The USGenWeb Census Project 1910 Federal Census Team Transcription
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Brown County, South Dakota - - 1910 Federal Census Team Transcription
Microfilm Roll# T624-1477
ED# Enumeration Description: Status Transcriber Proofreader
48 Aberdeen Township
Mercier Township
49 Aberdeen city: Ward 1      
50 Aberdeen city: Ward 2      
51 Aberdeen city: Ward 3      
52 Aberdeen city: Ward 4 (part)
All north of the center of Sixth Avenue
53 Aberdeen city: Ward 4 (part)
All south of the center of Sixth Avenue
54 Aberdeen city; Allison Township
Oneota Township
Franklin Township
55 Aberdeen city; Bath Township
Henry Township
56 Aberdeen city; Brainard Township
Greenfield Township
Richland Township
57 Cambria Township
Ordway Township
58 Carlisle Township
Lincoln Township
Ravina Township
59 Claremont Township
Claremont village
Riverside Township
60 Columbia Township
Columbia city
Westport Township
61 Detroit Township
Shelby Township
62 Frederick Township
Frederick village
Osceola Township
Palmyra Township
63 Garden Prairie Township
Verdon town
Hanson Township
64 Gem Township
Rondell Township
65 Groton Township
Groton city: Wards 1, 2, and 3
66 Portage Township
Hecla village
Lansing Township
67 Liberty Township
Savo Township
68 Warner Township      
69 Highland Township
New Hope Township

Please refer to the 1910 Transcriber's Help web pages for more information.

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