2
Kile            Jacob              356 16
Kilpatrick      John               358 14
King            Henry              358  7
King            Rich'd             356 17
King            Wm                 357 11
King            Wm                 402  7
King            Wm (BC)            357  7
Kinkead         Arch'd             357 17
Kinkead         Robt               357 15
Kinkead         Thomas             357 14
Kinkead         Wm                 356 11
Kinkead         Wm                 357 18
Kinkead         Wm Jr              357 16
Kinner          Judith             408  5
Kinney          Chesley            402  8
Kinney          Chessley           357 19
Kinney          Jacob              356  7
Kinney          James              358  4
Kinney          Robt               356  4
Kinney          Wm                 356 14
Kiplinger       Peter              358  8
Kirby           Jerre              357  8
Kirk            James              358 15
Kirk            John               356  8
Kise            Jacob              402  4
Kiser           David              356 13
Kline           Joseph             358 10
Kline           Mich'l             356 12
Kline           Peter              356 19
Klinebell       Geo                356 15
Klingenpeel     Jacob              357  6
Knause          Henry              357 12
Knause          Martin             357 13
Knitty          John               356 18
Knowles         James              408  7
Knowles         Wm                 357  2
Kountz          Mich'l             356 21
Kout            Peter              356 20
Kurtz           Jacob              402  6
Lamb            Abram              359 20
Lamb            Jacob              359  4
Lamb            John               360  2
Lamb            John Jr            359 19
Lambert         Abram              360  4
Lambert         Adam               359 17
Lambert         Adam               360  5
Lambert         Christley          362 13
Lambert         David              359 22
Lambert         Francis            362 12
Lambert         John               359 18
Lander          John               360  1
Lange           Abraham            359 12
Langford        Jacob              359 10
Laparte         Peter              402 13
Lashbaugh       Martin             402  9
Laudermilk      M                  358 18
Launtis         Benj'n             359 16
Launtis         Christley          360 15
Launtis         Dan'l              359  6
Launtis         John               359  5
Launtis         John               359  7
Laven           Benj'n             362 11
Laven           Jacob              362 10
Laven           Joseph             362  8
Lawman          Abram              410 20
Lawman          Barnard            410 22
Lawman          Jacob              410 21
Lawrence        John               358 20
Lawson          Tho's              360 20
Lease           Jacob              402 15
Leaster         Sam'l              361 10
Leedy           Sam'l              360 12
Lemon           Abram              360 13
Leonard         Geo                362  1
Leopard         Philip             361  3
Lessley         Sam'l              360 19
Levengale       Adam               358 16
Levergale       Henry              360  3
Levergale       Philip             360 14
Lewis           Reese              362 14
Ligata          James              359  3
Lilly           John               362  5
Lilly           Lindsey            361  2
Linch           John               360 21
Linch           Mary               358 19
Linch           Robt               362  7
Lindsey         Eliz't             361 23
Link            Adam               358 21
Link            John               359 11
Link            Mathias Jr         361 16
Link            Mathius            359  1
Link            Nicholas           362 15
Link            Peter              359  8
Link            Philip             362  6
Link            Wm                 361  7
Linn            Adam               361 13
Lints           Geo                362  4
Liptrap         Isaac              361 17
Lison           Henry              402 14
Litner          Sam'l              361 14
Little          Peter              360  8
Litton          Abram              359 15
Lively          John               360 11
Livick          John               360 18
Lockridge       Ann                360 16
Lockridge       Sam'l              360 17
Lofters         James              360 23
Logan           John               361 18
Logan           John Jr            361 15
Loge            And'w              361 22
Lon             John               359 21
Long            David              359 13
Long            Em'l               359 14
Long            Geo                360 22
Long            Henry              402 11
Long            Jacob              360 10
Long            Joseph             361  6
Long            Peter              359  2
Long            Sam'l              358 17
Lori            Peter              360  6
Lotshaw         Betsey             361 21
Lotts           Geo                361  5
Lotts           Geo Jr             362  2
Lotts           John               361  4
Loudermilk      Geo                360  7
Loup            Chris              361 11
Loup            Philip             361 12
Loup            Simon              361  8
Lowman          John               361 19
Lowman          Joseph             361 20
Lowman          Wm                 361  1
Lowry           Solomon            362  3
Lyford          Wm G               402 12
Lyle            Margaret           402 10
Lyons           Wm                 362 16
Mack            Eliz't             365 15
Malcom          Alex               365 22
Malcom          John               365  6
Malcom          Mathew             366 12
Markweed        Jacob              370 19
Marshal         David              365  4
Marshal         Geo                366 15
Marshal         James              363  3
Marshal         John               368 21
Marshal         Lindsey            363 18
Marshal         Tho's              363  1
Martin          Chrisley           365  1
Martin          David              364 20
Martin          Tho's              368  5
Massey          Armstead           403 11
Master          James              367  7
Masterson       Wm                 367  8
Mathews         Catherine          403 15
Mathews         Francis            363  2
Mathews         John               365  7
Mathews         Joseph             365  5
Maurey          Mich'l             366  6
Mayfield        Henry              370 12
Mayo            F A                403 15
Mayres          Dan'l              366 10
McAdam          John               368  6
McCamy          James              365  3
McCamy          John               365  2
McCarney        Wm                 370 16
McCarty         David              369 10
McCason         David              363 20
McChesney       Adam               368  2
McChesney       James              368  4
McChesney       Robt               368  3
McChisney       John               364  5
McCister        Francis            366 19
McClellen       Wm                 364 11
McClintock      Sam'l              367 12
McClung         James              364  6
McClung         Robt               366  7
McClure         And'w              369  2
McClure         And'w              370  2
