The USGenWeb Census Project 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription

If you are interested in helping to transcribe an Enumeration District for this census,
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The 1930 census has Soundex Cards for only 12 of the states and there is no national index. It will take researchers a long time to find the name they are looking for without an index or Soundex Card to let them know what page number they need. Because of this, the Census Project is initiating a brief transcription of selected 1930 columns.  These initial incomplete transcriptions are only temporary files to get the pertinent information made available sooner.  Later we intend to go back and fill in the remaining columns to make full-transcriptions since that is the Census Project's ultimate goal.

The 1930 Selected Columns will include the following fields:

Please refer to the 1930 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.

Summit County, Ohio - - 1930 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm #T626-1878
Enumeration District Description  Transcriber  Proofreader
77-98 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Bittaker; (E) Ardella Ave., Delos, Fuller; (S) Joy Ave., Van Everett Ave., Stroman Ave.; (W) Arlington Ave.    
77-99 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) 5th Ave.; (E) Hart, Hart Extended, 7th Ave., Chittenden; (S) Bittaker; (W) Arlington.    
77-100 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) 1st Ave.; (E) Hart; (S) 5th Ave.; (W) Arlington.    
77-101 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) E. Exchange, E. Market; (E) Case Ave., River St., Factory; (S) 1st Ave.; (W) Arlington.    
77-102 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) E. Market; (E) Kelly Ave.; (S) 5th Ave.; (W) Hart, Factory, River St., Case Ave.
Institution(s): Goodyear Hospital and Dispensary
77-103 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) 5th Ave.; (E) Kelly Ave., Settlement, Markle, Settlement; (S) 9th, Kelly Ave., 7th Ave.; (W) Hart Extended, Hart.    
77-104 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) E. Market; (E) Martha Ave., Seiberling, Elliot Ave., Creston Ave.; (S) Old City Limits; (W) Kelly St., Austin, Spencer, Weston Rd., Kromer Ave., Forbes Ave., Fuller, Delos, Ardella Ave., Bittaker, Chittenden, 7th Ave., Kelly Ave., 9th Ave., Settlement, Markle, Settlement, Kelly Ave., 5th Ave., Kelly Ave.    
77-105 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) E. Market; (E) City Limits, Daniels Ave., Baldwin Rd.; (S) Old City Limits; (W) Creston Ave., Elliot Ave., Seiberling, Martha Ave.    
77-106 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Malasia Rd., Congo Ave.; (E) City Limits, Railroad Tracks, City Limits, E. Market; (W) Brittain Rd.    
77-107 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Goodyear Blvd., Pondview Ave., Cutler Ave., Hampton Rd.; (E) Brittain Rd.; (S) E. Market; (W) Martha Ave.    
77-108 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Willard; (E) East Akron Cemetery East Boundary, Martha Ave.; (SW) E. Market.    
77-109 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Case Ave., Newton; (E) N. Martha Ave., Laird, Berman; (S) Willard, E. Market; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
77-110 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Newton; (E) Vaniman, Sprague, Para Ave.; (S) Goodyear Blvd.; (W) Martha Ave., East Akron Cemetery East Boundary, Willard, Berman, Laird, N. Martha Ave.    
77-111 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Niagara Ave., Iroquois Ave., Ottawa Ave.; (E) Brittain Ave.; (S) Newton; (W) Eastland Ave.    
77-112 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Newton; (E) Brittain Rd.; (S) Hampton Rd., Cutler Ave., Pondview Ave.; (W) Goodyear Blvd., Para Ave., Sprague, Vaniman.    
77-113 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (Nw) Eastland Ave.; (E) City Limits, Huguelet Ave., Brittain Rd.; (S) Ottawa Ave., Iroquois Ave., Niagara Ave.    
77-114 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Huguelet Ave.; (E) Watson; (S) Malasia Rd.; (W) Brittain Rd.    
77-115 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Hazel, Brandon Ave., Grifton Dr., Arnold Ave.; (E) Eastland Ave.; (S) Case Ave.; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
77-116 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Little Cuyahoga River, City Limits; (E) Eastland Ave.; (S) Arnold Ave., Grifton Dr., Brandon Ave., Hazel; (W) Railroad Tracks.    
77-219 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Old City Limits, Triplett Blvd.; (E) Plainfield Rd., City Limits; (S) City Limits; (W) City Limits, Old City Limits.    
77-220 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Cramer Ave., Hoover Ave., E. Market; (E) Canton Rd.; (S) Triplett Blvd.; (W) Old City Limits.    
77-221 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) Old City Limits, City Limits; (E) Pfeiffer Ave., E. Market N., Eastholm Ave., E. Market, Hoover Ave.; (S) Cramer Ave.; (W) Old City Limits.    
77-228 Akron City, Ward 6(part), bounded by (N) City Limits; (E) City Limits; (S) Congo Ave., Malasia Rd.; (W) Watson.    


The USGenWeb Census Project

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