The USGenWeb Census Project 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory - - 1900 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm # T623-1843
ED# Enumeration Description: Stamped
Status Transcriber Proofreader
4 Twp. 28, N.R. 19 East
Twp. 28, N.R. 20 East
Twp. 28, N.R. 21 East, incl. Welch town
Twp. 28, N.R. 22 East, West of Neosho River
Fl. Twp. 29, N.R. 19 East
Fl. Twp. 29, N.R. 20 East
Fl. Twp. 29, N.R. 21 East, West of Neosho River
1a - 27a General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
28a - 45b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
5 Twp. 27, N.R. 19 East
Twp. 27, N.R. 20 East
Twp. 27, N.R. 21 East, incl. Bluejacket town
Twp. 27, N.R. 22 East
Fl. Twp. 27 N.R. 23 East, West of Neosho River
Fl. Twp. 27 N.R. 24, West of Neosho River
46b - 71a General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
72a - 94b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
6 Fl. Twp. 25, N.R. 23 East, West of Grand River
Fl. Twp. 26 N.R. 24 East, West of Grand River
Twp. 26 N.R. 23 East, incl. Fairland town
Fl. Twp. 26 N.R. 24 East, West of Grand River
87a - 107a General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
108a - 114b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
115a - 124b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
7 Twp. 25, N.R. 21, East
Twp. 25 N.R. 22 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 21 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 22 East, incl. Afton town
125a - 142b General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
143a - 155a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
155b - 161b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
8 Twp. 27, N.R. 17 East
Twp. 27 N.R. 18 East
Twp. 28 N.R. 17 East
Twp. 28 N.R. 18 East
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 17 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 18, That part in Ind. Ter.
162b - 167b General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
168a-182a General On-Line Brian Milligan Lahoma Youngblood
183a - 191a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Lahoma Youngblood
9 Twp. 27, N.R. 15 East
Twp. 27 N.R. 16 East
Twp. 28 N.R. 15 East
Twp. 28 N.R. 16 East, incl. Lenapah town
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 15 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 16 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
192a - 217b General On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
218a - 226b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Bernice Raymond
10 Fl. Twp. 27 N.R. 12 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Twp. 27 N.R. 13 East
Twp. 27 N.R. 14 East
Fl. Twp. 28 N.R. 12 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Twp. 28 N.R. 13 East
Twp. 28 N.R. 14 East
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 12 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 13 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 29 N.R. 14 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
227a - 247b General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
248a - 253a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
11 Fl. Twp. 25, N.R. 12 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Twp. 25 N.R. 13 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Twp. 25 N.R. 14 East
Fl. Twp. 26 N.R. 12 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Twp. 26 N.R. 13 East, incl. Bartlesville town
Twp. 26 N.R. 14 East
254a - 278a General On-Line Brian Milligan Lahoma Youngblood
279a - 288b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan Lahoma Youngblood
12 Twp. 25, N.R. 15 East
Twp. 25 N.R. 16 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 15 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 16 East, incl. Nowata town
289a - 306b General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
307a - 320a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
13 Twp. 25, N.R. 17 East
Twp. 25 N.R. 18 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 17 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 18 East
1a - 18a General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
19a - 29a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
14 Twp. 25, N.R. 19 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 19 East
Twp. 26 N.R. 20 East
30a - 40a General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
41a - 52a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
15 Twp. 25, N.R. 20 East, incl. Vinita town 53a - 74a General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
75a - 99a Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
16 Fl. Twp. 23, N.R. 20 E., S. & E. of Grand River
Fl. Twp. 23 N.R. 21 East
Twp. 23 N.R. 22 East
Twp. 23 N.R. 23 East
Twp. 23 N.R. 24 East
Fl. Twp. 23 N.R. 25 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 24 N.R. 22 E., E. of Grand River
Fl. Twp. 24 N.R. 23 E., E. & S. of Grand River
Twp. 24 N.R. 24 E., incl. Grove town
Fl. Twp. 24 N.R. 25 East, That part in Ind. Ter.
Fl. Twp. 25 N.R. 23 E., E. of Grand River & S. of Seneca Res.
Fl. Twp. 25 N.R. 24 E., All of Twp. not on Seneca Res.
Fl. Twp. 25 N.R. 25 E., All of Twp. not on Seneca Res.
100a - 126a General On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)
127a - 127b Indian On-Line Brian Milligan (needed)

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