McClure         David              370 11
McClure         Eliz't             370  3
McClure         Halbert            366 18
McClure         Isaac              370  8
McClure         John               370  5
McClure         Josiah             370 10
McClure         Sam'l              370  4
McComp          James              366 14
McCord          James              408  9
McCormick       David              367 14
McCormick       Wm                 364  4
McCormick       Wm                 367 11
McCoult         Eliz't             403 17
McCray          Sam'l              365 18
McCue           James              364 21
McCue           John               369 21
McCue           Moses              366  4
McCue           Moses              403 10
McCulach        James              403 12
McCulach        Jane               366  5
McCulock        James              403  3
McCune          Arch'd             369 23
McCune          James              370  7
McCune          John               370  6
McCune          Sam'l              369 19
McCune          Sam'l Jr           370  1
McCury          And'w              369  5
McCutchen       Downey             368  7
McCutchen       Elenor             368 11
McCutchen       James              367 17
McCutchen       John               367 15
McCutchen       Sam'l              368 12
McCutchen       Sam'l (Capt)       368  8
McCutchen       Wm                 367 16
McCutchin       Sam'l              364  2
McCutchin       Wm                 364  1
McCutchon       John               365 14
McCutchon       Joseph             365 17
McCutchon       Sam'l (CP)         365 16
McCuthen        John               365 12
McDade          John               408  8
McDowell        Elsey              403  5
McDowell        John               366  3
McDowell        John               403  7
McDowell        Robt               366  1
McEntosh        Geo G              403  6
McFadden        James              367 21
McFadden        John               364 10
McFadden        Wm                 410  5
McGill          Henry              369  3
McGlamory       John               366  2
McGlaughlin     Betsy              403  2
McGuffen        Sam'l              362 18
McGuffen        Thomas             362 17
McGuffin        Tho's              364  8
McGumphlin      James              367 13
McIllwin        Geo                370 15
McIlvoy         John               410 23
McIntire        .                  368 14
McIntire        Sam'l              369 14
McKee           Wm                 368  1
McKingen        Tho's              410  6
McKinsey        John               367 23
McKnight        James              365 11
McKnight        Tim                365  8
McMullin        Alex'r             363  8
McMullin        James              363 10
McNear          Eliz't             363 13
McNutt          James              368 18
McPheeters      James              367  3
McPheeters      James              367  4
McPheters       Rachel             362 19
McWilliams      David              369 17
McWilliams      John               363 17
Meek            Eliz'th (NM)       367 20
Meek            Tho's              365 20
Merrit          Wm                 363 12
MGongale        James              403 18
Michael         Geo                364 19
Michael         John               364 18
Michael         Jonas              364 17
Miller          Abraham            367  1
Miller          Adam               367 18
Miller          David              369 22
Miller          Fanny              369 18
Miller          Hanna              364 14
Miller          Henry              364  3
Miller          Henry              367 10
Miller          Jacob              362 22
Miller          Jacob              363 19
Miller          Jacob (CC)         363  4
Miller          Jacob (SM)         367  2
Miller          James              364 16
Miller          John               369  6
Miller          John (SR)          369 16
Miller          Lesshy             367 22
Miller          Sam'l              364 13
Miller          Sam'l              369  7
Miller          Valentine          368 13
Miller          Valentine          403  4
Miller          Wm                 369 15
Mills           Fannie             363  6
Mills           Robt               363  5
Milton          Patrick            363 16
Mims            Martin             365 19
Mines           David              367 19
Mines           Levi               365 10
Minger          Henry              368 19
Minger          Peter              368 20
Minick          K & Betsy          366 20
Miser           Fred               368 17
Miser           Peter              365 13
Mitchel         Geo                403 14
Mitchel         James              362 20
Mitchel         James              370 17
Mitchel         Tho's              370 18
Mitchel         Wm                 368 10
Moffett         Geo                363  7
Moffett         James              364 15
Moffett         James              366 22
Moffett         James              367  5
Moffett         John               368 16
Moffett         Wm                 368 15
Mohler          John               366 11
Moneymaker      John               367  6
Montgomery      Isiah              369 20
Montgomery      John               365 21
Montgomery      Wm                 370 14
Moody           And'w              369  4
Moore           Abner              366 16
Moore           Fanny              366 21
Moore           Isaac              368 22
Moore           Jacob              369  1
Moore           John               363 15
Moore           John               364  7
Moore           Mae                364 12
Moore           Peter              369 13
Morney          Lewis              369 12
Morris          Alex'r             363 11
Morris          G                  403  9
Morris          John               403  1
Morris          Rue                403  8
Morrison        Wm                 366 17
Moss            Jacob              366  8
Moss            John B             362 21
Mowrey          Henry              366 13
Mowry           Louis Jr           369  8
Mowsey          Abram              369 11
Murrey          Rich'd             370 13
Myers           John               363 14
Myres           Geo                403 13
Ned             Fris               371  4
Neighbors       Wm                 408 10
Neimons         A Hanna            408 11
Nelson          Alex'r             370 21
Nelson          Alex'r Esq         371  1
Nelson          Tho's              370 23
New             John               371  2
Newman          Wm                 370 22
Nickey          Sam'l              371  5
Nickles         John               371  3
Nobel           James              370 20
North           Margaret           371  6
Oakletree       Michael            371 14
OConner         John               371 10
Olain           Harvey             371  7
Orchard         Sukey              371 12
Orebaugh        Peter              371 11
Orr             Wm                 371  8
Ott             John               371 13
Ounshiner       John               371 15
  The free display of the 1810 Augusta County, Virginia census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Carmen J. Finley and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Kevin Williams
and proofread by Marsha Thompson

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